HomeMy Public PortalAboutA1985-03-19 CC (2)AGENDA ITEMS ON FIiF FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE MEETING OF THE LYNWOOD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON MARCH 19, 1985 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:30 p.m. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. [ALL TO ORDER �. INVOCATION - REVEREND CHAMP SINGLETERPY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF LYNWOOD 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLi CAL| OF COUNCILMEN Robert Henninq E. L. Morris James E. Rowe Louis A. Thompson John D. Bvor� 5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: Regular Meeting - February 19, 1985 Adjourned Regular Meeting - February 25, 1985 b. PROCLAMATION: NONE 7, COUNCIL RECESS TO: LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGFNDA S. PUBLIC HEARING: iUCAL IMPLEMENTATION OF AB-866 (OVERSIZED TRUCk ACCESS) Comments: 9tate legislation AB-866 requires local agencies to establish routes for oversized truck access. The City needs to set a procedure for permit review and to establish application fees. The League of California Cities recommends and the Traffic and Parting Commission voted unanimously to support an Ordinance to set up the permit system. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council after receiving p1slir imput waive reading and introduce the attached nrdinRnce entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHARTER 19 OF THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING ARTIrLE VIII RFLATING TO INTERSTATE TRUCVS, "and adopt the attached resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE [TTY rn||mrT/ ni= rITY COUNCIL MEETTNG MARCH 19, 1985 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE All matters listed under bv one Motion affirming There will be no separa voting unless members of items bp removed from the the Consent Calendar will be acted upon the action recommended on the Agenda. te discussion on these items prior to the Council or staff request specific Consent Calendar for separate action. 9. EARTHQUAW/FLOOD COVERAGE rommentF: Earthquake and flood insurance on the annex is a requirement for bloch grant funding through the contract with Los Angeles County. It is anticipated that entitlement status will become effective in July, 1985 and the insurance coverage will no longer be required. Cancellation of the policv may result in a refund to the City, which is less than the cost which the County will reimburse. Rer(/mmendation: io"mril direct cancellation of anne: earthquake and flood coverage if and when this is no longer a requirement for hlock grant funding, and note that general funds mav be used for the difference between the City's cost for coverage and the County's calculation of its share. 10. STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - ATLANTIC AVENUE AND CENTU% BOULEVARD (Project No. 5-5011) Pomments: Subject project was advertised for bid February 20, 1985. Bid opening was held March 6, 19R5. The apparent low bidder was Sullv-Miller Contracting Company at $187,284. This project is listed under FY 1984-85 CIP Schedule and is funded under the Gas Tai 2107 Fund. The total cost of the project, including construction, inspection and administration is estimated at $235,00u. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Lity Council award a contract to the lowest bidder, Sull/-Miller Contracting Company, based nn their bid of $18",T84. 11. UPGRADE TRAFFIC CONTROL ASSEMBLIES FOR THE INTERSECTIONS AT ALAMEDA/CFNTURY AND CENTURY/NORTON Comments: New controller assemblies are needed at Alameda/Century and Century/Norton. The new equipment will reduce maintenance and improve operations. The proposed contract is for the purchase of equipment only. The installation will be hv City Maintenance Crews' Thm CITY COUNCIL MFFTING MARCH 19, 1985 12. ED(DF'MENT RFPLACEMENT: FIRE PUMFER, LEASE PURCHASF romments: Fire Pumper Enqine No. 32 (18 years old) is due for replacement. An opportunity to save $15,000 to $18,000 in buyinq a Fire Pumper has become available with a piggyback ]ease purchase on an order of 18 pumpers by the City of San Diego, Santa Barbara and possibly others. The total sale price is $150,684.19 with a down payment of $25,000 to be made at the time of delivery (October 1985). Recommendation.' It is recommended that City Council adopt a Resolution authorizing staff to negotiate a Lease Purchase Agreement with Fmerqencv One, Inc., for the Lease Purchase of one Emergency One Fire Pumper as per proposal. 11. REPUEST FOR AHTHORIZATION TO APPROVE STAFF`S RECOMMENDATION TO HIRE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY`� COMM(|NITY DEVELOPMENT BLOPh GRANT (CDBG) F'RORRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985/86 Comments: The City's first qrant application for CDBG funds as an entitlement City requires complex data documentation in a relativel`/ short time, as well aF the need for a fiscal review. On February 5, 1985, City Council approved staff's request to issue a request for proposal (RFP) to obtain the services of a qualified outside agency to assist in the preparation and submittal of a grant application tn the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Fiscal Year 1985/86. Six proposalIF: were received in response to the RFP and have been reviewed bv staff. Recommendation: Staff respectfully requests the City Council to authorize approval of staff's recommendation of Mark Briggs and Associates tn provide consultant services in support of the City's CDBG program for Fiscal Year 1985/86 in an amount not to etceed $20,000, and authorize the Mavnr to sign the contract agreement. Final terms and conditions of the contract will be subject to City Attorney approval. 14. REQUEST FOR COUNCIL SELECTION OF A LEGAL FIRM TO PROVIDE CITY F'ROSECUTION SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM i`nmments: To tontinue using [nmmunity Development Block Srant (CDBG) funds for City Prosecutor services beyond March 31, 1985, the City must select a qualified legal firm and enter into an agreement for services on or before referenced date. On February 5, 1985, City Council directed staff to i=sue rITY COUNrT| MEETING MARCH 19, 1985 15. PAYMENT OF BILLS - WARANT REGISTER DATED MARCH 19, 1985 Recommendation: Lounril approve warrant register dated March 19 1985 CITY_CLERk.S_A8ENDA 16. NOMINATIONS: HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD - VACANCY (1) INFORMATIONAL ITEMS REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 19, 1985 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a regular session in the City Hall, 11330 Bullis Road, on the above date at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Byork in the chair. Councilman Henning, Morris, Rowe, Thompson and Byork answered the roll call. Also present were City Manager Gomez and Assistant City Attorney Feldman. The Mayor announced the time had arrived to conduct a public hearing on the appeal of the Planning Commission's decision revoking Conditional Use Permit for general auto- motive business at 10801 Long Beach Boulevard. He stated that on February 8, 1983, the Planning Commission approved the CUP on the property subject to 19 conditions agreed to in writing. On January 10, 1984, the Planning Commission considered a possible revocation after review of the case. It appeared, for the most part, that the applicant had complied with the conditions. He was allowed ninety days in which to completely comply. On January 8, 1985, the Planning Commission again considered the revocation of the CUP, and determined that Mr. Terriquez had not complied with conditions imposed, and unanimously voted to revoke the CUP. Council discussed whether or not to hold the public hearing. Councilman Morris was in favor of hearing the matter. Councilman Henning felt the applicant should pay the $150 appeal fee before it is heard. Director Importuna informed the City Manager that a check received for the fee had been returned and when an attempt was made to reach Mr. Ramirez, his telephone was disconnected. The City Attorney explained that without the money, the appeal is not valid. The Mayor asked if anyone present wished to speak for or in opposition to the public hearing. Mr. Morales, 3654 Josephine Street, Lynwood, through a Spanish interpretation by Vicente Mas, indicated he was unaware the money was not there to back up the check. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Rowe, seconded by Councilman Henning, to continue the case until the first meeting in March. ROLL CALL Ayes: Councilmen Henning, Morris, Rowe, Thompson Noes: Councilman Byork Absent: None The Mayor announced the time had arrived to conduct a public hearing on adoption of Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Codes, and amendment of Lynwood Municipal Code. This is called for adoption by reference (with certain exceptions) the 1982 Building Code, the 1982 Plumbing Code, the 1982 Mechanical Code, and the 1984 Electrical Code. The Mayor inquired if anyone present wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the ordinances. There was no response and the public hearing was closed. After discussion the following ordinances were presented: PUBLIC HEAR CUP 10801 Lc Beach Blvd. PUBLIC HEAR] Adoption of New Codes 1st Reading AN ORDINANCE entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Plumbing THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADDING CHAPTER 26 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, Code TO THE CODE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD THEREBY ADOPTING BY REF- ERENCE THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1982 EDITION, AND REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH." lst Reading AN ORDINANCE entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Mechanical THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADDING CHAPTER 17A, UNIFORM MECHANICAL Code CODE, TO THE CODE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD THEREBY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1982 EDITION, AND RE- PEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH." 1st Reading AN ORDINANCE entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Electrical THE CITY OF LYNWOOD PROVIDING FOR THE PROTECTION OF PUBLIC Code HEALTH, LIFE AND SAFETY THROUGH ADOPTION BY REFERENCE OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1984 EDITION, ESTABLISHING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AS THE CONTROLLING AUTHORITY, ADDING AN APPEAL PROCEDURE, AND REPEALING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH." It was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Rowe, to waive reading and introduce above ordinances for first reading. ROLL CALL Ayes: Councilmen Noes: None Absent: None CONSENT CALENDAR Henning, Morris, Rowe, Thompson, Byork All matters listed under the consent calendar were acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended on the Agenda unless members of the Council or staff requested specific items removed for separate action. Councilman Henning requested Item No. 14, Equipment Purchase of Three Sedans. The following action was taken: RES NO. 85- 12 RESOLUTION NO. 85 -12 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Loan to OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROPRIATING FUNDS AS A LOAN TO THE L RA LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY." was presented. Council Review of the Annual Report of the Lynwood General Plan, was presented. RES NO. 85- 13 RESOLUTION NO. 85 -13 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Deferred OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING SECTION 2.05, ITEM F #1, OF THE Payment HOUSING REHABILITATION REGULATIONS MANUAL TO INCREASE THE DEFERRED Loans PAYMENT LOAN LIMITS FROM $10,000 TO $15,000 FOR GENERAL REHABILI- TATION AND FROM $16,000 TO $25,000 WHERE A ROOM ADDITION IS NEEDED TO ALLEVIATE OVER- CROWDED CONDITIONS." was presented. RES NO. 85- 14 RESOLUTION NO. 85 -14 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL LeSage OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING AN APPROPRIATION OF ADDITIONAL Prcj 5 -5030 FUNDS FROM THE GAS TAX 2107 FUND TO COVER THE COST OF THE LE SAGE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT NO. 5- 5030." was presented. RES '.C. = 5- i 6 RESOLUTION NO. 85 -16 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL Deman.]S OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ALLOWING AND APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND - -- - - ORDERING WARRANTS DRAWN THEREFOR." was presented. Councilman Henning requested Item No. 14, Equipment Purchase Discussion of three sedans and questioned if this item should--ha-Are gone sedans to bid. Stated he had talked to a dealer who sold the same Ford Escort for $6,100, and requested to see the calculations. Staff stated that it took two months to order a car at the lowest price plus time for the bid process. Being able to negotiate the best price will save time. The $6,700 was the average price of all the dealers he had contacted. After discussion, RESOLUTION NO. 85 -15 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, FINDING THAT THE PURCHASE OF THREE SEDANS CAN BE MORE ECONOMICALLY AND EFFICIENTLY EFFECTED THROUGH THE PRICE NEGOTIATION PROCEDURE." was presented. It was moved by Councilman Henning, seconded by Councilman Morris, that the resolution be adopted. ROLL CALL Ayes: Councilmen Noes: None Absent None CITY CLERK'S AGENDA Henning, Mbrris, Rowe, Thompson, Byork RES NO.85 -1E Three Sedans ORDINANCE NO. 1245 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE 07 THE CITY COUNCIL ORD NO. OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING SECTION 19 -64 OF THE LYNWOOD 1245 CITY CODE RELATING TO PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS." was presented Speed for second reading. Limits It was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Morris, and carried, to adopt the ordinance. The City Clerk announced at the regular meeting of February 5 NOMINATION 1985, Councilman Henning nominated Barbara Fitts for the one HCDA BOARD vacancy on the HCDA Board. Nominations were closed. It was moved by Councilman Henning, seconded by Councilman APPT. OF Morris, and carried to appoint Barbara Fitts to the Housing Barbara Fitt and Community Advisory Board. HCDA Board The City Clerk stated that there will be another vacancy VACANCY on the HCDA Board with the resignation of Alfred Walker. HCDA Board Nominations will be made at the regular meeting of March 5, 1985. Request for charitable solicitation from St. Emydius Catholic SOLICITATION Church for a Parish Festival on May 3 -5, 1985, was presented. St. Emydius It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Thompson, and carried, that the request be approved. