HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 99:09 Date oi ~Xc optlon,Jarluarv~ 1,. ~99 No 9 APPOINTIN(; REPRESENT.kTIVES TO SERVE ON ri'liE MIDDI,ESEX cOENT'Y IIOUSIN(; AND ( OMMUNIT'Y DEVEI,OPMENTCOJIMITTEE AND TIlE (?ARTERET (?()3,1~IUNII"~ DEVEI,OPJ, IENT BOARD ' ( i S. l~e Borough Council appoints a reprcsema6vc to set~e on the ~ HEREAS, xacanc es p~esentN exist on thc Community De~ek~ptnent Board of the Borough of ('artereL NOX~',TItEREFORE'BEITANI) ITISfiEREBYRESOLXE .that JOHN RIGGIO be appointed to the Nliddlese× ('otmtx Housing and ('OmlUunity Development Committee tk)~ thc beat 1009 and that lhe tbllowing appointments be made to the ('ommunit5 [)exelopment Board cd'the Borough ofCarterct tk~r the te;m prescribed Member TOM CONNOLLY - 2 31'2003 BE I'[ FIIRI'tlER RESOL% lc:D, that this ~eso/ution shall take el'feet immediately Adopled this I st da,, of Januat-v. 1999 and certified as a true copy of the original on .lanuat'y 4, /099 I~.,\I'tlI.EtN M BARNEY Municipal ('lerk RECORD OF C()[bNCI1, VOTE ,_ 5= --- ~ . , X , CRILLEY ~ X ' ~ tk MANCUSO + · - FAZEKAS Z~ -- ~' 7 ~ ,, QuINONES ' GUTOWSKI ~X , 2 - ~ ,, Adopted a~ a m~.enng of ~hc Muntc~pa~ Counci~ 3~u~ lv 1999