HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 2003-04-16PRESENT Board: Staff: Others: see attached list FRASER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES DATE: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 MEETING: Board of Trustees Regular Meeting PLACE: Fraser Town Hall Board Room Mayor Dennis Soles; Trustees: Fran Cook, Donn Manly, Vesta Shapiro and Steve Sumrall Town Manager Chuck Reid, Town Attorney Rod McGowan, Community Development Director Jeff Durbin, Planner Drew Nelson and Town Clerk Molly McCandless Mayor Soles called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Trustee Shapiro moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to approve the Minutes of the 03/05/03 regular meeting, 03/10/03 special meeting, and 04/02/03 regular meeting, as presented. Motion carried: 5 -0 Trustee Howlett arrived. 3. Open Forum a) Cyndy Flores, Fraser Valley Metro Recreation District FVMRD Director Cyndy Flores informed the Board the Rec District is considering requesting the implementation of an impact fee. She distributed material for review and consideration. 4. Board Choice None at this time. 5. Public Hearings a) Water Supply Protection District Permit Trustee Howlett moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to open the Public Hearing. Motion carried 6 -0, at 6:42 p.m. Town Attorney Rod McGowan stated that applicant Safeway had requested a continuance. David Moore, with Safeway representative Galloway Romero Assoc., stated they would like a continuance to June 4 to meet further with Town staff. The group meeting they had scheduled was cancelled due to inclement weather. The Applicant may submit some additional information depending on discussion with staff. Attorney McGowan reviewed the Board's options. Mr. Moore stated they would not object if people present for this Hearing wished to comment at this time. Winter Park West Water and Sanitation District Attorney Jack DiCola stated that they would prefer to comment following complete presentations by the Applicant and Town and did not object to a continuance. No one else in the audience objected to waiting to comment. Trustee Manly moved, and Trustee Shapiro seconded the motion to continue the Public Hearing to 06/04/03. Motion carried: 6 -0, at 6:57 p.m. 6. Action Items a) Resolution No. 04- 01 -03, Supporting the Grand County Water Forum Manager Reid reviewed the purpose, focus and membership of the GCWF. Trustee Cook moved, and Trustee Shapiro seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 04- 01 -03. Motion carried: 6 -0 b) Water Supply Protection District Permit Application See 5.a) above; tabled until 06/04/03. Trustee Sumrall moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to go into Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. 24 -6- 402 -4(b), Conference with attorney for the Board for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions. Motion carried: 6 -0, at 7:20 p.m. Following Executive Session, Trustee Cook moved, and Trustee Howlett seconded the motion to return to regular session. Motion carried: 6 -0, at 8:10 p.m. c) Grand Hearts and Hands funding request Following discussion, Trustee Cook moved, and Trustee Howlett seconded the motion to approve $1,500 for GHH from the 2003 grants and aid contingency fund. Motion carried: 6 -0 7. Discussion Items Board of Trustees Minutes 04/16/03 Page 2 a) Winter Park West Water Sanitation District proposed IGA WPW Manager Kirk Klancke requested this item be "continued" to the May 21, 2003 meeting. The Board agreed. 8. Staff Choice a) Departmental Updates Board of Trustees Minutes 04/16/03 Page 3 Manager Reid provided the Board with all the details of the water service line problem on Mill Avenue, which necessitated shut -off of service to some additional parties. Trustee Cook mentioned that "hate mail" was again being distributed in people's driveways. CDD Durbin asked if the Board approved of his administrative processing of a request by GCWSD# 1 for a meter pit and shed near their lagoons. The Board approved. CDD Durbin and Planner Nelson are compiling a report on uses for the Historic Church. b) Transmitted Items 1. Attorney McGowan reply to letter from WPWWSD Attorney DiCola 2. Sulphur Ranger District announcement of Trailblazer Tours request for Special Use Permit Renewal 3. Thank you note from Fraser Valley Library 4. February Sheriff's Dept. Report 10. Board Choice Staff has received inquiries from property management companies as to whether the Town will be instituting watering restrictions. Property managers are hiring summer staff and want to know about watering time restrictions. WPWWSD and GCWSD# 1 will restrict watering between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The Board discussed this matter and agreed it would be good to be consistent in the community. They will take action on this at the next meeting. 9. Executive Session regarding water and pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402 4(e), Determining positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, developing strategy for negotiations, and instructing negotiators. Trustee Howlett moved, and Trustee Manly seconded the motion to go into Executive Session. Motion carried: 6 -0, at 8:40 p.m. Board of Trustees Minutes 04/16/03 Page 4 Attorney McGowan and staff, except for Manager Reid and CDD Durbin, departed. Trustee Shapiro moved, and Trustee Sumrall seconded the motion to return to regular session. Motion carried: 6 -0, at 9:15 p.m. Trustee Cook moved, and Trustee Howlett seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried: 6 -0. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Molly Mc andless, Town Clerk TOWN OF FRASER "Icebox of the Nation" i P.O. Box 120 153 Fraser Avenue Fraser, Colorado 80442 (970) 726-5491 FAX Line: (970) 726 -5518 E -Mail: faser@rkymtnhi.com 4 Town of Fraser Town Board Meeting sign -in sheet Name 00 clizi_d_lc 13/ L 1„t_ Sf 3 W t�J�YI 1-1 01A-1111 l< C® Po t3 h2_ cc A__, /yD/ //ci 1i 61 ei kkeej‘cse:...1-uND 117/ t /7,0 4/& I 1 tea Aum" Address (physical post office) r /3v s c p avj 1. U.1P uJ CO Ali/