HomeMy Public PortalAboutOrdinance #230 TOWN OF FRASER ORDINANCE NO. ~~ AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING APPROXIMATELY 1010 SQUARE FEET OF PROPERTY GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS A PARCEL OF LAND LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST }{ SOUTHWEST }{ OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 75 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., GRAND COUNTY, COLORADO. WHEREAS, the Town of Fraser, Colorado has detennined that the annexation of the land described in Exhibit A hereto is in substantial compliance with the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, Section 31-12-101, et ~., 12B C.R.S. (1986 Repl. Vol.) (the "Act"); and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has by resolution detennined that the requirements of the Act have been met, that the property is eligible for annexation, that an election is not required, and that no additional tenns or conditions are to be imposed on the annexed area. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF FRASER, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. The property described in Exhibit A hereto located in the Grand County, State of Colorado, is hereby annexed to the Town of Fraser, Colorado, and incorporated in and made a part thereof. Section 2. The annexation by and to the Town of Fraser, Colorado, of the property described in Exhibit A hereto meets all the requirements of law. Section 3. The property described in Exhibit A hereto is owned entirely by the Petitioner. Section 4. Pursuant to Section 31-12-115 of the Act, the zoning of the property described in Exhibit A hereto shall be initiated and completed within ninety (90) days from the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 5. The annexation of the property described in Exhibit A hereto shall be complete and effective on the effective date of this Ordinance, except for the purpose of imposition of general property taxes which shall be effective on and after the first day of January 1997. Section 6. Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Ordinance, the Town Clerk is directed to: a. File one (1) copy of the annexation map with the origin3l of this Ordinance in the office of the Town Clerk. 1/9/97-pss U:\USERS\WP\KINGS\ANNORD.E b. File two (2) certified copies of this Ordinance and the map of the area annexed containing a legal description of such area with the Grand County Oerk and Recorder. Section 7. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Town of Fraser hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases thereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after passage, adoption and publication thereof as provided by law. READ, PASSED, ADOPTED AND ORDERED ~ISHED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, AND SIGNED THIS ~ DAY OF '4/V , , 1997. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF, SR, C LORADO ATTEST: (S E A L) V. Published in the Winter Park Manifest on t,~ ,,,;;)'1 /" V , 1997. 2 1/9/97-pss U:\USERS\WP\KINGS\ANNORD.E ýÿ ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENGINEERS, Inc. KING'S CROSSING ROAD DISCONNECTION/ANNEXATION PARCEL E LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A TRACT OF LAND TO BE KNOWN AS "DISCONNECTION/ANNEXATION PARCEL E," BEING DISCONNECTED FROM THE TOWN OF WINTER PARK AND ANNEXED TO THE TOWN OF FRASER, BEING A PORTION OF THE SW1/4SW1/4 OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 75 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., GRAND COUNTY, COLORADO, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at a point being the south 1/16th Corner of Sections 29 and 28; THENCE North 89 degrees 32 minutes 11 seconds East for a distance of 46.80 feet along the south 1/16th line of said Section 28 to a point; THENCE along a curve to the left having a radius of 830.30 feet and an arc length of 64.47 feet, being subtended by a chord of South 46 degrees 20 minutes 11 seconds West for a distance of 64.46 feet to a point; THENCE North 00 degrees 13 minutes 07 seconds West for a distance of 44.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together with and subject to covenants, easements, and restrictions of record. Said property contains 1010 square feet more or less. ':i:~iJ ' .. ."t,.:~a kEB;'~~.. "'. .;. " il\",'\t\~....... u):, ~ ~~..~\E D. ~..~ ~ ~ ~l~~/Y~) ~-€;\~, ~ . ~ . ~ ~~: 11415 ia:~ :::.c:a~ .ee :::.~. d2:~1 %~... /t)-'1-r;..~~ ,=::. (p/ ". .. ~,,.., ~~ y,~ '041.........<\ ~v ~ ~1!l1. II L l A \\v 1\'~~' . ~ll::lJmim\\\\\\\\l Rocky Mountain Engineers, Inc. (970) 724-9500 114 N. 3rd st. Box 545 Kremmling, co 80459 Job: 8169 File: 8169-ADE.leg Page 1 of 1 10-8-1996 9:43pm bar .. . , " ~~ . . , .... PETITION FOR ANNEXATION TO: THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF FRASER, COLORADO RE: PROPERTY KNOWN AS: "DISCONNECTION/ANNEXATION PARCEL E," A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SWl/4SWl/4 OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 75 WEST OF THE 6TH P,M., GRAND COUNTY, COLORADO, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1010 SQUARE FEET. The undersigned landowner, in accordance with the provisions of Title 31, Article 12, Part 1, C.R.S. known as the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, as amended, hereby petitions the Board of Trustees of the Town of Fraser, Colorado for annexation to the Town of Fraser of the following described area situate and being in the Town of Winter Park, and State of Colorado, to-wit: (See Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.) Petitioner further states as follows: 1. That it is desirable and necessary that such area be annexed to the Town of Fraser, Colorado. 