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS The City Manager stated an executive session would not be needed. The City Manager reminded Council that the annexation of ANNEXATION County property at Alameda and Imperial was pending and wanted to know if he should pursue it. Fire Chief Lathrope stated that the County provides fire services, but water services are inadequate in the area. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Rowe, seconded by Councilman Henning. anr3 Workshop The City Manager stated the budget workshop had been cancelled cancelled on February 15, 1985. Council agreed to meet on Monday, Budget February 25, 1985 at 5 p.m. COUNCIL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS C. MORRIS Councilman Morris stated in response to a letter received Docking USS from the Mayor of Long Beach regarding possible docking of Missouri in the USS Missouri in Long Beach, he suggested that Long Long Beach Beach contact their representatives and the President, including Congressman Dymally and Assemblywoman Waters, to indicate Lynwood's approval. C. MORRIS Councilman Morris stated that the Dial -A -Ride service Dial -A -Ride had been expanded to be available on weekends beginning March 2, 1985. C. HENNING Councilman Henning stated the Dial -A -Ride was a good Dial -A -Ride and Program and happy to see it expanded to Saturdays and Youth Programs Sundays. Also, would like to see Council start to help with some of the Youth Programs including uniforms, etc. C. ROWE - Charter Councilman Rowe inquired about a report he had previously and Genl Law requested on Lynwood becoming a Charter City. The City Cities Attorney explained the main difference between Charter and General Law Cities was financial flexibility and Home Rule rather than pre - emption by the State. Stated his office would provide Council with a report that would explain the matter in greater detail. C. THOMPSON "A" Councilman Thompson requested a report regarding expendi- Prop Monies tures of Proposition "A" monies. It was moved by Councilman Rowe, seconded by Councilman Morris, and carried, to recess to the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency meeting at 8:31 p.m. Council reconvened at 9:21 p.m. There being no further business, it was moved by Councilman Thompson, seconded by Councilman Morris, and carried, to adjourn to February 25, 1985 at 5:00 p.m. ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk APPROVED MARCH 19, 1985 JOHN D. BYORK, Mayor ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 25, 1985 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in an ad1ourned regular meeting in the City Hall, 11330 Bullis Road, on the above date at 5:00 p.m. Mayor Byork in the chair. Councilmen Henning, Morris, Rowe, Thompson and Byork answered the roll call. Also present were City Manager Gomez, City Clerk Hooper and Assistant to the City Manager Fraser. The Mayor stated the purpose of the meeting was to review the mid -year budget. The City Manager stated there were three major items to be covered: 1. Natatorium 2. Parking Citation Collections 3. Resolution for the mid -year budget Staff requested direction on the natatorium. If the swimming pool continues to remain open, additional fund- ing will be necessary. Staff would like to do a feasi- bility study on a new utility system for the Recreation Department with information provided by the Gas Company. Staff requested Council approval on the budget as pre- sented to year -end, and authorization of a feasibility study. Councilman Thompson requested a report on the usage of the pool. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Rowe, to -� authorize staff to keep the natatorium open with an additional funding and a feasibility study made with the Gas Company. ROLL CALL Ayes: Councilmen Henning, Morris, Rowe, Thompson, Byork Noes: None Absent: None The City Manager stated there were difficulties with the parking citation program; revenues were down due to a number of reasons. Assistant to the City Manager Fraser explained the overall program, and explained in -house vs. contract costs for parking citations. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Henning, seconded by Council- man Thompson, to authorize staff to do a study on parking citations in -house vs. contract costs and report back to Council. ROLL CALL Ayes: Councilmen Henning, Morris, Rowe, Thompson, Byork Noes: None Absent: None The City Manager stated operating expenditures for the City have increased by approximately $94,000 over the initial budget. This is partly due to salary increases be charged to the self - insurance program since many of the statements from the City Attorney are due to liability cases. Street lighting costs are substantially lower than initial budget projections; thus, savings can be carried over into the next year's budget. Garage costs are up, and certain pieces of equipment need replacement. The Planning Department budget increased due to professional service costs which were needed for Lynwood Energy Systems project, and had not been anti- cipated at the beginning of the year. Sports and recreational services were up due to the addition of recreation classes, and longer natatorium hours, although costs will be borne by additional fees. After discussion, RESOLUTION NO. 85 -17 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1984 -85 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND FUND BALANCE STATEMENT." was presented. It was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Council- man Thompson, that the resolution be adopted, and change first column to read "Current Budget." ROLL CALL Ayes: Councilmen Noes: Councilmen Absent: None Morris, Thompson, Byork Henning, Rowe The City Manager presented the following list of possible articles for the City's Newsletter: Alley Cleanup; Summer Jobs; Mid -Year Budget; Galloway Project; Expanded Council Update; Increases in Emergency Loans Councilman Morris inquired if an ordinance or resolution had been passed regarding the Newsletter. After discussion, no decision was made. The City Manager reminded Council that on the mid -year budget, a number of new positions had been requested by department heads; workshops will have to be held for discussion of the positions. There was no further business, and it was moved by Councilman Morris, seconded by Councilman Henning, and carried to adjourn to March 5, 1985. ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk City of Lynwood DATE: MARCH 19, 1985 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCI FROM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WQRKS , \ ^' ' w�� CITY ENGINEER y�»� u SUBJECT: LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION OF AB-866 (OVERSIZED TRUCK ACCESS) PURPOSE To recommend that the City Council adopt the attached Ordinance and Resolution pertaining to the local implementation of AB-866. BACKbROUND During the 1982 Congressional Session, Congress passed the Surface Transportation Assistance Act, which included a federal 5 cents per gallon gasoline tax for highway improvement projects. The legislation also provided for longer and wider trucks to operate on a designated highway system. In order to implement the Congressional mandate, the California State Legislature passed AB-866 in 1983. The State legislation requires action by the cities. A local process must be established to review and designate terminal access routes in the local jurisdictions from the designated State highway system. The City Attorney has completed the review of laws dealing with the access for oversized trucks and recommends that the City adopt an ordinance setting the procedure for review and permits, and a resolution establishing application fees. The ordinance (1) requires staff's review of the applicant`s proposed truck route and, (2) requires the construction of improvements to correct deficiencies at the expense of the applicant. The proposed resolution sets a review fee to recover Cit'y costs involved in processing the applications. The League of California Cities has recommended that cities adopt ordinances concerning access for these larger trucks. The Traffic and Parking Commission on its meeting of February 28, 1985, voted unanimously to support the above referenced Ordinance and Resolution. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19 OF THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING ARTICLE VIII RELATING TO INTERSTATE TRUCKS," and the attached resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNW8OD ESTABLISHING FEES AND COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH SECTION 19-218 OF THE LYNWOQD MUNICIPAL CODE." RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ESTABLISHING FEES AND COSTS IN CONNECTION WITH SECTION 19 -218 OF THE LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE WHEREAS, the City Council has, by the passage of Article VIII of Chapter 19 of the Lynwood City Code (Sections 19 -215 to 19 -222, inclusive) established a system for the regulation of terminal facilities; and WHEREAS, Section 19 -218 provides for the payment of application fees and fees for the purchase and installation of certain signs, with such fees to be established by resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed written and testimonial evidence concerning the costs that will be incurred by the City of Lynwood in connection with the processing of applications and acquisition and placement of signs and now desires to establish fees and costs pursuant to Section 19 -218 based upon reasonable estimates thereof: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Lynwood does resolve as follows: Section 1 . Pursuant to subsection (a) of Section 19 -218 of the Lynwood City Code, a non - refundable application fee of two - hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per proposed terminal and /or its proposed access route(s) is approved. Such fee shall be paid in full at the time such application is submitted. Section 2. Pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 19 -218 of the Lynwood City Code, a non - refundable fee of seventy -five dollars ($75.00) per sign is established for the purchase and installation of terminal trailblazer signs which shall be payable upon the approval of the terminal designation and route by the City and by Caltrans. Section 3 . The City Council finds and determines, based upon the report prepared and submitted by staff and based upon other substantial evidence in the record, written and oral, that the fees set forth in Sections 1 and 2 hereof are reasonably calculated to reflect the City's costs. Section 4 . The fees established herein are subject to revision at any time upon approval by an appropriate resolution of the City Council. Section 5 . This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this day of 1985. JOHN D. BYORK, Mayor ATTEST: City of Lynwood STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lywnood at a regular meeting held on the day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: . 