HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0110�ho Ronrs of Urnstees, now :_no -n as the Wt7 louncil of t�.'3 of ',-71',1-007, 3010 ordUin aS 701107S: SeiHon 1, Man n, amoa__t o- .onn7 PionnonrT to aizud V ta.ation Unon the tan 'mil proverty in th, Aty of 1=7005, nunt,% of Loc -nnoles, tale of jalifornia, as a revenue to carr7 on the various ranicipal departments Df the said Oit7 of Lynwo& for the Viscal 7ea7 1128-1229 is he-aby fixel as follows: The sup necescar7 to be raised by tazation on the taxable nTOnartY in Said NO for Au puinosa aforesaid is tLa sum of AfQ-throa Thonsana Apht Ana red Tinot7-Wo ,nd 75/100 7011ans K53 852,75) 3oction 2 what iho amount of money necospary to he rainQ t :7 - 1 ' - ood, _ . , , o u�;n the taxable rrojerty in tVo 3ity of hyn VOUM7 of os QngDias, statq of vulifo7nin, to jrovdde for the OX iA3 yortion of the principal - hich is to become due aW the awvry More& upon Ve M7 4-11 Vids of the City of Lyn7ooa fto- it Viftp Monsona lollars W50,000.00) 7orth of Vaicinal 3onds) is the snm of liqht ''' sand Dollars neition 2. That the amonnt of money necessa7y to 5e naisna unon the hana5ls real n2orarty (not iaclndinp the imrrova�_ants thoraon) in the Assessnent District described in lenuisition a3d improvement 7o, 7 of the City of Lynao•, for said fiscnl your, to 1 ;% the nortion of principal e all accrued inte2ast, Mich All Y - 1' a- in saA fiscal 7e r, and to be asEossad Mon thn real opope&7 in "Acqni2itior an! Trjrov; .art 70 7" 0 0C AW o -t - t 17n- ow, no_ inalMinn As inmrovirants on _al 11-- is A sam of llovon "housand ine 7una - 0 :-anty-ni7v and 4 1 section 4, That the anount of non nycossary o 53 MiSM �y taE�tion Uvon the taxable real Proya't' ( ot inclulj,v the theraon) ij vA3 Assessroot Vistrict descnibed 07 w T 70, R 07 t City of �Z `WC OQ, for Sal,! T1021 7av 9, to p ay the e p - l and a e ortion oO inc a'! a r cc-,(I in KQ -e t, qHch nil! be _aye Aq in said fiscal 79Ur anj to be. aSVeCSnP opon tog r,al VrOVCrty in "AC 0-1 T-0ro7j - 0. 9" of tv" AQ of 57n_7001 qot incinlinn the jmrrcverents 0?1 sain r3al nrovorty, is tho sqm of the folio-in- nyonnts, to--it: 07 - one 1, the sum of Twent7-thoysanl, 7 our hundred 007-?ive and 45/100 wilars P20,455, TM Tor �one 3, tqe sum of - ort, -,7 and 01 /100 vollars ( /0,91). 771 DITY IuUzM W TH ��IUT !OLT P 1 M 1 1 :nyy 11YVP 117 C YM oc� t13 A 2�v UNI 11.7 Ma 11 1AY C� W 1 1V 7 MY ZIA,! 77"A 1928-1222 ATJ V� 7 r7l_ln �ho Ronrs of Urnstees, now :_no -n as the Wt7 louncil of t�.'3 of ',-71',1-007, 3010 ordUin aS 701107S: SeiHon 1, Man n, amoa__t o- .onn7 PionnonrT to aizud V ta.ation Unon the tan 'mil proverty in th, Aty of 1=7005, nunt,% of Loc -nnoles, tale of jalifornia, as a revenue to carr7 on the various ranicipal departments Df the said Oit7 of Lynwo& for the Viscal 7ea7 1128-1229 is he-aby fixel as follows: The sup necescar7 to be raised by tazation on the taxable nTOnartY in Said NO for Au puinosa aforesaid is tLa sum of AfQ-throa Thonsana Apht Ana red Tinot7-Wo ,nd 75/100 7011ans K53 852,75) 3oction 2 what iho amount of money necospary to he rainQ t :7 - 1 ' - ood, _ . , , o u�;n the taxable rrojerty in tVo 3ity of hyn VOUM7 of os QngDias, statq of vulifo7nin, to jrovdde for the OX iA3 yortion of the principal - hich is to become due aW the awvry More& upon Ve M7 4-11 Vids of the City of Lyn7ooa fto- it Viftp Monsona