HomeMy Public PortalAbout19820621•.. .;. 3 0 0 • REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, June 21, 1982 The regular Council meeting was called to order at 7 : 30 p.m. with Mayor Hartsfield presiding. Prayer was offered by Rev. George Braden, Wesley Methodist Church. Councilmen Present : Blume, Borgmeyer, Davis , Gordon, Halsey, Roll Hequembourg, Kliegel , Lock, Roark & Scheulen. Call. Councilmen Absent : None. The first item of business was Bill 82-19, introduced by Councilman Blume, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , CHANGING, AMENDING AND MODIFYING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , Bill 82-19 BY AMENDING CHAPTER 36 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , BY Rezoning. REZONING LAND LOCATED IN THE 2100 BLOCK OF INDUSTRIAL DRIVE , FROM RS-3 (SINGLE FAMILY) , TO C-4 (PLANNED COMMERCIAL) AND M-3 (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL) . " Councilman Blume stated that he was withdrawing this bill at the request of the applicant . Tom Benton, Director of Planning and Code Enforcement , then explained that this rezoning request is now dead. Council cannot bring up this matter of rezoning unless the owner makes another application, pays a new fee and goes through the rezoning process with the Planning & Zoning Commission, at which time area residents would be notified. The next item of business was the Consent Agenda. This included Council minutes of a special meeting held May 24, 1982 , Council Consent minuten of their regular meeting held June 7 , 1982 , Audit Report , Administrator' s Report , Finance Report and awarding the following Agenda. bids : 197 : Long Term Disability Insurance - All City MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE 208 : Transit/Central Maintenance Facility - DOT J. C. INDUSTRIES , Jefferson City, MO 217 : Extricat.or/Rescue Kit - Fire IIUTCHISON-WITHERUP FIRE & SAFETY, Kansas City, MO 218 : Generator - Fire IIUTCHISON-WIT'HERUI' FIRE & SA FETY, Kansas City,, MO 220 : Water and Sanitary Sewer Lines - Public Works EDGAR SCUNIEDERS CONSTRUCTION, Jefferson City, MO 221 : Diazopri.nter. - Public Works OZALI}) CORPORATION, Indianapolis , IN Upon motion by Councilman Scheulen, seconded by Councilman Hequembourg, the Consent Agenda was approved. Minutes of the Solid Waste Committee dated May 14, 1982 , Jefferson City Airport Commission dated May 18, 1982, Board of Adjustment Minutes dated June 8, 1982 , Planning & Zoning dated June 10, 1982 , Parking Mecetved. & Traffic dated June 10, 1982 , Jefferson City Airport Commission dated June 15 , 1982, Planning & Zoning dated June 17 , 1982 , and Planning & Zoning dated June 21, 1982 , were received and are on file in the City Clerk' s Office. Mayor Hartsfield reported that:0as the first Council meeting for July falls on a holiday, the next Council meeting will be held on July 6 , 19 82. 1 • 301. Ruigla COUI IL ETING, June 21 1982 t - Certification of Election Results of the Special Election held June 8 , 1982 , on the Scholastic bond issue was received. The " �``�'bf Election � � results are as follows : -, °` Results. , z' For A as iin_ss t_ z Report from Cole County Clerk 8 ,087 587 Report from Callaway County Clerk 3 2 4i" TOTALS 8 ,090 589 Bill 82-36, introduced by Councilman Halsey, entitled: 82-36 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , MISSOURI , AUTHORIZING AND Agreement DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CLERK OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE A WRITTEN public AGREEMENT WITH PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1. " Water Bill 82-36 read first and second time by title and ordered Supply ; distributed to members of the Council. No. 1 4 I' Bill 82-37 , introduced by Councilman Borgmeyer , entitled : r "AN ORDINANCE RELINQUISHING A CERTAIN EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSE' 82_37 ' OVER LAND LOCATED IN LANDWEHP HILLS SUBDIVISION IN JEFFERSON CITY, Vacating i MISSOURI. " Utility Councilman Borgmeyer requested that the rules be suspended Emummt. and the bill taken up for third reading and final passage . :p Bill 82-37 , read third time by title , placed on final passage and was passed by the following vote as Ordinance No. 9799 : Aye : Blume, Borgmeyer, Davis , Gordon , Halsey, Hequembourg, of , Kliegel , Lock, Roark and Scheulen. Nay : None. Bill 82-38, introduced