HomeMy Public PortalAboutRec Advisory 2021-05-20Recreation Advisory Committee Remote Meeting May 20, 2021 6pm Call to Order by Chair Tracy Murphy at 6:01 pm. Attending: Tracy Murphy, Kyle Wibby, Sharon Basso, Evan Lagasse, Carol Counihan, Morgan Stewart, Anne Sigsbee, Joan Francolini. Mefford Runyon, select board liaison. Recreation Director, Alan Harrison, was unable to join the zoom meeting due to illness. The guest attendee is Robert Cunningham, chair of the open space committee. The first topic is the presentation by Robert Cunningham. The OSC will have an open spot and filling it with a member of RAC would make sense. The goal is to enrich the open space experience for the citizens of Orleans. He offered some ideas, noting that there are many more:: kayaking event that brought people to our open space shorelines., improved signage, school engagement. In response to questions, Robert clarified that the OSC. is a statutory body that can apply directly for state funds. OCT relies on private funds. OCT and OSC regularly collaborate. Who manages open space that is acquired, asks Carol. The Orleans Conservation Commission manages the land. The land also must have a conservation restriction(CR). OCT can hold the CR and they monitor. The Conservation Commission's decisions must complywith the CR. When CPA money is used, then the acquired with b )nervation Commission has jurisdiction. !If land is there is more freedom of usage. Passive recreation is encouraged on CPA purchased land. Several RAC members responded with examples of signage, kayaking and collaborations which they have initiated or promoted. RAC is eager to collaborate with the OSC. Carol specifically invited the OSC to join in the signage project. Tracy agreed RAC would collaborate with OSC. Morgan will join some meetings and will look for some possible OSC committee members among her Nauset Schools contacts. Approval of minutes for 4/15/21 was by unanimous votes. Recreation Director's Report is deferred. At Alan's request, Tracy sent Alan questions. When Alan communicated that he was unable to attend, Mr. Daley was invited as his stand in. Mr. Daley declined since he would not be able to answer RAC's questions. Tracy shared the questions (which have not been answered as yet)and invited RAC to pose other questions. Tracy's questions (Tracy made the point that these are not new questions) were 1) What is the status of getting a picldeball instructor? (Tracy had sent three possible names.) 2) Can tennis instruction be increased from current 3 weeks? Morgan added the question: what about adult tennis? Sharon pointed out the interest and the availability of coaches. She added the question: why not include the "rising 8th graders" who are currently excluded. Joan added that all the lessons have waiting lists and asked why we can't add more lessons to accommodate the interest? 3) Tracy asked why the MyRec calendar page is blank where other towns have populated their MyRec pages with programming-4) Tracy asked for an explanation of incorrect fee assignment that has led to a 5 -600 $ loss of revolving fund revenue. 5) Please clarify how would the department address the requested intergenerational activities? There had been two previous conflicting responses: from Mr. Harrison: RAC could get them (intergenerational programs) running. ; Or( ?) any intergenerational progr; ms are to be arranged between Judi Wilson at the COA and Alan, not by RAC, who should not interfere in day to day activities of the department. 6) What is the progress on the work stated to have begun in March of producing a volunteer handbook, a recreation handbook and a sexual harassment handbook for employees? 7) Were the planned exit surveys ready? Joan added an additional question: what happened to the attempt of Orleans Police Department to forge a close working relationship with recreation? Why do our attempts to build bridges get broken by the recreation director? Anne proposed these requests and questions be conveyed to all the recreation department, including supervising staff, and to the Select Board. Joan stated it is time for us to address that the recreation director considers us a "fifth wheel" and is treating us that way. Kyle made a motion to take a vote of "no confidence" in the recreation director, who is not working to better the recreation department and shows no interest in working with the recreation advisory committee. Anne seconded. There was support for the concept, but Morgan expressed worry that the summer program might not happen. Tracy says it shouldn't fall on RAC to oversee the administration of the recreation department. However, she observed, it has fallen on RAC. She would like the administration supervisors to do more than express support. They need to act. Joan wonders if we should become a stand -alone nonprofit. Meff said that this information gets to the select board because of RAC, and only because of RAC. He gave some advice for preparation of the June 9th meeting. Anne suggests a more positive approach might be to ask the Select Board for a partner who we can work with. Kyle withdrew his motion (the second was withdrawn) Carol suggested that the model in private industry is that these facts would be put forward to include in a performance review. Joan asked about key performance indicators. Meff observed that performance reviews are not in the purview of the select board. Anne made the point that we must tell those in charge that recreation needs to be fixed. We don't have the power to fix it, but we can tell those that do what is needed. Kyle proposed a new motion. "The committee document our efforts to improve the recreation department, our efforts to collect information from the recreation department director and our frustrations in our ability to work with the recreation director." This documentation will be sent to the Select Board. The motion is seconded by Tracy. The motion passes unanimously: 6 -o -o. Tracy, Joan and Sharon will work on this letter to the select board. Tracy set out the two topics to be discussed when we go to the select board meeting, scheduled for June 9th. - Elements to be considered in changes to RAC `s charge. -The new part-time position job description (not an assistant to Alan Harrison) The elements to be considered are offered by Tracy: 3 main areas: broadening recreation, being more data driven, clarifying our role in relation to the recreation department including reviewing the department. (The full document is posted below.)Tracy read through the document and RAC