HomeMy Public PortalAboutLadies Library -- 2020-09-17 Minutes Brewster Ladies Library Association Board Meeting BRE ?d " 1E11 11:11AJRI September 17, 2020 Call to Order : The meeting was called to order by Joan Pernice at 4 : 01 PM . Board Members Present : Eileen Bergquist, Barbara Wellnitz, Peter Bradley, William Schirmacher, Anne O' Connell , Joan Pernice, Nancy Mann , Susan Stewart, Francis Manion , Tricia Kibbe, Pat Meservey Board Members Absent : In Attendance : Director Cindy St . Amour , Guests : It should be noted that since the Library is currently closed , this meeting was held via Zoom . Secretary' s Report : Joan Pernice asked to approve the August Meeting Minutes . Trica Kibbe made the motion and Barbara Wellnitz seconded it . The Minutes of the August Meeting were approved , by a unanimous vote . Joan asked to approve the Minutes of the September 9th Special Board Meeting . Anne O' Connell made the motion, Barbara Wellnitz seconded it . Anne said that only those who actually attended the meeting could vote . The motion to approve the Minutes was passed unanimously by those who attended the meeting . Treasurer's Report : Peter Bradley 1 Peter reviewed the BLLA statement . Income is down due to lack of fund raising and Book Sale income . i He reviewed the Town Budget, but emphasized that the budget was based on past budgets as he had not yet received the 2021 Budget . He reported that this budget has been recently approved and will be in next month ' s report . Cindy reported a 1% increase in the 2021 Town Budget . 3 1 I He reviewed the Investment Portfolio . It' s doing very well . Our investment mix is 60% equities & 40% bonds . Fiscal year to date, our portfolio is up 5 . 8 % . He also reviewed the checking account balances and the CD . l Peter also discussed the Stoltenberg invoice, which is due this month . We are going to pay this invoice out of the portfolio . We are going move some of our investments into cash , because the market has been very strong . We will move $ 22, 000 in addition to the Stoltenberg $ 28, 000 for a total of $ 50, 000 from the IMA Account to cash accounts . 1 Pat Meservey asked about our investment policy . Do we have limits on how much we can draw out? Peter responded that we take an average for the past 12 quarter and draw out an agreed upon percentage . CC5 will guide us as to what that percentage should be . The CC5 investment managers will attend our next Finance Committee meeting . Library Director' s Report : Cindy St . Amour Cindy discussed her attachments . She has met with the CLAMS library directors and our Staff in separate meeting in regards to how to reopen the libraries . The general plan among the CLAMS Libraries is to start in late October with a grab and go plan . Cindy is looking at November 11t as our opening target date . She will review her plan with Town Administration . Eileen Bergquist asked about opening times and the number of days that we will be open . Cindy replied that we would be open 3 days per week for 4 hours . There will be no curbside on the days that we will be open . Anne O' Connell said that she felt that the opening plan is too limited in regards to where patrons could go in the Library . Cindy said that what she had sent out to the Board of Directors was the first draft . In the second draft the plan is to expand access to include the Stacks . Anne asked if we would remove the two CLAMS computers . Cindy said that they would stay and be operable . Anne said that you will need will need to develop a procedure to keep these computers disinfected . Old Business Video surveillance and filming policy - Cindy and Bill (action item from August mtg) Joan Pernice said that this policy discussion will be put on hold until next month, pending a review from the Town . Anne O' Connell commented that it might be a requirement that we impact bargain this prior to the Board ' s approval and that would likely not happen until after the beginning of the year. { Revised " Late Fines" policy — Cindy St. Amour (Action item from August mtg) { i Cindy read the portion of the existing Borrowing Policy that she had modified . There was a question in { regards to how would the Staff decide when does a book become lost ? Cindy responded that after a series of notices that book is overdue had been sent and after 60 days, a bill will be sent to the patron . Anne asked about the replacement value charge . Cindy responded that books will be valued at the current list price . Anne O' Connell suggest that we rephrase the renewal policy as well as it is out of I date . The policy will be revised based on the comments made during the meeting and put to a vote in the October meeting . 