HomeMy Public PortalAbout2020.06.16 LEC Minutes MCCALL Pueuc LIBRARY BUILDING ITTEE Library Building Expansion Committee Minutes June 16, 2020 Attendance: Heather Haynes, Dean Martens, Larry Swan, Bill Thomas, Meg Lojek,Andy Laidlaw, Linda Burns, Gene Bleymeier, Charlie Nightengale, Bev Nightengale. Called to order at 9:05 AM. The building committee met June 16 to discuss the results of the library expansion bond from the May-June election of 2020. Discussion went round-table style as members of the committee shared their reactions to the results. 4 members reported the plan may have been too much rec department or too "cadillac"of a design, and 3 of those members suggested being more explicit in how the City explains why the bond included those elements. 2 members reported that the distraction of the highway building (Labor department) negatively impacted the campaign.Ambassadors present requested we divorce the library expansion from other City initiatives,for clarity to the public. Discussion concluded with the consensus that the Building Committee is not ready to give up on this important project. They suggested going for a new bond with some alternatives to what was presented. Option B from Humphries Poll was discussed and it was decided to reach out to Dennis Humphries and CM Company to see if a revision would fit into their workflow in 2020. It was also suggested that we do not have to be limited to Options A and B, but there could be a new"Option C"that would present a great alternative to the public.There was general agreement that this project can be successful with some hard work and this group is ready to assist. Meeting adjourned at 10:17 am Minutes Preped by Meg Lojek Respectfully u d by Healer Haynes, Chair