HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 0277" ORDINANCE NO. 277-. AN ORDINANCE OF. THE CITY OF. LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIi?,;.PROHLBITING•:- TIE SALE- OR - DISTRIBUTION IN, OR THE ,ITvIPORTA_TION INTO,_ -THE' CORPORATE,,: LIMITS 'OF "THE' CITY Of' LYNWOOD; -CALIFORNIA, OF :r1idY MILT ; OR C RE, ARi:, OR DAIRY _ PRODUCTS FROM ANY COI'/ OR GOAT _INFECTED 'l1ITH TUBERCULOSIS: FIND REqUIRING THE TESTING FOR TUBERCULOSIS OF 'EVERY COW OR GOAT, THE' MILK OR CREAJJ FROTv1'WHICH "IS SOLD OR 'DISTRIBUTED I1; OR IMPORTED INTO SAID ;CI`T'Y OF''LYNWOOD: AND TO 'PREVENT THE TRANSMISSION 'OF TUBERCULOSIS TO HUMAN P INGS .THROUGH THE' MEDIUM OF' MILK OR, CREAly! OR- DAIRY. PRODUCTS.' The City Council 'of the City, of Lgnv ✓ood,_do ordain as follows: S'dtION 1: In ILK, CREAM' AND DAIRY. PRODUCTS FROM TUBERCULOL C0'. -i5 OR' GOATS PROHIBITED. ' It shall, be. unlawful. for any person, firm, - or corporation; or association; to ,sell, - off er or sale,,,or .distribute: or to cause -or permit to be br, gh't into.6r to be sold. or•_"offerea -for sale •or..distributed Within the Corporate - Limits of the City.of ., Lynwood,- California, any milk, :cream, or dairy products for. hum" consumption," any 'portion 'of sihich milk, cre'an, or dairy products;' ''shall have "been- `obtained" from °"any cow.or' cows `or °boat `o r goats,' infected . or afflicted by or tivitn tuberculosis, or reacting positively to any tuberculosis test, "I1er•einafter- provided for sECTIbN 2: EXAMINATION - AND :TEST' REQ7gIRED ::, 'Every cow and every goat, any. mill;" :or.' cream fr "om which,: , ,or an.7% dairy' products .thereof, ; is sold, or offered for - sale, or distributed in said :C ty,of ' or . brought .i"to" or received in'said C tf ,of'Lynwood_ for ".the purpose of sale or distribution therein, and each bovine animal or-goat kept or maintained, in t4e Herd or on the.same portion of 'any.'premisesy or "it the same pasture as. any 'such cow or goat; "shall be subjected to ,a thorough physical examination for' tuberculosis test for-the purpose of 'ascertaining such. bovine animal, or,f goat is infected. or aff.licted:by'.or"'with tuberculosis. Such it tuberculosis test shall''be made 'under a method and technique approved' by „the County Live Stock Inspector -''and each such coin, boviri6 animal •,•and` goat, shall'be examined and tested at' re'gular,,intervals of approximately,'and not to exceed one year; Provided, that in,the event said dive Stock Inspector;, at any time; has "reason to suspect that''any such cow, bovine animal', .,or `goat is infected or afflicted with tuberculosis;, or• up on the reque.st',of;,' .. either the County'H ealth,Officer or. the City Health Off icer;•.said Live Stock Inspector or his dull* authorized representative will make such inspection and "test'as he, de ems necessary'of any such,'cow : bovine animal, or, go'at:. It shall .- be,_unlawful for an - .• . ' . y persom to. interfere with, . oppose. or resist, or ,for any' person, firm, or corporation;to cause or' pernit.to :be ,`interf ere d. With.;'onposed, or resisted, _ entry of said "Live Stock inspector,, or his- duly.authbrited representative; -upon any premises vrh6rein or vrhereupon any such cowo- .bovine animal - or goat is kept or maintained or the making thereby of any /,such examination or test iner.ein authorized. SECTION 3 TEST .FOR HEIR, `OR' ADDITIONAL •ANIMALS`IN HERD: ' On and. after . the effective date of.this Ordinance, it,shall'be unlawful £oi,_ any .person, .firm, or. corporat'ibn,'or as'soc'iation, to`place.or maintutin:or cause- or. permit.to be placed or`irairita ned in`the same nerd., or in- the • same portion of any corral;,, enclosure > place,,, or premises ;with any. c'oya 'or -cows; 1dt+ or, zoats',' milk' or are made froin'said cream 'from which, or 