HomeMy Public PortalAboutHillsborough Acres (2).t, 17 Mw 4/O6t/ RL L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS ;- 711.47 RE/6. </. L IM/4 JR. 4WD L. c/OSEPNINE LANG, his wife, as owners ,n fee- simple Qbtsc/u/e o/` /he /ands de/Blotted hereon, ANGLO- CAL/FORK/f1 TRUST COMPANY, a cocba'athtin, of trustee and REST COAST LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, a COrAonr/den cis aiwoe/icia7 under Deed a{ T usf recorder' ,v/ Yo/carne 287 of Oft/c/a/ taro/sal `aye 375 Records of Jan Matea (au/77Y, Calisten, WESTERN . WER/CRN REALTY COMPANY, ei cb1;27oratian, as trustee, and ANGLp-CAL/PORN/A 7.91/ST COMPANY a cor,bcra/, on, sat bend;-2Ciary under Oeea' Tru.tt recorded Volume 293 of 633Ticig/ Recona's crt pa9ca 200 Recorus ofad County, and Pie/17C 69S AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corprntion, froaier Dian azrerl/en/ by I rani rearded //r Vo/ame 3/9 of Of/cia/kirearQfr a/ page 302 records of aid Count', hereby author/it the subdithicn enti//ed fU4D/Y/S/ON, Of PORTIONS OF LOTS /4& /5 HILLSBOROU6N ACRES', SAN AMMO, C./I:" aild cone ad consent to the math/ gatd »%/47 of fall /he Inch £rodeo/: mu- this my, cons,:rts of two sheers, Ao not Sheet No./ embracing consents, C e}l *eS. oyo/eor4Lr, Qcrnvw/e/L9entt#/J, and the title, and thee/No. 2 eminent the da/ineistpn dyad/ lots, streets, /ands area' easement's and tbow/ny fnorlan,en7'.r as /Pond and appearinif on moo gram 1. THAT this map is a free ,b/en o/' the JL/ioiY/S/ON OF PORTIONS OF LOTS /46 15. N/LLSBOROU6H ACRES, JAN MATEO, CAL/f. THAT -i4' /and de/inealed and deri9lvted hereon as LAS SOMBRAS COURT and FUL TON ROAD are interim and ore hereby offered far dedication as streets 79, public use. THAT all 5 and /0I Wjfrps of land delineated hereon with dotted Anti and designated hereon at SEL✓,Q EBJEMENT.S"air intended end are hereby offered /3rdedicat/On to public nee as easements /Sr hbe constrvetiav ant maintenance of sewers av/y. TWAT theartah 5etid,O,aatsS"0oir/a4d at/into/ea' hereon with dash hues aai desynated EASEMENT Po? ORA/NA6E"v /n/Ended aims hereby offered for deaf/Oaf/an to public use as easements for the disposal of surface and storm waters only. TheAT 401 certain S>o%tea.rm'&nf de/mealed ht-een wi/h dot and dash dine; and de;RvmWd as 'RUDE/C UT/L/TY EASINfiYT' /1 inftndrd and /t hereby aflered for dedica/ion as an nvsemen/ ior fide con/ruction and main/,nonce a/ setters and /a6/ic al/lilies only. THAT ,44p above termed parries are the onlyparfies whose consents are neceessary ', pars a ear tie h7 /She /ands .shown hereon. 1N !s//TNESS WHEREOF, tad 'l(/6 (./LANG JR. and L.JOSEPH/NO 1.41/6, as owners, have hereunto set their hands and.Feo/S, and .raid ,94'610- CAL /FOR/Y/4 MOST comma//y, corpdrebon as /rushee, said NEST COAST L/FE /NJURANCE COMPANY, a corboration, as benefciaty, sand WESTERN AMERICAN REALTY COMPANY, a corporation, as trustee said A/slL0-CALIFORNI4 TRUST COMPANY, a corporation, as bene,iciary, and said PAC1f/C 6,4.5 AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corporator, as ==e, have caused these presents to be duly sinned