HomeMy Public PortalAboutLaurel Av_110805/22/1999 15:16 9123521018 juN-16 -7999 :6127 FROM i'ETROPa ir, MTtt5. 9e* TO 3521218 15.01:a! ash 1 q 4 013,1 666x- 60-Nr ELEVATION CERTIFICATE a.A�.■ L;�ir� f quna FEDERAL ektIERQFtNCYitANAOEMEN7 AGENCY NATIQP!AL F1GOD R UAANQE PROGAAMA ATTENTION: UN el di b unlace doe4 nol pt v di 1 Weyer of Me flood Neurenee Wane requirement, Thli toms I5 toted Only 10 croon elevation Ida/ qq■ lion neoesae* * wnwure 0ampe5ee• arisen eppticdb s oemmunity (ioodplAn management ordtaw1Ces, to dwlwf ntne the proper )Aimfanae premttMI rare, anAtor to support a Modest ler a Unit of Map Atnsndmaet Of Revi,(an ((,¢yA or IOM ( AutweNen4 fear eahWetlne Mla tutee o+n W friend an tee feltewlog pease. SECTION A PPOPIATe INPONMATION 1'utt0041 arena weld eTAllaralt a /63.0.00kAa1,Un�i, ;1111.ene*tldl NtmehriOR!O. Aetna AN°e0XNehieER a'M!R cuonwnbN pe(►ee 5 $ure '), AL/ t:lt FOR MOM!" CG tPert U34 401 Ct MAMA -•M CpMnbrY MO NN44R s Are $EC?ION 1 $LOCD INHURANCE Mean* YAP IFtPN) INFOl1MATION Pfvvitis the tbdOiving tlpM di proper FINAL (50 Irto#ructione): 1. CPNdrUNIYMM4IM aReWor eels f Z. 6.1174 13C!cot t G 4.04te or FIRM 6. iZ . 14 s mutant AS 4K_E(F1jQCP E/atar;ON �� L/M1, �1a+spYa ;11.c 7. 1n445141n4 ales . , dapon smell Used On the FIRM ter Sim 1'aOd Elwstiw,s tRFE): UN4v0 Orir (deaf loa on bias) $, For Zones Aar V, n0 EFE Is provtdsd en the FIRM, end the community nee established 4 6FE ler*vs *wilding IN, lhalseie the community's IV! ! 1J.1_1.L. Net NOYO (a other PRIM datum-eel eacttan e, ham 7), SWOON 4 01"17140 MU NN I$RQRMA1t6N 1. UfinB iha FJevattu s,CayfithGalw inetwctwne, Indforee the diagram NNW )(M ON) diagram, towed on Pegei a ere t) Mai oast oesc'ibss the sIIt4C1 ovflyingy reference NsM..ta_ 2(a). FIAM Bride A1. 3O. Af, AH, en4 A (with ISFE). The top at 1116 reference levee Poor 11';11t the selected a'igrsm Is al an elevation of ! ! .!C.LT1 .ill I.4t NOVO (a ether FINN dswrry -oeo Sutton b, tsem 1). (b). FIRM Ken61 VI. 20, VE, and V (with OFE) The berto15 51 the lowest 1lpritental ttructural memoar of Ira retsrance hovel ham the lelearud diagram, +4 Eon elevation *IL 11. ,1_(.! _! test NOV (or CIMet FIRM riMum -►►e seatvn S, tiers V). II), FAN Zuni A Nelbout lFE)- Ina item mood SO the 11410504 Ii) traerl the *elected diagram is !. _!, i. J feet above L] ar gelow {dus i anal the Wesel vac* ttltsce t le the butictMg. (a). F;RM Zuni Atha The Soar wed IS the reerencs tevel!rote the aelepeeeitgrsm 1'4 C.I.I,L 1 feet 4bov10 or below° (sneak aw)1115 hlonaet gr4c4 adj4City 1'O Pre Wary. 11 rss toed depth number Is aveilat )e, is Me buhei s $awa1 MO( (rotergnne leve0 61UVited 4 s000rdanee uruh 1'M oemmenity'a Ilobdplaie roanbgernent ardln4ncp' 1 Yee fl Na 9 Unknown 3, irdlsptp Iris elerwittern astute iyeerm used in determining the ebos a reference level ii4vationg: i 4Kt3Vo 29 i } Other iC4serloe weguic Cornm41114e, peas 0)• 6447E1 If me 444440o von," woo in rn44aaing 1114 4ravo ms K sowed, ir14r fetal reed a? Oa Frt.? Ise! ham 4, tfllrt csNIVO4 Nw of•eleGn$10 