HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrd. 03701 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ]3 14 mr 0 �- 15 Q Q � U H m E WQ mow 16 J o Z _H 0 3 " c " " ° 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 CE i:;'„ • 370 v u_= :LIl«,^:C Tl ._ CIT" LYIr t , UD, CALIFORi'I.rl, :"r',:� il: I`I'i_:t s -3 vI:' Li•� � iitiix :LL HUN AT LARGE; n L C�'IC (( II +G OR :I IS UI«CT "F PER1 -IT T - 12 Ta'E 1 WL C T 101`, li i ; is 1 �i C 1a+J - ♦ ; - i i Aiv D �u t�La z iii - iErUIRING P.�RIttI`. a !��iR TTYIi' Y'Ii'vlldG OF IN FENCES 6R COF?I{i L3 ; i�!i� r: :.:sUI. I -LZG TLS' i'Ar�IN" OF iAi EARLS ; Ix LiI' RDHILIT1- O j1L"N iv"LAL� �i�IidG _ i� =::y �l9 D�tI�EN r m - �i y� :ilr - {CVIiJIIv� 11iJ� L��il'u 1J:] "v i+ v - T 1, t' �',U t-'L , D r'r FUR TIC Iia 'UTvI DIi iI OF S`T'RAY 1'tlW) 1=,; A P11 1 f Y6 1i T 11h V I LLLT I -IV OF ` 1"k URLINANC.E; ViD A:LJT O JIl "a ?C�C'flC �1 C OF SECTI��? 18 OF U RDINANCE H6. 305 v H T' L CI'l'Y ur Lfi,i e UU:u A. �A.ait TO r'C) 4.E r�lvl- LIdLIi.D BY :'.�C1D.I: 338. NCORPORATE" CITY OF a Ci�LII'v {i�TIA, u� RUAI : l�A� ±0LLO';>S . 3ECTIOill I. It is c:ereby declared to .,t; a public nuisance and it shall be unlawful for any person, fire, )r corporation to allow or permit or suffer any animal to be unr:;stra.ined or to run at lame and /or stray upon ar. str~ =.et, alley, sidewalk, or other thoroughfare of the :,aid City :-f LynwDod, California, or upon public property of said City; or to l,er.ait )r ullovi any ani.nal to - -a unrestrained or ruil at l rtLe and /or stray -)r to cue in any wise driven or taken a .on, over, or across any proaerty or pre.*aises over .. the owiler of such anioal has not the immediate rioTtlt of possession. .k - It is rear. bar declared to be a 1,ubli c nuisance and it shall be unlawful for any Verson or pera; rls, v�ithin the corporate limits of the City of Lynva - to drive, ride, or lead an aniiaal across the property or premises Uf anotaer, and over which t'1G y ilaving such :animal or animals in charDe :ias not i fL-- ,edi ri ht of `oases sion . :. ECTI II It shall oE: unlao:ful for any pera�)n, first_, or corpDr-i Lion t) construct or build or erect ;.ith Tune corporate limits :' the Cit of L; lawooa, Oulifornia, ,_iiy Cences Or corrals, or to use any -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 L >- U -1 E Z 0 E I? m 15 0 -t5 Cn M W < 0 -j 0 0 z 16 < M 0, U 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 prior constructed fences or corruis in 1 -1 i C Yj al n 'IT horse, mule, d onkey, a .1 cow -,r atla animal, Jr sheep is to C2 1-1 3tf-i. with- o f'ir. fror-.: 3uildin Ins .✓f Said 'City a e r*m i t so to do is illade wit:i the 3,uild insouctor of the C i t y of Lyn ood fo r gr �o constr!ict - 1 Dr erect a fence -�r corral in the City of for tale - r)urMose of r:-:strain- :Lri� --.ciY s-.icii animal or aini therein, the Buildiril- lns�,--,ector shall ins the plans anci sijocificatiuns sub�r.dtte l -. such application, and if sac-l-L . - ,lans :arid s ecificatioris :are s-'Icil as to lake 3 fence or correl substantially as stron7 and serviceable as her6inafter re- U 3uildii; Ins s ha ll quired in � section III of t ai3 .-),rdinu-nce, the ' I n e na issue, . a per: it t'..erefor. I t it' the i:lans and L� . :cifica';ions accoziipanyir,. z:lcii a - plicatiorn s not )rovide for a fence Dr corral wit; such -_,aired cAre.