HomeMy Public PortalAboutNauset Schools -- 2020-02-06 Minutes kP Nauset Regional School Committee February 6, 2020 Brewster Town Hall Present for the Committee : Ian Mack, Judith Schumacher, Amy Handel, John O ' Reilly, Chris Easley, Richard Stewart, Robert Jacobus, and Josh Stewart Absent : Ed Brookshire and Jim O ' Leary Present for the Administration : Thomas Conrad, Giovanna Venditti Call to Order -- Chair Easley called the meeting to order at 6 : 00 p .m. Agenda Changes — None Citizens Speak None Priority Business Three Year Lease on 2 Electric Cars Jim Nowack indicated that the leasing agent requires the school committee to give permission to spend $2 , 00 for two vehicles and a three year lease . Motion : On a motion by Robert Jacobus, seconded by Amy Handel , it was voted unanimously to sign the lease for $4 ,200 for the three year lease . The Superintendent indicated that this is an introduction program through the state . He indicated there will be two charging stations at the Central Office and they are waiting for Eversource to move the pole so that they can be installed . The Chevy Bolt gets 257 miles to the charge . He reminded the committee that the District is involved in a solar canopy project over the bus area. FY21 Budget The Superintendent distributed several documents pertaining to the proposed FY21 Region Only budget. Giovanna Venditti reviewed the Region Only budget section-by- section. Judy Schumacher requested a presentation on transportation savings at some point. There was discussion regarding school choice in tuition and school choice out tuition . Nauset is sending 41 students out of District to attend other schools . Ms . Venditti indicated that Nauset has more student tuitioning out this year and that is the reason for the increase in line item 8728 . Other lines, 8732 and 8740 increased based on student need . Account 8733 , SN Contracted Services Transportation — Giovanna will get the details and email members . The Superintendent indicated that budget escalators are clearly the number of students being educated in out-of- district placements . He indicated that the District has a responsibility to have towns understand that we have more and more needs for special students who are struggling . He also indicated that ELL teacher salaries are covered by grants . He indicated that at some point, when the grants can ' t cover the services, we will have to add to the operating budgets . The program is expanding but presently is funded from grants . He explained how the ELL teachers service the students . He also indicated if there was an influx of students and the grant money was depleted, Principals would find money in the operating budget. The Superintendent indicated that Mr. Gauley will report on the Grants at the next meeting. Ian Mack suggested the need to help ELL kids pass state standardized tests . He felt the number would continue to grow. John O ' Reilly indicated that when special needs students come into the District mid-year, and the need arises, Administration does a tremendous job moving funds around . He also stated that the Nauset Regional School Committee, February 6, 2020 11 P a g e Committee should tap into E & D when needed . That would get the budget through that period of time and then it would be included in the next budget. He stated he did not like the idea of taking from the operating budget. Account 8711 — Professional Development - $ 140 , 000 . The Superintendent indicated that this money is for courses that teachers take throughout the year. This money, if not used in the year, could be used for other professional development . He further stated that there is money for workshops in the building budget. He also indicated that he has never used E & D money and that that money is a placeholder to offset the base to taxpayers . Members will have a presentation from Mr . Gauley next month highlighting the grant money, professional development, and workshops . He would like to develop a school day, school month, and school year that looks at professional development more consistently during the school year. Marls Mathison addressed the committee regarding professional development. He reassured everyone, that from the Union standpoint, there are some things that need to be refined but this district has consistently been supportive of staff and teachers . He indicated they have had nothing but support . He explained the " large amount of money" is used for reimbursing teachers who are involved in graduate course work. Young teachers get their Master' s and are allowed to take as many classes that they need . He indicated that this is a good advantage for the District in recruiting young teachers and hanging on to them . He stated they have never reached a point where the District did not have enough money to reimburse the people who take graduate courses . Those with Master ' s can take three courses in a year . The other money is controlled by the Central Office for workshops . He indicated that 8 teachers spent two days in Boston for a conference and that money is available to them . He indicated that the Restorative Practice workshops came out of the Central Office budget . He stated that from the Union standpoint they are very satisfied . The other money available is in individual building line item budgets . This money is to visit other schools and see other programs . There is a limit to this money . There are very few times that a staff member has been denied . He reiterated , overall, the Union has no complaints about professional development and grants at all levels . Judy Schumacher stated that finding time is a problem for professional development. The District has only 2 days of professional development in a year and that is something that needs to be addressed . Superintendent Conrad indicated that the Administrators had a robust conversation about a different professional development model . They need more continuity and consistency . He reported it is difficult to begin an initiative in August and not look at it again until January. The Superintendent stated that you could add more to this budget in a number of areas . He indicated that he brought forward a budget at 2 . 5 % . This is a tight budget . Account 8716 — County retirement assessment — Barnstable County provides the information and it is paid on July 1 St. 8720 — Health Insurance — 0% increase 8772 — OPEB — 4005000 — Giovanna Venditti indicated this is the same amount as last year and it has been moved into the Region Only budget. The Superintendent indicated that this must be included in the operating budget according to the Attorney. The Attorney indicated that the total budget, including OPEB , that is voted in one number. Account 8725 - Insurance — This increased due to an increase in deductible for the District. MIIA stated building were under insured . Premiums will increase for the next three years . It was asked if the insurance could go out to bid . The Committee asked that Administration look at this . Nauset Regional School Committee, February 6, 2020 2 P a g e 8727 — Athletic Insurance — This is based on the number of students in the program . Administration will look at this as well . The total budget is $ 12 , 903 ,224 or a $ 506, 801 increase or 4 . 