by Councilman Scheulen , entitled : 82- 38 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , MISSOURI , AMENDING THE COD Parkin OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, 1978 , BY AMENDING SECTION 23-121 , w Ix nto n PARKING METERS TO BE FREE UPON SUNDAYS . " Bill 82-38 read first and second time by title and ordered distributed to members of the Council . Bill 82-39 , introduced by Councilman Scheulen, entitled : ., "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , MISSOURI , AMENDING THE COD , 82-39 OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , 1978 , BY AMENDING SECTION 23-51 , SPEED Speed LIMITS. " Limits Bill 82-39 read first and second time by title and ordered distributed to members of the Council . Bill 82-40, introduced by Councilman Scheulen, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI, AMENDING THE 82-40 CODE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , 1978 , BY AMENDING SECTION 23-85 , Parking PARKING OF TRUCKS , BUSES , ETC. " Buses Bill 82-40 read first and second time by title and ordered Trucks, distributed to members of the Council . Etc. Bill 82-41 , introduced by Councilman Scheulen , entitled: 82-41 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , MISSOURI , AMENDING THE weight CODE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , BY ADDING A NEW SECTION TO BE Limit KNOWN AS SECTION 23-65 , WEIGHT LIMITS ON BRIDGES . " Bridges i Bill 82-41 read first and second time by title and ordered IIIdistributed to members of the Council. , • O 2 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, June 21 , 1982 Bill 82-42 , introduced by Councilman Hequembourg, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , MISSOURI , AUTHORIZING THE 82-42 MAYOR OF THE CITY TO SIGN AN APPROVAL OF A SUBLEASE BETWEEN BILLIE Sublease JOAN DAWSON AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OF PROPERTY AT THE Dawson MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. " Bill 82-42 read first and second time by title and ordered distributed to members of the Council. Bill 82-43, introduced by Councilman Hequembourg, entitled: 82-43 "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI, AUTHORIZING Contract THE MAYOR AND CLERK OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH EDGAR Edges, SCHNIEDERS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY." Schnieders Bill 82-43 read first and second time by title and ordered distributed to members of the Council. Bill 82-44, introduced by Councilman Hequembourg, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , AUTHORIZING 82-44 A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION OUT OF THE UNAPPROPRIATED GENERAL 5 lenental FUND BALANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF A TRANSIT/CENTRAL Appropriation MAINTENANCE FACILITY, AND AN INCREASE IN ESTIMATED REVENUES FOR GRANT MONIES TO BE RECEIVED." Bill 82-44 read first and second time by title and ordered distributed to members of the Council. Bill 82-45, introduced by Councilman Blume, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , CHANGING, 82-45 AMENDING AND MODIFYING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , Rezoning BY AMENDING CHAPTER 36 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , BY REZONING A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF EAST MCCARTY STREET AND CITYVIEW DRIVE , FROM RS-2 (SINGLE FAMILY) TO M-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) . Bill 82-45 read first and second time by title and ordered distributed to members of the Council . Bill 82-31, introduced by Councilman Blume, entitled : "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , CHANGING, AMENDING AND MODIFYING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , 82-31 BY AMENDING CHAPTER 36 , OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, Rezoning BY REZONING PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE 2000 BLOCK OF STADIUM BOULE- VARD, FROM RS-2 (SINGLE FAMILY) TO PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) DISTRICT." Bill 82-31 read third time by title , placed on final passage and was passed by the following vote as Ordinance No. 9800 : Aye : Blume, Borgmeyer, Davis , Gordon, Halsey, Hequembourg, Kliegel, Lock, Roark and Scheulen. Nay: None. Bill 82-32 , introduced by Councilman Borgmeyer, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , APPROVING