lollars W50,000.00) 7orth of Vaicinal 3onds) is the snm of liqht ''' sand Dollars neition 2. That the amonnt of money necessa7y to 5e naisna unon the hana5ls real n2orarty (not iaclndinp the imrrova�_ants thoraon) in the Assessnent District described in lenuisition a3d improvement 7o, 7 of the City of Lynao•, for said fiscnl your, to 1 ;% the nortion of principal e all accrued inte2ast, Mich All Y - 1' a- in saA fiscal 7e r, and to be asEossad Mon thn real opope&7 in "Acqni2itior an! Trjrov; .art 70 7" 0 0C AW o -t - t 17n- ow, no_ inalMinn As inmrovirants on _al 11-- is A sam of llovon "housand ine 7una - 0 :-anty-ni7v and 4 1 section 4, That the anount of non nycossary o 53 MiSM �y taE�tion Uvon the taxable real Proya't' ( ot inclulj,v the theraon) ij vA3 Assessroot Vistrict descnibed 07 w T 70, R 07 t City of �Z `WC OQ, for Sal,! T1021 7av 9, to p ay the e p - l and a e ortion oO inc a'! a r cc-,(I in KQ -e t, qHch nil! be _aye Aq in said fiscal 79Ur anj to be. aSVeCSnP opon tog r,al VrOVCrty in "AC 0-1 T-0ro7j - 0. 9" of tv" AQ of 57n_7001 qot incinlinn the jmrrcverents 0?1 sain r3al nrovorty, is tho sqm of the folio-in- nyonnts, to--it: 07 - one 1, the sum of Twent7-thoysanl, 7 our hundred 007-?ive and 45/100 wilars P20,455, TM Tor �one 3, tqe sum of - ort, -,7 and 01 /100 vollars ( /0,91). Section 5. That the amount of money necessary to be raiald by taxation u;on the taxable real property (n u ot including r ing the j- 7ro7arynts thereon) in the -ssassrent listrict described in 2cquisition and Improverent To. 9 of the Cit Of 1:�M7700i.',, for ssil fiscal year, to ra7 the nortion of vrincipal aq! all acc= H intcroct 9 which Vil Va yayaUa in said fiscal year, and to be assessed uvon the real property in "AcQuisition and Improvomont Vo, U" of the lity of hyn7ood, not including the improverents on suiu real proverty, is the sun of Twelve Thousand One Hundred and 29/100 wilars (112,V0,29). ;section U. That the amount of ronny necessary to be r=aised by taxation Won the ta7able real y7operty (not includinD the imuroverents t_ -_ on: in the Apsessmant District described in acq sition acd improvement Ko, 10 of the jity of L7nwooJ, for said fiscnl -ear to lay the nortion o' wincipal anG all accrue! interest, nhich will he mayable in said fiscal year, and to be assessaj upon tko real property in "Acquisition and Improverent Wo, 10" of the lity of Lynwood, not includinp the irurovanerto w� said real onoperty, is the folioninn: the sum for zone of Kine Thousand Six hun0r& and 20/1'00 20/100 lollars 9,355,20) an! for ane 1 the sor of TrW7-iine and 05/100 nollar s 02U,05). Section ?, That the aroont of vonny n3cesFar7 to H raise(! b7 taxation nion the Lavabla rnal nroperty (not includi- Ye !qp7oveEints thereon) in the Assessment District 60scribed in icnnisition and improvorant 7o, 11 of the My of L "or said fiscal 7iar 9 to lay the 7ortion of LVncipal and all accrued interest, -Tich qill be pa7ablc in said fiscal year, and to he assoss& uvon thn roal "royoky in "Acnuisition and Wroverent 4o. 11" of fie NO of Vnwod, not including the improverents on said real property, is the sum of Wx Thousand Three 'Andred 3ixty-four and 42/luO Dollars (16,364,42). 