HomeMy Public PortalAbout01-02-1990CCi City q f LYNWOOD vl C(tg Amteg N av en ges 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CAUFORN1A WM (213) 803 -0220 ri L IN ORDER TO EXPEDITE CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS, WE ASR THAT ALL PERSONS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL FILL OUT A FORM PROVIDED AT THE DOOR, AND TO TURN IT IN TO THE CITY CLERK PRIOR TO THE START OF THE MEETING OR BEFORE 7:45 P.M. FAILURE TO FILL OUT SUCH A FORM WILL PROHIBIT YOU FROM ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL IN THE ABSENCE OF THE UNANIMOUS CONSENT OF THE COUNCIL. k �. R CEIVED AGENDA ITEMS ON FILE FOR CONSIDERATION C Y OFLYNWOOD AT THE MEETING OF THE LYNWOOD CITY COUNCI CI Y CLERKS OFFICE TO BE HELD ON JANUARY 2, 1990 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS DEC 291989 7 :30 P.M. AM EVELYN M. WELLS MAYOR PAUL H. RICHARDS II MAYOR PRO TEM LOUIS HEINE COUNCILPERSON CITY MANAGER CHARLES G. GOMEZ CITY TREASURER MARY-L. WRIGHT ROBERT HENNING COUNCILPERSON ARMANDO REA COUNCILPERSON CITY ATTORNEY HENRY BARBOSA CITY CLERK ANDREA L. HOOPER OPENING CEREMONIES 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION - REV. C.C. COLEMAN 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL MEMBERS Louis Heine Robert Henning Armando Rea Paul H. Richards II Evelyn K. hells 5. CERTIFICATION OF AGENDA POSTING BY THE CITY CLERK PM I 1 . r 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1990 6. CITY'CLERK /REORGANIZATION OF COUNCIL 7. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Regular meeting - November 21, 1989 Special meeting - November 29, 1989 Regular meeting - December 5, 1989 8. PROCLAMATION - "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Week" 9. COMMENDATION - Commending Steven Cooper for his heroic actions in saving the life of an injured auto accident victim 10. RESOLUTIONS a. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ENCOURAGING THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE AND OFFICE OF THE AGRICULTURE COMMISSIONER, LOS ANGELES COUNTY TO INSURE ADEQUATE NOTICE OF MEDFLY SPRAYING AND REASSURE CITIZENS IN AFFECTED AREAS OF THE NON - TOXICITY OF MALATHION APPLICATIONS b. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD REQUESTING THAT THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD SCHEDULE A FORMAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF CONFORMITY PROCEDURES INTO THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN 11. COUNCIL RECESS TO: LYNWOOD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY LYNWOOD INFORMATION INC. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (Regarding Agenda Items Only) MATTERS 12. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REVOKING THE BUSINESS LICENSE ISSUED TO - THE LA FRONTERA BAR LOCATED AT 11620 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Comments: City Council will hold a public hearing to consider whether or not the business license issued to La Frontera Bar should be suspended or revoked. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council hearing relative to this item per the Municipal Code Section 4 -9.5 (formerly respectfully requests that City Council cc business license for La Frontera Bar. 1) hold a public City of Lynwood 17 -113) 2) Staff asider revoking the CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1990 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE All matters listed under the Consent Calendar will be acted upon by one Motion affirming the action recommended on the agenda. There will be no separate discussion on these items prior to voting unless members of the Council or staff request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 13. SECTION 108 LOAN PROMISSORY NOTES AND CONTRACT FOR LOAN GUARANTEE ASSISTANCE Comments: The purpose of this item is to request Council approval of a resolution authorizing the issuance of Notes for the Section 108 Loan and authorize and direct the City Manager to execute the notes and contract. Recommendation: Staff respectfully requests that Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the issuance of the Section 108 Promissory Notes and authorize and direct the City Manager to sign the Section 108 Notes and Contract. 14. WARRANT REGISTER DATED JANUARY 2, 1990 Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council approve the Warrant Register. DISCUSSION ITEMS 15. INSTALLATION OF RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS AND STRIPING ON STATE STREET, INDUSTRY WAY, AND EAST ALAMEDA STREET Comments: The County Sanitation Districts and Southern California Gas Company have installed new lines on State Street, Industry Way, and Alameda Street and have not replaced some of the damaged raised pavement markers and striping. These two -- agencies have agreed to reimburse the City for repairs done. Reinstallation of raised pavement markers and striping at these locations is estimated to be $12,000.00. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing staff to obtain informal bids for this project. 16. BROTHERHOOD CRUSADE /TERESA WILLIz0S PRESENTATION - POS;IBLE ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1990 17. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1990 Comments: City Council will be reviewing the City of Lynwood Chamber of Commerce 1990 budget requests. 18. DELEGATION OF SISTER CITIES INTERNATIONAL (SCI) PROGRAM DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Comments: Staff is returning to City Council with additional information regarding this item requesting Council's direction. 19. REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF STANDING COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS SHERIFF'S AGENDA 20. ANTI -AUTO THEFT PROGRAM Comments: Council is being requested to consider implementation of the proposed Anti -Car Theft Program for the City of Lynwood. CITY CLERK'S AGENDA 21. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ADVISORY BOARD (CDBGAB), AS A COMMISSION." 22. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE RECODIFIED AND RECOMPILED LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE,AND AMENDING SECTION 1 -1 OF THAT CODE." 23. NOMINATION - Housing Community Development Advisory Board - -- one vacancy 24. APPOINTMENT- Community Affairs Commission - one vacancy REQUEST FOR CLOSED SESSION NONE 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF JANUARY 2, 1990 PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS COUNCIL ORAL AND WRITTEN 25. MAYOR EVELYN M. WELLS 26. MAYOR PRO TEM PAUL H. RICHARDS II 27. COUNCILPERSON LOUIS HEINE 28. COUNCILPERSON ROBERT HENNING 29. COUNCILPERSON ARMANDO REA ADJOURNMENT MOTION TO ADJOURN TO A REGULAR MEETING FOR JANUARY 16, 1990 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE CITY HALL, 11330 BULLIS ROAD, CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA. REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 21, 1989 The City,Council of the City of Lynwood met in a regular session in the City Hall, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 7;30 p.m. Mayor Wells in the chair. Councilmembers Heine, Henning, Morris, Wells answered the roll call. Councilmember Richards was absent. City Manager Gomez announced Councilmember Richards would be late. Also present were City Manager Gomez, City Attorney Barbosa, and Deputy City Clerk Warren. Deputy City Clerk Warren announced the agenda had been duly posted in accordance with The Brown Act. It was moved by Councilmember Morris, seconded by Councilmember Henning to approve minutes of Regular Meeting of November 7, 1989, as written. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, MORRIS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER RICHARDS It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Morris to approve proclamation "Fire Extinguisher Awareness Month ". ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, MORRIS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER RICHARDS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry were presented commendation on celebration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. Fry introduced family members. It was moved by Councilmember Morris, seconded by Councilmember Heine to approve the commendation. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, MORRIS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER RICHARDS It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Morris to recess to Lynwood Redevelopment Agency at 7;95 p.m. Council reconvened at 8:18 p.m. SCHEDULED MATTERS: Mayor Wells announced the time had arrived to conduct a public hearing on request to extend moratorium - Ordinance 1315. It was moved.by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Heine to open the public hearing. Hearing no response, It was moved by Councilmember Henning, Heine to close the public hearing. i I f I seconded by Councilmember 'ORDINANCE NO. 1332 entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD EXTENDING, AS AN URGENCY MEASURE THE MORATORIUM ON CONSTRUCTION IN THE PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY FACILITIES ZONE, :LONG WITH THE IMPOSITION OF A REQUIREMENT FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT: PENDING COMPLETION OF A CONTEMPLATED ZONING ORDINANCE REVISION AND PRO- HIBITING THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMITS IN VIOLATION THEREOF." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Morris to adopt the ordinance. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER RICHARDS HENNING, MORRIS, WELLS CONSENT CALENDAR: All matters listed under the Consent Calendar were acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended on the agenda unless members of the Council or staff requested specific items removed for separate action. Councilmember Henning requested item 17 - Consideration of expand- ing Rapid Publishing Agreement to publish Challenge Tabloid on a Quarterly Basis and adopt a resolution appropriating the necessary funds. Councilmember Morris requested item 14 - Changing the name and functions of the Housing and Community Development Advisory Board (HCDAB); and item 16 - Travel and Meeting Expenses. The following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 89 -211 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT FOR STREET DEDICATION AT 2803 LOS FLORES AVENUE, CASE NO. 88077." was presented. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -212 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ACCEPTING AN EASEMENT FOR STREET DEDICATION AT 3342 NORTON AVENUE." was presented. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -213 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ASSESSING THE COST OF ABATEMENT AT 4043 BEECHWOOD AVENUE, LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA (ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 6190- 010 - 018)." was presented. City Council sponsor a Christmas Party for the City's employees .and allow General Employees to go home at 3:00 p.m. to prepare for the party. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -215 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND ORDER- ING WARRANTS DRAWN THEREFOR." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Morris to,adopt the foregoing resolutions and approve the items. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, MORRIS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER RICHARDS Councilmember Morris requested item 14 - Changing name and function of the Housing and Community Development Advisory Board and discussed the role change of commissioners in respect to loan review. Councilmember Henning requested the item be held over to the next Council meeting. C� Mayor Wells requested clarification as to which loans are spoken of in the ordinance, residential or commercial. ._.. sas y_ven by staff that it speaks to residential loans and staff would still review and pass along recommendations to the review commission. Councilmember Morris discussed the commission meeting twice a month. Doesn't feel there would be a need for two meetings per month. Councilmember Henning stated staff recommended two meetings per month. City Manager Gomez stated two meetings would cut down on applicants having to wait so long for an answer on their loan. After discussion, Item to be held over until the next meeting. Councilmember Morris requested item 16 - Travel and Meeting ex- penses for Recreation and Parks Commission and stated he doesn't feel there is a need for commissioners to travel out of town. Mayor Wells spoke in favor of commissioners going to conferences in order to bring back information that would be beneficial to the city. Councilmember Morris questioned who paid fare for Bill Thomas to go to Sacramento. was informed the city paid the fare. After discussion, Item continued to the next meeting. Councilmember Henning requested item 17 - Consideration of expanding Rapid Publishing Agreement to publish Challenge Tabloid on a quarterly basis. Stated he doesn't feel this item is necessary as the city had another newspaper that would like to get in on the bidding. Requested he and the Mayor meet with the other newspaper. Would like to table matter. Councilmember Heine stated he disagreed with tabling item as there was an agreement already in force and there had been a 3 -2 vote to allow them the opportunity to come up with a good tabloid and they would be given the opportunity of going ahead with future tabloids. Mayor Wells stated the tabloid was nice but was not what she had in mind to send out to the community on a quarterly basis. Councilmember Heine questioned if Mayor had contacted Rapid Publish - ing inform them exactly what was wanted in the quarterly tabloid. Councilmember Henning stated he contacted them regarding untruths that were printed in the newspaper. Mayor Wells stated she was unaware the tabloid was to replace the Lynwood Living. Stated she thought it was a special edition to demonstrate what could be done. Councilmember Morris questioned if Councilmembers Heine and Henning met with newspaper and discussed the matter. Councilmembers Heine and Henning responded that the meeting was not productive. • • Councilmember Heine discussed the Lynwood Journal newspaper having front page articles on Lynwood while the Lynwood Wave had only one or two articles on Lynwood. Doesn't feel the Press ems,._. ___icy. -__ -, the actions previously taken allowing both newspapers to publish for the city.,. Lynwood Journal tabloid was approved at that time. Mayor Wells stated the tabloid wasn't approved, only a certain amount of money. Councilmember Henning discussed the need for a 4/5 vote to allocate funds. Stated it was not a budgeted item. Councilmember Heine requested item taken off until Councilmember Richards was present. Councilmember Henning requested item taken off until Council- member Rea and Richards were present. DISCUSSION ITEMS: City Manager Gomez stated Councilmember Richards had requested holding off discussion of Cargill Company operations until he arrived. Mayor Wells announced the next item was review and adoption of urgency ordinance to allow city to better control facilities processing, storing hazardous waste materials. Councilmember Henning questioned if the city already had any controls on this type of facility. City Attorney Barbosa stated the city did have controls but they were severely constricted by the state. State Legislature controlled and regulated the activities to where it was beyond the authority of the City Council to control. City had not lost it's land use power but that power had been restricted by the Legislature in a very specific manner with respect to the treatment of these particular materials. The recommendation befor Council was a moratorium to address all future uses and the effect of regulating all potential expansions. Cargill has a pre- existing right to operate. The City may have some opportunity to regulate them and the moratorium was an attempt to keep them within the status quo as the city now operates. Stated as long as they operate under existing regulations of EPA and the State, they are beyond the city's control. If they expand, alter, or take other actions to modify the processor operation, then the city would have some ability to control under land use point of view. Councilmember Henning questioned Cargill being in the Redevelop- ment area. City Attorney stated the state supercedes city in this area. —After discussion, ORDINANCE entitled: "AN INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A MORA- TORIUM ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION OF FACILITIES PRODUCING, PROCESSING, STORING AND DISPOSING OF HAZARDOUS WASTES." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Morris to adopt ordinance for first reading. