HomeMy Public PortalAbout209 - BIRTHS 1815-1847, A-Y, PP 1-48, BIRTHS 1844-1845, P 1a i 1� r BIRTHS, MARRIAGES Relating to the Registry and Returns of Birth Marriages and Deaths. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same, as follorc8: Sr.cttox 1. The Clerks of die several cities anti towns in this Commonwealth shall annually in the month of June, transmit to the Secretary of the Commonwealth a certified copy of their record of births, marriages and deaths, which have oc- curred within their respective cities and towns during the year next preceding the first day of said month. The births shall be numbered and recorded in the order in which they are received by the Clerk. The record of births shall state in separate columns the date of the birth, the place of birth, the name of the ch iild, or it have any) the sex of the child, name and surname of one or both of the parents, occupa- tion of the father, residence of the parents, and the time when the record was made. The marriages shall be numbered and recorded in the order in which they arc received by the Clerk. The record of marriages shall state in separate columns the date of the mar- riage, die place of the marriage, the name, residence and official station of the person by whom married, the names and sur- names of the parties, the residence of each, the age of each, the condition of each, (whether single or widowed) the occupation, names of the parents, and the time when the record was trade. The deaths shall be numbered and recorded in the order . in which they are received by the Clerk. The record of deaths • shall state in separate columns the date of the death, the name and surname of the, deceased, the sea, condition, (whether single or married) age, occupation, place of death, place of birth, names of the parents, disease or causes of death and the tune when the record w s made. SECT. (2. The School Committee of each city or town shall annually in the month of May, ascertain from actual in- quiry or otherwise, all the births which have happened within such city or town, during the year next preceding the first day of said May, together with the facts concerning births required by the first section of this act, and shall make an accurate re- turn thereof to the Clerk of such city or town, on or before the last day of said May; and the said School Committee, or other person authorized by them to make such returns, shall be entitled to receive from the treasury of such city or town, fire cents fur each and every birth so returned. Suer. 3. Every justice, minister and clerk, or keeper of the records of the meeting wherein any marriages among the Friends or Quakers shall be solemnized, shall make a record of each marriage solemnized before him, together with all the facts re- lating to marriages required by the first section of this act; and each such justice, minister, clerk or keeper shall, between the first and tenth days of each month, return a copy of the record for the month next preceding, to the Clerk of the city or town in which the marriage was solemnized; and every person, as aforesaid, who shall neglect to make the returns required by this section, shall he liable to the penalty provided in the eighteenth section of the seventy-fifth chapter of the Revised Statutes. Ste -r. 4. Each Sexton, or other person, having the charge of any burial ground in this Commonwealth, shall, on or before the tenth day of each month, make returns of all the facts re- quired by tine first section of this act, connected with the death of any person whose burial he may have superintended during the month next preceding, to the Clerk of the city or town in which such deceased person resided at the time of his death. And such Sexton, or other person, shall be entitled to receive from the treasury of the city or town to which the return is made, five cents for the return of each death made agreeably to the provisions of this act. Stier. G. The Clerk of each city or town shall be entitled to receive from the treasury of such city or town, eight cents for the record of each birth and death, prodded such Clerk shall comply with this act in all respects. Scc-r G. It shall be the duty of the Clerks of the several cities and towns to make such distribution of blank forms of returns, as shall be designated by the Secretary of the Common- wealth. Seer. 7. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall pre- pare and furnish to the Clerks of the several cities and towns in this Commonwealth, blank books of suitable quality and size, to be used as books of record, according to the provisions of this act, and also blank forms of returns, as herein before speci- fied, and shall accompany the same with such instructions and explanations as may be necessary and useful; and he shall re- ceive said returns, and prepare therefrom such taho!lar results as will render them of practical utility, and shall make report thereof annually to the Legislature, and generally shall do what- ever may be required to carry into effect tile provisions of this act. SECT. H. Any Clerk who shall neglect to comply with the requirements of this act, shall be liable to a penalty of ten dal- • lars, to be recovered for the use of any city or town where such neglect shall be proved to have existed. Seer. 9. An Act entitled An Act relating to the Registry of Dirtlts, Marriages, and Deaths, passed on the third day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, is hereby repealed. Seer. 10. This act shall take efi'ect• from and after its passage. Approved by the Governor, ---March 16th, 1844. " " e.rr,".).:./7',',r/e., 'fr,t. :rr r ��.cl' v";;;: ,r . T e//r/ril ,4",", ,,,.4_.l. (...,!.:4,,z. ,7c...:;), ` if,0.14,)4#(/tt,r!/4l,/(ri.rr3ll rF." l ,/1/111:4"" 7 I C. Ttrr7,N/ :" f'.��/��/90; r/.: r.7 ; " r>,. 04;4 f �� /r? /t? V..-..1%*: .% alr," Ca'.fi"frr L�.jFarrrrr.a i lcf/r. ;1r��L f" " !" rrri _: .,;;:t1j/ 25?, L. 1c1/r_ riwrvi! 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A9, C j eiL!_1= /am J (let r[5r;, 4,1;e (, /d, /Y.751: lei.d/• cy�rJFi�t�rer.G %Icy ar G44,l 021- yJ�.Zr . 19136 Gtn'ct'7+�; 1r��7rf.:' r��.c.�r•r, r+lws��li f v � y�n.,�� isr.�r7tf�%ll�r fi r. dn/J/js� #14-471- (�!GG� /8.1341"." dale kJ s• t'ar•Dir,c �s*r-t r triccz. r r�7. /.e -r 1 b7'YNsicfl!`��'1��.�r s,�l'�cr(�(� ,../ �s to (O ./F7[- tr / r x. _ ;2,n;e. `01,42x. r , f r/ J� !i lug �- ix -I �r �l r_rc..ir ..Wnv f,/ �?rc/%+i A . I! IV al -14 /y 'i(G / el r1. Y697y1.- lt�.[,y ri�� `,�Y ifiii: rt!17 if14.41.. : 1 •r' 1/1:7 L. I [ i A/LI[ .7-.-:;(..,/e,(19,6:7,•71.... -!r Xf /(lfr�•r�f� R t�(i 2 Jlv JS f '(xP1 e fLlreey r .6.1"; i✓ 14nGf r � ' / •'tCLF1C cf rj =• =t 7.71-7 (tJ A S '/L / )7Z-ed1 tcf .ee, //ff. '4/r�rr�lG, j /elrfil 6/71-- ,9e--# ipy r `tttM we- II: 4r!4•i K.,/itt•tdc. t/.'•1/..// /8%0/ -wed .! ai '!c- iy- ..4 inn // . s er,%rr e.oc-A• l ceo',J C. lll6i+r,r J +,;("r;f:://::'•,..,e.:. (r '!,otre-' 't ,C i / ' e -- r: ..:144;,.... r44� ;tie': L., /.3ii. tri N,.1)1 liric,� /r!. ,, ,, X. I/ / /, II I I, `ff �'r07/d lY•;1.94/_ •� ;iI/M ! G:IrJ 171,01,„/ f 4 ,..,%0:-/.........90: ix,„„., 0......-_,,_,,..,-„,,,, ._... /..,4,e /,,,,,,,, /!.t .t./e,/ . AJt, lel a`]Yic u' 71z., J .9:;a---- 4' X�,( f4;;4) Al 2.77-i Q./1 O .':. r /se . ;''Vidv 1�f • :i fiirr• cJ.o.i,re_ %J'. }Gi.,� .l Ji� v ..42;/ ' a.20.,. 140. .r�%i C: ' / % �""� r1 '? J l , i% J /` r rrius.. it is s s, •vJt Gvrir (►lt .c �✓ • _% it / `� , /� j . 5 0 IA7;11 rll,l ! tir-4- s,.1 et"( l r .'-!' I�L�* •f' ea .044 ,(0'!7'x- -1 ' r_Co�/l Lr;r" /d'.7 • a , („ ✓ i' < 11: :. r.,..7:lrr.J //,,,,./..,,e4, .rc;P `;izr rJ T•p• ![i Ij !/.�-4M Dea7r. a7d7z /71/eve4�'esresr Pg1417` rn" %/ef ter Gfrie t/1'Or! eJ.'Q, ` 1� /ru*y f�.lrrIfri; .iyr . S^ . 4 n/ici�4 . ( �' /r*1 • ./%1/(G(v, als, /f -t- ,...1. day. h//r /�/ .---.4.41/,‘..-/,..7,-,,-;,/././.?� s1,,,i/ems `... «•/. l.•i.r4 f f ,,,)4, ,T,06. G. /r,3G. „ •. ���rr.s�./ .. r ` ./�, /GJ A ,� ♦r ,,.`�!t'lll-/-�eL.. .�r <�lin}rflr+- i� ,I.,� • � _ N � /!it�S �ii �.�c. N. (G e►s t.aL s s� CLs r►��-r ,?�1.-. �!a✓ e t:K.1s � Qy �"a; G2v ,� /tt `" / 1. / r' r� G`GG//,' 1.71 /. -B/Ls, fAryt- e ttJR !/L ,16 ccr 1,0;(47.4,;:, hj. .tc•e •(Y U . �r 1,ur, quo l�'�' r �` %� / x 1. i ✓E :�" JiG !!/,J !r G"s�i7r /d, !/c"1. ,7 au,((i7 1r/I !4,Jr1[! f'l/iil/l ( Ift ,42Ar/f// (J I/J,j(�hr/'!XL -�? .� ,4ric ,] JJij,-, --,4c4 ' /4* !.11Z �i (4,'r lr /?(i4, ,, 7 `.Ir.=n / eClrlrte'�.�• ,/r.�,rr, 94Nn i/ jf„•!!r 4 lf.���r ' ►! !.r/f(l/41 ��/J'/(ry'h/f/ �C► • r, t"' ', I, '1 !%'a);/..../jAiwg.4:::7t,..„ l�7J/f! E. r'// J(( t. r'/1///7J1- .rlr-7r!!Jr` �, .r ,� / c' /!��''. rf ,/�/i.0 ;),%,%.r'/t : ,,�1/(/• 11ili(lr. F /rtr �lr�rrret.,((Y`.4rit . tt•b';' A,-224,; /6»' '- ii. �/�rrl�il e%J 1- r/7 - lrr (, rr(y ! r' C. : 1^ r1Jl / r//r<l('J:r . 'qty /6'1.,1 p4 i,'ef fill_ .:1 /t.�4.r frjl" .sr,l eT (/f(CJ!(•/rt./di`71i, y e e lilziefer r� (J. /( c%id /xij/ •f lis,t,:e1/'r.! e--'7 1l7Yr / di -very/ 47 i # !!%11,1-) . ,//1,llri/'!:/ r.4 -m -L ,I." 1 // e//''u7 Id / ' ( j /V': .'1. r ("!/rrt Ji/i�.r rr r rr:.) 4': .' 11 :r,•.,rrr'Lrir /'r��•/r r5►ir�r rr r fey/ .,,, a p. y , r ( ),�t,'/ ':�l, ,_ir r /)'rift.r.•rr lr.lOrrr✓r•ar C`- C•?`l/tt'. >iIi rr•f/l.' }!// f/�� /11 4 it)etce •, .0. e/Ifa ev- -,�yG'tr-lsr(lr 4.• ,.%(/a• /Its 4YfL / 'r?� %�A! f /l.12 ra� it r��q 'ion. �t s%�olt PYJtEsYJc 4^. fo,r /..-.4., /.rN�( [' /L' ri�fnl44;3;9 / (li1 ! of rinr K.;-, ; l4 / 4 / •, /r r5 !"7//aS '' �.' //!i 17✓Il11/0-4:644/ !t ! ` Si, t a. /1419 �(r lC,i ^ /G)y [cc_- .%J . tT r ,r.rCr. •�'„ / . ; } I A C 1 -cc -,ca /SY In A5'41 »4 .a,: ?) .�c/';i ,A, r } (#Y//';L, �;lt'u.a.•5`'!r/. G�%%jail1.�lrrr , e.:4;.•., ,r►r1Nr, .'trrr'6r 1404ir;. .I�i�%l' /4'e:/...,.#4.:,v„...,,,-:,,s4.. r/ rr. rf ' li/lfJ.r f / /rll /1I, 1.0,A. (rr,•r, ��lrfL-.r %(? /.�a�l_. J/ ,};�Y11.7/r;'IA1t.(vJlr r j.