HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0007,. ,, i', R " rl' ^.n " .r1 iRt'r ' rt (~� r ,.rG r� n N 2 t?' �,°�_:1P! ��s "�.)Il'vn ±'u;lri)�e.nl..irrlr .uul_ttl�fi(.�, ..1+U1.!- ulTtl(:r, ..t.w -` -� i,T fni l` ,`.•„ , r!(1 -. �• (t t C� ,f 4� 'P''�T.0 ;'dI T1aaG, ;iNi) {�; tt U;. '' UC,_ �;) ?t �: 4 -' I �'• .fi..t ,. . n r. :Yn:r 7T THE ,v riV (::, i,ry (1'` 1 N WIY •�ry til�li ui.7 .;i�) lf� ii {.ri tri Y '�. j+ � )�.U, .YV t.1'll: N ' - 1211!tli J; tl_. .': it. i•lO..ui:. 7 The Board of Trustees of the City of Lynwood do ordain as � a I follows-. 9 PART I . i o R1J ILI ITSG. 1i SBOTItON I. Blil ,DING INSPE` 0. I 12 The office of Building- Insportor of the CitY of Tiyntvood i 13 is hereby created anj all appointments to such office shall be made' 14 by .resolution. Only passed by the Board of Trustees and. which said 13 resolution shall also fix the salary or compensation to be Maid. the t 16 an Ri -nt e the i71 naznect , aricl such appointee Mall hold office dnr. °irp j 17 the pleasure of said board. 18 The duties of such inspentor shall be to enforce the pro- � i 19 vision" of Part l_ of this ordinance, and genernili,r to do and per - 20 fore such duties as the Boar, of Trustees shall,by ordinance or 21 otherr.isa, direct. 22 T , .r,nrt p f cl '�'nR 23 It s h a ll be un1C3'Nfuj %or any person, fins or norporati.on, 24 \Neither an owner, architect or bullarr to cet?meno or procuid With 25 the erection, con`itruat: alteration, rn io al., enlargomo or re— 26 - _ o 2 r `,.pairs exceeding Twenty fire ($25.00) 7' Dollars in cost, (restora;�ior. IV c f -ny bui cli-.. irr the City of t ° oi' ;;.1. €�steril� or �ctint ?.11� rxc ntr -ci) of r � .1 29 Unwood {other than buildings oront the Rilty 01 ;:'i.70 the 30 ' ounty of , ,Os 13n &;ele`i,, the State of ^n.l.ifornia, or tho, United States 31 unless a permit to do such work has been first obtained as herein 32 provid -1- Ii } 1 i'he person, find, or corporation derilrind such permit . I 2 nha.11 file with the Diildi.np Tnspec +;nr. an a blank to he furnished 3 by him, an appliention therefor. anal with such nppllca:tion shall 4 submit to him n:!ans and spoci fleations of the T-,I•nrna4e(l cm.;c. Such 5 application shal.1 set x'orth the ImA ilnnn wMch the pro;�osefl work is 6 to be none, describing the sa rna by lot and bloek. or other acc Irate i 'i 7 description, the gensrra) r3escription of thr+ buil(li.ng, to br., orectoel, 8 constricted . altorea' , romoved, c nlargecl or repaired. the number and 9 hoighth of the stories tho.reof. . <,nd they names of the o;•ner, alrchi- 10 tact and contractor, and shall ;;ivo an o timate of the host of the 11 proposed fork. and I;ho purno6e for which mieh balildi.nF i.s designed, 12 and shall contain snch other inforvvait.ion aui the 13dldinf; Inspector 13 may require.. Thoralipon, :if it appears to the ?;ali.: ?.di.r Inspector 14 than s;6i.d prnpn er'., bsli.ldi.ng, alteration, anlart;ement or repairs shah 15 be in compliance v4tr the terms of this ordi.nanra, and the, lays of 16 the st nto of aipon the paaykent of the fees horndnaft r'r 17 providrrd, he shall issue a porrlit to said npplinnht for the doing of 18 the proposod work described in saaicl application. 19 ;YBOT 3. PEIR IT MRW!T BOli?i) O1' r; 20 21 No porni4t shall be i9qued by the Building Inspector to 22 ©rec f. constrict. altar, romove, to any other location in said city. 23 enlArge or make repairs oil,oxcoodinr, `T' enty —five ($35.0ti) Dollars in 24 cost. any building within the limits of the City of Lynwood to be. occupied as a livery stable. lumber mrai, blacksmith ahoy,, public 25 1 26 garage. public laundry. gas works or pas plant. soap fsctary, forti.- 27 liter factory, unrtertaking establishment, boot dianp. or stora6e ware- 28 hnuso or other place. for the stora:ga of f ortilizers or other of.fen— ?9 sine substance, tanks, buildings or structures for story "a•e or -ale 30 of c�21de ail. gasoline., s�.phtlla, or other exlsl.a:3lvo ails or stlbstanc• 31 es. or any building or stricture in which any business or occupation 32 is to he carried on which i9, orinay be, a nuigrinca, oxnant a permit —?— C. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 from said Board of Trustees of the ^,it. of. ,ynwood to carr�r on such business. be first filed with the T)Mlding Inspector, and which shalt J f constitute his allthoY7.t,Y to isstie the necessary perini.t in accordance with Section 2. hereof. f SECTION 4. CHANGES IN PANS. After a permit has been granted for the construction, alteration, removal, enlargement or repairs of any building. the plans thereof shall not be changed without notice having been given to the Building Inspector of said change and the nature thereof.. and a permit secured from him therefor. If such change increases the cost of said proposed work, the Building Inspector shall collect an additional fee for , such change in accordance with the scale of "fee' hereinafter prescribed. The issuance of a permit shall not be considered an app al by said Building Inspector of the plans and specifications of the proposed work sulmiittod to him. The issuanoo of a permit shall not be. considered as an adoption by said Building Inspector of the manifest technical con- struction contained in the plans and specifications if thereafter it appears that any portion of said plans and specifications are in conflict with any part of this ordinance. S..CTION 5. FEES FO PEl'v�2IT S. The fees to be paid to the Bui.ldi.ne, Inspector for the issuance of any building permit mentioned in Section 2 hereof shall be as follows- There the cost of the proposed work does not exceed X500. $1.00; Where the cost of the proposed work is more than $500.00, but does not exceed 51,000.00, `1.50; and for each additional $1, above $1,000.00, 50 cents for each $1.000.00 or fraction thereof. a ,i F —3— II 6 i17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 6. FE W FOR BUILDINGS MOVED. In ease of moving; any huildH84 the crest of moving added to the cost of any repairs. additions or ailQrRtionn to be made to such building. Shall ovantitute the total cost for the purpose of d;ter2nini e the fee to bo Mid for tho permit according to the above schedule. A buil(ling removed shall in all cases he subjel"t to the requirements of this ordinance. In orase of movinp; any building upo: along or across any public street, alley or Blase. the pon)lit; i.;3mied by tho Building Inspector shall be lawful and in effect on3y whon acconipanied by n permit to oo(.'Ipy or use such public street. alley 0 place issued by the .Street 3uperintendont of the City of T niwood. i }g TION f. MUST A)T.AJ?2 VJ171HIN 60 I)AYS. if. (after permit for the erection, enlargement, alteration repair or removal of a building shall have been granted, the opera— tions galled or by said permit shall not bey hotrui within sixty (60) dugs or the d.atethareol', then said pnYmit shall be void. and before such operations can be commenced as new permit shall big taken out t.'