HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 2003-07-15FRASER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES DATE: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 MEETING: Board of Trustees Regular Meeting PLACE: Fraser Town Hall Board Room PRESENT Board: Mayor Dennis Soles, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Rantz; Trustees: Fran Cook, Pat Howlett, Vesta Shapiro, Steve Sumrall Staff: Others: see attached list 3. Open Forum Town Manager Chuck Reid, Finance Manager Nat Havens, Community Development Director Jeff Durbin, Planner Drew Nelson and Deputy Clerk Cheryl Chesson Mayor Soles called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. Trustee Cook moved, and Mayor Pro Tem Rantz seconded the motion to approve the Minutes of the 07/02/03 regular meeting as presented. Motion carried: 6 -0 a) Special Presentation to Donn Manly As a token of appreciation for his three years of service as a Fraser Trustee, Mayor Soles presented Donn Manly with a letter of thanks from the Board and a framed print of the Town Hall. b) Paul Backes, McMahan Associates Mr. Backes gave a detailed explanation of the December 31, 2002 Financial Report. Trustee Howlett moved and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to accept the audited financial report. Motion carried: 6 -0 4. Public Hearings None 5. Action Items a) Appointment of a new Board member Ken Spawn retracted his letter to the Board since he is relocating to a new residence outside of the Town. Mayor Soles asked Board applicant Warren Watson to come forward. Mr. Watson resigned his position on the Planning Commission. Trustee Howlett expressed concern about the fact that Mr. Watson's spouse is employed by the Town. Mr. Watson said he would refrain from comment about issues with the Visitor Center. Trustee Howlett moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to appoint Warren Watson to the Board of Trustees. Motion carried 6 -0. Deputy Clerk Chesson administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Watson and he took his seat at the Board table. b) Holahan property exchange Community Development Director Durbin reviewed this item in detail and presented the following for consideration: 1) Resolution No. 07- 01 -03, granting an outright exemption from the provisions of the Fraser Subdivision Regulations for the purpose of revising the lot lines of Parcels A and B of Clayton's subdivision exemption in the Town of Fraser; 2) Ordinance No. 287, providing for the conveyance of the Town of Fraser's interest in a tract of real property to Michael D. Holahan and James R. Holahan; 3) Amendment of Right -of -Way Deed and Agreement; and 4) Two Bargain and Sale Deeds between Michael D. Holahan and James R. Holahan and the Town of Fraser CDD Durbin recommended approval of all submittals. Mayor Pro Tem Rantz moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to approve Resolution No. 07- 01 -03. Motion carried: 6 -0. Trustee Cook moved, and Trustee Howlett seconded the motion to approve Ordinance No. 287, the two Bargain and Sale Deeds and the Amendment of Right -of -Way Deed and Agreement. Motion carried: 6 -0 c) Winter Park West Water Sanitation Linear Park easements Winter Park West Water Sanitation asked the Board's approval to proceed with the writing of an easement agreement for the purpose of legal access to their wells and construction of a pipeline. After a presentation by CDD Durbin and detailed discussion, Trustee Cook moved, and Trus ewe Howlett seconded the motion to authorize Town Attorney Rod McGowan to draw up the easement agreement with the specified locations. Winter Park West agreed to reimburse Town expenses. Motion carried 6 -0 d) Motion to approve Elk Creek Village Major Resubdivision Planner Nelson gave a presentation regarding this application and recommended approval. The Deed of Perpetual Conservation Trail Easement was presented with amended language that should be 2 attached to the Deed. The Board discussed the conversion of a park site dedication to cash -in -lieu along with a conservation easement. Trustee Howlett moved, and Trustee Watson seconded the motion to approve the Elk Creek Village Major Resubdivision with the amended language. Motion carried: 6 -0 e) Motion to approve Sun River Townhomes secondary access revision CDD Durbin recommended continuing this matter until the next meeting. Based on CDD Durbin's recommendation, Mayor Soles tabled the discussion until the next Board meeting. f) Motion allowing a single- source contract for construction of retaining walls on Safeway's secondary access road After lengthy discussion, a determination was made to present the suggestions to the engineer and move forward based on the engineer's recommendations. Trustee Howlett moved, and Trustee Cook seconded the motion to allow a single- source contract for erecting retaining walls on Safeway's secondary access road. Motion carried: 