HomeMy Public PortalAboutA1985-04-16 CCA6ENDA ITEMS ON FILL FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE MEETING OF THE LYNWOOD CITY COUNCIL TO BE HELD ON APRIL 16, 1985 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS /:1" p.m. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION - REVEREND MATTHEW R. HARRIS FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF LYNWOOD 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROii CALL OF COUNCILMFN Robert Henning E. L. Morris James E. Rowe Louis A. Thompson John D. Bvor� 5. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: NONE b. PROCLAMATION: NONE . COUNiIL RECESS TO: LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMFN7 AGENC< AGENDA LYNWOOD INFORMATION INC. SCHEDULED_MATTERS S. PUBLIC HEARING: HOUSING ELEMENT TO THL GENERAL PLAN Comments: This is to provide in+ormation to the City Council concerning the proposed review and updating of the Housing Element to the General Plan. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Review the Draft Housing Element specifically addressing the policies and programs presented in the document. �. As appropriate make recommendations regarding the included policies and programs. 1. Adopt the attached Resolution certi+ving and approvinq the Revised Housing Element. [ITV rOUNCIi MEETING APRIL 16, 1985 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE All matters listed under the Consent Calendar will be acted upon by one Motion affirming the action recommended on the Agenda. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to voting unless members of the Council or staff request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 9. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCI GRANT (CDBG) APPLICATION FOR THE 1985-86 FISCAL YEAR Comments" The City is expected to receive approximately $1,152.00o in Community Development Block Grant (CBDG) funds for the 1985-1986 fiscal year. As part of the CDBG Application requirements, the Citv'� official governing body is required to adopt a resolution which identifies and authorizes an official representative of the City to submit the final [DBG Statement to HUD including all assurances and understandings therein. The official representative will also be authorized to act in ronnection with the submission of the final sta+emen+ and to provide such additional information aa may be required bv HUD. Recommendation: Staff respectfully requests that the Citv Council approve and adopt a resolution authorizing PatriK P. Importuna, Community Development Director to be identified as the official representative of the City to submit the final CDRG Statement to HUD including all understnnding�L and assurances therein, and direrting and authorizinq the (ommunitv Development Director to art in connection with the submission of the final statement and to provide such additional information as may be required bv H\0. W. SLURRY SEAL PROJECT - VARIOUS STREETS romments: On March 5, 1985 the City Louncil apprnved advertising for bids for the slurry seal project. The bid openinq for the project was held on April 3, 1985. Five bids were received and Slurry Mi: Company, Inc. with a bid of w62,640.0o, is the lowest bidder. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Slurry Min Company, Inr., based on its bid of $62,640.00. 11. EOUIPMENT PURCHASE (ASPHALT ROLLER) Commpnts: The approved fiscal 1984-85 budget provides for the purchase of an Asphalt Roller for the Street Maintenance Division. This will replace a 24 year old Asphalt Roller which is limited in its reliability and performance. This purchase is a continuation of +he planned equipment replacement program. CIT/ COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1h, 1985 11. COMMENTS: (CONTINUED) The estimated cost for this purchase is $16,0o'}. The Notice Inviting Bids and Specifications are on file in the office of the Lity Engineer for your review. Recommendation: It is recommended that City Council approve the sperifications for the purchase of an Asphalt Roller and authorize the advertisement of bids. 12. MODIFICATION OF FEE SCHEDULES RELATING TO WATER RATES Comments: On April 2, 1985, the City Council approved a water rate increase from $0.45/100 cu. ft. to $0.60/100 cu. ft. effective Julv 1, 1985. The Resolution required to revise the fee scheduled relative to water rates is now ready for your adoption. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 91-164 TO REVISE EXHIBIT "A" OF SAID RESOLUTION, RELATING TO WATER RATES." 11. CIVIC LFNTER DIRECTIONAL SIGNS UPGRHDE Comments: On its meetinq of March 19, 1985, the City staff to prepare a plan to upgrade the directional signs. Problems have occurred trying to locate the Sheriff's Station prepared three alternative plans ranging $2,000 to $10,000. Recommendation: :ounLil directed Civic Center for residents . Staff has in cost from It is recommended that the City Council review the alternatives and select Alternative "C" to upgrade the Civic Center directional signs. 14. EQUIPMENT PURCHASE 'COMPRESSOP WORK TRUCh) Comments: The approved fiscal 1984-85 Budget provides for the purchase of a Compressor Work Truck for the Water Division. This vehicle will replace a 25 vear old Compressor Work Truck which became inoperative and was sold at auction November 1, 1984. The estimated cost for this purchase is $36,000 to be funded through the garage equipment repalacement account. Recommendation: It is recommended that City Council approve the specifications for the purchase of a Compressor Work Truck, and authorize the advertisement of bids. 15. SERVICE AGREEMENT RENEWAL- Comments: The City of Lynwood has retained Carl Warren « Co. to administer the self-insured liability program since 1977. The agreement for these services is revewahle each vear. CITY UO(/N[Ii MEETING APRIL 16, 1985 15. (CONTINUED) Recommendation: Authorize the Mavor to sign the service agreement renewal with Carl Warren & Co. 1b. PERS LONTRALT AMENDMFNT Comments: In order to implement the negotiation retirement provision of the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Lvnwood Firefighters Association the PERS contract must be amended to include the sick leave credit option. This option increases the rate by .25% at an estimated cost in FV 1985-8b of approximately $3000. The contract amendment process taies two to three months with the first step being adoption of a resolution of intent. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled "RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD" and direct staff to proceed with the required implementation process and authorize mayor to sign certification. 17. PAYMENT OF BILLS - WARRANT REGISTER DATED APRIL 16. 1985 Recommendation: Council approve warrant register dated April 16, 1985 CITY_CLERk.S_AGENDA 18. NOMINATIONS FOR ONE (1) VACANCY ON THF PERSONNEL COMMISSION 19. NOMINATIONS FOR ONE (1) VACANCY ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION 29. NOMINATIONS FOR ONE (1) VACANCY ON THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD 21. SPECIAL PERMITS FOR FIREWORKS STANDS INFORMATIONAL ITEMS rITY COUNCIL MEETING HPRIL 16, 1985 ADJOURNMENT MOTION TO ADJOURN TO THE REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING FOR TUFSDAY, MAY 7, 1985, 7:30 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL, 11170 BULLIS ROAD, CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA. DATE: April 16, 1985 TO: HONORABLE MAYER AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PATRICK P. IMPORTUNA, Director Community Development Department SUBJECT: Housing Element to the General Plan PURPOSE: This is to provide information to the City Council concerning the pro- posed revision and updating of the Housing Element to the General Plan. FACTS: The City of Lynwood, pursuant to State of California legislative mandate, must revise the Housing Element to the General Plan every five (5) years. The revised Housing Element contains an assessment of the housing needs within the City as well as the proposed programs to meet these needs. The assessment of housing needs is performed using 1980 census data and the Regional Housing Allocation Model (RHAM) prepared by the Southern California Association of Government (SCAG). The proposed Housing Element will serve as the housing guideline for the period 1985 through 1989. At that time the Element will require another update. The Planning Commission has reviewed the document assessing particularly the housing policies and programs presented in the Housing Element. After their initial review the document was transmitted to the State of Cali- fornia Department of Housing and Community Development for their review. The comments of the CDHCD have been included in a revised draft document. At its meeting of April 9, 1985 the Planning Commission reviewed the re- vised document and recommended approval of the Housing Element by the City Council. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Review the Draft Housing Element specifically addressing the policies and programs presented in the document. 2. As appropriate make recommendation regarding the included policies and programs. 3. Adopt the attached Resolution certifying and approving the Revised Housing Element. Attachments: Resolution Planning Commission Minutes Draft Housing Element AGENDA ITEM 9 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADOPTING A HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN AS AMENDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE OF CALIFORNIA HOUSING ELEMENT GUIDELINES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lynwood did, pursuant to law, hold a public hearing to review the revised Housing Element; and WHEREAS, the City of Lynwood Planning Commission has reviewed and rec- ommended adoption of the revised Housing Element; and WHEREAS, appropriate opportunities have been offered to the public for participation in the drafting of the revised Housing Element; and WHEREAS, documentation of public meetings and public hearings offering the citizens of Lynwood participating opportunities is on file with the Planning Division in the City of Lynwood; and WHEREAS, public hearings on the revised Housing Element have been conduct- ed in accordance with local ordinances and State requirements; and WHEREAS, the Director of Community Development has considered the revisions to the Housing Element and has determined that their approval would cause no substan- tial adverse effect on the environment, and has issued a Negative Declaration; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council finds and concludes: Section 1 . That the Housing Element of the General Plan as amended, according to the Housing Element Guidelines is hereby adopted. Section 2 . A Negative Declaration has been filed covering the amend- ments to the Housing Element in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. Section 3 . Severability If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance, or the application thereof to any person or place, is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or its application to other persons or places. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance, and each section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub- sections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions, or the application thereof to any person or place, be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4 . The City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to certify to the passage of this ordinance and to cause the same to be published once in the Lyn- wood Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed, published and circulated in the City of Lynwood. Passed, Approved and Adopted this 15th day of April, 1985. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: JOHN D. 3YORK Mayor of the City of Lynwood ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) PATRICK P. INPORTUNA, Director Community Development Department I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, do hereby certi- fy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Lynwood at a regular meeting held on the 1985. day of AYES: NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk, City of Lynwood 329 0 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING PLANNING COMQaSSION OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 11, 1984 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Sampson, and the following Commissioners were present: Commissioner Dove Commissioner Hodge Commissioner Kanka Commissioner Pryor Commissioner Raymond Commissioner Robbins Commissioner Sampson Also present were: Mark J. Y.uebsch, General Counsel Patrick P. Importuna, Director Community Development Kenneth R. Mullens, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Commissioner Kanka, seconded by Commissioner Hodge to approve the minutes of November 13, 1984; motion carried by a unanimous vote. r PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Housing Element, Case No. 84031 (continued from the meeting of November 13, 1984). Mr. Mullens introduced Mrs. Sylvia Holstein as the consultant who prepared the Housing Element. Mr. Mullens presented the review of the revised draft of the Housing Element which includes the 1980 Census information and the 1983 RHAM information from the Southern California Association of Governments. The study indicates a total of 886 new housing units will be required during the next five (5) year period, through 1989. Commissioner's attention was directed to specifically the housing programs, policies and implementation sections of the document. The sections are designed to address the programs to increase housing production at all economic and type levels. After approval by the Commission, the Housing Element will be submitted to the State for review before being considered by the City Council. The public hearing was opened and anyone desiring to speak was requested to come forward.. Mrs. Mary St. Julian, 12701 Waldorf Drive, Lynwood, asked if the 300 units which had once been proposed in her area would be included in the 886 housing allocation figures and what would happen to alleviate the problems of antiquated utilities and potential overcrowding. Rev. Paul Hackett, 12209 Harris Avenue, Lynwood, was opposed to the idea of cluster housing if it would produce another Nickerson Gardens. He also indicated a combined effort to produce quality, affordable housing coupled with job opportunities. Ino J At the request of Chairman Sampson, Mr. Importuna, explained some of the City's ongoing programs to stimulate housing, commercial and industrial development. Robert Reed, 4543 Cardwell Street,'Lynwood, did not believe higher density housing would be beneficial to City because of absentee ownership, speculation and traffic problems. Commissioner Kanka moved to submit the Housing Element to the State of California, certify the Negative Declaration as adequate and recommend adoption by the City Council. Commissioner Raymond seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. 2. Conditional Use Permit. Case No. 84064 This matter was continued from the meetings of October 9, 1984 and November 13, 1984. The public hearing was opened and the Chairman requested the applicant to come forward. Chairman Sampson asked if the applicant understood the conditions and agreed to abide by them. George Nelmar, representing the applicant, stated that they agreed to the conditions of the use permit and would comply with them. No one else desiring to speak on this matter, the Chairman closed the public hearing. Mr. Huebsch, Counsel, suggested that the word "infraction" in Condition R be changed to "violation ". Commissioner Raymond moved and was seconded by Commissioner Pryor to adopt Resolution No. 1017 approving Conditional Use Permit No. 84064 subject to the conditions; motion carried by unanimous vote. 3. Conditional Use Permit, Case No. 84062; General Plan Amendment 84 -3; and Zone Change from R -3 to R -2. 