HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrleans School 2018-02-26ORLEANS TOWN CLERK t 16 JUL 13 2:32Ptn h,K acl Orleans School Committee Meeting Minutes t/fOrleansTownHall February 26, 2018 Present for the Committee—Chair Gail Briere, Josh Stewart, Hank Schumacher, and Sasandra Roche(arrived at 4:21 p.m. Absent: Ginger Marks Present for the Administration—Superintendent Conrad, Giovanna Venditti, Director of Finance and Operations, Principal Elaine Pender Call to Order Chair Briere called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. Citizens Speak None Priority Business Administrators' Reports Principal Pender reported that some members of the staff received grants from the Cape Cod Five. She also reported that Bingo for Books was a very successful evening,the Book of Hope raised $1,800, Evening of Science was successful,the PTC sponsored dance was a lot of fun,the Instrumental Demonstration Concert was fabulous,the 100th Day Parade was held and members of the community visited OES throughout Community Friends Week. Chair Briere recognized Leah Belliveau and the Technology Integration Teachers in the District for the very informative workshop held at the Union 54 meeting. Keith Gauley's report was in the packet. There were no questions. Superintendent's Report Superintendent Conrad was pleased to announce that Nauset Regional High School was accepted into the IB Programme. He reported the Transportation Subcommittee is moving forward with the bus contract and was working on the configuration of the buses. He is presently waiting to sign the contract and then they will work on fueling and maintenance issues. He visited the Woodrow Wilson IB Elementary School in Framingham, MA with 2 members of the Wellfleet School Committee. He reminded the Committee that the Middle School looked at the IB programme at one point and then it was put on hold. He would like to look at it at all levels. Over the past couple of weeks, a lot of effort has gone into security. He is pleased with the District security at all levels. He will continue to discuss this at the Administrative Team meeting. Barbara Lavoine explained Open Cape to the Committee because Orleans has a capital article to move $19,000 to Open Cape. Orleans and Eastham Elementary are the only schools not connected to Open Cape to date. Open Cape provides good connectivity for internet access and there is potential reimbursement from ERATE of around 70%. Orleans School Committee 2-26-2018 1] y Chair Briere inquired if there were any recurring costs or is it just the initial outlay. Ms. Lavoine indicated that there are recurring costs for megabytes. FY18 Budget Review Giovanna Venditti reviewed the expenditure report with a balance of$46,758,which does not include the cost of the second Educational Assistant in the amount of$11,387 which would leave a balance of$35,371. There are still finds remaining in School Choice of$10,000 which would make the balance $45,371. She reviewed reclassifications in various line items. Surplus Materials On a motion by Josh Stewart, seconded by Hank Schumacher, it was voted 3 yeas to declare materials surplus as submitted. Gifts and Donations On a motion by Josh Stewart, seconded by Hank Schumacher, it was voted 3 yeas to accept the gifts in the amount of$2,450. 2018-2019 School Calendar On a motion by Josh Stewart, seconded by Hank Schumacher, it was voted 3 yeas to approve the 2018-2019 School Calendar as presented. The Superintendent indicated that the teachers'contract does not allow them to begin school before Labor Day and it being the first year of a three year contract, the Union did not want to open the contract at this time. However, a survey indicated that 65%of the staff would like to begin before Labor Day so this may be revisited at a later time. Mr. Gauley is presently working with the calendar committee. FY19 Budget Public Hearing—4:05 p.m. Superintendent Conrad indicated that the Town of Orleans ask that the budget be at 4$ which includes benefits. Ms. Venditti walked the Committee through Version 1 and Version 2 of the budget. The total Orleans budget is 3,852,298 or 3.52%with fringe benefits the total budget is $5,054,776 with a 4.00% increase. Principal Pender reported that Kindergarten enrollment is around 27 students. Chair Briere indicated you never know what the enrollment is going to be but once the budget is approved by the town, if the School Committee needs to make adjustments,they have to look at staffing. The School doesn't just add another teacher. Chair Briere recalled only once did the school committee ask the town for more money when there was a special needs situation. She stated that the Principal tries to build the best budget you can based on the information they have today. Sometimes you have to reallocate your resources. Public Hearing FY19 The Superintendent presented the FY19 budget highlighting the process, where every dollar goes, initiatives to reduce the budget,accomplishments, enrollment, maintain quality academic programs and student support services,professional development, school climate and culture, 2018-2019 budget overview. The Orleans budget is $3,852,298or a 3.52% increase. Principal Pender indicated that the program will be fine without the inclusion of the two additional educational assistants that were hired this year. Orleans School Committee 2-26-2018 2] Motion: On a motion by Josh Stewart, seconded by Hank Schumacher, it was voted unanimously(4 yeas)to approve the 2018-2019 operating budget in the amount of$3,852,298 or a 3.52% increase. REPORTS AND INFORMATION Cape Cod Collaborative-Hank Schumacher reported that he attended the Legislative Breakfast. There was good discussion on changes in evaluating testing and report cards. The Star Program is moving ahead and is about to appoint a Director. Transportation for Nauset Public Schools was unanimously approved. PTC— Sasandra Roche reported the OES Dance was a fabulous event. School Council—The School Council met to revise the School Improvement Plan. They are look for two community members to join the Council. Preschool Enrollment—In packet for the committee to review. Transportation Subcommittee—No report Policy Subcommittee—No report Substance Abuse Task Force—The Superintendent reported that surveys have been completed at the elementary level and system-wide. He is working Ann Caretti for initiatives throughout the District. Approval of Minutes Minutes held for January 18,2018. On a motion by Josh Stewart, seconded by Sasandra Roche, it was voted unanimously to approve the minutes of January 22, 2018 as amended. Adjournment On a motion by Hank Schumacher, seconded by Sasandra Roche, it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 4:42 p.m. Subm' ed b , Ann e y, Included in packet: Admin.Reports,expense report,FY19 public hearing presentation,minutes. Orleans School Committee 2-26-2018 3]