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, MORRIS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER RICHARDS 0 • CITY CLERK'S AGENDA: It was moved by Councilmember he �ne to approve Charitabie Hennina, Industry Crusade A seconded by Councilmember u Vi1�y L4 �. -r.. A g ai nst Hunger " yueb� iro Food ROLL CA LL- ' AYES' NOES: COUNCILME14BERS HEINE NONE . HENNING ABSENT: COUNCILM MORRIS, WELLS EMBER RICHARD It was moved by Councilmember Henning to approve Christmas Heine Tree • seconded by T Councilmember ROLL CALL; Sales Lot at Viva Market. AYES: NCILMEMBERS NOES: C U HEINE ABSENT: NONE , HENNING, MORRIS COUNCILMEMBER RICHA , WELLS RDS It was moved by Councilmember Henning to recess to Morris Closed Session at seconded 8:44 p. by Councilmember 8'44 p.m. C ouncilmember Richards arrived at 8 ;45 p and Of the Closed Session, was in attendance City Attorney BarbOsa stated there was an item not listed ° prior to g into Closed ac quisition of the age the Edison pr °pert genda with Session, develoty Clerk indicatin y• Will or respec to the pments g there had been Prepare a report f their occuring as of this some very being attached morning did ynot Permit did have the author agenda agenda g that these emergency and recommends that per gency develo recess to Closed Session Council pments. in light of T Council reconvened at 9, Irt 10 p.m. city Attorney Barbosa stated Council met tion Gutierrez vs City Lynwood. of L time. No need or pending litiga_ action at this City Attorney also stated Edison property and the Council did meet with Council to stud recommendation for h respect to Y the matter further a committee the and re of the City Manager Gomez Port to the whole body, with Cargill representative to hold ° an r open s f o rumm Cidtize discuss" the area of Cargill gill- tO certain issues Mike Dub Plant`, S Cargill representative, Plant'. p on Production of discussed Y• Stated the Paint and history °f Cargill Industry, they y also produce p but was resins for resins at the a Production gill not being a haz the fiberglass water that fumes fromfprocessinperating an ardous waste that on -site i wast in cinerator' e contains ssel small g ves and to from outside 1 amounts Of r destroy waste i ncinerato r sources is esins and sole Also burning and tests accepted. Disc ants- No spoke on odors from to check cussed process of Curtail t emitted om safety factors. Councilmember efforts to Richards questioned trial tests done at and the results. Mike Dubeck ex 1 Cargill Al so spoke ° f p ained failure of modifications test and reason Councilm that had to be mades for failure, made ember Richards d if would Cargill h not been ations had Kike,Dubek explaied n the state. )iscussed In modificat' monitoring equipment1Ons ensuring passage of test. } i .. Councilmember Richards questioned odors associated with inciner- ator. - Ella Wood, spoke on behalf of the 501 Concerned Citizens that submitted signatures to the Department of Health Services, re- garding permit being issued to Cargill. Stated there had been numerous cases of citizens in the area with respiratory problems. Also spoke of citizens being confined to wheelchairs and doctors not being able to explain the reasons why. Discussed discrepancy in the amount of emissions from the incinerator as EPA had stated emissions equaled to seven cars was being emitted. Questioned when the incinerator had been installed and the possibility of chemicals being dumped into sewage systems and possibility of poisoning the water system. Discussed the foul odor emitting from Cargill. Feels emissions are unhealthy regardless of testing. Odor has been present for approximately three years. Councilmember Heine questioned if the plant was open for the public to view. Mike Dubek stated it was but preferred citizens making appointments. Ella Woods requested an Environmental Impact report be done. Stated residents do not want Cargill in the city. Mayor Wells questioned date incinerator was installed and what percentage of Lynwood residents were employed by Cargill. Mike Dubek replied the current incinerator was installed in the fall of 1980 and there were six Lynwood resident employed of a total 83 employees. Mayor Wells questioned if a complete EIR had been done. Mike Dubek stated a Negative Declaration Report was done. Miguel Barrio spoke on the school located so close to the Cargill plant. Questioned how the plant was allowed to be built and expanded being so closa to a school. Mayor Wells elaborated on the ordinance presented tonight to help control expansion of such facilities. Mr. Barrio also questioned if Cargill had insurance coverage for anyone that may become ill as a result of their plant. Councilmember Morris questioned what chemicals are manufactured at Cargill and what percentage is chemical as compared to the total handled. Stated he understood the tank cars do not contain chemicals and questioned what they did contain. Mike Dubek discussed the tank cars contained corn syrup and Stated the facility handles a lot of resins. Willie Mitchell, resident of Lynwood, spoke on Council not inform- ing citizens of Cargill incinerator burning. Also spoke of incident he witnessed at the intersection of State Street and Lynwood Road. Stated workmen told him they were loosening the drain which was filled with sluggish type material that was unusual. Is concerned if material was toxic waste from Cargill plant. Evonne Hill spoke on hazardous waste hearings that had been held regarding Cargill. Discussed statements made by Cargill that there was nothing hazardous about their plant, but property value would go down because no one would want to move into Lynwood and those now living there would move. Questioned if monies spent by Cargill to improve plant could be used to locate them some- place else. Also questioned why City Councilmembers had not attended any meetings or returned any of her phone calls. Rev. C.C. Coleman, 3356 Josephine, spoke on medical problems being r f experienced by children at his school. Is concerned that incinera- tor has been in operation since 1980 and no one knew about it. Requested Council look into the matter and do something about the problem. Joe Smith.spoke on monitoring of pollution emitted by Cargill. Discussed °City and State Codes in regards to hazardous waste facili- ties. Councilmember Heine read letter received from State of California Health and Welfare Agency, Department of Health Services Toxic Substance Control Program, Region 3, San Fernando Blvd, Suite 3, Burbank, California, which was addressed to Mr. Lawrence of Cargill Chemical Products. Read paragraph that approved application for Cargill's Hazardous Waste Facility Permit. Councilmember Henning stated for the record, it was time for the Council take a stand on the issue as representatives of the citizens. It was moved by Councilmember Henning that the Council is against the Cargill Company and start evaluating their property and the odors eminating from there. If need be, the city should hire someone to insure that testing is done on a regular basis or have the Fire Department check on a regular basis to make sure incinera- tor is running properly. Councilmember Richards stated Council needs to stand with the citizens in the community. Feels Cargill should be subjected to the same level of scrutiny as other businesses of this type. Henry Nacano, Cargill employee, stated he had worked for the plant in the lab for a number of years. Has smelled the odors but has not had any medical problems. Councilmember Richards questioned Mr. Nacano regarding working where the odors are very bad. Discussed citizens having to put up with the odor for 24 hours every day. Lee Duncan spoke on the odors emitted from Cargill and the fear created by the plant. Requested Council do what they can to ensure that things are safe. Councilmember Morris spoke on State of California superceding any decision the city makes. Feels the city should work with Cargill to eliminate the odors. Mayor Wells requested the motion read: Councilmember Henning moved that the City Council take a stand on the Cargill issue and to have their plant checked by the Fire Department on a regular basis and any other Agency that was concerned. There was no second. Councilmember Richards prefaced comments and offered amendment to motion. Stated this,was an important issue not to be taken lightly. Feels the city had not had the opportunity to have input in this matter with Cargill. Councilmember Richards offered substitute motion: Councilmember Richards moved to have City Attorney investigate whether or not there was grounds for error in issuing Negative Declaration by the Department of Health Services. Councilmember Henning spoke on the first meeting that was held by the EPA and the poor attendance of citizens of the city. Feels the Council should take a stand and do everything possible to take the odor out of the air and make sure the community is safe for everyone. Councilmember Richards continued substitute motion: The City Council would do everything within it's power to work with the community to make sure any hazards had been including but not limited to the following: 1. The city investigate the decision by the Department of Health Services to issue a Negative Declaration. 2. The city investigate the feasibility of imposing local regulatory standards such as a CUP for an existing site, special permits, and payment, if necessary, of certain fees associated with regulating a particular site. In- cluding, but not limited to the above items. ^� Motion seconded by Councilmember Heine. , Councilmember Heine questioned if the comments listed under the urgency ordinance could be included in the motion. Councilmember Richards stated the comments should be taken separately as it didn't go far enough with regards to this issue. ROLL CALL - SUBSTITUTE MOTION: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, MORRIS, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Councilmember Richards commented the issue was more important to the community than just passing a trial burn or test and no regulatory standards had been imposed by the city. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Ella Woods spoke on the 45 day appeal period that was still open on the Cargill decision by Department of Health Services. Re- quested Council submit an appeal. Mr. Sierra, Lynwood resident, (did not speak English /interpreted by Emma Esparza) spoke on the need for information regarding Cargill being in Spanish for those citizens who do not speak English. Mayor Wells stated the City Manager would get the information out and the meetings are always open to everyone. City Manager Gomez stressed to Mr. Sierra the Council meeting dates and procedure of agenda posting whereas every item could be reviewed. Mr. Sierra (interpreted by Emma Esparza) stated no one was in- formed in the Latin community. Councilmember Henning stated it was important that someone interpret the information. City Manager stated there was a number of employees in City Hall who speak Spanish and would be more than willing to help him. Councilmember Richards stated the Department of Health Services did not do a billingual circular. Mr. Sierra stated it was important that all citizens be informed and aware of what was going on. Emma Esparza spoke on the month of May being proclaimed Latin American Festival Month in the city of Lynwood. Mayor Wells suggested presenting item to the Community Affairs Commission for review. Joe Smith spoke on precincts at the last election and questioned the reason for the division of certain streets. • SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 29, 1989 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a special session in the,City Hall, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 5:OOp.m. Mayor Wells in the chair. Councilmembers Heine, Henning, Morris, Richards, Wells answered the roll call. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - AGENDA ITEMS ONLY: Hearing no response, public oral communications was closed. SCHEDULED MATTERS: It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Richards to approve request to temporarily close Louise Street between School Road and Long Beach Boulevard on Saturday, December 2, 1989 for a Block Watch Party. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, MORRIS, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Morris to recess to the Lynwood Redevelopment Agency at 5:07 p.m. Council reconvened at 5:10 p.m. Mayor Wells opened Public Oral Communications. Hearing no response, Public Oral Communications was closed. COUNCIL ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Hearing no response, Council Oral And Written Communications was closed. There was no further business and it was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Morris to adjourn. unairman APPROVED Secretar REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 5, 1989 The City Council of the City of Lynwood met in a regular session in the City Hall, 11330 Bullis Road on the above date at 7 :30 p.m. Mayor Wells in the chair. Councilmembers Heine, Henning, Morris, Richards, Wells, answered the roll call. Also present were City Manager Gomez, City Attorney Barbosa, and City Clerk Hooper. City Clerk Hooper announced the agenda had been duly posted in accordance with The Brown Act. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -216 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON NOVEMBER 7, 1989,. DECLARING THE RESULT THEREOF AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Richards, seconded by Councilmember Henning to adopt the resolution. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, MORRIS, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Certificate of Election to Councilmember Paul Richards and Mayor Evelyn Wells. T The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office and presented Certificate of Election to Councilmember Armando Rea. Councilmember Morris thanked the Chamber of Commerce and the City for the Retirement Dinner held for him. Commended Council - members and Councilmember Rea for their interests for the better- ment of the city. Councilmember Rea introduced his family and thanked everyone for their vote and allowing him to serve the city. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Rea to hold Reorganization of Council over until the first meeting in January, 1990. Councilmember Henning requested staff bring back information at that meeting amending City Code to allow the Mayor to serve a full complete year instead of changing at the end of the year. It °was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Richards to recess to Lynwood Redevelopment Agency at 7:47 p.m. Council reconvened at 7:54 p.m. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - AGENDA ITEMS ONLY: Hearing no response, Public Oral Communications was closed. SCHEDULED MATTERS: Mayor Wells announced the time had arrived to conduct a public hearing to ascertain whether a nuisance is being maintained at 11140 Duncan Avenue. 11 It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Rea to open the public hearing. Hearing no response, It was moved by Councilmember Richards, seconded by Councilmember Heine to close public hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -217 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT A NUISANCE IS BEING MAINTAINED ON CERTAIN PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS 11140 DUNCAN AVENUE AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Richards, seconded by Councilmember Henning to adopt the resolution. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Mayor Wells announced the time had arrived to conduct a public hearing to ascertain whether a nuisance is being maintained at 11146 Duncan Avenue. It was moved by Councilmember Heine, seconded by Councilmember Henning to open the public hearing. Hearing no response, It was moved by Councilmember Heine, seconded by Councilmember Richards to close the public hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -218 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT A NUISANCE IS BEING MAINTAINED ON CERTAIN PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS 11146 DUNCAN AVENUE AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Richards, seconded by Councilmember Henning to adopt the resolution. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Mayor Wells announced the time had arrived to conduct a public hearing to ascertain whether a nuisance is being maintained at 11236 Louise Avenue. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Richards to open the public hearing. Hearing no response, - It was moved by Councilmember Heine, seconded by Councilmember Henning to close the public hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -219 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT A NUISANCE IS BEING ` MAINTAINED ON CERTAIN PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS 11236 LOUISE AVENUE AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Richards to adopt the resolution. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE �J 9 Mayor Wells announced the time had arrived to conduct a public hearing to ascertain whether a nuisance is being maintained at 3566 Sanborn Avenue. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Richards to open the public hearing. Hearing no response, It was moved by Councilmember Heine, seconded by Councilmember Rea to close the public hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -220 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT A NUISANCE IS BEING MAINTAINED ON CERTAIN PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS 3566 SANBORN AVENUE AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Richards to adopt the resolution. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS Mayor Wells announced the time hearing to ascertain whether a at 12102 Long Beach Boulevard. had arrived to conduct a public nuisance is being maintained It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Richards to open the public hearing. Hearing no response, It was moved by Councilmember Heine, seconded by Councilmember Henning to close the public hearing. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -221 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, DETERMINING THAT A NUISANCE IS BEING MAINTAINED ON CERTAIN PROPERTY GENERALLY KNOWN AS 12102 LONG BEACH BOULEVARD AND DIRECTING THE ABATEMENT THEREOF." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Richards to adopt the resolution. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE: All matters listed under the Consent Calendar were acted upon by one motion affirming the action recommended on the agenda unless members of the Council or staff requested specific items removed for separate action. Councilmember Rea requested item 18- Street Sweeping Contract; item 19 -Rapid Transit District Security Agreement; item 22- Travel and Meeting Expenses. The following action was taken: RESOLUTION NO. 89 -224 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ADDING CERTAIN SERVICE ITEMS TO RESOLUTION NO. 89 was presented. • 0 RESOLUTION NO. 89 -225 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM REGULATIONS -" ORDER TO REDEFINE THE TITLE AND ROLE OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD (CHCDAB)." was presented. ORDINANCE entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ADVISORY BOARD (CDBGAB), AS A COMMISSION." was presented -for first reading. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -227 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING THE DEMANDS AND ORDERING WARRANTS DRAWN THEREFOR." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Heine to approve the foregoing items and adopt the resolutions. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Councilmember Rea requested item 18- Street Sweeping Contract and discusssed the large amount of trash and debris that was left in the streets after the Christmas Parade. The debris was then blown into homes along the boulevard. Requested Joe's Street Sweeping immediately sweep the streets following parade to prevent this at no added cost to the city. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -222 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROVING THE EXTENTION OF THE CONTRACT WITH JOE'S STREET SWEEPING." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Rea, seconded by Councilmember Henning to adopt the resolution with the added conditions. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Councilmember Rea requested item 19 -Rapid Transit District Security Agreement and requested Director Public Works Wang contact RTD for an annual, bi- annual or monthly report of casualties or incidents in relation to RTD and the city. This will enable the city to know and better deal with the type of problems being faced on RTD in the City of Lynwood. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -223 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL PROPOSITION A FUNDS FOR CITY'S SHARE OF THE COST FOR RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT SECURITY." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Rea, seconded by Councilmember Henning to adopt the resolution with the added request for information. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE Councilmember Rea requested item 22- Travel and Meeting Expense and questioned why only one commissioner was going to the con- ference. In the future, would like to see all commissioners ® • attend the conference as it will benefit the city in that it will help them to find ways to beautify our parks. "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF SIX HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($650.00) FROM UNAPPROPRIATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE FOR RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSIONER ATTENDANCE AT ANNUAL CALIFORNIA PARKS AND RECREATION SOCIETY CONFERENCE." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Rea, seconded by Councilmember Henning to adopt the resolution. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES:, NONE ABSENT: NONE DISCUSSION ITEMS: City Manager Gomez stated staff had provided report and options on Chamber of Commerce 1990 Budget request. It was moved by Councilmember Rea, seconded by Councilmember Henning to hold the item over for further study and review on the first meeting in January, 1990. Councilmember Heine requested Bernie Lake, Chamber Manager, also include the amount of money now being held in the bank. Councilmember Richards questioned how much money was generated by membership dues. Bernie Lake responded there was no membership fee. Stated anyone who obtained a valid business license was sent a letter inviting them to join. City Manager Gomez stated staff had been instructed to bring the emergency ordinance on the installation of free standing signs in order to analyze the fee structure. Stated there was a previous moratorium on the design. City Attorney Barbosa stated ordinance would go into effect immediately. It was moved by Councilmember Heine, seconded by Councilmember Rea to adopt the ordinance. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE City Manager Gomez stated numerous discussions had been held on the City Corporate Yard - acquisition of Southern California Edison Property. Councilmember Henning stated he did not feel it would benefit the city of Lynwood or Compton to follow through on this acquisition. Stated there was enough property in our city to have City Yard here. City Manager Gomez stated funds set aside for the puchase of the Compton property could be used for another acquisition. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Rea to drop the proposed purchase of the property in Compton. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS NOES: NONE ABSENT NONE ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER HEINE, HENNING, REA, WELLS RICHARDS • City Manager Gomez stated agreement was approved for Rapid Publishing and staff was instructed to bring item back for discussion. Councilmember penning moved ite be held over for further study. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Rea. Councilmember Heine stated there was a 4 -1 vote for approval on this item. City Attorney Barbosa stated for the Council to have some effective _ action tonight with respect to holding the matter over for study, l it would require a motion to reconsider and table the matter for I further study. Councilmember Henning moved for reconsideration and to table the matter for further study. Councilmember Rea questioned if the matter had to be dealt with in order to bring it up again. City Attorney Barbosa stated no. Discussed matter being acted upon by majority of Council. One in majority asked that matter be brought back for reconsideration. The matter is before Council for reconsideration. In order to reconsider there must be a motion to reconsider and take a second step upon reconsideration which is either to table or continue to the next meeting. Or continue for discussion. Tabling would put matter to rest or to the side but a motion to reconsider brings action before you. Councilmember Richards questioned if any action had been taken since Council took action on matter. City Manager Gomez stated this was an addendum for tabloid and to finish off the year. Stated there was a valid agreement in place. City Attorney Barbosa stated if the addendum had not been acted upon, it was still before Council for reconsideration. If it had been acted upon and not executed, then it was beyond Councils power to make change. Stated the action at last meeting was to approve. It was asked that matter be brought back for further consideration. That leaves matter in abeyance and unexecuted as an agreement. Administrative Assistant City Manager Forde stated the agreement for the weekly promotional pages plus Council approved one quarterly tabloid on a trial basis. If Council approved of tabloid matter was to be brought back for expansion of contract to include two more quarterly tabloids. Stated that is what Council voted on last time. City Attorney stated Council can resend an unexecuted agreement by parties for performance. The matter before Council tonight was whether to reconsider the action taken to approve that agreement. Councilmember Richards questioned if the agreement had not been reconsidered, did Council's action stand. City Attorney Barbosa stated it did until reconsidered. Councilmember Richards questioned would there be any reason for staff not to act on Council's motion. Councilmember Heine discussed 4 -1 vote and request for matter be considered was after Council voted. r P , 0 City Manager stated letter had been received from Rapid Publish- ing thanking city for vote. Questioned if they should_ be noti- fied that agreement was in limbo. Councilmember Henning discussed other newspapers desiring to come into they city. Would like to give them the opportunity to make presentation. Requested matter brought back. Councilmember Richards stated there was a contractural agreement with Rapid Publishing in effect. After further discussion, It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Rea to reconsider and continue the matter with Rapid Publishing. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HENNING, REA, WELLS NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, RICHARDS ABSENT: NONE Director of Finance, Lorraine Oten displayed placque received from The Government Finance Officers Association for the City of Lynwood receiving the award of Distinguished Budget. CITY CLERK'S AGENDA: ORDINANCE NO. 1334 entitled: "AN INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION OF FACILITIES PRODUCING, PROCESSING, STORING AND DISPOSING OF HAZARDOUS WASTES." was presented for second reading. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Richards to adopt the ordinance. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE It was announced for information only, the resignation of Cynthia Green -Geter from HCDA Board and term expiring on the Community Affairs Commission. Nominations at meeting of December 19, 1989. It was moved by Councilmember Heine, seconded by Councilmember Rea to approve special permit request for Christmas Tree Sales Lot. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Rea to receive and file letter from Emma Esparza contesting the Election results. It was moved by Councilmember Heine, seconded by Councilmember Henning to recess to Closed Session at 8:25 p.m. Council reconvened at 10:50 p.m. City Attorney Baibosa stated there was a discussion of Personnel Matters during Closed Session pertaining to reorganization of the Human Resources Department. 0 • RESOLUTION NO. 89 -228 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ELIMINATING THE POSITION OF PERSONNEL OFFICER FROM THE HUMAN RESOURCES 11RDA"mmv"m om FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989/1990." was presented. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -229 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AMENDING THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989/1990 TO UPGRADE THE POSITION OF OFFICE ASSISTANT II TO ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE." was presented. It was moved by Councilmember Henning, seconded by Councilmember Heine to adopt the two resolutions. ROLL CALL: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HEINE, HENNING, REA, RICHARDS, WELLS NOES: NONE - ABSENT: NONE PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Joe Smith, 12733 Waldorf, spoke on littering in the city. COUNCIL ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Councilmember Richards spoke on the many projects in progress in the city. Councilperson Henning congratulated Councilmember Rea on his election to the Council. Spoke on the city building a large stadium. Councilmember Rea spoke on the ordinance regarding false alarms that the Sheriffs Department must handle. Requested survey from City Prosecutor to show funds being collected for this violation. Spoke on good work being done by citizen, Lorna Hawkings. Also spoke on the Community Affairs Commission, and the ROTC. Mayor Wells discussed malathion spraying to be done in the city. Congratulated Lorraine Oten in her new job. Councilmember Richards spoke on the number of accomplishments made by Lorraine Oten to the City. There was no further business and it was moved by Councilmember Heine, seconded by Councilmember Richards to adjourn. Mayor APPROVED City Clerk PROCLAMATION Is 0 DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. WEEK WHEREAS, the honorable Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929; and, WHEREAS, -Dr. King graduated from Morehouse in 1948 and entered Crocer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 1951; and, WHEREAS, Dr. King earned the Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Boston in 1955; and, WHEREAS, Dr. Martin Luther King's leadership in encouraging non- violence demonstrations earned him world respect and global influence; and, WHEREAS, Dr. King was a great man who made equality of rights his life's work. And whereas his dreams and his leadership of civil rights marches, sit -ins, jail -ins and lawsuits helped bring about the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965; and , WHEREAS, on August 28, 1963 the largest mass protest, the March on Washington, was held, and Dr. King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech before 250,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial; and, WHEREAS, on December 10, 1965, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. became the youngest man in history to receive the Nobel Peace Prize; and, WHEREAS, on April 4, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. life was cut short by an assassin's bullet at the age of 39; and, WHEREAS, after 15 years of dedicated efforts by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. supporters the 3rd Monday of January was established as a national holiday to recognize the contributions of this great man's acomplishments in the areas of human rights and dignity; and, WHEREAS, January 15, 1990, the United States celebrate the birthday of the honorable Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man who dedicated his life to our country's struggle for equality, harmony and justice for all; and, WHEREAS, January 15, 1990 will be a day to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to reaffirm the American ideals of freedom, justice and opportunity for all; a day for love, not hate; for understanding, not anger; for peace, not war. It is a day of "Living the Dream ", NOW, THEREFORE, I EVELYN WELLS, Mayor of the City of Lynwood, do hereby proclaim the week of January 5 -15, 1990 as DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. WEEK. AGENDA_ ITEM California C 0 M M F N P A T I 0 N BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYN1100D HONORING S T E V F. N 0 0 0 P E R WHEREAS, On November 26, 1989, STEVEN COOPER, a concerned citizen was on his way to work and unselfishly decided to ston and aid the victims of a car accident: and WHEREAS, STEVEN COOPER., a correctional sergeant for the California Institution for Men in Chino nuickly determined that one of the victims was alive and he immediately began to aTPnly first aid to the injured victim until help arrived: and WHEREAS, had it not been for the quick and heroic actions of STEVEN COOPER the victim could have perished as a result of the accident. , and to be recognized for his brave NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of Lynwood does hereby acknowledge and commend STEVEN COOPER for his out- standing demonstration of concern for others IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1, EVELYN l "ELLS, MAYOR of the City of Lynwood have hereunto set my hand and caused the SEAL of the Great City of Lynwood to be affixed this 2nd day of January , 1990. [9 ANDREA L HOOPER, ity erk EVELYN WELLS, MAYOR City of Lynwood PAUL H. RICHARDS, Mayor Pro Tem LOUIS J. HEINE. Councilmember ROBERT HENNING, Councilmember ARMANDO REA, Councilmember AGENDA ITEM q to RESOLUTION NO. 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD ENCOURAGING THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE AND OFFICE OF THE AGRICULTURE COMMISSIONER, LOS ANGELES COUNTY TO INSURE ADEQUATE NOTICE OF MEDFLY SPRAYING AND REASSURE CITIZENS IN AFFECTED AREAS OF THE NON-TOXICITY OF MALATHION APPLICATIONS WHEREAS, the Health Safety and Welfare of the City of Lynwood's residents is the primary concern of the City Council of the City of Lynwood and, WHEREAS, the threat of the medfly to the economy of California agriculture has been established and, WHEREAS, the California Department of Food and Agriculture and Office of the Agriculture Commissioner, Los Angeles County, has undertaken extensive measures i.e., the spraying of malathion in order to control the medfly and protect California's economic base NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council of the City of Lvnwood requests the following: Section 1. That the California Department of Food and Agriculture and Office of the Agriculture Commissioner Los Angeles County establish a better and more comprehensive format for notifying residents of affected areas in Lynwood; and that the same provide timely notification to all residents of the County's intent to spray and, Section 2. That the California Department of Food and Agriculture and Office of the Agriculture Commissioner Los Angeles County provide each city official with written proof and substantiation that the spraying of malathion poses no harmful and adverse effects to those persons in the affected areas and, Section 3. That such written substantiation be made available for mass distribution to the City of Lynwood City Council and staff. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of 1990. ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Lynwood EVELYN WELLS, Mayor City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CHARLES G. GOMEZ City Manager City of Lynwood AGE?1DA ITEM 1 1 /0 a. RESOLUTION NO. • A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD REQUESTING THAT THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD SCHEDULE A FORMAL PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF CONFORMITY PROCEDURES INTO THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) has adopted a plan designed to meet federal air quality standards by 2010; and WHEREAS, the Air quality Management Plan (AQMP) relies heavily on achieving clean air through a jobs /housing balance; and WHEREAS, the implementation of strategies to more effectively balance jobs and housing cannot be accomplished without the cooperation of local city and county governments; and WHEREAS, the AQMD and Southern California Association of Governments have reserved to themselves, through their proposed AQMP Conformity Procedures, the right to intervene in local land use decicions; and WHEREAS, land use decisions have traditionally been the domain of local government; and WHEREAS, any changes in the way local land use decisions are to be made in the future should be granted a full airing by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to ensure adequate input by the affected counties, cities and industries; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Council of the City of Lynwood resolves as follows: Section 1. That the City of Lynwood respectfully requests that the CARB schedule a formal public hearing on the adoption of Conformity Procedures into the AQMP. Section 2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution and its recommendation to the Chair and members of the California Air Resources Board, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the Southern California Association of Governments, and to such other officials, persons, agencies or organizations as may be deemed appropriate including the President of the League of California Cities and its Los Angeles Division. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council, and the City Clerk shall certify the vote adopting this resolution. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted - -.by the City Council of the City of Lynwood at its meeting of January 16, 1990 by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers: Noes: Councilmembers: 1 AGENDA I lD Y ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Lynwood 0 EVELYN WELLS, Mayor City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: CHARLES G. GOMEZ City Manager City of Lynwood 6: air ® i Date: January 2, 1990 To: The Honorable Mayor and Council Members From: Charles G. Gomez, City Manager By: .Gerald W. Forde, Adm. Assistant to the City Manager Subject: REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REVOKING THE BUSINESS LICENSE ISSUED TO THE LA FRONTERA BAR LOCATED AT 11620 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD Objective 1. To have City Council conduct a public hearing in order to receive public comment as to whether or not the business license for the business known as La Frontera Bar should or should not be revoked. 2. To have City Council revoke the business license for La Frontera Bar pursuant to the causes set forth in staff's report. Facts 1. City Council at their December 19th meeting set by Resolution No.89 -232 January 2, 1990 as the date to hear public testimony on whether or not the business license for La Frontera Bar should be suspended or revoked. 2. Section 4 -9.5 (formerly 17 -113) of the City of Lynwood Municipal Code sets forth the guidelines by which City Council may suspend or revoke any license or special permit issued. 3. The City's Municipal code allows the City Manager to only suspend a business license. Staff is requesting that Council utilize the code section allowing them to consider either suspending or revoking a business license. 4. The causes for possible revocation of La Frontera business license as set forth in Section 4 -9.5 (formerly 17 -113) in staff's opinion, have been met. Causes are as follows: a. On October 27, 1989, the City Manager's Office received a written complaint from a City resident (attachment A) relative to the La Frontera Bar operations. The letter complained of loud music emanating from the La Frontera Bar at 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning. b. On December 8, 1989, Council received a second complaint from a resident relative to the La Frontera operations (see attachment B). The letter complained of loud music emanating from the La Frontera Bar at 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning. c. On May 23, 1988, La Frontera was cited by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for serving liquor to a minor. La Frontera Bar was fined. d. The City currently, through Code Enforcement, is pursuing nuisance abatement proceedings through the Compton Municipal Court (see attachment C). These charges include Building Code and Zoning Code violations, for an illegal room addition, and for illegal plumbing and electrical work.. AG,FtIDA .ITEM /al-Ile 0 0 e. On December 7, 1989, Los Angeles County Sheriff Department cited La Frontera Bar a second time for serving alcohol beverages to a minor. No disposition as of-December 14, 1989 (Attachment D). f. On December 7, 1989, the La Frontera Bar was cited by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for operating a business without the required disability insurance. No disposition as of December 14, 1989 (Attachment D) g. Staff and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department are also pursuing corrective remedies through the Alcoholic Beverage Control. h. On December 13, 1989, the City Manager submitted a letter of complaint to the City Clerk's Office requesting Council to consider revoking La Frontera's business license and enumerating reasons for the request of revocation by Council (Attachment E). i. On December 15, 1989, another written complaint relative to La Frontera's operations was recieved in the City Manager's Office (Attachment F). Discussion In complying with the City of Lynwood Municipal Code, Council set a public hearing for January 2, 1990. The January 2 date was not less than ten (10) days and not more than twenty (20) days from the date of the December 19, 1989 meeting. Additionally, City Council directed City Clerk to mail the permittee or licensee a notice of the public hearing and a copy of the accusation(s) or complaints. This notice was sent by registered mail return signature requested and complied with the time constraints set forth in Section 4 -9.5 (formerly 17 -113) of the code. Recommendation 1. That City Council hold a public hearing relative to this item per the City of Lynwood Municipal Code Section 4 -9.5 (formerly 17 -113). Staff respectfully request revoking the business license s that City Council consider ,for La Frontera Bar. i I' 6:frontera 1 l:Ve 4 r mjo�' 'Ar A / wig,, s l_ 1 / ' 1 SO, ;J o • /L< U -o-c" u 1 -/-r- o ATTA(� I A" �� 4•• 1 t i = r� O /a {xy � IlJ A i y I I MR 6j/ � ATI4.QA1Q�T nBn II sue' L< 1. DEC 0 B 1901 - j ,, GC/CJC i� i V 1, i Q s /6 v •ii�iy��r v 0 r � %rrAWW e City of LYN WOOD uA JUeet Ooffleoges 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90262 (213) 603.0220 INTER- OFFICE MEMO DATE: December 7, 1989 TO: Gerald Ford, Administrative Assistant to City Manager FROM: Prasine Martinez, Acting Code Enforcement Supervisor SUBJECT: LA FRONTERA -- 11620 -22 Atlantic Ave. As previously discussed the following are pertinant information regarding the above mentioned site. 1. 1- 15 -88 -- Received complaint from Sharon Mitchell re- garding the accumulation of bottles and other debris on sidewalk, flower bed and gutter at the site. Scheduled site for Task force to be conducted in Feb. 2. 2- 12 -89 -- Inspection conducted -Nine violations observed. Correction notice given to manager at site. (See at- tached) 3. 4- 6- 88 - -Per Sr. Bldg. Inspector, owner is cooperating and understand that the illegal structure at the site. Owner will bring letter to the Bld Div. stating that the room addition he is attempting to build in rear of legal structure will be built before the storage room is converted back to its original purpose. Owner complained that he did not have enough money to do all the work that was required. 4. 5- 9- 88-- Partial abatement of violations. Building and Planning Violations are still outstanding. Bld. Dept. will confirm when permits are taken out. 5. 2- 27- 89 - -Case still pending building permits and Plan- ning approval. 6. 3- 2- 89 - -Case referred to City Prosecutor. Owner has scheduled several meetings with us; however, no change has been seen at the site. 7. 9- 15 -89- -Memo sent to the City Prosecutor as it has been over six months since C/E referred the case and no action has followed. 8. 9- 22 -89 -- Office Conference scheduled for owner on record: Aniceto Calvario at 24313 Marigold Ave., Harbor City, CA. Due date is 9- 26 -89. 9. 30- 23 -89- -Case submitted to the Compton Court. Ar- 0 0 raignment scheduled for November 9, 1989. 10. 11 -9 -89- -Owner did not show up in Court for arraign- ment. Bench warrant issued for $ 2,500. City Prosecu- tor to send Bench Warrant letter to owner. As of today, there have been no further action on the case with the only exception of the letter to Councilman Richards from Dyonne ( ? ? ?) dated Oct. 26, 1989. Research of complaints received which are stored in the Parks and Recreation Department shows no other complaint for the stated address. cc. Charles Gomez, City Manager K. Karefa- Johnson, Acting Community Development Director 11 DATE: • CITY OF LYNWdvD intern office rnemn March 2, 1989 TO: CITY PROSBWrO? FROM: . PRASINE MARTINEZ, Acting Code Enforcement Supervisor ,�3� SU83ECT: NON-COMtPLAINCE OF OODE VIOLATION A[LEGED VIOLATOR: - =TION: DONE: CENSUS TRACT NO. ALlMID VIOLATION_ NATIONAL xr•B= CODE section 102a UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE section 20.4a 0 public right -of -way. TRASH ENCLOSURE NEEDED. SUMMARY: 2/12/88 - Caa notice given to manager - (task force). UNIFORM BUILDING CODE section 301a, b and c LYNWOOD ZONING CODE section 25 -16.4b UNIFIORM BUILDING COLE section 301a Aniceto O.. Calvario 24313 Marigold Avenue Harbor City, CA 90710 11620 Atlantic Avenue C -3 5400 Elegible required. - Permits EXTERIOR r. • , IN •• •O ia- OF • IM WITHOUT F - • a• •• a• PERMITS. t _ 1 :� a v r . . ,• a , a• � • a• . Approval emu of SATELLITE DISH ANT ENNA INSTALLED WITHOUT OBTAINING REQu= APPROVAL OF PLMWMG AND BUILDING PERMIT. LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE section 21 -38 (i -11) - Trash cans (bins) visible from the 4/6/88 - Per George Bowden, Senior Building Inspector, owner was informed to bring letter stating additions to be done before tearing down ilegal structure in rear of bath and reconversion of storage rocm. i 0 � Page 2 March 2, 1989 Mr. Aniceto O. Calvario 5/9/88 - Fbllcw up inspection. No permit taken out yet as of 5/6/88. 2/27/89 - No permits as of today. Please schedule office conference - Mr. Calvario corms to the office ever so often asking for time to solve the problems but we have seen NO CHANGE. i I r' I i CITY OF LYNWOOD D Fire Prevention Bureau office - Hours: 8 -12 AM and 1 -5 PM Sta.. t. 631 -8305 — Sta. #2.632-0'707 L Enforcement Department Office Hours: 8 -9 AM and 4 -5 PM CORRECT NOTICE ADDRESS / / (,.. , /. �_ /� ✓-r�i� Iil 1 Hof %T ..,L� Z ,/ ....... ........ ... .......... .... or ............... - ! ........ ................. _..... .._ o ....r ............... ... ' -• -- DATE 1 01 uRE 0 `s\ CITY OF LYNWOOD n_ Fire Prevention Bureau Office Hours: 8 -12 AM and 1 -5 PM Sta. #1. 631.8305 — Sta. t:2. 632 -0707 rJ Code Enforcement Department Office Hours: 8 -9 AM and 4 -5 PM 6J3 -V22C er.: 243-c 3%. CORRECTION JAG iGt ADDRESS ri �• ...t��f .......... ,- y ...., I,.O . % .. i J . .... .. .... . .... ....... l .... ....... J �l r r �. DATE / INSPEMOWS SIGNATpnE / .I .... yr' , `C:: '''? y`- '•.'� • ;.i. �\ �� ' :.� '.(f�[�� :h,'� i: �>.�i sa� •. ' � � . `:T �.:�; � .a.ii. °:.> .i. ..b..1,.` �� � , �:>�, , +Yf,1.; T{�ri ::/... y:1 :1�' - .�',,��w. .:�;fy'.a�?i..yr" Cr� , ;r= ' ,ti .�._} L .i. ^'" ;I,��� _ :. 0 c CITY OF LYNWOOD D Fire Prevention Bureau Office Hours 6-12 AN and 1-5 PV- SIB .' fZ — SIB. N2. 632-0707 C00C Enicwccmenl Department Office Hours: 1 -1 1"! -,.^ " r � ' .Is � r . .. . ..... 3.6 4-L 7)` .. . ........... .. .. .... .. ... / ................. 4- ................. ... �� � ,y /lam � %/�� - ,. ............ ... ....... DATE WSPECTOFtS SI6NA3 E oiCOPOS S FY t.s D.O I LOU aA• �[ •K 1 FDCt n.{ ACTION � ^^•^eDl l FrD rw Mw R1Vf 1 Ona•4.0+ { j� D•n n,t r• v wv 0 ocaatrq ♦ � COD[, Y�.cn., w- ynwuc, b A�I C DA" COMPLAI':T R "PORT rn I rc .� Merl l .Mr 'dJ� AI r,l { '1 �T rtlC Vlol.nct: tMee YES NO N. I rt�•r• N Arr ••tt. CDDr _ 41e tlrl tet, � ttm! tt A.Q D Dl m areas rra e tl r Q o m. s ti �l 4Ow R,yp.p .pDR, m, A Iff r.OrfYIY D�rI m. a src wewurm� tv.tatsrtas an 9� / .... e � o lS sf G / ..� mot ut, r.l,l fart tmt su t.0 oa � 1 r v Yf/..elA44 e.a.c r (yDT,trr rOY. resawa .mria er• 1[t ww /vuo�r J WS O{.IIDf 44,) Ytl.Delra m. .► L <4 L Kkoo w &0" V' ' ' O tut A011.rrfl, ppptl /// ? wn tfNp.1�D IAn ...a w.t, tme v ..a ODAD uI ws, sena DI.rPt pr.nty °O� r o • m• s trsotrrz Amax m. s 11[t wat p+a.000lr ARM .en .•[t Irefr t1Arra ttoaa On s ew , w4[NR�ODOtI OD! IM rap_rntto o�Cr ou.wcw.•erx omra. weer t�..aecu- .uure..r�.nu.. srryu.nry V,rnr Hlrlur.rr.locnt r.rcu ue. .. ru... 3 1 con[ ulrt we w+n m areas rra e tl rsoo� m. s ti �l Iln ww /ru0004 AoI suecawwa 0 ti / m. a src wewurm� ,.. �.. .... e � .� ..� DD. b7I6. 4r3 �..1 p{QMUttj MY�'Ir OmfRf Yf/..elA44 e.a.c r (yDT,trr rOY. r WS O{.IIDf 44,) tfNp.1�D to¢ r a utrtrE ws, sena DI.rPt pr.nty un.ca.00att m• s es woacwamu K. ARM .en .•[t Irefr moon OD! IM rap_rntto o�Cr ou.wcw.•erx omra. r•+icr>.rlt oor ft oor.so tpe elt' Orl101 r1/11011� VEHICLE u Dwotrl •ttl ltt uwawoww, I t'OttDl 1 rrWtDrDI r w trr ADOr rrw CezOt nrrrm / •/ � � {.•ZQ irtR. r I ru Irr1.IC r all" A.DD! r ftamv~O.ttt tVTlOt Itt ~� arxrr.tc Or+rnwr .801. c. L A �/�{ AN cw•.e wt, , D...rl rrt.w0[ arTnD � .■ ,T O; /y�e 7 y D 1 771 y a. +� IF 0 ` f {. •.LTSFFO •, -4A-^Vt AS WEDED 7 s bm mrsn /owm,t: �s ) EVIDENCE itm4a (mlmo � mr...m uoafc r- m,inmmwn ..waM wt )�,. wc.a nc s ,) r.sr.T:o: ncEUn mtos, NrloE ) m�(a t) m.ym r IF BURGLARY. moat wo mt t wunoif..4om() mm.00w, l mmmrf / o+r PROPERTY. ov mwum � i ntatr f � �mmmmtp PRCPORTYCIZE ' S-aMYn R-Mc*p W L -bf F -f"w E -v baZ MO O -damwW t '=A m A/tr AFA&WK&OM C(wa Fa Esarob. SPhop"h Smn Sm n m4c*+ W. Com R S/ry dM� �duOt.aD Ol mmrtcmL nt.om .wm[ p. - rw0 w.n�CK..m.fGtt Otap�rq stir ImtV � YT[}.mL COOK mmOrbl .Of .mo.a Yr. mm...n wm,t SA�AWIOZAC' 92W Acv ow Odemmi-s: • TION EHICLEI =-- TYPE (),F LOCAT Er AREA, . • wFAPONE -- MODE OF ENTRY, • —^— • VEHI '�-�— � f. SA T BURGLARYs , SCREENING FACTORS YES NO YES NO 1. SUSPECT IN CUSTODY 7. GENERAL SUSPECT DESCRIPTION 2. SUSPECT NAMED}KI1101WF !. GENERAL VEHICLE DESCRIPTION J. UNIQUE SUSPECT IDENTIFIERS i. UNIQUE M.O.OR PATTERN 4.. VEHICLE IN CUSTODY 10. SIGNIFICANT PHYSICAL EVIDENCE 6, UNIQUE VEHICLE IDENTIFIERS 11. TRACEABLE STOLEN PROPERTY • 8.' W RITER /RE+/fe"?RDISCRETION 12. MULTIPLE WITNESSES PART 1 STATISTICAL INFORMATION m L am'° CODE (, MTmf1E, t4 00 _ .t 1 CAUM04nO ALS PAOPERi)' paoO ffr) Maw IIECOUow w,atwn •fomER RECOrEAFD JEWEL" , / 1 V , f ) aue: wAw w rftAww ( 1 ORJ66 /NOmWtfMt 1 , funs /F9 T /rWIM. TmAw ( ) aim /ojrrra M ff COmtufmtmt N.*" S S LOCAL STaka" S S 1 P060N 1 1 tmEVOm rE. .,S•OL ( / mu 1 1 MOT(w gSME% —_ S ..�ftii,:.JNEO,.t , % l mg1.r / mmNC[[3IFAmENT 1 ' � t I 0 y e.. ♦ 1�-1 "f a�T. W I • . Exf h,nT CC1Ni1N. %.Yh'. ?2 CODE. S • sus SJ • w • P- Pirt4mt S/ Y• sN vkdrtl SIJ-SubiW " mY WT Y.n RaR .iOrt.[ MVW a L " 1R.n a r..l CNI : .ta M / .� � [aL[ Af W. sa4 Ip01. tV<�COp[t ao B.Q K.IO[MQ •OO.rY O.f Y sTO ..MMf tsstr•IT r Y[ w.aM arty sv .trsY .aOtt[.. em {. .IW. tutor I aaG. ts.Oa l L o ?lam 376///lli rooatrs w o u i AO, Y 1uuaoo CtOTrtN .rYi YY CNAM" ttR.aw1 IIiO (90a . °; "'a W f re. M otnsrQ smKY an or .u.rttaa YrtY r.n Y rus..tt0•. tAY t 1 a.to alar [vnn I.MrrT .[MIR r.Y. ai w.a1 ORYI.I M b alow K.tO[rQ •aeara. _.. ssn O o. rl.o.. tYS�COOaI ern w � Oa1[e"Ull'11TalVl mOfrla .Y....a. .Drab a00[INw wr. .. .Ya. aro.. IYi. napsl CM&AMB I talalpr M.. mQ L...T rai IIa1T too" pwvO'a 4tQ+tK tRan • �•1 t•a. M f fJ1YrQ aOpaO �t � Sa..•IOS tYf� C0011 , � rY.rW aariM r.n O rys..rOr. taaY COrsI .d .YiQ .Yw s'T.f ..IY.. RNNI st aY waY rRYO ICrtCI MT _ •cet r.. N aa..aTYta"VwM mR.O .Y /YSalYls ..Dana M. I who asao�iv Yatp[rQ a00r.Y t0A Y .aa. wta. IYL COOiI VY.tYaYa�Y !R 7 rY...MJ•. laar�Cli[I CODE. S • sus SJ • w • P- Pirt4mt S/ Y• sN vkdrtl SIJ-SubiW " mY WT Y.n RaR .iOrt.[ MVW a L " 1R.n a r..l .ta M aYtYrQ SrO.W IR O is.l•t0•..v.000[1 tntroa aarass �• .. - rY►.••ot. IYra qr[I ao B.Q .Yw sTO ..MMf tsstr•IT r Y[ w.aM arty sTT[ w .� ta..[avuta wna wlono aa. /rttarar rooatrs w CtOTrtN .rYi YY CNAM" ttR.aw1 IIiO (90a WTr1tl1[ RaR srl0ats WI "Y'a �K[rY IRAT[ a r../ re. M otnsrQ smKY an or .u.rttaa YrtY r.n Y rus..tt0•. tAY t 1 a.to alar [vnn I.MrrT .[MIR r.Y. ai w.a1 ORYI.I M ern w � Oa1[e"Ull'11TalVl mOfrla .Lhrar... a00[INw ` CtOMwa M raY CM&AMB I talalpr M.. mQ L...T rai IIa1T too" pwvO'a 4tQ+tK tRan • �•1 t•a. M f fJ1YrQ aOpaO �t � Sa..•IOS tYf� C0011 , � rY.rW aariM r.n O rys..rOr. taaY COrsI .d .YiQ .Yw s'T.f ..IY.. RNNI st aY waY rRYO •cet aa..aTYta"VwM mR.O .Y /YSalYls ..Dana M. I who ty.rra wstl Wr t{ YNt•atar •• f . E� • 0 CONTINUATION MARIvAl iVL URN MEOW= 7 - - A V, f , 0 MY rl i "M i 0 m I CONTINUATION NARRATIVE • � � �i �` �� / i � � � � 1 rte: i. ii G - i _ MrA - M m r 11 i L Vo M WA + b '" f . t- C �_•NT r 0 LOS A ew 6 n "REFS DEPARTMENT !' F aECOnosaPATWT OUPWAuswaaar COMPLAINT REPORT _ aa+IDllrf a III.p aJt 1 ..w, • .. � .�' 1. •. 41 � V I _ �i �/ r Aa:T1tIN �. anwu+oY ..� Cu/ ��oSScfJOiJ oit� / / /_ /r7iJ' <.t7 1 ; K / «K . 2S�L1A7A t I r�/L f W"pon LKW I VES NO I [ a tpnOpCp/RYpi � " 1 t as aarn. net II tI.e 7�D� .20.;0/�/CS _ T/1l�irS -_ •Iy,1 ea[n {Ila�IlR.lavrla �� E tma Nsl rvat twn araa ar twn �a o,�u II O ranee on P l,aa wo;! oAal I,f3pE aCafr FG /CJG`R1. I an a toa worlslo.aequ atr.esa macs o� g s O? aua.ca smlor - asn s ayo wao lwmw e ll r P. ma unraa aatan r/ _ /� ael, tylQ ow _ j r I SA C11. I Q 1.p ~ =Kj J = l m — ae.cr - am r olw wlola I.lo. mw Inoeamaor eY w a fa zoz an woacw OmD t am ooa w •rasa . aa+ aar, arw avow au nsp o" rrl, � � 4 m - . W� ar rrtla'F* r Ota.v.at w.nlrr mellos aunovrlt moor Imes* moor alln w ata was[ ~Gmu aria macs am w aA woo uloacow 76MOF4l 0- 9 ralay. UW 'I p � i Now pM•Pl�lalna j r • v O.QD � O ranee on P l,aa wo;! oAal FG /CJG`R1. I atr.esa macs o� as ow wo.c w� O? 1/ 1.11Y, e ll r Y..ac wlncr omnos wrwonra mmr / D = l m — • — Inoeamaor s an woacw OmD w Soalm am w tu.notalwonau aa+ alln arw avr rrl, rr+t alga ar rrtla'F* r Ota.v.at w.nlrr mellos aunovrlt moor porlaaf arr Alta M VEHICLE yre r twat .0 l I n� j!Q r mum aoo..na C1 OI NK / al' ursYOwv l , arose l , atrowuo l Iffun a r l YLI Moro r omr r laorlamorr, Irlwr a's^ �- ar„I+aoo+l,swartca Qj / T .m:r�s► f',"ro-07 11 cl,�� .a.l , aaw.aa+lrawoo — no A7Q.OL r ; � � /� a�rr VlW.r0.tR f14�YNOY ` ,Y �/ IO Iota awR� , 1f���tY ra anC p Aa 1' naRn elan Y [n 76MOF4l 0- 9 ralay. UW 'I p � i 9 6 � 9{� _. 