•r1i��! .r•�:;l �'j- ;. ,: ,. ,r , l;il, (. l 1, / ..2g;/8".f f ivi7r.N ... er..�e-rrt/ tirtrr i;Q!• . '141 l' ,�.4. /l m , Lx•r,1 4r e2or' /49 l�fl�lh / r4i'rl/c f t . ff. 1; r ! l9t. r�i�d�i 1, ,J ! GvtGY�1 ti:�c_ rut .d,{orr /d,/(t11t -r%:Ir-1 i •i % �+ r 'or ,"4/t/- `-kr.ele. s/eJt!' tYlra r i7 v/7 ri•/t tr14'/ G / /`/41)•, dnr efi (24�r ,rcrr,:tsn_ ,44` rr� e srr f l✓I'�e=. (�f1 1 . % � C.r- iJa�r�1c-A. sr� G, 4��?'/�•/ttfir/ ✓��,�ga-44. sl 'Ar•f.. ;74,7Y:44• Q4.l , �- / !I „ ,- ., ,. ,, ., y t,. (14Y`t: L. 49.-0-8.; t !!l! e. • r/ •t I/ .r ., lrl h' .r, �,.//'' 1. /IT ✓ '%terra• l'lla l / r a! 4.•Ir! &c -e. 3.4: /1.s%/ "ea -1 f'rie! (/r}'l1:7!(IL fe.t i .r ��+ r r , h»r a/. / 11 !e Yc1!.' .,r 44/ r� /ter � i. � �� r �� ��-rcC�ll�✓'irlr.[ "lrr./ f.�G-, �f..��/. ,Z'1�a i• ,/7 /It ,:'� - - TT �� I / �1 7 N ,r St %L�nriec �, 4•1c7L n ! .." ler/le4Z/ . .y .4liec,Jet : irq . 6», s Go/111. JC.7/�[ lil7, 0-! 161 1:(•/ fi�1%aZ ,r .I en. e,r t7 �.rl..i..0,1 / e. ele-ref. //e!• rr��' ,. L .44 .'/�' • y /41 .14'G (le7 /r7/rr IL (/1 >� .Jp7( ,e,-, j --1;e:25- j t f / �lrNr/IILl r dta>'ir ��Yir ti ['- (it, rot ( r. `4.( ,h, f L/ /r�x/�%%- c�/c. «r�y t Vie! /' 'Ld'71/.r<l eiJ 7/e( 1`�,4t. tl%1t G!1/.1 l//.4, 3 rl �. 12['C!^tee-c' d 1��c1•C a-i a -Al Jr • / Car-ltrCrd c lnrc._.. 3 /2ece• deci 4 )t Q170' -1/..1.a.-2.9-14 /9-a wj ,/4-1. 864 /. . r.l fj• //f// I. /6136 /1 `l . /PAP 9 d/ ? e-rci'P.i' /CA.. K�lre ✓r; ".11sr�r/�' F- 4' rr .. l� i!� r/l s!f/lCil (A !711Q, /g.% k •' '6/I G•n✓fir ..,,„„ 7: e (l. irrfZ4r1!( •)" i•rilzPr7lr� r, %...t T:ta �r,1_- tr/!.J/!cF � ,• ry r,'�'(/(.I)1. ,)'p.a/r t,/ r16l� ! /�l/flrt»c kYs/resex 4;" r Gfrt/t .77/1"40.14 .0.T1 �. TJIei /.lflr,lfl rr.l.I�. l+. .�G:YIi't/%r. /�dYr'.1�r�/ ..0 r'T.(/.'1 (!a �!1 frY !'rIr :r%/:.lR,'R ' /rr/ire r r 1'lrr+ eli 424.0`1,474 2lr•YI 4'rtlf!• Yel.. liJra•..7 r 'f [l'. '4. r.%;4 /!! AtP /i''/r'N,'rt/,`4,:e/ /1,•.re'rr•,r.,Fe 4fel. ,Jrf',•e/S;Pr e• / / 1 ,�Ge.tl4'4' efr e,/ /% .1,71i tit/r(/ . r-1,2/ '174- a ifljl//�Z 0/1:-d![,- •. /le JleY/.1 en, C(.%;jd',/D f�' �.9P /11711.,lMy 7.ir-/t /ralrG. f�rlry/t/a,' �J'-%!://..L.'rf'• /rtJ'!t/� 4j/, 1 // 7 y�/. Ir !rI'lI r z. �ALIT: i�ilLl.l'f' _ d 7i . r. j .. , �;.� _• .. r,. r qc., err q c r -/e. /tra • ' • di?' . •r f2:54; :to•,re/ ' ifr s ,. C r /19i76.1' flleir.L'� ore r'rrAtrrrrx.�.Z. //l_. r/og& 44; f��rrico/c •/1 . Sr%fli�irr� i %�.rY' fr�y�rr, ta•�arZr,~�e .9%tja'e 9 %1fa> 6 ri 0...-41r4,/t. 0-Ll a-lrcY tr �1.4 ._C� , r! /a=Q/ d D /. •/ •/ , / 7 er r!r / Piro r7 it I rr 1 /.f. /Ill h•r1C. ,elii le }s .%.�. �t1t/lrnr s�LJ�ty a7�'71 O� Tldn%• rret�. r - / �• _,1/ ! %:rr't..t. "(el .rr`e. _ .L.'.rwr.re [/i'sr•. ./. f, /J"":r f. Ir /r C if tl 4/4"..., r�- R tI . , %%141•x/ e/I?rrrfrr. ,/Mr Alf; r r / , /1 r n n r! l� ry .9 /3'43, 'ri'![Ke�-Gl r L Uyy7L d g7trl , r G z/Y 4. Lr 22 /9 7C --‘1' •r ., ,r r r', ii /yBC r, rJ 5, ' .r /ern_ -Pt." .2r' /Ira? g-. G Cale A( ' U - /�7r. w1Cz,/ .jr`,,X7-J7Y.4't�.�•s!l ciir .�•e-rxt .1e� a ' , )' � /d drn .,n nrac rr/rrrr. 1•rrtler' fs- r'C 6201,:/1/.-"$Yee..eze;•ei--ariiz.00eve, e;'. /e; ri / c°ii,ior T%e.n. '' f:' Z. / 1eY/Tt C 4r! ` ayeeAl diajitc!..v �G711 �%r; i.4rr(4i' r101Pt 07,110.1,0"' it(; . f ,I'-itrziVi'G, r_ .�`f .'![ cif rt / /rj�rc 21.�!lli‘dr: rrG,l. CYl✓t-�rrsr /1 Lo.../4., Ir �s1!J 4 s J r!' !l � I. / 1.. --,‘as. •!(' /;71"E.<-l�-� rf'74 4y r e.L'Jti t -4 6x451.4- rt .�•VL-4'f7J-r4.14.feGi •rtv I2 '" Jr . rr + ¢ t7J11! 1` � rr Cr . ) -Ir. f'2 t7rl..'d ,/t-24Prc-.ti!'v ��0/27 de.`'-srf s.rn� .70- aev cYre,r d-��i�1+- rl.Cf..'�T!?..Ait€e 1,��./.I .��'. `//d'fL ��Y.;.tlJrr/.� �'j�tl f✓I/tC- /�1'J! 'Ate,t9 / 91, • a/ilr.t{t.'L�r,,t1d i I. 4,-„_ eJ�,'t.1:2Q /A�z el/ 1 (Pie. dL (P„`n yN vs .°. d' -/'Gee e.r... r!? rI ,::-.4,,,,,'. A 7trr i.,.4,-. 4/ • � r ,• ,r .r ,, R I . .- ✓ -rr /n n.' J' I 543. 14- (:-.0./ ‘4.-.,- .J</r f tr1,�»mres/ Sf r/�rrrtu.r /lrtirf .. ./ !r„..„irfr. #� foal I/ 7r,J/ �'a-1// ..7 11(/, it ./ 0. /l /71 4417r..e4 .. / •, a lar! r • ` 4' 4,24;a4,x,. %2 • ?G-iif/ .6. Z> ✓f • /94 ►, �. ��21,, /�l /. i7 4.4,1/7-1" • dr •!' ^�C< .l r,1y <t/<l %'cCcr•lC c G rt cr ! o,' ! ,; , Gr�t4 ., #6741 ///arri/a /S /L! e..1-!'" .1.� /VI$ f / 4/ / 6 /4 4 .* 11_,Xe pf.,e, r ���t•Ct- rr GGI Fr L/ te(lf,P/il_Gszs. a 41 r A 1• ���j. _' QA� /• ., .. - .. 4r - .2/9-J6 r/ J �r�- � //�L (r.7 •' LiILL:• !/ ,„,pfLt'l'. FJ� h H. �!i/vr (J. s!•! /I>r,G r ! lrL� !/ rCi« .fr !( nrl :;;:? _ /a ft!/r/tl//r Ci lit///rlRr(�//li•r (l /A7! 4,24 Ir, M Fr C 77/L�rlr/d{rr. i.rq r17.•r/G / / e-"� alyn'fn..r e. ( L. If ./ 1 ! r7l9N4,-. A/ :! '34Xre►e:.- e/J<6114.. r'2eir:1 f4: C . �f6 f. Yjl�-1: �'Ylt� r 1, �� /S�✓.�•. f► rf #. �- r r. ter, Frill/. 26/ / C A :• )7.1'!•1-1 L-4 'AC It`reei L.JI.•el•ere, 04;1.0./.17;;;;00144, . „ -a...tffrYel. L P`f f7lJJ[et /!ra rerr,F� ;•^iit c� /!r). �, is. �>: . X / ' `r .14_, • ` ~ ��`.r� /� 4 " ../}?;/ tiv '� :` n /��r f/t�a9��i�ifs rx/o�tD� •r ff-�J �,�t�vrrr� ll�Gr rr• a /x rirrti a rye• F �. /�u�Fden„,..,,,..,:.,..