err! attested sneer their cor0orafe Seals this day of Jepfe,p-het; /92'9. ✓ lei - , • + + �d L.4 J; ANGL O -CAL /PORN/A TRUST COMPANY.' -. a.. ( /.2 t / WEST COAST I IPC vmse pokrE COM, wt',• • Ri sSrw.r. h'ESTEI S,V vat-R/CANREALTY COMPPrry, ,gneza-CeI /p eNIA TRUST COMPfNYf P // ',pew astt A*D EL,EZ'TR/C COMPANY, raft Vtmss, e.o.,ei St* ai.ayavec 4d T. •eft? er. -Cearara y Sb9TE OFCALGr2R1dq Cr/NTY OF $,e,V Mq red *-.f On /his /he .e c: •f day o / fsa/ .r /929, heS" p me e / a nofay dub/,c, in and a- fhe said S/bfe and C.ouny, retr�ir, r fbere n, 4/{)/ ' (,y/nrrtz^.ironed and swootper.ronorgy appeared rt.LY_ an Known /o ride.' o fref /he per whose WD/*in mst-arneof and ac rnow.edyed .4 a/ Ay brines a, a Jui rcri6ed /o ei'cu/rd /he carne. /N WITNESS WHEREOF, / hare hereamb .re/my hand and mired m o/ftc/ sea/ Me day end year /as/ above wrif/er/. My evantyiSspe nSaire J , j - 5 2. /rain�j'pub//e fit and //r,%eCourdyoFf ��r Slide° of ClyhArniq s-7 5TATE OfOFIL/TORN/A '1 SS C/TYAND COUNTY OF,IANfi ,,pNC/SCO J • ro • On As yes o'`day of Se/b/ember, /97,9, 6Pfire me // c_: 4- x , r r • if . t_ a notary pb4c, in and for aid Ciiypnd (Iwo ref/dintehtiwn a'/y crnn,,rrmncd Ono' swyorn, pe-rlona //y jpp��??rrri e} u ttt 1 i and L -a-� -1/tu . `•o' er e7-A.tz-t •rnown 4 me /e 6e ?he f�-c c - f 2f -w --Meted 11-1---3,141.--e cue c d-ajresprcf vc/yof /be -AiNGLO-CAL/FORN/9 Tire r,MPA,YY, fhe rorra//an /ha/ erecu/cd the within ins/rumen/ as 7/rH5/ee, *worm /o nee fo be Meper:rvns w,fa ex -ended' /he cos/rumcnt ;t Lelia/f of #e corr6oro/icy /4errin r!omed, and ocynondedyc/fo ire //at Sach corpora/ion execute/ the some. /N /Y/TNESS ?Wee ter, I have hereunto- .re/ no/ hand and a/4fedmy o}ficia/ sea/ the day anI year /Jos./shore wriYfeo, > /�c.t ✓�� /,,- • �a t -e —t- -c No/dry "abbe in and her /he City and Crank of fanFrancisco, stale of (a/iforn/a. ay commis/Oa erpirrfo5ad ..«�Le�t 3d- y j -� STATE OF Cgz/FORN/A. ) is C/TY AND COUNTY OF JAN FRANC/SCO. J On /his 30-"f day of Se/iem6er /92t be fore me? .,1 n Xy- Zr- -d-e-; a notary publk in anal r i !it' and rouriy, residing fhere/n, du/y c ow mn/0 nee' dad swan, pit rorlo//y at) care ono/ _ Known /a me 4 be /he 11 ac_.4Gc.,.. - an fir sy reraecfivey of fhe {NEST COAST L/PE. /NSU,PANrE r'OMP#, /1, /he earfora/ion /ha/ executed /he wife,» i, p-'mcar as 6eceF,rigy, st-nown At me /o 6e /he,berron.r who extra/ea' /he within insfrnrryen^ 4/ beta/f of /he corporafon ?herein nomad, and aecnow/edged 4 me /ta such rn..2wtm/ran necu/ed /he Jame, 14' IY/TNESS 1rlaatte; / have herfun/o set my hand ono' affixe,Jrny o/iCia/ fee/ ike dry andyear /as/grove writ/`q. � . %'C -n 2-t -rrn / , : t —t-C t- -cC dads public in and /2r the Cr?y and Coanfy of.fan fianureo, state o/ Ca/'*rare •Ny ation islmrl eY/nrr.