• orofor. and the same Qos herein fixed for that original permit shall be paid. OPTION 8. R+., O T OF INSPACTOR. `rho ?W14int; inspector shall keep. in proper books for tha purpose, account of all fees paid, gi.vi.ng the name of the party, At i l and amount of said fee or fees., Which said books shall be kart open for public inspection and the Building inspectof shall. on the first Any of eRo month. run er rennrt to the Board of Trustees, of the number of premits WRY, the v,also nn? character of the work to be done thereauadirr. with the amounts collected for the same during the preci%6 month. aazid he shall also deposit with tie City Treasurer the amount collocted by him duri.no said month and f i.lo roonipt for the same with hia: report. —4— 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a9 io In- S20TION 9. PM ER TO STOP BUILD The Buil?int; Inspector shall have power to stop the con- etruction of any build or the maRing of any alterations or rennia of any building within the City of Lynwood when the same is being We in a ronk1c3r; or careless m n oro or In violation of any orai— nances of said City, or without a proper hermit, and to order in writing or by parole any and all ner:.ons in any way nr manner what - ever..engagel in so constructing, altering, removing or repairing any such building to stop and dosist therefrom forthwith, and said work shall be rosiuned only upon the written permission of said Bnilding Inspector, and any violation by any person, firm or corporation of the provisi.one of this section Or failure to obey aly ;uch ordors of the Building 'inspector shall be doomed a misdemeanor an. punishable as hereinafter provided. Y MO TION 10. VIOLATION OY OBDI'idlN0. If work upon any building shall be conducted in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, either as to occupation of sidewalks or streets, or the use or annliration of material or workmanship, it shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to re- voke the permit for the building operations; in connection with whi such violations shall have When place. and. i.t shall be unlonwful. after the revocation of such permit to proceed with such building operations unless such permit shall have first been reinstated or reissued by the Building Inspector. 3ICTIOTT l l EIGHT OF i 2PROTGI TO 0TR PhEH ES. 11 12 13 14 15 16 ~' '17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 It shall be unl<a;rfnl for any person in any way to hinder 27 or prevent the Tuildij Inspector, or any of his deputies, or any other duly a.uthoriz W .off Wor, from entering or inspecting during business hours any building already erected, or any building in, course of construction, alteration, repair. removal or demolition; 28 29 30 31 provided that such officers shall not be authorized to enter any dwelling house after the s��rne i.s odcupied, without the consent of the occupants thereof. -rr 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 '11' 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 d i t Sh c.1 " r. .'. �}✓r vhy� !tjit:y of We !J,ti. i.rla. /'!i.' i.l"1���'1� ?(.:tS1 ": 2',�)i ?]�) Y, "J^ ceiving notice th%t the Innis, :,1:.1i.r:t=y , 4�t chur 1 ?r�gohes of `uy hu ch, '"'1ib c hall, lain" " ;)�J :i n I�GT .. a i .L :i...:..n, ` tr' J t1.�^SF, i! .' f`?c.f,l � 5; or « «f Si � ; i� v .F> '!' : � } - I i c a ,. for ,. ;. , 0 .t a,. o) .,l'i�,mtGllt, are 9..a „i2f.,.S,f °;.Ate, :. f� f.12e. . :sC:zl''1 of the iiP.C.IE ants or n'. ")lti`lums in ansm op !irn pnn, o accident c t , oT t;h'lt the Chiannys• flues, or hooting !9'i)7ara < ill Ni111' vi]Z �a w in tho c are i]C nu � :, ✓ (? '(? ii7' t1.`•- it1�..1 ^ t.I tl ,+ or ( 1. any m t ¢ pL:).'(r Ill ' ,i G�.i7'✓ 'a,2:.ltl � I:n I'Tall 0ilixno r a -1Q ('._ "i;,s,t`} f 1'. j,j,"tntt,L yr .,. . I J.imit. s of the City of Ly mon,i, is in an. j1n:',`-fo or Lim or ix? Pmy t ,d. n n .Inn - ',''.t h. t he 1' ?'ovi ions ." this • f vr;.,.H n ot 7 f.,:�tyl "1_i -` ^.2 f 1 {; �o•. ordinance, to . an r"'7.'a Linntinn i;.i; such I'f ow, .`.)) Mull, oh - i(+1.� 6y, (1 3 7 1t ' , ) t1l?'�(.�il.ack, ,. o r otter !.� nt ? f ;, Ti. i.r fiiUi i.;, t {� rid: ' ,it,'l.1- L t1t?,.i:l " .ine it I1tY ^n:3E'• ^.;^ , Wh9^ smh _.17t,.v)f',.,,t,7..:�n- ;. r , �� ^ 1 v ii alit, Y.Y +� f{tYh• 7�. there- ..o r,, i „ ti o:' t , iE; Or ;ir'x' it -'.:7 {i o Y,hi i,i vv u o r h a e— tf o 1')cko ;"t7.Sii'l (, nge 1 `."^, r yI 's ' • fa )F., t i:1. ,, £l,.t(,)'I't1 i. :l, � t'�!' (% ft7.3 iiv) '(Sii�7 �, it c •'i.,i, d.ty Or 00 tii'Kinnnaes of the City of Wn ol(I mtis i y] 0. it sham). ? 1 " L n. r , . o rJ c11.is#,G:':!! i. t, e} {;,.,,�a.ri1F1 the 'FI• :t of nXlw S- i;2',^ .. ,� °"ri^r< ;:tY'1e.ciisczt — is, lllt the + n l i1Gt.eEi— sary bj t Wi.'ning inspen to lt'a o said bui ldlo g or str ucture sa or to bring it into nr;rt'.'liance with the tf ron oT t?i,Ci nrdintim z:hull ha We!- Mlet de fault C rt t t` .i,91 (iF , iia.t ):. t per Y'r0;P- ,i,vi.Tyg . °, llc}i W 100 to MAY with the c.Ss,.ie, within forty-ROW (48) houns aft the recWt thereof, each nrrm 5}?=all be anemod iillt y of .'.l mis— (� P. l`` a1w?capor and punishable ms : 6e'a ° t''il ^ g ter iZT•ll•t71,API, nna ° inio jullit3.7.g ,iYi,PA(;ttf,r nay cPVSA ct1id work to bn Kne uponss ry to makes sY2oh building or stroci.tsro safe or to b rinj it into t;r.rt117 innno with tbla tor ms of thin t`iii_n',nco ?t To Cost of the city £1:�' ',;�"f'dood The u ., Board of 'y�ru gs r ? tii.')� :ie1Z',,:J { ';..A Li. 2. .r} -r r w a c t ion .,. d•'•te ri ?r ?. '� 5 .l tf� ..31... t t) y�(9il• t1 an i Q'Inst the owner aF' said Wilding or part thereof for the r0-a oovery of the costs of doing said work. _6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTI 13. , ! " �11 WIR,L RR 1 '� R R C7 l�T L 3' ')+� T. � r._�..._, .:.,:�rv. l .s .'o_ �.• ,, ���o,.�� : -, a��1�c��T>; BUT t:j) r,j Fouml-tions Tor all brick or stone bui.ldincrs: or buildings of solid reinforced concret<, constraction shall not be. of less depth below, the n :titrt l ;:U.' 'lee of the �,ronnd than as i ?rovir r t i.; the fol- lo: =rind sche(lule: For one'; -story biil.'Mings, one) toot, - iOr t'lo and ti'ree -story hu.i.l.d -i sS, two fret. m- fnirr. -, ~tort' bui.lriinf;s, throe feet. F or f)".ss in •.i.x- .:t.�„ uil i.iio> your ,oet. mhe Bi.i.lriiiiF, Tns;pt i?4 y require i .fni if, T.11<:�l;1rfiS rY' m"'i onry sh".11 be a-1 Follows: in ?.is judo-ient: , nece..; -m-v for the :;t-Gihilitzr of the nro ,ot erl strue- Lure. T.11<:�l;1rfiS rY' m"'i onry sh".11 be a-1 Follows: BaAf l P. 8 4 5 1- sat0r�v- - - - - -- 7.2 2- °tore ✓ - - - - - - _ - sit o - - - - - - - 4' - story - - - - - - - ?0 5 -story - - - - - - - 20 16 )) 16 '•'16"' 12 '' 13 r The heipl of a brick wall shn,11 not exceed. 16 multiplied by its lonct thiclaless. It shall be milxvfal to huilrl a g -inch wall more than ten feet hi.trh. n.rid 5( fret Tor. -;, iuilesy 24 -inch. brttresses shall be big ilt in;o -sei.d wall, 4-inch projection from i7Li uld s,;acod 14 feot arv.rt, 9 '!ncl1 halls shall. ;Ant bF .,errai`tetl r r. ^,r. ,t as parti- tion i7P.).;. in 2nv bi over storinr! t li 110 12 -inch wall froTrt. 10 to 16 f( >.et i.n hr,i.t;ht, hni.1. he IwUt of i7mltor lenc7th than 120 feet, wj.thont 24 -i.nch hutrn^,-e;; proie ^.tin,T four inohos; from the wall and placFrZ ?0 feet smart. 'she liriit of of in 8 - inch wall (shall be thrfe foet when it ants a5 a retaining wall. The thickness f ;galls, where a- stone facing; is used, may be the same Fs heretofore iven for brick walls, proviclerl the stone work a.nd brick work are V' horoughly bonded. 1 SECTION 13°. FOUNDATIONS FOR FRVE BUILDINGS. 2 All frame buildings shall have outside foundation walls 3 of brick or concrete at least 12 inches high with footing at least 4 12 inches wide placed at least.,6 inches below the natural surface 5 of the ground and 6 inches wide at the top. 6 Mud Sills shall be Red -wood at least 2 x 6 inch. 7 interior bearings of foundation shall be of cement footings 8 at least 12 x 12 inch and spaced not more than 6 feet on centers 9 each way. j 10 Foundations shall be proportionate to the actual loads they 11 shall be required to sustain in the completed and occupied building 12 and may be varied by the Building Inspector to meet the actual 13 requirements, or if necessa foundations ry, for the stability of such fodations 14 and the structure proposed to be erected thereon. 15 SECTION 14. ARNINGS. 16 all movable awnings hereafter erected shall be elevated 17 at least eight feet at the lowest part thereof, above the top of the 18 side -walk, providedd that a hanging border may drop vertically to within not less than seven feet from the side -walk and shall not pro 19 20 ject over the sidewalk.to exceed three - quarters of the width there- 21 of. Thoy shall be supported without posts by iron brackets, or by a 22 iron framowork attached firmly to the building, so as to leaee the 28 sidewalk wholly unobstructed thereby. No wood or iron awnings shall° 24 be erected in'or over any part of any public street or place in said 25 city, without permission so to do being first granted by the Board 26 of Trustees of said city. 27 SECTION 15. DIUCRETIONAM t0WF.