HomeMy Public PortalAbout1993-09-07 Town of Tmckee TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL MEEIING September 7, 1993 6'30 P.M Tmckee Sanilmy District Boanl Room 1230 Joerger Drive 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. C3II, TO ORDI~ Mayor Kathleen Eagan called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM. ROII~CAII~ The Town Clerk called the Roll. Council Members Aguera, Cross, Carpenter, and Mayor Eagan were present. Council Member Botto arrived at 7:15 PM. Staff members present included Town Manager Stephen L. Wright, Town Attorney Donald IL Haile, Community Development Director Paul Ireland, Town Planner John Libiez, Public Works Director Clay Castleberry, Town Treasurer Janet McGinnis, Jauna Caughron, C.P.A., Deputy Town Clerk Robin Kropf Foreman. pi ~ OF Al I ~'GIANCE. All those present stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC O2BIMENT. None. PRKqENTATIONS. None. CONSENT CAI~3NDAR. None WRITIEN COMMUNICATIONS. None. STAFF REPORTS - REqOLUTIONS, AGREEMENTS, ETC. Item 8.1. Acquisition of Accounting System Software. Town Treasurer Janet McGinnis gave an oral report on accounting system software emphasizing that the purchase of a municipal financing package was critical for the Town at this time. Treasurer McGinnis asked Janna Caughron, who had done on-site visits and researched the availability and functions of different computer sothvare products, to answer specific questions of the Council Members. Council Member Aguera asked if MOM had been considered. Treasurer McGinnis responded that it had, but the cost of approximately $50,000 precluded that software. After discussion, a cost of approximately $6,500 was approved for this purpose. Since the final decision on the brand of software was still to be detemfined, the words "or comparable" were added to the draft resolution. Council Member Cross moved, and Council Member Aguem seconded the motion, to adopt a resolution authorizing purchase of accounting software and allocating funds not to exceed $7,000 for that purpose, which upon roll call passed unanimously: Resolution 93-116, adopted. Item 8.2. Financing for Long Term Loan. Treasurer McGinnis stated that two letters had gone out today: one requesting proposals for capital improvement bond underwriting services and the other requesting qualifications for bond counsel services. Elevation hfanutes - Town Council September 7, 1993 Page 2 figures for the Town in the letters were corrected to 6,000 ft. Mayor Eagan questioned the use of the term 'capital improvement bond' vs. 'certificates of participation.' If the letters specify the type of financial immanent, would that preclude another option that someone might wish to bring to us.'? The response was no. Council Members asked how many letters had gone out. The response was 6-7 to underwriters and 5 to bond counsds. Council Members directed staff to expand the scope of the RFP so that it is not limited to one type of bond. The Town Manager felt that it was appropriate to add to the RFP some notice that their firms will be used for future financing (if needed) so that the counsels will provide more expansive information about the range of services available. Council Member Carpenter asked if the September 22, 1993, deadline was adequate or too soon. The Town Attorney stated that a bond counsel could mm around a proposal overnight, if necessary. Council Member Aguera moved, and Council Member Cross seconded the motion, to adopt both the resolution authorizing an RFP for capital equipment financing and the resolution authorizing an RFP for bond counsd, which motion upon roll call passed unanimously: Resolutions 93-117 and 93-118, adopted respectively. Item 8.3 Aequisition of Radio Communication Equipment. The RFP for the radio communications equipment before the Council was the second being considered due to various problems with the first. Town Attorney Haile outlined the policy problem confronting the Council Members for the future: whether it is appropriate for those who participated in recommenffmg specifications for an RFP (request for proposal) should then be precluded from bidding upon it. Town Attorney Halle recommended exclusion. Town Attomey Haile stated that the revised RFP makes clear that installation should be included as part of the total figure by all bidders in the next round of bidd'mg. It also includes a change suggested by one of the Council Members: that 75% of charges be paid upon delivery of equipment and the final 25% be paid after installation and testing. Council Member Agoera proposed an addition to the RFP that assured that inclusion of installation is pointed out smT~ciently. Whereupon Council Member Aguera moved, and Council Member Carpenter seconded the motion, to adopt the resolution approving the revised specifications and a calling for proposals, which upon roll call passed unanimously: Resolution 93-119, adopted. The Mayor recessed the Meeting until 7:15 PM. 9. PUBLIC HF_AR1NGS, ORDINANCES, AND APPEALS Item 9.1. Reconsideration of a Conditional Use Permit applied for by Tahoe Forest Hospital to construct a 5600 sq. ft. engineering building, and abandonment of Spring Lane, and approval of Negative Declaration in accordance with Town Rules to implement CEQUA. Town Attorney Haile pointed out for the record that new Council