>yiis -z�+ e :3-,' - i i 3 c STATE OF CAL/PORN/17 Js CITY 17ND COUNTY OF 5gNFRANC/SCO J On /his 3Q ' . day of Se,olember; /929, bosom me aster d rya-� ee a notary puk//c /n and f�o,,r//said Cif/and County, residing /herein, duly commissioned and swarm personally appeared and /herein, *won lame /o be /he /' �r .wd` an n , s/ecf/ve/y of /he WESTERN AMER/(AN PEAL TY COMP/1NY /fie corbercrlien that eyecafed f e v✓/fh/n tzoS-umeof as trusiiee, /crown le me k be Ile frrfens svhe e'xe-a/cd /bew/hfiq in.r/rumen# ,i7 beta/1 of .d/e cor`orafiea /herein named, and noon/ea/pad to me/Sa/;Lich corfierafion eretufed fhr ran,e. /N W/ThESS W6'5FEOF / have hereon/0 .re/.ny hand and a/A,roesmy 0.1/ii-4,' few,' me day and year /as/ aio✓e m,/kn. • di/ Comm/„ear/ /Mr/ itaehc ire aod>or //lc !'fyand Litanfy -of Bannon/lco, Sikh- of Cs/?taro. STATE OF CAL/FOA// - r/Ty,gry0 COUNTY of ahet 9NCilrO ) Sf '�, - ��oo on this ,3v - r • day Al f4/crn6er /Jr.? A -6,e mc/-' c-..e-tra , .btu • -,7o/cry Pa66c irr and /or aid oy un�s halt', /e`lie5g5'4 sir. 414.://Comm/,kr/crer? /70dSWcrn, frrr000//yy rPRe J�r� � U4 iL era ✓1st .. tit < � mromn /b /she to k the /'- - oar ---Ys...) font. ri, �.rer,7 Cher ved/ of /he pica- o,9L IFO,94r..e Prafr r wpgiv✓, /he corjrora/loci /ASereculed /hrwithiil 2r/siramenf as es, pq,-y/ Xnowo /o me /o be /he f/erron.r is ho ereca/ed Ike rte//4/;; /nsfromeet n bet e/f ar/h,C- corporal/on /heeren namet7 and acr cw/edyed 7o me thatfacfi corpora/,or, axed led lhe_torn) /4' W/TNESS H'/?EPEOF, / Anr hero r//o -re/ my hand tonda//.resfmyo/%cr./sew/ dse a*/ya./dyew- /ar/a6ove nth- e. ' . Ao a6,Fc /a a"n'/ r /be l/ dal rcwnf ale 5cn , snalca, ..00//e•ase r .r1y 570E OF CALIFORNIA • fi CITY 8/Y12COUNTY OFIANF,PAi(/lip on /hr 14th day o/ October; /9rs bayou gnotory pab/,c 'b and far trio' ct ved tawny, ref/4io9/hereto dad' ce..»rniirione,f Oad✓3vorr/ perro//a4'rappe aid P. M. Oomeeting and O. At Foote Known /o me 10 be /6e- Yin°. Pres. and Cen. n/gr an*' Secre easy rejpeci'vc{y fhe Pyritic a- yrry fZECTeree ca. navy, /be car,a'rar/ y /her/ exccv/cl /hewrfh/O /a ksoyee/ eS /rushee, .sawn /p mr tc ber/*e /errant who erica -14i /be wrfh o d,sfrvmenf ,n *'hd aF "7/r corporohoe fherem neared and aornow/✓yes/ fo me /he/ -teach trios -/too e,cecvfc//fie .tome /N WITNESS WHEREOF, / Rave hoer unto .rp,!my he add allured of><iere/ roe/ fhe day and 99er /asf e6o✓'c wri//£r/. el A/y comrn,rs/oa Cri:r✓.)teit ate -731 .sn/erypvbfic ,n eye',r /h o * e/C.any ry �.Santr not co, sole ../ Ce%,roteve. / darner S domes, Civil Engineer, do hereby cerfif Me/ this mod war mode /ran a /:.d eras an Oaf c/ survey ,not f y e oh Me groans,'of fhr load deli. voted hereon r r n7 ci E ya/ - ae./a'%/a,rn. de G 1, w,.• Foster, C/err Of f ee C3Yy of tea Hafeo, Jf etvf.#.e /�f!o/ at . no lerxr r ao w;d man;t/po/ later, nears a./ye//eya4.4 es/,ra/a/rd 1. it ay/r.4i.a ' .a # *' 7S non' /he /ratio!/arid or any per/ fberio�f ar rbowe en {his rags . • C/erro/l4ecfy.f-roeMSn -• oahed. ft/el.., 1 .