2'o7•i / 1r N1c9 � —���� mo, 0n, 1 wwL, 1 UHN / . y zs z� oIIO® wJ (, Evr,�a V= 4M am .! W Maw. ll / t ftAm .r mm ao� ac 1 1 ft v+ r wnu local t P IL Y 1 ' 1Ja0l. wrt�t l 1 w l � Q wnt.r i l.a11; IF SUP4LARY IYO 11i 1 / Mm w YNNI40P1 1 1 � 11 fto / / vlF ` i ' PROPERTY: fwftw m .. S t1a#1 j fflopamcom 8-40W i- 000PWW L-JDW I -!w0 -.04=w 0-4aw qqd t0b A/ App.c.A4 CsOta fv Ew�y1! IIAepvy # br S•e#. i ArcewnQ. Coot Y i /IV ® nol .n,m a a...*cu •.,m.,.a oen*n.c itrt.t...ttx /tawro. tww� ULM � riwrewar<eavna, r ..o wolN. r.wm ruY ov OZ Z A 5 W1 rZ av SCREENING FACTORS YES 1. YES SUSPECT IN CUSTODY - - O 7. GENERAL SUSPECT DESCRIPTION 2. SUSPECT NAMED/KNOWN •. GENERAL VEHICLE DESCRIPTION 3. UNIQUE SUSPECT IDENTIFIERS S. UNIQUE M.O.OR PATTERN 4. VEHICLE IN CUSTODY 10. SIGNIFICANT PHYSICAL EVIDENCE B. UNIQUE VEHICLE IDENTIFIERS 11. TRACEABLE STOLEN PROPERTY ' 6. {WRITER /Rik'"i DISCRETION 12. MULTIPLE WITNESSES PART 1 STATISTICAL INFORMATION 1 ° 0 ° '�' 1 t cr - I G1YY!! If— Y �— M:T.It CO DE Tiwo PROPERTY n ITOLIN IIfCOYFA[D t 1 I1nTKxttnwatY t 1 �runcoc..clla- ( ► cum iLLUN11aTmAsm ` i 1 t w"r i/IXAN MCOKAED XWELAT { J { 'J aarwm^m { { uTCSroeA { { wm _ t ► twicolrrEE*nwim WLE ii olusa L ( 1 fUN01aT10Y eolsaui1E 00005 { i LOCAL 1i# { WH{CtLLAma" V SS E AEAIYI6 { • tIFFlCE amooUR { ![/1CLE l ► 1t10ICMN /arlflr Y 0 IMPORT CONTINUATION — NARRATIVE URN _ /i • /i ia• _i ;:•_ /4 / WE MAN. t � - o r r UPt2UM- SA- h-31..- �. 6 rfr ir; :� •4s �.,s, '�,,. '!f ��tr �fV:� y z�3Sst••� t� ��� 1r..'SL s k ,.r,4 :r• y�` 'Fdy `,p\ ¢ � G3 o- 1j�� ; 1•• 1 o r W � v V1 ,a 001 T01 L114P FROAS CoV$ AL 12104180 1%120009 st+ rttw�r+ ►+ttw * *,rn••A+►+►+t,�•+r+K:1�S I�A1tifAN' I' �AtlS? 1tAL7# t► �* AttN ► *1�n*swt►t►iMSlMb+wl�l�►AAoo k 01A)KINO AGENCY,, LYNNIXIU srATION 03110 12!08!89 A Ar dixJklau UAre, 12/1Niltl9 HOUKINO NUMbLR1 GDIT42914 +► * LASU #lEMOSIrORY OR THE COURT HOLDS • SUNNAW; CALYARIO FIRST ANICETII MIDDLE b• SUFFIX • • RuJ* AUdk I10tO ATLANTIC Ly""WI CA Of of umm1MT1UN A X D.0.8. 00 /00 /00 XXX XXX +► • 01WU AUANUR WHCH LIAITED NARRANT • wnlfNA�ir NUMBER t�nMtl9M1231yG1 • Of uAIL =2500000 If or YmArlom 11 -tins 26 -6PLW of • I R to-3/LA I 25- 16.4(814Y `v • • UArE ISSUW 1l /u9 /dV PILO AUY LYNNIXIU sTATION PHUNh t 21M 1'5'476111 • ` of %;vUNT CONVE MUNI. CT. DIV 005 R JV M O RLHO CARLO R If If RLSrR LUTI:U d40 VC , • w UPFlUtN HAlARUS • Of i4l*: UESCRIPTORS * ` If ULA L•1I 00000000 S5N VLN MAIN 00000000 * eNiL STATUS X +► rHIS'ABSTRACT Is SUFFICIENT FOR BODKI FURpOSLS •' if If If 1 o r W � v V1 l" N� #.,,.W IM wall Afar Mar 01 C0FdPKXCMT 05F[ATO AT fLAM OF A MW 1240D . • �'•_ -' - COUNTY Of LOS ANGSIS _ _ _ _ ;,•� PUBLIC HEALTH LICENSE - �i�i 10. - • p 101 • ._ _ ,•• ....: = ..- i._•:' - \: : • -..' :. • f l y .t .'+�• '�C. ..tF- i.t1 /r /; �.� :+C:rt• .. . ••. . • '- s.�.' ALY�Rln.ola<>tis�ro •:�:, � � � :�.sala�yeL.�.�a��:Acaaa9�:: a cLA FRD1iTER4 . 419722 1160 2 ImaNTIC ' - LYNWOOD CA90262 r. =i._. -_ kESTAtIRANT'111 -30) .., • mwrr a for Ares . �...; ' :: C �Log ORMI .\ f . • . IN ` ^,. -', . r. _.•' - 620 S ATEAWTi[ . ' - = ...,'. :'iT .Ir..+O •• .+�•....�..-. - ..' ' Al • mn• W+OVr� lY++. ✓�f1 .a "_ • 1 [YM .�'�f"ii- +ti- �.f1!-v►:?f s !�i n ..rl =. a y;, - �10 i11V1wW1�RaY i� 2'�YII/l�- a'Yi�1 Y♦ MAi� ❖�AAJJJ��� �to •V- - Cal , >A lA At K A o TA 101 1Y 0 LS8 Of M Y4 T A 1R K[ SI um `���� �• -' 19 4Y Y r f1.l l AA ATLL &M �AAA ► AO+tAT7 Al T[ W[ lKAT10� - 'SIATE SOARD OF EOUAUZATION ._ A . •, s der nAW&AAM 1' r:l:: N•A ••- ••`:;+6.. -•t .. ._. N01 rz W a onr other earrrr = ... �. ITiN #Iltv.0 STJt01 ]OPERATING pt•.vlr"•1 OF AICOriOUC KVERiGE CCgrr.Or 1901 {:>::JWAT, LACRAMEMO, CALIFORNIA 93010 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE MNSE ON -SALE DEER PERIDDI JAN 01. 1989 TNRU DEC Sla 2 - sw1 ware w. _ • x: �:l .`� A.,.iO 110509 CALYARIO GLENDA C CALVARIO AMICITO _ 24313 MARIGOLD AVE - 4 �"� -0 3 HARBOR CITY : �,1C�;aaP+r � _3. ;v �.w "_. _ • +°.�, A ,.j. ` 7s�4A a'4 " ••� •+►`A+t�.el .._Y "Ti .+� �` �♦ 11620 -22 ATLANTIC ]OLVO .. ._.,. y l� �,.- lYNNOOD_•A -tA 00262 ► ♦. + a - 7 a e .•—.== on A. rapummomy Ar 1K nan Or 00AnaD P001/lafY 0=0 •901, .� DATE: DECEMBER 13, 1989 TO: ANDREA HOOPER, CITY CLERK 0 ,�Wyglolr E FROM: CHARLES 0. GOMEZ, CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER REVOKING THE BUSINESS LICENSE ISSUED TO THE LA FRONTERA BAR LOCATED AT 11620 ATLANTIC BOULEVARD This letter in submitted in order to provide the City Clerk with information relative to the La Frontera Bar, and request the City Council consider revoking the license of this business. The La Frontera Bar, located at 11620 Atlantic Boulevard is currently an operation which serves beer and wine. However, this establishment has been the cause of at least 2 written citizen complaints, many phone complaints, and on two occasions has been cited by the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department for serving liquor to persons under the age of 21. A brief description of the City Councils options are listed below. OPTION NO. 1 According to the City of Lynwood Municipal Code Section 4 -9.1 (formerly section 17 -109) the City Manager, after a public hearing may suspend a license or special permit provided certain conditions are met. This, however is short term; it lasts only until the second meeting after the suspension. OPTION NO. 2 According to the City of Lynwood Municipal code Section 4 -9.5 (formerly section 17 -113) the City Council, after public hearing may suspend or revoke a license or special permit provided certain conditions are met. Although the City Manager does have the authority to suspend La Frontera's license, due to the circumstances the City Manager's office recommends implementation of option number 2. Revocation is not an option available to the City Manager. In order to resolve the problem the City Manager is requesting that - the City Council set a date to conduct a public hearing to consider suspending or revoking the business license issued to the La Frontera Bar. La Frontera Bar Page 2 0 Section 4 -9.5 (formerly section 17 -113) (Suspension or revocation of a license or a special permit by the City Council) of the Lynwood City Code sets forth the guidelines by which the City Council may suspend or revoke any license or special permit issued. The cause for possible revocation of La Frontera's business license as set forth in the Code have, in staff's opinion been met. These causes are as follows: a. On October 27, 1989 the City Manager's office received a written complaint from a City resident (attachment A) relative to the La Frontera Bar operations. The letter complained of loud music emanating from the La Frontera Bar at 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning. b. On December 8, 1989 the Council received a second complaint from a resident relative to the La Frontera operations (see attachment B). The letter complained of loud music emanating from the La Frontera Bar at 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning. C. On May 23, 1988 La Frontera was cited by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for serving liquor to a minor. La Frontera Bar was fined. d. The City currently, through code enforcement is pursuing nuisance abatement proceedings through the Compton Municipal Court (see attachment C). These charges include Building Code and Zoning Code violations, for an illegal room addition, and for illegal plumbing and electrical work. e. On December 7, 1989 the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department cited La Frontera Bar a second time for serving alcoholic beverages to a minor. No disposition as of 12/14/89. f. On December 7, 1989 the La Frontera Bar was cited by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for operating a business without the required disability insurance. No disposition as of 12/14/89. q. Staff and the Los Angles County Sheriff's Department are also pursuing corrective remedies through the Alcoholic Beverage Control. 9 City Clerk Letter Page 3 U Based upon the above information, the purpose of this letter is to serve as my written complaint against the La Frontera Bar so that you may present it to the City Council on the hope that they will pursue the revocation procedures set forth in Section 4 -9.5 (formerly section 17 -113) of the City of Lynwood Municipal Code. CHARLES G. GOMEZ CITY MANAGER CG:rh • December 14, 1989 City of Lynwood Louis J. Heine, Councilman 10963 Cornish Ave. Lynwood, CA. 9D262 Dear Councilman Heine, This is to put into writing our numerous complaints to you and the City regarding the La Fran -Tera night club, located at 11620 Atlantic Ave., Lynwood, CA. 90262. Each time it is open, beer cans, battles etc. are littered in the streets, sidewalk area, and in the flower beds in front of my business, which does not enhance the appearance of the City and frankly, proves to be detrimental to the image that the City of Lynwood once conveyed to the residents as well as visitors to our City. Thank you for all your help regarding this matter. DEC .A. I Sincerely yours, ROBEET JcIHNSTON & ASsociATEs A wOmuro cpll 710. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Itl]10]S•t pG] grt[R It 2 16]O -6"7 11014 ATLANTIC AVENUE ArO+iGw rl„g11, O, "141 ""-5594 LY2WWDOD, C 31POSN] 00202 MIFF'EO "M A CO AWM FAX M21 636-1101 CAUFO M {OCICIY OF C[wnFtm rutuC ACCOUxrAxiS wcI OF CAUFO A ACCOUWA December 14, 1989 City of Lynwood Louis J. Heine, Councilman 10963 Cornish Ave. Lynwood, CA. 9D262 Dear Councilman Heine, This is to put into writing our numerous complaints to you and the City regarding the La Fran -Tera night club, located at 11620 Atlantic Ave., Lynwood, CA. 90262. Each time it is open, beer cans, battles etc. are littered in the streets, sidewalk area, and in the flower beds in front of my business, which does not enhance the appearance of the City and frankly, proves to be detrimental to the image that the City of Lynwood once conveyed to the residents as well as visitors to our City. Thank you for all your help regarding this matter. DEC .A. I Sincerely yours, 0 • DATE: January 2, 1990 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: Kenrick Karefa- Johnson, Interim Director of Community Development SUBJECT: SECTION 108 LOAN PURPOSE: To request that the Council authorize the issuance of these notes and authorize and direct contracts executed for the purpose of obtaining loan guarantee assistance under Section 108 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. FACTS: 1. On March 1, 1989, the City executed a Grant Agreement for a Section 108 Loan with the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2. The loan amount approval was for $1,500,000.00 (plus interest thereon). 3. On July 19, 1989, Council directed staff to proceed with the Section 108 Loan processing. 4. In accordance with Council direction, staff informed HUD of the City's intention to proceed. 5. On August 25, 1989, staff received by mail, promissory notes and a contract for a loan guarantee to be executed pursuant the previously signed loan guarantee commitment (Grant Agreement for Section 108 Loan). A copy of the notes and contract were forwarded to the City Attorney for an opinion on the validity of the notes and on the City's authorization. 6. At it's December 2, 1989 workshop, City Council ratified the Section 108 Grant Agreement. 7. It is the opinion of the City Attorney that although the reso- lution approving the City's CDBG Statement of Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for the 1989 -90 program year, including the Section 108 loan application is sufficient; the resolution - does not specifically authorize the City to issue the Section 108 Promissory Notes. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION: The Council has directed staff to proceed with the Section 108 Loan processing. The City Attorney has determined that in order to complete the loan processing, specific authorization in the form of a Council resolution is needed. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully request that Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing the issuance of the Section 108 Promissory Notes and authorize and direct the City Manager to sign the Section 108 notes and contract. AGZT DA ITEM 13 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY - OF LYNWOOD TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF NOTES FOR A SECTION 108 LOAN, AND AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE NOTES WHEREAS, the United States Housing and Community Deveopment Act of 1974, as amended, established the Community Developmnt lock Grant (CDBG) program to provide decent housing, a suitable for environment and expanding economic opportunties, principally persons of low and moderate income; and WHEREAS, the City Council has executed a Grant Agreement for a Section 108 Loan with the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Lynwood does hereby find, determine order and resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council hereby specifically authorizes the issuance of Promissory Notes concerning the H.U.D. Section 108 Loan the City is processing. SECTION 2. The City Manager or his designee is authorized and directed to sign the notes and contracts executed for the purpose of obtaining loan guarantee assistance under Section 108 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. SECTION 3. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of 1990. EVELYN M. WELLS, MAYOR City of Lynwood ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, CITY CLERK City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: I APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY I KENRICK KAREFA - JOHNSON, INTERIM Director of Community Development ALFRETTA EARNEST, ACTING DIRECTOR. Finance Department C I T Y of L Y N W O O D WARRANT DATE. 01.02.90 W A R R A N T R E G I S T E R PAGE. I PREPAIDS AND VOIDS WARRANTS AMOUNT VENDORS VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INV DATE INVOICE AMOUNT TOTAL PREPAYS: 243895.30 TOTAL VOIDS: - 290.79 TOTAL. 243604.31 a n k7 n f� } 25232 - 261.99 68 A.B. DICK ACCEPTANCE CORP VOID - COPIER LEASE 01 -02 -90 -261 99 25707 -28.80 133 JOBS AVAILABLE VOID - SUBSCRIPT /GOMEZ 01 -02 -90 -28.80 25948 149 50 99999 SURE SHOT BAR SVCS -XMAS PARTY 01 -02 -90 149 50 25949 250.00 99999 EDNA TUITELE DJ FOR XMAS PARTY 01 -02 -90 250.00 25950 38176.01 99999 PERS P/E 12 -09- RETIREMENT 01 -02 -90 38176.01 25951 524 14 983 L.A.CELLULAR TELEPHONE CO. PHONE SERVICES 01 -02 -90 524.14 23932 10000 00 99999 PROJECT IMPACT PUBLIC SERVICE 01 -02 -90 10000.00 25953 260.00 99999 GFOA EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CTR REGIST- EARNEST 01 -02 -90 260.00 23954 193035.65 99999 PAYROLL FUND P/E 12123 01 -02 -90 193035.65 25955 300.00 889 LOUIS HEINE MONTHLY STIPEND -DEC 89 01 -02-90 300.00 23956 300.00 120 ROBERT HENNING MONTHLY STIPEND -DEC 99 01 -02 -90 300 00 25957 300.00 1091 ARMANDO REA MONTHLY STIPEND -DEC 89 01 -02 -90 300.00 25958 300.00 606 PAUL H. RICHARDS MONTHLY STIPEND -DEC 89 01-02 -90 300.00 23959 300.00 291 EVELYN M. WELLS MONTHLY STIPEND -DEC 89 01 -02 -90 300.00 TOTAL PREPAYS: 243895.30 TOTAL VOIDS: - 290.79 TOTAL. 243604.31 a n k7 n f� } WARRANT DATE. 01.02.90 WARRANT* AMOUNT VENDOR* VENDOR NAME C I T Y of L Y N W 0 0 D W A R R A N T R E G I S T E R DESCRIPTION PAGE. 2 INV DATE INVOICE AMOUNT 25966 97 19 99999 20th CENTURY PLASTICS OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 25967 654.98 68 A.B. DICK ACCEPTANCE CORP COPIER LEASE 01 -02 -90 25968 49 91 1 ARCO HARDWARE OPERATING SUPPLIES 01 -02-90 25969 57 17 2 ACE LUMBER & SUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 25970 12.00 19 99999 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPT -GOMEZ 01-02 -90 25971 5664 40 99999 ANDERSON DESK c/o OFFICE FURNITURE 01-02 -90 25972 21 80 99999 ANDUS SAENZ REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 25973 588.00 10 API ALARM SYSTEM ALARM SVCS 30/89 -3/90 01 -02 -90 25974 25.00 48.75 12 ROBERT ARCHAMBAULT TRAFFIC COMM 12/21 01 -02 -90 25975 7044.84 99999 ARCHIPLAN URBAN DESIGN ENGINEERING SVCS 01 -02 -90 25976 56.98 25.00 99999 ARMANDO SALORZANO REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 25977 106.72 99999 ARTHUR ORR REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02-90 25978 25.00 165.54 737 JOE BATTLE TRAFFIC COMM 12/21 01 -02 -90 25979 28479 50 99999 BENCHMARK CONST MEDIAN ISLE CONST 01 -02 -90 25980 43.00 99999 BETSY COVERT REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01-02 -90 25981 19 32 99999 BLANCHE F WILLIAMS REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 2 °972 321.90 25 BLUE DIAMOND MATERIALS OPERATING SUPPLIES 01-02 -90 25983 134.81 99999 BUILDING NEWS INC. BOOKSTORE UNIFORM CODE BOOKS 01 -02 -90 25984 433.00 36 CAL- SURANCE ASSOCIATES BOILER & MACHINERY INS 01 -02 -90 25985 7000.00 99999 CAPISTRANO SOLARIUMS CITY HALL EXP PROJ 01 -02 -90 25986 7 00 99999 CARLOS L LAZO REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 25987 27 35 99999 CARMINA DIAZ REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 25988 25.44 99999 CAROLYN MC CELLAN REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01-02 -90 25989 12.25 99999 CARY E BARNETT REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01-02 -90 25990 183.45 1097 CELLULAR DYNAMICS TELEPHONE CO PHONE SERVICES 01 -02 -90 25991 258.00 48 CENTURY FLORIST FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS 01 -02 -90 25992 192.70 965 CHARLES W. CARTER CO AUTO PARTS 01 -02 -90 25993 128.67 963 CHIEF AUTO PARTS AUTO PARTS 01 -02 -90 25994 125.00 99999 CITY OF SOUTH GATE STAGE PLATFORM RENTAL 01 -02 -90 25995 48.75 639 CLARK BOARDMAN COMPANY, LTD. SUBSCRIPT - HENNING 01 -02-90 25996 25.00 823 LENA COLE - DENNIS PLANNING COMM 12/12 01-02 -90 25997 19668.08 57 COMMUTER BUS LINES TROLLEY SVCS 11/89 01 -02 -90 25998 228.01 - 59 COMPTON BLUEPRINT & SUPPLY BLUEPRINT SVCS 01 -02 -90 25999 1362.00 162 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES BAIL SURCHARGE 10/89 01 -02 -90 26000 469 44 99999 COUNTY OF L.A. INTERNAL PERSONNEL CONTRACT SVCS 01 -02 -90 26001 25.00 1036 VERNA CULP WOMENS COMM 12/13 01 -02 -90 26002 25.00 63 WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM TRAFFIC COMM 12/21 01 -02-90 26003 1270.00 1009 CUTLER & ASSOCIATES PROP ACO SVCS 01 -02 -90 26004 1530.43 347 D & D REFRIGERATION HVAC SYST REPAIR 01 -02 -90 26005 108.68 99999 DALE BOUGHTON REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 26006 178.75 304 DATAOUICK INFORMATION NETWORK COMPUTER ACCESS 11/89 01 -02 -90 26007 45.70 99999 DAVID CARRERA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 26008 14500.00 99999 DAVILA LANDSCAPE' TREE REMOVAL LB BLVD 01 -02 -90 26009 163.54 99999 DELUXE BUSINESS FORMS STATIONERY SUPPLIES OI -02 -90 26010 24.50 99999 DEMESIO A ZAVALA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 26011 276.31 99999 DISCOUNT RADIATOR SERVICE RADIATOR SERVICE 01 -02 -90 26012 25.00 73 DONALD DOVE PLANNING COMM 12/12 01 -02 -90 26013 1494 72 827 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY MAINT AGMT 11 -12/89 01 -02 -90 26014 51 47 99999 EFRAIN PELAYO REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 97 19 654.98 49 91 57 17 12.00 5664.40 21 80 588.00 25.00 7044. 