1 i 3 f3 3 7 7{� i i Stoltenberg Collection = Cindy St. Amour Joan Pernice asked about the Professor Roger Dunn ' s donation offer . He has a collection of Stoltenberg work totaling approximately 500 items, plus a steel archive cabinet, and will make a $ 15, 000 donation . Joan asked that Cindy send out an email explaining the offer and what we might do with the collection . There was a general discussion in regards to what we are going to do with the Stoltenberg Collection and whether or not we want to accept this second donation . After this discussion, we have decided to decline that offer. Action Item : Cindy St. Amour will send out a letter to Professor Dunn declining his donation offer . Annual Report: Barbara Wellnitz Barbara reported that it should be available to transmit next week via the newsletter and the website . Joan Pernice asked Barbara to should send it to the Town Administrators . Anne O' Connell said that we should send the Annual report to Robin Young, the administrative assistant for the Town Administrators . The distribution opportunities that were identified for the Annual Report were the email mail list, website, membership list, and newsletter list . Board Committee Reports Building & Grounds : Bill Schirmacher No report Membership/Communications : Susan Stewart i 247 members year to date . i Susan discussed the October One Day Book Sale which will be on Columbus Day weekend . The current plan is to hold it on Friday October 91h . Saturday would be the j rain date . Joan Pernice clarified why we were going to hold this sale on a Friday. i Frances Manion said they are trying to enlist volunteers for the preparation work and to I 1 staff this sales event . There were questions as to why we would hold the book sale on Friday rather than on Saturday . A suggestion was made to change the book sale from Friday to Saturday . I Tricia Kibbe said that they can stop the signage to accommodate this change . The I 3 website currently has a banner announcing that Friday will be the Book Sale . The newsletter hasn 't yet been published , so no announcement has been made in that media vehicle . Cindy St . Amour said that she didn 't want to cancel curbside pick on that Saturday . Joan Pernice voiced concerns about the overlap on the book sale and the curb i l i i r a i side pickup . Joan wants Frances to set up a Zoom call meeting to bring resolution to this problem . Personnel Committee : Anne O' Connell Anne reported that a new one-year labor contract has been approved by all involved parties . Nickerson Lecture : Eileen Bergquist/ Barbara Wellnitz Eileen said that in order for us to get one half of our deposit back, we need to set a specific date in 2021 for the Nickerson Event . The date that was set was Saturday, October 23 , 2021 . Eileen will communicate this date to Sarah Hewitt . She will confirm the date with the Church and respond back to the Speaker' s Bureau . Nominating Committee : Joan Pernice Joan announced that Barbara Wellnitz will be moving to Yarmouthport . The By- Laws state that Board of Director members must be Brewster residents . Barbara will leave the Board of Directors as of June 30, 2021 . There was a suggestion made that Barbara , if she wants to remain involved , could join Board committees as a Community Volunteer , Miscellaneous Topics : i Development of library video in anticipation of building opening — Eileen Bergquist Eileen feels that we should send a video announcing the reopening of the Library. Bill Schirmacher discussed the "We Miss You Volunteers' video that the Staff created and felt that the Staff would be a i good place to start this effort . Cindy St . Amour said that both Gabriel and Stephan have the capability to j create the video . Action Item : Cindy St . Amour will work with the Staff to create this video . Website & Social Media Management : Joan Pernice Joan discussed the idea of hiring a media consultant to work on improving our website and social media I sites . Eileen Bergquist identified a potential IT consultant . Nancy Mann will ask her son, who does this for a living, to review our website . There was support to hire a consultant to work on our website and improve our social media . l I Cindy St . Amour said that that making changes to our current website were " limping along" . She also I said that the Town of Brewster was developing a new web site . The Library will have a new page that has been designed to be a sub- page off the Town ' s Main Page . When asked when this would I happen , her response was that it would happen sometime in the future, but didn 't know when and when it did our current Library website will go away . The discussion then centered on developing a i I I i potential Association website . Joan concluded the conversation by saying that we need to improve our media development . Goals : Joan Pernice Development of a Learning Lecture Series Susan Stewart, Pat Meservey, and Eileen Bergquist will meet next with the people from Snow Library to discuss the Life Long Learning Series concept . Susan called for volunteers either from the Board or to suggest names of people who might be interested in acting as Community Volunteers to assist their effort to develop a program . Option B Joan also advised the Board , that the Executive Committee will be meeting next week to discuss Option B, a scaled back renovation of the Library . Membership & Fundraising Joan said that going forward , we should dedicate a half hour in the Board Meeting to brainstorm ideas to growing BLLA membership and creating fund raising events for this year . October 15th Board Meeting Joan announced that Peter Lombardi will attend the next Board Meeting . Joan asked for emails to her with question or comments to pose to Peter during the meeting . Action Item : All Board members should forward questions or comments to be posed to Peter during the meeting . i 7 Executive Session or Topics the President did not anticipate I Adjournment : Meeting was adjourned at 5 : 58 PM Next Board Meeting : Thursday, October 15, 2020 J Respectively Summitted , i i Bill Schirmacher Secretary l a i a i : a i i