HomeMy Public PortalAbout20120822 - Minutes - Board of Directors (BOD) Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Meeting 12-29 REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT August 22,2012 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING—OPEN SESSION I. ROLL CALL The Board of Directors reconvened into Open Session at 6:34 p.m. Members Present: Yoriko Kishimoto, Cecily Harris, Nonette Hanko, Larry Hassett, Jed Cyr, Pete Siemens, and Curt Riffle Members Absent: None Staff Present: General Manager Steve Abbors, General Counsel Sheryl Schaffner, Planning Manager Ana Ruiz, Administrative Services Manager Kate Drayson, Operations Manager David Sanguinetti, Real Property Manager Mike Williams, Natural Resources Manager Kirk Lenington, Public Affairs Manager Rudy Jurgensen, Senior Planner Sandy Sommer, Real Property Specialist Elaina Cuzick, Rangeland Ecologist Clayton Koopman, Senior Resource Management Specialist Cindy Roessler, Project Manager Gina Coony, GIS Technician Alex Roa, Planner III Tina Hugg, Planner 11 Julie Anderson, Planner III Lisa Bankosh, Senior Planner Meredith Manning, IT Administrator Benny Hsieh, IT Technician Owen Sterzl, and District Clerk Michelle Radcliffe 11. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. ' � � Meeting 12-29 Page 2 __ Motion:ADOPTION OF AGENDA Upon motion |w Director Cyr, seconded bm Director Kimbimum, the Board adopted the agenda. (V\>b:: 7-0-0) IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR Motion:Director Hanko requested that Agenda Item #4 be pulled off the Consent Calendar for Upon motion by DirectorKishimnm, seconded by Director Harris, the Board approved adoption of the Consent Calendar to approve the Revised Claims No. 12-15; amended; the Written Communications,and the Issuance of Owner's Concurrence for Peninsula Open Space Trust to Construct the Audrey C. Rust Commemorative Site at Mindevo Gateway in Russian Ridi!e Open Space Preserve. (Vote: 7-0-0) V. BOARD BUSINESS D. Agenda Item #4—Consider Approval ofa Lease Amendment for the Historic Fremont Older Residence with Morton and Elaine Levine at the Fremont Older Open � � Space Preserve and Determine that the Recommended Actions are Exempt from the � California Environmental Act (CE(>/\) (0-|2-02) Director Hanko stated that the lease does not mention who will take over the agreement i[both nf the Levines passed away. General Counsel Sheryl Schaffner � stated she would look into the agreement and will report back to the Board. Motion: Upon motion by Qircc1ocHuuko, seconded by Director Kishimno$o, the Board approved the lease amendment for the Historic Fremont Older residence with Morton and Elaine Levine and determined that the actions are exempt from CE{}/\. <Votc: 7-O-Ol 2. Agenda Item #6—Award of Re-Bid of Ponds DN07 and DRO0 Repair a1LoHonda Creek Open Space Preserve (}l-\2-07) Planner 11 Julie Andersen explained that Request for Bids was originally released on May 30, 2O!2^ and due twauinadvertent error that occurred during the bidding process, at its July 25, 2O\2 meeting, the Board directed staff to rejecto|| bids that were originally received on July 6, 2012. She stated that staff completed the re-bid process on August 16, 2Ol2. and that TKO Qcne,u| Engineering and Construction, Inc. im the apparent low bidder. Ms. Andersen stated that the General Manager recommends awarding the contract to TKO General Engineering and Construction, Inc. for au amount not tn exceed $h4,45O plus u20Y6 contingency amount of$)2,89O. Discussion ensued. Meeting 12-29 Page 3 Motion: Upon motion by Director Hassett, seconded by Director Hanko, the Board awarded the contract for the Ponds DR07 and DR08 Repair Project at La Honda Open Space Preserve to TKO Engineering and Construction, Inc. (Vote: 7-0-0) 3. Agenda Item #7—Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the Proposed La Honda Creek Open Space Preserve Master Plan, in Accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, and Approval of the Master Plan (R-12-83) Planner III Lisa Bankosh provided background on the La Honda Open Space Preserve Master Plan and explained that the Master Plan would implement land stewardship and public access actions, which includes new trails, restoring habitat for threatened and endangered species, reducing wildfire risk and re-introducing grazing to history pastureland. Next, she provided an overview of the key elements of the Master Plan which include natural resource management; cultural resource management; public access, recreation and environmental education; and maintenance and operations. Ms. Bankosh stated that