HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 8/4/1942��" August 4th 1942. Regular meeting of the Council;- I��iayor Graham presiding, ��" nd Councilman Haack- Kruse Okone s- Li ndaman and Lutve present ; . Minutes of the ��'uly meetings were read and it was moved by Kruse second by Luive the.t they stand ax����roved. as read.- hloti an carried. 1����7artin I:i.Boeke representing the cor,T����ittee from the Fire Company, requested that the Council buy new tires for the Fire Truck. It was moved by'o Luwe second by Kruse, that the Clerk riake ap����lication to the tiYar Production board for permit to purchase 4 new Tires and Tubes for the Fire Trucl��- carried. It was moved by Luwe second by Okones ghat the Secy of the ��x��x�� Band submit a report on finances of the Band. Treasurers rev_ ort was received, read. anti oa��dered p��.aced. on fi7_e. - Earl ��Gre��.ny made an apy��licatio for ��, Class B beer ��persiit, presented his Bond, and License fee. It was moved '��.Okones second by Kruse that the council grant a Class B beer permit to Earl Greany and tha the Bond. be . approve d- Ro17_ Call Ayed- rLaach Kruse- Lind_aman- Lutve- Okon��s. Nays None- Zayor declared motion carried. " It ryas moved. by Luwe second by Okones that t'ie Marshall �� s salary be increr_sed 10��� payable in tiVar Savings Bonds. 2����lotion Carried. . The folloivin��; del��r;ates were chosen to attend the League Convention at Cedar apids Aug 18th and. lath- YT L Luwe and . H P Kruse. " �� " Tl1e following; bills were presentee and on motiotz by Li.ndaman seconsd�� by Luwe allowed.. as read..; Geo Sietsema- r.2owing Z'Veeds �� 3.00 Central States Elect Co- Street lights 57.21 ���� ���� .rotor Potaer 2��; . B2 i.latt Parrott & 8ons - l����eter Bool,,�� blanks 1.86 Henry Hippen- 1 Load Gravel 4.00 Ted Boomgarden- Putting liF;ht on Tank 5.0' ��Vu��;����ens Oil Statlzon- G_ s 8; oil. 3.01 F G Pierce Secy- Annual Dues 20.00 C R I 8�� P Ry- express on bottles .16 Otte. T j a den - ":'_arshall 50.00 ���� ���� Pumping ��Yater 25.00 ��"' Setiver Caretaker 25.00 '"�� Cash Advanced 1.25 tiVellsburg Herald- Printing 25.82 ��Vellsbur��; Band- Concerts 20.00 Okones Impl Co- Gaso7_ine 1.06 Heys Boomgardes- S ��ecial Po7_ice 4.50 Peoples Sav Wank- Int on tiVa.rrants 137.00 nu _ n 3a.00 There being no other business council adjourned. C.l e rk L I����Tayo