1985. City Clerk, City of Lynwood ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19 OF THE LYNWOOD CITY CODE BY ADDING ARTICLE VIII RELATING TO INTERSTATE TRUCKS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Chapter 19 of the Lynwood City Code is hereby amended to add Article VIII thereto, consisting of Sections 19 -215, through 19 -222, to read as follows: ARTICLE VIII INTERSTATE TRUCKS Sec. 19 -215. Definitions. The following words and phrases shall have the meanings set forth, and if any word or phrase used in this article is not defined in this section, it shall have the meanings set forth in the California Vehicle Code; provided that if any such word or phrase is not defined in the vehicle code, it shall have the meaning attributed to it in ordinary usage. (a) "Terminal" means any facility at which freight is consolidated to be shipped or where full load consignments may be loaded and off loaded or at which the vehicles are regularly maintained, stored or manufactured. (b) "Interstate truck" means a truck tractor and semitrailer or truck tractor, semi - trailer and trailer with unlimited length as regulated by the Vehicle Code Section 35401.5. (c) "Transportation Engineer" means the traffic engineer of the City of Lynwood or his authorized representative. (d) "Caltrans" means the State of California Department of Transportation or its successor agency. Sec. 19 -216. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to establish procedures for terminal designation and truck route designation to terminals for interstate trucks operating on a federally designated highway system and to promote the general health, safety and wel-l' of the public. Sec. 19 -217. Application. (a) Any interested person requiring terminal access for interstate trucks from the federally designated highway system shall submit an application, on a form as provided by the City, together with such information as may be required by the Transportation Engineer and fees required pursuant to Section 19 -218 (a) of this Code to the City of Lynwood. The application shall include the name and address of the applicant, the location of the terminal, the preferred route (and alternate routes if appropriate), evidence that the terminal, if located within the City, meets established criteria and that said terminal's parking and entries are adequate and such other information as the Transportation Engineer may require. (b) Upon receipt of the application, the Transportation Engineer will cause an investigation to be made to ascertain whether or not the proposed terminal facility meets the requirements for an interstate truck terminal. Upon his approval of that designation, he will then determine the capability of the route requested and alternate routes, whether requested or not. Determination of route capability will include, without limitation, a review of adequate turning radius and lane widths of ramps, intersections, streets and highways and general traffic conditions such as sight distance, speed, and traffic volumes. No access of a federally designated highway system will be approved without the approval of Caltrans. (c) Should the requested route pass through the City of Lynwood to a terminal located in another jurisdiction, the applicant, in addition to complying with subsection (a) hereof, shall comply with the application process of that jurisdiction. Coordination of the approval of the route through the City will be the responsibility of the entity which controls the land use of the terminal. Costs for trailblazer signs shall be as provided in Section 19 -218 (b). (d) No interstate truck may leave a designated terminal access route in the City of Lynwood except at an entrance to an authorized terminal. Sec. 19 -218. Fees and Costs. (a) The applicant shall pay a non - refundable application fee, as established by the City by resolution, sufficient to pay the cost of the review of the terminal designation and the review of the route and alternate route. (b) Upon the approval of the terminal designation and route by the City and by Caltrans, the applicant shall deposit with the City of Lynwood sufficient funds as established by resolution of the City Council to pay for the purchase and installation of terminal trailblazer signs. Trailblazer signs will be required at every decision point in the City on route to the terminal. No terminal or route may be used until such signs as may be required are in place. Costs for trailblazer signs may be proportioned in accordance with the procedures in Section 19 -219 (c). Sec. 19 -219. Modifications. (a) If all feasible routes to a requested terminal are found unsatisfactory by the Transportation Engineer, the applicant may request that the Transportation Engineer notify the applicant of deficiencies, whereupon the applicant may request the modifications necessary to make the route acceptable. All costs of engineering, construction and inspection will be the responsibility of the applicant. Except when the retrofitting of deficiencies is within the jurisdiction of Caltrans, the actual construction will be done by the City or by a contractor acceptable to it. (b) In the event that any work to remedy deficiencies is to be done by the City, the applicant shall deposit with the City of Lynwood the estimated cost of such work. Adjust- ments between the estimated and actual cost shall be made after completion of the work and any difference between the actual and the estimated cost shall be billed or refunded to the applicant, as the case may be. When the work is done by the applicant, the applicant may file with the Transportation Engineer, on a form satisfactory to the Transportation Engineer, a statement detailing the actual costs of construction for the modifications. Modifications shall be limited to the reconstruction of curbed islands, curb returns and appurtenant structures; relocation of above - ground fixtures such as traffic signs, traffic signal standards, traffic signal controllers, street light standards and fire hydrants within the curb return area; and intersection approach markings together with traffic signal detection devices. Required modifications shall not include reconstruction of any pavement or street surface not related to the above. (c) If at any time within 5 years from the date of completion of the modification by the applicant, should any applicant seek terminal approval which would use the route upon which such modification was accomplished, any such applicant's fee may include that applicant's proportionate share of the modification, as determined by the Transportation Engineer, which fee shall be disbursed by the City of Lynwood to the applicant who paid for the retrofitting as well as to any applicant who contributed to the cost of retrofitting under this subsection. Nothing herein shall require the payment of a proportionate fee if the applicant doing the work failed to file the report with the Transportation Engineer required by subsection (b) above. Sec. 19 -220. Revocation of Route. The Transportation Engineer may revoke any approved terminal or route if the terminal or route becomes a traffic hazard for vehicular traffic or if there is a failure to pay the fees or costs payable by the applicant pursuant to this Code. A traffic hazard includes the inability of interstate trucks to negotiate the route or said vehicles causing unsafe driving conditions for other vehicular traffic or pedestrians. Sec. 19 -221. Appeal Process. (a) If the Transportation Engineer denies terminal designation, route feasibility or revokes a previously approved terminal or route, the applicant /terminal owner, within t'Pn (1 (11 WnrleinrY An ,� - 4:,l l—.,,.– 4-L,,. a-. L_ _r _______ wherein its decision is not supported by the evidence in the record. Within ten (10) working days of the filing of the appeal, the Transportation Engineer shall transmit to the City Clerk the terminal application, the sketches of the revoked route and all other data filed therewith, the report of the Transportation Engineer, the findings of the Transportation Engineer and his decision on the application. (b) The City Clerk shall make copies of the data provided by the Transportation Engineer available to the applicant and to the appellant (if the applicant is not the appellant) for inspection_ and may give notice to any other interested party who requested notice of the time when the appeal will be considered by the City Council. (c) If Caltrans and not the Transportation Engineer denies or revokes terminal access from federally designated highways, no appeal may be made to the City Council, but must be made to Caltrans as may be permitted by Caltrans. Sec. 19 -222. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of the Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subjections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. SECTION 2. The City Council finds and declares that this Ordinance is required for the immediate protection of the public peace, health and safety for the following reasons. Sections 35401 of the Vehicle Code prohibits interstate trucks from utilizing local streets except as permitted by Section 35401.5, as implemented by a local ordinance. The State of California is expecting uniform enforcement of these sections on January 1, 1985. The enactmant of this ordinance is necessary for the City to implement Section 35401.5 of the Vehicle Code to allow terminal access for such interstate trucks in a manner consistent with the preservation of the public health, safety and welfare. Therefore, this ordinance shall become effective immediately. SECTION 3. The Clerk of the City of Lynwood is hereby directed to cause this ordinance to be published by one insertion in the , a newspaper of general circulation printed, published, and circulated in the City of Lynwood and hereby designated for that purpose by the Council of Lynwood. First read at a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the day of , 19 , and finally ordered published at a regular meeting of said held on the day of 19 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: CITY OF LYNWOOD ROUTE APPLICATION INTERSTATE TRUCK TERMINAL 1. 3. 5. 7. Application No. Print type name of applicant Print type address of applic. Telephone Number 2. Date: Print type name of Terminal 4. Print type address of Term. 6. Telephone Number PREFERRED ROUTE (Describe and attach sketch) 8. ALTERNATE ROUTE(S) (describe and attach sketch(s) 9. DESIGNATE EXITS) FROM FEDERALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAY: 10. CHECK CRITERIA WHICH ESTABLISHES YOUR TERMINALS DESIGNATION: A. FULL Loan consignments loaded or off loaded B. Freight consolidated for shipping C. Maintenance, storage or manufacturing facility of Interstate Trucks 11. EVIDENCE THAT TERMINAL PARKING AND TERMINAL ENTRIES ARE ADEQUATE. FURNISH SKETCH, 1" = 40': THE APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HIS /HER ABILITY. THE APPLICANT ALSO CERTIFIES THAT HE /SHE HAS READ ORDINANCE NO. AND AGREES TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SAID ORDINANCE. Date: Signature terminal Owner T _name or terminal owner FEE S `ON- REFTJ�7DA3LF, PAID INVESTIGATION A. Applicant(s) terminal meets requirements for interstate truck terminal: Yes No (if no indicate reason(s) Additional Fees Required B. Route approved: Preferred Alternate Other (describe) C. Caltrans approval of access from federally designated highway: Yes No (if no indicate reason(s) Signature of Caltrans Representative Date D. Route improvements: Requirements Estimated costs for improvements E. Other affected agencies approval (cities or County) Signature of Agency Office A?PROVEDiDENIED: Transportation Engineer Date PERMIT FEE PAID: RECEIPT NO. Y DATE: APPR ^Q`E'D 'DENIED: Public aor' <s Director Date DATE: MARCH 19, 1985 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: SANDRA CHAPEL'; PERSONNEL MANAGER SUBJECT: EARTHQUAKE /FLOOD COVERAGE OBJECTIVE: To advise the City Council concerning earthquake and flood coverage on the Annex. FACTS: 1. The City's Memorandum of Understanding with Los Angeles County for Block Grant funding requires various insurance coverages and limits. Municipal liability, property and excess Workers Compensation coverages are prudently maintained by the City, in any event; however, the County contract requires that the City maintain earthquake and flood insurance on the City Hall Annex, a County building leased by the City. The City does not maintain such insurance on other facilities. 2. The premium for earthquake and flood insurance on the Annex for the period March 24, 1984 to March 24, 1985 was $1,100. Quotes were recently obtained from five possible insurers. Four carriers specified a minimum premium of $5,000. The current carrier, Associated International Insurance Company, offered a minimum premium of $2,700. This company, also, agreed to extend the coverage period to July 1, 1986. 3. As of the beginning of July, 1985, Lynwood anticipates becoming an entitlement City for Block Grant funds. The County contract may no longer be needed as there will be a direct relationship with the federal agency. There is no federal requirement for earthquake and flood insurance on the Annex. 