12527 Waldorf Drive (P. ':agana) Item continued from November 13, 1984 meeting. Mr. Mullens explained that the application proposes three separate actions predicated on the fact that there exists an inconsistency between the General Plan designation for the project areas, the zoning and the land uses. Based upon recommendation of the Planning Commission, staff recommends changing the General Plan designation R -1 to R -2 and changing the zoning from R -3 to R -2 to achieve a consistency with existing land uses. In addition, the staff recommended approving the conditional use permit allowing an addition to an existing single family residence and the construction of three new two (2) bedroom apartments. The proposed development is within the density range of the proposed R -2 zone. Chairman Sampson opened the public hearing and requested that the applicant come forward. after being asked if he had read and understood the conditions, the applicant (Pedro Magana) stated that he did and agreed to comply with them. The Chairman requested those persons desiring to speak in opposition to come forward. Rev. Paul Hackett, 12209 Harris Avenue, Lynwood, came forward and entertained that a blanket zone change would create a great impact to the neighborhood allowing greater number of units, with more traffic and parking problems. Chairman Sampson asked Mr. Importuna to explain Rev. Hackett's questions regarding differences between R -2 and R -3 zones and the G- .neral Plan Amendment., �:r. Importuna explained the characteristics of each and how they are related. Robert Burton, 12232 Waldorf Drive asked why he had received notice of this meeting since he is outside the project bound areas. The 300 foot notification requirements were explained to Mr. Burton by Mr. Importuna. "Iary St. Julian, 12701 Waldorf Drive, Lynwood, stated she was opposed to the zone charge because of overcrowding, shortage of classroom space for children, not enough parking and excessive traffic. Staff explained that R -2 designation coulc cause a lesser impact in those areas than would the existing R -3. DATE: Aprill6, 1985 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Patrick P. Importuna, Community Development Director SUBJECT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) APPLICATION FOR THE 1985 -86 FISCAL YEAR PURPOSE To request that the City Council approve and adopt a resolution authorizing Patrick P. Importuna, Community Development Director as the official representative of the City as part of the CDBG requirement, to submit the final statement to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) including all understandings and assurances therein, and directing and authorizing the Community Development Director to act in connection with the submission of the final CDBG Statement and to provide such additional information as may be required by HUD. FACTS: 1. The City has chosen to detach itself from the Urban County Program and submit a grant application to HUD for the next fiscal year (July 1, 1985 - July 30, 1986) as an Entitlement Metropolitan City and is expected to receive approximately $1,352,000 in CDBG funds; 2. On April 2, 1985, the City Council conducted a public hearing whereby the Council approved and adopted the proposed State- ment of Community Development Objectives, the Projected Use of Funds, and the Displacement Policy as final, for submission to HUL; 3. The City Council as the City's official governing body is re- quired by HUD to duly adopt a resolution as an official act authorizing a person identified as the official representative of the City to submit the final statement to HUD including all assurances and understandings contained therein, and directing and authorizing said person to act in connection with the sub- mission of the final statement and to provide such additional information as may be required by HUD. 4. The final CDBG Application is scheduled to be submitted to HUD by May 15, 1985. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS: The City is required by HUD to submit a final Statement of Community Development Objectives, Projected Use of Funds and Displacement Policy to HUD as part of the CDBG Application. These documents were approved by City Council on April 2, 1985, at a public hearing. HUD further requires that the City's governing body approve and adopt a resolution authorizing a person to be identified as the official representative of the City to submit the City's final State- ment and to provide such additional information as may be required by HUD. The City's timely submission of the CDBG application in compliance with HUD's regulations will ensure HUD's prompt considera- tion and response. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests that the City Council: 1. Approve and adopt a resolution authorizing Patrick P. Importuna, Community Development Director to be identified as the official representative of the City to submit the final CDBG statement and all understandings and assurances contained therein to HUD AGENDA ITEM 9 and directing and authorizing the Community Development Director to act in connection with the submission of the , final statement and to provide such additional information as may be required by HUD. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD TO APPROVE THE DESIGNATION OF PATRICK P. IMPORTUNA, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AS THE CITY'S OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE TO SUBMIT THE FINAL CDBG APPLICATION AND ALL ASSURANCES AND UNDERSTANDINGS CONTAINED THERE- IN AND DIRECTING AND AUTHORIZING HIM TO ACT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SUBMISSION OF THE FINAL STATEMENT AND TO PROVIDE SUCH ADDITIONAL IN- FORMATION AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) WHEREAS, under the United States Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 as amended, the City is pursuing "the Development of viable Urban Communities" by providing decent housing, and a suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS, the City of Lynwood has chosen to detach itself from the Urban County Program and apply directly to HUD for fiscal year 1985 -86 CDBG funds as an Entitlement Metropolitan City; and WHEREAS, the expected allocation of CDBG funds to the City for the 1985 -86 fiscal year is approximately $1,352,000; and I WHEREAS, the City Council has conducted the required public hearing to obtain citizen input on the 1985 -86 CDBG Appli- cation and has taken their comments into consideration; and WHEREAS, HUD requires the City to approve and adopt a resolution identifying a person as the official representative of the City to submit the final CDBG Statement to HUD and to act in j connection with the submission of the final statement and to pro- vide such additional information as may be required by HUD. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Lynwood does hereby find, determine, order and resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Approve and adopt the designation of Patrick P. Importuna, Community Development Director as the City's official representative to submit the final CDBG statement and all assurances and understandings contained therein to HUD and direct- ing and authorizing him to act in connection with the submission of the final statement and provide such additional information as may be required by HUD. SECTION 2. This resolution shall become effective imme- diately upon its adoption. Passed, Approved and Adopted this day of 1985. John D. Byork, Mayor ATTEST: City of Lynwood Vr/ Andrea L. Hooper, City Clerk City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Patrick P. Importuna, Director Community Development Barbara Fikel, Accounting Manager DATE: APRIL 16, 1985 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ 2) � o CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: SLURRY SEAL PROJECT - VARIOUS STREETS (FY 1984 - 85, PROJECT NO. 5 - 5046) PURPOSE: To recommend that the City Council award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder for the Slurry Seal Project for FY 1984 -85. BA CKGROUND : On March 5, 1985, the City Council authorized Staff to advertise for bids for the above mentioned project. On April 3, 1985, the bid opening was held in the office of the City Clerk. Bids were received for the proposed work from the following bidders: 1. Slurry Mix Company, Inc. $62,640.00 2. Doug Martin Contracting Company 62,877.60 3. Pavement Coatings Company 65,329.20 4. I.P. Services, Inc. 66,949.20 5. Roy Allen Slurry Seal, Inc. 80,244.00 This project is listed under the FY 1984 -85 CIP Schedule and is funded by HCDA. ANALYSIS: Slurry Mix Company, Inc. is the apparent low bidder. A reference check of previous performance reveals a good reputation and the necessary experience. In view of the bid price and the qualifications of the bidder, it is recommended that Slurry Mix Company, Inc. be awarded the contract for the Slurry Seal Project for FY 1984 -85. R ECOMMENDATION : It is recommended that the City Council award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Slurry Mix Company, Inc., based on its bid of $62,640.00. AGENDA ITEM /0 DATE: APRIL 16, 1985 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: EQUIPMENT PURCHASE (ASPHALT ROLLER) PURPOSE To recommend that City Council approve the specifications for replacement Asphalt Roller and authorize the advertisement of bids. BACKGROUND: The approved fiscal 1984 -85 Budget provides for the purchase of a replacement Asphalt Roller for the Street Maintenance Division. This piece of equipment will replace an existing 24 year old Asphalt Roller which limits its reliability and performance. ANALYSIS_ This purchase is a continuation of the planned equipment replacement program for the Street Maintenance Division. The Budget appropriation for this replacement purchase is $16,000 of the Garage Equipment Replacement Account. The Notice Inviting Bids and Specifications are on file in the office of the City Engineer for your review. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the specifications for an Asphalt Roller and authorize the advertisement of bids. AGENDA ITEM DATE: APRIL 16, 1985 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: MODIFICATION OF FEE SCHEDULES RELATING TO WATER RATES PURPOSE: To recommend that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 81 -164 TO REVISE EXHIBIT "A" OF SAID RESOLUTION, RELATING TO WATER RATES." BACKGROUND Per Resolution 81 -164, amendments, additions or deletions to fees as established by the Code of the City of Lynwood shall be accomplish- ed only through the adoption of the revised Exhibit "A" of Resolution 81 -164 (fee schedules) by resolution of the City Council. On April 2, 1985, the City Council approved a water rate increase from $0.45/100 cu. ft. to $0.60/100 cu. ft. effective July 1, 1985. The Resolution required to revise the fee schedules is now ready for your approval. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 81 -164 TO REVISE EXHIBIT "A" OF SAID RESOLUTION, RELATING TO WATER RATES." AGENDA ITEM RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 81 -164 TO REVISE EXHIBIT "A" OF SIAD RESOLUTION, RELATING TO WATER RATES The City Council of the City of Lynwood does hereby resolve as follows: Se ction 1 . Pursuant to the provisions of Section 2 of Resolution No. 81 -164, Exhibit "A" is hereby revised to read as follows: QUANTITY CHARGE --------------- Effective July 1, 1985 Rate per 100 /cu. ft. $0.60 Section 2 . This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of , 1985. JOHN D. BYORK, Mayor City of Lynwood 9 ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO FORM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E. Director of Public Works/ City Engineer City Attorney BARBARA FIKEL, Accounting Manager DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: BACkGROUNA. April 16, 1985 ' Complaints ha,e been received from citizens regarding the inadequacy of the present Civic Center directional signs. Of particular 'oncer is the inability of citizens to easily locate the Lynwood Sheriff Station. On its meeting of March 19, 1985, City Council directed staff to prepare a plan to upgrade the Civic Center jirectional signs. 0009191 Staff has prepared three alternative plans to remedy the present inadequaczes: 002myvl�g A Cost Estimate: $2,000 Work to be done: 1. Upgrade etisting internally illuminated, post mounted sign, located at the entrance to the City Hall/Sheriff Station parting lot, to read "Lynwood City Hall/Sheriff Station". 2. Remove small trees blocking view of existing internally illuminated, wall mounted Lynwood Sheriff Station sign. 3. Remove shrubs in planter next to entrance area to Sheriff Station and construct additional concrete sidewalk. 4. Trim tree and shrubs bloching view of wall mounted Lynwu"d City Hall sign in front of City Hall. 5. Upgrade existing Sheriff Station post and wall mounted signs. Install new sign on south facing wall next to entrance doors to Sher iff Station. 6. Repair e.'zsting internallV illuminated Civic Center sign at Ernestine Avenue driveway entrance. Al0CUM01 Q Cost Estimate:' $5,000 In addition to the work specified under Alternative A the following is added: 1. Construct low lying bricl wall with raised metal letters, ten inches high, externally illuminated. The sign and wall are to be located in the City Hall front lawn, facing west. 2' Remove e'isting internally illuminated Sheriff Station wall mounted sign and replace with raise metal letters, ten inches high, e`ternally illuminated' The sign is to be located on the Sheriff Station building west facing wall. ` THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ 13 CITY ENGINEER xY= � CIVIC CENTER DIRECTIONAL SIGNS UPGRADE AGENDA ITEK /3 ` � AlterostjI2 C� Cost Estimate: $10,000 In addition to the wor| specified under Alternatives ~ "nd B the following is added: 1. Remove internally illuminated signs and install steel frame directional sign clusters at various locations throughout the Civic Center area. The signs giving directions to the different departments (City Hall, Sheriff Station, Water Department,Anne: Building and Bateman Hall) will be sill screened and made out of a reflective material 'zsible at nights. ' RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council review the alternatz.es and select Alternative C to upgrade the Civic Center directional signs. ` DATE: April 16, 1985 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Joseph Y. Wang, P.E., Director of Public Works/ Lj City Engineer )4) SUBJECT: Equipment Purchase (Compressor Work Truck) PURPOSE: To recommend that City Council approve the specifications for the purchase of a replacement Compressor Work Truck for the Water Division and authorize the advertisement of bids. BACKGROUND The approved fiscal 1984 -85 Budget provides for the purchase of a replacement Compressor Work Truck for the Water Division. This vehicle will replace a 25 year old Compressor Truck which became inoperative and was sold at auction November 3, 1984. ANALYSIS This purchase is a continuation of the planned equipment replacement program. The Budget appropriation for this replacement purchase is $36,000 of the Garage Equipment Replacement Account. The Notice Inviting Bids and Specifications are on file in the office of the City Engineer for your review. RRC0TMMRNDATT0N - It is recommended that City Council approve the specifications for the purchase of a Compressor Work Truck, and authorize the advertisment of bids. i AGENDA ITEM DATE: April 16, 1985 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Lynwood City Council FROM: Sandra Chapek',' rsonnel Manager SUBJECT: SERVICE AGREEMENT RENEWAL OBJECTIVE To renew the service agreement for administration of the self- insured liability program. FACTS (1) The City of Lynwood has had a service agreement with Carl Warren & Co. for administration of the self- insured liability program since April 16, 1977. This company is the recognized expert in the provision of needed investi- gation, monitoring, referral, advice and reports on municipal liability claims. (2) The current service agreement with Carl Warren & Co. expires April 16, 1985. The agreement for 1985 -86 includes an increase in the basic administrative fee from $393 per quarter to $408 per quarter. The claim service rate would increase slightly from $26 to $27 per hour, while other charges would remain stationary. CONCLUSION The service agreement with Carl Warren & Co. continues the quality administration of the City's self- insured liability program. RECOMMENDATION Authorize the Mayor to sign the service agreement renewal with Carl Warren & Co. AGENDA ITEM /5� S E R V I C E A G R E E M E N T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — A M E N D M E N T T NO. 8 THIS AMENDMENT NO. 8 TO SERVICE AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 1985, by and between CITY OF LYNWOOD, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter called the "CITY" and CARL WARREN & CO., a California Corporation, hereinafter called the "CONTRACTOR." W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, the CITY and CONTRACTOR did enter into an agreement for certain services in administering a program of self - insurance, dated April 16, 1977; and WHEREAS, the CITY and CONTRACTOR do now wish to amend said Service Agreement: IT IS HEREBY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: 1. That paragraph "6" on page 5 of the aforementioned Service Agreement for administering a program of self - insurance, dated April 16, 1977, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "6. PERIOD OF AGREEMENT. This agreement is for a period of twelve (12) months, commencing at 12:01 A.M., April 16, 1985, and ending 12:01 A.M., April 16, 1986. 