HomeMy Public PortalAboutCCMINS 05-09-1988May 9, 1988 REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 9, 1988 CLOSED SESSION Prior to the Redevelopment Agency meeting, the Council met in a Closed Session to discuss labor negotiations. The regular meeting of the City Council was held on May 9, 1988, in the Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Avenue. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. immediately following the Redevelopment Agency meeting. ROLL CALL Councilmembers: Present: Councilmembers Vargas, Brown, Wieskamp, Bartoli and Mayor Turner Absent: None Staff Members Present: City Manager Lee Horner, Assistant City Manager Jerry Peeler, City Attorney Tom Curry, Planning Director Bob Brown, Assistant Public Works Director John Hines and City Clerk Carol Greany. PLEDGE OF ALT~GIANCE Mayor Turner led the Councilmembers and audience in the pledge of allegiance. MINUTES APPROVAL ON MOTION OF VICE MAYOR VARGAS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP, AND BY A 5-0 VOTE, THE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 11 WERE APPROVED AS PRESENTED. PROCLAMATIONS A proclamation was presented to Mr. Bill Brandy, Livermore Dublin Disposal Co., by Mayor Turner, proclaiming the month of May as Recycling month. A proclamation was presented to Lt. Don Lee by Mayor Turner, proclaiming the week of May 22-28, 1988, as California Traffic Safety Week. CM/43/134 May 9, 1988 PROCLAMATIONS (Continued) A proclamation was presented to Marie Abbott, Chairperson, Heritage Preservation Committee, by Mayor Turner, proclaiming the week of May 8-14, 1988, as National Heritage Preservation Week. PUBLIC HEARINGS HCD BLOCK GRANT FUNDS 1877 A public hearing was held for the consideration of applications for Housing and Community Development Block Grant funds for 1988/89. The staff and Social Concerns Committee recommended that the Council adopt a resolution approving the Statement of Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for the 1988-89 Program and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents required to make application and implement the program under the HCD Act of 1974. Lee Horner, City Manager, explained that the Social Concerns Committee prepared the grant budget recommendations following their March 8 public hearing. He also informed the Council that the budget consists of $292,000 plus an additional $37,800 which was returned from the sale of the Twin Valley Enterprises facility. Mayor Turner opened the public hearing. Sally Bystroff, representing the Buenas Vidas Youth Ranch, asked the Council to consider allocating an additional $5,000 to help acquire a home for delinquent girls. Karen Wallace, Executive Director of ECHO Housing, explained their programs over the past year and requested that Council approve their allocation for 1988-89. No other public comments were offered at this time. Mayor Turner asked if the contingency fund has sufficient money to allocate the additional $5,000 to the Buenas Vidas Ranch. Barbara Hempill stated she believes that following the final audit the contingency fund will have approximately $10,000. She said she also is expecting a request from the Tri-Valley Haven for some unexpected additional building costs in the recent addition to their building. CM/43/135 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) HCD BLOCK GRANT FUNDS 1877 (Continued) Mr. Horner suggested that if the Council wishes to make the additional allocation to Buenas Vidas it should be done contingent upon the final audit of the HCD funds. CM Wieskamp said she thinks the Social Concerns Committee made a good suggestion of using some of the in-lieu fees for this type of housing. In response to CM Brown's question regarding the child care issue, Barbara Hempill informed her that that matter will be on a future agenda. COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP MOVED TO ADOPT THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION WITH THE ADDITIONAL DIRECTION THAT BASED ON THE AUDIT OF THE CONTINGENCY FUND, BUENAS VIDAS RANCH AND TRI-VALLEY HAVEN WOULD RECEIVE ADDITIONAL FUNDING, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BROWN. NO OTHER COMMENTS WERE MADE ON THE MOTION. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. THE MOTION PASSED BY A 5-0 VOTE. RESOLUTION NO. 98-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM REZONING #Z-369, ROBLF. S This item was continued from the March 28, 1988, City Council meeting. A hearing was scheduled regarding Rezoning #Z-369, request of Michael Robles, to change the zoning on a 15,000+/- square foot lot from RL-5-O (Low Density Residential) to R2 (Duplex Residential) Zoning District. The City has expanded the area of consideration to include all lots fronting on Fifth Street between South L and South M Streets. The Council may also consider any other zoning classification consistent with the General Plan and its policies. Location: 475 South L Street. General Plan: Downtown Urban Design Plan, Sub-area 5. Negative Declaration consideration. CM/43/136 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) REZONING #Z-369, ROBLES (Continued) Staff indicated that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the request to rezone to Planned Development with a maximum of six units. Staff recommended denial of the request. If the Council chooses to approve a rezoning, the Negative Declaration should be certified and the staff instructed to prepare an appropriate ordinance. Mayor Turner noted that the applicant has submitted a request for a continuance on this matter in order to allow additional meetings with the neighborhood residents and staff. ON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR VARGAS, AND BY A 5-0 VOTE, THIS ITEM WAS CONTINUED TO THE MEETING OF MAY 23 AT THE REQUEST OF MR. ROBLES. SPA #17-88/ BARNETT-RANGE CORP. A public hearing was scheduled regarding Site Plan Approval #17-88, request of Barnett-Range Corporation, to construct a 210-unit apartment project south on Railroad Avenue, between L and P Streets (Parcel 3, Parcel Map #5300). The parcel size is approximately 7+/-acres. The property is in the PD-Superblock (Planned Development-Superblock) zoning district. General Plan designation is Central Area, Sub-area 3 (Superblock Options). Negative Declaration consideration. The Planning Commission and staff recommended that the Council certify the Negative Declaration with direction to file and approve the site plan for 208 units subject to Conditions of Approval. Screening subject to Design Review Committee approval. Bob Brown, Planning Director, explained that the Commission and staff are recommending approval at 208 units instead of 210 units. The redesign of the carport roof also is of concern to the staff. The original direction to the applicant was to install a wrought iron type fencing around the development; however, the plan is showing a wooden type fence. The Planning Commission and staff are also recommending that the trash compactors be removed from the rear entry and that that area be enhanced by additional landscaping. The pitched roof on the carports will break up the length and impact of the carports, yet add mass to the sites, which would give it a more "urban" look. CM/43/137 T-'" 'TT--'-? ....................... T'll-' - 'T ......... -1' ......... TT' ................ 