4. In the past, the County has reimbursed the City for the cost of this insurance. When the City acquires entitlement status, the County may determine its share of the cost of the coverage for three months, if coverage is no longer required. The criteria that the Coynty would use in this determination is unknown at this time. 5. If the earthquake and flood coverage on the Annex is cancelled in July, 1985, the carrier will refund some monies to the City. The refund should be between $1,900 and $1,600. DISCUSSION: In order to continue receiving Block Grant funds through the contract with Los Angeles County, the City of Lynwood must renew its earth- quake and flood insurance on the City Hall Annex facility. In July, 1985, the City expects to be receiving funding directly from the federal government, which does not require this insurance. If the policy is cancelled in July, 1985, the City will receive a refund from the insurance company, assuming coverage is no longer needed. The County, however, may well apply a different formula to determine its cost for the three months of coverage. The General Fund may then bear the difference between what the County acknowledges as its re- sponsibility for the coverage and the actual cost to the City. RECOMMENDATION: Council direct cancellation of Annex earthquake and flood coverage, if and when this is no longer a requirement for Block Grant funding, and note that general funds may be used for the difference between the City's cost for coverage and the County's calculation of its share. r- DATE: MARCH 19, 1985 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ ' l CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, ATLANTIC AVENUE AND CENTURY BOULEVARD CENTURY BOULEVARD (Project No. 5-5011) PURPOSE To recommend that the City Council award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder for the Storm Drain Improvement Project. BACKGROUND The project involves the construction of 520 feet of storm drain and two catch basins to improve drainage and the lowering of the intersection profile to improve the rideability of Century Boulevard. Advertising for the project started February 20, 1985. Thirteen firms requested bid packages. On March 6, 1985, the bid opening was held in the office of the City Clerk. Bids were received for the proposed work from the following bidders: FIRM AMOUNT Sully-Miller Contracting Company $187,284.00 Excel Paving Company 189,570.50 Shawnan Corporation 2 2, 4 10. 00 Vicco Construction Company 2 2- 1 7 3,470.00 Thibado Construction Company 276,470.00 This project is listed under the FY 1984-85 CIP Schedule and is being funded under the Gas Tax 2107 Fund. The total cost of the project, including construction, inspection and administration is estimated at $235,000. Sully-Miller Contracting Company is the apparent low bidder. A reference check of previous performance reveals a good reputation and the necessary experience. In view of the bid amount and the qualifications of the bidder, it is recommended that Sully-Miller Contracting Company be awarded the contract for the Storm Drain Improvement Project. RECOMMENDATION It is recommendated that the City Council award a contract to the DATE: MARCH 19, 1985 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY ENGINEER (IIJV,) SUBJECT: UPGRADE MODIFICATION OF TRAFFIC CONTROL ASSEMBLIES FOR THE INTERSECTIONS OF ALAMEDA STREET/CENTURY BOULEVARD AND CENTURY BOULEVARD/NORTON AVENUE PURPOSE To recommend that the City Council approve the specifications for the subject project, and authorize advertising for bids. BAC�GROUND The existing traffic controller assemblies for the subject intersections consists of the old electro-mechanical type of equipment. The equipment requires constant repair and attention. This project will involve the purchase of new Model 170 traffic controller assemblies, and include intersection re-wiring. The installation of the new equipment and intersection re-wiring will be performed by City Maintenance crews. ANALYSIS The installation of the new equipment at the subject intersections will reduce maintenance costs and improve operational effeciency. The Model 170 controllers will allow the intersections to eventually be coordinated with the other intersections on Century Boulevard. The improvements at Century Boulevard/Norton Avenue are estimated to cost $17,000 and will be funded throught Gas Tax Fund 2107. The Alameda Street/Century Boulevard improvements are estimated to cost $25,000. This portion of the project has been approved for CDBG funding. The equipment proposed for each of these projects are similar. It is advantageous, therefore, to combine these projects in order to receive more competitive prices for the equipment purchase. The specifications for the purchase are available for review at the Department of Public Works. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the Specifications for the purchase of two Model 170 traffic controller assemblies, and authorized advertising for bids. DATE: MARCH 19, 1985 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ �, CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT, FIRE PUMPER, LEASE PURCHASE PURPOSE To recommend that the City Council authorize staff to negotiate a lease purchase agreement for a replacement fire pumper. BACKGROUND • Fire Pumper Engine No. 32, a 1967 Crown 1500 GPM pumper, is due for replacement as a first line class A pumper. • An opportunity for a savings of $15,000 to $18,000 in the acquisition of a Fire Pumper and limited construction time savings of up to one year has become available with a Piggyback lease pruchase on an order of 18 pumpers by the City of San Diego, Santa Barbara, and possibly two other California Cities taking part with Emergency One, Inc. (The City's Heavy Rescue is an Emergency One manufactured unit). • Specifications have been prepared to serve the needs of the Lynwood Fire Department for the next 12 years, with the updating of features and required equipment needed today. Detailed specifications are available in the Director of Public Works' office. Specifications in general are attached. Delivery scheduled for the first of October, 1985. ANALYSIS: Savings realized in a Piggyback order are made possible by the savings in manufacturing costs of a number of units constructed at the same time to nearly the same specifications. As a payment schedule of the lease pruchase can be tailored to many considerations, the following, computed at 9.9% per year with annual payments, in staff's opinion best fits the City's position. Payment number Payment amount applied to Payment amount Interest Principal Purchase price (remaining balance) Sales price $150684.19 Down payment $25000.00 $25000.00 $125684.19 1 30091.46 $ 0.00 30091.46 95592.73 2 30091.46 9463.68 20627.78 74964.95 3 30091.46 7421.53 22669.93 52295.02 4 30091.46 5177.21 24914.25 27380.77 5 30091.46 2710.70 27380.76 0.00 Down payment will be required at the time of delivery. Copies of Quotation, Payment Schedule, Lease, Council's Opinion Form and Municipal Lease Option Agreement attached. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE LEASE PURCHASE OF A FIRE PUMPER FROM EMERGENCY ONE, INC. FOR THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY -FOUR DOLLARS AND NINETEEN CENTS, ($150,684.19) WHEREAS, the life of the present Fire Pumper has been overextended, (18 years), and is due for replacement, and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the acquisition of a Fire Pumper can be more economically and efficiently effected through a negotiated Lease Purchase, and, WHEREAS, the terms and payment schedule of lease purchase are as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Lynwood does hereby find, determine, order and resolve as follows: SECTION 1 . The lease pruchase of a Fire Pumper can be more economically and efficiently effected throught a negotiated lease purchase agreement. SE CTION 2 . This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 1985. JOHN D. BYORK, Mayor City of Lynwood ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., Director of Public Works /City Engineer Purchase P ayment amount applied to price Payment Payment (remaining number amount Interest Principal balance) Sales price $150684.19 Down payment $25000.00 $25000.00 125684.19 1 30091.46 $ 0.00 30091.46 95592.73 2 30091.46 9463.68 20627.78 75964.95 3 30091.46 7421.53 22669.93 52295.02 4 30091.46 5177.21 24914.25 27380.77 5 30091.46 2710.70 27380.46 0.00 NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Lynwood does hereby find, determine, order and resolve as follows: SECTION 1 . The lease pruchase of a Fire Pumper can be more economically and efficiently effected throught a negotiated lease purchase agreement. SE CTION 2 . This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 1985. JOHN D. BYORK, Mayor City of Lynwood ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., Director of Public Works /City Engineer O U R O N L Y B U S I N E S S IS F I R E E Q U I P M E N T ESTABLISHED 1997 Aff \ � Y 266 Eleventh Avenue SAN DIEGO , CALIFORNIA 9 2 1 0 1 239.1279 or 747 -3774 ,A QUOTATION ON FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT Fir, Lynwood Fire Department No SDFE -LAFT 3 585 Attention Chief Lathrope Date 3 -6 , 19 __ 85 Street 3161 Imperial Highway City Lynwood State Calif 90262 Your Reference We are pleased to quote you the following prices on fire protection equipment. Subject to terms and conditions below: All prices subject to change without notice. QUANTITY I DESCRIPTION OF PROD _ NET PRICE TOTAL 1 1985 Custom Emergency -One Hurricane 1500 gpm Pumper. As per specifications 3 -1 -85, Based upon Piggyback order with San Diego City P.O. #0114189 dated 11- 29 -84. Delivery to be made approximately September - October 1985. Total Cos SAN DIEGO FIRE EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 8541 WELLSFORD PL *G SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670 (213) 945 -3804 Leasing Information enclosed Tax $ 141,487.50 - 9,196.1 $ 150,684.19 Net 3 Ly , Terms: F.O B. Yn Quotation firm for 30 days s Delivery con be made 180 -220 days after receipt of order. Remark STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE NO. 312265 By Titl Jay Bressler Branch Manager F A C T O R Y M U T U A L A P P R 0 V E D R E C H A R G E S E R V I C E SAN DIEGO FIRE EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 8541 WELLSFORD PL *G SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670 (213) 945-3804 PAYMENT SCHEDULE Lessee: City of Lynwood, California Date of Lease: , 1985. Lease No. M- Number and Frequency of Payments: Five Annual Payments in Advance Interest Computed at 9.9% per year. *Balances Not Paid When Due Shall Be Subject To Past Due Interest At The Rate Of 18% Per Year Or The Highest Rate Permitted By Law, Whichever Is Less. Emergency One, Inc. "Lessor" By: Title: City of Lynwood, California "Lessee" By: Title: i: - - -, 1 --t r (*- 1 1 a iat;z- t al 10 0 U I"i t C) () I' I C: F-- -- k r t - i , n't ct i i - i i J -K5 *Balances Not Paid When Due Shall Be Subject To Past Due Interest At The Rate Of 18% Per Year Or The Highest Rate Permitted By Law, Whichever Is Less. Emergency One, Inc. "Lessor" By: Title: City of Lynwood, California "Lessee" By: Title: ���{ �j �JS t /l • �1 � �•,�AJ]+,1.� r r,` �. r ,� 1 ,\ V'1 (,. 'r�r.. .� i.,(,�iL /1'�'....r• ,• �'` , ,• . r r .a•�r1'Ir.. • i ' � �• 3• �•1 * �`''• fJ ; t;� r ` � ..1 , r, 1•1 ►1 ,' :; � .•,..,.. ., '�'y ;►;'��,��1 1 `� • \.` ,•�:� ' J f� . �- ` jr ••,•, '!r J, +,.? 7 ' {t.�j�,,, r�r('1.V„ • �.tA'�1 r �Y}. '• �'� ✓;� �� •, I j, .' ' �� �'�^ 1'l,� ,` '7 YY �/`, r.; . ,{ (.', {�: •. " � '�. 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Jt+:� ti n YlV�y! rr ,, J r ,, �, /1r �. ,•� ` r`1�lJ �'R1> ` t 1 �,,, • . 5 .�h ... .�(".; T "� J, Ili �k, r � + C��4 ,r'rS';!�'�,�+�'�.�,,:�`ir.41Jti qtr ,, , .r,� ,,/ ' rw .,'N1y , /r , "-', -�,Vy�'MOl 4J,.`!1�.._ ra. •.'�.lr , t r. •1� y, r• I .ri'i. rtj ' \� d J[')1•F.r1��.�4,p�'' �1��� or1• �1 ' �'�`r yf ++�� , ^ `''� ir � � �, ,ti l,-�t.. 11 "'ah_�� ""1: "_ 1 w °... � lr'� k'7Jf•i r tin f +,_+� J�6►J r t 1 1 y� ► 1a _ _. ��,,,,,�� � Vii'. .,.t.�,,,,,,,,. 1 1 nruurunr � • nm „m,r • i. 7. .