HomeMy Public PortalAboutNauset Schools -- 2020-03-12 Minutes Nauset Regional School Committee March 12 , 2020 Brewster Town Hall Present for the Committee : Ian Mack, Judith Schumacher, Amy Handel, John O ' Reilly, Chris Easley, Richard Stewart, Robert Jacobus, Josh Stewart, and Ed Brookshire , Jim O ' Leary (remotely) and John O ' Reilly arrived at Present for the Administration : Thomas Conrad, Giovanna Venditti, Jim Nowack, Principal Julie Kobold and Principal Chris Ellsasser Call to Order Chair Easley called the meeting to order at 6 : 05 p .m . and indicated that Jim O ' Leary would be joining the meeting electronically. Agenda Changes — Move School Choice after Item B . Citizens Speak — Garran Peterson addressed the committee in support of the building project siting the academic attributes of the Nauset Public Schools . He also noted that the reputation and excellence of the school District is the reason he and his family moved to Brewster. He stated that the community is in this together. Young families , seniors and retirees all face challenges as taxpayers . He commended the School Committee and Building Committee for wanting to better our communities . He disagrees with the opponents of the project and noted that school choice students help our programs and the programs contribute to our community. He stated if we lose school choice students , we lose financing from the state . He also indicated that this enrollment figure has been vetted through the state and $ 36 , 000 , 000 is a big contribution . He also stated that the proposed project unites the four towns in one vote to create a better learning environment for the lower Cape . It creates a community. He urged citizens to attend town meetings and to go to vote the following week. Chair Easley noted that Citizens Speak is limited to 2 minutes in the future . Consent Agenda On a motion by Robert Jacobus , seconded by Ed Brookshire it was voted 9 yeas by roll call vote to approve the consent agenda as presented . On a roll call the vote was as follows : Ian Mack-yea, Judith Schumacher-yea, Amy Handel-yea, Chris Easley-yea, Richard Stewart-yea, Robert Jacobus-yea, Josh Stewart-yea, Ed Brookshire-yea and Jim O ' Leary- yea Priority Business Building Committee Update Greg Levasseur and Chris Easley provided an update for the committee . Mr. Levasseur distributed a new flyer and indicated that the committee is getting information out as quickly as possible . He also suggested citizens view he website for the continual updates . He announced the dates of the public forums in the four towns . Principal Ellsasser reported that he continues to give tours of the building. He indicated that many people were surprised by the condition of the current building and impressed by the model of the new facility. People have been very supportive . Bond Counsel Lynn Foster-Welsh, Vice President of UmBank and Bond Advisor addressed the committee regarding bonding at this time . She indicated that she had no idea what would happen in this unprecedented moment in the bond market . She indicated the market is volatile . She is not sure how quickly the market will bounce back . She indicated when Nauset Regional School Committee, March 12, 2020 1 1 P a g e we get back to some type of normalcy, she will start running schedules . She thought the member towns might want to see some more schedules . She talked about the process for level debt or level principle . She indicated the School Committee will vote and must inform the towns within 7 days of the vote . The towns have 60 days from the date of the vote to take action . She indicated that each town has the option to see if they want a debt exclusion . The town meetings vote and would be contingent upon a proposition 2 . 5 % debt exclusion. This vote has to take place within 60 days . Members asked what would happen if town meetings were cancelled and she responded that this in unprecedented. She would guess the School Committee take another vote and start the 60 days again. That is her best guess . Ms . Foster-Welsh indicated she is more than happy to come back in front of the committee when things get back to normal and would be happy to meet with Town Administrators . Chair Easley thanked her for attending the meeting Public Hearing on School Choice By roll call, the School Committee went into the public hearing at 6 : 40 p .m. Ian Mack-yea, Judith Schumacher-yea, Amy Handel-yea, Chris Easley-yea, Richard Stewart-yea, Robert Jacobus- yea, Josh Stewart-yea, Ed Brookshire-yea The Superintendent proposed the following seats be available for school choice students : Gr. 6 = 32 available seats Gr. 7 = 13 available seats Gr . 8 = 0 seats Gr . 9 = 38 available seats Gr . 10 = 14 available seats Gr. 11 — 0 seats Gr. 12 = 0 seats He explained the process of how he came to the seats that would be available and also shared how many students leave the district. He also explained that school choice brings 1 . 