� 01' IP1:I'iCT0R. 28 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation 29 to build upon, move, alter, onlargo or repair any building now orectl 30 ed or hereafter to be erected in the City of Lynwood., unless at the J1 completion of such work the whole building shall be in compliance 32 with this ordinance and with the laws of the State of California in -8- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 relation thereto. The Building Inspector shall have the power to determine any question relating to the mode and manner of construe-t— ion, alteration or repair of any building or other structure men- tioned in this ordinance, and to make the same conform to the true intent and meaning hereof and with the laws of the State�of Califor— nia in relation thereto. He shall have discretionary power to vary or modify the provisions of this ordinance upon application in writing therefor, y in cases of the alteration or repair of old buildings when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this ordinance; provided that the spirit of the o nlinance is com— plied with, the public safety secured and substantial justice done; but no such deviation shall.bo allowed, except a record of the same be kept by said Building Inspector and a permit issued" to the party i applying for the same. SECTION 16. FRAHE BUILDINGS. All frame buildings in the City of Lynwood shall be formed with studding and covered with rustic sheathing, shingles or any ar— rangemont of some materials equally substantial on -the outside. For buildings of ono —story fi {{n height the studding shall not be less than 2 x 4 inch scantling. For buildings of two stories in height the studding shall not be less than 2 x 4 inch scantling. For buildings of three stories in height the studding shall not be less than 2 x 6 inch scantling. And for buildings of four stories in height the studding shall not be less than 2 x 6 inch scantling 1� inches on centers for height of tyro .stories, and 2 x 6 inch scantling for the third and fourth stories.. Provided that 2 x 3 inch studding may be u sed w inone—story buildings which have a floor surface of not over one—thousand feet and story not over ten feet in height. The preceding dimensions apply to outside walls and bearing parti— tions. When brick walls are used as foundations for frame buildings they shall not be less than eight inches in thickness for one or two stories, and for a building not more than three stories in height the foundation walls shall not be less than twelve inches in thickness, and for a building five stories in height the foundation walls shall not be lessS an sixteen inches in thickness. All one- storryy ' ouildings, over one iuu -sand feet, superficial area, and all buildings over one story in height, shall have brick, stone or con - crete foundation of sid.s above designated.. 11 e terio wallls, Iid. interior p rti is s of f ame bu ings shall ave ire stops bust in same at eve of the Boor and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 _16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ceiling, and in the center of the Might of story, between floor and � ceiling abo7e. Said fire stops to consist of matori.al seine size as studding; provided that the Board of Trustees of the City of Lynwood may, Upon { °ritteY! Application thf;L'e703' grant peY2'11:;Slbn '0 VA2y . the terms of this section for any building to be erected for tempo- racy puri osop only. Floor joints for all one -story frame buildings ;shall be at least 20-i.nrh snant:l.ing, £.nj for the second story of all tiro -story frpine builrlin s at least; 2x8 -inch scantling. Rafters and ceiling joist 2 x 4 inch. Garage over'12 feet wide to have 2 x 4 inch raft SECTION 17. U Ur' STREETS. The occupation of the e;{:reet for the storage o buildi.nEl materials shall never exceed, in front: of one building one - quarter of the width of the roadway of the same and no sidewalk or street, or part thereof shall bo used other than that immediately in front of the premises of the bui ldlllL in Uourse of construction. SECTION 1P. STORAGE Or EARTH ON ATRBST8 PROHIBITED AND :dJiNUI,INI OF PUBBI .SH :cRGUIJ.TRll. Earth taken from excavations and. rubbish taken from build- f ings muFt: not be stored either upon the sidewalks or roadways of streets, but must be removed from day to day an rapidly aFY produced. When Ctry rubbish, ant to nrnri_nco :lust, is being handled., it most be kept wet, so at to prevent its Wing blo7n about by the wi.nel. The permission to occupy streets and side - walks for the purpose of build- . ing i; int ende l only for use in connection with the actual erection, alteration, repair or removal of buildings and mint terminate with the completion of such operatioh. It shall be nnlawful to occupy ony oi.dewalk or strut aftnr the completion of the operation for which a permit has been issuea by the Building Inspector. It shall also be unlawful: to occupy a sidewalk or street lender authority of such permit for the storage of articles not intended for immediate use in connection with the operation for which such permit hart been issued. -lO- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i I ; be Mplt)yod tilt m0ntoined {luring the wholo o f oy6r; TLJ 1pt at pact on'i or every rile 71 natot.'inl in any 8hroot or all y, ast! at ('c;ob QR6 of l'; ory 6x CF2vat],()J.l. Dy '0'],oInt t he c t a t S t . { ?S "i'. :I iod oltlE.:;.'.11or ! nd t,)f ✓. ilK) jlp'tt'9'ito,iCt,., 1� ?. 4 h;,f, , "i•I..GIr1n :it1.}.) < „�, i SECTION 19. T11IT3 lJND It 1s hereby lieC"larod to be for .17.;4i pe, fir or corporation. within the limits= of the City of I,ymnod, (except capon a writton permit granted by the Board of rrantens of t "hk city of Lynwood, one, t }Belt only at the plane ni1soifieO in such permit to btt'iM. construct or erect any tent,tent- hotiso, cloth or .:hate hoes ±e cloth or AM bAl.rlinj or structure, or tA house, or re- air thy same or to oon.Fst:ruot any oddition' tY akoto, or to remove any i such tent, Wt- houso. cloth or Rhake hoiuie. ittil;.. ?z� or'othor strootu_re, to any location in said city of Lynwoc. . or to cloth or paper. in whole or in part, any rood except buck room he First coiled with board. enrl such cloth he tightly stretched thereon; or to eons +truot or extend through the valls, windows or rooD of any building or stracturp, a stovepipe or is lI nF. for use as a chimney or flan. SECTION 20 , 1 >rr'e13 0011 ,l l.DIZ t l I Y ' 1Vi1UAI,Fi it is hrreby Rer2F?1'M t h nn.'t.^d n! for any t1nrson, firlp or Co -;;r Minn f:n n �.rc;t.t^r�z{t{, t) 1. ;}?ter 'pro; +ai;sen Withi thr s ...lC � 'Limit: .." the {j.Y n' lr,, an;r p,g,.+or. o'havi.ngg, littor or other HAM A rIA.bs r ,iij((f, = r)1, ` 77,,,� ) t 7t).t . -t[i� r��iji:(; Wi l l y �, lie JR 11i'! {��(.� e`�it least (1nCC Y,`nk. or 7ct(11nr, if MEW _ +1¢,.l so 0 do by the City a )$a.'' SFGT? ON 21. ST O GN, 01 HI04 l %Ci is t i! if'tii e It is hereby deo:iare;,i to be utdas ifnl for ; y person, firm or corporation to store. keep or permit the storage or keeping of. on promises occupied, controlled or pwn4d. by guoh porson, firm or -11- 1. .2 ,3 4 5 6 8 9 10� 11 12 13 14 15 16, 17 18 20 21, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2° 30 31 32 corporation. OF Loop for wale. any quantity of hay or straw of any kind within tho limits of the City of Lynwood, unless the came be st6red or kept in a . properly snoloved buil di g M than only in quantities not oxr,'odiAg five tons of loose 07 or fifthon tons of balwl hay or F3trciw, (??.oept tiptn r�, written pornAt t ;l. "r:naot. by the 13C7ara of Trustoo of the C ity of LiynlYoo(l. ana thon only for the time opoojiiod in such rorldt. It r)3Uall n(i ilna.