HomeMy Public PortalAboutGlenwood Heights27 , ti//e c2 56., • 95,, SSE` 74,4 or HID Sou4. hereby certify Ma/ /am o Req,s/erre/ Civ,/ Engineer of the Stile a'CaliYornia, that the map correct/y represents a survey mode uno'er my Supervel,on dunnq the month of February /946, that the survey is true and crarnpile as shown that all of themonunv„lashown thereon artua/ly sat,thrat�/termpositions are correctly shown and that -sad monuments are sufrcient tb enable the survey 'b beam fted.. Ga / ted " e r / Z a 1,946 Registeird Civil Engineer 46.4470 The unpireigned hereby certify that they are the onto or o -Apr SPIV /wary' hitt int'nst ,n the h'nd said ✓ dec/ osshown on t4&ago at/ Mat th.y hereby centre/.t the ptrponn'a,7 v'u'/scwdo/;anal Ma mop and ai iomir b h%.p-/ car oil /he Avenues, 5traeh; Lanes and Rib/.c Otihty Easeimenk shown ap nn This map within the /emits d Ibis sub- d✓is,on. Re -,Q / jet,- vice o. a corporotio sy By. , Sibat of California n Caun/yciSon I On this ^ cloy at /larch /347, beta// revs, Wei#4 16- aA6tbry AWE in az'fiv Me County of �n Mots Srst4 of CalrtEvnea, trs /Mg //xrFin day con reissue ed andswarrtt. pAsians* appealed _He a, Yvr,4 f. >rohr __hra..�,b mrro lr *pit`s°/; fly tires 'renfo/ ofere a Co a cprPG%� 'he or: ✓h,l. /,�.�, c n {/ b i o Me „r r t;0 me ulna .,nown ,O me 'o , /vie ns tr o -r rat'oO/fo!/4ecar/he_4 /nerem nomro end '4e4"on/.,.,fyed le me 7157/es.; .., ro. F-;c77 ri uvtu fed /he +v ma /4' W/TNES.S' WH£RCC / have /x/er mb set my bah dondarmee my officio/ sea/ the day ond/sear /n /his certirrair hat thave w itten Myeetnasxvtf✓praee.1L, li Iiit7. 7% ,lhh�ryy G�Lbk ,n aat!,fr the Cooly ee �vifk+�#, 3tt i4o! o/ifornia. re Si c /nq ecre or)/ CZX'F 4PAT/OV £4 "AMER/CA, a Colrforq,Q C ticn as Tnishre un- der Apsedof Trust record in Bo oh /2Z7 0 OtTic o/ Records at -tin Mahon County at page,/_92_q. ��s._1C/� y7 V e- an, den/ gy/3/4-70 " as.,,� Assiso,/ Siecieiea IF qi Prf0N O,c. 'Ol Jd.' 96.E " • -rJ-. 6' eFives„ D ..,v-90" /Z CENTRAL 54N/C a ColifarnAc Corporvhon� n Benerciary yunl A'4i9 unp'r L ' d o✓• 7ho/ / a oedd a Book /22n of O,9 &o/ r4econc 4- oaf! /tsb 'ert f page • By=' `-loll/ By / soden? Assxrtaal re/cry -SA:t1rofCol,/bin/a 1SS County a✓•Alameda l On this35E_aby of PE EMt R SZ46 acia •,e�I ILDR6f) �• �NSELM AN o itetbry itt/ic in and for the County off:/ona*h, Srbleof Cohiernb ralw4c19Mervin duly commissioned and sworn, µrsovaa/4yappeared of•e•SntiITH and H•f•TN0NVs. ty known is me ib Lae l/etr-Prrsv(enl and,4ssis/ont Secretory; respec/iyely, f the Co o/,on ofAm er, rrieg aColi/arna Corp h andk•C 1�L'i 5RSeN and r• A • G o 1 t_ E' krbwn /b me to be Vie Presden/ and Assist- ant Secretary, respect; ve/yy, of the Centre/ eton4 a Ca/,*m, cnrp- oration , /he carporations,Yao/ execu/sd the within instrument and a/so ,,/»were ,b me to be the Ana, who e recuMd it on beha/fof the corporations therein reamed andxrAnow/edged to me ,hest such carpoeohons executed the same. /A/ WITNESS WHEREOF /bane hereunto ..set my harm' and ot9ixed my officio/ sea/ //x day and year in this crrtifi'_ co* first above wrrMtn. A-3' Comm/anon Expvrra: M A Rs r+ 4, ore • Tec in a ,6r the asigi5i , at,4 n,,cS .Sabrea'CoI' orna. r9-tr)t, sssCerl# :xsi �v a5oo 542.48%0 /4) 4% 'b "74- fPp O PAC TITLE INS. CO v q u CC O o4 Q Note: The basis at bearings -shown on Ih/s /rep is the soauthwesherty hit al Bloch 6 .ivbarvs/on MMa/ Meadow Heights, retarded Alpert,* /9,f' in it/time 23 al Mops at page 50 Mat County iiicortft The blue bower indicoes the boundary°, the brad subti vide, by this mop. A// chinens ons art in abet and detymo,4 thereof • indicates nix? ppe monument P. U E. • Public Utilities Easement 5.. S B.1. s eaik/rrif.5e/bock Line. CAL. PAC TITLE /NS. CO. / hereby certiy that / hake e+ronwnded the within ono/ /nap en1 lkd "Hop .Xa /G/eneuoad /4�4i&, that the swicoyilion as shown "berme) , • suttsionhaftyhx,maas it appeoraw'on the tfwib/ie,n p liero/' end asy approved ai/rrohons, that a// provisions otette,Abp4c/ar/937 and atany loco/ ordnonee app/icabk at /It tine of g a'vao/a{ the tentative map have been complied with and Mat/ am 59i:stied that so,d mop /s correct taW l/ T Oatso' /9.4lF. City Engineerd•ttx City of.'b-,hbhe. / hereby Ott// 60 Ma/ the 0 Cared or/he / a' Sys Miry, at /ts / i r nanrfinraoy held an the aby of flan, duly opprawl the nap shown herrce7 al /zeal its tee ora0' arrep4✓ ao betxx/f of the pubhe a// Nenuhi'`ic�rs,,r -Streets AfterA/,(eys and PubMc!/h/ties&aseirxnh o/9ernd PS,-o rehon tbvv'pub /e: use in nibvnely with the vans of Ihr air a'dld ro'i o6on. anise /917. jizikt...7:72 t Clerk of 11e CNy align At This is to certify /iao1 the within map was ,orraented lo the City P,bnning Ccm/n/ssim ar the 0 /y of Son Mateo at its regular oronv*4' meeting het' on the 4tats Qyyy, of A9sf iFt /946 and duly ggvroved by said Cann, ,ac.. • Sae Mott City ing Commission. By By retry__ F/LEND. SF,A78G Accepted for / cu.. a and recorded in Sack 2 7 d oaot, .flaye_6 , in the office of the County ,Sircreer of /he County ar Son Matto, this 25 n''dyo arc Mnrr h 1.947 of 9 • 54 ,4,4f. a 4 Cain ty geronser ar/he Cam)/ d..'%ra Mott MA.P NO.1 GLENWOOD HEIGHTS SAN MATEO, CALIF. JUNE 1946 SCALE 1%100' W. D. SOULE CO. CIVIL ENGINEERS. 27 Walt NOTE APP ^ Feb /0, /34a - i7esub Lots 3 .5 5/fi /- Of S 1 W. 0 Sou/e, hereby cer//fy Ma/ /am o Registered Civil Engineer of the hate of Ca/Yornro, that /his map correctly represents o survey made under my supervision during the month of February /946, /hoc/ the surety is true ono' compere as shown that a// of /hr /770/741/72C/77:,shown /hereon acfao//y exist that/heir-positions are correct/y shown and /h»/stzn/ monun/ents ore se/Mcient to triable the survey rb irre/rarrt/ Giotetd /946 Rev/stereo' Civil En9/neerNo.4470 The unarms red hereby certify /hat they ore Me owraers of cv/,fare $wrx they MA' falters/ /n the kand su6d ✓ided cis shown on /hcsmoporat km` l Pye*'b 4 pub /cnctar or/h/er Avenues, ha�'�ahon 0/701 rb pmop ub/,c Ufi/ivy Easements .shown epon this map within the /mils of fhis sub- dvision. 2&k of Co%forn o Coady cf.Sonitioteo j-55 on the day of /946, befayr me oA6k/ey Pub/,c in and for the County of Son Mateo, Synte o/Cahibrnio, rrs/thhq Morin, day cnrnm/ssioraedands-torn persona*appeomd t/ /1 N/ariebvaak/ and /sobe/he M Afacpona/d h s wik known 1b me to be /4. persons whose names are subscribed /a /he within As/rumen/ ono' /hey ackiz w/edosd rt' ms that /hey executed /le sane. /W/TNESS WHEREOF / have herein%, set my hanclondagiree my off/cia/sea/ /he day acrd year in this cerM'coaf firs/atnve written. /titf'CcmmiesrrnE. cw, s CORPORAT/ON OFANER/CA der GeedofTrust record 4, Mateo