HomeMy Public PortalAbout20060125 - Minutes - Board of Directors (BOD) Regional Open Space MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT Meeting 06-03 SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETINGS BOARD OF DIRECTORS January 25, 2006 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING , I. ROLL CALL President Jed Cyr called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. Jed C Mar Dave Nonette Hanko Larry Hassett, Members Present: , Cyr, Y Y� Y Deane Little, Ken Nitz, Pete Siemens Members Absent: None Staff Present: Craig Britton, Sue Schectman, Sally Thielfoldt, John Maciel, Mike Williams IL CLOSED SESSION J. Cyr stated that the Board would adjourn to Closed Session to discuss Closed Session Agenda Items 1, 2 and 3. The Board recessed to Closed Session at 6:07 p.m. and the Closed Session commenced at 6:07 p.m. The Board concluded the Closed Session at 7:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING III. J. Cyr called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. He announced that the Board had discussed Closed Session Agenda Items 1, 2 and 3 in Closed Session and that no reportable actions had taken place. Additional Staff Present: Matthew Freeman, Michelle Jesperson, Rudy Jurgensen, Kirk Lenington, Cindy Roessler 1 I IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS—There were none. � li V. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion: K. Nitz moved that the Board adopt the agenda. P. Siemens seconded and the motion passed 7 to 0. VI. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR Staff answered questions regarding claims as follows: #4164, LFR Levine Fricke second round of site investigation and removal of contamination; #4172, Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc. — facilitation of meetings last year; #4204R, Bay Area Backflow, Inc. — testing and replacement of valves; 4214R, Goride Bicycles — purchase of two more bicycles. K. Nitz said he was glad they had purchased more bikes. N. Hanko removed the minutes of the December 20, 2005, Special Meeting. She commented that they were very well done. D. Little removed the minutes of the December 14, 2005 Regular and Special Meetings. He asked that his comments under discussion on page 5 be changed to read, "D. Little believes that human activity does not contribute significantly to the spreading of Sudden Oak Death within District boundaries." N. Hanko removed the draft response to a letter from William and Lesley Obermayer, La Honda, California. She asked why the incident was not reported in staff s report. She was informed that staff could find no record of a fire truck or ambulance being in danger. L. Hassett told the Board what he knew about the incident, as it happened not too far from his home. Motion: P. Siemens moved that the Board adopt the Consent Calendar, including minutes of the December 14, 2005 Regular and Special Meetings, as amended, and the December 20, 2005, Special Meeting; draft response to a letter from William and Lesley Obermayer, La Honda; Agenda Item 7, Adoption of the Preliminary Use and Management Plan Recommendations for the O'Hair and Grinsfelder Properties as Additions to Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve (San Mateo County Assessor's Parcel Numbers 067-152-060, 067-118-050, 067-118-060 and 067- 118-070); Determination That Recommended Actions are Cate Tor ically Exempt from CEQA•, Indication of Intention to Dedicate the Property as Public Open Space; Agenda Item 8, Adoption of Resolution 06-05 to Increase the Credit Limit for the Public Affairs Manager to $5,000; Rescind Resolution No. 05-31; Agenda Item 9, Approval of Appointment of Director Cyr as District's Representative to the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority Board of Directors and Appointment of Two Alternates: Meeting 06-03 Page 2 General Manager, Craig Britton and Assistant General Manager, Sally Thielfoldt; and Revised Claims 06-03. K. Nitz seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0. N. Hanko abstained on Claim #4227R. VII. BOARD BUSINESS A. Agenda Item No. 1 — Approve Proposed Agenda, Date and Selected Agencies for Resource Management Workshop as Presented by Environmental Science Associates—(Report R-06-1 0). M. Jesperson introduced Darcy Rosenblatt, Program Manager, and Tom Roberts, Principal, of Environmental Science Associates. Ms. Rosenblatt explained that the presentation and discussion would be in three parts: Draft agenda (discussion and Board input), agencies recommended as panelists; and proposed dates. Ms. Rosenblatt said the goal of the workshop would be to bring to the Board information from other land steward groups who are facing similar issues and have had successes from which District can learn. They are looking for elements that make up the archetypical land management agencies. C. Britton added that he hoped that the Board could ask questions so that they have those answers to consider at the second workshop. N. Hanko said she hoped the Board and District could encourage related agencies to be educated at the same time the District is and to feel some responsibility for assisting the District. She saw that as a secondary goal. C. Britton said the main goal is for Board to have questions answered. If that is successful, they hope