£i;': °R . i or t p( -nson, orm or corporation �o hoop or store within tho Units city of TI,a7'i "9dood,. bf311zine.. rt t i Ar Ff 6a r v or naph in L`�. ° tiQi� ° ` "' v3. C. ( {� �.�.t ?Yi +a` C %2Sft ��.�.illa.Ste in on6ons of two hu°'drea ( gallon se or bulk WO % MOSS O ,)I(, Bltt arod _ if ty f 150) uaal_l ons t n,r e 'an'vul i.(1r 7`'+C:nv In excess of two hl%pi xod (r ji11tno. Intl the 001 in air Mal r000P 01( f �1 °. 1 h , t i, atrir it o t°T :+ , ; any c oal ine. bo �onc;. it �......1.. •,r. -.� r�n.l.��.taf`i.. t c'.. n r c,,t I'.r7r , na hthra. gns;iline, di :til 'Lptk; or 1,6 ronnne is stoned or he t, or to pozii or (iraw the game with or by aAy artificial iiaht other than ... _ �pS that an47njinn nny be stored in said Cato lo, the ui�not;nt of ]wt ax(t•emM,nU foie" luanr?rgd (400) r rl_lone in properly ven !. t4d 4n}; /.ps two °y one-half 1',,,, foot f?tr P,:'f.3.n,i the o f the . ° (tt3? Ci. a6T!ez tit, a }: ': ,,Ttount o , pot ("xx oeeding rix t',nPd�(;rl (600) Caller n n so i 1 r!' s +l S, Zi o �n rc , 1' ( ) ,font I1rlCl the G 'ur — ;, fir.,. E, ,. I z in ,7. ti f cnt c) t::, 1 e er jone `o£ thf; ga"t:una.alnd that it }la'. 1. he uni_sw£tzl to store, any grOaat ex ,,, lad' t o <;ol.i.ne an .tnnl v in sa Q City than in this section s oni ?>'. SECTION 23. G111Vi AND FIREWORKS. It shall to unlawful for any person. firm or corpaiattion to keep or More within the limits of the City of Lynwood. gunpowd( 1 . Greek fire gr Firework; in excess of fifty poMls except "Pon as writ Jon permit granted by the Boarci of Trustees of the City of _IP' 9 ' 10' 11 12 13 14_ 15 16 17 18 4 , Lynwood, and then only for the time specified in such Permit. 1 2 SECT107 V. BONFI 3 4 5 6 7 8 It stall bo unlawful for any person, to light any bonfires within the limits of the cept that waste paper and rul:bich from offices from houspcle or from yards rqa;r be burned of six !.nd . l�� orclock ta., "H., tit a distance n faet from any building. SECTION 25. MIXTURE OF OILS. firm or norp6ration City of Lynwood, ex- and stores and litte between the hours F not loss than 25 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation engaged in seilin,m oils to mix or adulterate any oil used for illum - inating purposes or combustion, with bensine naphthl,g €poline_, 0 o 0 ,. any other substance, and all oils from petroleum or its products before being used for combustion or illumination, shall stand a firer test of 110 degrees Fahrenheit, and it shall be Unlawful for,any person, firm or corporation to sell, keep for sale or offer for sale any oils from petroleum or its products for combustion or illumina- tion below such standard. All ti_ ?rf:e- Si;02'"J d;ili.ld1I:i(;S linen. in 'id'nolP.. or In part, for Ym nnfaotiirin or lodgi.Il£; house purposes, and all other bnWing"s now in course of erection, construction or alteration, or to be 19 20 21 22 23 alter coRstructed, eracte'i or altered (except such as are used for private resi+lences• exclusively ) of three or mnr.e stories in heighth shall be ,provided. with one or more netallic ladders or fire- encanes, with balconies and railings exten6od in front of, and communicating with one window or moos in each ;story of said buildinj. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 _13- 32 n c 1 2 3 4 5 s 7` s 9 109 11 12 13 14' 15 16 17 18 -.. 9 : 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 a FEET IIP Ay,CTION 27, The office of Plumbing; Inspector of the City of Lynwood is hereby created And the appointment to such office shall be nals by resolution duly passed by saW Board. of Trustees. P,nd ivni oh said rnsol_ution shall alst fix W Mary or coilfo ins lti.on to be paid the appointee therein nn nod, wid such appointee shall hold office during the pleasure of said Board. The duties of such Plursbino Inspector shall he to enforce the provisions of this ordivanon and generally to do and ver.form such duties as tho Bo ard of 'trustees shall by ordinance or otherwise direct. STOTION PP. It shall be uninvAl, for any parson, firp1 or corporation to do or cause to be done, or to construct or cause to bn ronstrurtoa, any pl.urnbirg or house Uni.nage affecting the sanitary onnrli.ti.on of any house or ru.ilnUT in the City of iynwood, " or install any cap bur h eaters , r junl:ess a porm , }w ON N Wren ohi,.,.s,t?ni from the ".i"Ain „ m Inspector n rv. 1. o' th �,1 �.,; of L.nt`, d o t . d.n',• . � . - , - . t-- - -. -. . -. �... -,�.: Ann p: - °go� firm or corr,orati.on desi.ri.ng a , r•.rm?t to do an ay or install any gas burning heaters r.1vnbi.rig,por to rontntru,ct any hopul drai,rngn affocti.n7 the sanitary it I coridi.tin^ of aVy i' nr brUdi.n in the City of Lynwood, shall. ]1''aho ar,+111 jortlor r writing to the Plnnhinq inspector for a permit so to do; much apnl.i option chnl.l not Fnrth the vx1ber of outlets e'nl f ). 0re to In i,n;ztM , and the aziount tinti char€ rater of the work to bn done, and such other information aR rtlf ''J.i%nbing Insl'o - for may ra:c Kre; and if it appears therorrom that the work: proposed to bo r`;ono is ti bQ A e ain Aconviann.o i t1(- rules and regulation nontalr& it this oydi.nnnet; gwyorviry the construction of such work, W, that the Pli mb.ire ?Ps ;vv ;tcr ,no isrsW , for the bra. O i.ng where such cork is proposed to be done, a permit (whey: such` ; permi,t,..is re- 1000 09 the ordinances of said City), then and not otherwise, the I -14- F 1 nuti as it Inspector :ua:st issue a L,s a, ~,rid', for suph work, upon the paynan 2 of tha fol.lov ng fees. to —wit: 3 A >0 o;' fifty ( oont s O sunh y1ormi t, and in addition 4 tbur oto f:ifg0A JOIJ 1.•ent s for each outl not e ce ed.ing twenty out 5 l.eit3.. propos to o roughed in or motile, r in the work to bd don 6 ll0f,r `:caiC4 ,Sg.ti.'?it; And ten (l'?) cents Gaclit"Onal *or each nutlet in 7 Oxley of twenty o utlets. of) 'i:4' I!) }.t; will bo {ir;s) as to be neco: ahr 8 e S'' n F 7._. in the ca � i ;�. ,� zw'r7wir ct,�Fi'ae�a' <t €. f ol lows- :)t( Cif ing of loops in d rains; soil. waste or gent pipes; 10 , p�� .. -, i h 0 i •g �y vo 1 ,;.,� ♦♦ U tr D w ast e or e „l�.I.�i)i., 1.f,' V .y', ',J:.{�.il a 4� y ' !ii 7 .(in, } �� , 4� • ��.� �}�.T��, J���, �.F. 1,V iA1 �Vn� 11 pipe , or 1J=:!`.6:� 6 (�ii.y'•'9i'.4ive, bait i f e 114 n,`,sFr.r 4:o ? and Tea 12'. pi:a c Oho £4:iG`e with iie:i )T,:1t; FI,T.i. in any j?art or parts. the riama shall 13 be v''3Jta d erel fl not work, w n pozmit m b .r,n,,..reO a n abo ve "qZjz.11a, and inspection 1 »,€ae an h orninaltor i 1'(':)Sl.'t.V!G%\a, _ - ' Tl} q ,Pl..Frlsing ic' )S3rotor sball OF in NeW books for that k. 16 ii €r';ios . acoot)5!ts of al face S':€1j , F�'°�i.'Y ng the ? me of i.hi, .party, 17 a.'4tQ <3nt1 awoqnt of na; %! j:yra ?3 fins, aw,'"a7.ch cal took shall be kept 18 op en J, 1• , r' . t , o LPY` p n: »;)<.,t; j.Ci71,ti.Cl, the 1,1vn,Sj,n. Tn. rr.,C:tox ,tt5 on the 19 first MY i f pnc'ri month, wF.7?Or n ?'eery°,, u rier oa:Q, , to the Bonly1 20 of aT vS t;. ±!r i l� 1'Y f)t' y)Cnil t.`; 7 €iry?!;S i, the Woe and character o 21 I of the work to be WO t'1.%1'ti'tinaor, with t'ho Farm.mP`•.t`, col.l.neted for th 22 t!v) ;north , roceding. He shall ROO deposit with the Ott 23 TYt1s,sil3'q On amount 111 nato? by hir during the S&O Month, taking 24 rtlollvate rocnip for tho woe E)7t6 ;Pilo one of snoh rorMi,ptn with 25 ix O S':+W r epo r t. 26 27 3 0 TION To As soon as said work in ready for inspevti.on! 03 notice shall he given for both the rough and. finish work. and the 29 1 contracto shall i•PCiare a final. Oerti ficate of inspection. ercl de- 30 I liver the ssann to the own or agent L -'.- L . 1 0: C P '', all bath room floors lef�t,,;up, ,, _ 31 All work must be loft uncovered and h conveaniont fc>rVMml- 32 nation until inspnoted and approved by said Plumbing Inspector. r 1 Such inspection shall be made within twenty-four lours of = 2 suca notice being recoived at the office of the Inspector, and no 3 plans shall be ch..unged after 'inspection of said Plumbing ins sector. ! 