HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0022R i " All iy :! Tl!-, Yy ♦ 7 -JI' �S.tie Z m } "' f�.� Y. rj I i,YsT'VID, . C X s1Q n'; C'ts,:: 7:. { 17C .t iA.',�');TO i1T.i! , =, nY n.' 1 0t .b![ r, 7 Ise Tonrd a? knoters 2)f r t my y of Lynwood GAO-Cadalm .} 700 . 1 n on•l . }. TP .,t,,O he t'c 1" to a^. two Tonr2Y if ,rs 3 . - . l! 4 �•f ! d'�� G, r i. } l ° 4)1r1 ���3!�� n1 ^.{'Y . ^'3..1. '�•L Th f.+!! .i Ytf� f�Y� Ot cr r> i'1nACS of the ^3ty of 7 ,mviood ret txlati", th— t ^^,t3nu C?"d oalcG 1.1E Glad city 0 CyVr,. Et onxd K rzr"MCv., is Upaby f, W0 .7izca z l:lpovaorc:�a to ox- �ir�;LC uses - Wt or to Cumay to b6-. Dxa4.i;.;ed aud tested all metrolouQ anV ,, no , and all moq goduato thoreof purchasod by or .3'ttS'10hod to the 'City or . nWOOU tanaOr aontvact Os of;PiUl "wino - or :k3c In. nay, doD rttent thereof. or by may bfPicor' or agapt of said alty, AW. i.L' shall fir) Uto c', +i,, on eect2 . c 't e . )tJ r tmwat:, t+nr7 sr .th:s ci17W,t1oA of t o ,_ OP I -Ir 7 rystoci to Non? t ' rriq ircd�'to T�0._ 000. All 3:)t3 ?:$['µ CII'Gt Jix:3 t}x' tLe nur^t'1La:ta at Pct,,: L.l. ; st .. Y.'t „r � 1:1 p; e._s:.ets t ",e� co ' io <)o taz c_. ,4 . c AV 1 by tai' 11'1'.2x.`. "Od, to t"'? � qty oN njn - 'i%od or tin . t�e�+`art • !pnti Wertal Z t t.l ..L:tC. TUV . 7,t >w, alt ,`!a7 jf � 4+,& e 0 . ' Ro . + i"°ts it Hereof, or by gul o " Icar or t . r , f sy l.'..).y, Tract to ��. .l� y E bg hu 'o,.xrt_* O f t ,S y L. `"s. ` e`vso?i• is : to xtla.;xanY TS cx cn� er Cn, •fizm ar nor ",radon to helz EC1, ;;^:-,a, or delive 4 61 to r qad ar ncr ,, to bs . mold cxr.'f,;red far p,le or dell pQr e jA the 'city of . rfynwood,, ens* of C: or aOcts of rotrtlemn specifically d(aftfled , vnd - ',sf3icpibed ,la Wf9Ologn. - 0, i, . J, Fhd l below, :11nlaos Q I ; .. n ati Y3 "eta ,.5n �o old Vn t+x as .,L,,. 0 At' " n�.t., ter�,10•F. ." _'t)w.. j 'r r -'li :r " "r'J e"G' r,� �` � - r "•1!32�f t i'�!..C i 5�6�.' t' ,. Jl "-i 5 ..tit.. ' t` 7f7 3 t r +'101. VOCA . ''2� `,,.. "� ! ? o f �..i'.Cl "_ ?` ` ,e` .''I'!:d.l .OYri•:i✓•'Cf C > f. e3 t1fl5 in('•�: m ,0.. ,Lj. 'g C) 1212M IC! fvO OWNS "VP H.-u.'.'tdt'. ,d !0 airst;:ara , 'us, oar r Wad they cot; '.:u: ou VLAAWs to tx.( s, a'sgif�. a3I It Vall 00 i vs k:, 1:41di::::WlVet.1 's.^tcr 24Up r.:apd ' - ft:'? (b) It shall gave a IIagp6v ttoasl7::2 not Eryntdr TWO. Pau= pmmquave ?bi h a S. vel r ?tea' i US'C Q one tL t 1^x *GP J ^-3X'L]i:l -pl s with > t:'t 1 6 iL'6L'i tJF1 , -�i a5 • .• T n,3 ?g1�. y',k .•t7.1%'.^.Cm of ;'r`Si1U. �fi :. i�G V 0. x -�• Q) It Woll W vE! MOW IN `y CZ.?OnjnJ 3.3 TYi C34 L1tsL1Il - t; 6stnd V ar, . ' « $7%°t3^nct with P.m r . r. etC327x.Ct'i' s ° ©x? .r; t3tita'?1r�y' ..- .?t'f�Ct . .. Sttuida d �)*�OW aJ g Wing tie tho.thor,•tcm tur Shall aof ro cu_ +•e:• than 1 donreosY. 2. .Ch<n 20. per gonj har '.hFaen sreeovorod; In, the reg'boter A e ishcrmomet or a tl 3 i, rpt ;.tread nape tban 221 ua reoa" y 0 Phr Cont. ban bCQ 7 shysrod In i;Ysa roGO���G�.: V.:6 theympmgti)r - s road ima a thmd jQ4,d°eGWos,P. a - 4 1 . 