an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) was prepared and circulated pursuant to CEQA and explained that IS/MND concluded that the proposed Master Plan with mitigation would not result in significant impacts on the environment. She also explained that since the IS/MND was released, several minor changes were made to the Master Plan to include environmental protection guidelines. Extensive discussion ensued. Public Comment: The following people spoke on the La Honda Open Space Preserve: Faye Brophy of Emerald Hills; Russ of Mountain View; and Randy Vale of Mountain View. Motion: Upon motion by Director Riffle, seconded by Director Hassett, the Board adopted the Mitigated Negative 4. Agenda Item #8— Consideration of Adding the Russian Ridge (Mindego Ranch Area) Use and Management Plan Amendment as a New Key Project to the District Fiscal Year 2012-13 Action Plan (R-12) Ms. Bankosh explained that an amendment to the Russian Ridge Use and Management Plan is needed to assist in the stewardship of Mindego Ranch, which includes re-introducing cattle grazing. She explained that proposed Use and Management Amendment includes upgrades to the livestock water system infrastructure to allow for grazing, enhancements to ponds to improve habitat for sensitive species, and road repairs to allow patrol and maintenance access. Lastly, Ms. Bankosh explained how the amendment will also speak to requirements for future public access. Discussion ensued. Public Comment: Randy Vale of Mountain View asked questions about herbicide application and Rangeland Ecologist Clayton Koopman responded. Motion: Upon motion by Director Kishimoto, seconded by Director Cyr, the Board added the Russian Ridge Use and Management Plan Amendment as a new key project to the District's FY2012-13 Action Plan. (Vote: 7-0-0) , Meeting 82-29 Page 5. Agenda Item #9—Autborizution to Amend the Preliminary Use and Muougcmncot � Plan for Bluebrush Canyon Addition to the Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space � Preserve to Incorporate a Rangeland Management Plan for the Bluebrush Canyon Grazing Unit; and Authorization to Approve aGrazing Lease for the 0|uc Brush Canyon Grazing Unit (��-l�-00) � ` Real Property Specialist EluinaCuzick provided background on the District's grazing lease agreement with its current grazing tenant, Tom Pacheco. She explained that the staff m recommendation ia&o continue cattle grazing on the 01unbrunh Canyon with � Mr. Pacheco am the lessee. She also noted that staff created a Rangeland Management � Plan in order to keep with the District's Service P|oo to preserve existing and potential agricultural operations. Ms. Cuziok then stated that the lease term is for five years with the option to extend for an additional five years and that the ncn1 for the first year will $2,005" which will then be adjusted annually thereafter. Next, Rangeland Ecologist Clayton Koopman provided an overview of the Rangeland Management Plan and summarized that the objectives uf the plan are tomaintain uninterrupted grazing on the property following the principles of"conservation grazing", control non-native, invasive plants, protect and enhance riparian and aquatic � � habitat, and improve ranch infrastructure oo the property. Mu. [uzickcxp|uined that the proposed project vvi\| require on amendment to the Preliminary Use and Management Plan for the Bluebrush Canyon addition to the Purisinnu Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve. She also stated that the District has concluded that the project v/i|| no1huveomigoificun1effecton {he environment and iu categorically exempt from CEQ/\. Discussion ensued. Public Comment: Tom Pacheco spoke in favor of staff u recommendation and � stated that the agreement is fair and that this is the beginning ufm partnership between � the District and grazers. Motion: Upon motion by Director Danko, seconded by Director Siemens, the Board authorized to amend the Preliminary Use and Management Plan for Bluebrush � � Canyon addition to the Pudmimuo Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve to incorporate uRangeland Management Plan for the 0|uebruuh Canyon Grazing Unit and approved u grazing lease for the B\uchrumh Canyon Grazing Unit. (Vote: 7-0-0) � � 6. Agenda Item #10—Authorization to Amend a Contract with Timothy C. Best for the Staging Area and Trails Project and the Watershed Protection Program at B| [odr de Madera Open Space District(Fl-\2-04) Planner III Tina 8ugg explained that the contract amendment with TinnothyC. 