4 The Inspocting Officer shall apply the water test or pop- 5 pe or smoke test, and all necessary tools, labor and assistance , for such test shall he furnished by the person or persons assuming 7 cont of the work and such person or persons shall remove or re- 8 i pair any defective material or work when so ordered by the Iaspectj 9 !� Officer. t 10 Any soil pipe, drain pipe trap, ssathr clos6t, urinal, sin ; 11 I or other fixture set up, or fitting or fittings laid, used or constr cam, 12 tod otherwise than in accordance with these regulations, or shall in 13 the opiniol of the Plumbing Insp ector be or bocome of had or defect - I 14 ivo quality, shall upon notice oither verbal or in writing from the 15 inCpector be removed or repaired in the mannor determined and within 16 the time specified the jrisjucl ng UMyr.. TRe issuance of .0 permit sh not be con; i.dered as an 18 I adoption by saM Plumbin Inspector of the manifest technical construe-_ 19 tion contained in the plans, drawings and descriptions, if t hereafte f ' 20 it can be sho, that any portion of said plans, drawings and descrip 21 tiono are in conflict with any portion of this this ordinance. 22 23 SECTION 30. The Plumbing Inspector shall not issue a I' 24 ` permit to any person or persons to do any plumbing or house drainage 25 work until said person or persons have registered his or her name a 26 address in a book kept for that purpose in the office of the Plumbing 27 Inspector. 28 And it shall be unlawful for auiy parson or persons to occ - 20 py or to make use of any house or building where plumbing work has 30 been constructed, unless the owner, agent or lessee of said building 31 inspection by the plumbing inspector aid shall have first procured a final certificate ofNacceptance from the 32 Building Inspector. -16- I � 1 SECTION 31. Every house or building in or for which any i 2 house drainage or plumbing arrangements are hereafter constructed 3 shall be separately and independently connected with an accepted San- 4 itary sewer, or in the event no such sanitary sewer is available, 5 then with such other system of sewage disposal as may be approved by 6 the Building Inspector. 7 SECTION 32. All soil and waste pipes to a point of two 8 feet outside of the ex#'erior wall of the building shall be cant iron 9 or Black screw pipe not less than 2 inches in diameter, except in to the case of water closets, which shall be not lens than four inches 11 in diameter, and shall be carried undiminished in size to the highest 12 point of the roof or fire wall of new buildings, and when practical 13 vent pipes shall follow the under side of the roof to within one-foot 14 of the ridge, and in old buildings to a point satisfactory to the Plumbing and Building Inspector, and shill -not - tsaminate within eight 16 feet of any window, air -shaft or opening of any house or building or 17 fifteen feet of the ground, and the same shall- be. farther removed if 18 the Inspecting Officer considers it necessary. 19 SECTION 33. The Plumbing Inspector, in approving plans 20 or in accepting work of any and all persons carryi.ng.on, conducting,, 21 assuming control of, constructing or causing to be constructed,,my 22 23 plumbing or house drainage affecting the sanitary condition of any 24 house or building of said City, shall be governed by the following ` 25 regulations, and it shall be unlawful for any person to fail, neglec 26 or refuse to comply with the same, upon notice so to do; . 27 First, Every water closet, sink, slop hopper, bath tub, 28 and each laundry tray or set of trays or other fixtures connecting with the drain pipes directly or indirectly must be separately, inde 29 pendently and effectively trapped and vented. The trap must be plat 30 31 as near the fixture as possible. 32 Second. No water closet shall be pint into, or upon any property, house or building except those flushed by a tank containin -17- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 not less than five gallons of water or automatic flusher of approved design. Third. A .fixture that is a top fixture on .a vertical stack and not more than two feet from the inlet to the stack need not have its trap re- vented, provided that it does not discharge into the sta below the level of its seal; except water closets which shall be all ed an 18 inch limit below the floor,, and in no case shall a waste on drain pipe of one fixture be used for a vent for another fixture. All soil and waste pipes 2 inches and over in diameter, e cept 2 inch screw pipe sinks for wastes, shall be of cast iron coat inside and. out with tar. All openings where a water closet is to be installed and c soil pipe or soil closet bend is used the same must terminate flush with the floor or proposed floor line and a cast iron closet ring ca thereto and in no case shall it be left higher to be broken off in the finish. Fourth. Before the fixtures are place�,i.n connection with 18 any plumbing, or any of the draining system is covered or concealed 19 from view, all of the openings into it below the top shall be her - 20 metically sealed. The pipe then shall be filled with water to the 21 highest point in the system. 22 - Five. All,pipe trust be water- tight, defective pipe and 23 fittings of their different kinds must be romoved and replaced with 24 -- sound material.' , 25 Six. Cement work and vitrified stone pipe of all kinds 26 are prohibited under any part of any building, and every part of the 27 work shall conform to these rules and regulations. 28 Seven. All joints in cast iron soil pipe shall be made 29 with pig lead and oakum and thoroughly calked. 30 Fight. All vent pipes three inches or less may be of 31 galvanized iron screw pipe. 32 Nine. All vdnts within a radius of twelve foot -in the attic, side walls or partition of any building may converge into -18- 1 one pipe, the size to be governed by the following rule: 2 For bath tubs, wash basins, laundry trays, sinks or urinals 3 For one and not exceeding two fixtures, one and one -half 4 inch. For more than two and not exceeding six, two -inch. For more 5 than six'and not exceeding twelve, two and one -half inches. s For water clof:ets and..slopisinks for one and not exceeding 7 two fixtures, two -inch. 8 For more than two and not exceeding eight, two and one- 9 half inch. 10 For more than eight and not exceeding fourteen, three - inch. 11 Ten. All vertical stacks and all branch runs of cast soil 12 or screw pipe shall have a heavy brass cleanout plug, or malleable 13 plug if screw pipe, the same size of the run or stack, and shall be 14 installed in such manner as to be readily accessible. All turns is horizontal runs of soil or screw pipe shall 16 made with a "Y" and one- eighth bend. 17 Sanitary tees shall not be used except in a vertical stack. 18 Eleven. All connections between lead pipe shall be made 19 with wiped joints. 20 "Twelve. Connections between soil and lend pipe shall be 21 made with a heavy brass ferule or solder nipple and. their joints 22 wiped. 23 Thirteen. Cupped or flush soldered J oints are prohibited 24 in all cases. 1-� inch black screw pipe shall be allowed for basins, 25 bath tubs and laundry trays only. 26 2 inch black screw pipe shall be allowed for sinks and 2.7 slop hoppers, or similar fixtures. 28 Standard drainage or Durham fittings to - be, used on all sere 29 ' pipe waste lines. 30 All 1'k inch waste or vent pipes that connect with soil 31 fittings must be threaded and a coupling screwed thereon and the 32 coupling calked into the fitting. ti> -19- 1 Fourteen. All vents shall.rise perpendicular to the 2 fixture, or at least at an angle of 60 degrees from the top of 3 outlet and in every instance the trap must empty into a perpendicular 4 waste and in no case shall a side arm inlet be installed. Crown 5 venting is prohibited. 