HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 1986-09-02 - LRAflm REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 2, 1986 C The Lvnwood Redevelopment Agency met in a regular session in the Cite Hall, 11330 Bullis Road,. on the above date at 7 51 p.m. Chairman Henning in the chair. Members Byork, Morris, Wells, Henning answered the roll call. Also present were Executive Director Gomez, General Counsel Yeager, Secretary Hooper and Treasurer Wright. The Chairman announced the time had arrived to conduct a public hearing on the approval of an Amended and Restated Disposition and Development Agreement for Imperial Highway and Long Beach Associates. The Chairman opened the public hearing and inquired if anyone present wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the agreement. Hearing none, the public hearing was closed. Dev. Agreement Imperial Hwy & Long Beac Blvd. r Mrs. Wells stated there is to be a 7 -11 store and questioned if it will be too close to the development. Chairman Henning questioned whether the two houses located near the development should be considered and this item be taken off the agenda until something was decided. Community Development Director Mas stated the owner of the property is not interested in selling the property at this time. The proper- ty is outside the boundries. Executive Director Gomez stated any. thing considered residential is excluded from the project area. After further discussion, LRA RESOLUTION NO. 86 -32 entitled. "A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD ''Res. No. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE 86 -32 REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA "A" TO IMPERIAL HIGHWAY AND LONG BEACH ASSOCIATES, APPROVING PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IM- PACT AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDED AND RESTATED DISPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT'." was presented. It was moved by Mr. Byork, seconded by Mrs. Wells, that the resolu- tion be adopted, approve the agreement and certifying the notice of environmental determination. ROLL CALL* T7 BYORK, MORRIS, WELLS, HENNING NOES NONE ABSENT: NONE After the Agency disccssion, staff was instructed to continue negotiations with Mr. Kelley. Chairman Henning announced the time had arrived to conduct a public Proj• hearing on the adoption of a resolution of necessity to initiate Area eminent domain proceedings against certain property in the redevelop- "A" ment project area "A ". The Chairmanrinquired if anyone present wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the resolution. General Counsel Yeager stated a letter had been received from the Attorney representing the client requesting to speak to this item. Steven Cuevas, Santa Ana, California, Attornev for Mr. Floyd Head, stated there have been two offers made and his client does not understand which offer is valid. General Counsel Yeager stated the offers include all of the elements on the property. Stated staff is sure an agreement cannot be reached. Staff will continue to negotiate in an effort to reach an agreement. Hearing no further response, the public hearing was closed. Mr. Byork questioned whether or not the two attorneys could get together and reach some sort of agreement. Would like to see Mr. Head remain in the city. 402 Mrs. Wells stated to see the develo Mr. Morris stated sort of agreement tive but to start discussion, she was Dment go the two and if eminent in agreement with Mr. Bvork and wants forward. attorneys should be able to reach some not, then there will 66'no other alterna- domain proceedings. After further agency Res. No. LRA RESOLUTION NO. 86 -33 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD 86 -33 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DIRECTING AND AUTHORIZING THE CONDEMNATION' OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN THE CLTY OF.LYNWOOD,,CALIFORNI'A, AND DECLARING THE PUBLIC NECESSITY THEREFOR (HEAD)." was presented It was moved by Chai'rmaniHennng By Mrs: Wells, that .the resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL:' AYES: MEMBERS BYORK, MORRIS, WELLS, HENNING NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE It was moved by Mr'. Morris, seconded by Mr. Byork and carried, that the minutes of the following meetings be approved as written: Adjourned /Regular Meeting - July 21, 1986 Special Meeting - July 30, 1986 Regular Meeting - August 5 „1'986 Special Meeting - August 12, 1986 Regular Meeting - August 19, 1986 Joint /Special Meeting - August 19, 1986 Res. No. LRA RESOLUTION NO. �86 -34 entitled: "A ,RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOP - 86-,34 MENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA'ALLOWING AND APPROV- ING THE DEMANDS AND ORDERING WARRANTS THEREFOR. It was moved by Mrs. Wells, seconded by Mr. Morris, that -the resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL AYES MEMBERS BYORK, MORRIS, WELLS, HENNING NOES: NONE ABSENT NONE Res. No. LRA RESOLUTION NO. 86 -35 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD 86 -35 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH KATZ, HOLLIS, COREN AND ASSOCIATES, ING.;' was presented. It was moved by Mr. Byork, seconded by Mr. Morris that the resolu- tion be adopted and the agreement approved. ROLL CALL: Ems MEMBERS BYORK, MORRIS, WELLS, HENNING NOES NONE ABSENT: NONE Res. No. LRA RESOLUTION NO. 86 -36 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOP- . 86 -36 MENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE,SOLICITATION.- OF INFORMAL BIDS FOR DIFFERENT PORTIONS' OF THE .WATER MAINTENANCE YARD RELOCATION PROJECT." was presented,. It was moved,by'Mrs. Wells seconded by Mr. Byork, that the resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL AYES: MEMBERS BYORK, MORRIS, WELLS, HENNING' NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 30 day Executive Director I Gomez stated word had been received from Hopkins extension Development asking +for a thirty (30) day extension on his agreement. for Hop"- After the Agency discussion, kins - It was moved by Chairman Henning, seconded by Mrs. Wells to approve the thirty (30) day' extension. 0 3 L I � ROLL CALL AYES MEMBERS BYORK, MORRIS, WELLS, HENNING NOES' NONE ABSENT. NONE There was no further business and it was moved by Mrs. Wells, seconded by Mr. Byork and carried, to adjourn tb September 16, 1986. C Ifa irman APPROVED OCTOBER 7, 1986 Secretary ��