84 56.98 106.72 25.00 28479 50 43.00 19 32 321.90 134.81 433.00 7000.00 7 00 27 35 25.44 12.25 183.45 258.00 192.70 128.67 125.00 48.75 25.00 19668.08 228.01 1362.00 469 44 25.00 25.00 1270.00 1530 43 108.68 178.75 43.70 14500.00 _ - 165.54 24.50 276.31 25.00 1494 72 51.47 WARRANT - WARRANT* DATE. 01 02.90 AMOUNT VENDOR* C I T Y of W A R R AN T VENDOR NAME L Y N W 0 0 D R E G 18 T E R DESCRIPTION INV DATE PAGE. 3 INVOICE AMOUNT 26015 17 00 99999 ELENA GOMEZ REFUND -CLASS CANCELLED 01 -02 -90 17 00 26016 145.00 99999 EXODUS SOUND SYSTEM RENTAL 01 -02 -90 145.00 26017 129 60 907 EXPRESS MESSENGER MESSENGER SVCS 01 -02 -90 129 60 -- �_ 26018 61 12 99999 GEIGER BROS. /WEST MUG ORDER - CANCELLED 01 -02 -90 61 12 26019 150.00 113 GOVT FINANCE OFF ASSOC. SUBSCRIPT- EARNEST 01 -02 -90 150.00 26020 34.72 99999 GREGORY L GEVSER REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 34.72 26021 1116.50 99999 GREY TRUCK k CRANE LB BLVD PROJ 01 -02 -90 1116.50 26022 68.97 99999 HARRINGTON PLASTICS OPERATING SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 68.97 26023 1468.75 117 HASCO OIL COMPANY, INC. FUEL CHARGES 01 -02 -90 1468.75 26024 25.00 956 JOHN K. HAYNES PLANNING COMM 12/12 01-02 -90 25.00 26025 29 10 99999 HELEN MORRIS REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 29 10 26026 30.02 99999 HENRY OH REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 30.02 26027 19 74 99999 HERBERT CAMPOS REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 19 74 26028 60.00 99999 HOMER MC CALL, JR REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 60.00 26029 312.90 99999 INDUSTRIAL LOCK k KEY FLOOR SAFE REPAIR 01 -02 -90 312.90 26030 596.00 99999 INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED LEARNING REGIST- MURGA /OSKOUI 01 -02 -90 596.00 26031 20.27 99999 J CASTANEDA /ROSA ARAUJO REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 20.27 26032 25.00 1037 DR. BETTY JACKSON WOMENS COMM 12/13 01 -02 -90 25 00 26033 36.08 99999 JERRY k ROSA MOORE REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 36.08 26034 184.91 99999 JESUS FRAGOSO REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 184.91 26035 14 40 133 JOBS AVAILABLE SUBSCRIPT -FORDE 01 -02 -90 14.40 26036 65.77 99999 JOHN OSTROM REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 65.77 ':0037 213.71 99999 JOHN'S WHOLESALE OPERATING SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 213.71 26038 67 e9 99999 JOHN'S WHOLESALE ELECT OPERATING SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 67 89 26039 153.19 136 JONES LUMBER OPERATING SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 153.19 26040 27 14 99999 JOONATHON LEMUS REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 27 14 26041 14.32 99999 JOSE ASTORGA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 14.32 26042 32.02 99999 JOSE LUIS CASTILLO REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 32.02 26043 28.97 99999 JOSE LUIS NADERO REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 28.97 26044 44 58 99999 JUAN C GONZALEZ REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 44.58 26045 1222.95 99999 KELLY SERVICES INC. TEMPORARY HELP 01 -02 -90 1222.95 26046 705.71 140 KEYSTONE FORD AUTO PARTS 01 -02 -90 705.71 26047 24.38 99999 KIM MURPHY REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 24 38 26048 274.98 99999 KODAKI COPIER SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 274 98 26049 241.95 961 L&N UNIFORM SUPPLY CO. INC. UNIFORM SERVICE 01 -02 -90 241 95 26050 9 00 925 L.A. COUNTY RECORDERS OFFICE LIEN RELEASE 01 -02 -90 9 00 26051 44.18 99999 LAWRENCE R BOYER REFUND-ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 44.18 26052 303446.50 161 LOS ANGELES COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT 11/89 01 -02 -90 303446.50 26053 12.80 923 LOS ANGELES TIMES SUBSCRIPT - HENNING 01 -02 -90 12.80 26054 8.65 99999 LOS ANGEELES COUNTY ASSESSOR ASSESSOR MAPS 01 -02 -90 8.65 26055 11 49 99999 LUIS ARREOLA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 11 49 26056 156.22 164 LYNGATE PRINTING CO. OPERATING SUPPLIES 01-02 -90 156.22 26057 6845.87 172 CITY OF LYNWOOD -HOME BANK WORKERS COMP REIMB 01 -02 -90 6845.87 26058 29 93 99999 MANUEL TORRES REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 29 93 26059 607 01 637 MARK IV CHARTER LINES TRANSPORTATION SVCS 01 -02 -90 607 01 26060 25.00 1039 DELLA MAZZIOTTI WOMENS COMM 12/13 01 -02 -90 25.00 26061 105.00 328 MC JIMSEY EXTERMINATING PEST CONTROL SVCS 01 -02 -90 105.00 26062 25.00 1072 CARLTON MC MILLER PLANNING COMM 12/12 01 -02 -90 25.00 26063 25.35 327 MC DONALD'S EQUIPMENT OPERATING SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 25.35 C I T Y of L Y N W O 0 D WARRANT DATE. 01.02.90 W A R R A N T R E G I S T E R PACE. 4 WARRANT# AMOUNT VENDOR* VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION INV DATE INVOICE AMOUNT 26064 83.61 99999 MELICIO VILLGAS REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 0I -02 -90 83.61 26065 1875.00 99999 MELVIN T JOHNSON WEED ABATEMENT 01 -02 -90 1875.00 26066 18.52 99999 MRS. SIDNEY ARMSTRONG REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 18.52 26067 25.00 949 JAMAL MUSHIN PLANNING COMM 12/12 01 -02 -90 25.00 26068 436.35 99999 NATIONAL LUMBER CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 01 -02 -90 436.37 26069 43.00 99999 NATIONAL ROTARY ASSOCIATION MEMBER - PORTER 01 -02-90 43.00 26070 28.77 99999 NELDA NIEVES REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 28.75 26071 301.04 99999 NELMAT INC. AUTO PARTS 01 -02 -90 301 04 26072 100.00 99999 NFBPA MEMBER - HERIOT 01 -02 -90 100.00 26073 702.99 199 NORMED SAFETY SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 702.99 26074 1376.97 769 NORWALK POWER EQUIPMENT CO. LAWN MOWER PARTS 01 -02 -90 1396.97 26077 132.81 99999 ORCO DOOR CLOSER DOOR REPAIR 01 -02 -90 132.81 26076 77.91 99999 OSCAR /MORMA ROSALES REFUND-ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 77.91 26077 27.00 1040 ETHEL PACHECO WOMENS COMM 12113 01 -02 -90 27.00 26078 27.00 1066 EDWARD PACHECO TRAFFIC COMM 12/21 01 -02 -90 27.00 26079 891 77 201 PACIFIC BELL PHONE SERIVCES 01 -02 -90 891 77 26080 107.48 407 PARK WATER COMPANY WATER CHARGES 9/7 -11/6 01 -02 -90 103.48 26081 2171 00 99999 PARSONS ELECTRICAL CO. CITY HALL EXP PROJ 01 -02 -90 2171.00 26082 397 16 99999 PAYLESS FURNITURE OFFICE EQUIPMENT 01 -02 -90 397 16 26083 118.14 99999 PEDRO C VILLANUEVA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 118.14 26084 187.00 982 PEERLESS STATIONERS OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 187.00 26087 412.74 207 PETTY CASH REPLENISMENT 01 -02 -90 412.74 26086 266.12 99999 PHIL 6 JIM'S VCR -TEEN CTR 01 -02 -90 266.12 26087 138.32 99999 PHIL a JIM'S APPLIANCES MICROWAVE 01 -02 -90 138.32 26088 777 19 99999 PHIL U JIMS MICROWAVE OVEN 01 -02 -90 777 19 26089 146.65 99999 PIONEER METAL FINISHING REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 146.67 26090 70.40 216 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY OPERATING SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 70.40 26091 27.00 218 ROY PRYOR PLANNING COMM 12/12 01 -02 -90 25.00 26092 96.28 99999 PYRAMID PROPERTIES REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 96.28 26093 854.00 219 QUALITY FENCE CO.. INC. INSTALL FENCE 01 -02 -90 874.00 !6094 26.52 99999 RAFAEL JASSO REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 26.72 26095 78.71 99999 RALPH WOODS REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 58.71 26096 195.00 99999 RED RIBBON SUPPLIES ANTI -DRUG BUTTONS 01 -02 -90 195.00 26097 59 31 15 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 01 -02 -90 79 31 26098 1472.85 225 RENTERIA AUTO PARTS AUTO PARTS 0I -02 -90 1472.87 26099 31.14 99999 RICHARD KNIEPFEL REFUND-ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 31 14 26100 3000.00 99999 RMRS POSTAGE 01 -02 -90 3000.00 26101 22.78 '99999 ROBERT J DISESSA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 22.78 26102 21 85 99999 ROBERTO VALENCIA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 21 85 26103 16.95 99999 ROGER L TURRIETTA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 16.95 26104 13.46 99999 RUBEN LIMON REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 13.46 _ 26105 2677 00 99999 S. ACUNA CONSTRUCTION CITY HALL EXP PROJ 01 -02 -90 2677 00 26106 1800.00 99999 S. ACUNA CONSTRUCTION CITY HALL EXP PROJ 01 -02 -90 1800.00 y 26107 1400.00 99999 S. ACUNA CONSTRUCTION CITY HALL EXP PROJ 01 -02 -90 1400.00 26108 777.00 99999 SAFTEY STRIPING ATLANTIC BLVD PROJ 01 -02 -90 757.00 26109 23.50 99999 SECRETARY COFFEE SERVICES COFFEE SERVICE 01 -02 -90 23.50 26110 39 32 99999 SENGIA MURGA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 01 -02 -90 39 32 _ 26111 1234.34 241 SHELL OIL COMPANY GAS CHARGES 01 -02 -90 1234.34 26112 49 52 99999 SHEPARD'S /MCGRAW HILL SUBSCRIPT- HENNING 01 -02 -90 49 52 WARRANT DATE. 01.02.90 WARRANT* AMOUNT VENDOR* VENDOR NAME C I T Y of L Y N W 0 0 D W A R R A N T R E G I S T E DESCRIPTION 26113 936.15 692.71 926 SHERMIN- WILLIAMS CO. OPERATING SUPPLIES 26114 692.71 993.03 244 SMART & FINAL IRIS CO. OPERATING SUPPLIES 26115 45.10 44.44 763 SMITH PAINT & SUPPLY, INC. PAINT SPRAYER REPAIR 26116 18902.65 227 246 SO CALIF EDISON COMPANY LIGHT & POWER 26117 993.03 37 247 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY GAS SERVICES 26118 2190.00 187 99999 SO. CAL. SCREEN PRINTING INC. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 26119 66.00 480.00 99999 SOURCELETTER SUBSCRIPT -REC & PARKS 26120 44.44 624.31 249 SOUTH GATE WSLE ELECTRIC OPERATING SUPPLIES 26121 27 93 99999 SPARKLETTS DDRINKING WATER DRINKING WATER 26122 244.20 73.84 426 ST FRANCIS MEDICAL CENTER EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS 26123 227 16 99999 STARLITE /BLINKERLITE SAFTEY PARADE BARRICADE 26124 454.00 9011 1011 STATE CONTROLLERS OFFICE STREET REPORT 26125 319 93 99999 SUPERIOR SIGNAL SVCS CORP TRAFFIC SIGNALS 26126 37 93 99999 TEOFILLO & GABRIELA GUERRERO REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 26127 1035.29 25.00 264 TEXACO, INC. GAS CHARGES 26128 905.96 265 BILL THOMAS PHOTOS 26129 187 00 99999 THOMPSON PUBLISHING PERSONNEL HANDBOOK -- ' - 26130 6.63 99999 TIBURCIA PENA REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 26131 2521 62 267 TIMELY TEMPORARY SERVICE TEMPORARY HELP 26132 480.00 99999 TORRANCE LOSS CONTROL CORP SAFTEY SVCS 12/89 26133 60.00 99999 TRW CREDIT SERVICES INC. CREDIT SERVICES 26134 875.69 276 U.B. POSTMASTER POSTAGE PERMIT *259 26139 624.31 99999 U.S. POSTMASTER POSTAGE PERMIT *259 26136 584.00 99999 V.S. RENTALS MAN LIFT RENTAL 26137 419 56 99999 U.S. RENTALS EQUIP RENTAL 26138 640.94 279 UNISOURCE COPIER SUPPLIES 26139 149 46 99999 UNITED NOTTINGHAM PORT TOILET RENTALS 26140 75.00 732 JOY VALENTINE MINUTES CLERK 12/12 26141 73.84 99999 VALERIE WASHINGTON REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 26142 21885.79 601 VALLEY DECORATING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 26143 1473.16 99999 VIRCO MFG. CORP FURNITURE TEEN CTR 26144 1450.00 99999 WARDLOW & WEISS GEN. INSURANCE INS PREM -SAL 26145 6417 47 286 CARL WARREN & CO. LEGAL SERVICES 26146 139 30 295 WESTERN HIGHWAY PRODUCTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 26147 9011 83 296 WESTERN WASTE INDUSTRIES TRASH PICK -UP 11/89 26148 92989 85 413 WESTERN WASTE INDUSTRIES TRASH PICK -UP 11/89 26149 721.04 483 WESTERN PETROLEUM INC. GASOLINE CHARGES 16150 83.50 298 WHEEL MAN TIRE SERVICE TIRE SERVICE 26151 430.00 99999 WHITAKER CONCRETE RENTAL TIRE LOADER 26132 632.61 299 WHITTIER FERTILIZER CO. OPERATING SUPPLIES 26153 52.47 99999 WILBURN'S WHOLESALE HELIUM TANK RENTAL 26154 2184.00 99999 WILDAN ASSOCIATES PLANNING SVCS 10/89 26153 12.12 99999 WILHELM WOEFF REFUND -ACCT CLOSED 26156 25.00 824 DAVID J. WILLIS., JR. PLANNING COMM 12/12 26157 25.00 305 RONALD WRIGHT TRAFFIC COMM 12/21 26158 1326.00 307 YOUNG PEOPLE OF LYNWOOD ALLEY CLEAN -UP 833179 01 PAGE. 5 INV DATE INVOICE AMOUNT 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01-02 -90 OI -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01-02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 OI -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 OI -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 01 -02 -90 936. 1 S 692.71 45. 10 16902. 65 993.03 2190.00 66.00 44.44 27 95 244 20 227 16 434. GO 319 93 37 93 1033.29 905.96 187 00 6.63 2521.62 480.00 60.00 875.69 624.31 584 00 419 56 640.94 149 46 75.00 73.84 21885. 79 1473.16 1450.00 6417 47 139 50 9011 83 92989 85 721 04 83.50 430.00 632.61 52.47 2184.00 12.12 25.00 25.00 1326.00 853179 01 PREPAID: 25948 -25939 SPOILED: 25960 -25968 VOIDS:, 25232, 23707 _ -___ _ __ 0 DATE: JANUARY 2, 1990 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: INSTALLATION OF RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS AND STRIPING ON STATE STREET, INDUSTRY WAY, AND EAST ALAMEDA STREET PURPOSE: To recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing staff to obtain informal bids for the reinstallation of raised pavement markers and striping on State Street, Industry Way, and East Alameda Street. BACKGROUND: The County Sanitation Districts and Southern California Gas Company have installed new lines on State Street, Industry Way, and Alameda Street, and have not replaced some of the damaged raised pavement markers and striping due to their construction on these streets. Staff has contacted both agencies and they have agreed to reimburse the City for any damage done to the striping and raised pavement markers at these streets. Reinstallation of raised pavement markers and striping at State Street, Industry Way, and Alameda Street is estimated to be $12,000.00. ANALYSIS: Since the project is small in nature, it could be completed in a more timely and efficient manner by obtaining informal bids. A 4/5 Council vote is required, as set forth by Section 2 -62(c) in the Lynwood Municipal Code. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing staff to obtain informal bids for this project. C19.070 AGENDA ITEM /- 45700 4 0 0 Date: January 2, 1990 To: The Honorable Mayor and Council Members From: Charles G. Gomez, City Manager By: Gerald W. Forde, Adm. Assistant to the City Manager Subject: CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUDGET REQUEST FOR 1990 (Returned for consideration per City Council direction) Objective To have the City Council: 1). Review the Chamber of Commerce budget request for Parking and Business Improvement District Funds. 2). Review the City's plans for the distribution of funds. City Council has approved a budget for Fiscal Year 1989 -90 Parking and Business Improvement District Funds of $89,200. 3). To consider authorizing an allocation of $70,000 to the Chamber from the funds and authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Chamber for expenditure of the funds. Background In November, 1985, the City Council approved Ordinance No. 1262, which established a city -wide Parking and Business Improvement District in the City of Lynwood. The ordinance imposed an additional business license assessment in an amount equal to fifty percent (50 %) of the business license tax otherwise imposed upon businesses in the City. The ordinance specifies that revenues derived from the charge can be used for any of the following: 1. The acquisition, construction, or maintenance of parking facilities for the benefit of the area; 2. Decoration of any public place in the area; 3. Promotion of public events which are to take place on or in the area; 4. Furnishing of music in any public place in the area; 5. The general promotion of business activities in the -- area. Since the inception of the District, the City has allocated an average of $65,000 /yr to the Chamber for its promotional programs. The Chamber of Commerce has requested continued funding from the City's Parking and Business Improvement District Fund and has submitted a proposal requesting $70,000 in assistance. 1 AGENDA ITEM 0 RESOLUTION NO. 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD AUTHORIZING STAFF TO OBTAIN INFORMAL BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS AND STRIPING AT STATE STREET, INDUSTRY WAY, AND EAST ALAMEDA STREET WHEREAS, the City Council desires to continue maintaining City streets in a proper and efficient manner; and WHEREAS, the County Sanitation Districts and Southern California Gas Company have installed new lines and removed or damaged raised pavement markers and striping; and WHEREAS, the County Sanitation Districts and Southern California Gas Company have agreed to reimburse the City for said work, estimated to cost $12,000.00; and WHEREAS, the project can be completed more expeditiously and efficiently if done through an informal bid process; and WHEREAS, under Section 2 -62 (c) of the Lynwood Municipal Code, Council can authorize implementation of projects through informal bids by a 4/5 vote. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lynwood as follows: Section 1 . The City Council hereby finds and determines that the installation of raised pavement markers and striping at State Street, Industry Way, and East Alameda Street can be completed more expeditiously and efficiently through informal bids. Section 2 . This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this day of , 1990. EVELYN WELLS, Mayor City of Lynwood 0 ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, City Clerk City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney City of Lynwood APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: JOSEPH Y. WANG, P.E., Director of Public Works/ City Engineer C19.080 0 0 Analysis In addition to funding the Chamber of Commerce with the proceeds of the Parking and Business Improvement District Funds, the City's has traditionally expended a portion of the funds for its own promotional activities. This Fiscal Year sees the addition of new program Council may wish to include. Outlined below is the estimated budget for the Business Improvement District in FY 89/90. Item FY 89/90 FY 90//91 (projected) Revenues (surcharge on $ 86,762 $ 86,762 business licenses) Budgeted Appropriations 89,200 89,21)0 Programs Requests Chamber of Commerce 65,000 70,000 Black History 3,000 3,000 Cinco de Mayo 3,000 3,000 Fourth of July 6,000 6,000 Christmas Parade 11,000 11,000 New Program - Unity Faire -0- 11,400 Subtotal 88,000 104,400 Total Deficit ($ 1,238) ($ 17,638) DISCUSSION AND OPTIONS In looking at the projected revenues and expenditures shown above, the reader finds that the proposed expenditures will exceed projected revenues for the FY 89/90. If City Council funds the Chamber at its requested level and wishes to continue all of the traditional programs plus the new program (Unity Faire), there will be a deficit of $17,638. Council at their option may 1) consider reducing certain city program costs 2) ask the Chamber to modify their request 3) move programs to other funds and 4) consider increasing the business license assessment. Recommendation It is respectfully requested that City Council consider options and give staff direction on which one(s) to implement. Staff will come back to Council with a resolution based on Council's recommendation. 5:chamagd 2 0 0 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE _ lox 763, Lynwood, California 90262 P13) 537.4 84 October 26, 1989 Mayor Evelyn Wells d City Council City of Lynwood 11330 Bullis Rd. Lynwood, CA 90262 Dear Mayor Wells b�City Council: Enclosed is the Chamber budget, income and expense outline, monthly program and meeting timetable for 1990. We are again requesting $70,000.00 from the business license fund (AB 1693) for our support for January 1,1990 to December 31, 1990. The Lynwood Chamber of Commerce is a civic and business action agency for the community. Its programs and policies are directed to sound developmentof the Lynwood area, according to a pattern which relies on factual appraisal of inherent advantages and potentialities. The Cham- bers job is to analyze community needs, channel financial and manpower resources of the area, organize and develop necessary leadership to in- sure progress. The Chamber, with 400 members, serves as a branch of every business in the areato do things for and in behalf of the community which no one could do alone and which would not be done unless someone had the re- sponsibility to do the job. It is the catalyst in getting things accom- plished. Sincerely, i Robert Matthews Leig n Hull President President Elect Lynwood Chamber of Commerce Lynwood Chamber of Commerce Enclosures RM:LH: bd 0 0 LYNWOOD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PROPOSED BUDGET t990 INCOME - City of Lynwood $70,000. Chamber Dues 2,500. Interest 500. Carnival 4,000. Seminars & Meetings 2,000. Door Prizes 300. Installation Banquet 2,500. Golf Tournament 3,000. Car Show 8,500. Youth & Education 350. Miss Lynwood 7,000. Job Fair 3,000. Fund Raiser 5,000. Misc. 1,945. — 710,595. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Managers Salary(Gross) $34,650. Secretarys Salary(Gross) 14,400. Auto Allowance 1,800. Managers Expenses 1,800. Managers Retirement 3,300. Group Insurance 7,250. Taxes(Payroll & Property) 5,500. — $68,700. OFFICE EXPENSE Rent $4,800. Supplies 1,500. Printing 500. Postage 1,500. Telephone 1,000. Office Machines 1 Insurance (Wk.Comp. /Liab.) 2,035. Audit 1 -- $13,535. 0 0 LYNWOOD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PROPOSED BUDGET 1990 INCOME BUSINESS LICENSE EVENT JOB FAIR L.A. COUNTY FAIR MTNGS.,SEM.,MIXERS YOUTH L EDUCATION MISS LYNWOOD INSTALLATION BANQUET GOLF TOURNAMENT CARNIVAL CAR SHOW RETAIL TRADE MISCELLANEOUS INCOME EXPENSES ADMINISTRATIVE INCOME $3000.00 -0- 2000.00 350.00 7000.00 2500.00 3000.00 4000.00 8500.00 -0- $30,350.00 MANAGERS SALARY (GROSS) SECRETARYS SALARY (GROSS) 4, ALLOWANCE ,EXPENSES MANAGER RETIREMENT GROUP INSURANCE TAXES (PAYROLL & PROP.) OFFICE EXPENSE RENT SUPPLIES PRINTING "STAGE .tLEPHONE OFFICE MACHINES INSURANCE (OFFICE, AUDIT WORK.COMP.) MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS PHOTOGRAPHY PETTY CASH YOUNG PEOPLE OF LYNWOOD EXPENSE $1800.00 250.00 2000.00 300.00 6500.00 2200.00 2500.00 600.00 8500.00 1200.00 $25,850.00 $34,650.00 14,400.00 1800.00 1800.00 3300.00 7250.00 5500.00 $70,000.00 ±OR_ +$1200.00 +50.00 -0- +50.00 +500.00 +300.00 +500.00 +3400.00 -0- - 1200.00 + $4800.00 8610.00 $83,410.00 $68,700.00 $4800.00 1200.00 500.00 1200.00 1250.00 1350.00 1350.00 1000.00 $12,650.00 $1200.00 250.00 250.00 360.00 $2060.00 $83,410.00 $4 j 's 0 0 PROMOTIONS Job Fair L.A. County Fair Seminars d Meetings Youth 8 Education Installation Banquet Carnival Car Show Retail Trade Miss Lynwood Golf Tournament MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE Photo Dues 8 Subscriptions Petty Cash Young People of Lynwood Misc. $1,800. 250. 2,000. 300. 2,200. 600. 8,500. 1,200. 6,500. 2,500. T25,850. $250. 1,300. 300. 360. 300. $2,510. $110,595. 0 LYNWOOD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1990 CALENDAR OF EYENTS/MEETINGS January Legislative Meeting Instllation of Officers — January 20, 1990 Hotel/Motel Association Meeting Golf Tournament Meeting Car Show Meeting Miss Lynwood Meeting Job Fair Meeting Board of Directors Meeting February Legislative Meeting Hotel/Motel Asociation Meeting Golf Tournament Meeting Car Show Meeting Miss Lynwood Pageant Meeting Job Fair Meeting Career Day Meeting Board of Directors Meeting March Legislative Meeting Hotel/Motel Association Meeting Golf Tournament Meeting Car Show Meeting Retail Trade Meeting Career Day Meeting Miss Lynwood Pageant — March 24, 1990 Board of Directors Meeting 0 9 •V� Legislative Meeting Hotel Motel Association Meeting Miss Lynwood Pageant Critique Golf Tournament Meeting Car Show Meeting Career Day Meeting Board of Directors Meeting Memorial Day Service Meeting Retail Trade Meeting may Legislative Meeting Hotel /Motel Association Meeting Golf Tournament - May 2, 1990 Car Show Meeting Retail Trade Meeting Career Day - May 16, 1990 Board of Directors Meeting Retail Trade Meeting Memorial Day Services - May 25, 1990 Job Fair Meeting June Legislative Meeting Hotel/Motel Association Meeting Retail Trade Meeting Car Show Meeting Board Directors Meeting Job Fair Meeting 0 July Legislative Meeting Hotel Motel Association Meeting Retail Trade Meeting Car Shov - July 8, 1990 Carnival - May 6, 7 and 8, 1990 Retail Trade Meeting Board of Directors Meeting L.A. County Fair Meeting Job Fair Meeting August Hotel /Motel Association Meeting Vacations September Legislative Meeting Retail Trade Meeting Hotel Motel Association Meeting L.A. County Fair Meeting Budget Meeting Board of Directors Meeting Job Fair Meeting Nominating Committee Meeting October Legislative Meeting Hotel/Motel Association Meeting Retail Trade Meeting Job Fair - October 17, 1990 Budget Meeting Election of Officers Board of Directors Meeting i November Legislative- Meeting Hotel /Motel Association Meeting Retail Trade Meeting Thanksgiving /Christmas Promotion December Legislative Meeting Hotel Motel Association Meeting Thanksgiving /Christmas Promotion Board of Directors Meeting Christmas Mixer i F OB FAIR The Chamber will again co- sponsor a Job Fair, along with the City of Lynwood and the Mid Cities Veterans Association. Invitations are mailed to manufacturers, food industry, military, cities, plus many other prospective employers inviting them to participate in the Job Fair. The Job Fair is open to the public, at no charge, with the idea to line up a prospective employee with an employer. This event was very successful last year. The date has been set for October 17, 1990. INCOME Booth Sales ;3000. EXPENSES printing $800. Caterer 600. Photography 100. Signs 300. ;1800. LOS ANGELES COUNTY FAIR The Chamber annually sponsors a Lynwood Day at the County Fair. The Cham- ber urges the citizens of Lynwood to attend the fair on our day. In addition, the Chamber sponsors the ninth race at Fairplex. Chamber and City officials present the owner of the winning horse a Fairplex warming blanket. The Chamber provides the elected city officials with compli- mentary tickets to the fair and also sells discount tickets to the fair as a service. Income -0- Expenses L.A. County Fair Sponsorship $100. Tickets 100. $200. 0 dETINGS, SEM b MIXERS The Chamber holds monthly Executive, Board and Membership meetings to discuss Chamber business matters and programs. In addition, there are seminars planned, geared to the business and professional community, however, they are open to the public and are free of charge. Mixers are held on a request basis and are held to promote and advertise a specific business. INCOME ;2000. %. XPENSES ;2000. 4 0 OUTH S EDUCATION Career Day The Chamber will co- sponsor Career Day again this year with Lynwood High School. The purpose of Career Day is to arrange for business and professional people to come to Lynwood High School and present a program on their occuptaion to students who are interested in that profession. The students are given the opportunity to ask qustions at the end of the presentation. This is an excellent program and gives students a chance to learn first hand about their chosen business or profession. INCOME Contribution $350. EXPENSES Lunch ;300. Youth Athletic League The Chamber will continue to support the Sheriff's Youth Athletic League as funds are available. Youth Merit Awards The Chamber will continue to support the Youth Merit Award Program, contributing to its scholarship program. INCOME -0- EXPENSE $25.00 N i i .SS LYNWOOD SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT The annual Miss Lynwood Scholarship Pageant is scheduled for March 1990 and will again be held at Louis Thompson Auditorium, Hall. One young lady between the age of 17 and 24 will be selected by a panel of impartial judges to be Miss Lynwood 1990. Also to be selected will be a first and second runner -up and a Miss Congeniality. There will be four phases of judging: 1. Judges Interview 3. Figure Judging 2. Gown 4. Talent The young lady named Miss Lynwood will be the City's official representa- tive at all City and Chamber events. Program ads will be sold again to help offset the cost of the pageant. A judges and sponsors dinner will be held at Bateman Hall the night of the event. INCOME Sponsors $4200. Ad Sales 2000. Ticket Sales 800. $7000. EXPENSES Judges Dinner $1000. Sashes, Trophies, Pins 600. tinting 700. Orchestra 500. Equipment /Lights /Sound 1000. Misc. Expense 1000. Program 1500. Decorations 200. $6500. I 0 INSTALLATION BANQUET The Chamber annually holds a banquet to honor outgoing board members and officers and to install the incoming board members and officers. In addition, a citizen of the year, business of the year and committeeperson of the year are honored. The banquet is normally attended by Chamber members and city officials. INCOME (Based on attendees) 60 ! $35.00 $2100. Contribution 400. $2500. EXPENSES Food 60 @ $25. $1500. Beverage 200. Placques 100. Printing 100. Entertainment 300. $2200. 9 r 0 )LF TOURNAMENT This year the Chamber will hold its Twenty -Ninth Golf Tournament. This gives the business and professional people an opportunity to enjoy their favorite game and to socialize. INCOME Entries $1800. Trophy Sponsors 100. Hole Sponsors 1025. Donations 75. I $3000. ' i T XPENSES Green Fees $700. ,Cart Rental 350. !Prizes /Golf Balls 500. Food S Beverage 950. $2500. B 0 0 CARNIVAL The Chamber annually has Christiansen Carnival in Lynwood. For the past five years the carnival is held in conjunction with the car show in July. The carnival provides entertainment to the citizens and is a fund raiser for the Chamber. INCOME 44000. (Est.) EXPENSE City business license $600. • CAR SHOW The Chamber will sponsor the Sixth Annual Lynwood Custom Car and Hot Rod Show. It is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, July 8, 1990. This event has grown in popularity and has become known as a first rate show in Southern California. The city has received much publicity about the success of the show. Many other events are run in conjunction with the car show. INCOME Entries $4500. Trophy Sponsors 2500. Booth Sales 1500. $8500. EXPENSES Printing Placques /Trophies & Ribbons Banners /Badges Photo Expense Staging Publicity Porta Potties Cleaning Service Sheriff $750. 3350. 75. 200. 750. 1000. 325. 200. 1850. $8500. RETAIL TRADE The Chamber will again hold the traditional Thanksgiving /Christmas bumper strip promotion. Five thousand "Seasons Greetings - Shop Lynwood" bumper strips are distributed to participating businesses in Lynwood and these are given to customers to put on their vehicles. over a two month period of time license numbers are taken when a bumper strip is observed. For four consecutive weeks, five numbers are drawn, identified and the owners are notified they have won a 10 pound turkey. This program has been well received by the community. Cost of Bumper Strips $1200. i --L • HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Lynwood Chamber Historical Society is well on its way and has many artifacts already displayed in the Chamber office. The Society has secured two display cases, which are full of city memorabilia. Periodically the display is changed and new material is added. No income and no expense 0 0 Date: January 2, 1990 To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Gerald W. Forde, Adm. Assistant to the City Manager Subject: ELEGATION INTERNATIONAL (SCI) PROGRAM D RESPONSIBILITIES Obiective To obtain City Council direction on delegating SCI duties and responsibilities. Facts 1. At their regularly scheduled meeting of December 19, the City Council took the following actions relative to this item: a. Directed staff to apply for membership in the Sister Cities International Organization. b. Adopted Resolution No. 89 -234 appropriating 8,000 for the City of Lynwood's participation in the SCI program. C. Directed staff to pursue forming a sister city relationship with the Township of Point Fortin or any other possible City(s). d. Directed staff to research how other cities delegated Sister City Program duties and responsibilities. 2. Attached for City Council's information is the staff report submitted December 19th (Attachment A). 3. The only issue not resolved at the December 19th City Council meeting was should the Community Affairs Commission (CAC) be assigned the SCI program or should City Council create a new Commission. 4. Based upon Fact 3, Council directed staff to provide Council with additional information on how other cities handled the SCI program. ' 5. On December 21, 1989, staff forwarded a copy of the Ordinance establishing the Community Affairs Commission along with their duties and responsibilities for City Council review. 6. Attachment B to this report provides Council with information obtained by staff relative to how other cities handle their SCI program. Analysis Based upon the information provided and staff's analysis, City Council would appear to have three (3) options to consider relative to delegating the duties and responsibilities associated with the adoption of a SCI program. They are: 1. Assign program to an existing commission, i.e., Community Affairs Commission under the existing Ordinance establishing its creation. AGE10 I 2. Amend 'the ordinance establishing the CAC to specirically incorporate the SCI program to their scope of duties and responsibilities. 3. Create a new commission to handle the SCI program. Recommendation That City Council provide staff with appropriate direction. I 6:sci � I tE/Harr A Date December 19,1989 To: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From: Gerald W. Forde, Adm. Assistant to the City Manager Subject: INTERNATIONAL SISTER CITIES FORMATION OF A SISTER CITY RELATIONSHIP Objective 1. To have City Council consider participation in the Sister Cities International program. 2. To obtain City Council'i direction relative to joining SCI and the possible forming of a sister city relationship with Point Fortin, Trinidad or other possible City(s). Facts 1. At City Council's direction, staff has begun investigating the possibilities of the City of Lynwood participating in the Sister Cities International program. 2) Attached for City Council review is an application package for membership in the Sister Cities International Organization. 