6 Horizontal venting may be used in the attic of any building 7 where one or more vents connect together and calk into a main 4 inch 8 vent or stack within the radius of 12 feet, otherwise all vents must 9 follow under the roof at the same pitch to a point one foot from the 10 ridge thence to the open to a height level with - the highest point 11 of the roof. 12 Fifteen. Every safe waste or drain frrnn an ice box shall 13 not run into the sewer, but into the top of a water supplied fixture, 14 or outside of the house. _ 15 Sixteen., Every fixture maintained in any house that is 16 bad and defective quality and is removed and replaced with other 17 fixtures of their respective class, shall have their traps vented in 18 accordance with this ordinance. 19 All sinks, basins, laundry trays or other similar fixtures,) 20 where the trap is exposed above the floor, the trap must be 1-- inch 21 full size nickel plated cast brass._ No woodwork to be built under 22 the sinks. 23 Seventeen. All drains or waste lines in any building or 24 on any premises must have a gradual fall of at least IT inch to the 25 foot. 26 Eighteen. All drains 2 feet outside any building connect - 27 ing with any sewer or cess pool shall be laid with vitrified stond 28 pipe, glazed inside and out, and put together and wiped smooth with 29 equal.parts portland cement and clean fine sand. each jodst to be 30 swabbed out on the inside as it is laid in the presence of the 31 32 inspector if so requested by him. Nineteen. All cess pools for dwellings for one family -20- .1 2 3: 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16- , 17 18 19 26 21 22 23 24' ' 25 26 27 28 29, 30, 31' 32 made or maintained in the City of Lynwood shall „b P,, canstructP,d of 1 inch Redwood Boards, inch space between each board, clear, of cracks or knots with 6 -4 x.4 inch' Redwood posts, one in each corner on the inside two in the mi.dd,le,braced top and bottom with�4 inch x 4 inch braces and 2 inch plank laid over the top; the.size of,the box to be 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 10 ft,, one foot under the level of the laid horizontal.T7here larger cess pools are necessary = the same shall be determined by the plumbing inspector. Twenty. All buildings must have a water supply of not less than -�, inch standard water pipe size with at -least one hydrant in front of house and one in the rear for fire protection. In large buildings it will be the duty of the plumbing inspector to specify the necessary supply. Twenty One. All gas burning heaters that are to I e in= stalled in any building must not be nearer than 6 inches from ,guy wall and if within 1 ft. or closer to a board wall the same must be protected with metal or asbestos board, and if placed in an en- closure the dimensions of said enolosure shall not be less than 2 ft. x 3 ft. with a door at Least 2 ft x 5 ft. 6 inches and in no case shall a heater he placed in a bath room. Twenty Two. All gas heaters must have a vent the same size as the, opening in the heater to the open air through the roof. termi4ating in a galvanizod' "T” top roof.' jack. Said vent to• be constructed of terra cotta Pipe or equal, properly strapped, braced.. cemented anti. otherwise secured, the bottom end of which shall i extend ' inch below the ceiling and the upper end terminating in the aforesaid roof jack. The heater pipe from said heaters to connect from heater to the terra cotta terminating through-the, ceiling. •� � -21 ' . r made or maintained in the City of Lynwood shall „b P,, canstructP,d of 1 inch Redwood Boards, inch space between each board, clear, of cracks or knots with 6 -4 x.4 inch' Redwood posts, one in each corner on the inside two in the mi.dd,le,braced top and bottom with�4 inch x 4 inch braces and 2 inch plank laid over the top; the.size of,the box to be 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 10 ft,, one foot under the level of the laid horizontal.T7here larger cess pools are necessary = the same shall be determined by the plumbing inspector. Twenty. All buildings must have a water supply of not less than -�, inch standard water pipe size with at -least one hydrant in front of house and one in the rear for fire protection. In large buildings it will be the duty of the plumbing inspector to specify the necessary supply. Twenty One. All gas burning heaters that are to I e in= stalled in any building must not be nearer than 6 inches from ,guy wall and if within 1 ft. or closer to a board wall the same must be protected with metal or asbestos board, and if placed in an en- closure the dimensions of said enolosure shall not be less than 2 ft. x 3 ft. with a door at Least 2 ft x 5 ft. 6 inches and in no case shall a heater he placed in a bath room. Twenty Two. All gas heaters must have a vent the same size as the, opening in the heater to the open air through the roof. termi4ating in a galvanizod' "T” top roof.' jack. Said vent to• be constructed of terra cotta Pipe or equal, properly strapped, braced.. cemented anti. otherwise secured, the bottom end of which shall i extend ' inch below the ceiling and the upper end terminating in the aforesaid roof jack. The heater pipe from said heaters to connect from heater to the terra cotta terminating through-the, ceiling. •� � -21 ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22, 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 i' PART III. Gr.S PT.dln"?3IATG. SECTIV 34. It Shall he nnlav;fuul for nny nrrs>tu to cam - -+ monce the construction of a ny pnas pl.umbinF or the leying or inser- tion of any 7as pules or doing any gn fitting in any honse or build v ing in the City of Lynwood, ritheuut first oonsqlting with., and re- ceiving the permissior of the Gas Fl.umbirg Inspector o? said C ity.. 'before nrocee; ?ink, to c?o said work. SECTION 35. The Plumbing; inspector of the Cite of Lyn - wood is hereby made ex- officio tho Inspector of ins Piping. S�; ,tION ;165 , The shrl! mnko no charge on issuing gas permits, providing th e pane in in con.jtirction with plumbing penult, except as foll-orrs: - The Pluumbirp; Inspector shall ohpyge and collect from per- sons, firms, or corporations to rrho$ any permit for d.oing any gas, piping work is issued. Change for issuing permit, 5O eonta. Minimum chnrge for inspection nf- 10 outlets, or less,50 Icents. For`each additional outlet, the sum of 5 events each. SECTION 37. The following regulations shall govern all gas fitting within said City. The length and minimum size of etas pipe must he run in ac- cordance with the following tatle: 1tL K3 Hilt)P {IfYIT iJ EYIT Tij 1'SYl. 9{ it1ei { . OF GAS PIPE WhICH MUST BE RUN. Sine. 3/8 -inch, vertical, only, - - 1/2 -inch, - - - - - - - 3/4 -inch, - - - - - - 1 -inch, - - - - - - - Greatest Greatest length, Vumber burners. 15 ft. 2 25 ft. 5 50 ft. 15 75 ft. 30 � _emu_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 16 17 18 1'9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2" 28 29 3'0 31 32 `1110 nt.r - 'Olor olJ li. hi, s; ?1J.nlx: ;r.' nor on(an— inl'.• US two lls').)li �. )!F: !I i1 J'b 5? n 1)111 T; h'• , a}nC l `2 � }}' mi l IJ(; ;L''t1Sl �lOj ":i..i0 Y1t; /l'.l tra I�T�1 frel <; 11111 `o tl r; j� 1 13 `!"S th�.11 .�i� / t n i -• t; 17 sh`ll b. `, i qn i >li. 1 r K, r �l, 1, F, t it' n *1 i t11 11 `1.111 ' }7'i.?)i.,t liAl trti.r.�. ,. i n J, . 1t� n ,n. t !' inch -_ i'lmi e[l!'t nf: i %1TA to bti her rhri 11.wmnn. —1r. '"ponJ.11-` intnnJod A) 'r l+le3 or G(1?1)ootiSl*1,"�',' - miu,,t ba cv)'rl.'IRj1lent;l7 lt ;11;nf1 t?xa )ln,lr?r the (1j rectinn of t,`19 l .11i14bim lnsieotor. niib. r. Al! dro .s ;;)lt'.t; bo nlr;c�,l ", 11J:lb and wall sne"lrr..ci by ,'•traps) soleir,r:at, 9,n 1 11 ''ofi;G; 7111'11 n :.: (i i.( ';hf% l ")J. .'t, n 0 r(}Fle Jrvq? be, .`iol.dnr,t i.n 1:G 1 )rof ^rr( Tr,lrkol; n�l -Ttra r ttl.p ? llr SC) Aocilr9;i. nnrl ? ^qlti "rn 17.3 - h in19h. �. t Snb. ', The Rlzo .,r .rJ; mttnt he 1'wl '- hal.'f and they sh,.l.l 6X,' t hxonrh the l l.a. ^t r 1�- i.rc taa, ^,nl all bo a.l il, e in 1 nJZ 7ct h. IjY"r:.t,knl: p ogni. c-s 11111:,.