4. Vhen'90 per cont'has been. -recovered in•. the "receiver:th© is thermometbr.shall not ;raad moro'than 374 "degre6s''F. 5: The. ' end point shall not= be, higher .than 437 degrees F. , 6. At'.le'ast;.95 :per, cent shall be reeovered'as distillst in . the receiver from the distillation. PROVIDED that the followsing of the - methods bf `) teat,herolnabove pre'scrib'ed shall be- used: : 1. The condenser'bath'sball maintained at a� temperature ' between 36 "degrees F :`and 40 :2, The first drop shall -be' recovered Ah the iecefver in,; from -.5 to 6_ miuutea': after the heat is Q}�plied. , s= .. MGM DISTILLATE ' Section 4,' For th^e'purpose of 'this or idinanc ®, engine distillate` sold, offered' for male or :delivered - :,n the 'City -of.. Lynwood'as: :Biel -for internal :combustion,enginea. is deffned as.' follows2.,.The liquid distilled frog petroleum which conforms ` tz;.the following,;requIreuments 4 (a) It shell be free from undissolved•water suspended ma tter, rind ;fro admixture' ' any substance. . (b). It shall distill within the 'following temperature "limits, when tested : :in.- accord ance.with Ahiericen,'.Society for Testing Latortais Sitmderd :??- 36 -21 =T, using the ;,High .Distil. lation Thermometer:• 1. r_ten•'the .fir,st`9rop has keen recovered`in the r'eoeivor the :trerr_6mo,tor shall not read more -than. 260 dd,[ rees t` : 2, !ben 50'-per cant has 'been recovered 3n.,the receiver. y s. the' thereon star. sha1Z• :not` read:, mgrs than, 380 degrse , 3. liken 90 per .cent has . been recovered' in .ths.r ecE317csii° , - ; .the thernomoter ,ahall'not read sore than.470'do less, than. 374:. degrees 'P. , arses 'P, nor 4. This end point shall not 60 higher- than'5394egrees IF ; nor loss than 437 - degrees F.. Section 5, :for the purposo of 'this ordinance, kerbsene> (also Imown as'coaloil) sold, offered for sale or delivered iii the'City of :Lypwood - .Is defined as :follows:. The liquid dis= :. tilled '• from'petrolenu► which�confortftu-.to the following,,., requirements: a' have-`a flash paint,not`,lowar than 100 degrees 'Te P. whom tented in accordance'. with Arseriom, Sooloty for; sting Materials St`endaird D- 56.21: (b) The end point` of distillation :shall not be'f igher` than 625 degrees P,'mben tested in accordance:aith A meric an �Sogiety *f or Testing j Taaterials.: Standard D »86 -21 -T, using the.'High., , Distilla'sii.on .Thermometer... It. shall be• neutral" In'reaction and shall contain 'no more than 0,09 "p ©r Cent'sulphur, whenitoeted in.eiccordance :with Acic .1 1 Society for` "Testing !160rlals - Standard D.90=2Z -T. (d)•- It. ahall burn steadily and clearly, 'without ®uioce °or.' -•incrustation for ell bteen (1-1) - bours - in a Amp fitted with, a No. 1 Sun bingo, btlrr_or, - Tbe ,heigbt of the flame' above. the,. top of the ' burner-_ at 'the beginning 'of' the fide hour ;period shall' - be tiuohty millImcters; theJFlathe''shall "not'be afl usted'during' :test: v + , •r a '. r:,: ' _ , • 'I Y S1�7Vi: y351IL7.H'1E .•• •.: :': z Section 6: For'the purpose - this ordinance stove distill sold; . of'ered for sale"in 'the ?Cisy of: Lynrood is ;; defined ..sp follows:.' The liquid distilled'from.petroleum which conforms to tho following requirements: (a), It _shall have a specific gravity not, higher•than 18642 of sixty degreos-kahrenlieit. .