„,,,,„r is r a• rr if f'�' f• if .. :gin, n /.%i1 ee/i /.s`/►'.>* ei" .r•' f/f//r- lr'/1.24c-- i. 74, Ir A t• r• i0 I. �?riir t� Jr f) . F G don. / L'!slrl.G yrl ! JY/L. A' P. ar'•JR� f. f iditn•ir-n/ x-m e r eile/7 .laic, d rf.�7e.i///vet 'ii t• rJrd»',rd/mac- La -/.45v !t• dee r/ll:. ✓d'.V. n'/' -fr1un_ • evat- /Map /� �`�1ar try 3 cr r�ii ittzeo t-+jTI f eYltineeel / ' / j' y �� k�.iwtl -.,,,/Xsi r. 7,44/7 62240 /fr34. 0y' eniait �.:470,r9 Wei rv•A. «wG 017:///: /k'S.i • A- rr , / 1? -8 A . wr'c✓// /i �- ti , f• .. ff fr n frsr/t C►ei / J5'..fj. 'Y A ff M r 1/r If (1�e._1/�/•f.te../✓,/s J. iewa r fie to G e. /en ale; �10.1rr/t ft- LYfi��7rulr- DI G142•. r.rfr_• Jit f ff llr, /`e.'1, ��'c/ 9r /P-4 2. n i..4e/ ddrrL,•lr1J o' 4-.&/,, c ! 'rrC- 'f»Irr'��4 ,�'�tf� (/r/.rl�7l/, /� 'JdlL f it M I%'ol C / " M ., 4" U g -1 f(t hz . • ile 4lGr ca7 aeokire t. i• (2 -- pre/ re l r/6r9►r!> . %%�. +✓o7f Pf ;IP:W a,f, Wal (ti led:, rvr�G lor/r e �('J:4 4/1 /R:f y r`2.e. LI/1,gx fC`rf`grr!�r 'If fr if n ., !'r''e-,. L+Jce //1«,r� cJe4j4re? vv� ey' f, /5:U,. f F r /7 a wt..- �/4Tt .. .f I/ rf• vvr... F- 22./Y /F.`l. thyt/$ni r / r + n ?i lzC j%!>tll'!LF r/4'd'ltE�l7Gd'!n/t>I / / d /YCia Cyr:' 1 of d d CL . 0 . /6,� -in er /r / /(f/i(.? 'i. e, .....et ..r. ..-t/ -vie ,[V 71 4 1 :/ /re (/, 1::' Cf � 11. �., 44 f M' 117 1e?EL . A?l.,lrr. ,, r, ..;rJ ii4.cil:f ./1/4....f /Arc,/ :/Ill.l l � !!CG' sk-7r `i�l��" %f� `r t^t.� �rL� �•veyy i I 11 r � 014- r X ,41 OW • 2.7 .-ez: f / �. stn y pf jL ,� ".44.10,40 , if i�� : /e tr[. /., . ' •, j^ /j r e /EVE= �,� 'Z£Crit teed f /dr/ .v� ha oh' �z J rnti9:-� 0 //y� 11ar.Y i iCLILr1_r. J"'; ex.r. rreurAC4tee' rre>::� /e"A. vCC-i<.e/ �` %/L.r"r'+ 101a%iea t1f"m ,IF t j/r � �� %+z .•�c! 1 'G l' '�kof' •� ' CH:9U /�' .t?/It fir Cs1J'lc� d -n, rec�e•,'u/ic' a l�e.i. y� •s�cr ra.+ r.• �.✓,rr.� ./fl. C, terg./! //•/LG .Zezdy LC,` f7e // // / /, A " r / /S't 6 . zi .y'reer!c 'rr.A Qj & ,Z -r // r�- r /• y- eel,' dire&, - i, /S~l %. /Az,' 1, ••;,,&... a'lzet, f :� e er?.r4f •Q%?sirt' 44/ 0.. laic , /53.4"." y 4ri1-e- g:r.sst, dad ti .1//ire (AM r,44/2 te:/ Jlfix+.a.4i. s sool.• Gmt- Ci4rp%' 18: N''440. t`,�rurr ✓ ry4. ,. �l?l nere. awed/ 04.71 n •• +/ ,. 'H s7T_0.4L. .S` /r4/. • • C"..);11/41';//hic3e��iteqrrr mil lrtr ,Z//. ./!% r�irl�/L'lLfi/r•R+4•%uilr/ , r-ise✓G/r/,���./Y,f irect/ rl.�t -r, yy G ��TL ' � �i2C ✓�j'.. c' AIL fled "./../;:a7 (i • . IY //8,44,/,/ 8 / "./12 "14 L' ic. Jr 77 ntr.,r ,!.l e. . r a /(4...%;r.«.., �'/-� r,i4 + ,. '- l /�lti, inn i� /..; . rynGf dL�r� . F� . - !s .Yji'i=..'ll�4''r(FCtdr! -1/4rvl/?4r-AOre-.77 rJf.`t •�.11!/..r-fe'lG-.:r,'1ll,5!"'.'(r,.r./(r.,t. 1::f+.'f•�(r .->�t•,! a ,./iiiz e.L/ /r dei ,,;V LecC4c. , /fG� s iutr./ 'r,!-il 9 n-rGX /r�33. ' .. / / .L' SC f. /�2.s_' r%l rr rh/L �� 14 --iii f u�'f ��> `' v ��G < CCR• �CGGr� «�'�,> rl��iL /.� e •&';ar G'� { 11 ✓ +' f,, OM/red12;;;71,/i. �� f . .. lr 1, �'�/��+ �� / �J/ n rt'l 4- � ar,! !l!>�,� �r . �{y /d'3.%�i '• V` 1/i -e /It c P -A, Vers,K.' •' •' f• .� ► - .' ..�G' (7/I./ . /B.4W ✓Il r�if. /�/:e ' ., �/z lit.am /y ��,,// / C1NzCrj�' , /�'. .✓ell- �J/YtiicC�T/a- {rr�r7L.f .miler•/fit{ .it/t'pl!/ [/'/iYr1ZCC+I f(Gi� d� fJ ✓ / n n hew '(IL,%Glred ' 41(7t. <-',%%a/anf . 1 •, �j^ . irrt�n% tir..i fi4r/ (4. A-rwlr• Mote I LGY r r �!1 /�llr ll.+I :.�� J/'�: Gn- .3A e-1 1-2/' IC %e'rl�.:t l ii/ ', ., •r .1 'I (r%�,1 ' �� ' / ,./ l/ ". 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' i��,ff W e n r of 4.,./.:),.. ..,/ jc',,r y c -C ,,,,,,✓ .4://,-,==.e. /re t ee/ hr y tone- 24, /V41.,/. / 4% ' a'TV i 17 r la( eV X lee 1 aiJtG ,Z,,,e i.7r•r ' 1%64 "zit ti -V �tcff, -▪ 71' /d'3S' ! / /` 1- 01 /G.(! 0", Gal tilt- `!>t./ /% Jr f lL �.Lr Z ,• !„-Z...,„_ 1:::,.,.. /////r «,/l' 17 e ✓/ /! 0-= «.1 *' !t'1i�4"' if/1 Li/J`!' 6lf!!? !ll �, a: «r tef�• f-" I'�" •• .t t /LILY. � �i• /6,4";;C! /dY. ,' If '• 'SAG -s< yet,. it ,� Y+� y )/' I, t ,J ekt:',X :� . 1 r • • • / rT C:'i ' e.- 4// y.et • /At IIr 4/ t /i / -j • -. . 14 /e /?4'.( lash f /(93 (A1al /may 1!! 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V14str!/%r'/� G�li. -/L. cer{,•r/ h1 ao-",,, a .IG'Y•',t�QI�?•fvU •� 2. (, tra , ,'9j( II /, „ ..1. 1 a / -PIT%[ J R'l"/r* /J '1 _ `./irrtlF L 14!4!,1 1--/g!7 ife l c? /rn Will( ll 6, I,',7t • , � h, .0 • , , r �r ,,re. -7t � /�•l !r •6. Rrr; ��rrrae! v(�/c 6f .� .r 5 K •, .Z .�`�1! • %�.L :: •r ', r /I• r L`Q1'h ..... r yf •/.91.1 • fc.- a ae-eC / g N rr ., r, • ,'r a'. 8 9'4,5'. . /817) • .. 42.2Ri•I14Q ����� -i ft:r:•.,-t44t.,/r .• , coi /17,,,ceec%,t 91 • 4 /.1czarr es-a:d ' 14 d�/fr 2G7cGr• :irr L%(..r vT�o,1a'lr'r.'.... • [fr Ise / /• • ,''/,?,'/ /1 r/Ot r!'/i r/9r111. • IJr'lC.7/r ,n4/, +«i�f //h7, .!/r l%irll!(fCll.-k"'• iI f h•.i C ('I�rlt..�l7lG ,�� .�.3 � �7. /7/i'0CZr/, rrrC_l7lr'Jt ."‘•7/f Vote,erl'- //!JA:,44..4.