to present a repeat for Bay Area Open Space. Ms. Rosenblatt agreed that it would make it more attractive for other agencies to participate if the workshop is billed and planned as a two-way information exchange. Ms. Rosenblatt talked about the groundwork that would be done prior to the workshop, including sending of a questionnaire and interviewing of potential panelists. Board Members discussed their preferences for the three items to be discussed under Agenda Item 3, Panel Discussion on Natural Resources Programs; Trends and Commonalities. N. Hanko said she would like to hear case stories about agencies having taken the initiative to attempt to solve their own problems. P. Siemens suggested a modification to bullet 5, to ask how would they prioritize, i.e. balancing allocation of money among resource protection, land purchase, and public access. D. Little suggested adding discussion of whether the agency has a plan to sustain Meeting 06-03 Page 3 and enhance natural biodiversity and suppress unnatural biodiversity, including a description of the key elements of the plan. Discussion followed regarding the District's definition of natural resource management and the District's mission statement regarding the resource management plan. C. Britton suggested giving the other agencies the District's definition and then listening to them. Ms. Rosenblatt talked about how they selected the five agencies they recommended as panelists from a list of over 20 agencies. Board Members suggested other agencies they thought should be invited to participate, including San Mateo and Sonoma Counties, POST, and the Jasper Ridge group. Ms. Rosenblatt said that all agencies would be invited, but they believed that the panel should consist of no more than five in order to be manageable. C. Roessler described how the list had been cut back. Following discussion of the proposed dates, it was decided that both Friday dates, March 3 and March 10, would be offered to the panelists. By consensus, the Board agreed that the second workshop would be the day after the panel discussion. Motion: N. Hanko moved that the Board approve the proposed agenda, date, and selected agencies for Resource Management Workshop as presented by Environmental Science Associates, as discussed. K. Nitz seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0. B. Agenda Item No. 2 - Appointment of 2005 Board Committees Members; Approve Recommendations and Appointments of Standing, Ad Hoc and Outside Committees, Including the Determination of Compensation Status for Attendance at Board Committee Meetings—(Report R-06-1 1). J. Cyr noted some modifications to his proposed list of appointments. Motion: K. Nitz moved that the Board approve the President's modified recommendations and appointments regarding Standing, Ad Hoc and Outside Committees as contained in the report, including the determination of compensation status for attendance at Board Committee meetings. M. Davey seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0. C. Agenda Item No. 3 - Approval of Appointments of Board President as Chairperson of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Financing Meeting 06-03 Page 4 Authority and Directors Davey, Nitz and Little as District Representatives to the Governing Board—(Report R-06-12). J. Cyr presented his proposed appointments to the Financing Authority Board. Motion: K. Nitz,moved that the Board approve J. Cyr as chairperson and M. Davey, K. Nitz, and D. Little to serve on the Governing Board of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Financing Authority. M. Davey seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0. D. Agenda Item No. 4 - Authorization for General Manager to Enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Richard Seymour and Associates in the Amount of$28,200 Plus a Contingency of$2,800 for a Total Contract Amount Not to Exceed $3 1,000 to Assess the Presence of Sensitive Aquatic Amphibians and Reptiles on District Lands-, Determination That Recommended Actions are Categorically Exempt from CEQA — (Report R-04-04). K. Lenington presented the staff report. Motion: M. Davey moved that the Board authorize the General Manager to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Richard Seymour and Associate in the amount of $28,200 plus a contingency of $2,800 for a total contract amount not to exceed $31,000 to survey and assess the aquatic amphibians and reptiles on District lands; and determine that the recommended actions are categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as set out in the staff report. P. Siemens seconded the motion. Discussion: K. Lenington talked about endangered species, including the red legged frog, and how important they are. He said they are concerned about pesticides, as they do suppress the fertility of frogs. He said a toxicology breakdown of pesticides is available. The proposed survey would include finding out if frogs are breeding. The survey would look at everything, not just the red legged frog, pond turtle, and San Francisco garter snake. In addition, they would monitor bullfrogs and predatory fish. C. Britton asked if they would eventually look for homed lizards. K. Lenington said they are a species of special concern. J. Cyr said it seemed that they needed a regular pattern for