HomeMy Public PortalAboutBike_Appendix A Community Survey ResultsAppendix City of Richmond Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan May 2015 63CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan INTRODUCTION The Community Survey was conducted online utilizing Survey Monkey. The survey questions were generated to gather information from residents in terms of typical use, desired use, desired facilities and general comments from those completing the survey. 370 responses were received. The questions and their results follow. COMMUNITY SURVEY64COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS76.76%284 14.59%54 8.65%32 Q1 How important to you is the goal of creating more bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Richmond? Answered: 370 Skipped: 0 Total 370 Very important Somewhat important Not important 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Very important Somewhat important Not important 1 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 76.76%284 14.59%54 8.65%32 Q1 How important to you is the goal of creating more bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Richmond? Answered: 370 Skipped: 0 Total 370 Very important Somewhat important Not important 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Very important Somewhat important Not important 1 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 8.65% Community Survey Q1 How important to you is the goal of creating more bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Richmond? Survey Monkey 76.76% 14.59% 65CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 9.84%36 41.26%151 31.42%115 17.49%64 Q2 How often do you walk in Richmond in fair weather now (select one)? Answered: 366 Skipped: 4 Total 366 Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 2 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 9.84%36 41.26%151 31.42%115 17.49%64 Q2 How often do you walk in Richmond in fair weather now (select one)? Answered: 366 Skipped: 4 Total 366 Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 2 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q2 How often do you walk in Richmond in fair weather now (select one)? Survey Monkey 9.84% 41.26% 31.42% 17.49% COMMUNITY SURVEY66COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS36.06%128 32.11%114 9.86%35 21.97%78 Q3 How often do you walk in Richmond in cold weather now (select one)? Answered: 355 Skipped: 15 Total 355 Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 3 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 36.06%128 32.11%114 9.86%35 21.97%78 Q3 How often do you walk in Richmond in cold weather now (select one)? Answered: 355 Skipped: 15 Total 355 Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 3 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Community Survey Q3 How often do you walk in Richmond in cold weather now (select one)? Survey Monkey 36.06% 32.11% 9.86% 21.97% 67CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 26.78%98 29.78%109 20.22%74 23.22%85 Q4 How often do you bike in Richmond in fair weather now (select one)? Answered: 366 Skipped: 4 Total 366 Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 4 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q4 How often do you bike in Richmond in fair weather now (select one)? Survey Monkey 26.78% 26.78%98 29.78%109 20.22%74 23.22%85 Q4 How often do you bike in Richmond in fair weather now (select one)? Answered: 366 Skipped: 4 Total 366 Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 4 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 29.78% 20.22% 23.22% COMMUNITY SURVEY68COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS74.51%266 11.76%42 2.24%8 11.48%41 Q5 How often do you bike in Richmond in cold weather now (select one)? Answered: 357 Skipped: 13 Total 357 Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 5 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 74.51%266 11.76%42 2.24%8 11.48%41 Q5 How often do you bike in Richmond in cold weather now (select one)? Answered: 357 Skipped: 13 Total 357 Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Never