• ,nrnr nn� !, F, �, ,,rrnr,r( r ` f`Iy ` � • 1 .um rr ' I' � �' , low 9 —big— I:� n memo GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1985 Custom Emergency -One Hurricane Chassis Pumper 1500 GPM Hale Pump 750 gal. water tank (aluminum) Custom compartmentation (aluminum) 200 ft. booster hose reel 5' front suction Adjustable hose bed Pump panel full instrumentation 500 Watt Qtz light Full ladder complement Monitor Generator Color - White over Lime Green Disc brakes 8R92TA -475 BHP Detroit Diesel Allison HT 740 4 spd. Auto Trans. Engine retarder 170 AMP Attenator Horns Light bar LESSOR LESSEE. Name: Address. City County Contact and Title Telephone No ITEM LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT IF OTHER THAN ABOVE ADDRESS OF LESSEE. Address. City County State LEASE TERM TOTAL EQUIPMENT COST RENT DUE (Period) NOJAMOUNT OF RENTAL PAYMENTS Months $ ❑ Monthly ❑ Annually ❑ Quarterly ❑ See payment schedule attached hereto and made a part hereof ( "Payment Schedule ") MUNICIPAL LEASE AND OPTION AGREEMENT Lessor hereby leases to Lessee the Equipment for the purposes and upon the following terms and conditions: ARTICLE I: COVENANTS OF LESSEE. Lessee represents, covenants and warrants, for the benefit of Lessor and Its assignees, as follows: A Lessee is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing under the Constitution and laws of the State as set forth above ( "State') and will do or cause to be done all things necessary to preserve and keep in full force and effect its exis- tence as a body corporate and politic. B Lessee has been duly authorized to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement under the Constitution and laws of the State and under the terms and provisions of the resolution of its governing body, or by other appropriate official approval Lessee further represents, covenants and warrants that all requirements have been met, and procedures have occurred In order to ensure the enforceability of this Agreement. Lessee shall cause to be executed an opinion of its counsel in form acceptable to Lessor and in the event Lessee is a volunteer fire department, Lessee shall execute the representation set forth as Exhibit S. C Curing the term of this Agreement, the Equipment will be used by Lessee only for the purpose of performing one or more governmental or proprietary functions of Lessee consistent with the permissible scope of Lessee's authority and will not be used in a trade or business of any person or entity other than the Lessee D During the period this Agreement is in force, Lessee will annually provide Lessor or Its assignee with current financial statements budgets, proof of appropriation for the ensuing fiscal year and such other financial information relating to the ability of Lessee to continue this Agreement as may be reasonably requested by Lessor or its assignee. E The Equipment is. and shall remain during the period this Agreement is in force personal property and when subject to use by Lessee under this Agreement, will not be or become fixtures ARTICLE If: DEFINITIONS. The following terms will have the meanings Indicated below unless the context clearly requires otherwise "Lease Term" means the Original Term defined in Article III hereof and a sufficient number of automatic Renewal Terms as will constitute the number of months set forth on the face of this Agreement "Lessor" means (i) the entity designated on the face of this Agreement as Lessor hereunder nil any surviving resulting or transferee corporation: and (m) except .hero the Context requires otherwise any ass!gnee(s) Of Lessor "Purchase Price" means the amount which Lessee may at its option pay to Lessor in order to purchase the Equipment, as set forth in the Payment Schedule attached to ihic A;rnnment 'Renewal Term(s)" means the automatic renewai periods of this Agreement each having a duration of One (1) Year co- terminous with Lessees fiscal "ear except the last �t :lien automatic renewal Periods which shall end on the anniversary of the +mmn. +cement Date The tnnns and conditions dunnq env Renewal Term shall be as'ha'e'ms and -ndihons dunno the Original Term except that th9 Rent i'-t,menrs � "a'I bn as orovioed in the attached P.'IVment SCCPCJLile 'Vendor "P Ins 'he - anufac!urer of the Equipment as well as the agents or dealers 'ha ­lam.; ,�,, :,;rnr .. -L� FS -2787 VENDOR: Name._ Address: FOR COMPLETION BY LESSOR Always Refer to Lease No M- Rental Commencement Date State Zip City Contact and Title: Telephone No State Zip EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION (Include Make, Model, Serial No and all Attachments) ARTICLE III: COMMENCEMENT OF LEASE TERM. The Original Term of this Agreement shall commence on the date the Equipment is accepted by Lessee as indicated on the Certificate of Acceptance ( "Commencement Date ") and shall terminate the last day of Lessee's current fiscal year For the duration of the Lease Term, this Agreement will be automatically renewed at the end of the Original Term and any Renewal Term unless the Lessee gives writtten notice to Lessor not less than ninety (90) days prior to the end of the Original Term or Renewal Term then in effect of Lessee's intention to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Article V as the case may be. ARTICLE IV- INSPECTION. Lessor and any assignee of Lessors rights under this Agreement shall have the right at all reasonable times during business hours to enter into and upon the property of Lessee for the purpose of Inspecting the Equipment. ARTICLE V: RENT PAYMENTS. Section 5.01 Rent Payments to Constitute a Current Expense of Lessee. Lessor and Lessee understand and intend that the obligation of Lessee to pay Rent Payments hereunder shall constitute a current expense of Lessee and shall not in any way be construed to be a debt of Lessee in contravention of any applicable constitutional or statutory limitations or requirements concerning the creation of indebtedness by Lessee, nor shall anything contained herein constitute a pledge of the general tax revenues, funds or monies of Lessee Section 5.02 Payment of Rent Payments. Lessee shall pay Rent Payments, exclusively from legally available funds to Lessor In the amounts and on the dates set forth in the Payment Schedule attached to this Agreement. A portion of each Rent Payment is paid as. and represents payment of, interest and principal, respectively Section 5.03 Rent Payments to be Unconditional. Subject to Section 5 05. the obliga- tion of Lessee to make payment of Rent Payments and other payments required under this Agreement shall be absolute and unconditional in all events. Lessee shall make all such payments when due and shall not withhold any such payments as a result of any disputes arising among Lessee and Lessor, any Vendor or any other person nor shall Lessee assert any right of set -off or counterclaim against its obligation to make such payments or be entitled to any abatement of such payments as a result of acci- dent or unforeseen circumstances Section 5.04 Continuation of Lease Term by Lessee. Lessee intends to continue the Lease Term through the Original Term and all of the Renewal Terms and to pay the Rent Payments hereunder Lessee reasonably believes that legally available funds of an amount sufficient to make all Rent Payments during the Original Term and each Renewal Term can be obtained Lessee further intends to do all things lawfully within its power to obtain and maintain funds from which Rent Payments may be made mcludinq making provision for such payments to the extent necessary !n each biannual or annual budget submitted and adopted in accordance with applicable provisions of state law to have such portion of the budget approved, and to exhaust all available eviews and sope_als in the event such Portion of the budget s not approved Section 5.05 Nonappropnation. !n the event sufficient funds snatl not be appropriated fnr iha — ­1 -f— Opinion of Lessee's Counsel Re: Municipal Lease and Option Agreement (Lease Number M - ) dated _____ , 19 ___ (the 'Agreement"). Gentlemen: As counsel for _ ( "Lessee ") , I have examined the duly executed original Agreement between Lessee and and its assignee(s) ( "Lessor "), and the proceedings taken by Lessee to authorize and execute the Agreement. Based upon such examination of law and fact as I have deemed necessary or appropriate, I am of the opinion that: 1. Lessee is organized, State of _ a public body corporate and politic, duly legally existing under the laws of the 2. The Agreement has been duly authorized, executed anu delivered by Lessee pursuant to Constitutional, statu- tory and /or home rule provision which authorized this transaction in accordance with its terms and conditions. 3. The Agreement is a legal, valid and binding obligation of Lessee, enforceable in accordance with its terms. In the event the Lessor obtains judgment against Lessee in money damages, as a result of an event of default under the Agreement, Lessee will be oblioute6 to pay such judgment. 4. No litigation is pending or, to the best of my knowl- euge, threatened in any court or other tribunal, state of Federal, in any way questioning or affecting the validity of the resolution or the Agreement. 5. The signature of the oL of l'esse'e whicn appears on the Agreement is true and genuine; I know said oificial and know him /her to hold the office set fo_ rti. below leis /her name. 6. The Equipment leased pursuant to the Agreement consti- tutes personal property and when subjected to use by lessee will not be or become tixtures under applicable law. 7. The Lessee is a political subdiv.ision within the meaning of Section 103 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and Treasury Regulations and Rulings related thereto. That portion of rental payments made by Lessee during the Lease Term identified as inter- est, upon receipt, will not be includable as Federal gross income under applicable statutes, regulation, court decisions and rulincs existing on the date of DATE: MARCH 19, 1985 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: PATRICK P. IMPORTUNA, DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO APPROVE STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION OF A CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1985/86 REQUEST /PURPOSE: The purpose of this request is to approve staff's recommendation of a consultant to provide professional services in support of the City's CDBG Program for Fiscal Year 1985/86, and to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract of the approved consultant. FACTS: 1. On February 5, 1985, Council approved staff's request to issue a Request For Proposal (RFP) in order to obtain the services of a qualified consultant in the area of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program administration to assist in the preparation and submittal of a grant application to the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for fiscal year 1985/86. 2. On February 10, 1985, staff published a request for proposals (RFP) for the CDBG Program in the Los Angeles Times. Staff subsequent- ly mailed RFP's to ten (10) consulting firms. (See attached list.) 3. Of the ten RFP's mailed, staff received the following six pro- posals from the following firms: Daniel Cartehena & Associates James Gilchrist 2726 A. East 2nd Street 246 Crescent Avenue Long Beach, California Montrose, California 91020 TLT and Associates 1928 Cotner Avenue, Suite 200 Los Angeles, California 90025 Municipal Services, Inc. 712 North Diamond Bar Boulevard Diamond Bar, California 91765 Mark Briggs & Associates 5800 South Eastern Avenue, Suite 340 Los Angeles, California 90040 Claire & Associates, Inc. 405 Via Corta Mallaga Cove Plaza Palos Verdes Estates, California 9027 4. The CDBG RFP Review Committee consisted of the following staff who reviewed the returned proposals on March 4, 1985: Patrick P. Importuna, Director, Community Development Vicente L. Mas, Senior Planner, Redevelopment Jennifer Jones, Acting Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator 5. These consultant firms were ranked according to the following criteria and percentage ratings, for a possible total of 100 %: a. Cost (30 %) b. Ability to perform (30 %) C. Organization and Personnel (40 %) Attached is a review of the RFP's and their ratings. 6. Based on the CDBG Review staff, Mark Briggs and Associates re- ceived a total rating of 100% to provide consultant services in support of Lynwood's CDBG Program, for a cost not to exceed $20,000. (Page 1 of 2) ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION: The City's first Grant application for CDBG Funds, as an Entitle- ment City, requires preparation of complex documentation in a short period of time. The selected consultant firm is scheduled to begin providing services on March 25, 1985, in order to facilitate the timely and accurate preparation and submittal of the 1985/86 CDBG application to HUD and to provide on -going support services to assist the City in the administration of the CDBG program on an as- needed basis until December 31, 1985. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests the City Council to authorize the approval of: a. Mark Briggs and Associates to provide consultant services in support of the City's CDBG Program for fiscal year 1985/86, in an amount not to exceed $20,000; and b. Authorize the Mayor to sign the contract agreement; and C. Final terms and conditions of the contract subject to City Attorney approval. , RFPs FOR CDBG SERVICES (FY 1985 -86) The following list is representative of professional firms in receipt of RFPs for the provision of services in support of the CDBG Program: 1) Gary H. Werner Vice President Municipal Services, Inc. Diamond Bar Executive Park 712 N. Diamond Bar Boulevard Diamond Bar, CA 91765 2) Judith M. Garrett, Associate Mark Briggs and Associates 5800 South Eastern Avenue Suite 340 Los Anaeles, CA 90040 3) Jim Gilchrist 246 Crescent Avenue Montrose, CA 91020 4) Allen Hibbs and Associates 1944 N. Tustin Avenue Suite 117 Orange, CA 92665 5) Daniel Cartehena and Associates 2726 A. East 2nd Street Long Beach, CA 90803 6) Claire and Associates, Inc. 405 Via Corta Mallaga Cove Plaza Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 7) Delta Enterprises 1833 West 8th Street Suite 214 Los Angeles, CA 90057 8) Kawes and Associates 2804 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90057 9 ) Terry Remmers Cudahv City Hall 5220 Santa Ana Street Cudahy, CA 90201 10) TLT and Associates 1928 Cutner Avenue, Suite 200 CDBG SUPPORT SERVICES - RFP REVIEW MARCH 4, 1985 es, COST (30 %) ABILITY TO PERFORM ORGANIZATION (30 %) AND PER (4 0%) $19,980 - Good Cost Breakdown 30 %� Experienced in providing CDBG X28% Good background in Federal 38% support services and manage- regulations, HUD Programs, ment skills (10 yrs in business) . and experienced support staff; good organization. $17,000 - Not specific in cost 15% From 1982 to present no CDBG 18% Weak in support .staff. 