2. That the area sought to be annexed meets the requirements of Sections 31-12- 104 and 105, as amended, of the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, in that: a. Not less than one-sixth (1/6) of the perimeter of the area proposed to be annexed will be contiguous with the existing boundaries of the Town of Fraser, Colorado. b. A community of interest exists between the area proposed to be annexed and the Town of Fraser, Colorado. c. The area proposed to be annexed is urban or will be urbanized in the near future and said area is integrated or is capable of being integrated with the Town of Fraser, Colorado. d. No land held in identical ownership, whether consisting of one (1) tract or parcel of real estate or two (2) or more contiguous tracts or parcels of real estate: i. is divided into separate parts or parcels without the written 9/26/96-pss U:\USERS\w.p\PETANN.E ýÿ ) . L..._, . .. ..... l. consent of the landowner or landowners thereof, unless such tracts or parcels are separated by a dedicated street, road, or other public way. it comprising twenty (20) acres or more and which, together with the buildings and improvements situated thereon, has a valuation for assessment in excess of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) for ad valorem tax purposes for the year next preceding the annexation is included within the area proposed to be annexed without the written consent of the landowner or landowners. e. No annexation proceedings have been commenced for the annexation to another municipality of part or all of the territory proposed to be annexed. f. The annexation of the area proposed to be annexed will not result in the detachment of area from any school district and the attachment of same to another school district. g. The annexation of the area proposed to be annexed will not have the effect of extending the boundary of the Town of Fraser more than three (3) miles in any direction from any point of the Town's boundary in any one (1) year. h. If a portion of a platted street or alley is to be annexed, the entire width of said street or alley is included within the area to be annexed. i. Reasonable access shall not be denied to landowners, owners of easements or the owners of franchises, adjoining any platted street or alley to be annexed that will not be bordered on both sides by the Town of Fraser. 3. That attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are four (4) prints of the annexation map, containing the following information: a. A written legal description of the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed. b. A map showing the boundary of the area proposed to be annexed. c. Within the annexation boundary map, a showing of the location of each ownership tract of unplatted land, and, with respect to any area which 2 9!25!96-pss U:\USERS\w.p\PETANN.E I . I .. ... " .:. >4 is platted, the boundaries and the plat numbers of plots or lots and blocks. d. Next to the boundary of the area proposed to be annexed, a drawing of the contiguous boundary of the Town of Fraser and the contiguous boundary of any other municipality abutting the area proposed to be annexed. 4. That the petitioner is the landowner of more than fifty percent (50%) of the area sought be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys. 5. That the petitioner signed this Petition for Annexation no more than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the date of the filing of this Petition for Annexation, 6. That this Petition for Annexation satisfies the requirements of Article IT, Section 30, of the Constitution of Colorado in that it is signed by persons comprising more than fifty percent (50%) of the landowners in the area proposed to be annexed who own more than fIfty percent (50%) of said area, excluding public streets and alleys and any land owned by the Town of Winter Park. 7. That upon the Annexation Ordinance becoming effective, all lands within the area sought to be annexed shall become subject to the ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations of the Town of Fraser, except for general property taxes which shall become effective on January 1 of the next succeeding year following passage of the Annexation Ordinance. 8. That, by the date that is ninety (90) days after the effective date of the Annexation Ordinance, the petitioner will request that zoning be granted. Therefore, petitioner respectfully requests that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Fraser, Colorado, approve the annexation of the area proposed to be annexed. Whenever from the context it appears appropriate, each term stated in either the singular or plural will include the other, and pronouns stated in either the masculine, feminine or the neuter gender will include each of the other genders. MARYV ALE L.L.C, a Colorado Limited Liability Company By: &~~. 3 9/26/96-pss U:\USERS\w.p\PETANN.E . ~. ~ '... t' ~ ~ .:. ;... AFFIDAVIT OF CIRCULATOR The undersigned, being of lawful age, who being rust duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says: That he was the circulator of the foregoing Petition for Annexation of lands to the Town of Fraser, Colorado, consisting of four (4) pages, including this page and that each signature thereon was witnessed by the affiant and is the true signature of the person whose name it purports to be. d~ 'j ak lIe'fi~ L. Eh lers' Circulator STATE OF COLORADO ) ) SSe COUNTY OF ~....