Few times per week 5+ times per week Few times per month 5 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Community Survey Q5 How often do you bike in Richmond in cold weather now (select one)? Survey Monkey 74.51% 11.76% 2.34% 11.48% 69CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 86.58%316 13.42%49 Q6 Would you walk/bike/run more often if you were closer to bike and pedestrian facilities (sidewalks, shared-use trails, bike lanes)? Answered: 365 Skipped: 5 Total 365 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Yes No 6 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 86.58%316 13.42%49 Q6 Would you walk/bike/run more often if you were closer to bike and pedestrian facilities (sidewalks, shared-use trails, bike lanes)? Answered: 365 Skipped: 5 Total 365 Yes No 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Yes No 6 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q6 Would you walk/bike/run more often if you were closer to bike and pedestrian facilities (sidewalks, shared-use trails, bike lanes)? Survey Monkey 86.58% 13.42% COMMUNITY SURVEY70COMMUNITY FORUM MAPSQ7 For what purposes do you walk/bike most now? (Rank Top 3) Answered: 357 Skipped: 13 70.73% 232 16.77% 55 8.84% 29 0.91% 3 0.00% 0 2.74% 9 328 5.49 17.87% 42 37.45% 88 35.74% 84 5.53% 13 1.28% 3 2.13% 5 235 4.59 26.28% 36 32.12% 44 27.01% 37 5.11% 7 5.84% 8 3.65% 5 137 4.57 1.60% 3 31.02% 58 55.61% 104 8.02% 15 3.21% 6 0.53% 1 187 4.18 19.12% 26 44.12% 60 19.85% 27 1.47% 2 9.56% 13 5.88% 8 136 4.44 10.00% 6 30.00% 18 20.00% 12 6.67% 4 5.00% 3 28.33% 17 60 3.48 Fitness or recreation Transportation to destinations Transportation to work Social visits Walking the dog Walking the baby/pushing... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Score Fitness or recreation Transportation to destinations Transportation to work Social visits Walking the dog Walking the baby/pushing a stroller 7 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q7 For what purposes do you walk/bike most now? (Rank Top 3) Answered: 357 Skipped: 13 70.73% 232 16.77% 55 8.84% 29 0.91% 3 0.00% 0 2.74% 9 328 5.49 17.87% 42 37.45% 88 35.74% 84 5.53% 13 1.28% 3 2.13% 5 235 4.59 26.28% 36 32.12% 44 27.01% 37 5.11% 7 5.84% 8 3.65% 5 137 4.57 1.60% 3 31.02% 58 55.61% 104 8.02% 15 3.21% 6 0.53% 1 187 4.18 19.12% 26 44.12% 60 19.85% 27 1.47% 2 9.56% 13 5.88% 8 136 4.44 10.00% 6 30.00% 18 20.00% 12 6.67% 4 5.00% 3 28.33% 17 60 3.48 Fitness or recreation Transportation to destinations Transportation to work Social visits Walking the dog Walking the baby/pushing... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Score Fitness or recreation Transportation to destinations Transportation to work Social visits Walking the dog Walking the baby/pushing a stroller 7 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Community Survey Q7 For what purposes do you walk/bike most now? (Rank Top 3) Survey Monkey 71CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 70.52%256 84.30%306 86.78%315 44.90%163 56.20%204 48.48%176 38.29%139 24.24%88 Q8 What would be the most important benefits and uses of a complete system of shared-use trails, sidewalks and bike lanes? Select all that apply. Answered: 363 Skipped: 7 Total Respondents: 363 Transportation Recreation Exercise Community-build ing and events Connectivity to surroundi... Habitat and environmenta... Economic stimulation Education and interpretation 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Transportation Recreation Exercise Community-building and events Connectivity to surrounding areas Habitat and environmental improvements Economic stimulation Education and interpretation 8 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 70.52%256 84.30%306 86.78%315 44.90%163 56.20%204 48.48%176 38.29%139 24.24%88 Q8 What would be the most important benefits and uses of a complete system of shared-use trails, sidewalks and bike lanes? Select all that apply. Answered: 363 Skipped: 7 Total Respondents: 363 Transportation Recreation Exercise Community-build ing and events Connectivity to surroundi... Habitat and environmenta... Economic stimulation Education and interpretation 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Transportation Recreation Exercise Community-building and events Connectivity to surrounding areas Habitat and environmental improvements Economic stimulation Education and interpretation 8 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q8 What would be the most important benefits and uses of a complete system of shared-use trails, sidewalks and bike lanes? Select all that apply. 