11' ................................... T May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) SPA #17-88/BARNETT-RANGE CORP. (Continued) The Design Review Committee recommended approval of the site plan elevations and landscape plan as submitted subject to final approval of trash compactor and enclosure screening. CM Brown noted that the applicant is also asking for relief from the traffic impact fee. Bob Brown said that the staff and Planning Commission are not recommending an exemption from the traffic impact fee, and since the fee has not been adopted, it cannot be discussed at this meeting. He responded to CM Bartoli's question as to when the fee would be applicable. He stated that it could be paid at the time of the building permits, or at the time of occupancy. Mayor Turner opened the public hearing. Neil Wilbert, Vice President of Barnett-Range, said he believes that there were errors in the calculation of the total number of units and argued that they are entitled to 210 units instead of 208. He also requested that the Council give them relief from the traffic impact fee. Tom Curry, City Attorney, stated that legally it is not appropriate to consider an exemption with the site plan approval, and furthermore that he does not know anything that would legally allow an exemption. Larry Kester, architect, said that they have built this type of housing all over the United States and that they build a place where people want to live, and not just a place to make money. Regarding the covered parking, he explained that they are going beyond the requirements to provide a carport for each dweller. Regarding the fencing, he felt that since neither the Design Review Committee nor the Planning Commission had brought up the matter, they thought the wooden fence was approved. He said they are willing to relocate the trash compactor and to provide additional landscaping at that entrance. He also stated that the wooden fence, which would be six feet high, would provide the screening to the south, which is not developed, and felt that without the screening it would be very undesirable. The flat roofs of the carports were designed in that manner to provide a lower profile with less impact on the area. CM/43/138 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) SPA #17-88/ BARNETT-RANGE CORP. (Continued) No other comments were offered at this time. In response to Mayor Turner, Bob Brown explained that the Council needs to confirm the type of fencing which will be required since the wooden fence is not in accordance with the Council's original direction. Council also needs to determine if the flat roof will be allowed on the carports, or if, in fact, they will require pitched roofs. Council would also confirm the recommendations of the Design Review Committee and the Planning Commission. CM Wieskamp said that she wants to make sure that this project does not turn its back on First Street. For that reason she believes that additional landscaping is required at that entrance, so that it will be attractive for those living there as well as for those going by. Bob Brown confirmed to CM Bartoli that the screening issue for the trash compactors will go back to the Design Review Committee for approval. CM Bartoli said that she recalled that the Council directed that the fence be of wrought iron since it is a more permanent structure. It would also allow an open air feeling and people could see out as well as into the project. She said she does not like flat roof carports, and believes that they fall short of the standards. She would like to see that issue at least brought back to the Design Review Committee upon final design. The City is depending upon this project to trigger the downtown development. Bob Brown informed VM Vargas that, if the Council so desires, the Design Review Committee can also make the final approval of the increased landscaping. VM Vargas said that he would like to see in the increased landscaping a detailed list of the types of plants that will be used. He also had concern about the N Street entrance, and said that he felt it was important to have character and features that show the project from First Street. CM/43/139 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) SPA #17-88/BARNETT-RANGE CORP. (Continued) Neil Wilbert, Barnett-Range, said that the treatment for the First Street entrance will be similar to that of the main entrance; however, they are not planning to install columns at that entrance. He said that Barnett-Range has not been aware that the Council directed the fencing to be of wrought iron. He said they apparently lacked direction. VM Vargas inquired about the lighting fixtures, and said that he believes they should be tied in with the historical type lighting that is being used in the downtown area. Mr. Wilbert said that the lighting is not of a historical style, but that it has good illumination. VM Vargas said he would like to see that design changed and go back for approval, along with the other matters, to the Design Review Committee. In response to VM Vargas, Bob Brown explained that the Council can, at this meeting, add additional features and send those back to the Design Review Committee for review. CM Wieskamp said that it is very difficult for the Council to know what they are actually approving without the ability to see a final landscaping and entrance plans. It is difficult to make judgments when that many elements are missing. Bob Brown explained to the Council that since they maintained all approvals of this project, they also have the right to request these additional details. The Design Review Committee has only submitted recommendations thus far. Mayor Turner