} F;Xi Yl;i ` pl Astor on; , j.11nh, ;i? d all o [)giinoq mist: br, elose(i with irnn ca -s. l'or ?Trte1;;, t;'til..Z`Ch(if', Ullrintn'rs nr z - tide 'build - i n,7y;. whero t'! large, 211!10 nt o j `qls i n to be '1, ( ? {l , thra ti)lpos }'lit sti .b n 1nCr(N11301 S.t7,() 2 : 'J-gns (if £i%wle s j)n sulvni:l to t:1if',' : lnspCiel.or tr= Fnrt. work. J, In Jei�.khig F'.lt;nrfitj,()T!Fl Of , :Ft;nn.';i.t)nF! ilt El 1)1111.C1- J nj; t?J' J.J) 11'1't) ill 1111(1 I)ti1 i .11, ; s t 3',(, F'.,3'1 7,1'11.1 11111 , }) ;rj 1 111111^ } ; be ob- s()rvi9(i ws in 'r10 "' V lrl{. Tti). ie. iilr ip7 , Iti;hY;'ill:+i, piflko -11 pl; F (t" vinrlt vdt1' h, T1 ;1 >:i. , ti tt wi tii :i tirr ;ai1(l mibmllt f 1;c t;t Plivn.b .ne inspector bi)fore ti — ,tine l.F" ?c ?ti;'.' for. pip6 :.v.,it ba run in 3111. r. Wo ("'wt ro"al e(1 ; YA U1 1.1 3 711 '.11Ck ) :i. l 1-ke 1 e�nr ,. 1Y:0 U trms t be 1 i?rFi7 -f time _1711:;11 rsC 1;10,0 1;1 ` -rf X ", oub. ;. All pip6 :.v.,it ba run in ;rn,r't worhimilAl e manner tae, vied soott an(l j;vmadn. tC7' 7i ?'(is t:i)(? :' nt;E r. Dwrn, i,ets% l)° no l ira}~ , :','' nor ,toppnwes of any kind. Un; -s ,1.11,1.). 1101; l an it;od, in Con - Ceal,eCi vlork. ii ?)l.,lt; or broken pi.jies nr corrlan or Lead . or to stop ].e?R}CS, will not: Oe j assecl 1) ?t .t, ?1a —p3-. 1 2 3 4 5' 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 _. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 '1aunLine In:;pootor. and no work or a:ltoration ishial.l be tnu:tde to p iri6 .s. "tar inspoeti.nn without, due notice and reinspection. 1L11 testing will be cone at a nrcisaare of ten noiuOf ;a por square inch. 0 PART F. 3110 EIC rI??ING. � !' O`P IOU q8, That the nf'fino of tho nit„ ; p nctri.rim of the Clity of Lynwood be. ancl the sanr is hereby erna.tacl. Such Ci Electrician Phs,11 be oppointoci by Min Board of Trustees of F;ai d City � and, shall hold office chtring the ploamir.o of said Board. ite must civaliiv within tan (10) clans from the time of hi° Ppr- ointment by taking Find - uh ;Rori.bi.nf* the constitutional nat:h, of office ^nd file the same with tho nits ^1rrk. SaOTUIJI S9. Said O tv Fle^.tfician R ?hnjl. have tha3 sun vision ovoy the i.r,atf,lJ,i.n� ^, con+,'+octing, ?virinf^ d!ncl p9;}'o."Vise putting in plane, rind the riairtenrnc:e and ,inc, of 111 el.ecstrical. �i.ri.rtg con - nee tiors, an -)li.nn;inn. nnnaratus rrul F,cltii_pment: in or about xtv bili.l: i.n.,r or s;trlicti:ro in the City of Lynwond. HP, is hnre ;r vestnci with rnll the power and authn..t;v and sbal.l perform all the dutipr, re- c}nared of. h1m, nov: or hhrenfter provi.30, lhlr ?n r,rclirmnee, rii1e, re nlati.nn or nrdar of eaicl. City. Hr,. Fhal.l rec oi.vrt r ,s his , al.ar?r or f comp ensation the amount fixed in tho rosolntinn of ! ?is ainnointment. 61 and he Shall keen in nroner books - For that nz�r-ro =o, n000?.nt of,rtl.l i feep paid, a i$in„ tho name r,f t:hr, -tarty, drite t ;ind. 7- unjoilnt of gjja Tet4. which rooks - haal.l he onan for , publi.0 i.n;nnctior, r.ncl he :hall. on the first day of nRr:h mnnth, renrier a report to t;hn >n<;Nd of Trustees of thfr mur be'r o" nc ilssunrl dnrir,. the prnceding viontli with the amounts of ..f( onl_l.ected ther, ^for. Hn shall a.1Qn d.nnnsi.t i ^ith the ci t y TrA ptsu ro r t; c ;i )iount nollnotr,d by "hix O iriant; thf,: :"aidk vionth. taking dupliette rocni,nts for tho carne. and, file one of such recoi.ntsl with his said report. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 OW ON 40. No porHon, Arm or corpo?"E1kon shell eq u ip any bui.J.cli.;6 with :virt {; or ti-ppanr%tur of Qko any altoration of chn,;e in. or t.ddilioA to any olratr'i.c wiring or a:pjtaarntus, without first receivi.no fr n the 5 F , id C i t y iyot rician a written permit to the work. and when an equiPMW in An& to mf rs with the rules W ?'ogniations Sojed. ,!?Ai'ein, the City blontricsian slv ll issue a cortificak that the i;ornp of this GrMland * h� boon oon coi "plie'd with to conforn tr, Uhn .i�,J.cs prosorib(. orni:n. ;irut i.t bn anlnz wful to iif?(i any such ourront for tho Sato until E?. o Worti.JoAte has been furnished in tz„ordtanco wi the tongs V thin ordinance. T he proyisi.onF of this ;t:rdi —ante do not n j p y to Clontrai Atat;ions. t >.,, t ON 41. _:tc: d s,,^ft7. -_t -)_. of the Nn Monal Board of Yi?'s 'JnJ %r ?ritars. as t;?rli)o'iea in their "Nationei Electric C;i?do" afro horoby SoptA to the rules and ).^eenlationn or instail.lin6 d and iis%C; olontricA Wring connections, Pppl.i„ j? ger and apparatus in said City. _ SE \14 9'♦ A n 4 T tl ;�, . 1titl :F;'.. l.L Any part o on Jf ?(;t ?'ic:3!l t:Cilt ?.Dtlent in or about any building in. th( City of Lynnoi `ailC)ultl bn .i to be dcngnrbus to life and pr.oporty, the City Eloctrin%n shall ttave the ri.hht ind porvrr.' an(I it shall bt) tis du`',y to notify Go owner of the builnint; or c,grti;ment, to ceRsn using ol.ectria c ur'ont in osoh dan- Forous equipment, ; - t0 _hs.ne tho Worts in ii;1W Pg"i.;'imAnt repaired within a reasonable time, not excuodi.nv ten da7s from dame of notice. The Ci Electrician it :i no author.iond to §7e writton nonce to the nompan r QrAshinC the olvatrin current to rtiy such dAnnovrons e juii to censn to supply the sumo unt:i.l the f1Afects are repaired.I In a prnmo Atirn t'or a violation of the provisions of thi.^ suction. Aarh elay's noolgct to comply theerawi,th A:il.l. he considered an tatken as a separate violation. 05- r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 x ._ 1 . 3 ._,. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30- 31 32 Sl:ii: ±'i 0 4i i'ito lei i:y, B shall c:halrge anti ool- loat fror(1 the pel'.tt)ll. fir`I!? Q)r• oar< }lo at. oll t - Mv)': '_f' s 1)r for (10- ink any elf%(7i;', ii'orl} i65 i_F;sm(it ,lll(,or tiiei i�er;!l- o;" Qlift .;.t'i121FS?l(P,♦ the follo:° , f000. 1' or ic.ciipiii For I`Ufill ?t lIl 1t1.`it`; it 3! "Yl (1.i tell or ..ors j''..1.NtIll'f;:i or n1itlptp. rat which e. rrent j s; issvnd or contro).'!od., - - - - - - - - - - l+ widt fixti rr, or mitl;t over tcli (or than ! )n-- horFAnnYrAr, or wit)atR' ,)t w h2c }) t'.i?rrent 7s is-mec or lnntor ni' TRnr° than ;;f)... }5t1Y' not }tlR'1 - 11' - ). nn i'011t J.ol l oo 0 - - - - _ _ -. - - _ a it For e)a:.P;n !'il't', 'Ol?i and 5tvitcll, AF Ch ,(�enAr�t;or n morA than 5 <61 not morn For. Ivirine or i.Ytrt,az, ?.ini' of 1'Rntors or 15 ki-lowif,6'), _ - - _ - - - _ - i + '0 ett 11 i(c•txlr N. not ;no r, than o -nt, , ) "nr t�€.t - i "t. >$ . ;'7'ifl3 "9 trt.all , .selLO iICA i1t)ro Q'11trn / s } : } Rt 1 h 1.•�y1 { 9- horsopoI- ;P?r.. - - - - - - - - - - - ?.. For oa6b rioter of 1'lnrn''than S. nraa n0 i; more th$n �t)- 1)',LF1S3 ")t "iEi'Y - - - - - -. - - - - - .- . ^G) "or $ach f'l:"1'i or of moz c tha,l I` hc)1'sotiCat cr anf! ;lot t?h!m voorP thnr tivo imr)ncti-on :) ,:.nv p(jll.1 0mnllt or part th ^roo? a •r{) Lm.nnc)s,n 21 `c f t l -t n`l n (1F 7' for r ry 2 1. ..zl. .',t'x .7 Gr;y;4;c. zn t?t3.t:;1 tlr)- 61t,,ionall in aAatinn. Por in ,- ^'rind t inn Of f' n i :1f '.t.' = '? ,'? f?n 7'T1 f' 'lP f; '.7 t -':. ,yen , ?n me l t il i c� (7 zYi, i.n;??t f;f;_ f,17^ ; }�i, ^i? v,n P�16i .1.:`• }•; t'; r.?'f1" 1)i'f: �.t,v'i 1)^ ,tip �n r:ir r v "irF; s f i r,.1 o (tCy "t. ° t7t)2'Rt I.nn 1 J.n,.' P. o 2lt J.()ft or an?' Pariltt, to d r:F- o()tr:i.t3A I ari: tint?.( `ilf terri^ of };??-i a n,njj.ma0a. °,};?l tl,�t th a a pInn or start - mnnt, shnvAnt; the ch<trv(;tnr land. C ;i Such work, i1-e -hall at tho Stvio time (eoo`?it - wit h °.aid Oitsr 1_+l' t an the UC ri.C1 Innro than ! )n-- horFAnnYrAr, O r Rafi }1 lnntor ni' TRnr° than ;;f)... }5t1Y' not }tlR'1 - 11' - ). nn ;?or each den( =rotor o not TR^rA tl)aft b Id! n,nt;t - .9.00 1j 01" AF Ch ,(�enAr�t;or n morA than 5 <61 not morn than 15 ki-lowif,6'), _ - - _ - - - _ - 100 1 "or e"(J P r7 of i.;i)r'ti i;iiq,n 15 kil.tzwatti:; / s } : } Rt 1 h 1.