HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 1969-07-22 - RECREATION & PARKS COMMISSION��� a-- • • (J PFCIUATTOM 4 PAnT;c RECUEATION AID PAR "S rOt""ISSIn:T `frrTl"r- nF JTTL° 22, 1nrO. 1. ^Teeting calle to or 1 1v chairman Ton Bancroft at 7 30 P" i.n the Council Chambers of the Lvnwoc l rite 1 l.. 9. Pledge of klleriance was led by c.o-nmi-ssioner P.J.. 'Srunr.r. 3. POLL CALL. PRFSENT• Commissiorer T:ohert Houtz, fonmi.ssion�nr P.L. Pruner rommissi'oner W .T . "orris, rhair.mar 'Tor TtBncr.nft. 4. There being no corrections in thn "inutes of thn_ Jun= meeting, the Minutes worn annrbveO as , nailed ' ".r. 'ton Snavely informed the Commission that. .'_t is custo* -,ry for Recreation and Parks Commission to reorFanizn at the-ju1 -y *teeting eacl year and he declared the office of Chairman and vice- Chairnan ^ar_a.nt ana asked for nominations for these offices. Chairman Bancroft thanked thr Commission for the excellent c000era. -- tion he had received during the past year. "^TIOTT By Commissioner Pruner and a 0i ; " ,conde;7 - onission-Tr 'forrie to name Robert T!outz Chairman for 1 -7' There T-eino no further nomi- nations, Robert ?outz was named Chairman of the Con for 7 ^ ;n -7n. ?M -TION - By Commissioner Morris and secordad l r•ommi.n.naoner ?arcroft. to nominate P.L. Bruner for the office of Pict rhai.rman of t':r, rommissica for 1'.'C9 -70. There being, no further nominations, Commissioner. "r.rnner caas named Vice Chairman of the 0 .ommission for 1 ^ -7n, Tor. Snavely presented retiring Chairman Bancroft a Cavn.1 in annr - -- ciation for having ser•w? as Chairnan of the Ccnmissi.nr during the 1 - -C'' Fiscal Year. CTeairraan Aoutz took the Chair. 5. CORRESPONDENCE! A. `tr. Snavely statrd that Comrissinnnr '!orris had been nr•noint'ed to the Los 'ingeles ronzty Pnrks ar.' recreation rnrn?.ssion ane. hr conarat.ulatn4 him on this annointm:�nt. 3?. ?'r. Snavely also informed t';a ^onnission that t_? -ern is a vacarL on the ?ecreation and Paris Commission dui to , tr. rs >rry being appointed to fill the unexnir.ed term on tl�e City council vacated by the resignation of Councilman ruv Smith. C.. 'tr. Snavely read e letter f.ron the T.vw-ood Bnard of r'!ncation requesting .a joint meetinc, , -ith the P ^creation anA Parr. r,ommi.r,- sion to discuss recreation snrvic and facilities nrovided'4v both agencies. 'LOTION• By Commissioner Bancroft and s ^cnnded b­ Commissioner Pruner to meet with the Board of F- lucation on a n.utua.11y accov table date. Notion carried. r � Chairman 'loutz asl Tfr. Snavely to set up a nertin^ T ith the School District officials hefnro the next Commission mnetinc in August. 'fr. Snavely vas also asYei to nrepar.e n couplet report for each Commissioner prior to the meetin- T•Titli Jetni_1s of the Joint "ity- Schnn] rzcrr >,ntirn For- -,r rt. Mr. Snavely informer the Commission t_hzt th_. ^.itvv Council. would 1 1c appointir•g a new .Commissioner at their next Citv council, n: = ^*inr in August. *fr. .Courtney D.al.tnn has indicated he. would ?il­a to serve on the I.omnission. ifr. TTaltrn has been actives in our nre- grams for the past several years and is very interestaa it the Department's activities. 7. REPORTS A. The "'aces Releases. ?ratatortun report and Ruil.din^ ^.ct_ivity ,eports were review.erl. n. DEF. ^.':TT'tEr?TAL rPPnnTS A. Ur. Mattoon reported on T'ncreatinnal activities and vroprirls. The Pony Tournament stirt on July loth and will. end July 77, The Pony Tournament is h=�ing hosted by Lvnwood. The Colt Learun winners for this vear -aere t_t-e Dodcers. The Balloon To The Moon Coatest hid over 4nn participants even tho it was held the day of the stern. So far., 0— farth- est distance from w'?ich R �alloor was r 2t is rrvstal. Lalre., ' A trip to the To-. Jones ghnw at the Creek Thcatre !7 enjoy -, ,, by forty -five adults. "'barn will he a trin to the T'lrry - forte Show on J•ily 3lst. •rhildr ?r' r_rias to Pan. "i ^n ' and Disneyland were filled to