'other dairy' products - of, which milk ',arid cream, is sold, offered for sale or dlstrvbuted' in the City df Lyn rood, Cal ifornia,. any .new additional'or•.other ,cods; bovine animals,; or goats,.unless•and until such. new.ad'ditioh'al animals; shall have - first been examined and tested as 'aforesaid and found to be, , free from tuberculosis and a report made 'thereon as.provided this Ordinance. Provided that where.such'new 'and additional animal shall have -been duly tested-and rnaintained•and kept in accordance`:Aith'.the requirements of this Ordinance within six months 'prior 'to introduction; into any herd or.'herds, no new' test of such animal shall bp. required'. , SECTION 4: CREAMERY REPORTS: -It shall be>unlavrful for any.person,`firm;.or corporation, or association-, to. "bring into.'or offer for sale in .the City of', Lynwood any milk,, cream,. or dairy products,,', unless. and, until, such _person, firm,; -or., aorporati.on . or association,shall•habe filed- =:!i.th the Health dfficer.of.•Los County, California, . a statement_ in Writing,.- giving .the .names -: and. - addresse's.'of each producer from whi ch' such. milk_,. cream,:, or.,,dairy "• products were produced: "'SECTION 5:' TESTIIiG RE�JUIRED FP.OM' NOAi- R,ESIDrNT. PRODUCERS:. It.shall be unlawful for any person, firm; or corporation,, or association to bring'into 'or market or cause to be dis'trzbuted or sold within the •Corporate limits of the City of L, x-1117 od, any milk,, cream, or dairy products, where the animals frot.Whi:ch said milk; cream or dairy products are :produced ,.shall be kept maintained` outside the corporate limits of the,City of.'Lynwood, unless -and. until, the animals' from Which, said.. milk, 'cream,' or'- ,,.'.. dairy products, are produced, shall.have been inspected, -and tested' and unless said ririlk,- •cream, or dairy•products,.shall have been inspected by the. County Health Off,i.cer, in strict•accordande with the .requirements of the laves "of the. State of California,' and .the ordinances of, the Count of Los Pngeles, and tliis_ordinance . r,elative.:. tuberculosis. to testing "and inspection for CL SECTION 6 CONSTRUCTION OF ORDINANCE If.any parts " of this' Ordinance'shall`be held to be void by any-Court or Courts of -this State ";.such' holding shall,not void any other .part or parts of this Ordinance'and. all other part ox parts,of' this Ordinance shall be.deeme,d to'be "legal"and °in,'full force and - . SECTION 7: REPEALING CLAUSES: - par Ordinances or ts of Ordinances 'in.conflict witYi, the D'r•oU s i on s of this"`ordinance "are hereby•repealed. SECTION 18: , VIOLATION: Violation of ,thi`s Ordinance ,is _;h'ereby declared to be a nuisance and is punishable by ;a'fine of not to exceed ��p3O0.00.or confinement in the City ,Jail `'for a:period not to exceed six'months; or, by both such fine and imprisomuent. SECTION 9:" The, City Clerk .shall certify to the, of this, "Ordinance. and after its final passage'and - ap,proval, shall _ cause the same to.be,.published in the:..Lynwood`Press, a,newspaper, of general ,circulation_ published and circulated in' the City of Lynwood .e# PASSED FPFD ATID PTED THIS 6th. ay, of ctober ,1936. Mayor of the City of Lynwood. r Attest - , _Cit Cl=erk •... . . , STATE OF CALIFORNIA :%. COTJ14TY OF LOS ANGELES } :ss " •CITY OF LYNW06D A I,-the imder.signed, City Clerk _of *the "City-of Lynwood,, Cal- ifornia>, do, "hereby certify that .the, -above and. foregoing Ordinance was`duly adopted by the City Council.of said.City of- at a regular meeting .there.of,.held,in the City'FIal•l:.of said. City on the 6th. °day of- •Octbbe ,1936, and passed`by; the. f.o]aovring. vote'. AYhS: COUNC�UAEN:, Lake,- ?uieyer, Nation,<<Snydar and "BOSter._ NO7S ,COUNCILiI N None. " 1 ABSENT. ; COJNCILME1%1 pNone. City Clerk, C ity, " ynwood,/ California a.