HomeMy Public PortalAboutM 1968-07-23 - RECREATION & PARKS COMMISSIONRECREATION .:ND PARKS DEPARTMENT LYITIOOD, Q1LIFO%1 NIA RECREATION !,ND PARKS COMMISSION MEFTEdG OF JUL 23, 1968. 1. Meeting called to order by Chairman i3.L. Morris at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers of the City-Hall. 2.- Pledge of Allegiance was led by Harold Mattoon.. 3. ROLL CALL. PRESENT: Commissioner Robert Houtz, Commissioner P.L. Bruner, Commissioner Henry Liewer,. Commissioner Tom Bancroft, Chairman E.L.,1lorris,, u. There being no corrections in the Minutes of the June 25, 1968 meeting, the Minutes were filed as mailed. 5. REORGANIZATION OF THE COMMISSION: A. Mr. Snavely declared the Offices of Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Recreation and Parks Commission vacant, Mr. Snavely asked for noiiina- tions for these offices. MOTIO14: By Commissioner Liewer and seconded by Commissioner Bruner to nominate Commissioner Tom Bancroft as Chairman for the 1968 -69 year. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Tom Bancroft was unanimously elected'Chairman of the Recreation and Parks Commis- sion for the 1968 -69 year. MOTION: By Commissioner Bruner and seconded by Chairman Bancroft to nominate Commissioner Liewer for Vice Chairman of the Recreation and Parks Commission for 1968 -69. There being no further nominations, Commissioner Liewer was unanimously elected Vice Chairman for the 1968 -69 year. Chairman Tom Bancroft took his position as Chairman of the Commission. Mr. Snavely presented retiring Chairman E.L. Morris with a token gavel in appreciation for his having served during the 1967 -68 year. Chairman Bancroft thanked the Commissioners for having elected him to serve as Chairman of the Commission for the coming year. 6. A. Mr. Snavely read a letter from the Lynwood Grandmothers Club and the Homemakers Club expressing their appreciation for the renovation of the Lounge at the Community Center. B. Mr. Snavely read a letter from the Lynwood Senior Citizens Club thanking the Department for the recent renovation of the Lounge at the Community Center. 7. REPORTS: A. The News Releases, Natatorium Attendance Report and Building Activity Reports were reviewed„ 8. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: a„ A. Mr. Snavely reported that Mr.. Eccles Smythe, Recreation Custodian who had resigned several months ago, had applied for reinstatement. The Personnel Commission denied his application for reinstatement but informed him he could take the Custodian examination again and Mould be considered for employment. B. Mr. Mattoon reported on Recreation Activities for the month of June. Lynwood is again hosting the Pony Regional Tournament. All of the Lynwood Leagues will complete the season by the middle of August. The new League of 5 to 7 year old boys playing at Ham Park have $ve teams. The girls will be playing in the S.C.M.A.F. Tournament this year. iy;o trips have been provided this month for Lynwood residents - -one to the L.A. Zoo and the other to Disneyland. Over 600 children participated in the Balloon To The Moon Contest. At present the farthest card returned was from Yucca Valley. All other programs are going well. C. Mr. Mattoon reported on Work Projects for the month. No major pro- jects were undertaken. All Recreation areas received regular mainten- ance care. D. Mr. Snavely introduced Miss Judy Kessler, Recreation Leader from Lincoln Playground. She explained the various craft projects on dis- play. She then introduced five Lincoln Playground participants who had come to the meeting with her. They were Stephanie Phillips, Angelique Licklider, Denise Meeks, Ricky Barrett and Becky Lee, E. Mr. Snavely reported that the Fourth of July Program was excellent this year. The Jaycees donated three permanent benches for the Space Age Play Area, and also renovated the Horseshoe Courts and put in cement areas around the Courts. This was their project for the year. F. Mr. Snavely reported that the City Council had requested the City Manager to investigate the Legislative Bill AB1797 to see if Lynw od would qualify for these Legislation funds if made available, He reported that the Bill has been tabled for the Ir esent. G. Mr. Snavely reported on the increased vandalism to City facilities which is taking place. The most recent vandalism was damage to the new spray fountains at Bateman Hall. Persons unknown climbed over the patio wall, broke some of the lace -work tile and threw it into the inside pool breaking the lights and damaging the fountain. They then proceeded to the front pool and damaged the fountain there. It was suggested that a $25.00 reward be offered for information regarding anyone causing vandalism to any of the facilities. H. Mr. Snavely presented each of the Commissioners with copies of the Annual Report. He suggested they study them and he would be glad to answer any questions regarding then at the next Commission meeting. 9. ORAL COMMUNICLTIONS: A. All of the Commissioners wished the new Chairman the best of luck for the coming year. They all stated that Commissioner Morris had given the Commission fine leadership during the past year. B. Commissioner Liewer commented on the Communication System installed by the City this week. He inquired about the increased playground participation this year. Mr. Snavely informed him that we have six School Playgrounds open this' year and all are well attended. C. Commissioner Morris stated that it had been a pleasure for him to serve on the C'ommission as Chairmen the past year and thanked Mr. Snavely and his staff for their assistance and cooperation during the past year. D. Mr. Snavely informed the Commissioners of the new telephone number for the City of Lynwood. Mr. Snavely showed the Commissioners the new City I.D. cards and asked if they would be interested in having this type for themselves. E. Mr. Snavely commented that he felt Ron Williams, Aquatic Supervisor is doing a fine job at the Natatorium and has a fine summer staff of employees. 9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business before the Recreation and Parks Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.