6 -0 6. Discussion Items a) Recreation District Impact Fee Proposal Rec District Director Cyndy Flores gave a presentation regarding their request for an intergovernmental agreement between the Town and the Rec District concerning the collection, payment and use of recreation impact fees. Ms. Flores stated the impact fee would be specifically used for trails and open space and not for the proposed recreation center, and would be collected during the building permit process. Following extensive discussion, Manager Reid recommended this topic be placed on the next agenda as an Action Item. b) Transportation Advisory Committee A memo from Sue Ann Fitch with the Transit Advisory Committee regarding dissolution of the bus shelter funding was discussed. It was recommended that CDD Durbin correspond with Ms. Fitch and express that the Fraser Town Board is still interested in proceeding with bus shelters and feels that the Transit Advisory Committee will need to be active with Intrawest. 7. Staff Choice a) Departmental Updates PWD Nordin gave an update on the roadwork and stated that Doc Susie 3 is being paved this week. Clayton Court is scheduled for paving next week depending on the concrete. The bridge repair on CR 8 to CR 804 is finished. The wells 8 85 9 project is complete. PWD Nordin stated that some people in the community have issues with the water restriction hours. After discussion, the Board agreed that the water restriction information has already been circulated in the community and they do not want to change it this year. FM Havens reported the sales taxes for May were down compared to last year. CDD Durbin said he is interested in seeing how well the building update emailing works for the Board. He said the Trustees can give their email addresses to Planner Nelson and he will email the updates. Trustee Howlett expressed concern with privacy and would like to look at software options. CDD Durbin said the Town should have the last signatures soon on the annexation agreement with Rendezvous. CDD Durbin reported that following the discussions with the Army Corps of Engineers regarding the Fraser River, he is concerned about the ability to move forward with the restoration project and is investigating other options. Manager Reid stated he is collecting data on a group of water attorneys and will come back to the Board with four or five people to host a half hour Q 85A. A process would be needed for interviews and discussions. Manager Reid said Friday, July 18, 2003 is the last day that Safeway can produce a legal challenge regarding the gas station issue on procedural grounds. Manager Reid said that local college student Kim Miles will be doing some projects for the Town while working on her internship. b. Transmitted Items 1. Letter from Ken Spawn re: Board position 2. 2002 Audit 3. June 2003 Financials 4. Thank you letter from Fraser Creative Learning Center 5. Thank you letter from Grand County Historical Association 6. Copy of Development Permit for Spanky's Rib Cage 4 8. Board Choice 7. County Special Use Permit application for Hawgfest (July 26th -27th) overnight camping at the Sports Complex Rec District Director Cyndy Flores announced that the Chamber of Commerce has a permit to host a campground at the Sports Complex. Ms. Flores stated the Chamber has had a lot of phone calls from people inquiring about where they can camp for the festival. She said they will have 24 -hour security and the tents will not be allowed on the turf. Trustee Cook expressed some concern for potential problems, and a discussion followed with other Board members expressing concern as well. Ms. Flores stated that the Recreation District is the steward of that parcel, so they are responsible for any damages and will make sure the property is protected. Trustee Rantz expressed interest in scheduling a clean-up day for community service people to pick up garbage, sweep the sidewalks, etc. Trustee Howlett requested the Fraser Walk Through History Park be a discussion item for a future Board meeting. He said it was good to review Jim Hoy's contract included in this week's Board packet and would like to give this matter further consideration. Trustee Howlett recognized Warren Watson for his service on the Planning Commission. Trustee Shapiro moved, and Trustee Watson seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried: 6 -0. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Che Chesson, Deputy Clerk Molly Mc /)211d141).j/*N-7)(L/L6itA-DLikAk) andless, Town Clerk 5 Name Address (physical post office) (J 1 b 41,/eYw kR/--C 1 Qo M 604 t u' l fikrA b-kAi\C) 0. 6 F2 /1. R �a� i��C� `F V OA �1, 3 1 vlJ f r. 1 A. �f 1ivP1,✓14/-+ 0 02_1, /3 /3 I fe. TOWN OF FRASER d "Icebox of the Nation" P.O. Box 120 153 Fraser Avenue Fraser, Colorado 80442 (970) 726 -5491 FAX Line: (970) 726 -5518 E -Mail: faser@ rkymtnhi.com Town of Fraser /S tz o ©3 Town Board Meeting sign -in sheet