�iTth and efficiency to re. t T 5 4 stall deny J- sdc� M D n z a inimal or tini�uals, -1 suer: - q"very :arson fi r::. or corc isin, or construc -,- i ni, U any fence or corral - :Athin tris core )orate limits of the amity of L ynwood , J'ur tine rourpose of restraining therein any horse, i.,ulc, donkey, cow or ither bovine &nizral, ,-oat, �r sheep, shall construct said fence or corra in t- L cind specifications or t-ne a' thereof. If the fence be Df board3 or lumber, it s;lall be of three - lUartcr inch thinkness of boards not less than six inches wide and secureLY nailed ar --:l I ixe,.) in of wood posts. Boards arc re to be ;paced not 'Less than ten incaes catlart. Fences to be five f et in eight above Vhe -rourid. T ILI e -,') oa ts are to be not less 'Uhan four inches by four inches, -sinu set in the -;round tv; inches, Land s paced not Laore t' tan feet distallt. -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 n 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 If tie f ence; btj a f :: ire , id pod t3 ay be not over one rod distant, and to De if not less titan four barbed daires, e ,uall.y 5p3C8d, h 'i's draErdn U - . file too t'l,re t0 J :. Live feat above the �:ro and . -rovi.ded further that v4here _boats or sheep are to be ce,=pt in a wire fence, such fence s:aall_be of ten barbed wires spaced not less tLan six I ne es apart. -rovidea fu rtlLer, t.lat such fence or corral shall, at all ti�Les, be Kept in a _,aod state of repair. S ECTI V"N IV It is caereby declared to be -a )ublic nuisance and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm :;r � o:rporation to :eep )r restrain any Horse, mule, donkey, coed or other bovine animal, goat or s:leel?, within any fence ur corral in the corporate limits of the City of Lynwood ' first obtaining a permit therefor Prow the Builling Tn31= )PCt')- 3" .`.irl� CitV, s5 above r _)rovided. 3uC'rl is r.ct to C'enee or corral is inspected arid °-n inspection fee of �,; r)&i d ther e for . _�.liCI'iv�v V Subsacti. -}n C of ;section 18 jf Ordinance No. 4C5 of tale City ".°L Lynwood, as . , 1:r tofore amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 136 is i ler_by -amende i tj read ws follows: llsectiDfl 15 ,ubseetion C. It is h� r.:b r ieelare to be a oublie _aui,sance end it sl all be anlsdy ul ;'or arty pe:rioll, firm- or corp to StaKe or ,-er:ait to be st or lar uron any nr� his s, 14 r m } =q� corral, o'=_I? the City of Lync� 15 O r - � donkey, co-v; or < ro E bovine W Q m o or sheep, J 0 1V Q J ; SUo o " Ef 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 If tie f ence; btj a f :: ire , id pod t3 ay be not over one rod distant, and to De if not less titan four barbed daires, e ,uall.y 5p3C8d, h 'i's draErdn U - . file too t'l,re t0 J :. Live feat above the �:ro and . -rovi.ded further that v4here _boats or sheep are to be ce,=pt in a wire fence, such fence s:aall_be of ten barbed wires spaced not less tLan six I ne es apart. -rovidea fu rtlLer, t.lat such fence or corral shall, at all ti�Les, be Kept in a _,aod state of repair. S ECTI V"N IV It is caereby declared to be -a )ublic nuisance and it shall be unlawful for any person, firm :;r � o:rporation to :eep )r restrain any Horse, mule, donkey, coed or other bovine animal, goat or s:leel?, within any fence ur corral in the corporate limits of the City of Lynwood ' first obtaining a permit therefor Prow the Builling Tn31= )PCt')- 3" .`.irl� CitV, s5 above r _)rovided. 3uC'rl is r.ct to C'enee or corral is inspected arid °-n inspection fee of �,; r)&i d ther e for . _�.liCI'iv�v V Subsacti. -}n C of ;section 18 jf Ordinance No. 4C5 of tale City ".