3) Also attached for City Council review is a letter from Mr. John Cupid, Chairman Pro Tem of the Twinning Committee of Point Fortin expressing an interest in becoming a sister city with Lynwood. Discussion If City Council wishes to participate in the Sister Cities International Program and/ or form a relationship with Point Fortin or possibly another city, staff would request Council take the following actions: 1. Direct staff to fill out the appropriate paperwork allowing the city to become an active member of the Sister Cities International Organization. 2. Direct staff to pursue forming a sister city relationship with the Township of Point Fortin or for any other City Council -may wish to consider 3. Adopt the attached resolution appropriating the necessary funds ($8,000) to allow City of Lynwood to participate in the -- Sister Cities Internati amou Council may Attac to A outlines a preliminary budg consider. Recommendation That City 6: sister Council provide staff with appropriate direction. AGENDA ITEM _LV 0 Per Council request, staff has surveyed several neighboring cities regarding the Sister City program. The following information is general and is presented in order to provide Council with a overall view of how other cities operate their Sister Cities program. All of the cities who participate in the Sister City program have some sort of community based advisory board to provide ideas and information relative to the program and possible activities, such as fund raising and public relations recommendations. These community based organizations may be as formal as city commissions or committees, or as informal as citizen volunteer groups. The degree of the formality depends on the extent of the community involvement in the Sister City program. Some cities budget from $1,500 - $4,500 yearly to these community based organizations to cover incidental costs, such as newsletters, travel, luncheons, and supplies. in some cases the City may provide s taff person to assist in the coordination of meetings, and to serve as a liaison with the Sister City staff person in another country. Some cities have unlimited membership in these community based organizations; meaning evberyatt to participate in the group bending meetings, and workshops. Y In general, the community based organization, whether formal or informal is the catalyst in making the Sister City program a success. This group can make innovative suggestions such programs as youth educational exchanges, Christmas gift exchange, and the exchanging of ideas and cultures with your sister city. A city government is not formally required to participate in the Sister City program, however most cities do by providing in kind services such as a meeting place, postage for mailings, fax services, city subsidies, or providing a City staff person to perform routine duties for the community based organization. SURVEY OF CITIES PARTICIPATING IN SISTER CITY PROGRAMS CITY STAFF PERSON CITY SUBSIDY HOW MUCH CITY- COMMISSION TYPE AUTONOMOUS BOARD OF OR COMMITTEE DIRECTORS - -- -- - ---- -- --- ---- - - -- -- ---------------------------------------------- ------------- - - - - -- -- -- --- --= --- - - - - -- LA HABRA NO NO a NO YES NO CARSON YES YES VARIES NO.-' - NO NO • DOWNEY NO NO NO a YES NO PASADENA YES YES $4,500.00 YES COMMITTEE NO YES TORRANCE YES YES $1,500.00 NO - NO NO "ERRITOS NO NO NO -- YES NO • Date: January 2, 1990 To: The Honorable Mayor and Council Members From: = Charles G. Gomez, City Manager From: Gerald W. Forde, Adm. Assistant to the City Manager Subject: PROPOSED ANTI -CAR THEFT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF LYNWOOD Objective To obtain City Council direction relative to this item. Facts 1. Attached for City Council's review is a request for Council consideration to implement an anti -car theft program similar to the one the City of Lakewood has in effect - Lakewood Auto Watch (L.A.W.). 2. Based on the Sheriff's statistics, reported auto - thefts in t the City of Lynwood are up 42.3% over this time last year. 3. Brief description of program: a. Residents who wish to participate are required to enroll in the program. b. Once enrolled, they receive a decal which is to be placed in the lower left corner of their vehicles rear window or in an adjacent location. c. The decal then identifies law enforcement officers that if the vehicle is observed being driven between 1 AM -5AM it may be stolen. Any officer seeing the decal may then stop said vehicle. 4. If approved, City Council would need to appropriate $2,000 and direct staff to negotiate the programs costs with the Sheriff's Department. 5. Council should also note residents enrolled in the program are eligible for a 10% discount in auto club insurance rates and it is possible that other insurance companies will soon be following with similar discounts. 6. Staff is present and will address any concerns and /for questions Council may have relative to this item. Discussion of Required Action Py City Council If City Council wishes to initiate the Anti -Car Theft Program, they are requested to take the following actions: 1. Approve the City of Lynwood's implementation of the Lynwood Anti -Car Theft Watch Program. 2. Appropriate a budget of 2,000 for the program and direct staff to negotiate the best deal possible with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department., AGLYJa ITEM 6:cartheft i • l�tiNYL. Wd0.ii• ti /7 SI t�/ �,PUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ti ,J SHERiFF'S DEPARTMENT DATE December 8, 1989 OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE FILE NO. FROM: ERT J. CUEVA, CAPTAIN TO: CHARLES GOMEZ, CITY MANAGER o OMMANDER, LYNWOOD STATION CITY OF LYNWOOD SUBJECT: ANTI -CAR THEFT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF LYNWOOD The City of Lakewood recently implemented an anti -car theft program entitled "Operatign L. A. W. - Lakewood Auto Watch." The concept is innovative, and given the increasing rate of vehicle thefts in the City of Lynwood (up 42.38 over this time last year), I offer it to you for consideration. Administered through Lakewood Sheriff's Station, Lakewood city residents who enroll in the program receive a decal (sample attached) for their vehicle. The decal is placed in the lower left corner of the rear window or in an adjacent location. The decal identifies that vehicle as being possibly stolen if it's seen being driven between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. Any law enforcement officer seeing the vehicle would be authorized to stop it as a possible stolen vehicle. Residents who are generally on the road during the 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. time period would not benefit from this program unless they register another vehicle which normally isn't used during this period. Should the City of Lynwood choose to initiate a similar program, it would pay for the registration forms and stickers. Initially, the City of Lakewood was quoted a price of $2000.00 for the cost of printing 3000 registration forms and stickers. However, the $2000.00 price was apparently negotiated to a lesser amount. The printing company is Accent Labels, 1300 N. Knollwood Circle, Anaheim, CA 92801; telephone number 865 -0717. The person there to contact is Carol Littlefield. It should be noted that Lakewood Station has been contacted by a representative of the Southern California Auto Club. Commencing in January, the Auto Club is planning to promote the L. A. W. program to its membership. As part of the promotion, the Auto Club will offer a 10t discount in auto insurance rates to its customers who reside in Lakewood. The Auto Club representative indicated that he knew of other insurance companies that would offer similar discounts to customers participating in this program. .. (continued) f r ' i 1 f t t i , Charles Gomez -2- December 8, 1989 .Currently, 200 Lakewood residents are partici"ting in the program, with more people enrolling daily. There is no charge to citizens ,wishing to participate. Attached for your review is the informational brochure on L. A. W., a decal, a Neighborhood Watch newsletter with an article on L. A. W., and a copy of a Lakewood city press release on the L. A. W. program. When convenient, please advise as to whether or not the City of Lynwood is interested in initiating a L. A. W. (Lynwood Auto Watch) program. Note Judging by the Carlsbad flyer (attached) received following preparation of this information, Mayor Wells will probably support such a program. BJC:MT:PT:MY:kb Attachments A 0 I. I awarrof the limitations the decal Crime Prevention Bureau of the places on using your car. Lakewood Sheriffs Station have a + .y Office Theft or attempted theft of s, wealth of information on harden- ported immediately decal registered car must be re- in your car against theft. - - ASE mediately to the Lake- If you would like to receive ad- :. s wood Sheriffs Station. Your ditional information on car theft 0 1 decal will help law enforcement prevention, call the Neighborhood Y . agencies find your stolen car Watch Coordinator at 866 -9771, faster. extension 218, or write Neighbor- hood Watch, Lakewood City Hall, x • • • • 5050 Clark Avenue, Lakewood 0 i Operation L.A.W. isn't only a CA 90712. decal. The Lakewood Neighbor- ( )od Watch program and the - :: tad of L.AiC F• ,A 0 • , U uo Id • + C ` 9 C /FO k I i This is a publication of the Public Information Office Lakewood City Hall 5050 Claris Avenue Lakewood 90712 (213) 866 -9771 10/16489 Darkness is the ear thisrs friend Learn to harden our ear y • _ Y against theft in this edition's cover story (peps 2XL. . i In-this Issue: Leam to Frevent Car Thep Ca ,• Safety for Chl /dram Latrewood Auto Theft Report Meet Lakewood's 400th Block Captaln i I 0 / 1 CARLSBAD INVITES YOU TO COMBAT AUTO THEFT JOIN OPERATION C.A.T. JOIN THE CARLSBAD POLICE DEPARTMENT ON SATURDAY MAY 20,1989 AT THE CARLSBAD SAFETY CENTER FOR THIS VOLUNTARY PROGRAM DESIGNED TO HELP PREVENT AUTO THEFT. j THE REGISTERED OWNER MUST BE PRESENT WITH A VALID DRIVERS LICENSE AND AUTO REGISTRATION, ALONG WITH THE VEHICLE OR VEHICLES TO BE ENROLLED SIGN -UP WILL BEGIN AT 9 AM. 3 PM. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE CRIME PREVENTION OFFICE AT 931 -2105. F MK • R 0 • sufficient a to id designate Coe, ooran portions thereof, as an amending, addition or repealing sa Code, the "Lynwood huiiicipal - amendment to, or a repeal of, Y a portion thereof. 1 -1.3 Effective date. The effective date of this is the effective date of ordinance No. Council of the City of Lynwood adopted this Code by reference. 1 -1.4 Repeal. All ordinances or portions of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this Code are hereby repealed. 1 -1.5 Effect Of code on past actions and obligation. Neither the adopting of this Code nor the repeal of any ordinance of this City shall in any manner affect the prosecution for violations of ordinances, which violations were committed prior to the effective date hereof; nor be construed as a waiver of any license or penalty at said effective date due and unpaid under such ordinances; nor be construed to affect any of the provisions of such ordinances relating to the collection of any such license or penalty or the penal provisions applicable to any violations thereof; nor to affect the validity of any bond or cash deposit in lieu thereof, required to be posted, filed or deposited pursuant to any ordinance, and all rights and obligations thereunder appertaining shall continue in full force and effect; nor to affect the administrative ordinances or resolutions of the City Council, not in conflict with the provisions of this Code; nor to affect any right of franchise granted by any rdi ordinance or resolution of the City Council to any p on corporation; nor to affect any ordinance de ed widening, establishing, locating, relocating, opening, paving, vacating or repairing any street or public way in taxes; Ci nor n o r to affect any ordinance levying or imposing plat or affect any ordinance dedicating or accepting any p subdivision in the City. The provisions of this Code, insofar as they are substantially the same as ordinance provisions previously adopted by the City relating to the same subject matter, shall be construed as restatements and continuations thereof, and not as new enactments. 1 -1.6 Reference to specific ordinances. The provisions of this Code shall not in any manner affect deposits or other matters of record which refer to, or are otherwise connected with ordinances which are therein specifically designated by number or otherwise and which are included within this Code, but such reference shall be construed to apply to the corresponding provisions contained within this Code. 1 -1.7 Validity of code. If any section, sub - section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Code is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not - - affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Code and each section, sub - section, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub - sections, sentences,- phrases or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. 2 KTF \299.0 • 0 SECTION 5: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this ordinance and shall cause same to be published once in the Lynwood Press within fifteen days after it- passage and said ordinance shall become effective thirty days after its passage. INTRODUCED this day of 1989. SIGNED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF _ 1989. Evelyn Wells, Mayor City of Lynwood, California ATTEST: ANDREA HOOPER, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, California STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) ss: CITY OF LYNWOOD ) I, ANDREA HOOPER, City Clerk of the City of Lynwood, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly adopted, passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Lynwood, California, at a regular meeting of said City Council held at the regular meeting place thereof on the day of , 1989 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: EXCUSED: Dated this day of 1989. Andrea Hooper, City Clerk Approved As To Form: City Attorney KTF \299.0 3 0 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ADVISORY BOARD ( CDBGAB), AS A COMMISSION The City Council of the City of Lynwood does ordain as follows: Section 1. 1. The CDBGAB shall be an authorized commission of the City of Lynwood. 2. The members of the CDBGAB shall be called Commissioners. 3. The CDBGAB shall meet the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adopton of this ordinance and cause the same to be published in the manner described by law. First read at regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on the day of 1989, and finally adopted and ordered published at a meeting of said Council held on the day of 1989 by the following vote. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: ANDREA L. HOOPER, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: VICENTE L. MAS, DIRECTOR Community Development Dept. EVELYN M. WELL, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: HENRY S. BARBOSA, General Counsel AGE'. ^9 ITEM i 0 ORDINANCE Nu. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE RECODIFIED AND RECOMPILED LYNWOOD MUNICIPAL CODE AND AMENDING SECTION 1 -1 OF THAT CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Government Code 50022.2 authorizes a local agency to enact an ordinance which adopts a code by reference, including, as specified in Government Code 50022.10, a recodified or recompiled version of a code previously adopted and fully published. The task of recodifying and recompiling the Lynwood Municipal Code has now been completed and it is the intent of the City Council by this ordinance to adopt the recodified and recompiled code by reference as the official Municipal Code of the City of Lynwood. SECTION 2. Pursuant to Government Code 50022.1 et seq., the Lynwood Municipal Code, as recodified, recompiled and published in the year 1989, is, by this reference, hereby adopted as the official Municipal Code of the City of Lynwood. SECTION 3. The following Law is not repealed: Appendix A, entitled "Cable Communications Franchises," of the Lynwood Municipal Code in force immediately prior to the passage of this ordinance is not repealed and shall remain in effect. SECTION 4. Section 1 -1 of the Lynwood Municipal code is hereby amended to read as follows: 1 -1 CODE ADOPTION 1 -1.1 Title. The ordinances embraced in the following chapters and sections shall constitute and be designated as "The Code of the City of Lynwood, 1988" and may be so cited (New). State law reference: Authority to adopt codes by reference, procedure for adoption and amending, see Gov. Code 50022.1- 50022.8. 1 -1.2 Short title. This Code shall be known as the "Lynwood Municipal Code " and it shall be sufficient to refer to said Code as the "Lynwood Municipal Code" in any prosecution for the violation of any provisions hereof. It shall also be AGE10A ITEM Cit Rf I`Y N W OOD , 9, ,A Cog vUeet6lg C6affenges 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90262 (213)603.0220 DATE: JANUARY 2, 1990 T0: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMB FROM: ANDREA L. HOOPER, CITY CLERK? `�/� 'IY SUBJECT: NOMINATION: 1 (one) vacancy on HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOP- MENT ADVISORY BOARD. At Council's Regular Meeting of December 19, 1989, nominations for Housing and Community Development Advisory Board was continued to Council Regular Meeting of January 2, 1990. NOMINATIONS ARE IN ORDER: APPOINTMENT AT COUNCIL'S REGULAR MEETING MEETING OF JANUARY 16, 1990. , AGENDA ITEM d-3 a 0 Cit of LYNWOOD � .,......... LA City -Meeting No Ucn9es 11330 BULLIS ROAD LYNWOOD, CALIFORNIA 90262 (213) 603.0220 DATE: JANUARY 2, 1990 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: ANDREA L. HOOPER, CITY CLERK SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT: 1 (one) VACANCY ON COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMISSION. At Council's Regular Meeting of December 19, 1989 the following were nominated,: BETTE ESPESETH Appointment is in order: s a I � AGEt3DA I i