• (b) shall havo.,a flash point not., lower than 130 degrees' Pi' wheri4ested'`in accordance with American Society for Testing,- . `Material's Standard D- 56 -21. r, -- .(c).,It „shall not ; contain more.than five- percent•by volume of: acid sludge;: when tested as'folidlls:'"To 100•,cubic centi= meters of waterfr.ee-distillate,.5 cubic centimeters of chemically.pure sulphuric acid; of 1.8 ,4 spec3.f o. gravity; shall be added,,, shaken for - at least,- three minutes and- allor:ed`to settle 'one hour: The'precipitatc;,less the, quantity -.of` sulphuric acid. added, shall be considered as the acid, sludge. v�trrrcr DIST.IT,LATI Section 7. For the, purposes."of this ordinance,_furnace distillate sold, o -Pfered Tor sale ; or delivered in the' .C1ty 6Y Lynwood is defined .as follgc The liquid d.istiiled from petroleum which conforms to th -e :follo -i_ng. requirements, (a) It shall tiava a. epee ific' gravity not .Iiif;her'tn an .8cJ4� at 60 degrees,F'.. (li')' 3t "'s2ia1T'have'.a flash point not lower than 130 degrees' { P .:-when,tested•, nc n `in.:accordae with America, Soyciety - for Testing li ?aterials Standard D- 56 -21. (c°) It shall not - contain more titan, 8 per�'cent acid sludgoi',when tested as follows:.- :To 100 :cubic] centimeters ,cif. rator- �free.distiliate, 5 cubic of chemically pure - sulphuric acid; of -'1.84 specif,ic: shall 'be thoroughly shaken, for at least three minutes,- and 611 owed 'to settloono•'dour, The precipitate, less. the quantity of sulphuric sold :`added,`.shall be considered as.- the acid, sludge , Section 8. It shall_be:.unlawful for.any person, firth or corporation to'se11; offer for sale,- or ;delSver or 0r permit to : 15o sold. 'offered for safe, or delivered in the' of iynr:cod 'any of.' thib:products of of petroleum specifically definad and 'described in Sections 3,`.A, 5, 6'and 7 above, unle's's there ✓ shall be': firmly attached or painted at or, near :the point of outlet 'of the container from which or. into which said,potroleum. ' :product6 drawn or. • poured out. or delivery, ,a si6n or : label- consisting of the }cord " "Gasoline ";' Engine Distillato, ee.os:ene' ";' "Stove.Distillate'.' or "Furnace Distillate case inay be, vrbicb sign shall in every way conform to the:'i�e� quirements. of the ordinance regrulating such signs. PROVIDED, that should there'�b6 no such ordinan'co-An effect; a sign or label with the word- or Words as idesi,gnated above appearing,_ hereon'.in red •letters not' less .than . :three. inches high on a, white background,`is required, -except that the - letters "for the word "Iterosene" and the words "Stove Distillate" and . "Furnace ''Distillate" shall be; black: and PROVIDL5,,.that wh ®n the above rogizirsd ; sign or. label is : attached to' the faucet• or valve ; of a tank, receptacle container that Is part of a truek-•or sank vragon, the letters shall not, be Tess than 3 /4.inch high. a: '.1 •. , M1.... •.. .. •'Y F -Y T kROVIDED,,t t.the,.provisions of. - this section shall