25% breakdown. work experience. Doesn't understand RFP concept. $20,000 - Cost breakdown not 14% Weak in past experience. Re- 10% Backup not skilled in CDBG 10% specific enough. sume is unclear and doe hiz activities. Bad organization. relate closely to skills needed $20,000 - Cost breakdown de- 30% 10 yrs. of direct CDBG experi- 30% Well qualified supportstaff.I40% tailed;very good and ence and Federal program Good professional organiza- clear. management; good track record. tion (excellently prepared and detailed RFP). $ 8,250 - (only partial fixed 10% No specific time given for 25% Support staff weak in 30% costs given, no years of experience in CDBG CDBG experience. total given. Programs. However, firm has experience in other cities in CDBG management. Disqualified because returned RFP after the Feb. 2$,1985, deadline. RATINGS 100% 96% 6 5% This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the City of= Lynwood, a Municipal Corporation located in the County of Los Angeles State of California, hereinafter referred to as "City" and hereinafter referred to as "Contractor" on this day of 19 W=ESSETH WHEREAS, under the United States Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended, the City is pursuing "the Development of viable Urban CaYmlunities" by providing decent housing and a suitable living envirorument and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS, the City intends to detach itself fran the Urban County Program and submit a direct grant application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the 1985 -86 Fiscal Year Community Develcgient Block Grant (CDBG) funds; and WHEREAS, the City requires assistances in the performance and preparation of adequate administration and operational controls to ensure a successful transition from Urban County participant to Entitlement City; and WHEREAS, Contractor is experienced in providing such services. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual covenants and conditions, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1) Scope of Services Contractor is to perform the following services: a. Assist in the timely preparation and submission of the 1985 -86 CDBG application to HUD including: (1) Preparation and submission of the interim Housing Assistance Plan (HAP) as per CDBG Regulations; Section (2) Preparation and submission of the three -year HAP with annual goals and objectives as per CDBG Regulations; Section 570.306 #1 -5. (Due by October 31, 1985) (3) Preparation and submission of all environmental documents required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as amended; and by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) specified in 24 CFR 58; and other applicable state and local Laws. b. Assist in performance of a fiscal review of current CDBG Projects. c. Conduct an evaluation of the Division's programmatic and fiscal performance in light of the City's transition from Urban County participant to Entitlement City status and prepare recommendations on (a) an adequate staffing pattern and (b) the adoption of adequate administrative procedures emphasizing efficient record keeping and reporting practices. d. Provide ongoing administrative services on an- as- needed basis. 2) Period of Performance Several services to be provided by Contractor are to commence not sooner than March 25, 1985 and shall be completed not later than December 31, 1985; however this contract may be terminated by a thirty (30) day notice in writing by either party. In the event of such termination by Contractor or City, Contractor shall be compensated for all services satisfactorily performed prior to the date of notice of termination. 3) Compensation and method of payment The City shall pay Contractor for cost incurred pursuant to the scope of services. Total compensation to Contractor shall not exceed $20,000 as follows: Contractor shall submit to the City, on a monthly basis, activity reports 4) Record Keeping and R e p or t ing : Contractor shall establish an acceptable accounting system, maintain accounting records, office files, and other evidence pertaining to cost incurred pursuant to applicable regulations, and all of these shall be accessible for the purpose of making audits, surveys, and examinations by duly authorized representatives of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) , Community Development Commission (CDC) of Los Angeles County and the City. These records shall be kept available at Contractor's office during the contract period and thereafter for a period of five (5) years from the date of final payment and transcription is received and all other pending matters are closed. 5) Non- Discrimination Contractor agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 3 of the Housing and Co comity Development Act (HCDA) of 1968 and Section 109 of the HCDA Act of 1974 attached hereto: 6) Affirmative Action Contractor agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of executive order 11246, titled "Equal Employment" as amended by Executive Order 11375. 7) Personnel and Conflict of Interest Contractor represents it has all personnel and agrees not to employ any person employed by or holding an elective or appointed office with the City of Lynwood. 8) Assigrmlent and Delegation Neither this Agreement or any of the rights or duties under this Agreement may be assigned or delegated by either party without prior written consent of the other party. 9) Indemnification Contractor shall hold the City free and harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, injuries, suits, demands and expenses of all kinds which may Agreement. In the event such claim is made against City it is the intent Of Contractor and City to cooperate in defence of said claim. 10) Modification It is the express intention of both City and Contractor that the teams hereof shall comprise the entire Agreement between the parties and it shall not be subject to rescission modification, or waiver except as defined in a subsequent written instrument executed by both parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHERBOF, the governing bodies of the parties hereto have authorized this contract and have caused said contract to be executed by their respective chief executive officers and attested by the executive officers, clerks thereof as of the day, month and year first above written. CITY OF LYNWOOD 11330 BULLIS Road BY JOHN D. BYORK, MAYOR faft!IT61h s ►e ceft BY: City Attorney BY Employment (.Nportun> t _C5 : _jr Liner Income Persons in Connecti- ;n �'vlth Assisted Projects Sec. 3. In the administration by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of programs providing direct financial assistance in aid of housing, urban planning, development, redevelopment, or renewal, public or community facilities, and new community d�velop- ment, the Secretary shall -- (1) require, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment arising in connectionwith the Planning and carrying out of any project assisted under any such program to be , ivun to lower income persons residing in the area of such project; and (2) require, in consultation with the AdminisLrator of the Small Business Admin>.stration, that to the greatest extent feasible contracts for work to be performed in connection with any such project be awarded to business concerns, including but riot limited to individuals or firms doing business in the field of planning, consulting, design, architecture, building construction, rehabilitation, maintenance, or repair, which are located in or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the area of such project. 4 Immediately prior to amended by sec. 404, Housing Development Act of 1969, Public Law 91 -152, a o and Urban 1969, 83 Stat. 379,295, the employment and work December 24, requirements of this Section 3 were limites to the administration of the Section 234 homeownership program, the 236 rental assistance program, the section 221 (d) (3) below- market - interest -rate program, public housing, and the rent supplement program. This amendment also deleted from the heading of section 3 the words "Jobs In Housing ". Section 109 - Housing & Community Development Act of 1974 tiONDISCRIMI Sec. 109. (a) No person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color, national origin, or sex be excluded from partici- pation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimi- nation under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under this title. (b) Whenever the Secretary determines that a State or unit of general local government which is a recipient of assistance under this title has failed to comply with subsection (a) or an applicable regulation, tie shall notify the Governor such State or the Chief executive officer of such unit of local govern- ment of the noncompliance and shall request the Governor or the Chief executive officer to secure compliance. If within a reason - .,l)ie period of time, not to exceed sixty days, the Guvernor or W the chief executive: ufficur fails or refuses to secure compliance, the Secretary is authcrizeci to (1) refer the matter to the Attorney General with a recommendation that an appropriate civil action be instituted, (2) exercise the powers and functions provided by r; rIa VT of t-6- (`;... 1 ____ , __ - - CIVIL RIGHTS :ACT OF 1964 Title VI -Nondiscrimination in Federally -Assisted Programs Title VI provides that no person shall, on the color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. It di- rects each Federal department or agency which extends financial assistance to any program or activity through grants loans, or con- tracts, except contracts of insurance or guaranty, to issue rules or regulations to be approved by the President to carry out the purposes of the Title. Title VI authorizes the termination or the refusal to grant or continue Federal assistance under any program or activity involving a recipient as to whom there has been an express finding on the record of a failure to comply but only, after due notice, an opportunity for hearing and a determination that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means. In addition, no such action shall be effective until the head of the Federal department or agency has filed with the appropriate com- mittees of the House and Senate a full written report and 30 days have elapsed after the filing of such report. Sec. 801. No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded frctn participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any Program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Sec. 602. Each Federal department and agency which is empowered to extend Federal financial assistance to any program or activity, by way of grant, loan, or contract other than a contract of insurance or guaranty, is authorized and directed to effectuate the provisions of section 601 with respect to such program or activity by is rules, regulations, or orders of general applicability which shall be consistent with achievement of the objectives of the statute au- thorizing the financial assistance in connection with which the action is taken. No such rule, regulation, or order shall become effective unless and until approved by the President. Compliance with any re- quirement adopted pursuant to this section may be effected (1) by the termination of or refusal to grant or to continue assistance under such program or activity to any recipient as to whan there has been an ex- press finding on the record, after opportunity for hearing, of a failure to comply with such requirement, but such termination or re- fusal shall be limited to the particular political entity, or part thereof, or other recipient as to whoa such a finding has been made and, shall be limited in its effect to the particular program, or part thereof, in which such nonccmpliance has been so found, or (2) by any other means authorized by law: Provided, however, That no such action shall be taken until the department or agency concerned has advised the appropriate person or persons of the failure to comply with the requirement and has determined that ccrnpliance cannot be secured by voluntary means. In the case of any action terminating, or refusing to grant or continue, assistance because of failure to canply with a requirement imposed pur to this section, the head of the Federal department or agency shall file with the committees of the House and Senate having legislative jurisdiction over the program or activity involved a full written report of the circumstances and the grounds for such action. No such action shall become effective until thirty days have elapsed after the filing of such report. Sec. 603. Any department or agency action taken pursuant to section 602 shall be sublect to such ivcii r i n i _ may obtain jut ial review of such action in ;ordance with section • 10 of - she Administrative Procedure Act, and such action shall not be deemed committed to unreviewable agency discretion within the meaning of that section. Sec. 604. Nothing contained in this title shall be construed to authorize action under this title by any department or agency with respect to any employment practice of any employer, employment agency, or labor organization except where a primary objective of the Federal financial assistance is to provide employment. Sec. 605. Nothing in this title shall add to or detract from any existing authority with respect to any program or activity under which Federal financial assistance is extended by way of a contract of insurance or guaranty. DATE: March 19, 1985 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Patrick P. Iiportuna, Director, Community Development SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR COUNCIL SELEC'T'ION OF A LEGAL FIRM TO PROVIDE CITY PROSECUTION SERVICES IN SUPPORT OF THE CITY'S CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM REQUEST/PURPOSE The purpose of this request is for the City Council to select a legal firm to provide City Prosecutor Services in support of the City's Code Enforcement Program and authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for said services. FACTS 1. Approximately 70% of the costs incurred by Lynwood for City Prosecutor services is funded through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. 