HomeMy Public PortalAbout20060909 - Minutes - Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting 06-19 SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS August 9, 2006 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING 1. ROLL CALL President Jed Cyr called the Special Meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Members Present: Jed Cyr, Mary Davey, Larry Hassett,Nonette Hanko, Ken Nitz, Pete Siemens (arrived at 6:36 p.m.), and Deane Little (arrived at 6:45 p.m.). Members Absent: None Staff Present: Craig Britton, Sally Rice, John Maciel, Ana Ruiz, Duncan Simmons, Michelle Jesperson, Meredith Manning, Cindy Roessler, Michael Williams, Rudy Jurgensen. J. Cyr stated that the Special Meeting would be a study session to further discuss Resource Management matters. 11. STUDY SESSION C. Britton gave an introduction to the study session and then turned the discussion over to M. Jesperson. M. Jesperson stated that the purpose of this portion of the meeting was to discuss the resource management report from the consulting firm and she asked if any of the Board members had questions. N. Hanko brought up points she felt needed to be discussed, including getting public involvement. N. Hanko also gave a suggested re-wording of Goal 4 in the 5-year plan (page 11) to include language about the heritage eucalyptus trees. L. Hassett said that he has heard negative feedback on the eucalyptus trees and that he would like to hear from a specialist to explain the negative impacts of these trees. D. Little gave his thoughts on eucalyptus. August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 1 J. Cyr commended the work done to prepare the ESA report and said he especially liked the phrase "near neighbors." M. Davey agreed, adding that the report shows how well the District is doing. J. Cyr noted that on page 27 of the report the comments from the East Bay Regional Park District mirror the goals of the District. He found that the second paragraph on page 210 showed an interesting staff/land ratio. He agreed with what Chapter 5 discussed in that the established plan be flexible. L. Hassett said he would like to see the Resource Management group/staff placed -outside" of the Operations Department, including separating out their budget so that it will be easier to monitor and oversee the "true" costs. He added that he didn't mean that the staff of the Resource Management program would not work closely with Operations, Planning and other District staff, but that by doing this it would help distinguish them. P. Siemens asked if there was a written District policy regarding logging. If not, he said there should be something that discusses it. J. Cyr said that the Board had heard that the public supports acquisition, but not the care of the land. N. Hanko said that was not correct and that recent polls showed the exact opposite. M. Davey said that she sees that there is cooperation between the Resource Management and Operations staff. She said that staff should be asked what it needs to make the program succeed..D. Little agreed with M. Davey. M. Jesperson handed out a sheet showing a chart of ideas, concepts and programs. This was followed by discussion about the differences between mowing and disking, which J. Maciel explained that discing was required by the Fire Marshalls. The Special Meeting of the Board of Directors adjourned at 7:30 p.m. J. Cyr called for a 5-minute break before the start of the Regular Meeting. REGULAR MEETING 111. J. Cyr called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Additional Staff Present: S. Cousins, K. Miller, M. Casaretto, L. Patterson, T. Hammond, R. Carlson. Mary Davey asked that this meeting be dedicated to the memory of Tony Look, recently deceased founding director of the Sempervirens Fund. The Board agreed to do so. IV. INTRODUCTION OF NEW STAFF August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 2 A. Ruiz presented Andrea Christianson as the District's new Planning Technician and she gave some background information about Ms. Christianson. The Board welcomed her to the District. A. Ruiz also announced the recent promotion of M. Manning to the Open Space Planner 11 position. V. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS A. Jim Bodwin of Cupertino, CA, said that he was there to reintroduce the Adopt-A- Trail program, and reminded the Board that he had spoken to them about this program a few years earlier. He said that Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation has begun this program with signs. He asked if the District Board would like to reconsider this program. The Board thanked him and said that staff would be in touch with him to discuss this further. VI. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion: K. Nitz moved that the Board adopt the Agenda. M. Davey seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0. VII. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR L. Hassett pulled Agenda Item 6 from the Consent Calendar to discuss. K. Nitz pulled Agenda Item 7 from the Consent Calendar to discuss. J. Cyr pulled the Written Communications to discuss. K. Nitz asked for explanations of two Revised Claims, as follows: #5330 J. Maciel explained this expense. #5357R R. Jurgensen said that this was the District's portion (sharing costs). J. Cyr asked for explanations of two Revised Claims, as follows: #5313 M. Manning explained this was for the oil cleanup. #5331 R. Jurgensen said that the District was sharing costs for this item. N. Hanko said she would abstain from Revised Claim #5287. She also pointed out an incorrect spelling of G. Betts in the Board Minutes dated July 12, 2006. The Minutes showed the incorrect spelling of"Betz". Motion: K. Nitz moved that the Board adopt the Consent Calendar, including the Board Minutes of July 12, 2006 Special and Regular Meetings, as corrected; Agenda Item 8 Adoption of Resolution No. 06-26 of the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Establishing Financial Instrument Signatories for Santa Clara County August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 3 Accounts; and Revised Claims 06-15. N. Hanko seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0. VIII. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS J. Cyr said he pulled this item because he wanted to add language to the letter about the timing. L. Hassett asked how bad the house is. C. Britton suggested that a meeting of the Real Property Committee be called to discuss and review the residence at Thornewood. L. Hassett said he had concern that salvaged construction wood was being sold on the property, and asked if there was a side-business occurring. M. Williams said that no side- business in the selling of wood was taking place. N. Hanko echoed L. Hassett's concerns. IX. BOARD BUSINESS A. Agenda Item No. I —Approve Entering into a Cooperative Service Agreement with a Right-of-Entry Permit for the United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Service (APHIS-WS) to Conduct Predator Control at Ravenswood Open Space Preserve; Determine that the Proposed Actions are Categorically Exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) Based on Findings Contained in This Report; Authorize the General Manager to Execute the Cooperative Service Agreement with a Right of Entry Permit Allowing the APHIS-WS Access into Ravenswood Open Space Preserve for the Purpose of Conducting Wildlife Predator Management Activities; Authorize the General Manager and General Counsel to Approve Minor Revisions to the Rig t of Entry Permit•, Authorize Payment to the APHIS-WS of Budgeted Funds for Wildlife Predator Management Activities for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $55,000 (Report R-06-97). Stella Cousins introduced representatives of the APHIS-WS seated in the audience. She reviewed the predator control program at Ravenswood Open Space Preserve and the historical control measures used at that Preserve. N. Hanko said she was in favor of continuing the program and was happy to have read that a clapper rail had been seen at the Preserve. She asked about cats being caught in the traps and what happened to them. Brian Popper, with APHIS-WS replied that cats that are caught are turned over to the local SPCA, and if they have collars their owners are notified; but as far as he knew, only feral cats have been caught in their traps. N. Hanko said she would like leaflets distributed to the neighbors in the adjacent area. Mr. Popper said that they could work with District staff on doing that. D. Simmons asked where the traps were set and C. Britton asked if they were closer to the homes or closer to the Bay. Mr. Popper said that they are set closer to the August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 4 boat equipment areas and he showed the area on a map where the trapping occurs. He added that there are only a few access points. P. Siemens asked how many have been caught and Mr. Popper said they have caught 13 animals, including cats, a raccoon, three skunks and four grey fox. K. Nitz asked if there are signs, and if the weeds are being sprayed. A. Ruiz replied that there were notices on the signboards and that the weeds were scheduled to be sprayed this year. L. Hassett asked Mr. Popper if the presence of the grey fox was why they had not observed red fox in the area. Mr. Popper said that was the case, and if the grey fox were not in the area, then it would be more likely to see a red fox. L. Hassett asked about the funding for this project, and D. Simmons answered that the funding would cover a five-year period of time. J. Cyr thanked the representatives for attending the meeting and answering the Board's questions. Motion: L. Hassett moved that the Board approve entering into a Cooperative Service Agreement with a Right-of-Entry permit for the United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Service (APHIS-WS) to conduct predator control at Ravenswood Open Space Preserve; Determine that the proposed actions are categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) based on findings contained in this report; Authorize the General Manager to execute the Cooperative Service Agreement with a Right of Entry Permit allowing the APHIS-WS access into Ravenswood Open Space Preserve for the purpose of conducting wildlife predator management activities; Authorize the General Manager and General Counsel to approve minor revisions to the Right of Entry permit; Authorize payment to the APHIS-WS of budgeted funds for wildlife predator management activities for a total amount not to exceed $55,000. P. Siemens seconded the motion. Discussion: D. Little asked if the grey foxes pose a problem to the clapper rail population. Mr. Popper said that maybe they could, but they are not able to determine this completely. They do not want to take all predators out of the environment. K. Nitz asked if they had caught any rats and Mr. Popper said they had not and that the rodent populations are difficult to control. Vote: The motion passed Ito 