HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 1993-07-06 - LRA150 REGULAR MEETING, JUNE 15, 1993 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a regular session in the City Hall, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 7:43 p.m. Chairman Richards in the Chair. Members Byrd, Heine, Rea and Richards answered the roll call. It was moved by Member Byrd, seconded by Member Heine and carried ' to excuse Member Wells. Also present were Interim Executive Director Gonzales, General Counsel Barbosa, Secretary Hooper and Treasurer Pygatt. Secretary Hooper announced the agenda had been duly posted in accordance with The Brown Act. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - AGENDA ITEMS ONLY None ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION It was moved by Member Heine, seconded by Member Byrd and carried to approve the following minutes: a) Regular Meeting, June 1, 1993 It was then moved by Member Byrd, seconded by Member Heine to approve: LRA RESOLUTION NO. 93 -19 ENTITLED: "A RESOLUTION OF THE RES93 -19 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND WARRANTS THEREFORE" ROLL CALL AYES: MEMBER BYRD, HEINE, REA, RICHARDS NOES: NONE ABSENT: MEMBER WELLS Mayor Richards then introduced item #3, Rental of an Agency -owned Richard: property located at 11221 Peach Street. Director of Community Development Sol Blumenfeld stated this items.Blumenf is a request to seek authorization for the rental of agency owned property in order to conduct an auto repair and automotive useage service, which is a part of an apprenticeship in the city. It was moved by Member Heine, seconded by Member Rea to approve: A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO APPROVE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MIGUEL OROZCO AND THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED AT 11221 PEACH STREET FOR SIX MONTHS. Mayor Richards requested the motions be withdrawn until afterRichards Closed Session. Member Rea questioned the reasoning for the Closed Session. Rea Item #4, proposal to Redevelopment Lynwood Plaza - Smith's Food King. it was moved by Member Byrd, seconded by Member Heine to Receive ' and file. Mayor Richards entertained a motion to recess to Closed Session Richard at this time, special counsel was present. City Attorney Barbosa stated Council needed to hear litigation Barbosa matters on Babay et al. 1 1 52 REGULAR MEETING, JULY 6, 1993 The Redevelopment Agency of the City of Lynwood met in a regular session in the City Hall, 11330 BUMS Road on the above date at 7:50 p.m. Chairman Richards presided. Members Byrd, Heine, Rea, Wells and Richards answered the roll call. ' Also present were Executive Director Gonzales, Deputy Counsel Barnes, Secretary Hooper and Treasurer Pugatt.. It was moved by Member Heine, seconded by Member Byrd and carried to approve the following minutes: Regular Meeting, June 15, 1993 It was then moved by Member Wells, seconded by Member Byrd and carried to open a public hearing relative to rental of agency - owned vacant property located at 11221 Peach Street. Benjamin Miranda spoke in favor of the rental, thanked Council B.Mirani for leasing property, however has reservations towards the restraints. Feels business will be a success. Stated it is a self supporting business and young employees will be able to learn such professions as newspaper printing, automotive repair, etc. Jerrell Hunter spoke of taking troubled youth off the streets. J.Hunte. Stated this is a positive step forward for young adults. Asked Council to support program. Irene Garcia stated she supports Mr. Miranda in his efforts to I.Garci� allow youth their deserved opportunities. ' Dr. Floyd spoke in support of project. Floyd Hearing no further discussion, it was moved by Member Wells, seconded by Member Heine and carried to closed the public hearing. Member Wells spoke in favor of programs for youth. Wants to be Wells sure this is a viable program, therefore would like to see a written curriculum and qualifications of operators. Also requested a summary report. Stated approval tonight by the agency would be subject to CUP approval and conditions Director of Community Development Blumenfeld stated staff had Blumenff considered previous rental rates and substandard surrounding buildings when establishing the rent agreement. Member Wells stated because this is a new program, she felt a Wells lower rental fee could be considered. Director of Community Development Blumenfeld stated it isBlumenfe necessary for staff to have documentation in order to lease or sell any agency owned property below market rate. Member Heine commended work done by applicants. Heine Chairman Richards questioned should report have been published at RichardE the same time. Is it possible to provide early entry accommodations per Redevelopment requirements. After further discussion, it was moved by Member Wells, seconded by Member Heine to adopt: LRA RESOLUTION NO. 93 -21 ENTITLED: A RESOLUTION OF THE LYNWOODRES93 -2" REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO APPROVE A LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MIGUEL OROZCO AND THE LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF CERTAIN PROPERTY