these Meeting 06-03 Page 5 studies. K. Lenington said they have asked the consultant for monitoring protocols. Vote: The motion passed 7 to 0. E. Agenda Item No. 5 - Adoption of Resolution Dedicating; Interests in Certain District Lands for Public Open Space Purposes — (Report R-06- 14) Motion: P. Siemens moved that the Board adopt Resolution No. 06- 04, Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Dedicating Interests in Certain District Lands for Public Open Space Purposes. K. Nitz seconded the motion. Discussion: C. Britton answered questions about Briggs Creek, Edgewood Park, Felton Station and GGNRA. Vote: The motion passed 7 to 0. F. Agenda Item No. 6 - Recommendation to Refer Installation of a Memorial Bench for Lois Hogle to Legislative, Funding and Public Affairs Committee—(Report R-06-16). Motion: N. Hanko moved that the Board refer the bench site selection to the Legislative, Funding and Public Affairs Committee for the installation of a memorial bench for Lois Hogle. M. Davey seconded the motion. Discussion: M. Davey said she is confident the committee and the family will make the right decision. She added that the Committee for Green Foothills would like to participate. Vote: The motion passed 7 to 0. VIII. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS S. Schectman informed the Board that a new ethics law for local agencies became effective on January 1. It requires that under informational reports, Board Members must report on meetings of compensable committees they have attended. N. Hanko attended a meeting of the Real Property Committee on January 24, and a LFPAC meeting on January 10. She said the Real Property Committee will bring recommendations to the Board in March. Pa Meeting e 6 06-03 g R. Jurgensen talked about the decision to carry on the ad hoc Good Neighbor Committee. K. Nitz: 1. He attended the LFPAC meeting on January 10. 2. He reported that he had been monitoring the landslide at Thornewood and it had not moved. 3. He attended a staff meeting with the Bear Creek Stables people. He thought staff should look into some of the issues that were brought up at that meeting. M. Davey said she attended the Real Property Committee meeting on January 24 at which they discussed two recommendations that will be coming to the Board in the near future. D. Little: 1. He attended the Real Property Committee meeting on January 24. 2. He said he had been enjoying District preserves and recommended that people visit the Skyline area when a storm is breaking. 3. He had seen a coyote with a broken leg a couple of times. L. Hassett said the Jasper Ridge Coordinating Council would meet for the second time. He read the charge of the committee and the names of some members. J. Cyr: 1. He attended the LFPAC meeting of January 10. 2. He hiked Almaden Quicksilver Park. 3. While hiking Los Trancos and Montebello, he was able to hear a docent leading the earthquake hike. He said the brushes to clean shoes when leaving the preserves were being used. C. Britton: 1. Santa Clara County has agreed to provide $550,000 for the purchase of the Hall Property. 2. The District will be receiving a $500,000 grant from the Coastal Conservancy for purchase of Stevens Canyon Ranch. 3. He attended a meeting on the Ridge Trail for the east side of Skyline. Representatives from GGNRA, County Parks, and POST were there as well. He is putting together a comprehensive memo to the Board regarding this project as they had requested. 4. Bay Area Open Space Council had a breakout session by county at their last meeting to look at what should be the focus. 5. The Peace Officers Association wanted to make a presentation to the Board regarding ranger safety. 6. The State of the District event will be held at Presentation Center on February 15. Staff will break out into groups to discuss Sierra Azul and Bear Creek Redwoods Master Plan. S. Schectman talked about the requirements of the new ethics law which includes a requirement for a written policy regarding reimbursement of expenses. Staff will draft a policy which will be sent to LFPAC. The law also requires ethics training. S. Thielfoldt: 1. She said one of the required ethics training sessions will be held March 16 at the Santa Clara Valley Water District facility. 2. She noted that the Board Members chairs had recently been fitted with new pneumatic devices. 3. Meeting 06-03 Page 7 San Mateo County Grand Jury members visited the District office as part of their assessment of government agencies' disaster preparedness plans. 4. She announced the following dates for Administration and Budget meetings: February 13, 16, 21 and 23, and February 28, all starting at 4:30 p.m. March 14 is scheduled as a backup if needed. R. Jurgensen passed out copies of an article talking about poaching which included reference to the Board meeting in La Honda on the Driscoll property purchase. S. Thielfoldt read the clarification provided by K. Lenington which stated that tree frogs are a different group from true frogs, so California Red Legged Frogs are the only native frogs in the Western United States. M. Freeman said staff would like to meet with the Sierra AzuI ad hoc committee. IX. ADJOURNMENT At 10:27 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. Roberta Wolfe Recording Secretary Meeting 06-03 Page 8