capacity. E_t the Fourth of July Cr,labrlt.i.on, ticc Jsycees prasrnte,l a Marquee to the ''Tatatorium as their sift to the rite this vear. The Anneal n.ihv Shnw will he ' nt Pntcmnn j7a11 Aur.ust. 1st_ and the lnnual Pet Shov will he held in ^,i.tv T+arl. !.u� Ptb. B. Mr. Mattoon renortcl on various *.aarh nroir.cts at .each of the facilities during the nnrth. Chairman Voutz reporterl th at %'H l?nd he�in annrnached to sne if he could initiate the inst.nl.latior, of more 1inhting in the area of the restrooms at the hall. diamonds. "r. Snavel.v sti' he would_ investigate this and see what cnu1J he done regard.i - this area. C. Mr. Snavely reported or. tho nronress ride reoardinc the acqui- sition of the property .id ?ccent Lindherrh R.cbonc ' the City. A private appraiser was called in to riv an .Anprai.sal of the value of the property. After sn ^ir_r it, t',e m1n stated t ?1 ^t the County had given n ¢ood apnrai ^,a_1. Mr. Sn.avel.v stetod that this piece of nronerty oYould •zinko an idsa]. neicIlhorhrod park for that area. The ].nt is 146'x300'. 'fr. Snavely invit ^- th�2 Commissioners to st -or ' th- offic-_ at their convenience and hs would tn' then to see the property and oxnlnin it's possihla uses. 0 9 . ORAL. C�?i ?ilT >iir, Ti �, S A. air. Snavely informed the Commission of a serious altcrcation during and ofter a Weman's Softball Cain hold last fWav at Pan -ark. Them ass nhvsical as well as vnrbal abuse encoun- tered, and the nol c._ ware called. As a result, one of the teams involved has been notified that thev cannot narti.clrnt further in this Lennuc and ench "ember o° the t.a-n.n his !nor prohibited from particinatinF for the next tvn vvars. B. "i. M attoon thanked the sympathy at the passino Commissioners to-go out the new • fencirA Baseball Association rn strip, Commission for their of hi; nrandfathcr. to the City Part Lai recentl.v nut around a Poured the concrete xor.ession of n asked th ldiamnnds and top. "iavord for the mat +inn C. Mr. Snavely congratulated Councilnan Linwer for "is anncint mer.t to the City council and than "ed 'lira for his +ears of service on the T?ecr.n.ation and Parts Commission. D. rommissioner Norris said it had been a Pleasure to have sery - on the 0 cm- i9sion with Cour.Cil-na-n l,i e"mr. E. Commissioner Bruner stated tin he had attended the ninl_ omats Program. Tie stated that he thnunbt this Croun :7oas an nut dtanOing job of their activities. He asked if Service "l and industries could be asked to assist the ^inlnmats eith donations. P. Commissioner Bancroft sail he annreciated Cmmni.ssioner. ?rnrnr'r, having attended the 'liplomats Concert. rn cnn^ratulatnd Con- - missioner lorris on brain^ rnannnint_pJ to th' commission„ ar? also congratulate) Councilman Linver on his anpoint -ent to tom City council_. G. CounciInan 7onry Lieurr c_ongratulat commissioner "orris on his reannointrint. " corSratulatel rommi —ar Morris P his anpointment to the County Parks and Recreation romrissinn . To stated that he felt we h.nve tie fi_nast Commission in the City. As far as the commissions nre concerned, the City Council knows ovaryono on the various Commissions and the indi. victuals "to s-arvn on each Commission. Pe comrenteA that tt was a privilo ?e an^ an Vnnor to have serve? on this ro'nmiss H. Chairman Poutz anolo?i.zod for not having attend ^d the noncert, of the 01pl.omats. At the last minute he was Call- ^ -o nut of too- an! could not attend. 7e stated that his Church ha•' bean nrn• vidins an area for children with ' °. in i._ ^ilns to ri n nt snoci - tied times. Tbo_ iiuntington ^art• r1is is snnrcorins a "in!- Bike troun. 71 ashol if tvr"oV could nrovide a nlaca for them to rids horn under adult sunervisinn. Or. Snavely sail he -oulA invedtiiate if there wnro any nv_il - able are ^s and report bacu to •n.hoirmnn T?nutz as soon on pnosivi- 9. ADJOURn "E'7^_' There bein; no furtVar business h=f.orn t_he r^crentinn and Parts Cosn-i.ssion the meetint adjourned at 0-In P.,.