me mom agate m rased an tae FrRAf stow rho aonvsrir Oftelfanuodor Alamein onPMgw1J 4. Ehevarion referee* mark ;mod smelt an FIIMMIA: 0 Yea i.1' iVo tAelt 1ntNmt lions on peen 4) S. Tho relish/no Ne41 elevation fa bawd en; C7 duet oonMtrwtien rj construction drawings (NOTE! Use E r c0ratrudflon crewing' ,'A ont l ee g abet not yes mete taw Krerenerlawt *roar Jr) place, M Ala owe MO cenislee* 10 *Ni is armed JV 11* luadtrig aurile Me Gourd. Of00nt(tuea>m. A poat•aonslrrwwoR Elev410a Carr) are *Art* required woe cOrwndgten b wanetirte) 6, The 4Nv41144 et rig !owlet vies Immediately Oscan! a the building Is; i 1 I 1 11.67100 NOVO (w'athet FIRM datum -146 Simian i, Isom 71. SECTION D COMNIttMIT: NO NRMAT5ON 1. it Ina aermoritty tiltial responaleve to vsAyina building.15415511* towCi1M Mai the retwethce lava) indidelsd Ifl 310(151 v, Ram 1 Is nor int'fowsel!lecr° as *kid In to cgnlmunhy'f AoadpltT Tan *Qe1Mrtl Oretrer10e. the a'avefon Cf bee bmlldinpy'lowest Roe as &Ytined ry�y the ordinate:* r,; L iJ_LU.L! rig1 NoVo or duet FIRM warm -ewe Section 8, lien 1). e. Qete el the alert 9f ilnitrl*45R Or 0UWl4MW i veamwm 441 , ass YID ra•. sz¢ttaaaata Ri5i,Acet Aµ w1CVEnu11 01 !I 115 A -Nil 3N 4F4 vin66 VC; 404 t`'MTNU.ATICN PAGE 06 06122/1999 15 :16 9123521019 Jug -1@ -1339 1a•31 FROM METROPOLJTAN MTG, TO 35"c1616 NOTION • G>:R7IFICATION This aortiecatlen to r0 b Ve ed Dr 0 mild swede', .nglneer, or arch ileot weer Is JUlnarlied by Scale or rpeu law tG petrify vwwuubn information when 1he vinotion' ambition for Zonal A1-A30, AE, AN, A (with 13FE),vI- V$0,VE, ens' V (w+llt 6OE) r resivirvd, C4,11mUnxy bnlolaIs Who are' it/01401W by it 14W sr ardieimoe 10 prewtes f oo0Veln maneisrnent irformaticn, may:le4 Sign the e rtiikiiion. • the ease of ?octet AO one A *Owl a FEMA or commonly issued 9F1,), # bulidlrt9 Ohio's', m orepdMy owner, e• an owner's rewcsentetr've movie!** lion Me oerti laauon, I Ntetetua Ipvet dragremt Sr 7 and 1 • Dilllrl1Ni:hinp FeetureE -it Oro setting,' is umiak! to c*riity to baakaweylnon- tjra#ht4wey well, enc4Itvra Siye. looallon Qf strMMClfly equipment, Oka use, wait CQeninga, or untnieh,d area Feeture;si, !hen list !ref erosireial no, included • the e•Ai(c tion rift( comments baiew. The diootem number, Section C, Urn 1, must snit be entered. GS x1 I co* thr71 Me inidenadon jr I - undonclerrd rhaf if Or false G tERnsawsNail( 1.I0evsekuMSERitrMd 444 TatE ~.`i COMP1,hr Nam Land. ,Suz.vey. ...._. • ApoOtst C!N *taro 1 t 8us'tc t 1}t ad savassaah 4.a0 _3140.5 ermatu jF tj .. , • ' ARif PhOME 11 COWS eaoVid be m ei* ell tills Certificate 1.71 ii oomm& r ty off 1441, 3) ineurenae ap.ntrc.mpeny, end 3} bpitdtnp owrta, 4 .- • • CM Aom NAis I The aievrarna abou.Iltualra;a ens points at which the *Wootton: *haul! be msesure0 In A Zones and V Lcrt Euvarion* for all A Itinaa shovW a• maalurad at the aid CI the Meranat lava' floor. L eteWtion: lo(ip v Zone, shaufd be IM1eesured at the OottOni of Mee lowest horlsorual atrycheil mombar. 71.lN ^18 -1999 20:21 Pap; 9124253 e.33 PAGE 07