2 million dollars into the district to offset a number of areas of funding that is needed . Josh Stewart shared concerns about class size at the High School , as well as benefits vs . dollars . Motion . On a motion by Ed Brookshire, seconded by Robert Jacobus, it was voted by roll call vote to approve the seats as recommended by the Superintendent. On a roll call the vote was as follows : Ian Mack-yea, Judith Schumacher-yea, Amy Handel-yea, Chris Easley-yea, Richard Stewart-yea, Robert Jacobus-yea, Josh Stewart-yea, Ed Brookshire-yea and Jim O ' Leary- yea On a motion by Ed Brookshire, seconded by Robert Jacobus , it was voted by roll call vote to leave the public hearing at 6 : 56 p . m . On a roll call the vote was as follows : : Ian Mack-yea, Judith Schumacher-yea, Amy Handel-yea, Chris Easley-yea, Richard Stewart-yea, Robert Jacobus-yea, Josh Stewart-yea, Ed Brookshire-yea and Jim O ' Leary- yea Nauset Regional School Committee, March 12 , 2020 2 P a g e FY21 Budget Superintendent Conrad gave a PowerPoint Presentation of the FY21 Budget that included; Where Each Dollar Goes, Personnel costs at the Middle and High School , and Accomplishments, Giovanna Venditti reviewed the Net Operating Budget figures and Assessments to Towns . John OReilly joined the meeting at 7 : 20 p.m. Jim Nowack shared ways the District is trying to help itself through solar energy and working with Cape Light Compact. He also shared the purchase of electric cars and the waiting for the pole to be moved by Verizon to put in the charging station . The Superintendent shared the awards and recognitions that the High School has received over the years . Chair Easley explained that the membership of the committee is reviewed every ten years using the Decennial Census data from the Federal Government. The Superintendent indicated once the census is completed, the attorney reaches out to Town Clerks and provides the District with a report of what needs to be done . Richard Stewart inquired about the Homework Policy and how it has changed things for students . The Superintendent explained how the new policy is helping students and their emotional health. He also explained that Dr. Caretti is working to bring social workers into the district to meet with students and families on Saturday mornings . Dr . Caretti is confident that she will find grant opportunities to continue this program . The Superintendent indicated he is watching this very closely. Ian Mack inquired about E & D expenditures in the budget . Chair Easley indicated that they have never had to pull anything out of E & D . He is not concerned with the amount to start E & D . ($ 805 , 000 - projected ending balance) His concern is that next year next year some of the funding will not be available to offset assessments . John O ' Reilly indicated that in the last ten years E & D has been as high as 1 . 3 million and as low as $ 193 ,000 . The average E & D balance is $ 794, 000. Judith Schumacher reminded the committee that last year they had a windfall of $ 300,000 from the insurance rebate . Josh Stewart inquired about enhancements to counseling. He does not want the committee to be afraid of a 2 . 5 % override. Chair Easley indicated that trying to keep the whole system under 2 . 5 % is illogical in the future . Ed Brookshire stated that the use of E & D to reduce assessments to each town . What happens if the boiler breaks and we don 't have enough money to fix it. The Committee cannot go back to the towns to get money. Robert Jacobus inquired about tuition and school choice students . Ian Mack asked that the committee consider having a discussion as to what balance should be maintained as an E & D . Motion : On a motion by Richard Stewart, seconded by Ed Brookshire , it was voted by roll call vote to approve the FY21 budget in the amount of $24 , 690 ,214 or a 2 . 5 % increase that includes the operating budget and capital . On a roll call the vote was as follows : Ian Mack — yea, Ed Brookshire- yea , Robert Jacobus-yea , Amy Handel-yea, Chris Easley- yea, Jim O ' Leary-yea, John O ' Reilly-yea, Josh Stewart-yea, Richard Stewart-year and Judith Schumacher-yea Reports and Information Principals Ellsasser and Kobold ' s reports were included in the packet. Principal Ellsasser indicated that students and teachers are having conversations about the Homework Policy . Students are being encouraged to talk with teachers Nauset Regional School Committee, March 12 , 2020 3 1 P a g e when homework is too much for them. The policy provides a plan and students are looking for balance and staying healthy. He also indicated that the faculty is on board with the limits on homework. Chair Easley asked about the trips being cancelled. Principal Ellsasser indicated that people are understanding, letters sent to faculty and families , people are appreciative of direction, people are disappointed, people realize that people are going through a difficult time . Principal Kobold indicated they are watching the Washington, D . C . field trip . She hopes that some trips can be picked up in June and will monitor with the Superintendent. The Superintendent recognized the efforts that the Princpals are making. Principal Kobold also shared the African Artifacts Exhibit by Gr. 6 that is being displayed at Snow Library. She indicated that the Middle School has a wonderful partnership with Snow Library. Superintendent shared letters that were sent to staff and families relative to the coronavirus . He recognized Keith Gauley for his