70.52% 84.30% 86.78% 44.90% 56.20% 48.48% 38.29% 24.24% Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY72COMMUNITY FORUM MAPSQ9 What destinations would you most like to get to by trail? Rank Top 3. Answered: 348 Skipped: 22 57.86% 81 10.71% 15 20.71% 29 1.43% 2 1.43% 2 1.43% 2 1.43% 2 0.71% 1 1.43% 2 0.00% 0 0.71% 1 2.14% 3 0.00% 0 140 11.75 41.18% 28 20.59% 14 19.12% 13 1.47% 1 4.41% 3 1.47% 1 1.47% 1 2.94% 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 2.94% 2 4.41% 3 68 10.97 25.23% 27 26.17% 28 29.91% 32 3.74% 4 0.93% 1 3.74% 4 1.87% 2 3.74% 4 0.00% 0 0.93% 1 1.87% 2 0.00% 0 1.87% 2 107 10.93 8.11% 3 16.22% 6 24.32% 9 5.41% 2 8.11% 3 2.70% 1 10.81% 4 0.00% 0 5.41% 2 5.41% 2 0.00% 0 5.41% 2 8.11% 3 37 8.59 10.11% 9 37.08% 33 31.46% 28 1.12% 1 5.62% 5 4.49% 4 0.00% 0 2.25% 2 1.12% 1 2.25% 2 3.37% 3 1.12% 1 0.00% 0 89 10.61 18.28% 17 17.20% 16 38.71% 36 7.53% 7 2.15% 2 3.23% 3 2.15% 2 6.45% 6 1.08% 1 2.15% 2 1.08% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 93 10.61 0.00% 0 20.69% 6 17.24% 5 3.45% 1 3.45% 1 3.45% 1 3.45% 1 3.45% 1 13.79% 4 6.90% 2 6.90% 2 10.34% 3 6.90% 2 29 7.21 Place of work Schools Restaurants Public Transportation Shopping Running Errands Church Post Office Government Offices Parks or Recreation... Entertainment Other Trails and Greenways Libraries 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total Score Place of work Schools Restaurants Public Transportation Shopping Running Errands Church 9 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q9 What destinations would you most like to get to by trail? Rank Top 3. Answered: 348 Skipped: 22 57.86% 81 10.71% 15 20.71% 29 1.43% 2 1.43% 2 1.43% 2 1.43% 2 0.71% 1 1.43% 2 0.00% 0 0.71% 1 2.14% 3 0.00% 0 140 11.75 41.18% 28 20.59% 14 19.12% 13 1.47% 1 4.41% 3 1.47% 1 1.47% 1 2.94% 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 2.94% 2 4.41% 3 68 10.97 25.23% 27 26.17% 28 29.91% 32 3.74% 4 0.93% 1 3.74% 4 1.87% 2 3.74% 4 0.00% 0 0.93% 1 1.87% 2 0.00% 0 1.87% 2 107 10.93 8.11% 3 16.22% 6 24.32% 9 5.41% 2 8.11% 3 2.70% 1 10.81% 4 0.00% 0 5.41% 2 5.41% 2 0.00% 0 5.41% 2 8.11% 3 37 8.59 10.11% 9 37.08% 33 31.46% 28 1.12% 1 5.62% 5 4.49% 4 0.00% 0 2.25% 2 1.12% 1 2.25% 2 3.37% 3 1.12% 1 0.00% 0 89 10.61 18.28% 17 17.20% 16 38.71% 36 7.53% 7 2.15% 2 3.23% 3 2.15% 2 6.45% 6 1.08% 1 2.15% 2 1.08% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 93 10.61 0.00% 0 20.69% 6 17.24% 5 3.45% 1 3.45% 1 3.45% 1 3.45% 1 3.45% 1 13.79% 4 6.90% 2 6.90% 2 10.34% 3 6.90% 2 29 7.21 Place of work Schools Restaurants Public Transportation Shopping Running Errands Church Post Office Government Offices Parks or Recreation... Entertainment Other Trails and Greenways Libraries 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total Score Place of work Schools Restaurants Public Transportation Shopping Running Errands Church 9 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Community Survey Survey MonkeyQ9 What destinations would you most like to get to by trail? Rank top 3. 73CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 6.90% 2 6.90% 2 13.79% 4 10.34% 3 10.34% 3 10.34% 3 6.90% 2 6.90% 2 3.45% 1 6.90% 2 6.90% 2 6.90% 2 3.45% 1 29 7.76 0.00% 0 7.69% 2 23.08% 6 7.69% 2 7.69% 2 0.00% 0 15.38% 4 0.00% 0 7.69% 2 7.69% 2 7.69% 2 7.69% 2 7.69% 2 26 7.15 34.86% 76 40.83% 89 17.89% 39 0.92% 2 1.38% 3 0.46% 1 1.38% 3 0.46% 1 0.92% 2 0.46% 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.46% 1 218 11.84 14.12% 12 25.88% 22 36.47% 31 3.53% 3 1.18% 1 3.53% 3 0.00% 0 1.18% 1 3.53% 3 1.18% 1 4.71% 4 2.35% 2 2.35% 2 85 10.20 33.19% 79 34.87% 83 22.69% 54 3.36% 8 1.26% 3 1.68% 4 0.42% 1 0.42% 1 0.00% 0 0.42% 1 0.00% 0 0.84% 2 0.84% 2 238 11.68 6.67% 4 15.00% 9 41.67% 25 8.33% 5 5.00% 3 3.33% 2 3.33% 2 5.00% 3 1.67% 1 3.33% 2 3.33% 2 0.00% 0 3.33% 2 60 9.68 Post Office Government Offices Parks or Recreation Centers Entertainment Other Trails and Greenways Libraries 10 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkeySurvey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY74COMMUNITY FORUM MAPSQ10 Are there other places that you feel are important to connect to through sidewalks, shared-use trails and bike lanes? Answered: 113 Skipped: 257 #Responses Date 1 Yes on the west side from around N W 5th to mcbride stadium 2/23/2015 11:58 AM 2 Hayes Arboretum, SPUR Trail & Cardinal Greenway 2/20/2015 3:47 PM 3 Downtown area 2/18/2015 11:55 AM 4 no 2/16/2015 10:24 AM 5 Social services (not necessarily government offices): soup kitchens, health clinic, mental health services, homeless shelter 2/15/2015 2:10 PM 6 I think this would be considered to be under 'parks or recreation centers', but I think connectivity to a dog park and water fountains located at the trail heads would be great! 2/13/2015 11:52 PM 7 There are more important things to be spending time and money on in this city 2/12/2015 5:01 PM 8 Depot Distric t to Downtown (Innovation Center, MRL), Thistlewaite Falls/Springwood Park, Glen Miller Park, G Street/Hub Etchison Pkwy 2/11/2015 10:32 PM 9 Parks and play grounds 2/11/2015 5:57 PM 10 The gorge is connected but needs better signage and visibility, and more publicity so people now about it. And also things like continuity where it breaks at SW G ST by the bridge. 2/11/2015 5:03 PM 11 Any place which can gro w our community positively, environmentally, and economically. Aesthetically pleasing and popular places. 2/11/2015 3:52 PM 12 Farmer's Market 2/11/2015 2:57 PM 13 Neighborhoods Access to the waterfall would be grand! A path there would be so beautiful.2/11/2015 2:11 PM 14 an east to west connecting route in Richmond 2/11/2015 1:56 PM 15 Downtown area (Main Street, about 4th Street through about 10th Street) should be included in the plan. Also, it is very important to connect the West side to the rest of Richmond. 2/11/2015 11:25 AM 16 Historic areas, Schools and Government buildings and Public Transportation hubs.2/11/2015 10:12 AM 17 Neighborhoods should generally have sidewalks to promote a sense of community and provide a safe place to walk. 2/11/2015 8:43 AM 18 U.S. 40 - there is no sidewalk after Walmart .2/11/2015 8:28 AM 19 I believe that we already have a nice bike trail for people to use. It is bad enough with the motor scooters all over the place to dodge around in the car the last thing we need is a bunch of bicycles added to the problem. It is a waste of money that could be used for better things like cleaning up the existing parks instead of building another one. 2/11/2015 7:24 AM 20 neighborhoods 2/10/2015 4:59 PM 21 In front of Earlham (40) and Chester Blvd.2/10/2015 11:33 AM 22 East side of town needs pedestrian zone 2/10/2015 10:11 AM 23 I think that this shouldn't be done and instead repair the sidewalks.2/10/2015 9:13 AM 24 Neighboring citys (Centerville)2/10/2015 8:12 AM 25 schools 2/9/2015 9:47 PM 1 / 4 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Community Survey Q10 Are there other places that you feel are Important to connect to through sidewalks, shared- use trails and bike lanes? Survey Monkey 75CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 26 Not that I can think of at this time.2/9/2015 8:51 PM 27 Connecting neighborhoods.2/9/2015 7:19 PM 28 I think it is important that all of the above areas be linked by walking and biking trails, but I could only choose 3!2/9/2015 4:48 PM 29 Connect to all places of Higher education 2/9/2015 3:18 PM 30 I think everything listed above is very important, though I only ranked ones I am personally interested i n.2/9/2015 3:13 PM 31 Not at the moment.2/9/2015 2:11 PM 32 I would avoid my motor vehicle all together if you could provide SAFE routes to each section of town. Not all streets need a bike lane to accomplish that goal. 2/9/2015 1:43 PM 33 Much thought needs to be put into this because all mentioned are usually found within traffic lanes and areas of congestion. 