~ The foregoing Affidavit of Circulator was subscribed and sworn to before me this I~ day of ~ , 1996, by \L.I2-0 L h\-.... t...~S- , ,..... "iii ~ Ill......". , "'. '~'{~""" .M1~(;~ion expires: 4 J , ~ - '\ ~ ~'r:;' .,f~ i),;;/..~:!, ;';~~~~~:~ :~> '\. .: -'. ~" C -[SEALJ:::':' 1-;:;;' ~~ .' ':' ~ :-. : . r~. ~ - ~ - : :- ~"c-! __;.- _ -:::.,--:,' .. ~ .~ ~<:";~;.'~,--", ".1.1,' -. ".h(l!~~. 8UI<;~tl\e\l. ~~VCA Notary Public ..." " " ,', 4 9/26/96-pss U:\USERS\WP\PETANN.E ýÿ , .. . ...... KING'S CROSSING ROAD D1SCONNECnO^,/.4NNEXATlON PARCEL E LEG4/.. DESCRIPT/ON OF A TRACT OF LAND TO BE KNOWN AS MDISCONNi.CTlOfov/ANNEXATION PARCEL Eo M BEING DISCONNECTED FROM FiE TOni\' OF WINTER PARi< AND ANNEXED TO THE To~n{ OF FRASER, BEING ~ PORTION OC THE SWi /4SWI /4 OF SECTION 28, TOWA'SHIP I SOUTH, RAA/GE 75 WeST OF THE 6TH P.M., GRAND COUNTY. CCl.GRADO, .JND MORE PARTlCl/LAI?L Y DESCRIBED AS FCl.L OWS: . Beginnmg or a /Jomt being the South 1/I6th Corner of Sections 29 and 28: . ,.. , . THENCE North 89 degrees 3C minutes II seconds East for a disfance of 46.80 feet along the South 1/ 16fh line of said Section 28 to a POint: THENCE olong a curve to the left having a radiUS of 830.30 feet ond on arc lengtl? of 64.47 fee', bemg subrended by a chord of South 46 degrees 20 minutes :: seconds West for 0 distance of 64.46 fee' to o/Jomt: THENCE North (X) degrees 13 mmutes 01 seconds West for a distance of 44. Ie feel to l"l(~ POiNT OF BEGINNING. Toget.'1er wllh and sub/eel to covenants, easements, and restrlCflOns of record. Said property contains 1010 square feel more or less. EXHIBIT I A ýÿ ""ilillJ.'.. ~.. ... I' ..,," .. ~, () z o ~-l 1--1 .~ H (.) r.l r.:.l ~ l.l J~, til :or ..~ f,t; E-t :>t 1:-1 ~ ~:t:; ~, J;.:l . U.. ' J {."l n: . (:l '-'" [.<1 H ,> --'<H J.~ ri~ p, I:.) C> f4 ZU-; ~ . Recorded at o'clock. M ".., 0 GRAND COUNTY, CO 96007619 09/05/96' 0357PM ,,...., ,;', I ,lO.O PAGE 1 OF 2 SARA L ROSENE, RECORDER ",......,.,.. , . REC-FEE .00 1.00 DOC-FEE we WARRANTY DEED f ~ THIS DEED, Made this /~rlL AU&V~JT" day of 1996 ,between THE CLIFFORD G. DIMMITT REVOCABLB TRUST. of the County'Of Oakland and State of Michigan. grantor. and MARYV ALE LLC. a Colorado Limited Liability Company. whose legal address is 1140 Grant Street. Suite 100. Denver. Colorado 80203 I of the 'City and County of Denver, and State of Colorado. grantee: WITNESSETH, That the grantor for and in consideration of the sum of $ I 0.00 TEN,AND NOllOOs DOLLARS. the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted. bargained. sold and conveyed. and by these presents does grimt, bargain. sell, convey and confirm, unto the grantee. his heirs and assigns forever. aU the real property together with improvements. if any, situate, lying and being in the County of GRAND and State of Colorado described as follows: Parcel 2 as described in Exhibit" A Jt attached hereto. TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging. or in anywise appertaining. and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all the estate. right, title, interest. claim and demand whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. TO J1A VE AND TO HOLD the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the grantee. his heirs and assigns forever. And the grantor, for himself, his heirs. and personal representatives, does covenant. grant. bargain. and agree to and with the grantee, his heirs and assigns, that at the time ofthe ensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed, has good, sure. perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate ofinheritance, in law. in fee simple. and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid. and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes. assessments. encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soever, except Basements and Limitations of Record. The grantor shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DBFEND the above-bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thereof. The singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular. and the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders. ' , , ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. TI-IB CLIFFORD G. DIMMITT REVOCABLE TRUST. under Trust Agreement dated September 28. 1990, as amended, flblo Clifford t. Dimmitt ' G, ~. STATBOF .It/lc/I/t-d,v County of (J1I,t t//,;o/ b ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I q r /./ .day of c:T V t '1 . 19 9 ~. by by Clifford G. Dimmitt, as Trustee for the Clifford G. Dimmitt Revocable Trust, under Trust Agreement dated Scpt~mber~8. 1990, as amended flblo Clifford'y' Dimmitt. I ;;"";~:~~~:', G. ,. ,'i,q..,~ftl'~:I~A:;'; ':'~j .19 .. Witness my hand a~f~ffim'!{~l:;t;;;,~\.j; ...' .;(h " , . ~. ';" .., , '1 rft. "~ "j'{,(I \.!. I'.;'.' ./ f.\' . ...,. r,.'lI-"r""i":!/~:' , , .",' ,~\I.', ~ .':. ,.. , j,' ~ .... ",,", . .:~ \.., . ,,,- I,i!......,' . '~ >: t' .... ..::,.;o'{i _.,,&.,.' ~ . -J"'(. .,11(;'..... . ~ .Of' ...:...-..-:- . Notary Publtc - ;. . -:. ~ ~ ."-I1).(~'~ ; . .. .: ;'Ati ~...~\~{s~f/,~,.~~,::, , ~i ,'; ot,. '.( .! i..... J.."',"; q,.., ~ ...,"''',e..',J (' d.r.'; il1,( ...... II ~'J.'J,' P.t"\' \""..l".l&/f1~\: I 'r'i "" ,~ .... . - '. .\( .....,........l1li,..." . { \ 'lr''''~~ ' . It, 'c~:.," " 1(' "';'i! ~.~( i "'" .l.~l'.'(" ;', I !\" :1'1 j l ~'ii1;~\~'a',. .j~~" ' ~~~ l:j. " ~ij!' 'I' ,'W, "". I ,.. '. ~f ; . ~ I"f~ f . r , .,~'... '1 f ' ,f1 I My commission expires MICHi\EL [I. 