efforts regarding online academics should the District need to shut down . The Superintendent indicated that he has reached out to Senator Julian Cyr about the money involved in the field trips and what can be done for families to regroup their money . He has shifted into trying to remain calm and bring some consensus to what the district is doing in the near future out to April vacation . He indicated that every Principal in the district has had to postpone events in their schools . He shared that he spoke to the Athletic Director, John Mattson at the High School and Ed Pavlu at the Middle School regarding canceling sports until after April vacation . They received word from the MIA that everything is pushed back for the spring season two weeks . He indicated that Superintendents across the Cape are meeting to discuss shutting down . He indicated he was not at all concerned about the MCAS tests and stated that kids need to deal with something we have never experienced in our lives . He indicated that he will take this step-by-step and navigate it to keep our communities together . Policies for a Second Reading and Adoption On a motion by Ed Brookshire, seconded by Josh Stewart, it was voted unanimously, by roll call vote, to approve Policy JFABF-Educational Opportunities for Children in Foster Care for a second reading and adoption . On a roll call the vote was as follows : Ian Mack — yea, Ed Brookshire- yea, Robert Jacobus-yea, Amy Handel-yea, Chris Easley-yea, Jim O ' Leary-yea, John O ' Reilly-yea, Josh Stewart-yea, Richard Stewart-year and Judith Schumacher- yea On a motion by Ian Mack, seconded by Ed Brookshire, it was voted unanimously, by roll call vote, to approve Policy JFABE-Educational Opportunities for Military Children for a second reading and adoption . On a roll call the vote was as follows . Ian Mack — yea, Ed Brookshire- yea, Robert Jacobus-yea, Amy Handel -yea, Chris Easley-yea, Jim O ' Leary-yea, John O ' Reilly-yea, Josh Stewart-yea, Richard Stewart-year and Judith Schumacher-yea On a motion by Ian Mack, seconded by Amy Handel , it was voted unanimously, by roll call vote , to approve Policy JBB -Equal Education Opportunities for a second reading and adoption . On a roll call the vote was as follows . Ian Mack — yea, Ed Brookshire- yea, Robert Jacobus-yea, Amy Handel-yea, Chris Easley-yea, Jim O ' Leary-yea , John O ' Reilly-yea, Josh Stewart-yea, Richard Stewart-year and Judith Schumacher-yea FY20 Budget Giovanna Venditti reported that the Subcommittee met and reviewed the Dashboard in great detail . She indicated that the projected E & D balance for June 30, 2020 is $ 1 , 047 , 050 . It was noted that there is a deficit in the High School and Middle School and it was noted this was partly due to the hiring of two new math teachers who were hired at step 7 instead of step 5 . A psychologist was also hired at a higher rate . There is an increase in the long term substitute account due to unanticipated absences . Judith Schumacher indicated the Budget & Finance Subcommittee went through the High School budget line -by- line with the Principal . The Budget & Finance Subcommittee is going Nauset Regional School Committee, March 12 , 2020 4 1 P a g e to review these budgets each month and don ' t expect that this deficit will happen again . The Athletic budget line item was one of the line items that went over by $ 50 , 000- $ 60 , 000 . Ms . Venditti reviewed the funding sources, revolving account balances, grants, debt and compared balances this year to last year. Capital Article Reclassification On a motion by John O ' Reilly, seconded by Ian Mack, it was voted to accept the reclassification of capital items as written . On a roll call the vote was as follows : Ian Mack — yea, Ed Brookshire- yea, Robert Jacobus-yea, Amy Handel -yea, Chris Easley-yea, John O ' Reilly-yea , Josh Stewart-yea, Richard Stewart-year and Judith Schumacher- yea Reports and Information Cape Cod Collaborative — Robert Jacobus indicated they are still looking for a place for Way Point Academy to relocate . They are dealing with transportation and are reviewing a draft of the FY20-21 budget. Strategic Plan — Judith Schumacher reported that the Strategic Plan Committee has its first draft ready for the Superintendent. The committee is meeting on March 16th and will officially vote the plan . They would like to have the plan included on all agendas for committees in April . School Council — Richard Stewart indicated that the High School Council met and had a good turnout of parents , faculty, administrators and students . Their focus is on relationships between the families and the school . Conversations should result in good outcomes for students and families . Adjournment On a motion by Ed Brookshire , seconded by Robert Jacobus , it was voted unanimously, by roll call vote, to adjourn the meeting at 8 : 42 p .m . On a roll call the vote was as follows : : Ian Mack — yea, Ed Brookshire- yea, Robert Jacobus-yea, Amy Handel-yea, Chris Easley-yea, John O ' Reilly-yea, Josh Stewart-yea , Richard Stewart-year and Judith Schumacher-yea Future Agenda Items Homework Policy E & D Balance Submitted by, Ann M. Tefft, Secretary Nauset Regional School Committee, March 12, 2020 5 ( P a g e