0. August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 5 B. Agenda Item 2 —Agreement with San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District for Vector Surveillance and Control Activities-, Determine that the Proposed Actions Will Not Result in a Significant Effect on the Environment Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Based on Findings Contained in the Report-, Authorize the General Manager to Approve and Sign the Agreement between Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District and San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District (Agreement)—(Report R-06-90) M. Jesperson presented the staff report giving background information about the San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District. She said this was a new agreement from the agreement the District entered into previously. Motion: K. Nitz moved that the Board enter into an agreement with San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District for vector surveillance and control activities; Determine that the proposed actions will not result in a significant effect on the environment under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) based on findings contained in the report; Authorize the General Manager to approve and sign the agreement between Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District and San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District (Agreement). N. Hanko seconded the motion. Discussion: L. Hassett pointed out that the District is a multi-county agency, but this agreement is only with San Mateo County and he asked they also monitored outside of their county or if a similar agreement would be entered into with Santa Clara County. M. Jesperson responded that San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement District will only stay in its own area, but that she expected to bring a similar agreement to the Board with Santa Clara County. D. Little asked if the District had any birds infected with the West Nile Virus, and C. Roessler said that the District did. K. Nitz asked if mosquito fish attack and/or eat red-legged frogs. C. Roessler said that there was a concern that they could eat red- legged frog eggs. Vote: The motion passed 7 to 0. C. Agenda Item 3 —Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Field Employees Association and Approval of Salary and Benefits for the Office, Supervisory and Management Employees; Adopt the Resolution Approving the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Field Employees Association (MROSDFEA), For a Term of April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2011. Retroactive August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 6 to April I or Date of Hire, Whichever is Later, for Association Employees Employed by the District as of Approval of this MOA, Adopt the Resolution Approving the Salary and Benefits for the Office, Supervisory and Management (OSM) Staff Retroactive to April 1, 2006 or Date of Hire, Whichever is Later, for OSM Employees by the District as of Approval of This Resolution; Amend the Position Classification and Compensation Plan as Recommended (Appendix A); Appropriate Funds from the Fixed Assets (Land Acquisition) Category of the 2006-2007 Fiscal Year Budget to be Transferred to Salaries and Benefits in the Amount Not to Exceed $183,000 and Direct Staff to Return with the Appropriate Budget Amendments to Reflect These Adjustments at the Mid-Year Budget Adjustment by the Board• Direct Staff to Work with the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) to Implement the Appropriate Provisions of Recommendations I and 2 as Necessary, Including Returning to the Board for Any Additional Required Actions• Direct Staff to Return to the Board with Appropriate Revisions to the District's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual to Implement Recommendation 2 for OSM Employees. as Needed—(Report R- 06-86) C. Britton introduced the staff report and gave some historical data on benefits and increasing costs. S. Rice said that this is a five-year program and she recognized the represented staff in the audience. She added that the negotiating process was good, respectful, professional and that there was good dialog. S. Rice then reviewed the key economic changes for all District staff, which included: • Enhancement of PERS to 2.5% @ 55, up from 2% @ 55 • Retiree medical benefit enhancement • Cost sharing with employees- o Staff to pay 1% increased to 2% by 2008 toward PERS o Staff to pay a percentage of health insurance premiums • Salary adjustments * Staff looked at comparables with other agencies * 3 point salary increase this year For the Office, Supervisory and Management Employees: • Permanent increase of 1% for Senior Administrative Assistant position (with removal of the 1% stipend) due to the increased responsibility to act as the Deputy District Clerk • "At Will" Department Managers to receive severance pay and possibility of merit pay with the General Manager's discretion • Increase in the Area Superintendents' pay range by 5 points to reflect higher level responsibilities in terms of staff and budget August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 7 Other Field Employee changes include: 0 An increase in the call-back time and uniform allowance 0 Expansion of the 9/80 scheduling as a pilot program * Agreement to begin labor-management meetings on a regular basis K. Nitz asked if Article 14, Tuition Reimbursement, would increase in the budget. S. Rice said that the