•,.../ rr:rtiJr'r. At l7,+//%/in-`,4 // /r S= // M ,.. rr. ►r C/14.74:7,/ e.r..:.srr4 6 firct.:3./r31>. c•1,2 „rte � •ir,•>'tn /, ,y n n r► .. !4►ri-1_!y'Gf-/!? /Y3�. �lR% rrrlrrr,r,":".,„„f&,..,,,,_,„., /r IL ,• ,' ,, r. r A477/b id.s4rdY�rE.�i4/ i11: iT 0ms.,✓;4 6,44 e,4- • ., . • 1GJ✓( %lldzti5 $c. //.f r 1, if /!rn bit G 1/,,t- `/lFlil t)!; l'ir`f 2. ?,rc, 'if✓1r& 1iu.Z. al071 1/ac, it?:/. "Awed_ /4-d, —cr.. 3if Wale- .rn �t�.".S`, /834 ,. - �r,v..,:•CC ~/,, /Pa3l/. ' / t lllir,•c/4, /8.38: %/)/11r. r✓/ G5/" �L � %lrr,,�'rz c1a.��11//C: � �C / Z�r'a r/,_.1/mil/a, ��,�-'l/1'�r,•. .�, .. , c,.�ir-.-r/.- / • r,/r 07`)Y.IG%Y e 6Cr: (1,1, rrarC /t[ G7'"felA r-4AllLie'zi . ' . 1r!/LY t i/• 4,7-n.:.�/ �/Ir'll. hptiof ' -4 9- (' /ir3Z1I1a•2:����/�I�c� ��d„w Flo,,. e��h/�n.,�/,G �'G�'f�.8G�r"� . t: Q �� ?. ,, . . _ . C an pit %J=P -11t!/, GA, yo. 491;4?/s•e- rt 57hhi, Ar4'4,....,G J/r1r,,,4 k- t?•I+R/G•0I4, i4.7l;-Curl . ,1:x'/1 r•1.t ,, /W.3•f . . e.e e�Tr•enr �rit �r �r ���'tr�i✓LQ/ • Z l�iY r..,�l�r g��/.IuI •. f %� / r�'f kz' 1! I �l rlr7'J'r G r6ur /C L. '/ t" lWl fie/ 1. ryl - _ _ • oo 3 t..11....A.1.;, r,,/,r„� r/i i;;, /7/aZa../.4.14 .t�,r e_Aai:'11 Pnr7n,-t/1 , !'ealr'rzc wf09clee,!/ (-14e:wit ¥ �-Car a /19�7Y/1 ,r % (i11lL -1 f ea -7",-,‹ rrezeK 4ie eCe ,/'/YY j/ /11, I t r/'?ri/ur'•/ n1//1�e? Z' •' ([71 �/ c(a ✓liq.1 � �r%1 r/ G�cGh n n , e%rrrr Jl7r mad' - r/%l rrK2 d'rr� �rllrr, � IV"r*‘/ ‘811491e"/./ • (emu - /y //.G.2 .,� a2CG? 6, /5".1,7 km —9P 4 /;' :3 , /$4. L/ e, cAitif,. VO/�r�si�.sr• 494/ /41 cr.-91Z+ r t 3i ref ,.✓' �, ,/l /.x.�' (pi "- r, • I, /y. - /1.79 / ' !:• lL,lt'lfl � // • ,/ !)Y(( a/rs� refry/Gf7 e_ ledlrr.ft' 'rr,Y•! l•!�/ /1 /r /1) .91; rl-•rt t G'c (r.f (e. /L dC'L ., r rig fir. e.. _4/<< /Aid~ y� v' GitL7/G/ dG�n dt�i;;ifi:/ r./I/.T'!,' •• 4i�'Cti;lit74. l,ren'11 Le;//a ??/f.-/'/D�.i.3 /2P(?d d. 9'(2E?i7 ei• ,_f '. - ✓ / .�j r� . /po•- / &-' t./f/r' t /f c2r.4 h4, Yj,f /c . ti71r[); Jl G' G `�cicirr' t�� rl�rrrry/lt r✓c*x �" �+Cf L�ln r hr C[�Y tHt ij° ti/17./ rnrr,/ 'f�rlP/I sf•t� c%vr'(�rrz' -t r/ll /�'-C • e„Arve LeOiL ra-trf/f. .�s l7 G matey/ el,', ;//���GGd-!ri• r�//rie /Kr/ t ,/'K -'Y�Ch :"- Lr • 91�►. /r�:�, _:. ._ 7'-" `1' xr)A,/i/fl i<. IIGy 4 0 .� .�r lf./l 2.3110i!ir�. i rLl..sZ1a• P.f71Yf ' A 'fLilr L`P'/ r4fli7i€I/C/L- c67✓ 14/f .Q.`�. /�//�//�!I7/Zi ,4r/ 1/,�,„" � rlr, tr �8 1 - 6 c ltfave y `1fr at -mad Dr Cl2r� lit t t�l. f� f awe, /AuG!'/Y. 1 ..ti drlrire t/** i/ f� �%, f, �. �r /� ' Mil- " li� G�( marled:., �i 4,04707Yu• �' Y.-gZ:za, Y'• Y1.tr/I 7t ✓I ,G'. /La &i.,/,fli . % / / L � �'t/ r[/!may �//1 (� / i /,1 -h (?4 i L /ter-�f''" [!' l t r!: -}^ ,.l , 4':',) -4 .�f, %4 t,�'vl'• /IP% s r/ ems%/ i` r/ rL.' ere a PI Z. 2./.....4f- './,' �.,.�"/f�+� �• �/ /r/ � • % - - - - • - - •1 . L'rry7J•lia%:,7,7!lac,/f. !>�71 %/ a/t. r..�!'![ >L.,_1!."r 4( 4 -1 -;in -.1/,1.1.4.- /,+�7.r 9 Cif in ri/C L� d��r L' /:r."tX le; rd/C_' r ' - _� eZ• r es 4' ',wane . .. ilr., 4.41 1 .� � . ? fn ��.�� 4.A � ,. r,� 26/'/83% >rn. uvirrwie t retr .�. r/.r.'r a rr• /•' l..4 II /1 ., ,, ''‘.4 L.D [y� f y- 6: y f V p ,1�G/i?illlFGr�. ., ,�� !O• /c��3 it of +r t•/��L'Jr r'rLJ1�/rr �� ��l•r-fA c�.i.�j e.• 'r -C/4,_ .:Gay„;Cui lrf 7�''2' / r Htr�r./:. i 9,/ 4. h I r/;� ECG LGLP. Al • ' C•S•GleJrlltlr, a///12...Jrr>r, n'//a�lrr.�.e%rah l/ J. fr /4� //i1. adie.. - ir%lam (f-' 5r 4( L' 1 f,.;40'4,a li%+«% +242L Of Vimiir r fJC . V Y was . 4r,`- �rtyaI h1 r, 02:ce.t► PY !1111, ale - /• \/l fl 'r� •f (Gyl Y %%l � rfa% P rll. 4K c .�rtra'74�u.4 // h+?nr-,:.)4i c(r . /D, /674.2 /rY7, .S c c• ' ,./an p `S- a/ f•• ,/(rte ,/%(-L An: r%l�L� •x/iy/41L. ,Z.11 -2 vji7�•/4 /7-ce./ � .. �• tY711 n g Po of ' ,e � Tp S' ✓1/i tire /.,u, - UI�/ljii� J-! A CO Pe:Z..0 i1r-l• oipr.,/,:1., I F Grrn ,../,‘..t? /4. /:-.7 614.7." .. /1 /Si>'i. /&1. . vrr.. /!,'4./ r..�A /,?, /Sly/. r•,L,e • `!`!G L -/,t C, C.Cele(*)(c 4%%err'l+.de' di;,, 4 -re ....i.4-1„, �u ,�rrr7_:lG, 4r�-!!'1r' ..ri` e%:c/y ';; 4/ • . c;/rrr, 1 a, ,.,4 r•'! • • €3;•x ,*-.• a:e :. a5' /� •.. 4 �ti• t? ,%07f. G• • .• �../ - ( .j1 •,Z4,! a i-e ..1G e.." .4O!! L%(... 1: , .,.' "./d741 • /P pp ZS ee isiic C.;fi7>rftj1..- sieW v/,lit-e.:V si 6- .rye17v-a 1 gill. 1 / ' •''�, I . r, fl 6�� �' I 1 4- - 'J - 4..24? , l l /d',?.f f{d Y! . r JC ,- ri71(G' r f ,i , !Z! �Y 1 t / y[ �/ Z. I'l gL. r/t / // r �l "4,', // / / rJ rT, f�iT art - /7 A/ % 1'. `�^ I ` I r L' 'tl� � C /!I fit/ rri.," o. /x3.9' . 6..?// V ez. /ii./,r- 0 r'r4• r -// j iitui'-- /f!'lzt.!!!z r / / ' fti .,/ / lrrJl� Grt'i,er.,r+�•rri1 „ !/c((4 (• ' i f/zees ,-1: efre.r thlj u J`CsiIfi �, ✓P/I !� '& ((in //! , , (1.01/7 /(u(11 /tate r../ ;v �� l:f!(!!`f • of e:zi .Cir/f '��".71 �' h )-/+ J ffr,�/(J'3�rr ^ :Liz ,rY. /%C[!•J!!r'! -1 . e.1 (4.I'rV / . d5 •�/. /.3` Can./6 i + AI( i. • , . z '14.4; 'tr, 4r. > rs. s-ua e..0 7- u( v. P7,7?M/ �'�' '"�%v�% -1p• -4477; . ?:7- (A77' ,t•rta 1p den MI speell�>,1�� l'u),c{? �.rrr)yj, f� � ��.+Z�/ftm/f, 7/1, /,4 /rrc9/ 7/4' V2/ �, �y,,J. 47tt, 1 /7I727>' ?'9 '"' 6 [' 4'/ "' JI' ' J8 • ► r? -r 1 f .