not apply to. petroleum 'products'�oured,or'•draWn into containera having a- 'capacity of five'(5 gallons or less,'or into con -` tainers directly' connected Filth,-`, and.:supplying fuel "to, internal. combustion engines. It _shall 'be unla: ul for. any person, firm or corporation to "sell,: offer for sale or delivery, or to cause or - nermit'to ' b©'sold; offered for `sale 'or delivery nrthe City of `iynwood : :any•oil reprosented as `lubricating - oil- for internal; combustion engines unless there - shall be firmly., attached • to..or painted at or. near :the.point -of outlet fro.m.which sdld`oil represented as , lubricating oil for internal' combustion` engines is drawn or' poured out for' salo'or `dolivery,,a, sign . label consisting "of tbe'nord 'or ivords.' n'lettors -not less than ohe -helf -($) °'inch in'hoight,_comprising,the . brand .or tradG said . lubrieating:oil,.prouided th.t;erhen said sign or label Lz attached to the faucet or `valve *of a' tank - truck. or tank -wa the'letters.shall . be less than- 3 /4,'inch inlieight and provide& that if an'y.of said lubricating- oil :shal'l have' no - .brand: or trade - name., , tho above:requirbd sign or. shall cons9f- of, the words, in,lotters`not..les3,.than t rea ,('3,) 3nchca., high ,with. the exceptions -above provided,, F 'Lubricati a� otl, :. no brand`." Section 9. Any.'pefroloum offered for 'sale or dol3.tered. in the..City of :Lynviood �ihich is labeled . r *. } which -does not conform to the require . monts of`. Socti'on _4 abovo, s all. be labeled; lmmediately,,beloz the'POrds, ' "E ?dCINF " AISTILLA?'L," as required'by Section 8 above, the words,' "NOT' FOR ROTOR FULLS ", in letters, those required .for the fiords "ENGINE, DISTILL4T7r% iibove.. _. CZ ection 10: -ror .tie nur.pose of this ordinance, the United ' ;States Standard Tables, for petroleum ,Oil- '( �itreau of Standard ,. " Circuler'No: 57) shall he -used foir' tempera -ure correction to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.`. „ Section 11. 'The of Trustees'or any person authorized by it, it her auth:orized'and empo«eredrto take`sucb sample or samples, :as it may. deem necessary of�any'petroleum.or. any product; thereof , - -when the -same is kept or, " stored. within - , the - City of: Lyawood. •It..,sball..be un1a'wful for eny person, firm:. or corporation t'o'refuse,to permit -'the Board of', Trust ees,.- or.any- person, authorized by,. it, to take' sucbt shmple or samples,;: or -to prevent- or'to attempt to prevent said Board "or person from taking the same. Section 12. - .:It shall be ,unlavifnl for' any person, firm or ' corporation to deliver or cause to bo.delivered :any petroli or:•any'product, thereof purchased by - the City of Lynvood, - in •a •'tank- wagbji or.- tank -truck which. has riot; been gaged. and .certified by the.DepartmenL of...5�` eights, and; ?neasuros.,of tbe,County of Los Angeles. ,. 'and the capaeitystamped upon • the = tank or tanks.of'.said tank- vagon;or tank - truck: f , - the -'Provifs or 'edeerdod'guilty of Tf pr gu on 'a I-AYIC f z ATTES it C01- orn orson I TT Ich Corp ny wip epa vlo in IT