added that in order for the Design Review Committee to move forward they need to know what the conditions are since they cannot do anything until the Council gives that direction. Mayor Turner said that he did not feel comfortable with this project since there have been so many issues raised tonight. He believes it would be appropriate to give direction to staff and the developer for changes, and then continue this item to the meeting of May 23. COUNCILMEMBER BROWN MOVED TO CONTINUE THIS MEETING FOR TWO WEEKS, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP. CM/43/140 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) SPA #17-88/ BARNETT-RANGE CORP. (Continued) CM Brown said that she believes this is one of the most important projects we are going to look at in the downtown development, and even though she was against the residential development in this area, it was approved and she will work to see it become a nice project. One of the selling points of the development was that it would be open and would be attractive to people, and without the feeling they are intruding into someone's neighborhood. Mayor Turner listed the Council's concerns as the following: Elevation of the carport roof. The landscaping plan, which should include increased landscaping around the foundations and at the N Street entrance. The plan should show the types of shrubs or trees. Wrought iron fencing instead of wood. Historical type lighting to blend with the other downtown area. CM Bartoli said she would like to emphasize that the Council is trying to integrate this project with the downtown redevelopment. She believes that a small duplication of the main entrance is appropriate for N Street. CM Wieskamp suggested that the architect for Barnett-Range survey the downtown redevelopment area and look at the styles and features being added in that area so that they can blend into it. Mayor Turner said that he and another Councilmember would be happy to meet with the Barnett-Range Corporation people on this project if they so desired. No other comments were offered on the motion to continue to May 23. The hearing remains open. THE MOTION PASSED BY A 5-0 VOTE. CM/43/141 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) -- - A hearing was held regarding Conditional Use Permit Amendment #19-88 and Tentative Parcel Map Extension #4414, requests of Ebert Lounsbury, to amend CUP #227-84 to allow an extension of the permit and Tentative Parcel Map #4414. The parcel is located on the northwest corner of East Avenue and Vasco Road. The parcel size is approximately 8+/-acres. It is located in the I-1 (Research & Development) Zoning District. General Plan designation is Low Intensity Industrial. Previous Environmental Impact Report. The staff and Planning Commission recommended that the Council acknowledge the previous environmental consideration and approve the amendment to engineering conditions and the extension of the Tentative Parcel Map to April 14, 1989. In response to CM Brown's question regarding the original approval of this project, Bob Brown explained that the Subdivision Act and the City Ordinance gives a maximum of four years to build out. If approval is made this evening, this would leave the applicant one more year of extension available. He also stated that there is no visible movement from the standpoint of development that the staff has seen. The map was approved with an Environmental Impact Report consideration regarding the streams. Mayor Turner opened the public hearing. Ebert Lounsbury, applicant, said that they were ready to build in 1984, and then were informed that they had to do an EIR for which they paid the cost. He said that the City has held up the beginning of this project, and that they need this one year extension. No other comments were offered. The public hearing was closed. COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP MOVED TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #19-88 AND TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION UNTIL APRIL 14, 1989, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BARTOLI. CM Brown stated that she will oppose the motion since she originally opposed the project because of the concrete lined channel. No other comments were offered on the motion. THE MOTION PASSED BY A 4-1 VOTE WITH COUNCILMEMBER BROWN DISSENTING. CM/43/142 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) PUD #54-88/TRIAD A public hearing was held regarding Planned Unit Development Permit Amendment #54-88, request of Triad Systems Corporation, to amend Planned Unit Development Permit #76-83 as it relates to minimum lot size, setbacks, landscaping, and parking regulations. The property is located north of 1-580 between Collier Canyon Road and Doolan Road. Parcel Size is approximately 393+/-acres. It is located in a PD (Planned Development) Zoning District. General Plan designation is Low Intensity Industrial. Negative Declaration consideration. The Planning Commission and staff recommended that the Council certify the Negative Declaration with direction to file and adopt a resolution approving the amendment as detailed in the staff report dated May 4. Bob Brown, Planning Director, said that the requested reduction in setback and landscape standards are still above the City's standards since Triad originally submitted much higher standards than those required. They are now asking for reduced standards for the commercial areas, and staff and Planning Commission agree that they have different issues applicable and are still much higher than those required for commercial sites. CM Brown expressed concern that by allowing the reduced standards we may see this project being chipped away with this type of commercial building. Bob Brown said that the zoning sets the maximum acreage for commercial use which is approximately 20 acres overall, and is located generally along the south area at the airport freeway interchange. #54-88/TRIAD Mayor Turner responded to CM Brown's question as to whether this commercial area would attract freeway business or if it would primarily serve the Triad Development. Mayor Turner said he believes that it will capture a small amount of the freeway traffic, but that in general it will serve the project area. CM/43/143 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) #54-88/TRIAD (Continued) VM Vargas said he would like to see a restaurant in that area which could serve the entire City. Mayor Turner opened the public hearing. Larry McReynolds, representing