�- •" - 410'#1 -'/ I & 1 /r/,I v6 ' r� X11 ,V7 `+ / J7 ,. `tl?lic_ II . /:/ U , / j /1�11/j1 ://y - 0 /44-?,/ ! [ 7t. ' X71"1/'1LIJ,• f J/{// '• • • fj 4 111 ,Mta 7.41r` y ! / - 17/lyj ,i 'ship/1'1A. -ad0 .±�- !/ll �,�� • /, *Ara r ei.1 r"../.:.,. OJ r f •'..,..! I/ I ,.r ii', r',dr.t,•r •�/- ief$ (1: �jrt:/s ti•%1 „•(ir r4li„•%'Pf:T.Jr % ale, �:,., 2.,P41./.,.., I/ ,C I%rr/J..r/i' x., IL // ' C, IIIe4 s•.Crl /.),[ f1!/. 2".r. I ., di", r .l, r" ,. ,11'I1'? (s'',Ise. atf./0-r t �/,. /1r (0..`/7 J ii• :?7, e' ( ,rl^rcl s' e.T4r7rJ L►.>»t. s�(-3,r,,r.lQ v41r.l r -V rrJrllr !ri rs'JJrC„. t1�' 111 ' ,r Ky.z le .t Yr,c. ./i.etu in %rr d� e• . .r , .r ' II //PI /10 elf . a1- r „ .r.. „ 49(4•91 MIS ✓!I eekteei P ../e.I1- !/ !%,3 C./y.4 arc'JI .r ,.4; /lr it , Ael1C r-i.•J� ((from ,'ll/• `/ 4I r N '/! ! !h:/7r t)! ;�'.'7 i freer, 1 `jJ,/1 cr.,/t,'i,l,•.• . L .ri/ t., .t.:' J'. / r/7„!/rr.f f'1+ rl7{! . ifir,s , CC 2[J- ,/,6.-,3a. 1 "� , f� .-7/.4 Pr. 1i."r•• .:=• a•1r.//4a,. .'''et ti. 'fa'^:lat4'1. :?r, nY t. l.r,t %/rirr ,i /), /1 ,f. ere- /I. 10 • '£ ., c'.1 -0s ,;?1,4z..,,24, /43.7, t'a•,,t 'l" iZrj' f . /try�-.:4CU ;'7".•••./ .t /e,,,c !4 , / s)::,'' ,9-:- 0- .7 . irr-rt//rrl1/ /�, /3(jD -.4,,,A,.? /5/n17. Y- n ,/ 1,1-, !/r.;: L Ss, %1T%5% --t. [ist .41.3, /S'36. /4,9 ns ?j�{,/ /�, /fr38' '7•/a 411» .' 2, /S-4.:• . /er kid n•//,/,r r rr�/ l , 3 • -r ) - l „ - ia(^ /IV •G • 1%1/44/ /Y rl.. ;1,-.r .Y • (' /2 .tom !f'fr.L� J4f / 2/ '/'(Off Are., ,1":‘ r, J (a•. ,f i-Viii o' t�' isi//rr/, :._' �- '/. „.'n ,i t. 7f ' , r ea'V 6r4r.. 14,44.7. /5—d4. r��ttr./!vr , err/'y G lime /,iw /r r �:el.oreb/iirr:lr'J1 •t .1t'. /d aC!>I. /'J�__.�.r;•r'r/ r- . rtee,J'a1e [/l ��rtlY . ' Ile• e ,J,v .ify> • )»/ i'r1 (2l£?t rl.rr.,i%l!,•,e",% itr;r�J/t�re, %'';t-- e fi.Ja ,�xi r.+,j'e /Yrr. PC �5, /lr04. • A',7 4+. ✓ #2 1.4.144 . i ,i n ' A . a !t -F, Ia. !G; 4,.; i �, writ •' •C'C1Jt l/ty. 16'9 Q% (r,m•C- ` It; 'erne rJc 17.,71 % f'!t'I rL/(r�/xGJ� (•& (� t!i'l•h7 J , r,', c t• ,, r,%C I? n /5%3%67- . f2/e'r...14 �lrf.alr, .4uiq.f/%- l t �riot,f; e%Lur,ter P- f///,, -c i/r.i i. i/r l ,'J._ rely j�.Y / tfy.. r/[r /it a -n At 1� ltl,f!!1 r/rjl r•;� i'1/!l- •••••';'' !!J/t-'r 1/G 4 1 !'frlYa' I�1 /to'lit•llL'II: lid; J% i/tr✓/.0� r� lCI Zia LC 4!1.1,1 /t / 7-/e /rerr r,• i''rrl.•.e cC 719 If n Of- t rii.,r,• '.; ;!f %//,7 •� }f /i.,1,'r c t -,i. G �fi elf /.,`` /g3. ,. ✓.. ., cite :� /fl,'/�-�/•. • `4 ff,, t' 2/,. /n3 et/ea." +tt ���'iCrlf! li4, ,, CtJtR/i_f dr e -X, I-Ci'llrrrec- 44,,j4,040;rt_/1p2�• Ilf-,Iay y , Y,rfirlll�cf�C �F/i,Jt /,+� ,. ,/.i �n n/ i�i•L .1 r 4.3' /d 7.f . !ZC • aI-i/r/ll ' s' G , -awl �% ,7 .� a/!�l'1 4�G .iL71.4. Lam• / G2C /'�'C�Y /tre9.49 1s.:02' l r � • a r r .�" . ., r r I. 1 414;,- /rP.Pa %1'4(,.4/,1 � •n 1,1144::.; p• 41;3, r" 4747 �'arrsr �fr�rr 4.•114'• s�/ n• [/Vav . _ :�.2 /f�`3� rr t% sr Pa 26 P 42. ,4MtV r! 4' .Lt• -7Z _. %cd • /d?/, 91114 ry:/rl/rC �r,ty.,.•T•' lrjr ( 4//rr/(/tf�fer fJ[, OJ'to //!? .1:: (e -P- 4,2/4;1 94-e: ,. •• r� /,. TTc�.rrlr t/t //r.1 r' '‘ri ek�r 4 ;r.../ / sr,1 et4-fit i' 6.?• ,1171' Jll2i [ (r; /n C/' clef r.rir.sl a •• „ '///er9•cX /2. /gal. r .Q- #4 ,r . r.6.2C'G ..f /J, /3 VO % r Lei iri.1,111 104,"� rr Is r r Gr.. r' .fir., d5.� r!- 1. AL / /ir r %2 c /,/ ,, rr ,•. .1" " - ., 4:49 ld of t,. /af'Yr9 A- • �% !•-',1 a 1 ,T ri 7,1e, tr./ .;l: !'/ e�`:/.'.7:,if./J. �' .1 (left :=.L 4144,! ;r - ,rs' vet f ., !. - • ,t'/lrlfl-C/L' //% (4/1.`%.f ! • t L r /4r,t.tGAet l/r![( •rrrlr rr .//(i1• /C94,0' • rift tr-t/(de r�. 3Cr:[;•111.). -fi.rtr. Jt t- r -15, Jn-r . , y. . � iJ� L , 2? $1,..C. rr•„ n ,r ! r t•>r1A7,t.,. rs./lLJ,r'Ne ar7S / rkt[�:, , f'!,•r :'11•. ,• ,‘//1444.1n•r it:7f . ,-,,&,,,.Yc tfre44 //.lriirr/e Ant•a 4• 7-A n tri-..�,%/tf.G'2 /fs4 /. i •! L+r'YJ r . Ile r9..:1,1/ ! •ti.4.. ,l//J;f.'J/,' /74•!44!far I,-/(rrr d/r,r,/it/r.J- i/ /riiJr / 4. 1.11 /( r'AI/4y . 4,'!1 . ! r.•1,tPr., �•fr2c7/;/.4. ./(J(/,,.fr'J-. '�- rid fir./ :1-1./7.,Jr .Jr>r . (.1r.,J'CF/Cr_ >/•r.;,1, {r 1(c. /,✓4r, r /y Licl. - It4-14( r.,>yI tL!„a 7 'I r' // !,'[t� L a /a�,r7r : ••tr�' - /t s me! .%c.�i/rrety je '7/144///rir....1.j,.I X f !ry{i !'.n+. G IO2.0.r// /�4.Z. it I, t4/d-aff , .. 1= c�./4'40 e '-• I!-: i, �'>: .. deZte. 1 ri- 1...,�r▪ .'i- f�'f///�'(.e•• ��� /,..', •7( Lt.?'/ti%!l.✓ ..• /•I! r. .. ft; /�33 ,Aratr.1C./ikey l lr ./ni eyCe // ,L C/, /f J(. 117" rr lltl lc 4' 4 LA/. r- /i eve. • r/ /ca; rt,r •4f I /.t (4' f,. /d'', i/l Pr' mac[ f..s.a..c. . r. , t- .. .. r• v r v . 5*. r.%lr'Gll ry .r .J 7/11 [ 9tt'l:lflt , ' [ �I2 rirlt ltt r te•e l_. 14 ( at. /ol..0 • + +.L{Maf; ,�✓�,��� - ri' rs 4 r r !;� ., l -/,qtr, of J/'L`/ .�J •.. rG ;s'.'•':.1//J 4�.. !/'r r e• �r ! /lf ;a+✓ y- c/ e ��/rnr� t/��� (i /i�lt 1/7(1 l'.lr'!' <' r%1l�t�tr-fie t)' r v''iJ�C •�' r4�lir rf c� ,4''' /111 rave i r/ r: /[ j 'anjL'Jr.:/.mot/! tf1Jt. / „ .. ., .r ,, ''r+ 41 .r �•. [••�l.�lYs/t�.