HomeMy Public PortalAbout20060628 - Minutes - Board of Directors (BOD) Y 1 Meeting 06-16 SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS June 28, 2006 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING I. ROLL CALL President Jed Cyr called the Special Meeting to order at 6.35 p.m. Members Present: Jed Cyr, Ken Nitz, Deane Little (arrived at 6:40 p.m.), Mary Davey, Pete Siemens Members Absent: Larry Hassett and N. Hanko Staff Present: Craig Britton, Sue Schectman, Jim Cimino II. CLOSED SESSION J. C stated that the Board would adjourn to Closed Session to discuss Closed Session Cyr J Agenda items 1, 2, 3, and 4. The Board recessed to Closed Session at 6:36 p.m. and the Closed Session commenced at 6:36 p.m. The Board concluded the Closed Session at 7:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING III. J. Cyr called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. J. Cyr stated that the Board discussed Closed Session Agenda items 1 through 4 and that there were no reportable items from the Closed Session. Additional Staff Present: M. Freeman, D. Simmons, R. Jurgensen, M. Williams, M. Sagues, and M. Newburn. J. Cyr announced that a Secretary Pro Tern needed to be appointed for the evening's meeting. M. Davey volunteered. P. Siemens nominated M. Davey to act as the Secretary Pro Tern and K. Nitz seconded the nomination. The nomination passed 5 to 0. IV. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. Meeting 06-16 Page 1 V. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion: M. Davey moved that the Board adopt the Agenda. K. Nitz seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 to 0. VI. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR K. Nitz requested Agenda Item 5 be pulled for discussion. K. Nitz asked for explanations of three Revised Claims, as follows: 5083 M. Freeman gave an update of this Pulgas Ridge project. 5 100 M. Freeman gave an update on the grazing at La Honda Creek. 5109 M. Freeman gave an explanation that the entire District was photographed to be used with the GIS system. J. Cyr asked for explanations on three Revised Claims, as follows: 5074 C. Britton gave information stating that the County now charges a fee. 5079 C. Britton said this was for annual cleaning tasks for the Administration building. 5091 M. Newburn said this was for the herbicide spraying. Motion: K. Nitz moved that the Board adopt the Consent Calendar, including the Board Minutes of May 10, 2006 Special and Regular Meetings; Written Communication I letter; and Revised Claims 06-12. P. Siemens seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 to 0. VII. BOARD BUSINESS A. Agenda Item No. I - Authorize the General Manager to Execute a Contract with Timothy Best, CEG, for Consulting Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $43,360, Including Contingency to Conduct a Road and Trail Erosion Inventory within the San Francisquito Creek Watershed and for Related Erosion Control Services in an Amount Not to Exceed$6,000 - (Report R-06-62). C. Britton explained the updated report amount stating that there was an addition error. M. Sagues reviewed the staff report and gave background information on watershed areas included in the contract, which are Windy Hill, Thornewood, Teague Hill, Los Trancos and Coal Creek Open Space Preserves. District staff received highly competitive proposals. Timothy Best gave the best proposal and has history with working with District staff. M. Sagues reviewed the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Board. Meeting 06-16 Page 2 K. Nitz asked if the $49,000 proposal included a $3,000 contingency for services, and A Sagues said it did include the contingency in addition to another one for $3,000, for a $6,000 total contingency. K. Nitz asked if the work was focused on fish or on trails, too, and M. Sagues replied that Mr. Best will work at staff's direction. A Freeman added that a large part of the assessment will be looking at trails and then giving recommendations to staff. K. Nitz asked if Mr. Best would be looking at the large problem area, and A Freeman said that the focus of both Mr. Best and staff would be on that area. K. Nitz asked if Sausal Pond was included even though there were no fish in the pond, and A Freeman said that the pond is included because of erosion problems. K. Nitz asked if the District has fish in the rivers, and A Sagues said that they are potential habitats so are listed as watershed. A Freeman said the issue is that sediments are transported very low downstream to San Francisquito Creek. K. Nitz asked if these sediments came from the District preserves. A Freeman said that they most likely did as preliminary assessments show that to be true. D. Little asked who the other people were who submitted proposals. A Sagues replied that LFR, Geo-Insights and Balance Hydrologics submitted proposals.. He added that the proposals were all very close in the dollar amounts submitted, and that the decision came down to Mr. Best's experience and level of work, which is what made him stand out. D. Little referred to a past conversation with Mr. Best discussing out-sloping, and D. Little felt that Mr. Best knew what he was talking about. D. Little added that he would like contractors to attend Board meetings to talk about the projects they are working on. C. Britton agreed with D. Little's comment, and said that