2. That paragraph "7 ", section "A ", on page 3 of the aforementioned Service Agreement, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "A. CITY agrees to pay to CONTRACTOR $136.00 per month Administrative Fee to provide: (1) To include monthly computerized statistical print -out of all claim files including computer cost, monthly reconciliation and distribution. (2) Assistance and advice to CITY personnel as may be reasonably required. (3) General Administrative services not related to specific claims. Claim Services provided by CONTRACTOR where required will be billed at rate of TWENTY SEVEN DOLLARS ($27.00) per hour; transportation at THIRTY -FIVE CENTS ($.35) per mile; ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS ($1.50) per color print; plus normal chares for file expenses to include telephone, photocopy, secretarial, miscellaneous items and office expenses. CITY'S maximum obligation for this renewal period is $ 8,000.00. Allocated Expenses as set forth in Paragraph 2. B. of the Service Agreement are not to be included in computing this annual obligation of CITY. Claim Services to be provided: (a) Investigation, evaluation, negotiation, settlement and reporting. Claim handling to be tailored to factors of each claim and performed intermally by telephone and correspondence or in -field or both as each claim may require. (b) Maintain statistical print -out through periodic review of status, adjustment of reserves as necessary; data input to record changes, payments, openings and closings. 3. That paragraph "8" section "A ", on page 6 of the aforementioned Service Agreement, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "8. TIME OF PAYMENT Commencing upon execution of this agreement by both parties, CITY shall transmit payment for the first quarter of the contract on April 16, 1985, and will transmit quarterly payment at the beginning of each quarter thereafter: $408.00. Payments shall be transmitted to CONTRACTOR at Post Office Box 116, Glendale, CA. 91209. CONTRACTOR agrees to BILL CITY on quarterly basis for each file that requires Claims Services, as described above. 4. That all other and further provisions of said Service Agreement dated April 16, 1977 not in conflict with this Amendment shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said CITY has hereunto caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto subscribed and said CONTRACTOR has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto subscribed and affixed by its proper officers first thereunto duly authorized, as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA A Municipal Corporation By Mayor ATTEST: CARL WARREN & COMPANY A California Corporation City Clerk By (SEAL) Vice President DATE: April 16, 1985 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the Lynwood City Council FROM: Sandra Chapek 'Al rsonnel Manager SUBJECT: PERS CONTRACT AMENDMENT OBJECTIVE To amend PERS contract to include Unused Sick Leave Credit for Fire Personnel FACTS 1) In June 1984, Council adopted a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lynwood Firefighters Association effective July 1 1984 thru June 30, 1986. 2) The completion and exchange of the following documents are required to amend the PERS contract to add this option. a. Resolution of Intention b. Certification of the Governing Body's Action C. Form Con -12A Certification of Compliance with Government Code, Section 7507 which verifies that any increased costs are made public d. Final Ordinance The time period for completion and exchange of the required documents is 2 to 3 months. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION To implement the negotiated benefit of service credit for unused sick leave,an amendment to the PERS contract for safety members must be processed. The entire process requires two to three months. The first step, the passage of a resolution of intent to amend the contract , should be taken now to ensure that the amendment becomes effective in July 1985, RECOMMENDATION Adopt the resolution entitled "Resolution of Intention to Approve an Amendment to Contract Between the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System and the City Council of the City of Lynwood" and direct staff to proceed with the required implementation process and authorize Mayor to sign certification. AGENDA ITEM l6 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD WHEREAS, the Public Employees' Retirement law permits the participation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employees' Retirement System by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said public agencies may elect to subject themselves and their employees to amendments to said law; and WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedure to amend this contract is the adoption by the governing body of the public agency of a resolution giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution shall contain a summary of the change proposed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the following is a statement of the proposed change: To provide Section 20862.8 (Unused Sick Leave Credit) for local fire members only. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Lynwood does hereby find, determine, order and resolve as follows: Section 1 . That the notice of intention to approve Lynwood and the Board of Admin a copy of said amendment being made a part hereof. adoption. City Council of the City of Lynwood does hereby give an amendment to the contract between the City of istration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, attached hereto, as an "Exhibit" and by this reference Section 2 . This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of 1985. JOHN BYORK, Mayor City of Lynwood ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO FORM: Sandra Chapek, Personnel Manager City Attorney CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 7507 I hereby certify that in accordance with Section 7507 of the Government Code the future annual costs as determined by the System Actuary and /or the increase in retirement benefit(s) have been made public at a public meeting by the City governing Council o f The City of Lynwood at least two weeks prior to the adoption body of the final Ordinance /Resolution. Date: JOHN BYORK, Mayor City of Lynwood f CITY OF LYN*000 ' CHFCKrr NAME t C C i j � C a r MIN • � r H C 62.12 6213 b214 6215 6216 6217 6218 n219 62.20 62 21 6227 6229 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 ,,234 o235 6236 6237 b?3A 5235 b24u F' 6e42 621.3 62 6245 6246 6247 6248 6149 6250 6251 6252 6253 6254 6255 5256 6757 6259 6259 62fi0 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 WARPANT RE61STFQ 0 /00 /00 THRO UCH 4/16/85 KAISEW PERMANENTE HL1 CK(SS OF S0. CALIF. ST. FRANCIS MEDICAL I.EAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES LFAGUE OF CALIF. CITIES STATE OF CALIFORNIA SO CALIF TURFGRASS CNCL CORONA FIREMEN #S ASSN. CITY OF LYNWOOD PAYROLL FUND A. S. P. A. AbCO HARDWARE ACE LUMBER d SUPPLY ANSWER PAGE ANTI-LITTER FUND ARROWHEAD PURITAS WATERS AT N T INFORMATION SYSTM AT -LYN OFFICE SUPPLIES BALL INDUSTRIES BEST MAINTENANCE SUPPLY UNISOURCE RLUE DIAMOND MATERIALS F4UAND -DALY LUMBER C0.# C.I.P. FUND CAL - SURANCE ASSOCIATES STATE OF CALIFORNIA CENTRAL PASIN MUNICIPAL CENTURY FLORIST CITY COPIER SERVICE INC. CLINICAL LAB OF SAN BERN COVINA CMHR OF COMMERCE DATASTREAM A. P. DICK COMPANY DOWNEY M OWER b SAW CO DUN 6 BRADSTREET DUO -PACT EQUIPMENT INC BkTTE ESPESETH MARINA ESTRADA AUDREY L. EVERAGE FwING IRRIGATION PRODUCT FHIUEN ALCATEL FPY OFFICE PRODUCTS GARAGE FUND JOHN GARNICA GAS TAX 2107 GENERAL FUND GENERAL ROOTFR GENERAL TELEPHONE CO. JIM GIVEN GLOVE SPECIALTIES WFST R.F. GOODRICH HAMMER SECURITY SERVTCE HARDIE TPRIGATION HASCO OIL COMPANY. INC. HCDA FUND DESCRIPTION HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM AD IN 1485 HONOR BOOK REGIS.