09% increase . Giovanna Venditti reviewed the breakdown of versions of the budget for the committee . The Superintendent indicated that retirements play a big part in bringing the budget down . John O ' Reilly questioned the other budgetary reductions - $ 51 ,000 . The Superintendent indicated that three teachers are retiring and two positions may be eliminated after looking at the master schedule . Josh Stewart worried about increase size in core subjects . The Superintendent has asked both Principals to start making the master schedule . He indicated that they have not laid off teachers even though enrollment has gone from 1 , 200 to 900 . They have had reductions through retirements . He would like the board to request going forward a report of classes being run with under 10 students and classes with over 25 students . Motion : On a motion by Robert Jacobus, seconded by Richard Stewart, it was voted unanimously to request Administration to provide a list of classes being held with under 10 and over 25 students . Region Only and Region Share of Central Office was reported . The pie chart including all components of the budget was distributed . Version 1 of the Operating Budget was distributed. Giovanna Venditti reviewed the expense, income and assessments to towns . Members asked the reason why OPEB was included in the operating budget . It was stated that the Attorney indicated that this must be included in the operating budget. Giovanna Venditti explained the School Choice figure . She also indicated that she applied for extraordinary relief based on expenses in special needs . She anticipates receiving $243 , 000 from the state in extraordinary relief that must be used in this budget year. Chair Easley asked about the 1 .4 million in E & D and the balance of $ 560 , 000 . He asked for an accounting of special needs expenses again the three budgets for the past two year and the current year. Robert Jacobus stated that the money coming from E & D is not sustainable . Chair Easley indicated that the committee would have to increase assessments from the towns and that they would have to ask for an override . Josh Stewart did not like bearing real costs with prepayment or pulling out of E & D . Chair Easley indicated that in the past the committee has always taken money out of E & D to offset assessments . He requested a history of E & D be brought to the next meeting. He worried about the $ 560, 000 balance projected in E & D at the end of the year . The Superintendent indicated that Circuit Breaker money will be added to that figure . Judith Schumacher stated she was alarmed by the figures and wanted to know how the budget is absorbing $400, 000 in OPEB . She thought this was given to the towns last year as a separate appropriation . The Superintendent suggested he give school committee members the minutes to the meeting when they voted to include OPEB in the budget, as well as the legal opinion from the Attorney. He indicated the budget had to be voted with one figure . Judith Schumacher felt the budget should be 2 . 5 % of what it was last year not 2 . 5 % of a budget including $400, 000 for OPEB . John O ' Reilly stated the Administration should look into this . Where is the 2 . 5 % calculated from? Givanna Venditti reviewed the budget showing the budget has increased $602 ,226 over last year, noting a 2 . 5 % increase . This figure includes the operating budget, debt service capital and OPEB . She indicated when the school committee votes it need to vote on the figure in totality and it cannot be separate items . She indicated that the $24,000, 000 includes OPEB last year. John O ' Reilly indicated that OPEB is not pushing the budget over, but the reduction in revenue . Revenues were discussed . The Superintendent indicated that the number of school choice students at the High School was down . He indicated that students go to the Tech program . He indicated they are watching this very closely. He indicated the issue with some of the communities is that there is a lot of mobility and people do move Nauset Regional School Committee, February 6, 2020 3 1 P a g e around . He reminded the committee that seats were only open in Grade 6 and 9 last year . At the Middle School they are sensitive to class size . The Superintendent shared with the committee that we are looking at our schools as a Gr. 6 - 12 program for continuity and consistency. Chair Easley would like the estimates for the end of the year. Giovnna Venditti indicated this will be in the Dashboard next week. Judy Schumacher would like to see the actuals . Chair Easley would like to see expenses coming out of revolving funds . The Superintendent indicated that the Administration has spent a great deal of time looking at this budget. He indicated that we are seeing rising costs . John O ' Reilly indicated that there are multiple things that the committee did not have figures for and now they are in the budget. The board decides what gets reduced within the budget. We may not be in a position to ratify this budget until we have to . For next week . 1 . List of Revolving Funds 2 . Large amount coming out of revolving funds 3 . History of E & D . John O ' Reilly inquired if the committee happy with what is coming out of E & D or do we ask Administration for additional cuts? It was noted that 91 % of the budget is personnel costs . Administration is not replacing one teacher in a core subject. Will the reduction impact student/teacher ratios? The Administration will talk with the Principals about another position retiring. The Superintendent indicated that many of the lines have a zero percent increase . He stated it will be very difficult for Principals and Ms .Venditti to go line-by- line and bring back money to cut, aside from salaries . School Committee members shared concerns that the budget is not sustainable . Chair Easley stated that the committee has been frugal with the taxpayers ' money . He cited ways the Region was helping itself through solar energy, audit on energy and working with Cape Light Compact . He stated the District is trying to keep the budgets at 2 . 5 % as they are looking at a building renovation project. He indicated that if something breaks down and we have only $ 540 , 000 in E & D , we will have to go back to the towns to get funds . The Committee is trying to do the right thing for students and taxpayers . They need more information to discuss this further . The Superintendent stated that this is happening in all the budgets as the escalators are out of our control . We want to continue to find ways to reduce costs but parents and taxpayers want outstanding schools . Future Agenda Item Professional Development Insurance Contracts — Liability and Athletic Insurance Adjournment On a motion by Robert Jacobus , seconded by Josh Stewart, it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8 : 24 p .m . Submitted by, Ann M. Tefft Nauset Regional School Committee, February 6, 2020 4 P a g e