Triad, explained that the standards were originally far above the City's requirements, and that this is not, in fact, "reduced standards." He said they are making efforts to see that they use the same driveways to alleviate many curb cuts, and that the landscaping and berming will enhance the area. John Stein, Kathy Court, urged the Council to take care in approving the landscaping of this area so that it is not visible from the freeway. He reminded the Council that this area was built with the approved design guidelines, and that this is a reduction in standards based on that. Tom O'Malley, representing Triad Systems, said that they have developed their own guides and they do consider this the entrance to the entire park, and that it will not be a typical commercial center. The standards applied to the industrial area will also be applied in the commercial area. No other public comments were offered at this time. Mayor Turner said that he believes it will be an excellent development. This is Triad's headquarters and it will not be reduced standards. MAYOR TURNER MOVED TO ADOPT THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR VARGAS. In response to CM Wieskamp's concern regarding the landscaping, Larry McReynolds stated that it will be a berm type effect so that the cars will hardly be visible in the parking area. On the street fronts they plan to landscape five feet to close off the access to the buildings. He repeated that it is not reduced, it is just how the area is treated. They are not reducing the landscaping, they are relocating it. CM Brown said that to see one-half acre lots and fast food businesses is a concern. She could not support the motion. No other comments were offered on the motion. was closed. The public hearing CM/43/144 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) #54-88/TRIAD (Continued) THE MOTION PASSED BY A 4-1 VOTE, COUNCILMEMBER BROWN DISSENTING. RESOLUTION NO. 99-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT #54-88 (Triad Systems Corporation) CUP #33-88/CHIU/ ~I~/TRIAD The public hearings for items 1.6 and 1.7 were combined since they both relate to the Triad Development. Bob Brown, Planning Director, explained that staff and the Planning Commission are recommending approval of both approvals with conditions. The issue is the land use for Conditional Use Permit #33-88 for the extended stay suite motel. It will serve the commercial and the industrial areas to the north and will be located on Triad's lot. The staff has identified the need to provide land necessary for the construction of the interchange, and it has been agreed that in exchange for the vacation of a portion of Collier Canyon Road, Triad would dedicate the land necessary for the interchange. The Tentative Parcel Map has been amended by the applicant to indicate this area. The Planning Commission recommended that the engineering considerations be amended to reflect the issues raised in the applicant's letter, except that occupancy of the buildings could be granted only if the improvements not completed were limited to those requiring the approval of Caltrans. With that, the staff has agreed to vacate the portion of Collier Canyon Road. CM Brown asked if the extended stay motel would be subject to the transient occupancy tax. Bob Brown explained that the transient occupancy tax applies to stays of 30 days or less. Since this is a new type of building in the City of Livermore, we do not have an explicit definition. The staff is recommending that the average stay not exceed 60 days. In that manner, some could stay 30 days and some could stay much longer, with the averaging at 60 days. CM/43/145 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) CUP #33-88/CHIU/~4/TRIAD (Continued) A brief discussion followed on the occupancy tax. The City Attorney advised the Council that in order to amend the occupancy tax provisions, it would probably require voter approval. CM Brown asked for a definition of vested tentative parcel map. Bob Brown said that it provides that the City would not change the development once the map is approved. In other words, the City would not amend the zoning to change what was approved prior to that. He also responded to CM Brown's questions regarding the trees on the sites, and said that he had not seen any effort to save the trees. Mayor Turner opened the hearings for items 1.6 and 1.7. Michael Chiu, applicant for the extended stay motel, said that their building will conform with the standards of the City and Triad. Marriott's has very stringent guidelines, and they will be reviewed by the Design Review Committee. Mr. Chiu reported that the transient tax will be reported to the City for those guests who are staying 30 days or less. He explained that, depending on the market, most stays average 10 to 15 days; however, since they will be serving the Triad training center primarily, they could have stays up to 60 plus days. John Stein, Kathy Court, questioned the reduced parking arrangement. Nancy Raff, manager for the motel, stated that the parking should be very ample considering that they will be serving groups of people who do not have individual transportation. Since there is no restaurant in the motel, that type of parking is not required. She said that they encourage their working force to carpool. Ernest Wolfman, representing the applicant, explained the design of the motel and the color scheme and how it will relate to the area. He also stated that the parking spaces should be very adequate for this type of motel. Rich Hengehold, developer, said that he assisted in planning the Raffles Hotel off First Street, and that he believes this parking arrangement is acceptable. CM/43/146 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) CUP #33-88/CHIU/~33~ ~4/TRIAD (Continued) In response to CM Brown's question regarding the difference in rates for this type of motel vs. a regular motel, Mr. Chiu stated that, depending on the number of days stayed, the price fluctuates with the highest being $85/day. COUNCILMEMBER BROWN MOVED TO APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #33-88 SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP. NO OTHER COMMENTS WERE OFFERED ON THE MOTION. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED ON THIS MATTER, AND THE MOTION PASSED BY A 5-0 VOTE. RESOLUTION NO. 100-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP #33-88) VICE MAYOR VARGAS MOVED TO APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP #5378, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, TO APPROVE VACATING A PORTION OF COLLIER CANYON ROAD AND TO AUTHORIZE AND EXECUTE A QUITCLAIM DEED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BARTOLI. NO OTHER COMMENTS WERE MADE ON THE MOTION. THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. THE MOTION PASSED BY A 5-0 VOTE. RESOLUTION NO. 101-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (Triad Systems Corporation - Parcel Map 5378) RESOLUTION NO. 102-88 A RESOLUTION SUMMARILY VACATING A PORTION OF COLLIER CANYON ROAD IN THE CITY OF LIVERMORE AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN QUIT CLAIM DEED DEVELOPMENT FEES A hearing was held to consider 1988 development fee adjustments: storm drainage, sanitary sewer, park fees, water rates and charges, and in-lieu low income housing. CM/43/147 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) DEVELOPMENT FEES (Continued) Staff recommended that the Council consider any public testimony, close the hearing, and adopt a resolution adjusting the development fees. Mayor Turner opened the public hearing. offered. The hearing was closed. No public comments were ON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER BROWN, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR VARGAS, AND BY A 5-0 VOTE, A RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED APPROVING THE FEE ADJUSTMENTS. RESOLUTION NO. 103-88 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADJUSTMENT OF STORM DRAINAGE FEES, SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION FEES, IN-LIEU LOW-INCOME HOUSING FEES, WATER RATES AND CHARGES, AND PARK FEES FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1988 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES A hearing was scheduled to consider proposed traffic impact fees for developments. Mayor Turner stated that the traffic impact fee matter is a very large item, with many people wanting to speak on the matter, and that he believes it would be very difficult to resolve it at this meeting, considering the size of the agenda. He suggested that the Council continue the matter to Monday, May 16, and to consider only that item at that meeting. MAYOR TURNER SO MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BROWN. Mayor Turner asked the staff to study and report back on the issue of whether or not the fees as recommended will give the City sufficient funds to go forward with the projects that will be necessary, since he does not want to see the City continue to be behind financially. He said that he does not want to see the costs rise to such an extent that there will not be sufficient money in this fund to build the necessary roads and improvements. CM Bartoli said that it has been brought to her attention that Vasco Road at Dalton is not included in this study, and asked if that was an oversight. Staff will respond at the May 16 meeting. THE MOTION PASSED PASSED BY A 5-0 VOTE. CM/43/148 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) ZONING ORDINANCE INTERPRETATION/ SCULPTURE VS. SIGN A hearing was held to consider a request by Magoo's Pizza, 364 South Livermore Avenue, for Council to determine, according to interpretation of Zoning Ordinance, whether an 18-foot tall sculpture is a sign or structure, and perform design review of the sculpture to be placed in front of Magoo's Pizza. Staff recommended that the Council make a determination whether or not the sculpture is a sign, and instruct the staff to prepare the appropriate document. City Attorney Tom Curry said he has looked at the Sign Ordinance, and that he believes the legal interpretation in this case is that the structure is not a sign and should be treated as a structure. CM Brown said that she does not think it is attractive, and asked what control the City has over the structure regarding the size. Tom Curry advised her that the Council does have the authority to control the size of the structure. Bob Brown informed the Council that they do have the authority to control the size and other features of the structure, and that he is requesting that if it is deemed a structure, the Council should review the piece for design review, instead of the Design Review Committee. Mayor Turner opened the public hearing. A1 Burnell, attorney representing Magoo's Pizza, said that he has discussed the necessity for the City to use some art guidelines in this matter, and that since none are available, it puts the City in an awkward position. He said that a similar structure in Antioch is approximately 22 feet high. He pleaded for the Council's approval of this statue, and said that it would be a fitting tribute to Livermore. Jerry Birley, Palm Avenue, reminded the Council that he had, some years ago, a similar structure in front of his business, and that it was not attractive. He urged the Council not to approve this application. CM/43/149 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) ZONING ORDINANCE INTERPRETATION/SCULPTURE VS. SIGN (Continued) Steve McVay, Magoo's Pizza, showed a rendering of the Los Gatos structure and said that he does not think it is gaudy. Jeff Eichenfield, Main Street project, said that a two-story structure on the corner of Second and Livermore could ruin the downtown area. He believes that if the Council is going to approve this at all, it should be set back and built more to the height of the roofline of the building. Mr. McVay stated that if the Council did reduce it to the roofline, it would be the approximate height of a similar piece in Los Gatos. COUNCILMEMBER BROWN MOVED TO CONSIDER THIS STATUE AS A STRUCTURE RATHER THAN A SIGN, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VARGAS AND PASSED BY A 5-0 VOTE. COUNCILMEMBER BARTOLI MOVED TO SUBJECT THE STRUCTURE TO DESIGN REVIEW CONDITIONS WHICH WOULD INCLUDE THAT THE STRUCTURE NOT EXCEED 12 FEET IN HEIGHT, INCLUDING THE BASE, FROM THE GROUND UP, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP. CM Wieskamp asked if the motion could include the setback halfway into the planter strip and that landscaping be required, with a landscape plan approved by staff. CM BARTOLI AGREED TO INCLUDE THOSE CONDITIONS IN THE MOTION. Mr. Burnell, representing Magoo's, said that he felt the Council should allow some flexibility, so if the artist does not want to work with this size it would be flexible. Mayor Turner stated that all people have to conform to rules in all fields of work, and the artist would also have to conform to this motion. No other comments were offered on the motion. closed. The