HomeMy Public PortalAboutLibrary January 2011 Department Report Department Project Comments Status  Library Monthly Stats Included in attachments. Updated  Library Teen Programming The January Travelogue for Teens was a presentation on Ecuador presented by Ted McManus, who is Meg’s husband. They taught there for 2 years. It was a very interesting program and well done, but not attended quite as well as last time, with 25 people. Updated  Library Professional Development Meg’s collection development classes are done, and should be of great benefit to the library. Updated  Library Food for Fines The library will be doing its annual Food for Fines drive this February. One can or package of food will be $1 off your fine. Food will be given to the local food bank. New  Library Programming January brought the Winter Carnival and all the crowds and excitement involved. This year we had a float in the parade featuring “Curious George – Curiosity begins @ your Library”. He actually came to visit for a whole week, and attended several of our story hours and presentations for pre-schoolers. The kids love him. The parade was very interesting, because Curious George has been a children’s classic for so many years that virtually everyone who saw him recognized him as a feature from their own childhood. His float was decorated with bananas, which were thrown with the candy and Frisbees to the crowd, and the float was pulled by a bright yellow Jeep. Lida presented a very interesting travelogue on the Czech Republic which was attended by 85 area residents. There was a story time presentation by a group of cellists who allowed the kids to play and learn how to finger the cello. Kids were fascinated. The usual programming was also presented this month. Updated  Library Friends of the Library The Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale has been going on all week in the Conference Room at the library. It has been very well attended and earned quite a lot of money at $2 for a bag of books. Thanks again to the Friends. Updated   Library Shelving and carpet project The shelves for the last flight we had money for have arrived, and will be installed sometime in early February. The endcaps are very popular. Come check them out. The library’s new look will continue to develop as we get the funding. Each 5-section NF flight costs $4,076, and we need 2 more. Each 6-section Fiction flight costs $4,800, and there will be 4 of them, so we are $27,300 from being completely finished. We are applying for grants and applying for LOT funds, and are also happy to take donations! Updated  Library Proctoring Has picked up again, with at least one, often two a week. Updated  Library Biblionix Apollo Apollo continues to surprise us with what it can do, and the patrons are beginning to use it, also. We are going to introduce the added features for the public in the next month, one at a time. Watch the paper for specifics on each added feature. Updated       Library Library Board The Board attended a very informative workshop with the City Council, and there are plans to go forward with the City Campus project, which will include a new library. Updated       Library What’s up? See Feb. programming attachment. Updated       Library Inter-Library Loan The project with OCLC is going very slowly, but we will eventually get this done. OCLC has some very complicated application forms to fill out, and the process could take as long as 3 months. No Change