0cut iu the amount of$33,O0O, which includes e |5Y6contingency, is to include additional engineering and construction monitoring for trail improvements mc|n1ed with the E| Corte de Madera Creek Staging Area and Trails Project and Watershed Protection Program. She stated that the additional engineering design services, permitting assistance, and construction monitoring is for the construction of the new Bear Gulch Meeting 12-29 Page 5 Trail and the realignment and restoration of the Steam Donkey Trail. Discussion ensued. Motion: Upon motion by Director Cyr, seconded by Director Kishimoto,the Board authorized to amend the contract with Timothy C. Best for the Staging Area and Trails Project and the Watershed Protection Program at El Corte de Madera Open Space Preserve Tim. (Vote: 7-0-0) 7. Agenda Item #11 —Selection of the Public Participation Coordinator and Consultant Team, and Approval of the Consultant Contracting Approach for the Vision Plan (R- 12-77) Planning Manager Ana Ruiz provided an overview of the District's Vision Plan and the role of the Public Participation Coordinator. She stated that the District recommends Public Dialogue Consortium as the District's Public Participation Coordinator. Ms. Ruiz then explained that in order to give the Board a greater role in refining the Vision Plan process, staff is recommending that the consultant contracting be done in an incremental and participatory manner. She further explained that Public Dialogue Consortium would be contracted to undertake only the start-up portions of their proposed scope of work, allowing staff to work directly with the Board to review a proposed revised draft of the Vision Plan public engagement process. Extensive discussion ensued. Motion: Upon motion by Director Cyr, seconded by Director Kishimoto, the Board selected Public Dialogue Consortium as the Public Participation Coordinator and approved the consultant contracting approach for the Vision Plan. (Vote: 7-0-0) 8. Approval Item #12—Amend the Contract with Wilfred Jarvis Institute for Organizational and Leadership Consulting Services (R-12-8 1) Administrative Services Manager Kate Drayson provided background on the contract with Minh Le of the Wilfred Jarvis Institute and explained that due to additional activities requested by Mr. Le, it is necessary to amend the contract to an amount not to exceed $100,000. She stated that additional services has been added to the scope which include facilitating Board retreats; facilitating activities among the Board, Board Appointees, and the Management Team; conducting activities aimed at increasing capacity and organizational health; and assisting the organization in navigating through change. Discussion ensued. Motion: Upon motion by Director Hanko, seconded by Director Harris, the Board amended the contract with Wilfred Jarvis Institute. (Vote: 7-0-0) VI. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Cyr reported that the Sierra Azul/Bear Creek Redwoods Ad Hoc Committee met and visited the summit at Mount Umunhum. Meeting 12-29 Page 6 Director Hanko reminded staff that trail naming is the charge of the Legislative, Funding and Public Affairs Committee (LFPAC)and urged that naming of trails should be agendized at a future LFPAC meeting. STAFF REPORTS Planning Manager Ana Ruiz reported that the construction of the parking lot and trails at the El Corte de Madera Open Space Preserve has began and that staff is looking at other grant opportunities to fund the project through the County of Santa Clara and Stanford University. Senior Resource Management Specialist Cindy Roessler reported that slender false brome was located at Thornwood Open Space Preserve and that Natural Resources Manager Kirk Lenington will return from vacation on Monday, August 271h Skyline Area Superintendent Brian Malone reported that Operations staff is working on the El Corte de Madera parking lot, labor negotiations, and the ranger operations manual. Administrative Services Manager Kate Drayson provided an update on the Integrated Accounting and Financial Software implementation. General Manager Steve Abbors reported that he and Planner III Matt Baldzikowski met with Lehigh Hanson West Region President Kari Saragusa. He also thanked Ms. Ruiz and Ms. Drayson for their support during his is absence. DIRECTOR REPORTS The Directors submitted their compensable meeting forms to the District Clerk. Director Kishimoto reported on her tour of the Mount Umunhum summit. Director Cyr and Director Hassett reported on their tour of the Mount Umunhum summit and La Honda Open Space Preserve. V11. ADJOURNMENT President Riffle adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District at 9:34 p.m. Michelle Radcliffe, CIVIC District Clerk