'lfl~;:.:" , NOTARY PUBLIC: - OAKI.Af\JO ~u..:\\1 V, M1 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 03l'lOlOO Name and Address of Person Creating Newly Created Legal Description (~ 38-35-106.5, C.R.S.) ~ I I ., EXHIBIT II A" ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENGINEERS, Inc. KING'S CROSSING ROAD PARCEL 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A TRACT OF LAND TO BE KNOWN AS "TRADE PARCEL 2, II BEING A PORTION OF THE SW1/4SW1/4 OF SECTION 28 , TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 75 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., GRAND COUNTY, COLORADO, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at a point being the South 1/16th Corner of sections 29 and 28; THENCE North 89 degrees 32 minutes 11 seconds East for a distance of 46.80 feet along the South 1/16th line of said section 28 to a point; THENCE along a curve to the left having a radius of 830.30 feet and an arc length of 64.47 feet, being subtended by a chord of South 46 degrees 20 minutes ,11 seconds West for a distance of 64.46 feet to a point; THENCE North 00 degrees 13 minutes 07 seconds West for a distance of 44.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. " Together with and subject ,to covenants, easements, and restrictions of record. Said property contains 1010 square feet more or less. ~\\\\\\\\IIIIIII"IJII" ~~ ,,~\) HE6l11% # ~,..y....."..1..'1 I'A ~ ~..~.\\t o. ';l.~"'A ~ ey. e:of'<<':A.~ ~:~ ~..-~ I~{ 11415 i=1 :;::.c:::>>. M"'.~;::: ~~.. Clr~ .._~f$ ~'(p... '7..,~~..,\: · ~ ~ ~. CP. <'.,- . ....~~~ ~ !10..........-;. ~ ~ . ~,I/,.AL Ll~V ~~~ '11111'IIIUIIK\"\\\\\" GRAND COUNTY, CO PAGE 2 OF 2 96007619 09/0'5/96 0357PM SARA L ROSENE, RECORDER 10.00 .00 1.00 REC-FEE DOC-FEE'WD \-r.-:~.f"'-~;~-r-(-'" ~-. , "~I ."\~,, Rocky Mountain Enqineers, Inc. (970) 724-9500 114 N. 3rd st. Box 545 Kremmlinq, CO 80459 Job: 8169 File: 8169p2.leg Page 1 of 1 7-29-1996 9:43pm bar ..,...0 ,,' l' ;; . ~. ) ~ ~ l ; "; "; ýÿ ';)0 .. ..... - '" TOWN OF FRASER RESOLUTION NO. 1/- d -7" SERIES 1996 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF LAND GENERALL Y LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST }(, SOUTHWEST }( OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 75 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1010 SQUARE FEET. WHEREAS, Maryvale, L.L.C. , as owner of one hundred percent (100%) of the above- described property, has submitted a Petition for Annexation of said property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees at its regular meeting on 71 tv ' ~C) , 1996, reviewed the petition for annexation and various documents submitted in support: of the Petition for Annexation of unincorporated territory; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has examined the record in this case; examined the various exhibits; considered the request, the Comprehensive Plan, and the recommendations of the staff; and based upon the record which has been made concerning the request, has arrived at its decision; and WHEREAS, it has been found and detennined that the applicant has complied with all of the procedural requirements as provided in Title 31, Article 12, C.R.S. in connection with the request for annexation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF FRASER, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Petition for Annexation for that property described therein, is hereby accepted and found to be in substantial compliance with the requirements of Title 31, Article 12, C.R.S., and ~ That a public h?g to consider the said Petition for J\m}~a~~ is scheduled for _ _d/O- ( ~ . 199" at f'!OOIJfll7. at ~ -;tiW1J ~ . , , PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED THIS X) DAY OF /1;tJ. , 1996 by a vote of (tJ to / BOARD OF TRU TEES OF THE TOWN 0, COLORADO lO/24/96-pss U:\USERS\WP\KLC\ANNACC.E ..~.. ~.... ... .- ATTEST: (8 E A L) Published in the Winter Park Manifest on '-/!tV 12'1 I . 1996. lO/24/96-pss U:\USERS\w.p\KLC\ANNACC.E [(I BEARINGS BASED ON S89032 'I I"W BETWEEN 1/16TH CORNERS AS SHOWN. ANNEXA T/ON MAP -------------_._--~ ----- @" L - - "- ~-- -'?83..5l?' ~ ~ 6 ROZ'?6.<19' ~ ~ ~ /' i=::: /- 6 96 0' 0 ~ //'~~A: 30.J(JO~ ~ V) ,tl-~6G f' -- 5// /6 CCRNER -;0 S\~ L 0: 208.69' , ! SEt.' 29 / SEe 28 ,:p' oS @ '< > II #~~~' C~ ~"~"'" -}\;~~ 0f() ~G'5 L = 46.45 ~~ / 0'- " \~/. Ii\ 6' , R= 17iQ.30' 0', '~ f' g6'1p '< ; \.-, ~J10' ))~~ dS ~~.9,"?r I , 'f · ,,<,V \,-~~ \ ~(9c? /' .~/, 'J.(").rH) ~ --k' /'" . ,. . w-- .-r;- ~tt""~~~"~ . .. )If M ... )IC-U-*-M M M N ~-*.........-~ .. .. 0' ,- NOGOi ,3'urw - .-lIt ff tt ""-)""1 \',-"'-w-_~~~ -.......-1,.-' ~~ 4:C --,...-"?\' S89~32'; I 'If/ 291-. ; 4' I" ~ "",589 32 111ft 44.12'-------" 0 " 589 '32 ,W 96.81/ @ 58go32~ ~ ~ <6/ h 23.36' , t%;o~JO>- "-;-;/ '// SWI/4SWI/4 SEC. 28 / ~ '---- / '-, ~ "~,~, ,~/ \- ~ 60 0 60 ~ J GRAPHIC SL~LE - FEET 120 I 180 I SCALE 1"=60 LEGE/VD + * * * * CAL CULA TED POINT ORIGINAL TOWN BOUNDARIES NEW TOWN BOUNDARIES .... -" " KING'S CROSSING ROAD DISCONNECT/ON/ANNEXATION PARCEL B LEGAL DE.SCRlPTlON OF A TRACT OF LAND TO BE KNOWN AS "DISCONNECT/ON/ANNEXATION PARCEL 8J" BEING OISCONNECTtD FROM THE TOWN OF WINTER PARK AND ANNEXED TO THE TOWN OF FRASERJ BEING A PORT/ON OF THE SWI/4SWf/4 OF SECTION 28J TOWNSHIP I SOUTHJ RANGE 1,? WEST OF THE 6TH P.M'J GRAND COUNT~ CaORADO, AND MORE PARTlCULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FaL OWS: 8eginmnr,; at 0 pOInt beIng on the South 1/ 16th line of said Section 28, U-"-IENCE the SW 1/ 16th Corner of said Section 28 bears North 89 degtees 32 mmutes / I seconds East a distance of 376.62 feet: THENCE South 81 degrees 09 minutes 02 seconds West for a distance of 95.38 feet to a point: THENCE South 81 degrees 13 mmutes 21 seconds We,5t for a distance of 205.49 feel to a pomt of non-tangent curve: THENCE along a curve to the right having a radius of 110,00 feet and an arc length of 28.40 feet. being subtended by a chord of North 18 degrees 41 minutes 46 seconds West for a distance of 28.36 feet to 0 point: THENCE along a curve to the right having a radius of 328. 