County of pave_. By Oce-President A6kry Publc aiaand/£rt& Ciznty d S7ot*mtt Slo/eof Co//torn. aCo/{rn,a Corporation, as Trustee un- Book ofOfco/Records of_en By .4ssis/bnt Secretory 14. l4• O 14 140-0 too e Soso oe, • o 0 S5 / 447"04, OA - 0). •(-96-• ire 3s S CENTRAL BANK o Co/iforno Corpornhon as Beneficiary 1049 under LLeedotTuit recorded in Book of Officio/ Records of Son Atoka Car/775/ a/ pave By kce President BY Assrstmd Secretary _Plate ofCalifarma County ofA/omeda }Ss On /17th day of /946 before me a 46/bey Po6hc in and for Me County of,4/o/necla StoleofCa/furnio /es/Mho /herein, duly cwnmissibrxd arksworn; perscv/a//y appeared anto to Vie -President and As slap/Secre/iry, respec//ve/y knownfthee Corporal/an of America, a Cohfornio Corporation and ono' known to me to be vcr Prattle/71 cent 0401Assisi- an/ Secretory, respectively of /he Centro/ Ban4 aCaki,/97 o corp- orafion, //e corporations #'a/ executed /he with»/ 'hstrument and 0/90 krewn to me to be /he1Oersons &e&o executed./on te/aa/fof the corporal/cans /he tin named andacknow/edged to me MO/ such corporations executed the same. arxd o feed myEof/2ao/ sea/ WHEREOF- day and year in fhis ve hereunto se/ chand er1/2/ - cafe firs/ above written. My Comm/ssvon Expires: Nofory Public in and tvr t/.rCeunf}/ ofAbine &, State ofCo/,torn a, sar 4/ Cho /af53, /f hem Note: The basis of bearings shown on this crap ,s the southwesterly /ere of Bloch 6 Subdwsion A6/ Meadow Heights recoro'erd4on/29 /91/ in Warne23 of Mops a/pave SO, .S,rrMateoCounty h s The blue border /ndlooes tie boundary of /he s hndubd vide' by /his map. A// lnieons are in feel and decimals thereof s c,1--9oi rgrq). LP,/ %v Bloc s42.4.6/o-w 54l'48./O"W 0B.2/ 421'4370'w 9b gee • /no/tholes iron ppe monument PO E. - Pub/c Ufi hfies Easement B.SB.L.=Budding Se/bark Lane. 2 sec, 5€ l Sc3 ay. CAL. PAC. T/TLE /NS. CO. CAL. PAC. T/TLE / hereby certify 1/20// hake examined the within font mop en////ed Nlep N.. /6/ennaa d l/ei94/s; that the subevision es shown t/aerecn rssubstonho//yy the some as ,/ op ird on /he lento/We mopke revf army approved a/tecatiorur /ho/a// provisions of /he NlopActcd/937 arxlarony /coo/ oic*raonce opp/cable at the there of approve/of /4, lenlahi,r map have been comp/ied will? and /hat / am satisfied /hat sobs mop /s ca-rer/ Oohte /946. City Engineer ofthe City ofSon i't o. / hereby certify Nag/ the C/, Coiner/ of the C1/2,41.57/7 Nbtet,, ad its rryuhr meehn tae/d on the day of / du/y approved /he map shown heircv, aat/xr,zedits rrcont/ ion oral orrep/bo' an Lrho/f of /he pub/ic a// Avenues Streets P tter A//eys and pub/rc Uti//its Ease/net amend for thfiorr 7+Paib= he use ,n contbrrmty with the 47777S of/he air acded/oaf/on. agteaa /946 C,4 ae,-k of /he Coy ofSan itt/ea This is /o bent/icy /ha/ the w/thin map was present d /b /he City P/onninq Commission at the 0/y of Son Mateo of ats orequ/or meet/irq he/don the oy /946 and duly afprr veo' by soro' Carxntz ate. Sort Mat City P/onninq Cornm/.ssion. By Chairman. ey Secretary F/LE NO. Accepfo' for rrccvc' and recorded in /leo* 27 cif/gape;age 2 ,n /he office of /fie County /mac aver, of the County cd San Mateo, this do" AIM of M. /997 County Retnrotr' of the Cainty GI _Son Moat/ MAP NO. I GLENWOOD HEIGHTS SAN MATEO, CALIF. JUNE 1946 SCALE I%100' W. D. SOULE CO. CIVIL ENGINEERS. 214