Mr. Best could come before the Board to answer some questions about the project. K. Nitz asked if all of the bids were under $30,000.00. A Sagues said that Mr. Best's initial bid was less than $30,000.00, but staff asked him about additional work and Mr. Best adjusted his bid amount accordingly. K. Nitz asked S. Schectman why the bids didn't show on the report. S. Schectman replied that bids can be shown on staff reports if the Board desires. C. Britton added that in some cases projects similar to this one have shown bids in staff reports. K. Nitz asked about sedimentation in streams and asked if some sedimentation is natural due to trails near streams. A Freeman said that the San Francisquito Creek is being monitored by RWQCB. D. Little asked how strong the data is for salmonoids, and A Freeman said the data was very strong. P. Siemens recalled that Mr. Best had given a report to the Board in the past. Meeting 06-16 Page 3 M. Freeman said that was a different presenter; however Mr. Best did present a report at a Coastside meeting. K. Nitz asked when the data was due to staff, and M. Sagues said the due date is November 10, 2006. Motion: P. Siemens moved that the Board authorize the General Manager to execute a contract with Timothy Best, CEG, for consulting services in an amount not to exceed $43,360, including a contingency to conduct a road and trail erosion inventory within the San Francisquito Creek Watershed, and for related erosion control services in an amount not to exceed $6,000. K. Nitz seconded the motion. Discussion: J. Cyr asked if the report Mr. Best delivers will set priorities. M. Sagues said that it would give clear priorities. Vote: The motion passed 5 to 0. B. Agenda Item No. 2 - Authorize the General Manager to Execute a Contract with Jakaby Engineering in an Amount Not to Exceed $34,860, Including 20% Contingency, to Provide Registered Professional Engineering Services for Pedestrian/Equestrian Bridge Design and Related Engineering Services at Thornewood Open Space Preserve - (Report R-06-80) M. Freeman presented the staff report and gave some background information for the reasons of the report. K. Nitz asked how long the bridge would be, and M. Freeman said it would be approximately 60 feet long. K. Nitz asked how the bridge would be secured- would it be secured using concrete pilings? M. Freeman said that staff would ask the engineer working on the project, and get suggestions for the best way. Staff will be working toward an updated Use and Management Plan for Thornewood Open Space Preserve, and will gather the information to be brought before the U&M Committee and the full Board. K. Nitz asked about the lower parking lot, and M. Freeman said that staff would work with the Town of Woodside. The District's goal would be for the lot/pull- out to look similar to District lots, using split-rail fence. He added that the neighbors would like to maintain the six to eight parking spots. Motion: P. Siemens moved that the Board authorize the General Manager to execute a contract with Jakaby Engineering in an amount not to exceed $34,860, including 20% contingency, to provide registered professional engineering services for pedestrian/equestrian bridge design and related engineering services at Thornewood Open Meeting 06-16 Page 4 r_ Space Preserve. K. Nitz seconded the motion. The motion passed i 5 to 0. C. Agenda Item No. 3 - Proposed Adoption of Resolution to Delegating Tort Liability Claims Handling Responsibilities to the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority - (Report R-06-81) J. Cyr asked clarifying questions about the codes stated in the Resolution and S. Schectman reviewed the codes and stated that they were all correct as written. She also gave a description of each code referred to in the resolution. Motion: K. Nitz moved that the Board adopt Resolution No. 06-22 establishing a policy that delegates tort liability claims handling responsibilities to the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority as authorized by Government Code Sections 910 et seq. P. Siemens seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 to 0. D. Agenda Item No. 4 -Authorize the General Manager to Contract with Wildland Resources Management, Inc. in the Amount of$30,000 Plus a Contingency of $5,000, for a Total Authorization Amount Not to Exceed $35,000— (Report R-06-76) M. Sagues reviewed the staff report and gave a PowerPoint presentation showing a map of the District that highlighted areas to be studied. He said that seven RFP's were sent and that two were received back with proposals. He gave background information on the selected bidder and gave an outline of what the District requested. He added that the winning bidder would be available for public meetings. Motion: M. Davey moved that the Board authorize the General Manager to contract with Resources Management, Inc. in the amount of $30,000 plus a contingency of$5,000, for a total authorization amount not to exceed $35,000. P. Siemens seconded the motion. Discussion: K. Nitz asked about the potential of legal impact in managing fire. S. Schectman replied that the potential was low, and referred to the Coastal Service Plan's no fires rule. K. Nitz further questioned staff about this, and M. Sagues said that the fuel load has a numerical value used to determine management. K. Nitz asked what the models would be, and