hearing was THE MOTION PASSED BY A 3-2 VOTE, WITH COUNCILMEMBER BROWN AND MAYOR TURNER IN THE MINORITY. CM/43/150 May 9, 1988 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) RECESS Mayor Turner called a brief recess and the meeting was reconvened with all members present. MATTERS INITIATED HAZARDOUS WASTE Mr. Horner reminded Councilmembers of the meeting to be held with the City of Pleasanton on May 17 regarding hazardous waste. HIP TRAINING PROGRAM A meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, May 31, at 6 p.m. to conduct a training session on the Housing Implementation Program (HIP). ROAD COSTS/ MEASURE B FUNDS John Stein, Kathy Court, suggested the City negotiate with Lawrence Livermore and Sandia Laboratories to obtain their share of road costs. He suggested they use the sewer service provided by the City. He also asked for a status report regarding the use of Measure B funds. ART PROPOSALS CM Bartoli suggested that proposals related to "art" be reviewed by local arts groups prior to being given consideration by the Council. Staff was directed to bring back a proposal regarding this suggestion. PARKING SPACES CM Bartoli asked if a need existed to amend the ordinance related to the size of parking spaces. Bob Brown responded that it is not necessary to do so, unless it is the Council's intent to approve extensive exceptions. SIDEWALKS CM Bartoli requested that staff investigate a need for sidewalks on the north side of Junction at Portola Avenue. CM/43/151 T-'-~ r~ .... ~ ....... T ........T'T ............ Tlr ............................ May 9, 1988 MATTERS INITIATED (Continued) LOOSE GRAVEL CM Bartoli advised staff of loose gravel on Alviso Place, which has been the cause of bicycle accidents. MOTORIZED VEHICLES CM Bartoli requested staff investigate motorized vehicles in the Arroyo/Paseo Laguna area. NURSING HOME CARE CM Brown requested that staff follow-up with Congressman Stark concerning the nursing home care issue. MAX BAER PARK PARKING CM Brown asked that an investigation be made into the lack of parking for Max Baer Park users, especially regarding intrusion into the rights of property owners in that area. BIKE PATHS CM Brown reported that motorized vehicles have been using bike paths. She requested that the City take action to patrol the bike paths in order to alleviate potential danger. GENERAL PLAN CM Brown requested that staff provide her with a copy of the General Plan. ART PROPOSALS CM Wieskamp said she supported CM Bartoli's suggestion for an arts advisory committee. HOUSING IN-LIEU FUNDS CM Wieskamp made the suggestion that the City investigate the feasibility of utilizing housing in-lieu funds to assist low-income citizens, particularly those who are mentally or physically handicapped, teenagers in need of assistance, and other similar groups. CM/43/152 May 9, 1988 MATTERS INITIATED (Continued) ART PROPOSALS VM Vargas concurred with the proposal to establish an art advisory committee. CHILI COOK-OFF VM Vargas announced that the chili cook-off would be held on June 4. ZONING REPORT Mayor Turner directed staff to prepare a report for Councilmembers on how to create zoning at 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 units per acre. CHILD CARE Mayor Turner requested the City Manager provide the Council with a recommendation regarding the House Resolution relating to child care. REPLICA FIREARMS Mayor Turner directed the Police Department to obtain copies of ordinances regulating replica firearms, and to report back to the Council on the need for such an ordinance in the City of Livermore. SMOKING BAN Mayor Turner requested that staff provide a report relating to the possibility of a total ban on smoking in public buildings. ROADWAY COSTS Mayor Turner reported briefly on the results of the trip to Washington, D.C., during which negotiations were made with the Department of Energy for the purpose of obtaining contributions to the City's roadway costs resulting from traffic generated by the two laboratories. CM/43/153 ...................... 'I--II" ...... ~ .......... T ...... TT- .......... T~ ............................. T ................... May 9, 1988 MATTERS INITIATED (Continued) MEASURE B/HERALD REPORT Mayor Turner stated that the Tri-Valley Herald's report concerning Measure B was harsh and unfactual. He said all projects are given equal priority, and not as reflected in the opinion of Supervisor Knox as reported in the news editorial. CONSENT CALENDAR ON MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BROWN, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP, AND BY A 5-0, THE CONSENT CALENDAR WAS APPROVED. AIRPORT ANNEXATION NO. 7 RESOLUTION NO. 104-88 A RESOLUTION MAKING APPLICATION TO ALAMEDA COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION REQUESTING INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS PROPOSED ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO THE MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATION ACT OF 1977 (Airport Annexation No. 7) RESOLUTION NO. 105-88 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUE (Airport Annexation No. 7) FINAL APPROVAL/SOUTH VASCO ROAD ANNEX NO. 4 RESOLUTION NO. 106-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF LIVERMORE PURSUANT TO THE MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATION ACT OF 1977 (South Vasco Road Annexation No. 4) RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE RESOLUTION NO. 107-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING UPDATED RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULE CM/43/154 May 9, 1988 CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) STATE AERONAUTICS LOAN/FAA GRANT AGREEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 108-88 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT (Loan From State Department of Aeronautics) FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 5403 RESOLUTION NO. 109-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A FINAL TRACT MAP AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT (Tract No. 5403) PERMANENT MAINTENANCE/TRACT NO. 5459 RESOLUTION NO. 110-88 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE FOR PERMANENT MAINTENANCE (Tract 5459) QUITCLAIM/ PATTERSON PASS ROAD RESOLUTION NO. 111-88 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A QUITCLAIM DEED 1986-878 TRANSIT AUDIT Acknowledged Transit Audit and authorized transfer of funds back to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. CM/43/155 ............ T--TT--T ...................... 1"-I1" ..... '11"' May 9, 1988 CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) ZONE 7 AGREEMENT/SPRINGTOWN GOLF COURSE RESOLUTION NO. 112-88 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF UNTREATED WATER AGREEMENT BID AWARD/WATER RECLAMATION PLANT RESOLUTION NO. 113-88 A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT (WRP Emergency Well) (Maggiora Brothers Well Diggers - $55,444.600 BID AWARD/HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORAGE RESOLUTION NO. 114-88 A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT (Hazardous Materials Tank Program Project No. 87-17) (R.S. Eagan & Company - $62,185.00) PERMANENT MAINTENANCE/ COUNCIL CHAMBERS PARKING LOT RESOLUTION NO. 115-88 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT 87-08 (Parking Lot for Modular Council Chambers) LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT #52-88 RESOLUTION NO. 116-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (#52-88) CM/43/156 May 9, 1988 CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT #56-88 RESOLUTION NO. 117-88 A RESOLUTION APPROVING LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (#56-88) REJECTING CLAIMS RESOLUTION NO. 118-88 A RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM (George A. Linsenmeyer) RESOLUTION NO. 119-88 A RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM (Ute Monique Baldwin) RESOLUTION NO. 120-88 A RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM (John and Linda Gunn) RESOLUTION NO. 121-88 A RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM (Dorothy Nickolas) RESOLUTION NO. 122-88 A RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM (Edward Houle) RESOLUTION NO. 123-88 A RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM (State Farm Insurance - Linda Taylor-Sexton) CM/43/157 May 9, 1988 CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) REJECTING CLAIMS (Continued) RESOLUTION NO. 124-88 A RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM (Christopher & Cynthia Armstrong) RESOLUTION NO. 125-88 A RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM (Ron Stacy individually and Stacy Trucking, Inc.) RESOLUTION NO. 126-88 A RESOLUTION REJECTING CLAIM (Ronnie Bland) REJECTING LATE CLAIMS RESOLUTION NO. 127-88 A RESOLUTION DENYING APPLICATION TO FILE A LATE CLAIM (Richard Garcia) RESOLUTION NO. 128-88 A RESOLUTION DENYING APPLICATION TO FILE A LATE CLAIM (California State Automobile Association- Donald and Carol Wingerd) SUMMARY/MINUTES The summary of the Planning Commission meeting of May 3, 1988, was received, as were the Airport Commission regular meeting minutes of April 11 and special meeting minutes of April 25, 1988. PAYROLL AND CLAIMS There were claims in the amount of $212,118.05, $756,869.67 and $1,175,024.95 and $1,079,369.48 dated April 4, April 15, April 22, and April 29, 1988. CM/43/158 May 9, 1988 CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) UNFINISHED BUSINESS NORTHFRONT ROAD A.D. NO. 88-1 The staff report explained that the Council is 1) being requested to file the resolution granting jurisdiction from Alameda County for the portion of the unincorporated area, 2) to adopt a Resolution of Intention to order improvements in the assessment district, and 3) to consider a change in the City's established policy relative to the undergrounding of electric facilities in the new development. Earl Mason, Associated Professions, asked the Council to consider continuing this item for 30 days to allow the engineers and staff to work together with the property owners on the undergrounding of the electrical facilities. A brief discussion was held as to whether or not any action should be taken on this item. It was decided that the best solution would be to continue the entire matter to the meeting of June 13, COUNCILMEMBER BROWN MOVED TO CONTINUE THE ITEM TO THE JUNE 13 MEETING, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP, AND PASSED BY A 5-0 VOTE. ORDINANCES ON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER BROWN, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR VARGAS, AND BY A 5-0 VOTE, THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE WAS INTRODUCED. Introduction by first reading an ordinance approving Prezoning #Z-370, City of Livermore/Airport, to OS-A District. ON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER BROWN, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR VARGAS, AND BY A 5-0 VOTE, THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE WAS INTRODUCED. Introduction by first reading an ordinance approving Municipal Code Text Amendment #23-88, regarding Chapter 16.12 - Flood Control Regulations. CM/43/159 ....... TI' .......... T ........l"r ............... 11' ............................. T .................. May 9, 1988 ORDINANCES (Continued) ON MOTION OF COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BROWN, AND BY A 5-0 VOTE, THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE WAS INTRODUCED. Introduction by first reading an ordinance relating to Neighborhood Nuisance Abatement (clean-up). WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS SPENDING LIMIT INITIATIVES The Council considered the issues and information regarding State Proposition 71 and Proposition 72, the Spending Limit Initiatives, and request for support by the Council. Lee Horner, City Manager, explained that he believes Proposition 71 is more akin to what the City is looking for in Measure K since it gives us more flexibility overall. He urged the Council's support of Proposition 71. COUNCILMEMBER BROWN MOVED TO SUPPORT PROPOSITION 71, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WIESKAMP. Mr. Horner explained that if Measure K does not pass, Proposition 71 would give the City a little more flexibility in raising the limit of spending. CM Bartoli and VM Vargas said they would abstain from the vote on this item because they do not feel like they have sufficient information or could see the difference between Proposition 71 and 72. THE MOTION PASSED BY A 3-0-2 VOTE, COUNCILMEMBER BARTOLI AND VICE MAYOR VARGAS ABSTAINING. ABANDONMENT/EAST AVENUE Council considered a letter from Alameda County Public Works regarding U.S. Department of Defense request to abandon the portion of East Avenue between South Vasco Road and Greenville Road. Mayor Turner expressed concern that the letter regarding this abandonment was not received by the City directly from the laboratory. Instead, the letter was directed to the City through the Alameda