•�y1 { %.P.t Vr, - - - - - - - - - n- _ - //�� f�r� 10.00 t?h!m voorP thnr tivo imr)ncti-on :) ,:.nv p(jll.1 0mnllt or part th ^roo? a •r{) Lm.nnc)s,n 21 `c f t l -t n`l n (1F 7' for r ry 2 1. ..zl. .',t'x .7 Gr;y;4;c. zn t?t3.t:;1 tlr)- 61t,,ionall in aAatinn. Por in ,- ^'rind t inn Of f' n i :1f '.t.' = '? ,'? f?n 7'T1 f' 'lP f; '.7 t -':. ,yen , ?n me l t il i c� (7 zYi, i.n;??t f;f;_ f,17^ ; }�i, ^i? v,n P�16i .1.:`• }•; t'; r.?'f1" 1)i'f: �.t,v'i 1)^ ,tip �n r:ir r v "irF; s f i r,.1 o (tCy "t. ° t7t)2'Rt I.nn 1 J.n,.' P. o 2lt J.()ft or an?' Pariltt, to d r:F- o()tr:i.t3A I ari: tint?.( `ilf terri^ of };??-i a n,njj.ma0a. °,};?l tl,�t th a a pInn or start - mnnt, shnvAnt; the ch<trv(;tnr land. C ;i Such work, i1-e -hall at tho Stvio time (eoo`?it - wit h °.aid Oitsr 1_+l' t an the UC ri.C1 f a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 •15 = I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 '31 32 amount of the i)enait for) anti- Of So ir)M E.,,`: :i.rt„i }t wtiOn Of all l:°ark of shown all sa fjlPn Or M'.NiOnt in nc<..olyan" ,pith " tiu,ivl. tics >OOUI If any tl[ttlf l.(7:+ s ,i :� I i, t)(, rnad a- to :=:ani work or any (1,s,tra Wr; , ectiM s� t r - nF Srn fil"" n spoil , )f, .1, C of the Sama StlM to A nces"ary. i,y, .� v r, , - tlE� the pr, •, >c;ft. Cixzti or corr,'Ora ?t:i(in to _ y , _ , l ay th Bleatrfc:ian t; llt'lPt.l t:it tJ , i1 lQl.t .LH issued. %3h(e... is -„ (� lF; v t he Wpm Lion foes tllft•otor, t ocording to the t €':'hQal)l, &.r UhW On Ct's { n y City - 1, r;fi��•c 'i.i'ar. a +.z:d if €tics nc r;.6n. af c3re)�an.r1 t)t.�r r,for b„ ,�lfct : i �,_ , ,,., firm or carpoint:ion shall flail or refus to pay WS fens within W r; th period, Of:' ton (1i�2'•. tit ?fi t B r ,y Way! ci -,t�, 3 t b,.,...tln ;llti.. , t stt) , I.ilf :y•r3fi "T,c#3; ? :;, - ;l'!e , ,orl inn owito t or other. t r - nF Srn fil"" n spoil , )f, .1, C or;lo v - -)erfaii (; .Pn S;ii 1_ ' i for the Ao nF; z of any electrical work until nod! fees are W T he City AlEmotirician Wal tole 7 frirop the onri >,1'Roate Jiro -1' vi! ed for herein Or any electri.raJ. 1 ?` +f t..I.Ti!4 ?rtt;;t or oglt i l 1;7tt.f� a ll foes for t hn nopecr.i on t,hareof sat To been t,; . I7r t: "•;Eafi °.lilnY'a�A ) ?17.J. i1? y° f %M ^ t ~ ).` ~ 7? +i(9 zr�re ti :F ~ F :j. +(i' trical permit will not be iEi311R noti,! after the huiltl A t 01"i.t been l.sslled.. All pllilnbi.Wr Anet n ho r il).pj n, o,- UtOn vlori= i l;ust; be in place on work to in nonCAFlled Worn y, K=A rjoal U"fL% is in spect:O;t. And ari s ?s +,h Svviri.aff 4 il". . b(+ (i')I?`;1.itrrr„ [;;oi *pleto uTit ll pininE in in place. span :'•�ti i,il( int'j eet,ion & any eloohrical er]tiI pment the inspector shall- .'read!' a noWn., on the ,orl inn owito t or other. c ,li i.tab.l.(i •t)1_Ac;€s. stat {' ,ta.tinz, t to w h��� o t .v 1 rt hl 0 I At. e :rs +� ,,; F1 i,y, .� v r, , - tlE� Department; of Electrici aG it shall I'M Un.lc"I"ful to 12iK- ;ilas seal Or in any A alner o once.rl any Etl notrl ca! •r i xAnC or oth 0.1_eC- ';1•ioal. ti;,ark unt:ii Go cars h as ::m in5pactud as horAin required. TxTION 44. At On Pnti, n_r' NO Month Said My SlIc- triclan shall render an ac count; to S HO MY Of all fees cn110004 by t}im 11nCier th is Orr finance WHO MW *Ontb- NO' ON 45. Any person, firm Or ooriornti,on t'i'io :tall do. nr attE3npt to do, Al.n,strical, const; ruction work, whatrhur original ,*ork or alterations, Witbout first obtaining from said Oita% _;l.ec trician a pormi.t to Fin such work, °hall bo guilty of <t mis.(1FtneAnn? . 7— 1 and ptiri.y.r 1Rtilr.-) at-, }iC1 "('.SniifOr j3roV1!t(3i?. 2 •i:StiS its ^i Ek ). T }i.LS i)rri i. y181i(:B shall 11,,15; he CCf Yiti t. rllr?O VO 3 rol from, or let on t re: pon s:? ba__ity oi sny party (i7lQA6 4 oper°t In C•.'•n0vo1_.11, or instal a of (3� F;f; : i is i " I! t ✓. �, r zl (;. {l(i.i'Ant f or 5 damages to any ;flirt injvroii by any 6c- , .f6ot c}',t:roin, nor shall the c ity 6 be hold to t•sniu'?inr any sllf,h liallliLit? by rou son n±• Ghe .?nvp6(:{;!on 7 authorized }le'•v in or ti.? i(':Rter; '.i:;SlliEf{ ho" 8 tii 0`06 47. Any Pers'or" 111'711 or Clij'l Orp ti,o" who shall 9 either violate, ne6loot or rrffl we to yov sly .v,ith any of the {.fro - 10 Vi.S10'P.H Of t; }416 OrAnRnce shall be r`;nIlty of a 2Y1.33CiCi^ onnor aW upon 11 conviction thly.,,t'if s 4all W 'punishOA by k {'i. 0? not more than 12 TOM hunrjred (300.00) j)0Jj.f . .'y,' by 'I,IeI f 'y.C�tlllt?ie7tt !11 tho 06unty 13 r s y „ '` th at Jail OT :�(l.: 1�.",:, %ti (,(i?,Iity, ft: : +.' 71( {; Nor, t, }tint lxJ._nrf'4:y 190 {i:lya. Or 14 by both such line and iP1prisonig(ini,; t,n(1 Avow B which any viola 15 Lion of this ordinCn c nont'in?tow shall ba C!AeNed an considored as 16 CoWitutial a now offenl?e alld be pun!.0 }i('? as in this section pro - 17 vi dod. 18 2ACTI lin 48. This 040('.n0 is Qfca7ltljf MgUire t. !Or 19 Fa e , ., t tt n „ t_. t}"i� if!lf.b(ti ?4. is llf <:4�3:C� t;?()3t Ct t' ,! pu {;;32109• } ?ya ll.; }? £(il(i .(.Et.y. 20 i.'he folloa'ine io a specific statement Onwing th3 li;FynC7 of this 21 ordinance: 22 That said City of Lymmd has no ryrdinanao regulating 23 b7.21.l in pkimbi.. r F? votri o i?1) i rss k nr thl ! :; i> r 1 �. G. n 43 (_! trilt;ti.n ,�.' t,as plumb- 24 in Or ;Rs pipos in thE' vIty ()t ri�rtl'tltC::(l, and IIC}1 an ordinance is 25 r•'fiU iMracidiarely required. 26 i??iOTI' TN 49, The Rity Clest shall norti f to the passage 27 of this Ordinance by n vote) of four fliths of t.;l. =. the merlhors of the 28 I Ward. of Trustees; Q said City of lynJood, an6 its ,approva.l by the 29 President of said }3a;lyd, and t: }:ero bF'ulg no ,,Fl.;;na:snr;r of general ci.r- 30 cubit inn pabl i. shnd W ai rculakd in said City, he shall can 3o the 31 same to be printed and posted in t }zr.ee public places in said City of 32 ' Lynwoot, t0 —wit: 8— 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 COp; tit'+0?i. i;YIE: i;lll'it9iiTt i JOFt? l at 00 6ritT »ttCC t0 the offico of the Boak of Trustees of said Sty at 205 i`oBt Mulford Avcnuo e 1 co up.)A the bu U ) Citk'CZ t tC. i. ' F' l r 1 }it: Ctt. }.f7,C �elF +t;tr.3 , 1. ��ai s�, y „ ,;�;,r,lt P a},TnsrW ,ittt:. at thc: _r LORI Noon )C,1z1s ' .Z%l antl 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 COp; tit'+0?i. i;YIE: i;lll'it9iiTt i JOFt? l at 00 6ritT »ttCC t0 the offico of the Boak of Trustees of said Sty at 205 i`oBt Mulford Avcnuo e 1 co up.)A the bu U ) Citk'CZ t tC. i. ' F' l r 1 }it: Ctt. }.f7,C �elF +t;tr.3 , 1. ��ai s�, y „ ,;�;,r,lt P a},TnsrW ,ittt:. at thc: i.lttmecti.a of LORI Noon )C,1z1s ' .Z%l antl rgl"?1rm iYts;tiiA is :.i 1r1 Cj y . and 7 (Inc; (SQ", t :i.ion the 1'it 11Ci` .Li iit)Rid a t h 4 w ! . E% 1't�t"„h lrst C.•[iY718Y 8 Of WISH HMO an& Long vich :50•:I).C3Y;1!'Y1. in Xt:1.tt i.rity, ;ial!1 there- 9 "Pol °n^ W :'f ` i 1'e his Ort 3i nnoo s �� Oc l i f ul l jo a w �,. t li... J. 1. 3. mil:___. : t rl:e an HfSC?Ct 10 "° �xll .l `•'Y 4P i. t1. J. $: �.�..� em u oLf l s ✓.nJ G,'t.p. It l � s..12_ y+ , c .�':r.•ct of 7'rir eQ of the Gity k i 'n- 4y' t ' 14 L ��i7'i�I; T: j 17 I1 18 State of Califni -ni,a, 1 0ount- if K nAnYf 16s, 1 19 City 6f Lymwoo(l. / 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 �2`. 1 . 1 , J.K. W ny, city (;l of! Cie th(, ("it of Lirilwoo! (,'al.foTnia, do )Umb (lfs? if t hat t �:7 c n th A:' ' tho p :� � •� .i.e t;;.t !;, n� .to-, ,narct of T.. , $ j,rtn % i; .. . t: n..1. :Y. i five, n,ii(L We`i.j. I };( 'Ci l'7UY)j,lie C b aing Ordinance nance �,'1C)._ +�tf; t'ti. j 31F� ^;;;Bti and Wopt nJ by ' <1 vote K fopx-fifthy ).,.' mularm ,.;lt F..,)pl by tho OWdtal OT } VON, , a d Fl. tontmo by the Wy 01:11 /J '1 i 'It ii 1'or 1170 t.v) of OAK _ `ola on — jil y (1 y of "�r 1, am! t'1!a! th `amo iji i A mod una !'ice optad by tho T(11.lowijlC,' vr't e i tt _Svi f,. A i . GO: ( i •• I !1 t3.t _/ ✓�� Il�/`!1 % /(/✓NA. ,I!l r s , 6 =y j74or ;; Nonn. AY, stint : LL" D f , R / !Jynt4QO(t• lam' r ?9•_