�/. ' '''' 4 ri/'//lG i r Jr,' lLlc9lr/,'r r i7l�//rr�1✓t, fl. l✓ 1, e ' / /, %J ' (/J r�fr•rir.l:l. //Ie�r ♦//a/)/e(l ff ,lltl,,,44e ` r.071Y,l . f r: r f/ 4kartG) - ', /. a -p7 e,,,, ,,,,,,:fry,-, i!/'c-,44)t v/r2t r r /t!)LC I /7 dal foirtil •' . -,[ iY IJIC <-7t , j / _ am[_ LtYTrLr- �r.3/IP G' .! Cz'141t. Ord+r✓ d f1 rt/jTeJ7rtrl. ✓'Z�•t h. r ioff t/� % C � . ('LL / pt'G/ {' ;1A A .t 3/ECA37/!. 4' '7'7(r.-' Q'!.' 647 -/ eve' f,/ -g.-/ /it,' i'" -..6.7-.::://4 "04.11-50% es- (1.0./ ,% . .-'5.-, ''' " a- :4,T IOW ---Ai /L 'r y //r 'e .r ' q 11 iTrtJl1 J� 1hc.E.i i u¢%ski." e1 :%4 7Pjep. `1./3F L7 L.; 4.7.1-C_. ) �e�L c� 'f -r 4ec. /834 �7 . - j • /r7g.y / rt1/14 ,14.11e. /19,,.3 ti• .2.i '!t e 1 G• /f " re,r e- /47.7,244 a --f 1'33 e/��•' • Y 1 w , /. /C'L-21— 1/, /194e - r // `/ la: (r=rl!/ 1 c /1,4---.)",.(4�� ,r (� /, %J j tGr.,, (!• • rj s rJ r� .IC< /I f fu t' lr J /e���'' fry. f ,% �1i3� %, (14:- .Iry r/% sirW !•'r /GGl7i1.:1r•=5 Z.-ye/0' .S•;-?ria//lr,ri • !rlr reV; !! .e: /1 952 / /y.Y3 y, f /(l • . , f: • • .2 _-Jee. r'/'9 •ley / 1t7 • er-*7.1 i• (!O r`'!/ff</6L y-`7; ., (Gr'"lr. (fr,/,:da �¢1!✓�1� L/cl L -e 1 r/ .JbW. (iat<,ft.47��}44 ` if rl r. !'!T`!� Wi/1 r/ • den- y /r4.r�r ✓I/'- (-r.'' .0 lrr Iu„ 1... .. .- - •-- err c-. a . ryerrlfilr. - `lJ6r//7W/c of r A16r / t'1G �'/1'y� . ,�' r4 i.'te a•. �L`. , 1l .,111.7 i1 " Tir /t l ,1lYL t r/ W, vn , �` i .� ,1 .'. " a, -lt r> J� ,% �. !'- art, ldJ3.f � fr /LG GI si x 'f /� '� .r • , h .• -.(1//he i„," 42.. :�r/r l/?; Cr•r/fl,.4l�r i1 1...t!eg..Zl•f1J,/L1ri4 rCi•1r /CA:L f �i"r� !'G:�r •/Jai ,/, .. .1 ,/ af;% tee , alp../2 ,.�r/r p"./1";#, arm Jr,rGe.2` Gt./�f/Lly. !�frtrfi.r.;<, .!1r � 1G�Y.�. C.22 /83y . . 1 , J/yr�{//'/ • • /oy/'.¢.1/ YPneerweri . ae74 / . / .)- / G / ?G Qi ,rd'.99 //J. of r. /8)/ r •� 44 /N1 : s ,y , AM 9 j/fj,� alai/Wk.,/ . rXelJen '/11714%l-• 0-07. ,i%a err"/7t r r 2 rrr fr%/i.- // ff((!L1)f •f(FL'7)'1 4,471. arlr, ., •1 , G! .Q lliJi . /.�y/f ( / •/ il .IGC('9Trl�/7,e,� of irj Waif d%/1 �C � tom'"/z /� � f�LG[ ! 4/1 . /414 F/(J L Cill P/!C , . Jl �Cr/5�ft11 t fifer yjr'Y,J /•• •, :� •r to •Tr`' !.3 /�'�/o /-92/1/ I !!t L-141- Y( 'f •r •r .� )/ / (l7/ ter d.'Y� c 9'rr,Zee /,9Cfi.t! dr '. ne 4 bee 17 ex. /G r l /RPR.f '2. -/lee / /2 .G X 4revi e! (//Oit- /lira ••,4.1 r tier./ .S1,1; rrr I.. Az /"re 1 r,'+/t-/rrlt CA 14' .Ilj / 5'31'. !J c�srfee,: /a etrrre. , 6 / r / ny� rJf• J+ ;r ,}.. ii .. .. J�rir /rrlrc. /. . Q. fitla.t,ehfr�-r ,1 ,Y,,,YAJ✓rl rt.rrr. a6.' /,4...»/if -Ai,' e -/C": i r/'lf tr 141/r/r✓rr.%,;(4:!`et✓r(4.L[Y_ 47, /?4s'3. /ti �A •1 -Ike �► /• • 4.-,,, +a -,••fif. >c., -,;,;;;,,,,,;,,,,,i9 //r• �/ :i Lt'�J r/t r,rr 1 A/rrr „f •r' r ti'l %J}-;;.;:;-62./,Jrr Ir•�{- t� ✓yr f-YIrt"..ifs, rr , Are-01 � ,gyp .,,! � are I� lr 7� -/ e �y, !/1-rfd1e•Ze rOJJAna-tli'A/a»i-1 dar•9, :.,•1;;;•/;;/ r1 #4 ref.fissrflI'-CITc`,.ucs, 17g ,4 1 w�Glrorn <Oa". Z /r tern}! Jy tl1`7!Intel0. 4..)+ !J' (J'(r'✓•r•a/-e_._7:�C�lJY .fir-X�'s'�.L -�il rr•�r /'.'rn �_/t'C_• .�i� /A74- N :),/rrf.Zfi' /fr den- v cI/rr..ri! /4?•?s.v Y;34.44:t.- rr•EX .- .lrr✓r i3't� :4 .2r; l�si,4 '%L rt 1/C%l,/� j�'r (e'er ,c_ r .•/r ��rr`� r #' f1./' � [r'!"r;<.t r. 1/ir/i vJr ► r.•�e-. t rrre. c)51,-,4/2..(3-"(9, ' (, yin,,,,-/fpr 9.91 �.Clr- e/rr.'[sl - r+etri /.t /!ef r•'0. 14,74 Air/ ��r �p.f�. ,• /i if,t�n t1 %%/e. lrs�if-G R9 n J• Jr p r, J► �vrrt %%lw;•c/fr 2/ / f � ' / t1 /1 / f v. -7e/0 r`44a rt?lt f f6i-7''1'7;7 %rie/Ar<t.G ,(j1y,'l�J�irsr• 4. ✓ 1. j/ez eCd• /�y D.�d� ( (�l!( n6 s1rlr, 1 •, .r ,r rI P . . ,t •-•C!lai !214Jl ll �!fGCB/ rr 'r ,, r •f �r •r l(. -7 (i •/[f,`l L—fle(..'- (/( , /• .. /.t4 nom!' - /�� (/ r' ly1 1111 ! . f , -. l ,l • , • f, •, , . ,. y . GL' �?/ ri/1l(ek ( !/►7.m!/!%I ,,/ !'.Iffy( . ref' (/1-l/: ei�ULG G!✓ rr St .�•:i.7X/4.13. /AV' f 1/��T 1ala. (Z f/'(le! .: e ''it •�,r ,l of ,l, r1 ., G�.� a'�/�7C1( /O ,`f 01 /l/�fl )'i� (l• r! .. .rT •r rf .! r•r ri .//IL 14"a` /,04a cJy ¢.t` i �'Ita/;r �F� / %llec.� sa'�. I�p,'1 .�``J t�as�''w+ .slrr�c:,�i:fia ee.�' chi /4.34. ., 7%[if7fl,L .�iY7/f i,r.�Jr ..m tUiN� !r r� [>•. II II. .1. - - .I► - !/]1J !lr . �a� DY �t1/v/lte [V077 O� a II rT' er N n • t-• 7 de to', 4„ 1716 di! IC- fille.09#,C /lrfY1 ) ; t / el '.11.-f rr /s 7' ,� >1% , �� G +ff�� r /mac r rfl r� '� ,• /s <� t / r 'l //r!-t!%t!Z- fi„, .,1 ,f � /-I •�C/`9r-r✓1 lr4'll, !f_ 1 J !•rfr ti ��.� wi .mot (r !� +iG% !/! J, ✓ ✓, .. L. 4 r c. . , /1.`1.'., r. ,...>i• : / /fa r- �r'fl l f ( t ' r < exr f (47:i {,1 rr ,1 l c ty /: /0)..-Z �,t .'r /! r l�-.,1 { II t r„4 1 4,/... t„.',9.7‹:.4 li/i /� J Aye /•� !et t 7. i * • 74,-,/ ..) r"4, /!4,t. Mwrd71 4", "GetI/)1c? -/!<11 itrr/ • rf , / ,4 ZJ' t.Ye'kri- l('/ r'Y - 7:z.. ",--4-.7./ti err Liu'.f^ei', eka.Grm�.1.5�.'i�r_: 1/33 L,7%,I it •(/.irr/r/ , ,rr�.,,/c /,</!r/�,rf ,t/ ,:..� lr rlr!„/ /.'. re. e - fYY,L. �f[.�d.'!..2 0,41^rr .i ;VW? � it . .�rrrJ/il r• . ,•r f' •` �firl.l'i// F:.'AL. ;.41 ,;/('/!,/i,e•.• /%fr.