Member Carpenter had attended and taken notes at the fu'st appeal Hearing for this matter on August the 8th, IV~lutes - Town Cotmcil September 7, 1993 Page 3 when the appeal was denied and the motion for recomideration made leading to this evenings heating. In the opinion of the Town Attorney, Council Member Carpenter was thoroughly "rehabilitated" and able to sit in this Hearing. Town Planner Libiez briefed the Council on the appeal matter recommending that the Council Members deny the request for abandonment, grant the appeal and order the planners to file the necessary CEQA documents. The Town Planner stated that aRer lengthy testimony on August 8th and meetings with hospital personnel and neighborhood residents to seek consensus as to whether the project as now proposed meets with their approval, the parties had arrived at a proposal that worked for everyone. He pointed out that meetings were also held related to long-range use of the surrounding area and future expansion of the hospital. ~ Administrator for Tahoe Forest Hospital, thanked the Council for reconsidering the matter. There is improved off-mad track circulation and an intention to preserve as many trees as possible. The building has been moved 50 feet to the west. Council Member Caxponter asked that a reference to 'abandoning Spring l_ane' inadvertently remaining in the planning document be struck. Council Member Cross questioned condition #3 requiting a maintenance contract for rna'retaining landscaping. He suggested that the hospital does its own landscaping and might not need to show proof that the addition was going to be maintained. Town Planner Libiez and Town Attorney Haile said it was a standard condition requirement and that deleting the requirement in the case of the hospital might set a precedent. Council Member Aguem questioned the parking arrangements on Spring Street. It was explained that the parking Ordinance adopted last month regulates the posting for that area; however, the parking could be brought back for Council consideration at a later date if it became a problem The Mayor had concems about pedestrian access to the library through the hospital grounds. Community Development Director keland suggested placing a condition requiring future conformance with a master sidewalk plan which was yet to be draRed. Concerns about lighting were also addressed and would be in keeping with the design guidelines. Council Member Botto asked to hear from the public as to whether the meetings and plans met their expectations. M_e.g_C_op..0_a~ President of Gateway homeowners, stated that the meetings went very well and that the citizens were very happy with the outcome which they would continue to monitor. Town Planner Libiez stated that the date on the plan presented shown as July '93 should read September '93, and that under Fiscal Impact, the fiscal impact section should now read 'none.' Staff recommended that in condition # 8, a sentence be added to the end of that section that the hospital participate in the future expansion of public walkways within the Levon/Spring Street area. The Mayor closed the appeal Hearing to further public comment at 7:50 PM. IV~nutes - Town Council September 7, 1993 Page 4 Council Members had procedural questions: (1) whether a resolution or motion was the best way to record Council intention for the future. Town Attorney Haile recommended that a policy be adopted of using resolutions in these matters in order to provide a better record. (2) whether the hospital could proceed without waiting until the next meeting for a resolution. The Town Attomey suggested that the resolution would only be ratifying what occurred tonight -- pro form~ Council Member Cross moved, and Council Member Aguera seconded the motion, that the request for abandonment of Spring Lane be denied, that the appeal be granted subject to the conditions as outlined in the staff report, and that staff be directed to file a negative declaration pursuant to the adopted CEQA guidelines, and that staff be directed to draft the appropriate pro forma resolution for adoption at the next meeting, which motion upon roll call passed unanimously. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. None. Council Member Cross asked when more budget meetings would occur. Town Treasurer McGinnis recommended that Council Member Carpenter and the new Town Manager be given a chance to familiarize themselves with the budget documents. Monday, September 13th fi.om 3:30 to 6:00 PM in th PUD Board Room was set as the next budget work session. The bus tour of Water Resources on the 24th bom 8:00AM to Noon, Council Members were reminded. Discussion of a date for the Team Building Seminar was also brought up. Staff was instructed to make this an agenda item for September 16th. Council attendance at the League of Califomia Cites Conference was discussed. Staff was directed to have travel policy draft ready for discussion and consideration by September 16th. 12. CL(~ED SESSION REGARDING PERSONNFI ~. LITIGATION OR ~ MATTERS AUTHORWI~ BY STATE LAW. None. 13. AI)$O~JRNIV~ffT. Council Member Aguera moved and Council Member Cross seconded the motion to adjoum which passed unanimously, and the meeting adjoumed at 8:28 PM. Respectfully submitted, tephen'~L. Wright, To, Clerk Approved this the 18th day of November, 1993.