2. The procurement of professional services such as those of City Prosecutor costing $10,000 or more per year must be obtain through a public solicitation process in compliance with CDBG Program require - ments (OMB Circular A -102) . 3. On February 5, 1985, the City Council directed staff to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to obtain annual City Prosecutor services. 4. In response to the City's public solicitation efforts twelve (12) legal firms requested copies of the RFP (See attached list). However, only seven (7) responses were received by February 28, 1985, the deadline for submittal of proposals. 5. On March 5, 1985, staff forwarded copies of the seven (7) proposals to the Council for their review. 6. On March 1, 1985, the RFP Screening Committee consisting of Charles Gomez, City Manager; Patrick P. Importuna, Community Development Director; Vicente Mas, Senior Planner, Redevelopment; and Jennifer Jones, Acting Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator; reviewed and ranked the seven (7) subruttals based on the following criteria: (1) Ability to Perform 30 points maximum rating; (2) Organization and Personnel 30 points maximum rating; and (3) Cost 40 points maximum rating for a total of 100 points. This criteria was described in the RFP. 7. Attached in the RFP Review and Rating Report for Council's review and evaluation. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION O February 5, 1985, the City and the Law Office of Martin J. 'Mayer entered into an interim agreement for services for an amount not to exceed $8,000 and for a term to expire ors March 31, 1985. The Count, approved this interim agreement in order to allow the City (1) to use CDBG funds to partially defray said services and (2) to issue an RFP and Therefore, if the City is to continue using CDBG funds for referenced services beyond March 31, 1985, the City must enter into an agreement for legal services with a qualified fine no later than March 31, 1985. The attached RFP Evaluation and Rating Report has been prepared by staff to facilitate Council's (1) review and evaluation of the respondents' qualifications and (2) selection of the best qualified legal firm. RECONMENDATION Sraff respectfully requests that the City Council select a legal firm to provide City Prosecutor services in support of the Code Enforcement Program and authorize the Mayor to execute the attached Agreement for an amount not to exceed $32,000 RFPs FOR CITY PROSECUTOR SERVICES (FY 1985 -86) The following is a List of the Law firms that have received RFPs for City Prosecutor Services: 1) Law Office of Martin J. Mayer 3727 E. Broadway Long Beach, CA 90803 7) Green and Applegate 205 S. Broadway, Suite 808 Los Angeles, CA 90012 2) Richards, Watson, Dreyfuss, and Gershon 333 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, CA 90071 3) Oliver, Stoever and Laskin 1000 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90012 4) Burke, Sorenson and Williams 707 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 3300 Los Angeles, CA 9001.7 5) Law Office of Daniel S. Lopez 4327 Tweedy Boulevard South Gate, CA 90280 6) Ezequiel Gutierrez, Attorney at Law 4017 Long Beach Boulevard Long Beach, CA 90807 8) Jim Lough Ochoa Sillas 617 S. Olive, Suite 1010 Los Angeles, CA 90014 9) David Epstein 8601. Wilshire, Suite 800 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 10) Jim Hodges Sea Spray Gardens 333 W . Broadway, Suite 308 Long Beach, CA 90802 11) Mark Huehsch Stradling, Yocca, Carlson and Rauth 660 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 -6401 12) Carl Joseph & Associates 100 Oceangate, Suite 800 Long Beach, CA 90802 C ITY PROSECUTOR SERVICES RFP REVIEW MARCH 1, 1985 COST 40% ABILITY TO PERFORM 30% ORGANIZATION ANVPERSONNEL__L3 $75 hour 40% Good experience in Municipal Code 25% Support staff weak in knowledge Enforcement and law. of Code Enforcement, etc. nd $80 hour $27,500 total 40% Weak in Municipal law and Code 20% Enforcement experience. las $80 hour 40% Good organization and Municipal 293 law background. shop, $100 hour 0% (disqualified because price over on program limit). ms $75 hour 0% (disqualified, applicant did not submit package as requested, only original). ez $80 hour 40% Good experience in Code Enforcement 29% and Municipal law. er $80 hour 40% Good Municipal Law and Code Enforce- 30% ment experience and understanding of their intent and purpose is excellent. RATINGS er 100% s 99% 97 Weak in previous Municipal and Code Enforcement experience. Good experienced personnel, organization' well qualified. 15% 20 30% Good background and previous 8% experience (sole owner). Sound previous experience and 30% good organization. (Sole owner). Proven record of past per formance. C O N T R A C T This Agreement entered into by and between the CITY OF LYNWOOD, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City ") and (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor "). W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Contractor, by reason of training and experience, is qualified to perform the duties and functions of City Prosecutor; and WHEREAS, Contractor is familiar with State and local laws and regulations relating to the prosecution of municipal code violations; and WHEREAS, the City does not have anyone available within its employ qualified to perform the duties and functions of City Prosecutor; and WHEREAS, Contractor is willing and qualified to perform such duties and functions from time to time, as needed by the City, and as requested by the City; and WHEREAS, the City desires to contract with Contractor to perform such services; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF 'THEIR MUTUAL CONVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Contractor shall perform all duties, functions and services requested by the City to be performed hereunder as an independent Contractor; 2. The terms of this contract shall once April 1, 1985 and shall end on June 30, 1986; however, this agreement may be terminated by thirty (30) days notice in writing by either party. 3. Contractor shall review all cases pertaining to violations of municipal code sections; hold informal hearings in order to negotiate voluntary compliance and, when necessary, complete the legal procedures for prosecuting violators through the Municipal Court; 4. Contractor shall also make himself available to the staff of the City in order to give legal advice and make recommendations regarding enforcement of municipal codes, and shall make recommendations regarding changes, alterations or -2- modifications to the municipal codes, in order to make then more effective; 5. It is the purpose and intent of this agreement that Contractor shall make himself available in offices assigned by the City Manager at least seven (7) hours per week, and shall be compensated at the rate of per hour; 6. The maximum amount payable under this agreement shall not exceed 7. Contractor performing duties of City Prosecutor shall be , or a designee if mutually acceptable to the City Manager and 8. Contractor shall submit a detailed statement describing services rendered (particularly identifying each case or matter worked on) and time spent at the end of each month, and payment shall be made within thirty (30) days from submission of statement; 9. Contractor and City hereby covenant and agree that the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Community Development Commission of Los Angeles County, or any of their duly authorized representatives, upon reasonable notice, shall -3- have access to all reports, records, papers and files pertaining to the subject matter hereof for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts for a period of five years after final payment and transcription is received and all other pending matters are closed; 10. Contractor agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of Executive Order 11246, titled "Equal Employment Opportunity: as amended by Executive Order 11375; 11. Contractor further agrees to comply with the terms and conditions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968, and Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 attached hereto; 12. The parties acknowledge and the Contractor shall cooperate fully to assure that no officer, agent, or employee of the City shall have any personal or financial interest in this Agreement or the remuneration paid pursuant to this Agreement to the Contractor. 13. Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be addressed as hereinafter set forth, deposited in the United States mail, with postage fully prepaid thereon, and shall be deemed delivered on the fifth day following the date of mailing. -4- IN WITNESS WHERBOF, the Governing bodies of the parties hereto have authorized this agreement and have caused said agreement to be executed by their respective chief executive officers and attested by the executive officer - clerks thereof as of the day, month and year first above written. CI'T'Y CON'T'RACTOR City of Lynwood 11330 Bullis Road Lynwood, California 90262 JOHN D. BYORK, MAYOR Date: Date: Employment Lpportuniti.cs : -jr Lower Incoine Persons in Connection Vv;.th Assisted Projects Sec. 3. In the administration by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development of programs providing direct financial assistance in aid of housing, urban planning, development, redevelopment, or renewal, public or community facilities, and new community d ment, the Secretary shall -- (1) require, in consultation with the Secretary of Labor, that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment arising in connectionwith the planning and carrying out of any project assisted under any such program to be given to lower income persons residing in the area of such project; and (2) require, in consultation with the Administrator of the Small Business administration, that to the greatest extent feasible contracts for work to be performed in connection with any such project be awarded to business concerns, including but riot limited to individuals or firms doing business in the field of planning, consulting, design, architecture, building construction, rehabilitation, maintenance, or repair, which are located in or owned in substantial part by persu.n5 residing in the area of such project. 