A 82-32 MAJOR CHANGE IN THE SCOPE OF WORK FOR THE CONTRACT FOR PROFES- Cole SIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION PLANS Junction AND SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER SERVICES IN CONJUNCTION WITH COLE JUNCTION PUMP STATION AND ASSOCIATED INTERCEPTOR SEWERS. " 308 . ULAR COUNCIL MEETING. Jung Z1, 1'82 Mike Bates explained that at the time the contract was entered into odor control was addressed. However, the method for control- ! ling the odor has been proven ineffective. As we are operating , under a lump sum contract, a change in the scope was necessary. Bill 82-32 read third time by title, placed on final passage and was passed by the following vote as Ordinance No. 9801: Aye: Blume, Borgmeyer, Davis , Gordon, Halsey, Hequembourg, Kliegel, Lock, Roark and Scheulen. Nay : None. Bill 82-33, introduced by Councilman Borgmeyer, entitled : "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , MISSOURI , VACATING AND DISCONTINUING AS A PUBLIC THOROUGHFARE THE EAST-WEST ALLEY BETWEEN 82-33 ! HIGH STREET AND EAST MCCARTY STREET WESTERLY FROM MULBERRY STREET, Vacating 1RESERVING TO THE CITY AN EASEMENT IN THE RIGHT OF WAY VACATING FOR R-04/ SANITARY SEWER, SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE, AND PUBLIC UTILITY PURPOSES AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CLERK OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE ALL INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED TO CONFIRM IN THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS THEIR RIGHT OF REVERSION IN THE VACATED AREA." Bill 82-33 read third time by title, placed on final passage and was passed by the following vote as Ordinance No. 9802 : Aye: Blume, Borgmeyer, Davis , Gordon, Halsey, Hequembourg, Kliegel, Lock, Roark and Scheulen. Nay: None. Bill 82-34, introduced by Councilman Borgmeyer, entitled : "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK OF SAID CITY TO EXECUTE ON 82-34 BEHALF OF THE CITY , A CONTRACT WITH J.C. INDUSTRIES TO CONSTRUCT 82-3 A NEW TRANSIT/CENTRAL-MAINTENANCE ,FACILITY IN THE EIGHT HUNDRED �� Facility BLOCK OF TEST MILLER STREET IN THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , MISSOURI. " y Mayor Hartafield asked if the City has a written pledge from the two federal agencies on the grant money. Marty Broae replied that he has received a letter from the Missouri Highway and Transportation Department (Section 18) which authorizes the City to proceed with the bid of J. C. Industries . He stated that he has received verbal corrununication with UMI'T'A which also consents to the low bid, which will be followed up with a letter. Breakdown of the $1 ,027 ,582 . 00 base bid figure will be 60/40 , which the Federal Government paying $584,452 .00 and the City paying $442, 129 .00. There were eight alternates , delete and add, and it is the staff' s recommendation that the City reject the delete alternates and add the add alternates which would total $46 ,000 , of which the City's share would be approximately $11,000. This would make the City' s total share $454, 490. Mayor Hartsfield stated that he would like to see written confirmation from both federal agencies on the amounts they will pay and for this reason, Councilman Borgmeyer requested that the bill be placed on the Informal Calendar. ( Bill 82-35, introduced by Councilman Borgmeyer, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , AUTHORIZING THE 82-35 MAYOR AND CLERK OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH HORNER & Agreement SHIFRIN , INC. , CONSULTING ENGINEERS. " Horner & Bill 82-35 read third time by title , placed on final passage Shifrin land was passed by the following vote as Ordinance No. 9803 : Aye : Blume, Borgmeyer, Davis , Gordon, Halsey, Hequembourg, Kliegel, Lock, Roark, and Scheulen. Nay: None. a04 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, June 21, 1982 Bill 82-3, introduced by Councilman Blume, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , DECLARING THE INTENT TO ANNEX AN UNINCORPORATED AREA DESCRIBED HEREIN , DECLARING 82-3 THE NECESSITY OF SUCH ANNEXATION, COMPARING THE LENGTH OF THE Annexation CONTIGUOUS BOUNDARY WITH THE LENGTH OF THE PERIMETER OF THE UNINCORPORATED AREA, ADOPTING A PLAN OF INTENT, REQUIRING A PUBLIC HEARING, AND ESTABLISHING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH ANNEXATION. " Councilman Hequembourg moved that Bill 82-3 be amended by removing all property which lies north of the railroad tracts . Motion was seconded by Councilman Scheulen and passed. Bill 82-4, introduced by Councilman Blume, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , DECLARING THE $2-4 INTENT TO ANNEX AN UNINCORPORATED AREA DESCRIBED HEREIN, DECLARING Armexation THE NECESSITY OF SUCH ANNEXATION, COMPARING THE LENGTH OF THE CONTIGUOUS BOUNDARY WITH THE LENGTH OF THE PERIMETER OF THE UNINCORPORATED AREA, ADOPTING A PLAN OF INTENT, REQUIRING A PUBLIC HEARING, AND ESTABLISHING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH - ANNEXATION. " Bill 82-5, introduced by Councilman Blume , entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON , MISSOURI , DECLARING THE INTENT TO ANNEX AN UNINCORPORATED AREA DESCRIBED HEREIN , DECLARING 82-5 THE NECESSITY OF SUCH ANNEXATION, COMPARING THE LENGTH OF THE Annexation CONTIGUOUS BOUNDARY WITH THE LENGTH OF THE PERIMETER OF THE UNINCORPORATED AREA, ADOPTING A PLAN OF INTENT, REQUIRING A PUBLIC HEARING, AND ESTABLISHING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUCH ANNEXATION. " A discussion was held regarding the annexation rocedure being followed. At the previous Council meetin members of the Council were appointed to meet with residents off the various areas proposed to be annexed into the city. It was the feeling of some of the Council that any action on Bills 82-3, 4 , and 5 should be delayed until such time no they had a chance to meet with the people no that amendments , if any , could be made before submitting the paperwork to the court. After further discussion, Councilman Halsey moved that Bill. 82-3, 82-4, and 82-5 be tabled until each group has an opportunity to meet with their areas assigned to them. Motion was seconded 1 by Councilman Roark and carried. 1 Bill 82-26 , introduced by Councilman Hequembourg, entitled : "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF JEFFERSON, MISSOURI , AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK OF SAID CITY TO EXECUTE, ON 82_26 BEHALF OF THE CITY, A CONTRACT SUPPLEMENT AMENDING FAA CONTRACT FAA NO. FA65CE-3326 DATED APRIL 12 , 1964, FOR THE MASTER SITE LEASE Agreement WITH THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AT JEFFERSON CITY MEMORIA AIRPORT. " Councilman Hequembourg requested that this bill remain on the Informal Calendar. A Resolution was presented to remove a street light on the Riley Resalution Parking Lot. Upon motion by Councilman Blume, seconded by Council man Roark, the Resolution was adopted. 1 gos. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING June 21 1982 Reeoluti. A Resolution was presented supporting Columbia Regional Airport's efforts to acquire the automated flight service station facility for the FAA. Upon motion by Councilman Hequembourg, seconded by Councilman Halsey, the Resolution was adopted. • A Resolution was presented setting forth a purchasing. policy. • Resoluti• - After discussion regarding the City's right to award contracts to low bidders , and upon motion by Councilman Blume, seconded by Councilman Roark, this Resolution was held over in order that the City Counselor could research the matter. Resoluti• • A Resolution was presented setting forth policy guidelines for the selection of professional consulting services . Upon motion by Councilman Scheulen, seconded by Councilman Hequembourg, the IResolution was adopted. Walsh The next item for discussion was the matter of the Walsh Street Paving Resolution which was previously adopted by Council. Upon Street motion by Councilman Hequembourg, seconded by Councilwoman Lock, Paving the Walsh Street Paving Resolution adopted by Council on May 17, 1982 , was repealed. A brief recess was then called to enable the City Counselor to research a particular matter regarding annexation. Amon- s Upon reconvening to regular session, Mr. Porterfield stated tion. ' that Bills 82-3, 82-4, and 82-5 could not be tabled as a group. Councilman Roark then moved that Bill 82-3 be tabled. Motion seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried. Councilwoman Lock moved that Bill 82-4 be tabled. Motion iseconded by Councilman Blume and carried, Councilman Scheulen moved that Bill 82-5 be tabled. Motion seconded by Councilman Blume and carried. IlMeeting adjourned. • III 's f 1