County Public Works office. He said that he would like to request that the lab liaison team meet with the City and talk about this matter. CM/43/160 May 9, 1988 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) ABANDONMENT/ EAST AVENUE (Continued) CM Brown said that she appreciated the staff's summary report and is very disgusted that the laboratories will tell us what they are going to do, and that they are unwilling to take responses. The City Manager's staff report explained that the County of Alameda has requested the City to comment on the request by the Department of Defense to have the County abandon that portion of East Avenue located between South Vasco Road and Greenville Road. The City is being asked to comment in spite of the fact that we have not seen the environmental assessment that has been promised for the past several months. It is difficult to comment on the impact of a project when we do not have the details of the project, nor how the Federal Government plans to mitigate negative impacts. Until we see the environmental assessment the staff sees several issues relating to this closure: 1) The City would need to obtain water and sewer easements across the entire closed length of East Avenue for possible use in serving the laboratories and, more importantly, to serve future developments on the eastern side of the laboratories. Both present and future traffic flow changes will occur. These will potentially impact City and County roads. No analysis of these changes and their potential impacts and mitigations has been presented. There would need to be assurances that East Avenue be made available when needed to both Livermore Police and Fire personnel and equipment. The intersection of East Avenue and Vasco Road has become the most popular location for demonstrations at the laboratories. Should the laboratories construct a fence across East Avenue at this location, demonstrators would move farther west on East Avenue into the City's area of responsibility, and much closer to residential areas. If this happens, the City will need an agreement from other law enforcement agencies to insure police response from other than the Livermore Police Department. Our costs for standby pay and overtime could be significantly increased if the demonstrators blocked Vasco Road between East Avenue and Patterson Pass Road we would also need a second response route to the east and northeast part of the City for emergency personnel and equipment. CM/43/161 May 9, 1988 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (Continued) ABANDONMENT/EAST AVENUE (Continued) Future development to the east of the laboratories is essentially cut off. Consequently, development intensity is effectively reduced because of the decreased traffic circulation and other physical separation from the City. The City Manager recommended that inasmuch as the City has not yet had an opportunity to review the environmental assessment, he would recommend that the Council oppose the closure of East Avenue at this time. Mayor Turner said that he would like to set up a meeting with laboratory personnel to discuss this matter with them, and that he believes there should be a public hearing regarding this. The staff was directed to set up a meeting between Councilmembers, staff and the laboratories to discuss this matter, to find out what the public hearing process is, and to send a letter to the County at this time opposing the closure of East Avenue and requesting the environmental assessment. RAIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Council received a letter from Robert Allen, Bart Director, requesting the Mayor to appoint a Council representative to serve on the newly formed Rail Advisory Committee. Mayor Turner said that he would like to serve as the representative on this committee, and if the Councilmembers had no objections, he would appoint himself to serve. NEW BUSINESS LOW/MODERATE INCOMING HOUSING The Council considered a report from Barbara Hempill regarding revised low/moderate income housing sales and rent prices. Barbara Hempill, Senior Administrative Assistant, explained to the Council that the sales prices are very dependent on the mortgage rates and that she used a variety of sources to reach an average rate. The concensus was that while 10% would be a fair interest rate to use at this time, mortgage rates will increase after the CM/43/162 May 9, 1988 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) LOW/MODERATE INCOME HOUSING (Continued) election in November. She said that they assume in this calculation that a person, or a household, can pay approximately 30% of their income for their housing. She also stated that they are trying to reach a certain income level, and that these are very loose guidelines. A discussion followed on the tables being used for the calculations. It was the concensus of the Council that the tables be revised and that we use 10 1/2%. The Council requested that Ms. Hempill bring back a report on May 23 with those changes noted. SELF-INSURANCE TRUST FUNDS (Continued) The insurance review and annual financial report of the Self-Insurance Trust Funds for June 30, 1987 was noted. SPA 39-88 As a provision of the original approval, the Council reviewed Site Plan Approval #39-88 and Design Review approval for two couplet structures totaling four units, David Mercurio, developer. Property located at east side of Murdell Lane between Concannon Boulevard and Fontonette Avenue. Project also involves Council acknowledgment of Parcel Map Waiver #5380 to subdivide the site's two 27+/-acre lots into four lots intended for the four units proposed. The Planning Commission and staff recommended that the Council approve the parcel map waiver, site plan, and design review subject to conditions of approval. VICE MAYOR VARGAS MOVED TO ADOPT THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BROWN. NO COMMENTS WERE OFFERED ON THE MOTION AND THE MOTION PASSED BY A 5-0 VOTE. CM/43/163 May 9, 1988 NEW BUSINESS (Continued) APPOINTMENTS TO CITY BOARDS/COMMITTEES Mayor Turner said that he had not had time to review the applications for this committee and would like to postpone appointments until the meeting of May 23. Councilmembers asked that the Planning Director furnish them with copies of all the applications received for this committee. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at midnight to an adjourned regular meeting to be held on Monday, May 16, to discuss the traffic impact fee. APPROVED ATTEST CM/43/164