4 Immediately prior to amended by sec. 404, Housing and Urban Development act of 1969, Public Law 91 -152, approved December 24, 1969, 83 Stat. 379,295, the employment and work opportunities requirements of this Section 3 were limites to the administration of the Section 234 homeownership program, the 236 rental assistance program, the section 221 (d) (3) below market - interest -rate program, public housing, and the rent supplement program. This amendment also deleted from the heading of section 3 the words "Jobs In Housing ". Section 109 - Housing & Community Development Act of 1974 NONDISCRIMINATION Sec. 109. (a) No person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color, national origin, or sex be excluded from partici- pation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimi- nation under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under this title. (b) Whenever the Secretary- determines that a State or unit of general local government which is a recipient of assistance under this title has failed to comply with subsection (a) or an applicable regulation, tie shall notify the Governor such State or the Chief executive officer of such unit of local govern- ment of the noncompliance and shall request the Governor or the Chief executive officer to secure compliance. If within a reason- able period of time, not to exceed sixty days, the Governor or ,. the chief executive ifficer fails or refuses to secure compliance, the Secretary is authcriLt.:!Li to (1) refer the matter to the attorney General with a recommendation that an appropriate civil action be institutes, (2) exercise the Dowers ;inri funr r„-,..,; 4 4 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 Title VI Nondiscrimination in Federally assisted Programs Title VI provides that no person shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. It di- rects each Federal department or agency which extends financial assistance to any program or activity through grants loans, or con- tracts, except contracts of insurance or guaranty, to issue rules or regulations to be approved by the President to carry out the purposes of the Title. Title VI authorizes the termination or the refusal to grant or continue Federal assistance under any program or activity involving a recipient as to whom there has been an express finding on the record of a failure to comply but only, after due notice, an opportunity for hearing and a determination that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means. In addition, no such action shall be effective until the head of the Federal department or agency has filed with the appropriate com- mittees of the House and Senate a full written report and 30 days have elapsed after the filing of such report. Sec. 801. No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Sec. 602. Each Federal department and agency which is empowered to extend Federal financial assistance to any program or activity, by way of grant, loan, or contract other than a contract of insuran or guaranty, is authorized and directed to effectuate the provisions of section 601 with respect to such program or activity by issuing rules, regulations, or orders of general applicability which shall be consistent with achievement of the objectives of the statute au- thorizing the financial assistance in connection with which the action is taken. No such rule, regulation, or order shall become effective unless and until approved by the President. Compliance with any re- quirement adopted pursuant to this section may be effected (1) by the termination of or refusal to grant or to continue assistance under such program or activity to any recipient as to whom there has been an ex- press finding on the record, after opportunity for hearing, of a failure to comply with such requirement, but such termination or re- fusal shall be limited to the particular political entity, or part thereof, or other recipient as to whom such a finding has been made and, shall be limited in its effect to the particular program, or part thereof, in which such noncompliance has been so found, or (2) by any other means authorized by law: Provided, however, That no such action shall be taken until the department or agency concerned has advised the appropriate person or persons of the failure to comply with the requirement and has determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means. In the case of any action terminating, or refusing to grant or continue, assistance because of failure to comply with a requirement imposed pursuant to this section, the head of the Federal department or agency shall file with the committees of the House and Senate having legislative jurisdiction over the program or activity involved a full written report of the circumstances and the grounds for such action. No such action shall become effective until thirty days have elapsed after the filing of such report. Sec. 603. any department or agency action taken pursuant to section 602 shall he subiect to sun!i iiidinia1 rPViaw ac may nthct.v;co may obtain jut ial review of such action in :ordance with section 10 of - che Administrative Procedure Act, and such action shall not be deemed committed to unreviewable agency discretion within the meaning of that section. Sec. 604. Nothing contained in this title shall be construes to authorize action under this title by any department or agency with respect to any employment practice of any employer, employment agency, or labor organization except where a primary objective of the Federal financial assistance is to provide employment. Sec. 605. Nothing in this title shall add to or detract from any existing authority with respect to any program or activity under which Federal financial assistance is extended by way of a contract of insurance or guaranty. ITY OF LYN-O0n 'ri1 CK a rat A F , ANT RF(•1`TFI- n/0O/00 THPOu(,H 3 /ly /b5 SAFFTY -wLFEN CONPOQtITnt STATE OF CALIFOPNI'1 uAhCHO PE(4KdukFn c,t kEPKIf1POn jMr, LEA(,UI OF (,ALTF CTTTFS It CITY m( - ,mT AS kt Ut CROSS OF SO. CA( IF. KAISEk PENMANFNTF PETTY CA� - CHFCKING PAYROLL FUNn ACF L(J & SUPPLY ALLIED H1 FORMS ALLIFO QEFkIGERATIOt. Ir,C Woi ARCHA"15AULT A4NOwHEAn UPINKING wATE -P APPOWHEAO P(JRITAS 4ATFPS AT A T INFOPMATION SYSTM Al -LYN OFFICE SUPPLIFS JI)LIANA L• PATTLE HLAKF, MOFFITT R TO4r PLUF DI AMOND MATERIALS POSFGAR HLUFTT kOArD-UALY LWIRFR Cn.• HFP1,ARU HOYLFS PIISINESS SYSTEMS SUPPLY C.I.P. FUND r.h;.T.A. 19kS SEMINAR C.1. S S COMPANY CAL STATE HEATING & AIR CALIF CHARTER RUSES Tt'C rAl_1F CLERKS ASS(?C OF CA CALIFORNIA JOJiPMAL (ALIFOdNIA PARKS b CALIF PARKS k kE.0 SOC. PE1F CAGILLO ,JR. CASE POWER b FOUIPMFNT CT1Y COPIEP SEHVICF INC. CLINICAL LAH OF SAN REPN r( HLUEPkINT COmPUTER PPOCFSSTKJG SUP (oNLIN EROS.• INC. COOK TRACTORS• INC. CF(` +'N COACH (OPPORATIvN TLLIA ^ CIJr Nit r.HA a r FOCE SUPPLY ('r). DAILY JOURNAL C0 I)h "uN Cf'NSI PUC T 1 O -4 CO. I- JAI. -ONF STANLFY WFST LT POPFIRIO OIAZ (HF PYL P nr,PSFY Ir(�V a'EY vOh'Fk 4 SAW C�) 1 ( S HkAOSTPFET FL_F CTUIC VFHICt F F ) 1 ^t T1E FSpF�:FTH HA,-VFY K`,THAIiA DESCHIPII(w MICHlr'IF SFkVTCE - VUII) PFRS F(,P P/F 2 /e3 /45 kOUh� RFSERV /k'AKY , rwl(;HT ROOD PFSEPVATION OFPOSIT I SFMIrJAk /r. 0vmE1 k,4VAGIMG FIPF StRV CATLG HEALTH PkFrnlU Ft.R 1995 HF_ALTH PPEF i FE14 1985 PETTY CASH FFPLEr'ISHMFNT PAYROLL P/E 3 /9 /1 P CUNTM0005 TIME CAPOS FkHAO ST FAN COmMSRS PAY 2 /e6 /85 hOTTLEG kATFR COFFEE SUPPLY TELEPHONE SERVICE MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES SPORTS OFFICIAL WHITE XFROGPAPHIC HONn ASPHALTIC CONCRLTt REFUND PEG FEE. BASKETAL HUDSON SPRAYFH SPORTS OFFICIAL CAPRIAOF CONTROL TAPF FUND TRANSFGP CMTA SEMINAR REGIST. MTL VALVF. FILTER SCRFEN READJUST ICNITEk TIP F;US TO SANTA MONICA HIGH ANNUAL. CONFFRE(4CE RFGI5. SUPS WFNFWAL 4/95 4/96 MEMPEPSHIP FEES /VALFNCIA NRPA MEMHEPSHIk /MATTOON SPORTS OFFICIAL CONNFCIION• r RING ROYAL 1602 TONER WATEP SAMPI_F IGNING NAP NCu CO�'POTE(- RIr3dO ) CROQUET SET SHUFFLr_ HRO 3 PT LIFT PACTS WINDOw GAUfF COK'MSkS PAY l 1eF 185 SKIP RI_ADt 3/ X h K 80 NOTICE /CITY UI'USECUTOR uF PL (ONCNF TF H THICK PEST (.( 4FGISTPATI('r: NtFll ^JU +E(,ItiTF^uTifr, r�EF()r(i� Pnjr.,T�. NUSF. �LUc, F i ir„F TF• an �F "F k G'I Ar I) Ic )I P A (,F At () NT 1b 4/•917.2i e03..30 e0J.3u 65.00 J7.50 9 +b7e.54 j0 VUy.4U 1.�6 x.05 134 • �+b,3.59 594. a5 499.49 29. be 15.UU 29. 03 Zb.uo 19.15 490.48 15.00 33 923.29 15.00 57.U2 3.uu 23.1u ..1h4. 56 95.0u oli.69 50.00 95.67 135.00 J hU.Uu 75.UU 15.00 Ih1.05 191.11) 16U.0U 43.e4 b1.bI 11 1 f HY 141~.97 lb.UU 97.13 40.32 4•c00.uU h4, t,U 15.uo 1').un 1Nh. +1 ltS.(1U 1,,frl Void 5396 Prepaid 5879 - 5887 Spoiled 5888 - 5891 • • • • • • A • • • • • • • • • • • )/00/00 T ttulit N 3 /1'y /H5 Pie r^ Mt SCF'IPT FvF1:4 1t PIGAI TON, P: Ont)cT FNOIOUE FL(Nf c FkEn PwYOr StYJNARS INC (,AkoGE FUN(' ( ELFCTRTC SUOPI_Y (,FNFRAL FUN!fI (;F NF PAL TFl F PHC'NF CO. DARYFLL GILPiEwT GOLnF N wF_ST P I P F H.F. GoCDPICH HALPPIN SUPPLY Cf)MPANY �x'ILLIAM HAMPTOt HACC.C) OIL COMPANY• INC. Hrr'A F Uun HFtgkY JOHNSON IN('tPENnENI CITIES ASSN. IMntPENOFN'T CITIES ASSOC TNTIL ASSN OF FI'+E CHIFF PFHtCCA JFkKlNiS JIM GIVFN VICTORIA L. JOHNSON JO - LUMHFP CHt_ILA KILGORF r)PST PUMP & MACHINV JAr•(uL- LAMPKIN LEAW)F OF CALIF CITIES N11CHAEL LENOIw I OS ANC;FLFS TIMES Cu(INTY OF LOS ANaLFS COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I_YPI(,ATE PRINTING CO LYNwOOU CHAMHER OF ruMRS LYNWOOD PPFSS CITY OF LYNWOOD u 6 M TRUCK PARTS• INC H f M TRUCK PARTS* INC IIAC's RAPIATUFt SEPVICF MAr11,EN SUSC0 POPERT MARKOVIC C.tokGF MARTINI NAC(,LO rtATTOON r+.j. MAYER LAW (IFFICF N'FLAO N ASSOCIATES v ALTEk MF -LSCN JF55 MENOO/A kFAL FSTATF JULIO MF'+1)O7 A MI• INOUSTP IF, 5 JACKTE MINTER VmASC MuF Ir(yTkUMFN'T C( 1 urvARCH RMIC). � 41q[ kILLIF uca NO(,PF t+OVIRnLA CONMII :JIrATION r^a11HA (=. MUNO7 r.,c.T'L FTPF rP OTF( T1 r,Aj C "LIC `/- PLOYFP IP(tIGATION SUPNLIEC kFGISTPATION ktFUtl SEMINAP 4 -)-65 FUN() IkAN+SFFP POwEP FLOnP FIATUkt FUND TPAt,SFFI. TELFPHONF COMMSPS PAY 212818 SLOAN VACUUM 13RK WASHFP TIRES NFCK SIPAPS RF6I5TPATION kEFUND CHF V AW HYr)RAULIC OIL 32 FUN(' TRANSF "FP REGISTRATION 14FFUNO ICA SFMINAP /J. CYOkK ICA SFMTNAR r!AY 1985 MEMHFRSHIP RENEWAL REGISTRATION REFUND PERSONAL AUTO ALLOW wATEk DEPOSIT REFUND CLEAR FIR. CASING UOOP ACTIr;G INSTRUCTOR REPAIR ORIVF SHAFT SPORTS OFFICIAL ANNUAL DUES F SUH4C. R5 RFGISTRATON REFUNID LEGAL NOTICE PRISON MAINTENANCE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINT A1TENDANCE RECOk6 3RD OTP CONTRACT AGPEFM NPH CASE NO. 84U22 WORKERS COMP REPLENISH. TRUCK PARTS wHEEI FITTINGS HOSE YAUTATOP REPAIR TU6EP ELFOw WPOT.. ANr COMMSRS PAY 2/2b/µ5 CoMm';RS PAY 2/26/85 CPPS CONFEkFNCE PROF SPVCS FOR FEH AS CONSULTING SFRVICES PF(;TSTPATION kEFUN wATER DFPOSIT PEFUNO CONIASRc; PAY 2 /26 /y5 OXY :F N. CON ^P. AIR CYL )t, wAIFk DEP051T RF.FWt0 MM4SC MEFTII r, YELLU'w NARKING PAIt!T PF .w INI i'006"c kF( ATTOPI P FU +U) ScQv1CF AGr.FFr ^tN+T ..Ft,jCTC.e1I('n 1rFU i� titl' CNjPT1(lr; F�fCt� -L 1 a^y i� AN T lei 171.u1 3u.uu 175.UU IsIe1.42 1,b53.Uu 29U.45t.35 .fbl. J3 15.()0 33.59 4 'r 9 .31 e9.71 Ib.uU Z.n15.64 11v154.SO 10.0u IfSUU•UO 3UO.uU bU.Uu 15.Uu 7.9e 10.3b ts5..11 67.5u 237.85 3.00 4.H2O.00 15.Uu 977.31 234r11ts.G6 151.48 345.37 7t0o0.00 ju1.5u e.818.93 1tru97.28 36. bb b4.OU h[9. uU 1',.uU 15.00 2.4U 2.lHL.UU 1+b94. 1b 1S.Ou 4U.uu 15.uu 71,•.J1 16.04 �4.UV 35.1L (,?4. 14 1 .uu nit .>i5 1� .,t , 1 V L r - .I - i_'_ i', f r_ U /UQ /0l1 iH4(il1f.H 3 /ly /HS �Mh OFSCPIPTIo NIxON - Fr , LI E4(lIP "4F NT NU 'IF 1) r.A(,kA OwFNS PACIFIC PFLL PACIFIC FFOFGAI. pt 14 PRFSS IijlSlr'FS; FOPMS KlfhI PAITE1 - SUN rl.F - PETI TPONE k COMPANY PETTY CASH PETTY CASH - CHECKING ( COUPIFk SFRVT('F Pf)HF F T REESE OSCAR RUHINSON Jr ANNF SAHkEE THE SACPAMFNTO SAF E f Y C( kP()RAT ION CAN CAw(RIFL FORD SELF INSUPANCF FUND StLF INSURANCE FUND THE SESSLEP COMPANY STFPHANIF SIUUELL LU4 -PLL SMITH SO CALIF FDISON C014PANY S( LALIF GAS C(IMPANY SU CALIF'(,A% COMPANY ;nUTH GATF WSLF ELFCTPIC S()(JT4FAST ARFA ANIMAL SF -ENCER POILER 6 SIARLITE /HLINKEPLITE ANNLTTF STE4AHT ST(jf,r)ARr) COMPANY STrnf)t_IN,• YOCCA9 THE SOPPLIFkS TACO ')CIICKIE 9 INC. , ,ALE THOMAS F'ATuICIA THOMAS l I1•FLY TFk SERVICE TOhIA'!K SPOJHTS TO"( PACIFIC TPANSPOPTATTOrt FUND TRUCK HYURAOLIC EQUIP- J. G. TOCKFu R SON INC. 11.5- POSTMASTFP t ,0. 4GND SFRVICF ALE"( %T (;LO'a1A USHFK ALICE VASOUFI vinl' OFFICE PP()(). INC �•IA(•TO VITTOPIA CARL rrAULEM N COMP�4Y THE AASHTti(,TON h NELSON .Al,HINC,TOr: aFSTEQLY MFTFU GFr(VICF wF ~TERN HIC•Hv Ay PPUiiU(Tc, v+gTFPN wA',TF Ir,n.1STUTrS +FSTFP v ATE(: kONKs ,.ur r,LU vuIrF11 SEAL KIT NYLGr ( DAH(E INSTP()CTUR TELEPHONE ;FWVICr_ oATFR ( RFFU'lli tAI C kFCFIPT ULPUSIT PEFUNO �ITNUTF HOOK COVFkS 4EPLENISH PETTY CASH PETTY CASH PFPLENISHMENT COURIER SEPVTCF SPORTS OFFICIAL CuMMSRS PAY 2/27/85 REGISTRATION PEFt1N0 2 COPIES OF PUHLICATTON MACHTNF SERVICE. FORD ESCORT 2 UP SFOAN FUND TRANSFER wORKEPS COMP FEb 14AS TRUCK WEIGHINIG SPURTS OFFICIAL COMMSRS PAY 2 1281+55 ELECTRIC SFRVICE RANGE OVEN PFPAIR H @HALL GAS SFRVICF MISC ELFC SUPPLIES OTRLY ANIMAL CONT. SFRV- AIR VENT / POUL HARRICADES -SIGN STANns DANCE INSTRUCTOR REPAIR CLAMP PPOF SERV. THRU 10/31/84 UNION TPOwL XMAS PARAnF FXPENSES HEFISTPATION RFFUNO PEGISTRATION REFUND TEMP HELP CAPULE J ORSO CANVAS VISION STRIPS LINKS PIN:9 HOSE@ 1()Q; FUNIU TRAr'SF FR INSPECT FOP RECERTIFIr. kFPAIR OF FAS DETECTOR POSTAGE PFUMIT c59 SFPVICE CHARGE FEH 198 PFGISTPATIOV� REFUND RFGI' REFUr OFFICF SIIPPL I VFk PAY'.FNT ktF11Nl, LIA1 CLAIM COLN i -15 -H5 U ^,F_ YEAR SIIOSLNIPTI ) ', SRnuTS (�FF.iCI . OF TF�- CASKET T1r1 TC tiI(•.S , ,r , .vl(F 1 /u,5 (.( •. Pol y r /er`Iwl 0 GLINT 235. tu.71 bU.UO 2 Intl, .b2 29.2a 31-e .60 9.00 I65.2c 357.23 694. 139.bu 10.00 15.u0 15.Uu 45.UU 74.LH 199489.50 29.47 99431.98 l ,1.uu 15.UU 15.UU 72 9748.48 112.4U 95, b6 19616.24 279412.5U J41.66 56.7,1 1J5.00 566.00 To96b4.7b b3.90 ,18c.50 10. Liu 15.00 1rd3f).90 21U.n7 374.48 15.50 370.UU 397.31 1.01) U.Uu !1.75 15.Uu 15.U0 1`+J.bb 31.opa ~99,.1,7 2ti5.U0 c9.0U 3�r. /ts 0U 1 .U1 TA .r 0 /0(/(((( THknU�H 3 /ly /hS <0 tj AMt I ;FSCr +Q )(FPDX CORNOWJ ION MONTHLY PAYNFNT i0 YOJINC, PFOPLF: OF LY (iuAFF ITI RFMOVAL 2/85 i1 /ONING HULLFTIN 1 YtAk ;Uf TOTAL :)ROVAL.: AMOUNT lrll[.J.i 1. 36.u5 t v6J9491.11 V IOTALS rlY FUND rJIIr << +FN 1 GFNF( nL FU'JD 452.2ts5.14 NUMkF 2 wA TFP FUND 1U3.62g.5� NUMr�EN 3 TRAFFIC SAFFTY FUND J5929?.72 tv(WHFP 4 LI( ;HTINb MAINTFrIANCF FUND 10.3 12.00 NWikEH 5 CAPITAL IMPQ0VF4FNT FUNI) lb.507.49 NUMkFN 8 GAUAGF' FUND J1.459.86 NUMFEk Q RFTIREMENT Flir.0 909967.63 NwAFEk 12 PEVFNIIF SHARTK FUND 67.690.30 NUMr' 23 SFLF INSURANCE FUND lb•484.72 Nw- 74 RECREATION (;RANT SF 174 FUND 3M4.56 K'UMPER 0 H.C.0.4. FUND L4.729.63 NOMREP 31 TPANSPOPTATION FUND 4014.83 NIIMPEN 32 PROP "A" LOCAL RETURN FUND 10.041.76 Nlt +tFEk 33 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE FUND 6v 834.54 ALL FUNDS 963.491.71