-0.2,/ / County Auditor ditto Gavots. ere*: ion Mof/i., :!'rtr,` o f cnyebtnie, de fj reby cattily fbdf,4iere o ce°o hoer /br unfn'd Coon77, lore:, ecn9►' 4nwn./yet peywd/e es/i d fot/e ap,Prerin o%/y / , areee-'t /he /no of of /end or awe! therrot, os deefne+/ed onN,:r AQQ1eqi /1,27 Crrafi e�for ^. This rs to cerei4e /4o/ 4 Bon,/ toe - ,00/410 714 of /over on /he lies/ al/en/ ddn,aors/ on lhie tine, os ceg.rn/ 6t' /on. ho-' 4/S dig been 14e/ end cpo roe+/ by fbe 5oord 0/./....",o- rorr e/ See; M'/eoCovnty, S,;/e of Co/.irn,e. doled ,l - / ltz -L/ / j: -�' do hereby fy --- Mal me rabdris/;o, of any par//hereof at do/,neahod 00 Misr swap /snot ✓'af/'ctt Ares:: y .rpec,v/ arrerrmeo/ which tor. no/ keen Aydin lv// rewdeoei(rowe r, q/.bi;r cer-ta-ale does no/refer /6 any pendd.iy retecro/ arrenrinan/ dr/rit fr:> , L/, d s/ 770 I /let el a�frrt'If Jeerc%ry of /he C.r Pronnny Coeom,rrioo of /he Cl/ of .ten Mateo, Sided' do hereby carbil gel Me w,f6.o me, Ivor_ yi ry approved by raid c4' P/onn,ny Comm.sroe ofilsreyv/ormeW,nj *C/o' on ihr /!r� der a{ ., .ar oa,�d (---,.//5..25;-9., Yay iG�Gji2 L� chi -cc.t - See elLrry of lee C4. fl*aawry Ca ..e..• ,✓r/oa oflhr C.5- e/-Soa Mo/ao. e%nrof/he an' of s��,,ee,-- ilorr. offa'Afdido Caws. Ce.4: Oro. / O.F We rryerier, C./y Eny aver of /he G/,' of teen Mo%, J/•% o%C/,/eM.%', a feeely cerf,/y /4a/ / 4avice- nnae/ /h;r seep and hove ,6aadifcarred ar 7e sv/, eieney o{ oflder./4', consen/r f madnf /hereo,C cerf,Yce%s o%dedlea/,an, acceptances cJ'dedoof.-,, acrnow•respesed.S,, eorrec/errs of tree,- vey,4y d At, andor to as ayrr Tel/ - . nary to a.,o/y with Me prorirr;onr of /a G7ated /7' //9 T cty En racer of///e r./i, .slate of Co/// r.-ve. • / E. W.ros/e/; 0:4'Crerr on C/err of/beC,Coc-nc/o/eitbeC.ft'eve fan /a/er, 5,b/e of Ce/,Tornio, *&v%yy cerf. /lo/ /he *van mop of "JUBOiwnew or vAPT/G»'.;, OF LOTS /4 end /S ib,CL.reaotem N ACRFJ, SAN MgT4O, C&L,FvwoJA.r�er/fM.� ✓iril city Coancl e/ ex revolt,-rnee%rig held on ,'he /4' - dayote�.`"'•4e't 9t qnd /ha/ reed G. y ante,/ by /rroJaf o. dv/y,o aria/; approved .rq d mop avow jai fee on beta// di/he/00M- -cairn /Post) and Las foneenn; COURT or Fob/if S.-r►a/ `.:ved /he sane /a fool sewer eolemen/., /he 5/oof Puauc urairy Arewewr +n✓ /.Sir `, Sand /0 4o'- earernanft for dro/neyc qs' /herein o//ercd for tired ca/,o.e ,toy p s rr e.>y C/err tA%/it C9o//eo,E./set S/a/c of CoA%re'e. Doke/ L:•r/►f'f L/ j 7 .r - 'l f File No. 46440 B "Wed Aar record a//be reyaeJ/of A.J Zang on /he Z/&" airy or Oc%bet /9ty, a/ /0 mina/el par' // ormop r a/ for," 70 and 7/ Jan A/afeo Courto/ Fecordr ,n ✓dame /7 Cooney ordeer SUBDIVISION OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 14 & 15 HILLSBOROUGH ACRES SAN MATEO, CALIF. CONSISTING OF 2 SHEETS. SCALE: I"=40' SEPT.192 9. James S. ,James, Civil Emir. burfmgame, Ca II SHEET / Of 2 SHEETS tome"' cLAre2NG16 P V .P..E716RS JiY /he - es. 24 R.30. 2 N 3 i2.9'S4E /6'6•:4' / / / / / / / / e No too / Osrce/ 4 4 / / / / / / 7CIPWJ df JJJLLSDOROIJv^r-1 0 CIN 0 0 50. ,Vote - Porfion of Fu/ton Road Abandoned.. Rer. offnf No 46-2/ Poted 6/02/445 dppr hlay /9s6 -.eesub. Of t of 3, Poi- Of L of 4 ? Fe///0/7 ,Pd Sub of tots /4 ?vs'. io y/``Se0.90Z/GH BpUZEIiqe° 207 SE, ROAD 71. 3JJ.DJYJSJC'Y .NCI, 3 SAY M.,-17 .rlJF.�Jst Note: 2X2 Hubs shown thus. O Iron 4i Monuments shown the: • SUBDIVISION OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 14 & 15. HILLSBOROUGH ACRES SAN MATEO, CALI F. CONSISTING OF 2 SHEETS SCALE: I' AO' SEPT. 1929. vames 3. James, Civil Emir. burlingame, CaliC • Chat Ala 2of Z 4hter., 29.