M. Sagues said that a digital dataset would be developed giving another layer to the GIS data. K. Nitz asked what "broad brush" meant. M. Sagues replied that the recommendations would be broad because they would be Meeting 06-16 Page 5 incorporated into the Master Plans. K. Nitz asked for examples, and M. Freeman said that examples included road width-mapping roads - and the consultant will give cost estimates from low to high; another example would be maintaining ponds and developing preserve-specific plans. C. Britton added that the consultant has a practical approach. D. Little said that the District has beautiful grasslands, but that chaparral is moving in and that chaparral is highly flammable material. He is concerned chaparral may overtake the grasslands. He added that he would like this study to cover that concern. C. Britton replied that this was a more resource management issue and that the fire management is more specific about how plants will burn. D. Little asked if the consultant will look at fuel loads, and M. Freeman said that K. Lennington will be bringing a related report before the Board that can incorporate his questions. Vote: The motion passed 5 to 0. E. Agenda Item No. 5 - Authorize Additional Legal Fees in the Matter of Citizens for Responsible Open Space v. LAFCo, et al. In an Amount Not to Exceed $50,000 - (Report R-06-79) K. Nitz said he pulled this item because of the amount being requested to be p g authorized by the Board. Motion: M. Davey moved that the Board authorize additional legal fees in the matter of Citizens for Responsible Open Space v. LAFCo, et al. in an amount not to exceed $50,000. K. Nitz seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 to 0. VIII. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS K. Nitz stated that this Board meeting was his only compensable meeting. He thanked R. Jurgensen for the public outreach items. M. Davey stated that this Board meeting was her only compensable meeting. She handed out two flyers from the Committee for Green Foothills for two upcoming events. P. Siemens said that his compensable meetings included the Use and Management Committee meeting on June 15, 2006 and this evening's meeting. D. Little's compensable meetings include the June 15, 2006 Use and Management Committee meeting and tonight's Board meeting. He said they had a nice tour of the trail at Foothills and Los Trancos as part of the Use and Management Committee meeting. He went to Yosemite and learned their fire management practices, which included gathering materials into piles with bare ground around the pile. Meeting 06-16 Page 6 J. Cyr's compensable meeting is this Board meeting. He attended a lunch with staff as a thank-you for the planning and work they did for the Special Park Districts Forum, adding that there had been a tremendous effort by District staff at this event. He asked a question about the former North house mentioned in the FYI's. C. Britton explained that the Real Property Committee was looking at the issue, and added that the barn had burned and the property was empty. Staff needs to bring the issue of this property to conclusion. D. Little said he was concerned with Mr. Stow's letter, and C. Britton replied that staff had spoken with Mr. Stow directly about the matter. C. Britton said that there is an eminent domain item on the November ballot and that he may bring an item to the Board about it. He pointed out that in the FYI's there is a memo on the Resource Management efforts, which is the first time this type of information is being passed along to the Board. He handed out an"At Risk" map from the Greenbelt Alliance. He stated that Sally Thielfoldt was missing tonight's meeting as she was on her honeymoon. He met with David Holland about bikes and will go on a tour with him. He said that L. Hassett had met with the Woodside Open Space group, and that he and M. Williams are also planning on meeting with this group. He is planning on attending the annual California JPIA meeting. He said he met with the new Director of Committee of Green Foothills, Holly Van Houten. S. Schectman asked that the full board be present at the July 12, 2006 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors as there will be an item regarding the Hanson Quarry Exchange that requires a unanimous vote of the full Board. She referred to the eminent domain ballot item C. Britton mentioned, and told the Board that they can access the initiative online. M. Freeman said he attended a conference in San Jose and received excellent information from it. M. Williams pointed out that in the General Plan was passed and that there was an invoice in the Revised Claims about it. R. Jurgensen told the Board to mark their calendars for the Volunteer Recognition Event, which is scheduled for Saturday, September 30, 2006,place and time to be announced. M. Newburn told the Board that the new water tanker truck was in service and that it was the "star" at the Coe fire; the truck was able to drive up to the fire. The mutual aide between agencies worked well, and he made special mention of the fabulous job done by C. Beckman. P. Siemens added that staff did a great job"specing" the truck and how it would support the District's needs. IX ADJORNMENT The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors adjourned at 8:50pm. Lisa Zadek Recording Secretary Meeting 06-16 Page 7