amount budgeted is $2,000 and that they have not topped out on that budget line, so at this time there is no reason to increase the money funded for this line item. K. Miller spoke as a member of MROSDFEA, and was on the negotiating committee. He said that the negotiating meetings were productive. He told the Board that the MROSDFEA voted to pass the agreement, but that it was not a unanimous vote. He said he was surprised to see the Managers' merit increase in the report. He had asked for the negotiations to re-open but was told, "no". D. Little said he had been working with the Open Space Technicians and that they work very hard and should be acknowledged for it. He said they were doing a great jab. Motion: D. Little moved that the Board approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Field Employees Association and approval of Salary and Benefits for the Office, Supervisory and Management Employees; Adopt Resolution No.06- 28 approving the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Field Employees Association (MROSDFEA), for a term of April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2011, Retroactive to April I or date of hire, whichever is later, for Association Employees employed by the District as of approval of this MOA; Adopt the Resolution Approving the Salary and Benefits for the Office, Supervisory and Management (OSM) staff retroactive to April 1, 2006 or date of hire, whichever is later, for OSM Employees by the District as of approval of Resolution No. 06-29; Amend the Position Classification and Compensation Plan as recommended(Appendix A); Appropriate funds from the Fixed Assets (Land Acquisition) category of the 2006-2007 fiscal year budget to be transferred to Salaries and Benefits in the amount not to exceed $183,000 and direct staff to return with the appropriate budget amendments to reflect these adjustments at the mid-year budget adjustment by the Board; Direct staff to work with the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) to implement the appropriate provisions of Recommendations I and 2 as necessary, including returning to the Board for any additional required actions• ; Direct staff to return to the Board with appropriate revisions to the District's Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual to implement August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 8 Recommendation 2 for OSM employees, as needed. P. Siemens seconded the motion. Discussion: J. Cyr added that he agreed that the Area Superintendents'jobs have expanded and that they should be compensated for their work. C. Britton said that the negotiations provided good information and that he wanted to thank the negotiating team for their efforts. J. Cyr said that the shift to having employees pick up a portion of the medical costs is a very difficult issue, and acknowledged that this change is not an easy one. He appreciates the complexity. Vote: The motion passed 7 to 0. D. Agenda Item 4—Authorize Retention of the Law Firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman to Provide Leizal Services to the District in Stated Matters, Approve Payment of Previously Authorized Funds to Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman in Lieu of Miller Starr& Remalia, and Authorize Payment of Additional Legal Fees in an Amount Not to Exceed $30,000•, Authorize the General Manager to Execute a Retainer Agreement with the Law Firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman in theMatters of. Fogqrtv v. Midneninsula Regional OpgnS ace District: CQlinty Club v. Midneninsula Regional Space District: and a Potential Encroachment and Conservation Easement Violation at Sierra Azul Oven Space Preserve; Authorize Additional Legal Fees in the Matter of Fogarty v Re *goLftn Space District,for the Pillsbury Law Firm in an == Sj Amount Not to Exceed $30,000; Approve the Payment of Funds Previously Approved for Miller Starr & Regalia to Pillsbury in the Above Described Matters (Report R-06-98) Motion: M. Davey moved that the Board authorize retention of the law firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman to provide legal services to the District in stated matters, Approve payment of previously authorized funds to Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman in lieu of Miller Starr& Regalia, and authorize payment of additional legal fees in an amount not to exceed $30,000; Authorize the General Manager to execute a retainer agreement with the law firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman in the matters of: Fogarty v. Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District; Saratoga County Club v. Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District; and a potential encroachment and conservation easement violation at Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve; Authorize additional legal fees in the matter of Fogarty v. Midneninsula Regional Open Space District for the Pillsbury Law Firm in an amount not to exceed August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 9 $30,000; Approve the payment of funds previously approved for Miller Starr& Regalia to Pillsbury in the above described matters. L. Hassett seconded the motion. K. Nitz said that he wanted to vote against the General Counsel's Recommendation number 2, having to do with the Fogarty matter. J. Cyr called for the vote to be made by the Board for each of the three General Counsel's Recommendations. Vote: General Counsel Recommendation Number 1: M. Davey moved that the Board approve