- WORKSHUP /F.RIPLEY REGISTRATION - WORKSHOP PEPS FOR P/E 2/23/b5 REGIS TURFGRASS COUNCIL SEMINAR 4/20 s 4/21/85 REPLENISH WORKERS COMP MEMBERSHIP DUES 5/16 HIGH TEST CHAIR GLASS DOU9LE PEEPER UNIT SERVICE FUND TRANSFER COFFEE KIT MONTHLY SERVICE. AGREEMNT RETURNED MERCHANDISE TOWEL• HLEACH# POLYLINER CLEANER#DEODORIZEEI#COMET WHITE XEROGRAPHIC BOND COLD MIX NAILS• NUT• BOLTS FUND TRANSFEP LOSS CONTROL SERVICES BACKGRND LNVES/R. GARCIA GRND WATER MONITOR PGGM 8000UET /PRYOR SERVICE MAINT. AGREEMENT WATER SAMPLES TICKETS /MISS COVINA PONT SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE DRY TONER DROP CLOTHS SEMINAR 4/30/85 SHAFT#BEARING +WHEEL ETC* COMMSRS PAY3/26/85 RECORDING SERV 3/14/85 DEPOSIT REFUND IRRIGATION SUPPLIES LEASE /POSTAGE METER REPAIR E/Z OATEH FUND TRANSFER DEPOSIT REFUND FUND TRANSFFP FUND TRANSFFP SEWER LINES CLEARING TELEPHONE SERVICE MILEAGE ALLOWANCE GLUVFS TIDES SECURITY SERVICE 3/23/85 PUMPS# STRATNtk• LENS GAS. FLAMMAPLE LIAUIO Fllr TPAASFFP PAGE 1 AMOUNT 1U +922.46 10.113.77 300.00 70.UU 140.00 54.195.30 35.00 200.UU 4.164.151 132 +465.91 70.00 92.43 62.76 $6.25 41.05 52.UO 19.15 586.97 394.04 128.85 273.71 534.96 73.03 2U #297.37 360.00 17.50 219.00 26.63 395.00 310.00 30.00 450.00 75.36 102.24 165.UU 631.00 25.OU 1UU.UO 165.00 553.17 111.E+3 187.16 784.42 37..15 23001.57 141x103./9 40.UO 295.0[ 10.50 1 4 8. uei Y41.01 .l3U.ou b21.4U 1 +926..]2 2#576.40 Spoiled 6211 Prepaid 6212 - 6221 Spoiled 6222 - 6226 , , 1 , , r i • l ' CITY -F LYNWOOD WARRANT REGISTER 0 /00 /00 THROUGH 4/16/85 PAGE r+ CHFCK* NAME DESCRIPTION X272 627.3 be74 6275 6276 r 6? 77 h!7a ( ?74 r- 62H0 62N1 6 ?F12 S2N3 6GR4 6285 (r 6 2x5 �+7H7 6 ?.8R �� 62H9 6290 6291 6242 6 ? 3 h ?94 1 62 5 h296 62.97 F 6298 01, 299 6300 F 63u) 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6,311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 h317 6319 c 6319 6320 631 632e 63 ?3 6324 6325 63 ?6 6327 HELM INCORPORATED HOME -TECH PUBLICATIONS TNT'L FIRE SERV TkAINING MELVIN JOHNSON KEYSTONE FORD KNOB( INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY JGSIP KUVAC CONSTRUCTION NICHOLAS J. KUNKEE KOSTOM ELECTRONICS INC LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE LAYTON RENTAL CENTER LIGHTING FUND LOS ANGELES TIMES COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES LYNGATE PRINTING CD LYNWOOD PRESS M 6 M TRUCK PARTS# INC MACCO CONSTRUCTORS• INC ROBERT MARKOVIC GEORGE MARTINI M.J. MAYER LAW OFFICE MAYWOOD AUTO ELECTRIC JULIO MENDOZA MG INDUSTRIES MMASC C/O KEVIN SMITH MONARCH RPOOM 6 WIRE NIGHTINGALE- CONANT CORP. NOkMEO OCEAN POOL SUPPLY CO. MARIO ORNELAS PACIFIC HELL PETTY CASH PHOTO 6 SOUND COMPANY OLIVIA PULINA DRFCISION AUTOMOTIVE PRESS-TELFGRAM PROP "All LOCAL RETURN PRUL I AL UVFRALL SUPL. PkUUENTIAL OVERALL SUPL• CELIA RENOON REVENUE SHARING OSCAR ROPINSON RAMON SALAS SALING TROPHY COMPANY SAN DIEGO FIRE - FQUTP.CO. SANTA FE SPRINGS SH 174 5P 821 SELF INSL)RANCF FOND CYNTHIA SIMS ROBERT H. SMITH SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY SO CALIF GAS COMPANY SOL+TH GATF PHOTO SF_RVICF SOUTH GATE WSLF ELECTRIC SPAPKLETTS ESCORT CAR MANUALS SEMINAR 4/24 b [5/85 FIRE PROTECTION PURL. SPORTS OFFICIAL SMOG TESTING KFY SETS PROJECT N0.5- 5006/S8821 DEPOSIT REFUND SMALL SUCTION+ CUP FUND TRANSFER TRENCHER RENTAL FUND TRANSFER CLASSIFIED ADS PERSONNEL SERVICES/ 9 HR BUSINESS CARDS /J. GIVEN A()UATICS DIRFCTUR AD LITE DEPOSIT REFUND COMMSRS PAY 3/26/85 COMMSkS PAY 3/26/85 PROF SERVICES 3/85 AUTO REPAIR COMMSRS PAY 3/26/85 DEMURRAGE RENTAL MMASC ANNUAL MEETING CARBIDE DRAG $HUES CASSETTE /PSYCH OF WINN. PENLIGHT# 917E STICK TRUNKS# GUARD PANELS DEPOSIT REFUND TELEPHONE SERVICE PETTY CASH REPLENISHMENT LECTERN# FOLDING STAND DEPOSIT REFUNU AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SERVICE JOB ADS FUND TRANSFER UNIFORM SERVICE LINEN SERVICE UEPOSTT REFUND B #HALL FUND TRANSFER COMMSKS PAY 3/26/85 DEPOSIT REFUNU TROPHIES /BASKETBALL MONTHLY BILLING CUNSULTANT FEE CATV 1 /85 FUND TRANSFFP FUNU TRANSFFR WORKERS COMP MARCH 1945 DEPOSIT REFUND DFPOSY T PEFUN'i ELECTRIC SERVICE GAS SERVICF KODAK CAMERA# FILMS.CASE ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES wATER9 COOLER RENTAL AMOUNT 41.OU 27S.OU 1b.0u 3.OU 149.95 22.80 34.415.82 16.21 46.49 65b.8b 80.00 91#824.40 702.8. [69.55 608.45 425.07 643.46 190.7u 25.00 25.00 2#600.00 259.17 25.00 792.01 134.00 532.50 43.00 38,34 76.07 13.94 2.307.52 430.70 1 #008.38 27.15 493.89 b5.32 25#070.02 272.85 193.17 165.00 6#842.e5 25.00 45 .80 813081 295 413.70 b15.h0 1#Jb8.45 1Q.03 4.9U 15.uo IG.115 G.t+l b.2C6.9b ry44.Ih 1#110.57 4e.5u a CITY OF LY 000 WARRANT PEGISIER PA6F 3 1 /g z t r. r f' f A f f f> C; i Ak • 0 /00 /VO THRGUGH 4/16 h CHECK# oAh•E DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 6328 STAkLITF /RLINKERLITE BARPILAOFS W /FLASHERS 1 04.26 6329 STATE PARK BOND FUND TRANSFER 62.11 5330 STODDARD COMPANY THREAD ADAPTOR 591.16 6331 TI4FLY TFMPORARY SERVICE TEMP SERV /LUCY SFIPLF 69b.50 t312 PACIFIC EQUIPMENT AND TORO ROD 10088 6333 TRAFFIC FUND FUND TRANSFER 15=3 +475.00 6334 TRANSPORTATION FUND FUND TRANSFER b9324.32 6335 U.S. POSTMASTER POSTAGE FOR PERMIT #259 19000.00 6336 UNISOURCE TOWFLS. TOILFT TISSUES 492.53 6337 UNITED PACIFIC CORP. TREE MAINTENANCE 3/85 429460.00 6338 UNIVERSAL MACK VALVE 13.56 ' 6339 MAFIA VASQUEZ DEPOSIT REFUND 5000 6340 HEA,RY S. VF6A DEPOSIT REFUND 200.00 6341 VIKING OFFICE PROD. INC OFFICE SUPPLIES 437.66 6342 w'ATER FUND FUND TRANSFER 199158.31 6343 wESTERN HIGHWAY PRODUCTS SYMBOLS9 8OLT9 MARKERS 553.80 6344 WESTERN WASTE INDUSTRIES RESIDENTIAL TRASH PICKUP 519566.87 6345 wESTERN WASTE INDUSTRIES BLOCKWATCH PINS 2 LOADS 266.40 6346 WHEEL MAN TIRE SERVICE TIRE SERVICE 166.50 6347 ALFRIDA WILBOURN DEPOSIT REFUND 15.00 634#4 L. Co WINN DEPOSIT REFUND 12082 6349 4ORKERtS COMPENSATION SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 38075 6350 XEROX CORPORATION EQUIPMENT EQUITY PLAN 19112.73 6351 YOUNG PEOPLE. OF LYN400D GRAFFITI REMOVAL 3/85 19873.25 I 9sta :aasaesscsaa TOTAL S 8889761.13 F APPROVAL: ' i Ak • c r C C. L r r TOTALS 8Y FUND FUND NUMREP 1 GENERAL FUND 3319203.27 FUND NUMPEP 2 WATEP FUND 949928.41 FUND NUMBEk 3 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 190910.91 FUND Ni1MHEk 4 LIGMIING MAINTENANCE FUNU 19055.41 FUND NUMNER 5 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND .169254.58 FUND NUMBED 6 GAS TAX 2106 FUND $89500.00 FOND NUMNER 7 GAS TAX 2107 FUND 909882.64 FUND NUMBEk 8 GAkAGE FUND 129 FUND NIIMREk 9 RETIREMENT FUND 57.142.64 FUND NUMBEk 12 REVENUE SHARING FUND 899087.50 FUND NUMBER 1A SH eel 86A.09 F "W40 NUMNER 23 SELF INSURANCE. FUND 89630.41 FUND Nlik , BER 24 PECRFATION GRANT SB 174 FUND 2 +321.16 FUND N 27 H.C.D.A. FUND 229321.79 FUND NUMBFk 31 TRANSPORTATION FUND 4x560.01 FUND NUMNER 32 PROP "A" LOCAL RETW4N FUND 6 FUn,D NUM PER 33 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE FUND 519672.51 ALL FUNDS 8889761.13 r r tot CITY OF L ���.,,�� 11330 BULLIS ROAD , LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90262 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE: April 16, 1985 TO: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Andrea L. Hooper SUBJECT: PERSONNEL COMMISSION VACANCY Nominations are now open for one (1) vacancy on the Personnel Commission due to the expired term of Nancy Gilpen. Attached letter from Nancy Gilpen. AGENDA ITEM /S �� -ity of ,�' ALL-AMERICA Cliv 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD. CALIFORNIA 90262 (213) 603.0220 March 19, 1985 HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL In October 1984 I was selected by the City Council of the City of Lynwood to serve an unexpired term on the Personnel Board. Since my appointment I have regularly attended scheduled and special meetings and become actively involved in all matters before the Board. My term on the Personnel Board will expire in May, as you know. The oppor- tunity to serve my community has been most rewarding. I would regard it a privilege and an honor to be reappointed to service on this important City Commission, if the Council so chooses. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, / L Nancy Gilpen 7 4612 Arlington Lynwood, Ca. 90262 ® CITY OF L 11330 BLILLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90262 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE: April 16, 1985 TO: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Andrea L. Hooper SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCY Nominations are now open for one (1) vacancy on the Planning Commission due to the resignation of Chris Hodge. AGENDA ITEM /I tot CITY OF L 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90262 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /NTER•OFFICE MEMO DATE: April 16, 1985 TO: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Andrea L. Hooper SUBJECT: HCDA VACANCY Nominations are now open for one (1) vacancy on the Housing and Community Advisory Board due to resignation of Betty Peper. AGENDA ITEM o- -0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF L 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90262 INTEROFFICE MEMO DATE: TO: FROM: April 16, 1985 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers ,Andrea L. Hooper - City Clerk SUBJECT: SPECIAL PERMITS - FIREWORKS STANDS Please find attached the following Special Permits for fireworks stand. Each application has met all requirements according to Ordinance No. 1183. 1. Lynwood DeMolay 2. Boy Scout Troop #84 3. Martharettes Field of Moral 4. Mitchell's 5. Lynwood Assembly of God Church 6. Young People of Lynwood 7. Sheriff's Youth Athletic League S. New Life Christian School 9. BAPAC 10. American Legion Post 85 11. Desperado Vans 12. Diamond Dolls 13. Little League Flag Football 14. Lynwood Softball Team AGENDA ITEM 21 3101 Imperial Hwy. S/E Century & Abbott 11631 Atlantic Ave. S/W Imperial & Alameda 10320 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach & Magnolia Long Beach & Sanborn Abbott & Atlantic S/W Carlin & Atlantic 2201 Imperial Hwy. S/E Fernwood /Atlantic 3831 Century Blvd 3137 Imperial Hwy 4050 Imperial Hwy CITY OF LYNWOOD CITY CLERKS OFFICE MAR 1 1985 AM PM APPLICATION FOR FIRE, ORKS PEFUMIT 7 819110 ►11112 ►3. ► 2 1 3 1 4 + 5 1 6 Application shall be accompanied by wr i tten permission of the owner of the property to use said property for sale of fireworks, a plot plan, proof of State Compensation Insurance cove --ale for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance in minimun amount of $1,000,000 Public Liability,- $l,000,00Q -- Property Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to-dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. 1. Locati of stand S/E century & Abbott 2. If a non - profit organization: :dame of organization Boy Scou� Troop #84 3. Nam and address of President of organization -- -� u A y`�r -1 3 �� / / 4. Name and address of Secretary of 5. Name and address of Treasurer of organization 6. If a business: Principal place of business 7 /1'4? � . � Na m e a nd address of owner or owners S V /, Ir j1 jv V S-XX/_ .. Na7,A/ / j' i t Address ' — Z �`�� APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS r f i r� RECEIVED PERMIT, CITY OF LYNW000 CITY CLERKS OFFICE Application shall be accompanied by written permiss on owner of the property to use said property for sal ,PM a plot plan, proof of State Compensation Insurance & §4 AIS employees, when applicable, policy of liability insur#nce in minimum amount of $1,000,000 Public Liability, =$1 : 000;000" - Pr _ _ ty Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to -dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 a. 12 midnight. Location of stand I. a no n-profit organization: ` L. l� • � t 3. Name and address of President of organization ,,, �,A _4. _Name and address of Secretary 6f 5. Name a nd address of Treasurer of organization I 6. I a bu siness: Principal place of business - 7. Name an d address of owner or owners `' �/ f r zi"'��/ / %�. ✓C �� ;,e • y �I _ _ - �� y Name Title C.- ! Address, City Telephone.Number Name of organization - Approved /denied by City Council R E C E I V E D 4 CITY OF LYI Iwo OD APPLICATION FOR CITY CLERKS OFFICE FTREWORKS PERMIT, MAR 14 1985 AM PM Application shall be accompanied by written permissi 0 �1�jpj@jp V1112131415t6 owner of the property to use said property for sale of i - Compensation insurance coverage for a plot plan, proof of Sta 11ireworks employees when applicable Policy of liabil-J ty insurance in minimum amount of $I,000,000 Public Liability, --$1,0()o erty C> certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Dama or certi 100Cr__P1rd6__ Lynwood as a co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. 1_ _ Location of Stand — 11631 Atlantic, Lynwood -2. If anon- profit organization: Name of organization Marthar(ittes Field of Moral Name and address of President, of organization T L t.q ._ Name _.and address of Secretary of' organization L (I L L 5. Name ' )f Treasurer of organization A 4aaddress L Ct,LL�_ ___ If a Principal place of business 7• Name and address of owner or owners __- T 4) -11 *LAI L ) AY IN am e Title Address City J 4 APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT. RECEIVED CITY OF LYNWOOD CITY CLERKS OFFICE MAR 141985 AM PM Application shall be accompanied by written pe rmissio;i owner of the property to use said property for sale of i reworks a plot plan, proo_ of State Compensation Insurance coverage for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance in minimum anount of $1,000,000 Public Liability, - $1,000,00Q P?- 6pe`rty Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to-dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. ` V r � V W1n Name Title Address City Loc ation of stand S/W Imperial & Alameda 2. If a non-profit organization: Name of organization Mitt hell's Na me and address of President of organization L "C - - 4 -.----Name - - and address of Secretary of-organization / dI / l��} - �� { 1 / � / i J. \- ,r / - / / �. ^.�.I. �t N ( I (,� �'.•J. �. v /J 1. �� N! G'1 �, ? l L.—� �. .L.. �� _ _5. Name and address of Treasurer of organization - — /%' 5P _6._ I a business: Principal place of business 7 • N am e a nd address of owner or owners ` V r � V W1n Name Title Address City i RECEIVED CITY OF LYNWOOD APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT CITY CLERKS OFFICE MAR 211985_ Application shall be accompanied by written permissi W PM owner of the property to use said property for sale �fi'Y� AW0446 a plot plan, proof of State Compensation Insurance coverage for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance in minimum amount of $1,000,000 Liability ,- $1,- 000;0.0Q - Prd� ty Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to-dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. Z. Location of stand ' J c) , 2. ' a non - profit organization: Name of organization - .. O `�,- (-5- 3. Name a address of President of organization -- 4. Na and address of Secretary of organization n CA r S1 J,akeo� 5. N a nd address of Treasurer of organization 6. I a bu siness: Principal place of business Y-C t t a 7. Name and address of owner or owners f - �A . �Ir o . 5c�_ � 4 Vc " I rw, Name Title Address City h Telephone Number Approved /denied by City Council i APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT. RECEIVED CITY OF LYNWOOD CITY CLERKS OFFICE Application shall be accompanied written permissi G*FtRw 1 owner of the property to use said property for sale PM a plot plan, proof of State Compensation Insurance c X4 19 P '141516 employees, when applicable, policy of liability insura*e. in minimum amount of $1,000,00Q_Public Liability,- $1 _ $l Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a.co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. F.T.'P.rTPTrAT. PRIVITT MUST BF..OBTAITTED BY APPLIC'ATTT PRIOR TO SALE_ 1 Location of'stand 21.' If a non - profit organization: Name of orgaiiization.- 3. Name a address of President of organization 4. Name and address of Secretary of 5. Name an d address of Treasurer of organization 6. I a bu siness: Principal place of business T. Name an d address of owner or owners .. 4'j h Name . _._ Title Address City Telephone .Number Approved /denied by City Council RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT, CITY OF LYNWOOD CITY CLERKS OFFICE Application shall be accompanied written permissi MAR 271985 owner of the I�R o£ the' p� property to use said property for sale �31�i�f��lt51G a plot plan,_proof of State Compensation Insurance cov rage for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance. in minimum amount of $1,000,000 Public Liability, - $1�000.;O.OQ Pr€.e`rty Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to -dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. ELECTRICAL PERM? MUST BE OBTAINED BY A_PPLICA T PRIOR TO SALE I . Location of stand `)A- .,�E�.