°L Lynwood, as . , 1:r tofore amended by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 136 is i ler_by -amende i tj read ws follows: llsectiDfl 15 ,ubseetion C. It is h� r.:b r ieelare to be a oublie _aui,sance end it sl all be anlsdy ul ;'or arty pe:rioll, firm- or corp to StaKe or ,-er:ait to be st or lar uron any nr� his s, eut:side any fence or corral, vdithin the City of Lync� any Morse;, mule, donkey, co-v; or other bovine animal, _;o:t or sheep, ex cent as follows: i.th a:etUl. Maket lea. -t tiaree- _,�iurters �.f an inch diameter, driven into solid ;.;round to depth of t,Airty i.ncrles, and connected by a swivel to a three- .urarter inch Melded link chain, w icM sxiall in turn be con.,ectud to a leather or fiber halter of -3- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ]3 r 14 mr q� Z 15 O t _ F N U E (n H m J az 16 = U a J M 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the e of a one and one- fourt'ri inch (1- inch) leather i_s.lter. Such `.alter beinLr secures r fitte l grid fastened to the ,ea. d .such -ni:r_ui . Provided, d wcver, t gat : , :hers a ­oat Dr sheet) is stak or lariate:i, such stake is not re �uired to be .!riven into the ground Lore trla:i f i. teen inches, :rld a one -half inch rope may be used in lieu of the chain re. ui.rs.l f:.rr - Dther aniruals. rovided further that fcr ,,oats and s.;.oer, a halter raay be `J'i spensed ,, i th where the ro j�u af fixed , to t:lt� staake is securely tied to the animal." Provided further no animal sl.all be staked or uicketed or tied or iariated aithi.n t feet Df any sideavalK, street, alley or A.aer -:,Iblio thoroughfare within the City of Lynwood. 3 EC`f:i via vI The a olice or Dther im coundir� officers of the City of L'unwood shall impound any stray animal or annals and care for the same and shall char the owner then _of, or oorson in charge thereof, for ever -r day - Dr fraction th:-rcof such ani�aal is itrrpounded, anal shall also charge the owner thereof the necessary expense of feedinC; and chrin` f'or ar�ca tr ans ansporting such animal. ,aid impounding fee .a yid expense to be paid by the ow ner thereof to the Ci Treasurer. Notice of said impoundin sriull Diuly Published for one week in a ne; spaoer of i.e,�l .issue, rrinted and circulated in the Ci ty f Lynwood . ;aid i o tice zo be c:ublished .:i. thin one weerr, after the ita�oundin,; t:iereof. ,paid n otice to specify the irapouG:d .nc, fee, inclad_.ng _ ,Df caring for, transporting, a,-,d -:ublicatijn, and that a ?ablic sale thereof r,.iil be made unl =ass the same is ua i d by the owner, urior to time of sale. vii That upon no redemption from the impounding of any animal havirl- been made, i�,_ blic sale t.z..r_of shall :;e ::jade by the ,police De- partraent :after ten dayst 1publi ca.tifon of said notice. Sale to be grade to tae 'li ; ;'nest bidder for cash. The Chief of i-olice is hereby author- ized to execu to the buyer a bill if sale for such animal as an astray. -4- 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 g 7 i 8 9 i 10 i 11 12 13 i } 14 m rd DW _�� o c m 15 cn F' m U E w Q m O w 16 J o Z c 0 3 i = V w 0 V m a 17 '- 1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF LYNWOOD ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, California, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of said City at a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx regular meeting thereof held in the City Hall of said City, on the 7th day of April , 1942 and passed by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN: Christensen, Yicfeekia..La and Meyer NOES: COUNCILMEN: NnnP r' T ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: Zimmerman 'CITY C=, CITY F LYNWOOD