HomeMy Public PortalAbout160_031_20140503_MSBODretreatnotes �1-‘,,,,, 1 F4f 5 \� ,- Ty►bee Island,Georgia.,„ ,,. 0 i 02 g3 h�, gtj q,Clvssic htarn&reelC umir an rxzo . MAIN STREET BOARD OF DIRECTORS Annual Retreat Notes: May 3, 2014 DIRECTORS PRESENT: Angela Caldwell, Bill Garbett,Jim Glass,Vicki Hammons, Steve Kellam,Ted Lynch, Brenda Marion, Melissa Memory DIRECTORS ABSENT: Kelly Partridge,John Yarbrough GUEST PRESENT: Deana Harden FACILITATOR: Jessica Reynolds, Department of Community Affairs—Office of Downtown Development CALL TO ORDER Jessica called the retreat to order at 9:10am. INTRODUCTIONS Everyone present introduced themselves one at a time. Jessica commended Directors, the Coordinator and the City as a whole for the work that has been accomplished with the Main Street's approach to economic development within the context of historic preservation since being designated in 2010. She reviewed the program as a whole explaining that there are 43 states and 1300 communities that have Main Street programs. In Georgia,there are 87 active communities and 20 in the startup phase for 2015 accreditation. BOARD OF DIRECTORS REVIEW: ORGANIZATION Review Main Street Corridor Boundaries • Directors reviewed the current Main Street boundaries. Chantel explained that during the start- up process to become designated as a Better Hometown Community,the city worked with DCA to have the historic core of downtown connect with the north end business area by having a main corridor. This was favorable for both parties because the corridor included/includes the required historic downtown core while connecting the aspects of living and doing business with a continuous street(i.e. Butler Avenue/15Y Street/Hwy 80). • Jessica explained that their Office of Downtown Development Director, Billy Peppers, and she have discussed with Chantel the possibility of having the program's boundaries be island-wide. Tybee would be the first Main Street program to have city-wide boundaries. They believe it will be beneficial due to the size of the island, involved partners and opportunities to grow the four points. Billy will be at the GMA conference in June and is planning to come to Tybee to meet with everyone at that time. Bill and Chantel will meet with the City Manager to discuss prior to then. Review Vision & Mission Statement-edit or reaffirm • Directors reviewed the current Vision and Mission Statements for the program • Jessica confirmed the current statements meet the goal of going island-wide. • Brenda suggested adding commas before the word "and" within the statements. • Directors suggested adding "community"to the mission statement where architectural heritage is referenced. For reference: (provided)5-21-14 Page 1 of 3 Roles of Board Members and of Staff • Jessica reviewed with Directors that the Main Street Coordinator is a liaison between the city and the board. The Board is a working board that utilizes their assets to ensure plans are being accomplished. Directors/Coordinators assist the board with setting the work plan, budgeting and assisting with accomplishing the work plan items. • Jessica encouraged Directors to attend this year's Main Street State Conference in Decatur August 20-22. Organization of Board:Support/Commitment; Rotation • Jessica expressed the need for to revise the term limits for Directors. There needs to be more of a staggered approach for continuity. • Directors reviewed the current term limits and agreed to revise the terms to one,two and three years. They will each draw for new terms at the next Board meeting. Other issues facing the Board • Directors expressed issues with implementing financial incentives, ensuring understanding of the program, improving awareness of the program, and the need to know there is a strong commitment from the city. REVIEW& RENEW: COMMITTEE WORK PLAN Review of 2013—2014 Work Plans • Directors reviewed the progress made on the current work plans for each of the four-point committees. Review Survey Results • Jessica expressed her pleasure with the number of survey responses she received. She reviewed the results with Directors (attached to follow up 5-21-14 meeting reminder email). Confirm 2014—2015 Work Plans • Directors discussed program partners such as the Tybee Island Historical Society,the Tourism Council/Chamber, Arts Association, and the National Park Service. • Organization/Outreach (meet monthly) • The Board of Directors serve as the Organization "Committee" • Officers need to be reconfirmed • Directors should be more visible in the community • Explore becoming a 501C3/C6 o Bill,Ted and Chantel will discuss later. • Develop/Strengthen partnerships o Consider having a Memo of Understanding with partners in order to ensure efficiency. • Improve community's understanding of the four-point approach® NOTES FOR REFERENCING: 5/21/14 Page 2 of 3 • Promotions (meet monthly as needed) • Board liaison: Brenda • Develop/Strengthen partnerships • Third Thursdays on Tybee o Marketing strategy o Incorporate additional activities • Tybee for the Holidays (Small Business Saturday, Lights on for Tybee, Christmas Parade) • Community Day • Movies in the Park • Review details at next committee meeting • Design/Historic Preservation (meets monthly as needed) • Board liaisons: Vicki will chair • Develop/Strengthen partnerships • HP is a main focus for this year • Design Guidelines o Façade Improvement Grant • Review details at next Committee meeting • Economic Restructuring (meet monthly as needed) • Board liaisons: Ted • Tybee Island Information Providers • Business friendly objectives • Retail survey • Consider charging for appreciation card to fund façade improvement grant/incentives • Reinstate committee and review details at next meeting CLOSING REMARKS Jessica and Chantel expressed their appreciation for the time everyone took out of their day for the retreat. The details and responsible parties will need to be discussed more thoroughly at the committee meetings. Jessica is looking forward to the meeting in June. ADJOURN The retreat adjourned at 1:10pm. For reference: (provided)5-21-14 Page 3 of 3