18 feet and an arc length of 20.82 feet. being subtended by a chord of North 12 degrees II minutes 38 seconds West for a distance of 20.81 feet to a point being on sold 1/ 16th line: THENCE North 89 degrees 32 minutes II seconds Ea!'>t for a distance of 348.16 feet along saId 1/ 16th line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together WIth and subject to covenants, easementsJ and restrictions of record. SOld property contams 21.90 "quare feet more or less. NOTICE: According to Colorado low, you MUST commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey Within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any legal action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. PARCEL B RELA TING TO DISCONNECTION/ANNEXA TION OF CERTAIN PARCELS TO/FROM THE TOWNS OF FRASER AND WINTER PARK~ SEC. 28~ TIS~ R75~ 6TH P.M.~ GRAND COUNT~ COL ORAD 0 If -t.... (,()IV) lC)' .~ (,()- IY)" II II -..J ct: TOWN OF FRASER 0) C\j ~ () j:::: (j ~ REG/S-MARYVALE 589032'11 "w 14.45' 5860I8'17''W 112.251: L~26.21 R'167.Jj' -------+----'--=--==-~,---- 589032'11 "w ------------316:62' ------t-- Nooo03'37" 8.09'-- P.O.B. B S89000'05"W i- ,C,8 r09 '03 "w 129.25 ' 30.53' \' -------- @ __---- -- ---'- 16 ------------ NW I /4SW / /4 SEC. 28 L ~ 2G. Pi? ' L = I 3. I 5 ' R=328. /~ R= 110.00' N89032 'I I " N89032 'I I "E 154. 12' 194.04 ' S8r09 '02 "w '-':;,38 - , KING'S CROSSING ROAD 6t'1' R r: 11/ \ uv ,.v..~____,------- ____~__~.,j~~~AR~_ ___~---===-k'::::L- ---'~------------~- - \ ---+ WES TGA TE \ ' "'" OF WINTER LOT 2 \ ~ PARK REC ttl2318n '\ ~ REC #210688 OWNER: DIMMITT \ LOT / ~ ALSO A PORTION 0F PARCEL A \ THE PEAKS TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS ~ @ REC 11290419 8 BOOK 473, PAGE 508\ REC tll 17259 8 123180 "- AND @ REC 11305860 8 BOOK 501, PAGE 16~ \ \ DIMMITT ~~ --,----------- -~--- f(i\ ~ __-------- ____~----~ - - ~ I __________________ ___-- ~-- -- ~ ~---- @ TOWN OF WINTER PARK A PORTION OF PARCEL A @ REC t1290419 8 BOOK 4?3, PAGE 508 AND @ REC t1305860 8 BOOK 501, PAGE 164 ~- ~tS ~Cb' '9.Q -?~~ .~ ~ ,;r....~ ."9. ~r -'" ,-,,~, -.......'----- ',--- c SUrII'eyor's Statement ~s- \\\\J) V) " ~I \1\- ""J:)G) ,I -<~ :IJ1> ,,-< 9~ ~a ~ \::)' ,<\1 ;a? ~sj <;>- K ~ /< <t-O 9~<:J / oC:> CJ<f ,c, ~ ~~ / GRIFFIN PARK SUBDIVISION TRAC T tl8 - SOO003 '40 "w 5.45' "'<If.-________ SWI/16 CORNER SECTION 28 ~<~- fi ~ \\':~ l. [iJ/';J;i)A- .oS r...~l' .. 4 ~" .. C. """.. ~.... ~~...,. .''\[ (} '.~ F(,~, ~,:s ,~ ~,:):, .. , , : ..",~~~ ~~ '<C:: ::>- -'.. '~ - 1" '11' ~ i: : ~ ':'( , .. 'i f "~J: J' 1 Ale,' ~ S :-.;} -. ~i 'J . a: == ~ f:.' 't ,": ~ E ~i::;'~#-~~..::1,.i .../~' f ~:e( ,/", ..... 1'".,.'~ '# '{'.I:, .(~' t' .i*1f' I'. 'I' r," ~~I' ~.s' ~" P, l r, ~.,I ,~~ f J j' f'" l:\" ,.,"): ThIS AnnexatIon Map was prepared for the Town of Fraser and the Town of Wmter Pod! and was prepared under my supervIsIon and responsIbility_ NOTE: REFER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENGINEERS~ INC., PLA T TITLED "LAND SURVEY PLA T KING'S CROSSING ROAD MAP OF RIGHT -OF -WA Y AND TRADE PARCELS" DATED 4-11-1995 AND REVISED (8J 7-29-1996. J. O. WARD, COL ORADO PL S 111 1415 P4RCEL CROSS RErFRENCF TABLE TOTAL PERIMETER OF PARCEL FOR ANNEXATION LEN(~TH OF PARCEL CONTIGUOUS WITH EXISTING TOWN BOUNDARY PERCE'NTAGE OF PERIMETER CONTIGUOUS vtllTH EX/S TiNG TOWN BOUNDAR 'y' 698.25 FEET RECEPTION NUMBER ANNEX/DISCONNECTION PARCEL ORIGINAL F(.O.~fI./'TRADE PAP(EL 348. 16 FEET 49.86x " 96007618 96001632 BOX 545 KREMMUNG, COLORADO (970) 724-9500 SCALE: I" = 60' ANNEXA T/ON MAP PARCEL B RELATING TO DISCONNECTION/ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS TO/FROM THE TOWNS OF FRASER AND WINTER PARK,I SECTION 28,1 T/~ R15~'V OF THE 6TH P.Mo GRAND COUNTY) COLORADO @ a <@ a a-€)" DATE: 9- / / -1996 DRAWN BY: BAR APPROVED BY: REVISED; SHEET (2) / 0-8-1996 8169.CRD, 8169A-D.PL T LAYERS 50-60, 11 JOB No. 8169 OF I q ~~~ 'Jfj ("Y>!f}t<'tkJ " 4- J- ~ Cf,~ r. ORANU " ~h -" .j~~" a,.I' ~-, C'I rJcl"'~L..:-t4 ~'1X t ~O;ENE Pr4L. ~, ~jl ?v~~L , "-,~ ~ bEARINGS BASED ON S89032 'I /"W BETWEEN 1/16TH CORNERS AS SHOWN. ANNEXA T/ON MAP 60 0 60 EEffifEH33==__..3 GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET /20 /80 I I SCALE I" =60' LEGE-ND + * * * * CAL CVLA TED POINT ORIGINAL TOWN BOUNDARIES NEW TOWN BOUNDARIES .... PARCEL E RELA TING TO DISCONNECTION/ANNEXA TION OF CERTAIN PARCELS TO/FROM THE TOWNS OF FRASER AND WINTER PARK.I SEC. 28.1 TIS.I R75~ 6TH P.M..1 GRAND COUNT~ COL ORAD 0 c -+, '. " ''''-, - I\.. (,Q1'v) ~~ (,Q-- IY)'- II It -...JQ:: ~ ~ j::::: ~ ~ C'() <\J ~ j::::: ~ ~ S 1/16 CORNER SEC 29 / SEC 28 (6) L-'" c? 83.. - ~6. '..9.~O .'19' 60' R. r " · 0. Jf/.. /* // "'- ---------_/~--. '''" ~-~- (j) ~ ~_~208.69 R"'!66."1.9~_" ~ V @'~ ~ , '" 589032 ' I "jf 14.45 ' '~ ~ B g~' d n V' A- 30.' 01).\1 ~~ l3 G ~ ,0' C}S\~ , B"JO' C~.o 'lj V..\~G TOWN OF FRASER REGIS-MARYVALE S89"32'/I"W 294.14' 586018 '<11"W / / 2'25'--i L ;26.2 I' R 161.31 - ' S89000'05"W :J-- ~-=3~~"~~'/ - L.