21 .3action 8, That the amount of ronay necessary to be wised Ay taxaVon noon the taxable real ?pro' rtj (not including the inuro7annats the.. non) in the Issesswent District described in �cqnisition and improvement Zo. A of the City of Lynw-ol, for sai7 fiscal yjar, to pay thn Tortior of urincipal and ail accrued interest, whiuh will be rja, in said fiscal year, and to be assessed njoll tic real Iroverty in "Aconisition and improverent To, 4" of the jity of Lynnood, not incluJinp the iorrovements on said real oToperty, is the sum of Three Mousand Aiqht Fundred lishtv-t"o and 41/10 Vollars (33,892,41) (in the matter of vossecsion and ivl7oveny-t 4001s). section U. Uhat the anount ol Eonoy necessary to be raisid by taxation npon the taxable roal pronerty (not inoiu6inq the inyroveKents tionvon) in the ssessnent District jescribed in Acquisition s d improvc7oqt - o, 6 of the jit7 of 17nnood, for saifl fiscal vaur, to lay the uoytion o= p7incival and M accrued intorest, - 7hQ4 All be payable in said fiscol year, a 6 to be assessed noon the real jrojnrt7 in "Accuisition and InDroverant To, 3 of the lit- V �7n7ooj, not innludiq the innrovemorts on said real proper is +the snr o� Tbrne Thousan! TrerQ-three ana 09 AM Jollars 2,123,09), (in the natter of possession aqP inprov9pant bonds). Scation 10. Mat tie amoant o" Poni7 necessary to be raised Kv taxation ahon the tana5lo 7nal property (not incly6ing the improve-e ts tKereon) in the hscassne-t istrict dascrihH RI Acquisition and improvement Ko, 17 of the 3ity of Lynnood, for said to t or t i on o,_­ j - . c j a ri c. a I a c 10 De i s c: 4 1 , sa id t t be a ) 0 7 1 c C! a i s, i t i o n 17� S C! iu jr­ b 7 'Iit�, Of 04- 3. 0 0 r d p 0.1 _ caid real e of 1 3 0 _ U f7 o 1 D). r s 33 f immediate 0,- 9 s into e -L all n its - cassage and a:"- proval. ij - T nance s .:.de -0 12. _11-at 1 G." , e reason _tE - 7h.; , O into effect - providoC i, Section 11 hereo is )ecanse it is a 1 Ie_c��ssa.ry t�iatl sai OrdinRnco shall 0 , ,ect d i tel� 7 F 0- L + - s f., rva tio.rj Of tire - j.ubliC health, T, a: safe t'. -Till be ­possible to carry on � - - IVU ,7 it , ,,. ou t u _js it U Jl , it, a? d t' .--.at und pile acl- -overny, -- matever in s 1 u 'T 0­ ood; n - 'alifornia the action O the 'oar ..d la�7s o-_�' t! e Mate o- + I ity 1 oim Of sa 1 d ty s h e s ac L , i o I= 07-T� c e e ( I cl in the hal'i"' O f t tL'l t 0 r of tile :Ount eltis 1 L o 1 e t' a f irst Tuesda-y af the f-i �'_,On�aY O to accomplish ' action it is nocqs2a_y T- d i a t e 1 ,,,7 0 n L J - t s t a _� , , rr' r C, i q a c e ;' o into effect i­Me I pasca. -proval as a bove 1 : 0 -, ,i d �ection 13. Ific Cl erk o t he -i o L rn 1 0 0 i s ra i_recJ e d 0 o �)ub 1 i s h- e 6- , a fter its - 7ina,l - 4 as­a� , o, bo cause this Ordi ' al circulet i_ 1 M Tribuag, a of �Yeno 0"Ice t! (- I , 7,1 4- 7 ,- o - 7 n700d. I L 1 � Cl e . 7' '_Y U - t " 4, tii da- of -'ku- S �J_ , , tl L,'hapman e, _._- i- 11 O yj- j 0 0 _U] resid luent Of 77 30ard Of as !,-, e S _ b i t o-.- ,rn3ood sa j. a ^ es1 ' ent no : r 'no a s ' 0-2 Of sai'], ',litye 'I W. I . 7 0 0 L ji t y 0 f _ � n - 0 pman, ity 10 1 Drdinance s duly adopted b, lie­ el y that tioe fore�-OiYIP C )a 1) 1 - .1. t.�.i.e 'ity no `,_ as the C itY 07 b y or ,,ayor o-P said 1 1oard 0 1' 0, �,jjj !T e 17, 0 c) a t a 1 ;i .__ o sai d oe - 1) -, 7 t h a- follo Grote 0_ on t1h.e '13)'Dth day o:�_ _M�-u8t, 1" 2 R r 1-ja r," -T D 6 -1 ir --- a "rillstee's , ; 7 �'), 0 ''] C . J. ��Iharjman r": '_'j t7T O-f-' T 7.7n Y F. I I - el - -1 �,