General Counsel's Recommendation Number 1. L. Hassett seconded the motion. The motion passed 6 to 0. (N. Hanko was not present to vote on this item.) General Counsel Recommendation Number 2: M. Davey moved that the Board approve General Counsel's Recommendation Number 2. L. Hassett seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 to 1. K. Nitz voted against this motion. (N. Hanko was not present to vote on this item.) General Counsel Recommendation Number 3: M. Davey moved that the Board approve General Counsel's recommendation Number 3. L. Hassett seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0. E. Agenda Item 5—Approval of Amendments to Purchase Agreement-Bargain Sale for the Purchase of Peninsula Open Space Trust (Driscoll Ranch) Property (San Mateo County Assessor's Parcel Numbers 078-270-010, -020, -030; 078-290-010, -020, -030, -060; 082-140-020, 082-170-010, -040), Located in Unincorporated San Mateo County Adjacent to Highway 84 as an Addition to La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve; Adopt the Resolution Approving and Authorizing Execution of an Amendment to the Purchase Agreement-Bargain Sale for the Peninsula Open Space Trust (Driscoll Ranch) Property—(Report R-06-1 00). Motion: P. Siemens moved that the Board approve the Amendments to Purchase Agreement-Bargain Sale for the Purchase of Peninsula Open Space Trust (Driscoll Ranch) property (San Mateo County Assessor's Parcel Numbers 078-270-010, -020, -030; 078-290-010, -020, -030, -060; 082-140-020; 082-170-010, -040), located in unincorporated San Mateo County adjacent to Highway 84 as an addition to La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve; Adopt August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 10 Resolution No. 06-30 approving and authorizing execution of an Amendment to the Purchase Agreement-Bargain Sale for the Peninsula Open Space Trust (Driscoll Ranch) property. M. Davey seconded the motion. K. Nitz asked if the Board was re-approving this purchase. Discussion: pp g M. Williams explained that this was an amendment needed to formalize in writing the extension of the escrow closing and the District's agreement to make a $5,000,000 deposit toward the full purchase price to POST, an amount that would be fully refundable to the District by POST if the purchase fails to be completed for any reason. L. Hassett asked why pollution insurance was holding up the escrow. C. Britton said that was not the reason for the delay. M. Williams gave further information on the residence and the j complexity of acquiring this property, and added that this particular purchase has been a learning experience for staff and for the District. K. Nitz asked about the activity level planned at the event center, including the rodeos. M. Williams replied that they are still clarifying the uses, but that staff was told there would be three to four events per year. P. Siemens asked if the District can limit the number of times they use the parking lots. M. Williams said they would only use the lots three to four times per year, and that they have parking available on their property; they only use the District lots for overflow parking. Vote: The motion passed 7 to 0. F. Agenda Item 6—Final Adoption of an Amendment to the Use and Management Plan for Los Trancos Open Space Preserve to Formalize an Existing Connection with Palo Alto's Foothills Park and to Realign a Section of Page Mill Trail; Amend the Use and Management Plan for Los Trancos Open Space Preserve to Designate the Existing Trail Connection Between the Preserve and Palo Alto's Foothills Park as a Hiking Only Trail; Amend the Use and Management Plan for Los Trancos Open Space Preserve to Realign the Upper Section of Paize Mill Trail to Accommodate Drainage and Recreation Use Improvements and to Change the Use Designation of a Portion of the Trail to Hiking Only (Report 06-96). J. Cyr said he pulled this item from the Consent Calendar because the CEQA J section was not specified and he wondered why. C. Britton stated that because this is the second vote on this item, it is not required to be listed again. August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page I 1 Motion: N. Hanko moved the final adoption of an Amendment to the Use and Management Plan for Los Trancos Open Space Preserve to formalize an existing trail connection with Palo Alto's Foothills Park and to realign a section of Page Mill Trail; Amend the Use and Management Plan for Los Trancos Open Space Preserve to designate the existing trail connection between the Preserve and Palo Alto's Foothills Park as a hiking only trail; Amend the Use and Management Plan for Los Trancos Open Space Preserve to realign the upper section of Page Mill Trail to accommodate drainage and recreation-use improvements and to change the use designation of a portion of the trail to hiking only. M. Davey seconded the motion. The motion passed 7 to 0. G. Agenda Item 7—Authorization to Solicit Bids for Four Prefabricated Fiberglass Composite Pedestrian/Equestrian Bridges for El Corte de Madera Creek Open Space Preserve—(Report R-06-95). K. Nitz said he pulled this item from the Consent Calendar because he wanted a definition of the proposed bridges. M. Manning said that these bridges will be sitting on a foundation, but they are already manufactured and will save the District money. K. Nitz asked if the District can just hire people to install the bridges rather than the District building and installing them, and he asked if that is where the 10% savings was coming from. M. Manning said that the District has done this in the past, and gave an example from Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve. L. Hassett asked why the District didn't do this more often, and M. Manning said she would look into that. Motion: N. Hanko moved to authorize staff to solicit bids for four prefabricated fiberglass composite pedestrian/equestrian bridges for El Corte de Madera Creek Open Space Preserve. K. Nitz seconded the motion. Discussion: P. Siemens said he agreed with this process and thought it was a good idea as it simplified the process. M. Manning told the Board that there will be a formalized competitive bid process for this project. Vote: The motion passed 7 to 0. X. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS /COMPENSABLE MEETING REPORTS August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 12 N. Hanko said she wanted to agendize the Ombudsperson report that was in the FYI's to the Board. C. Britton said that this is a one-year appointment and that the Board could discuss it at that time. N. Hanko said her compensable meetings included the Good Neighbor Policy Committee meeting on August 8 1h and tonight's Board meeting. She attended the South Skyline picnic and said that the speaker was from Cowell State Park and that he was outstanding. She requested help with the Peninsula Corridor Study, and suggested having staff attend meetings occasionally. She said the Good Neighbor Policy Committee has received 14 comments and that they are all quality comments. K. Nitz's compensable meetings included the Good Neighbor Policy Committee on August 8 1h and tonight's Board meeting. He said he had only seen two notices about the upcoming elections for the District Board seats. He went on vacation in Europe and did hiking in several countries. He asked about the Environmental Impact Report on the Hetch Hetchy line included in the FYIs, and asked if it will run through Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve. C. Britton said that he would check on that and get back to him with the answer. M. Davey said her only compensable meeting was this Board meeting. She thanked staff for finding out what kind of beetle it was that she brought in. P. Siemens said his only compensable meeting was this Board meeting. L. Hassett said his only compensable meeting was this Board meeting. He attended the South Skyline picnic and agreed with N. Hanko that the speaker was excellent. He went on a farm tour with M. Davey and said they went to four or five different farms along Highway 1. He said it was a great tour attended by about 95 people. J. Cyr said he attended the Good Neighbor Policy Committee meeting on August 8, and that tonight's Board meeting was his only other compensable meeting. He said that page 2 of the San Francisco Planning Department letter was missing from the FYI's. He went with L. Hassett on a helicopter ride given by the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD), arranged by John Escobar on their behalf He said that it is an expensive program and that EBRPD owns two helicopters. He thanked staff for the update on the North property. On August 4 he went with J. Maciel to hike the new Dusky Footed Woodrat Trail in Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve and said that it was an excellent trail with wonderful views. D. Little said his only compensable meeting was this Board meeting. He announced his resignation from the Board of Directors. He spoke about his eight years on the Board and gave a photograph he had taken as a gift to the District. The photo was taken at the District's Foothills Open Space Preserve. August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 13 L. Hassett thanked D. Little for being a mentor to him and gave him an out-of-print book as a gift. P. Siemens thanked D. Little for his service on the Board. K. Nitz thanked D. Little for being a driving force for the Resource Management Program. C. Britton said he appreciated D. Little for bringing resource management into focus for the District. He announced that September 20th would be the daytime event for the staff recognition event, and that it was going to be held at Dear Hollow Farm; he said that September 29th was the date for the evening staff recognition event, which will be held again at Saratoga Springs, and he encouraged the Board members to attend both events. He and D. Woods met with staff at East Palo Alto to discuss Cooley Landing and to come up with a plan for low-impact recreation opportunities there. S. Schectman and he met with Santa Clara County Park's new legal counsel, Katherine Harasz. He said that Tom Lantos thinks California will have a Democratic majority, and asked about what environmental issues the District would like to see come forward. C. Britton told the Board that with the resignation of D. Little from the Board there will be options to fill his seat, and that there was a 60-day time period to do so. He said that staff would bring these options to the next Board meeting. C. Britton said that Tony Look, who recently passed away, was a good friend of the District and will be missed. M. Davey said that the memorial service would be in October. J. Maciel said that Santa Clara County had collected 5,000 marijuana plants near Long Ridge Open Space Preserve off of the Achistaca Trail (sp?). XI. ADJORNMENT The Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District adjourned at 10:05 pm. Lisa Zadek Recording Secretary August 9,2006 Minutes Meeting 06-19 Page 14