•yJfr/rr.il«?f/,• .7(;)/A• �r. t%�rr lrcr f C, CV/2)0.'....Z.?/, ••luW� 3fi >i * G' ,. r' .,c�� � rr, r.•r �. _ . c r�r C1'vr.�. ()/ r[%'rl a lY i•L/4'�, }^a r/xr..rl7[[, !/:• fM ' U✓ C% Q r.'h L.. �/[Y,'Ir' r!r rvr G• Y'�I[.. r! IF r JIr �/ d�/r.P-r/4• [,!•///w✓!%.rlPlr , ,, /f•. rI rr --�• - rr '‘.e!e /rt es/ Jr / / (G tr lGicu n ./ elt C>/ .iiaJ/(L ltl�rrc illyf » #i pr -LA -(77, -./Cet-1,+vrdee l-7"ya- C€er d4ir.t__OXIA, ./.7/fl/" . L1/`l:inrere're�' Ji.a.•l,ti,r _ A; 41 .e ler,t C' fie- 17, %5teyl . _!r it'e lilter,l. G,• Off. r. /r r�-- .. ., ,�, 1.07-71-% L+f' J. /�3, h • 1fik%t� f2:43L d/"tr/C? ,t D`gilti..rwre! e-�l:�,j.�/."#Z , r K,�i 1.r/,L�ct�t•} ,Y/ .f dn�t ,'rCv .•elf�ir= �.1[e,'li uf)0../Zyer..54e;7ii�e'..1 ..• 4 -re.. &opt /ee!'. .. /O 31. rr •r ad. /Y7/e, r�ltllfl t t7♦/tlltlG �1•lr,'� r/r.=71 f 1t C r�i!!! 2rI C%L y/r •tom/" ��1G`!]G v! e•/7, /AV •1%-lrrF2/ f 'f! rrr, r'cf e.4Ote. ''tfr-rt %-0ir treiL /a l r/lli4td�f; nlr//J'sr, ( /ft Q%` / T; /S7. ✓a.m/eLe-ra,-, e.c . IX:LazG4 !!/rz✓ 4;51 -.9 It • ;fr%/,fl r/[/4/,_,/C). ri 11 t1l�.11'1Y1 1:1.110 e Gre, rr • Lt 0, �/[/ f! [[ i I j!lrltCYYI /�C�Iljfit .lt•')t (/ J i:flL/f ,i n 1.3.64r(�e ,/[ur9 t(Cl. rr •, r •• .. 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Adv lewt T / f<r1r r/rl.. �//L l��ili tC f(/ 11t�l "'/IlyJlliil r/!x`I/!ll.t�y� ���llee` //<r1 fi r , ! !/"ii•r!/e�f4 t• x'!''71 .-�. •,(!'!t , f!i`irlrf•tt r/(1 l-/rl rr 7;!'lrir! V/11r/l 7./4!6Yre,,, f�rL! %dill rr /t't lrCll% ' r/ -ei• //fi/fi/.: „ ., / f ✓ibe,/d! / µ�•r, 4b -/-X!! f/L •r „iv/4v • .8.c%L> ,,.. ,,,�� • fir/ 4i / ry 4 77 ` rT!�!Y' r'I! L!` ��f(/ �rl !• ru dare/. Il f!!'! ` �G'//!L ,..V.111 -. ..,(42.1e.,./.. .} l%1/ !1U! lsl! / 1' .0 1 r�/�!7 1t r /r /„'� ., ,���0 c`�/J-el,(,1te-ixt,1�• "I/i!. ,J ',t G^r`!l '/// rffGarr% !1!!./!f/r „74/74 iGll'7'• ('"/� •�irry,'€/ j !1%1�cvl i'( //...,.�.//e7X e, Pe /,.�,G/ i el7<-il� r so- 1[;Lrlrl��f/r // ,J•yf/!lll , ;•-1".71".11 rrft ' ci.,r lr .•/�c ri ryes/ ,/ 7/Jv //wei.✓ •r/Y;7 /'/ (.,r J/C !7• y 1,.ii1 ,c„? j M !rk ;4 • �C , j i,t r't'it. i j /7-vif J • 4 ybr / i p f. _i4-1 r. �{�e . - // �, , 1c•r.,t ' e:.""C C•l`t��r-c. c t .j'/%?cv?r...2'i..f1.•�SL� /,::: ' i.�ed7l2![Y--/ ,•� ZL7 `Cc`2[J�d1 ec p•y� ftt `���2 cJsler :iTcer L47. QyX Gitt �t�a frOGt�r��aCc'Ca+%ta�a 3 f / `�. 2eco--7,_ 'd/'•,u4'1r [t_C-,-z^G..� -6• �Gz •�rz.s-.o ' f.:---- ( f f fJ/CT I xi,/! 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I' c 'rein ,..)704 /,.' /(43 r�rrf�hrci'.6/'• CV;4*Kr a Je. ii�lrrsstru 1/;/,• dtI cay'a 7/ awe.. sf4[r=+ Ff-�CJLtnICI..Q.ra%67t'IrGr .�L�lrJr•%[�Jre 3 ; ile-Or'I•�t . -� ,,�l 1z- 67`-/7 a /. '.,- +' `"c5G.fte1 %l/er. rti,-,.�..w 14 / ,� t. • , y'.y c �7//lCllf)�',flJ%J{�i1 7!t'Ar9 V/<i41 /!///4 r- F. rr- ►r ' ,'rt9fc_ %/ja,•;-; - r7,42:.'"� 'ea /(47./-7,4, �, i� ' cr 'fr'rrrre�rc.:.�rre.r�. ••.err 'r j •err • •r, / ,r r r, , l i i t..i 0, lJ d>r-; 44':•:•• err { �ajr' (c ' Me- /i i01/e>iL !KW,y Ei- G. 0aru q' . ,4, ! c r ccsrt• � G -.F'�/'i ( rem/ .;;;;)/:;`.,r,;,.•.1/'i!!r/diJ+•.r• ,licfry/'/i•; ✓✓,rdG [r? 1//.fl.1,.,r }+•.alt; Afi Arj !./ ' r `• ' ;fr•(.e (tl/•r?(• e.,44,-. ( Git • ,r , f } ' n ,iylr •xe_ 22ea 'lviT c /czrr %lar� , t: 12-^- -t-. p�...,,� f y 4 -r -...1t r L // i1 /Srz4 - ,. it, -At fr? ".tit SV6 • Am . (' Y�¢1. 2, /Y.? j. I, /L3 A' I. _ .4;r • J/cly, £ i, /(7/ i f< < //lt llN'i /7 t�-C?'7�-r 2 r.N e.. rs7r //+�,•r/•:l.i /S'.7.?. .r • L�'cG`_.• /4 r , i's - °l../e'� r�J, !!-I /tic+,,l fG�. /.C� �ts�•'Clr. !.; ��! t .'%.trs.�fr/dlCti . In •,//3 !/!'/// i4 WJ I %tf ,4,0,4 1/43.0 .�/ .t1c. /49 r ‘/.4 f% (. / r9>G/ t t 1• , (,7 .r �' '!�� /z'. 5i /� / 4%lfr.7 ..,e'4;1-1//121 /, ircU'4/1.- r/1%,�f! f� a�r�• I/yt�� / sat. ;'2 ''✓`�'• f#,7i " err ' , •, 6/ .� ,?J/j4., /( 4 re •r -or ter -• r, `, /! ,�►/jsir. /e/.4 ,lcvrrr4l c/ ,L'. // f? %rr�/�.1./ • A/7 If err •6. a)i. /94 7 ` r N r/f1 LY• /Fir.�l i rr�/%� }f'r , ��f!/Jell ! /`!G' /ifr)>iIf !! Ifr/!. 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C r/l. f4+,,I /!lr/',;` J/1 fI lf,,e e/ //!�•!Gl!'-� Get- liter./ !"..? , s,H'/rr.%r f Ca tlr"lf: �rir!/ /e▪ ' f.S�r.f.c1r 4^ �x<r,/ 12/ �. 2.3 n/-�,7, 934 • ., -2 ah.r. . /rQai� cl^ r -'{ Se% . /01.5y z . f ; y ape. /es,� '�a, /[r?-r-LI'./ j� �[s rfrr ✓ .lAr•>7e .t .,fljr• �Ys`lr?�. • c %t / I/!//r JO; .2 Ad‘. c4te •7 . l •, •r '[-. /e ///01. /l'./ r/r,9-rrif.C(,I e*:- a 7i .1;( 44/1,--X4. .lfcrcritrc.r l 3. ,% �rrr • (/. 2I ./kV -A• /i'3.r- // Cl L Y. << en. .' l ?�' I/ L' rG J �• C: /1 tt-7 ro-��% ✓ iJ//.. a ; v c� • cC •`:11 (>1;.--442-1 /..2. -3 .-GtCC7.2" d /'lc �P/ C��Y'77 _ C �.`" • ,�'�'�r /C • .y�y��.. '71 • %rs*YYtr.>'t['!( .,,,. toetztu. llrs, f // /,,'/e,.( r!' , 0.,,,.f. 4.l..�iV ie.' e lLei a.•/c �'/i J%%2< .r /+�� e�. i <r<I;Y er - /1 L rilteeGL A‘7..)71 Aee 1' t61 rvt e.. ✓i ?'" in.e, �i3.3L . / • 4r11-4/1/-72:4 /9'4/ /4-z. .. 'r✓z 1 ,4,,llf ., .. .f' �, 4. /r [f am. 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