HomeMy Public PortalAbout20121010 - Minutes - Board of Directors (BOD) Midpeninsula Regional • Open Space District Meeting 12-33 SPECIAL MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS MIDPENINSULA REGIONAL OPEN SPACE DISTRICT October 10,2012 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING—STUDY SESSION I. ROLL CALL President Riffle called the Special Meeting of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Board of Directors to order at 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Jed Cyr, Yoriko Kishimoto, Pete Siemens, Larry Hassett,Nonette Hanko, Cecily Harris and Curt Riffle Members Absent: None Staff Present: General Manager Steve Abhors, General Counsel Sheryl Schaffner, Interim Assistant General Manager Ana Ruiz,Natural Resources Manager Kirk Lenington, GIS Administrator Casey Hiatt, Supervising Ranger Chris Barresi and Senior Planner Sandy Sommer, Planner III Tina Hugg Interim Assistant General Manager Ana Ruiz presented an overview of the Vision Plan. REGULAR MEETING—OPEN SESSION I. ROLL CALL President Riffle called the Special Meeting of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District Board of Directors to order at 7:07 p.m. Members Present: Jed Cyr, Yoriko Kishimoto, Pete Siemens, Larry Hassett,Nanette Hanko, Cecily Harris, and Curt Riffle Members Absent: None Meeting 12-33 Page 2 Staff Present: General Manager Steve Abhors, Assistant General Counsel James Atencio, Interim General Manager Ana Ruiz, Operations Manager David Sanguinetti, Interim Public Affairs Manager Paul McKowan, Natural Resources Manager Kirk Lenington, Real Property Manager Mike Williams, Planner III Tina Hugg, and District Clerk Michelle Radcliffe 11. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were none. 111. ADOPTION OF AGENDA Assistant General Counsel James Atencio stated that a late-arising item has been brought to Legal's attention and requires that the Board take action on the matter at tonight's meeting. Mr. Atencio explained that the Brown Act allows for late items to be added to the agenda, but it requires that 4/5 of the Board (6 Board members)to determine that the item needs immediate Board action and that the need arose after the 72-hour Brown Act posting requirement had passed. Planner III Tina Hugg explained that at its October 9"' meeting, the Legislative, Funding and Public Affairs Committee (LFPAC) recommended to designate the name for the Cross Over Trail, which is part of the El Corte de Madera Creek Staging Area and Trails Project, as the Molder Trail in honor of long-time California Water Service Company (Cal Water)employee Paul Molder. Ms. Hugg explained that Mr. Molder has supported the trail and was instrumental in securing Cal Water approvals to allow for the transfer of a critical trail easement to the District. She further explained that the earliest that LFPAC could meet and consider the trail namin was October 9th and with a retirement event for Mr. Molder taking place on October 24' , which is also the same day as the next Board meeting, LFPAC requested that this item and a resolution be forwarded to the Board tonight in order to present these special recognitions to Mr. Molder at his retirement event. Lastly, Ms. Hugg explained that given the timing of the LFPAC meeting coupled with the retirement event date necessitated bringing LFPAC's recommendation to the full Board on October 101h, after the 72-hour Brown Act notification period. Motion: Upon motion by Director Hanko, seconded by Director Siemens, the Board determined that immediate action is needed by the Board to consider the trail naming of the Cross Over Trail, determined that the need arose after the 72-hour Brown Act notification period, and added the item to be heard by the Board before Agenda Item #5. (7-0-0) • Meeting 12-33 Page 3 IV. ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR Motion: Upon motion by Director Siemens, seconded by Director Cyr, the Board approved adoption of the Consent Calendar to approve the Revised Claims No. 12-18; the Minutes of September 26,2012, and Authorized to amend a contract agreement with Ascent Environmental for an additional environmental review pursuant to California Environmental Ouality Act for the Mount Umunhum Restoration and Public Access Project. (Vote: 7-0-0; Absent) V. BOARD BUSINESS 1. Late Added Agenda Item —Approval of Recommendation from LFPAC to Designate the Name for the Cross Over Trail as the Molder Trail, which is Part of the Staging Area and Trails Project at El Corte de Madera Open Space Preserve (R-12- 103) Director Hanko reported that LFPAC recommends re-naming the Cross Over Trail as the Molder Trail. Brief discussion ensued. Public Comment: Cal Water District Manager Anthony Carrasco and Local Manager Dawn Smithson spoke about Mr. Paul Molder. Motion: Upon motion by Director Hanko, seconded by Director Kishimoto, the Board approved LFPAC's recommendation to designate the Cross Over Trail as the Molder Trail. (Vote: 7-0-0) 2. Agenda Item #5— Informational Presentation on Changes to the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) Resulting From the Passage of AB 340— Public Employees' Retirement (R-12-98) District consultant Amy Brown of Dimare, Van Vleck& Brown, LLC presented the changes to CalPERS resulting from the passage of Assembly Bill (AB) 340 and shared the impacts of the changes to both current and future employees. Brief discussion ensued. No action was taken by the Board. 3. Agenda Item #6— Informational Presentation on the District's Contracting Process (R-12-73) Assistant General Counsel James Atencio and Consultant Sherry Niswander gave a presentation on the District's contracting process and a comparison with contracting with the private sector. Extensive discussion was held on the design and construction requirements the District needs to comply with. Meeting 12-33 Page 4 Public Comment: Maintenance, Construction and Resource Supervisor Craig Beckman stated that an in-house engineer could help with the District's design of projects. No action was taken by the Board. 4. Agenda Item #7—Approval of Salary Adjustments and Amendments to Employment Agreements for the Board Appointees: General Manager and District Controller(R- 12-93) Director Kishimoto stated that she had some questions about the process and that her concerns have been sufficiently addressed. Motion: Upon motion by Director Hanko, seconded by Director Cyr,the Board approved the salary adjustments and amendments to the employment agreements for the General Manager and District Controller. (Vote: 7-0-0) V1. INFORMATIONAL REPORTS COMMITTEE REPORTS Director Hanko reported that the Real Property Committee met on October 2"d to view the property at Hendrys Creek. Director Hassett also reported that the Committee met on October 9th to view the Peninsula Open Space Trust Property on Toto Ranch. Director Hanko stated that LFPAC met and discussed the El Corte de Madera Trail naming item that was considered by the Board earlier in the meeting. STAFF REPORTS Operations Manager David Sanguinetti reported that former employee Gene Sheehan passed away. Director Hanko requested that LFPAC review and consider naming a trail after Mr. Sheehan. Interim Public Affairs Manager Paul McKowan reported that the Volunteer Recognition Event held on September 29tT was successful. General Manager Steve Abbors thanked Interim Public Affairs Manager Paul McKowan and Docent Program Manager Ren6e Fitzsimons for their work in the Public Affairs department. He also reported that an employment was given for the Media Communications Supervisor position in Public Affairs. DIRECTOR REPORTS The Directors submitted their compensable meeting forms to the District Clerk. Director Cyr reported that he hiked the Bridle Trail. Meeting 12-33 Page 5 Director Siemens reported that he attended the Mount Umunhum media tour with Mr. Abbors. VIL ADJOURNMENT President Riffle adjourned the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District at 9:36 p.m. and entered into Closed Session at 9:45 p.m. Michelle Radcliffe, CMC District Clerk