= 20. 82 , _ L ~/3.15, NW / /4SW / /4 SEC. 28 S8r09'03"jf /2fl~25' r R - 328,18 / R - /10.00 N89032 , I I "E !('. '53' _____- --------+----- -------- - ----- I 154 I ")' ~ _~-------f - - .--- - - fi6\ "* "*-..... .. 14 ~.. f- 589"32 / /"W 85.46' 3 / 141 ~89"32' //"E /94.04' - : ~ .. ~ ~ ~'1.' ~ '. : ;;r.; . :-;; R -a': ~. -. . . . .1 · :1FRI.~T-" ~ - ~ ~ · "-" · joo -. ....-.. .~ S89"j-Z; /1"1;' .3 76_ 62' N;'~'~7"~.--. '-~ \ ....... ..............-... t8 ),"i31> ),"lI' ib ~J9 58 rOg lJ2 "K \ I 8.09 ' _____l ~ L ~_ :M&, KING:> CROSSING ROAD __-95-38~_-____ __---16:~R~O~w.-- ___---------~_~~ R._~~~~ V~/:i-~::-------n '~I---c-=::T- ~-=--=-~=====-- ~-----~~-T~n.-- -\ -------------- --k~_~ ~t;JI~ A PORTION OF PARCEL A REC tlI23180 "'" REC 11210688 @ REC 11290419 8 BOOK 473J PAGE 508 OWNER: DIMMITT LOT / '~ AND @ REC 11305860 8 BOOK 50lJ PAGE 164 ~ ALSO A PORTION OF PARCEL A THE PEAKS TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS ~ f? REC 11290419 8 BOOK 413, PAGE 508 \ REC tlI11259 8 123 180 " AND @ REC 11305860 8 BOOK 50lJ PAGE 16~\ "" :A':- / <":'(}f)O~:;;' '; ! Ut" Q6 8/ '/ / ,@ '2/ / /(/' -~~ ~~ TOWN OF lVINTER PARK NOOO; 3'O'?'W 44. 12----- ----.. L =64.41......... R = 830.30' ........................,. -" "~''- " "'-'~ ........, NOTICE: According to Colorado lawJ you MUST commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years aft e r you fir s t d / S c 0 v e r sue h de fee t. Inn 0 eve n t J may any leg a I action based upon any defect in thIs survey be corrmenced more than ten years from the date of certlficat/on shown hereon. ::: o,-~ 0::(", . ,/I,,} I 23."36:'- -~ SW//4SW//4 SEC. 28 DIMMITT " .q~ <PCb- ~G -9/G .~-O ~'?": ' 1; L"lo ....0<:-: 'T. '*'4')-- kING'S CROSSING ROAD DISCONNECTlON/ANNEX4T10N PARCEL F L EG4L (,'SCRIPTION OF ,4 TR4Cr OF L4ND '-0 BE KNOWN AS "DISCfJN:WCTlON/ANNEXATlON PARCEL L" BEING DISCONNECTED FROM TNE TOWN 01 WINTER PARk' AND ANNEXED TO THE TOWN OF FRASER/ BEING A PORTlOfti f)F THE SW/ /4SWI /4 OF SECTiON 28, TOWNSHIP / SOUTH, RANGE 75 WEST ()i :/-{E 6TH P.M., GRAND COUNn~ caORADO, AND MORE PARTlCULARL Y DESCRlpcl) AS FaLOWS: BpOI{1f1lng at a pOint being the Sc'ut/7 I 16th Corner of Section', ;-1 and 28: Tf tr VCL North 89 degrees 32 minutes f / seconds East for 0 distance c.r 46.80 feet along the Sout') / /,' 6th line of said See/IOn 28 to a tlt:'int: TilE. "v(f:.- along a curve to the Ipf' haVing a radiUS of 830.30 feet ane! '1'1 arc length of 64.41 feet, bemg 5ubfended by a chord of SOIlf!1 46 degrees 20 minutes ! / 5P(ond5 West for a distance of 64.46 (('?et fO a pomt-" lIfE NCF North ()() degree'i /3 mmU'es 075econds West for a distance of 44.12 feef to the POINT Of BEGINNING. to T>qPf17er With and 5ubject '0 covenants, easements, and res tnc fll'l 11'; of record. Sf7"~ nroperty contains /010 square feet more or less. Surveyor 's Stofem~nt ~ <0- S\J~ Q)G C;--K:: B V) /~ / /~ 1/ ~O / ~ ~ / q~ / / oC? / /' CJ<f / / \~ , ~~CJ / / ~s- \T\ \.f) V) " -\I '" - ::oG> ,I -<.~ --,..1> -;v-<. s:>~ ~a / / GRIFFIN PARK SUBDIVISION TRACT tl8 -_- SOOo03'40"W 5.45' ._, SWI/16 CORNER SECTION 28 .J.~J;~:,t.~~..t!~~!!lI~' ~\r~~ f'~v.::.~H It ~..~ ~ c"-'/..::'" \ ,"1'Ll..~ :;: . ~ -/, j ( ~ ~ ~- e r ( ll...... . ~"n: 11415 : - ;:;U1t -9 ::c:>: :Q ::. ~~, ... . .a..; ',~ ,"f\ · . 8 kt ......, d' "~', - , .,' L .r:J ~ ::::.: (f, -.. I ; ,"'... ~ . ~~,:(;.,4.,,:,h.';~..~ q,~~ <h, "l. . A~\) ..~. " ',~, ~:~;;'~; ,,',.'i'" ThIS Annexation Map was prepared for the Town of Fraser and the Town of Wtnf~r Park and was prepared under my superVISIon and re.sponslbtl,fy. NO TE: REFER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENr.INEERSJ INC'J PLA T TITLED "LAND SURVEY PLAT KING'S CROSSING ROAD MAP OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AND TRADE PARCELS" DATED 4-1 /-19~?5 AND REVISED (8) 7-29-/996. I }~ . I I l~ ,/( J:D~-wARD:cCioRAD()PLS-~11415----- PARCEl CROSS REFERC1VCE T/1BIE TOTAL PER/METER OF PARCEL :nR ANNEXATION LENGTH OF PARCEL CONTIGUOUS t1//TH EX/STING 70WN BOUNDARY PERCENTAGE OF PER/METER CONTIGUOUS WITH EXISTING TOWN BOUNDARY 155.39 FEET ;1 NNE.X /D / S CONNE C TlON PARCEL ORIGINAL R. C. tr~ /7I?ADF PAHCf! HECEPTlON NUMBER 46.80 FEET cg) OODDDDDDDD@oonooooDD 960076/9 30. I eX BOX 545 KREMMLlNG, COLORADO (970) 724-9500 SCALE: I" = 60' ANNEXATION MAP PARCEL E RELATING TO DISCONNECTION/ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS TO/FROM THE TOWNS OF FRASER AND WINTER PARK/ SEC nON 28/ T I SI R 75W OF THE 6 TH P.Mo GRAND COUNTY-. COLORADO DATE: 9-11- 1996 DRAWN BY: BAR APPROVED BY: 8169.CRDJ 8169A-D.PLT LA}cRS 50-60 J 14 JOB No. 8169 REVISED: (2) 10-8-/996 SHEET OF qlOOl33 , ..,).J./;\lf; (..)f C,ULUH^~'J. ~ '1'110'''' 01. GRAND ,.jSt" ~lll(:"t\t.d tb)&-L'i~h ~ClV+l~l ~. rlcn:L- ~-lCd8(j t1 Hool_Po~l'l.~" ýÿ [(I BEARINGS BASED ON S89032 'I I"W BETWEEN 1/16TH CORNERS AS SHOWN. ANNEXA T/ON MAP -------------_._--~ ----- @" L - - "- ~-- -'?83..5l?' ~ ~ 6 ROZ'?6.<19' ~ ~ ~ /' i=::: /- 6 96 0' 0 ~ //-~~A: 30.J(JO~ ~ V) ,tl-~6G f' -- 5// /6 CCRNER -;0 S\~ L 0: 208.69' , ! SEt.' 29 / SEe 28 ,:p' oS @ '< > II #~~~' C~ ~"~"'" -}\;~~ 0f() ~G'5 L = 46.45 ~~ / 0'- " \~/. Ii\ 6' , R= 17iQ.30' 0', '~ f' g6'1p '< ; \.-, ~J10' ))~~ dS ~~.9,"?r I , 'f · ,,<,V \,-~~ \ ~(9c? /' .~/, 'J.(").rH) ~ --k' /'" . ,. . w-- .-r;- ~tt""~~~"~ . .. )If M ... )IC-U-*-M M M N ~-*.........-~ .. .. 0' ,- NOGOi ,3'urw - .-lIt ff tt ""-)""1 \',-"'-w-_~~~ -.......-1,.-' ~~ 4:C --,...-"?