HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - MRA - 2012-03-13City of McCall Urban Redevelopment Agency Minutes March 13, 2012 -8 am Legion Hall 216 E. Park Street 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Rick Fereday, Don Bailey, Bob Youde and Dave Peugh were present . Staff Engineer Nathan Stewart, Parks and Recreation Director Dennis Coyle, Nathan Cleaver of Keller Associates, Treasurer Linda Stokes, Grant Coordinator Carol Coyle, Community Development Director Michelle Groenevelt and Administrative Assistant Deb Smith were also present. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Member Bailey moved to approve the February 21,2012 meeting minutes as presented. Member Youde seconded the motion. The motion carried . 3. INVOICES • Holland and Hart Invoice 01/24/2012 Member Peugh moved to approve the Holland and Hart Invoice for $150.00. Member Bailey seconded the motion. The motion carried. • Keller Associates Task Order #001 02/15/2012 Member Youde moved to approve the Keller Associates Task Order #001 for $2,400.00. Member Peugh seconded the motion. The motion carried. 4. MRA CASH FLOW AND FINANCIALS Treasurer Linda Stokes explained there had been a $500.00 formula error on the expenditures. The total expenditures are $685,439.00. Ms. Stokes confirmed the tax receipts shown for January are the actual amounts. Chairman Fereday pointed out that with these totals the MRA $100,000.00 reserve has been affected. He stated that the board must meet their bond obligation and that he was somewhat hesitant to move forward with the project. Discussion continued on valuations and the decrease in revenues. 5. IDAHO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SUMMARY Ms. Coyle explained the Idaho Community Development Block Grant process. She said one of the main components is to show need. Ms. Coyle said downtown revitalization funding money under the economic development might be a source for the MRA district because the district is already MRA Minutes March 13, 2012 1 defined as an area of slum and blight in need of redevelopment. The city would need to sponsor the application for the district. She explained that there are other sources of funding available for community revitalization. Discussion continued on the current application the city has submitted for the ICDBG grant. Member Bailey asked what the status is of the Brandt Property on the north side of Fir Street. Mr. Stewart had a conversation with the property owner. They told him there was no planned activity at the moment for that piece of property. They did give the MRA board their permission to fill into their lot as shown by Mr. Norton of Keller Associates at the February 21, 2012 MRA meeting which would reduce the cost of the sidewalk on that side of the road. 6. REVIEW CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR 2012 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT -FIR STREET BOAT LAUNCH PROJECT Member Peugh asked why a $5 .00 launch fee could not be charged at the boat ramp . Mr. Coyle explained the pros and cons of a launch fee from his past experience. Nathan Cleaver described the drawings he distributed to the board. He said that at the last meeting there were several items discussed. • Brick pavers • Curbing around the planters • Keeping the bricks from sliding down the hill by adding a concrete grid • Tree grates that can be locally fabricated • Added light pole base and came up with how to do it underneath the slab (in the future pull the slab to install the pole) Member Bailey questioned the old water meter in the middle of the proposed project. He questioned if it was active and/or could be abandoned so it does not conflict with the project. If so, Member Bailey indicated it should be capped at the main. IV! r. Stewart will check into this issue. Mr. Stewart stated he would get estimates for tree removal, but requested that the MRA chairman or Mayor contact the property owner to ask them to pay for removal. Member Bailey asked staff to get estimates for removing these trees. Mr. Cleaver said that Keller is in the second revision ofthe bid schedule. He said they are ready to submit drawings and the spec books. His recommendation is to not put it out to bid until after the next meeting so that everyone would have a better idea of where the costs are. Chairman Fereday asked if they could have a cost analysis at the next meeting. Mr. Stewart and the Board requested that the engineer's cost analysis be provided in the meeting packet, so they would have time to review it before the meeting. MRA Minutes March 13, 2012 2 7. REVIEW MRA BOUNDARY CHANGE LEITER Necessary revisions pOinted out by the board will be made by staff before the letter is mailed . Ms. Groenevelt will make the changes and email to the board for approval. 8. 2012 GROW SMART AWARD NOMINATION Ms. Groenevelt said that it makes sense for positive PR for MRA to nominate Legacy Park &the Improvement project for this award. There is a $50.00 application fee. Staff will prepare the draft application for the next meeting for review. 9. NEXT MEETING April 17, 2012 10. ADJOURNMENT Member Bailey moved to adjourn at 9:55 am. Member Youde seconded the motion. The motion carried. Signed: April 17, 2012 Attest: Community Development Director MRA Minutes March 13, 2012 3