( a non - profit organs ation: Name of organization- , 3. Name a address of President of organization JCL ftv C . ..[ �i � 4. Name and address of Secretary of L�{Z* r('mot I . . _ Name an d address of Treasurer of organization 6. If a business: Principal place of business _ - I Fl `�`'t. P .. v ..... _ �-c�S T. Name and address of ownep or owners Y� Name _ T1 1e/ Address amity . . . . . . . Telephone.Number Approved /denied by City Council ECEIVED APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT, F CITY OF LYNWOOD ITY CLERKS OFFICE Application shall be accompanied written permissi oRt2h�1985 PH owner of the property to use said property for sale MOINMO 4,5,6 a plot plan, -proof of State Compensation Insurance covgrage for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance in minimum. amount of $1,000, 000 - Public Liability =$1 f 000; 0.0G -- �6f .e`rty olicy Damage, or certificate of insurance; p shall name City of Lynwood as a.co assured. Sale of fireworks limited to -dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. ELECTRICAL PER34IT MUST BE OBTAINED BY APPLICALq PRIOR TO SALE I Location of stand a non -profit org�nizat oa: 'Name. f organization ........ r 3-._,Na a address of President of organization. J 4 ' Name and address of" Secretary of` organization ZZZF 5 7 4, , 5. Name an d address of Treasurer of or 6. I a bu siness: 1,1 . ��, - Z� 1­ zation 7 ' IZ 7 T - - Principal.plac, of business 7.,/ Name and address of owner or owners ri�f /� i Approved /denied by City Council Name. .L.._ Title / - Addx S s Telephone.Number i Approved /denied by City Council APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT," f o F 7R E CE !V ED OF LYNWOOD CITY CLERKS - FICE Application shall be accompanied by written permissio ol'Ag1 1985 owner of the property to use said property for sale�,, PIl1 a Plot plan, proof of Stater Compensation Insurance co +'��i�t5�6 employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurarke in minimum amount of $ - Public Liabllit Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shallf name City of erty Lynwood as a -co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 a': 12 midnight. ELECTRICAL PERIII7 KUST BE OBTAIITED BY APPLICP24T PRIOR TO SALE. Y. Location of stand THE S.W.C. OF CARL AND ATI ANT If a non - profit organization: Name of organization • BAPAC _ i NON PR05IT ORGANIZATION- NUMBER - 830.380 • • - 3. Name a address - of President of organization C. Ntzoa 3263 Carlin Avenue, Lynwood', ' CA - 90'262 ' ' ' 4. Name and address of Secretary of organization Sadie M. -Williams _ 3237 Eucl id. Ave-nue • Lyn-wood,- EA • 902.62 ..................... _ .... . _ 5. Name an d address of Treasurer of organization _ Rev.' H. - Mit chell x12220 South Th Avenue, tynwbdd,' EA ' • 6. I a bu siness: Principal place of business ......... .. 7. Name an d address of owner or owners " i 4-y ^� 1 �� �v ` Name Title 3263 Carlin•Avenue Address Lynwood, CA 90262 e City . ( 21 - - 979 - 9 . 183 ' ....... elephone,Number ' Approved /denied by City Council • f ' RECEIVED OF LYNWOOD APPLICATION FOR FIRV ORKS PERMIT, CITY CLERKS OFFICE MAR 2 919 5 Application shall be accompanied written permissiM Q CM owner of the property to use said � 314,1,6 p p Y property for sale c��� i ��,. a plot Flan, proof of Stater Compensation Insurance coverage for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance in minimum amount of $1,000 ,000 - Public Liabi -lity, - $1,- OOO;OOQ - P 6f,` ty Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a.co assured. Sale of Fireworks limited to-dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. ELECTRICAL PERMI T ,MUST BE OBTAINED BY APPLICAITT PRIOR TO SALE r . Location of stand --v a ,, / non - profit organization: Name of orgahizatio 3. Name and address of si / de / n of or anization 4. Name and address of Secretary of organization 5`. N ame address of Treasurer of o ganization 6. I a bu siness: Principal place of business- T. Name and addri b • ` �v D s I of owner or owners Name, Title Addr5s s City , Telephone.Number Approved /denied by City Council APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT. f RECEIVED CITY OF LYNW000 CITY CLERKS OFFICE MAR 2 91985 Application shall_ be accompanied by written permissice., PM owner of the property to use said property for sale o 15sh a plot plan -proof of State' Compensation Insurance cove#age for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance in minimum amount of $1,040,004 _ Public Liability,- $1 O OOQ �'65'@rty Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a.co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to-dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. ELECTRICAL PERMIT MUST BE OBTAI14ED BY APPLICANT PRIOR TO SALE 1. Location of stand L �r_uAi ���� n �c',c d 'z LA I£ a non - profit organization: Name of organization- 3. Name a address of President of organization 4. Name and address of Secretary of organization Lly C 62t� , � b� - 714 1`7 ... .. ......... ' C'CAI t e N'ame an d address of Treasurer of organization 6. I a bu siness Principal place of business.* �W,'7. Name an d address of owner or owners IN T; 1 � r Name _ Title t Addr ss Citq�- elephone.Number Approved /denied by City Council / J RECEIVED CITY OF LYNWOOD APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT CITY CLERKS OFFICE MAR 2 9 i985 Application shall be accompanied by written permissi 11 owner of the property to use said property for sale a plot plan, proof of State Compensation Insurance coverage for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance - minimum amount of $1,000, 000 Public Liability,= $l,- OOO;OOQ - P Cr rty Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 a. 12 midnight. 1. Location of stand 2 ;S/ _ 5. N a nd. address of Treasurer of organization 6. I a bu siness: Principal place of business_ 7 Name an d address of owner or owners Al -r - n Name Title Address City J� Telephone Number Approved /denied by City Council 2. If a n non - profit o organization: N Name of organization 3. Name a a address o of President o of organization _ .__Name a and address o of Secretary o of 5. N a nd. address of Treasurer of organization 6. I a bu siness: Principal place of business_ 7 Name an d address of owner or owners Al -r - n Name Title Address City J� Telephone Number Approved /denied by City Council APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT,' Application shall be accompanied by written permission of the owner of the property to use said property for sale of fireworks, a plot plan, proof of State Compensation Insurance coverage for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance- in minimum amount of $1,000,000- Public Liability,'$1s000,0Q0Y= Prdf-,erty Damage, or certificate of insurance; policy shall name City of Lynwood as a co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited to-dates of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. 1. Location of stand 2. ' If a n e o n- profit organization. Name. of organization Z, I // - , 1 3. Na and address of President of organization ? 4/ y / o s � - - ' - - _ 4 Name and address of Secretary of 5 . i Name a nd address of Treasurer of organization 6. I a bu siness: Principal place of business_ _ —�— Name and address of owner or owners -- .. } t, -- Name ' Title Address /� c city Telephone Number Approved /denied by City Council r C�- APPLICATION FOR FIREWORKS PERMIT,' Application shall be accompanied by written permission of the owner of the property to use said property for sale of fireworks, a plot plan, proof of State Compensation Insurance coverage for employees, when applicable, policy of liability insurance. in minimum amount of $1 Policy L i a bility, - $ls0 oc000 ?r - rty Damage, or certificate of insurance; Lynwood as a co- assured. Sale of fireworks limited s a to•date of of June 28 at 12 noon to July 5 at 12 midnight. Y Location of stand - - 2 . 1 ' If s -� 3. Na {ne non - profit orga LI 1 ' 1 a address of nation r, ' Name. of President of organization . /I/. /. . C .Name and. address of Secretary of organization . .......... . .. 5 i g ame a nd address of Treasurer of organization a .. 6• I a bu siness: Principal place of business -' ... . .. .... '�. Name and address of owner or owners l .1 . ... ... i �N a e -- Title 43. � Z/, - � ,/ e �, Addle s s City .. ...... ._. Teli�phone.Number Approved /denied by City Council