\' S89~32'; I 'If/ 291-. ; 4' I" ~ "",589 32 111ft 44.12'-------" 0 " 589 '32 ,W 96.81/ @ 58go32~ ~ ~ <6/ h 23.36' , t%;o~JO>- "-;-;/ '// SWI/4SWI/4 SEC. 28 / ~ '---- / '-, ~ "~,~, ,~/ \- ~ 60 0 60 ~ J GRAPHIC SL~LE - FEET 120 I 180 I SCALE 1"=60 LEGE/VD + * * * * CAL CULA TED POINT ORIGINAL TOWN BOUNDARIES NEW TOWN BOUNDARIES .... -" " KING'S CROSSING ROAD DISCONNECT/ON/ANNEXATION PARCEL B LEGAL DE.SCRlPTlON OF A TRACT OF LAND TO BE KNOWN AS "DISCONNECT/ON/ANNEXATION PARCEL 8J" BEING OISCONNECTtD FROM THE TOWN OF WINTER PARK AND ANNEXED TO THE TOWN OF FRASERJ BEING A PORT/ON OF THE SWI/4SWf/4 OF SECTION 28J TOWNSHIP I SOUTHJ RANGE 1,? WEST OF THE 6TH P.M'J GRAND COUNT~ CaORADO, AND MORE PARTlCULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FaL OWS: 8eginmnr,; at 0 pOInt beIng on the South 1/ 16th line of said Section 28, U-"-IENCE the SW 1/ 16th Corner of said Section 28 bears North 89 degtees 32 mmutes / I seconds East a distance of 376.62 feet: THENCE South 81 degrees 09 minutes 02 seconds West for a distance of 95.38 feet to a point: THENCE South 81 degrees 13 mmutes 21 seconds We,5t for a distance of 205.49 feel to a pomt of non-tangent curve: THENCE along a curve to the right having a radius of 110,00 feet and an arc length of 28.40 feet. being subtended by a chord of North 18 degrees 41 minutes 46 seconds West for a distance of 28.36 feet to 0 point: THENCE along a curve to the right having a radius of 328. 18 feet and an arc length of 20.82 feet. being subtended by a chord of North 12 degrees II minutes 38 seconds West for a distance of 20.81 feet to a point being on sold 1/ 16th line: THENCE North 89 degrees 32 minutes II seconds Ea!'>t for a distance of 348.16 feet along saId 1/ 16th line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Together WIth and subject to covenants, easementsJ and restrictions of record. SOld property contams 21.90 "quare feet more or less. NOTICE: According to Colorado low, you MUST commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey Within three years after you first discover such defect. In no event, may any legal action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. PARCEL B RELA TING TO DISCONNECTION/ANNEXA TION OF CERTAIN PARCELS TO/FROM THE TOWNS OF FRASER AND WINTER PARK~ SEC. 28~ TIS~ R75~ 6TH P.M.~ GRAND COUNT~ COL ORAD 0 If -t.... (,()IV) lC)' .~ (,()- IY)" II II -..J ct: TOWN OF FRASER 0) C\j ~ () j:::: (j ~ REG/S-MARYVALE 589032'11 "w 14.45' 5860I8'17''W 112.251: L~26.21 R'167.Jj' -------+----'--=--==-~,---- 589032'11 "w ------------316:62' ------t-- Nooo03'37" 8.09'-- P.O.B. B S89000'05"W i- ,C,8 r09 '03 "w 129.25 ' 30.53' \' -------- @ __---- -- ---'- 16 ------------ NW I /4SW / /4 SEC. 28 L ~ 2G. Pi? ' L = I 3. I 5 ' R=328. /~ R= 110.00' N89032 'I I " N89032 'I I "E 154. 12' 194.04 ' S8r09 '02 "w '-':;,38 - , KING'S CROSSING ROAD 6t'1' R r: 11/ \ uv ,.v..~____,------- ____~__~.,j~~~AR~_ ___~---===-k'::::L- ---'~------------~- - \ ---+ WES TGA TE \ ' "'" OF WINTER LOT 2 \ ~ PARK REC ttl2318n '\ ~ REC #210688 OWNER: DIMMITT \ LOT / ~ ALSO A PORTION 0F PARCEL A \ THE PEAKS TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS ~ @ REC 11290419 8 BOOK 473, PAGE 508\ REC tll 17259 8 123180 "- AND @ REC 11305860 8 BOOK 501, PAGE 16~ \ \ DIMMITT ~~ --,----------- -~--- f(i\ ~ __-------- ____~----~ - - ~ I __________________ ___-- ~-- -- ~ ~---- @ TOWN OF WINTER PARK A PORTION OF PARCEL A @ REC t1290419 8 BOOK 4?3, PAGE 508 AND @ REC t1305860 8 BOOK 501, PAGE 164 ~- ~tS ~Cb' '9.Q -?~~ .~ ~ ,;r....~ ."9. ~r -'" ,-,,~, -.......'----- ',--- c SUrII'eyor's Statement ~s- \\\\J) V) " ~I \1\- ""J:)G) ,I -<~ :IJ1> ,,-< 9~ ~a ~ \::)' ,<\1 ;a? ~sj <;>- K ~ /< <t-O 9~<:J / oC:> CJ<f ,c, ~ ~~ / GRIFFIN PARK SUBDIVISION TRAC T tl8 - SOO003 '40 "w 5.45' "'<If.-________ SWI/16 CORNER SECTION 28 ~<~- fi ~ \\':~ l. [iJ/';J;i)A- .oS r...~l' .. 4 ~" .. C. """.. ~.... ~~...,. .''\[ (} '.~ F(,~, ~,:s ,~ ~,:):, .. , , : ..",~~~ ~~ '<C:: ::>- -'.. '~ - 1" '11' ~ i: : ~ ':'( , .. 'i f "~J: J' 1 Ale,' ~ S :-.;} -. ~i 'J . a: == ~ f:.' 't ,": ~ E ~i::;'~#-~~..::1,.i .../~' f ~:e( ,/", ..... 1'".,.'~ '# '{'.I:, .(~' t' .i*1f' I'. 'I' r," ~~I' ~.s' ~" P, l r, ~.,I ,~~ f J j' f'" l:\" ,.,"): ThIS AnnexatIon Map was prepared for the Town of Fraser and the Town of Wmter Pod! and was prepared under my supervIsIon and responsIbility_ NOTE: REFER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENGINEERS~ INC., PLA T TITLED "LAND SURVEY PLA T KING'S CROSSING ROAD MAP OF RIGHT -OF -WA Y AND TRADE PARCELS" DATED 4-11-1995 AND REVISED (8J 7-29-1996. J. O. WARD, COL ORADO PL S 111 1415 P4RCEL CROSS RErFRENCF TABLE TOTAL PERIMETER OF PARCEL FOR ANNEXATION LEN(~TH OF PARCEL CONTIGUOUS WITH EXISTING TOWN BOUNDARY PERCE'NTAGE OF PERIMETER CONTIGUOUS vtllTH EX/S TiNG TOWN BOUNDAR 'y' 698.25 FEET RECEPTION NUMBER ANNEX/DISCONNECTION PARCEL ORIGINAL F(.O.~fI./'TRADE PAP(EL 348. 16 FEET 49.86x " 96007618 96001632 BOX 545 KREMMUNG, COLORADO (970) 724-9500 SCALE: I" = 60' ANNEXA T/ON MAP PARCEL B RELATING TO DISCONNECTION/ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS TO/FROM THE TOWNS OF FRASER AND WINTER PARK,I SECTION 28,1 T/~ R15~'V OF THE 6TH P.Mo GRAND COUNTY) COLORADO @ a <@ a a-€)" DATE: 9- / / -1996 DRAWN BY: BAR APPROVED BY: REVISED; SHEET (2) / 0-8-1996 8169.CRD, 8169A-D.PL T LAYERS 50-60, 11 JOB No. 8169 OF I q ~~~ 'Jfj ("Y>!f}t<'tkJ " 4- J- ~ Cf,~ r. ORANU " ~h -" .j~~" a,.I' ~-, C'I rJcl"'~L..:-t4 ~'1X t ~O;ENE Pr4L. ~, ~jl ?v~~L , "-,~ ~ bEARINGS BASED ON S89032 'I /"W BETWEEN 1/16TH CORNERS AS SHOWN. ANNEXA T/ON MAP 60 0 60 EEffifEH33==__..3 GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET /20 /80 I I SCALE I" =60' LEGE-ND + * * * * CAL CVLA TED POINT ORIGINAL TOWN BOUNDARIES NEW TOWN BOUNDARIES .... PARCEL E RELA TING TO DISCONNECTION/ANNEXA TION OF CERTAIN PARCELS TO/FROM THE TOWNS OF FRASER AND WINTER PARK.I SEC. 28.1 TIS.I R75~ 6TH P.M..1 GRAND COUNT~ COL ORAD 0 c -+, '. " ''''-, - I\.. (,Q1'v) ~~ (,Q-- IY)'- II It -...JQ:: ~ ~ j::::: ~ ~ C'() <\J ~ j::::: ~ ~ S 1/16 CORNER SEC 29 / SEC 28 (6) L-'" c? 83.. - ~6. '..9.