members offered additions. Joan wanted to add the word "enrichment ". She also wanted to broaden the look beyond Orleans. Meff offered the phrase "community life" as useful. Anne suggested adding the "ultimate goal of a bricks and mortar home" to the concept of "community center without walls ". Joan emphasized that we need an analytical approach to decision making., not simply collecting data. Joan added that the COA analytical process used by Judi Wilson may be a model. Anne qu based, decision making ". Carol asked for a specification of who would collects the data and conducts the analytics. Tracy responded that we expect this from the director. Evan emphasized that regular exit surveys can provide in writing data beyond numbers of participants. This information should be incorporated into decisions as well. Joan asked for incorporation of a communication strategy, given that we are doing a poor job of community wide communication. Anne pointed out just doing a review would not achieve goals. We need to think about how the review is used, where it goes. Meff labeled the process as "reporting" and these analytics and observations would come to the select board at regular intervals. Currently recreation is part of the DPW quarterly report. Sharon points out the inadequacy of the information given in that report. Anne proposed that RAC review the recreation department's success in meeting established goals. RAC uses that review to set priorities for the next period. RAC communicate the results along with our recommendations to the select board. Tracy then reviewed the document "Activities to be undertaken by the community coordinator ". (Posted below). Tracy gave an example of a community wide activity that a community coordinator could facilitate. Morgan pointed out the many grant opportunities available if someone like this person had time to look for and apply. This person could be steering community wide events, look at duplications, look at shared interests. Tracy emphasized this position should not be supervised by the recreation director. Anne used Joan's description as the "hub" and Meffs to come up with a new title "coordinator of community life ". They could answer directly to the town administrator. Evan agreed. Morgan suggested the director report to this new position. Ane suggested the future Friends of Recreation group to be formed could provide financial support of this "coordinator of community life ". If this person is to be doing the "expanding" then, Tracy stated, the revolving fund should be used there. Sharon and Anne offered to join Tracy at the select board meeting on the 9th. CHO update from Carol: Carol did a site walk with Jay Stradal, the chair of the board of CHO. Two things to report: CHO will ask for funding for the plaza in the fall CPA funding cycle. They didn't want to collaborate with RAC next year because they are worried it would threaten their chances of succeed in in this grant application for the construction of the plaza. Second: on splash pad idea was considered as not the right location. This was explained 1) due to the presence of the leaching field and 2) their concern about noise interfering with their plaza activities. In addition, there was some discussion with Orleans Improvement to incorporate the pollinator pathway in the area. Anne said, about the splash pad, if not there, she would like to work on getting it somewhere. Tracy discussed the upcoming vote on the community center feasibility study coming before the town meeting. Meff raised some strategics for the town meeting and RAC did some planning together in hopes of getting the 3 /4ths vote needed. Future agenda items requested: - Create a thank you to our collaborators for help in creation of our Orleans Outdoors applications - Coordinate going forward with our CPA projects and colaborators _The next meeting will be in person, on June 17th A motion to adjourn ted unanimously at 8;04 pm. Respectfully submitted, Anne Sigsbee (Morgan left the meeting) CHO Update Community Center Feasibility Study warrant article Future Agenda Items Adjournment Elements to be considered in Recreation (Advisory ?) Committee charge change: 1. RAC seeks to update its charge in order to reflect our intention to approach recreation with a broader approach than originally envisioned. We'd like our charge to reflect the desire for robust, inclusive, creative recreation for all interests, abilities, and age groups in town. • the committee's relationship to the new position (Community Coordinator ?) • a broader understanding of recreation. Where the charge currently lists "policies and programs ", consider adding "facilities and opportunities." • RAC's goal of greater collaboration with other committees, schools, neighboring towns, etc. • RAC's intention to support the idea of a "community center without walls" as well as the development of a year - round, !far- reaching Orleans calendar 2. RAC seeks to be more data driven. • RAC will receive programming metrics each season to review with the Recreation Director. • RAC will receive monthly updates on the Revolving Fund to review with the Recreation Director. 3. RAC seeks to clarify its role in relation to the Recreation Department. Annually, the committee will review the Recreation Department in achieving the goals of: • collaboration with other committees, schools, neighboring towns, etc. • Meeting the needs of people of all ages, interests, and abilities • effective communication • long range planning • volunteer coordination and recruiting • public survey and responsiveness to community requests • grant acquisition • special attention to the needs of teenagers and young families Activities envisioned to be undertaken by Community Coordinator: - Develop and manage an Orleans Community Calendar of activities and offerings with input from Recreation, COA, schools, Cultural Council, etc. - Support the development of year -round programming and opportunities for all ages, interests, and abilities. - Plan and oversee programs that bring together different committees, private and non- profit organizations, Town departments, neighboring towns, and other local agencies. - Plan programs and events with specific interest in teenagers and working families, as well as intergenerational activities. - Study current spaces for programming and events including a growth plan for programs desired but without indoor /outdoor facilities which would inform a potential community center - Liaison to all meetings as necessary with town committees and boards