~O .'19' 60' R. r " · 0. Jf/.. /* // "'- ---------_/~--. '''" ~-~- (j) ~ ~_~208.69 R"'!66."1.9~_" ~ V @'~ ~ , '" 589032 ' I "jf 14.45 ' '~ ~ B g~' d n V' A- 30.' 01).\1 ~~ l3 G ~ ,0' C}S\~ , B"JO' C~.o 'lj V..\~G TOWN OF FRASER REGIS-MARYVALE S89"32'/I"W 294.14' 586018 '<11"W / / 2'25'--i L ;26.2 I' R 161.31 - ' S89000'05"W :J-- ~-=3~~"~~'/ - L.= 20. 82 , _ L ~/3.15, NW / /4SW / /4 SEC. 28 S8r09'03"jf /2fl~25' r R - 328,18 / R - /10.00 N89032 , I I "E !('. '53' _____- --------+----- -------- - ----- I 154 I ")' ~ _~-------f - - .--- - - fi6\ "* "*-..... .. 14 ~.. f- 589"32 / /"W 85.46' 3 / 141 ~89"32' //"E /94.04' - : ~ .. ~ ~ ~'1.' ~ '. : ;;r.; . :-;; R -a': ~. -. . . . .1 · :1FRI.~T-" ~ - ~ ~ · "-" · joo -. ....-.. .~ S89"j-Z; /1"1;' .3 76_ 62' N;'~'~7"~.--. '-~ \ ....... ..............-... t8 ),"i31> ),"lI' ib ~J9 58 rOg lJ2 "K \ I 8.09 ' _____l ~ L ~_ :M&, KING:> CROSSING ROAD __-95-38~_-____ __---16:~R~O~w.-- ___---------~_~~ R._~~~~ V~/:i-~::-------n '~I---c-=::T- ~-=--=-~=====-- ~-----~~-T~n.-- -\ -------------- --k~_~ ~t;JI~ A PORTION OF PARCEL A REC tlI23180 "'" REC 11210688 @ REC 11290419 8 BOOK 473J PAGE 508 OWNER: DIMMITT LOT / '~ AND @ REC 11305860 8 BOOK 50lJ PAGE 164 ~ ALSO A PORTION OF PARCEL A THE PEAKS TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUMS ~ f? REC 11290419 8 BOOK 413, PAGE 508 \ REC tlI11259 8 123 180 " AND @ REC 11305860 8 BOOK 50lJ PAGE 16~\ "" :A':- / <":'(}f)O~:;;' '; ! Ut" Q6 8/ '/ / ,@ '2/ / /(/' -~~ ~~ TOWN OF lVINTER PARK NOOO; 3'O'?'W 44. 12----- ----.. L =64.41......... R = 830.30' ........................,. -" "~''- " "'-'~ ........, NOTICE: According to Colorado lawJ you MUST commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years aft e r you fir s t d / S c 0 v e r sue h de fee t. Inn 0 eve n t J may any leg a I action based upon any defect in thIs survey be corrmenced more than ten years from the date of certlficat/on shown hereon. ::: o,-~ 0::(", . ,/I,,} I 23."36:'- -~ SW//4SW//4 SEC. 28 DIMMITT " .q~ <PCb- ~G -9/G .~-O ~'?": ' 1; L"lo ....0<:-: 'T. '*'4')-- kING'S CROSSING ROAD DISCONNECTlON/ANNEX4T10N PARCEL F L EG4L (,'SCRIPTION OF ,4 TR4Cr OF L4ND '-0 BE KNOWN AS "DISCfJN:WCTlON/ANNEXATlON PARCEL L" BEING DISCONNECTED FROM TNE TOWN 01 WINTER PARk' AND ANNEXED TO THE TOWN OF FRASER/ BEING A PORTlOfti f)F THE SW/ /4SWI /4 OF SECTiON 28, TOWNSHIP / SOUTH, RANGE 75 WEST ()i :/-{E 6TH P.M., GRAND COUNn~ caORADO, AND MORE PARTlCULARL Y DESCRlpcl) AS FaLOWS: BpOI{1f1lng at a pOint being the Sc'ut/7 I 16th Corner of Section', ;-1 and 28: Tf tr VCL North 89 degrees 32 minutes f / seconds East for 0 distance c.r 46.80 feet along the Sout') / /,' 6th line of said See/IOn 28 to a tlt:'int: TilE. "v(f:.- along a curve to the Ipf' haVing a radiUS of 830.30 feet ane! '1'1 arc length of 64.41 feet, bemg 5ubfended by a chord of SOIlf!1 46 degrees 20 minutes ! / 5P(ond5 West for a distance of 64.46 (('?et fO a pomt-" lIfE NCF North ()() degree'i /3 mmU'es 075econds West for a distance of 44.12 feef to the POINT Of BEGINNING. to T>qPf17er With and 5ubject '0 covenants, easements, and res tnc fll'l 11'; of record. Sf7"~ nroperty contains /010 square feet more or less. Surveyor 's Stofem~nt ~ <0- S\J~ Q)G C;--K:: B V) /~ / /~ 1/ ~O / ~ ~ / q~ / / oC? / /' CJ<f / / \~ , ~~CJ / / ~s- \T\ \.f) V) " -\I '" - ::oG> ,I -<.~ --,..1> -;v-<. s:>~ ~a / / GRIFFIN PARK SUBDIVISION TRACT tl8 -_- SOOo03'40"W 5.45' ._, SWI/16 CORNER SECTION 28 .J.~J;~:,t.~~..t!~~!!lI~' ~\r~~ f'~v.::.~H It ~..~ ~ c"-'/..::'" \ ,"1'Ll..~ :;: . ~ -/, j ( ~ ~ ~- e r ( ll...... . ~"n: 11415 : - ;:;U1t -9 ::c:>: :Q ::. ~~, ... . .a..; ',~ ,"f\ · . 8 kt ......, d' "~', - , .,' L .r:J ~ ::::.: (f, -.. I ; ,"'... ~ . ~~,:(;.,4.,,:,h.';~..~ q,~~ <h, "l. . A~\) ..~. " ',~, ~:~;;'~; ,,',.'i'" ThIS Annexation Map was prepared for the Town of Fraser and the Town of Wtnf~r Park and was prepared under my superVISIon and re.sponslbtl,fy. NO TE: REFER TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENr.INEERSJ INC'J PLA T TITLED "LAND SURVEY PLAT KING'S CROSSING ROAD MAP OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AND TRADE PARCELS" DATED 4-1 /-19~?5 AND REVISED (8) 7-29-/996. I }~ . I I l~ ,/( J:D~-wARD:cCioRAD()PLS-~11415----- PARCEl CROSS REFERC1VCE T/1BIE TOTAL PER/METER OF PARCEL :nR ANNEXATION LENGTH OF PARCEL CONTIGUOUS t1//TH EX/STING 70WN BOUNDARY PERCENTAGE OF PER/METER CONTIGUOUS WITH EXISTING TOWN BOUNDARY 155.39 FEET ;1 NNE.X /D / S CONNE C TlON PARCEL ORIGINAL R. C. tr~ /7I?ADF PAHCf! HECEPTlON NUMBER 46.80 FEET cg) OODDDDDDDD@oonooooDD 960076/9 30. I eX BOX 545 KREMMLlNG, COLORADO (970) 724-9500 SCALE: I" = 60' ANNEXATION MAP PARCEL E RELATING TO DISCONNECTION/ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PARCELS TO/FROM THE TOWNS OF FRASER AND WINTER PARK/ SEC nON 28/ T I SI R 75W OF THE 6 TH P.Mo GRAND COUNTY-. COLORADO DATE: 9-11- 1996 DRAWN BY: BAR APPROVED BY: 8169.CRDJ 8169A-D.PLT LA}cRS 50-60 J 14 JOB No. 8169 REVISED: (2) 10-8-/996 SHEET OF qlOOl33 , ..,).J./;\lf; (..)f C,ULUH^~'J. ~ '1'110'''' 01. GRAND ,.jSt" ~lll(:"t\t.d tb)&-L'i~h ~ClV+l~l ~. rlcn:L- ~-lCd8(j t1 Hool_Po~l'l.~" ýÿ