2/9/2015 12:39 PM 34 Getting from neighborhoods to the park. I would love to be able to walk or bike to the Rose Garden from Dorothy Lane. 2/9/2015 12:26 PM 35 Earlham college to the downtown and depot communities.2/9/2015 9:34 AM 36 It would be nice to see bike/pedestrian paths all the way across town!2/9/2015 9:33 AM 37 Definitely a connect to the Cardinal Greenway 2/9/2015 8:23 AM 38 Yes. For safety reasons there really needs to be a sidewalk on the n orth side of South E Street between 16th and 17th St. Many people walk around the beautiful Reeveston neighborhood and this would make a full loop safely possible. 2/9/2015 7:56 AM 39 Wal-mart. I have a car & can get there by driving, but I know several people who don't have that luxury. Last year, we also walked our son in his stroller. He's now a toddler, and I don't think that I'll want to walk with him, because there isn't a safe route, and there are too many places close to heavy traffic where I would worry about him getting away from me. 2/9/2015 7:42 AM 40 Getting across the Gorge safely away from traffic. Bike lanes allowing for safe travel along the routes of South A and North A, perhaps on Main St. 2/9/2015 7:20 AM 41 Community Christian School 2/9/2015 6:36 AM 42 Other communities. We have a pote ntial for the United States Bicycle Route 50 already approved in our area.2/9/2015 6:15 AM 43 Colleges 2/8/2015 10:24 PM 44 I'd just like to get around town on trails. That would be awesome. Other places have bike/running lanes on all streets. We need these! 2/8/2015 9:41 PM 45 I would like to see a safe biking connection from the high school and Earlham to downtown.2/8/2015 9:59 AM 46 serve as a bike-friendly connector for downtown, depot district, old Richmond district, starr gennett & gorge areas & attractions/events. Bike lanes navigating through high traffic areas would enhance safety for bikers. 2/7/2015 10:14 PM 47 Some areas are dangerous to walk because there is not a sidewalk (e.g. 2nd St./Abbington on the west side). I would like to be able to walk in areas like this with safety. 2/7/2015 1:00 A M 48 Neighborhoods to downtown, 27 North corridor (hospital, IUE, Meijer), and East Main.2/6/2015 4:41 PM 49 Farmers Market and 7th street park development through Stellar Grant.2/6/2015 9:44 AM 50 No 2/5/2015 9:47 PM 51 Other communities 2/5/2015 9:25 PM 52 Hayes Arboretum, Cope Environmental Center, Middlefork Reservoir 2/5/2015 3:53 PM 53 no 2/5/2015 3:13 PM 54 Parks 2/5/2015 2:59 PM 55 The far east side--near the stores and the mall. Also important to put in crosswalks and pedestrian friendly traffic signals. 2/5/2015 12:51 PM 2 / 4 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q10 Are there other places that you feel are Important to connect to through sidewalks, shared- use trails and bike lanes? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY76COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS56 Downtown or Depot District events 2/5/2015 9:08 AM 57 Access to other side of town faster.2/4/2015 9:14 PM 58 I wish most of our main streets had a bike lane for those of us that ride the three seasons. I have had many close calls with motor vehicles. 2/4/2015 7:15 PM 59 Neighborhoods.2/4/2015 5:29 PM 60 parking areas to green space or recreation space. I like the idea of paths for families to travel by fo ot or bike,but sometimes a car has to be parked at the starting point. 2/4/2015 4:35 PM 61 Fitness facilities 2/4/2015 4:25 PM 62 Apartment complexes and nearby shopping, along National road to connect all the shopping enabling people to walk between stores. 2/4/2015 4:14 PM 63 waist of money! period!2/4/2015 3:55 PM 64 sidewalks need to be on all streets before we worry about bike trails 2/4/2015 3:36 PM 65 YMCA and Boys/Girls Clubs 2/4/2015 2:53 PM 66 Historical areas.2/4/2015 2:14 PM 67 neighborhoods. center city to neighborhoods 2/4/2015 1:51 PM 68 No. Our current streets and sidewalks are sufficient althought they could be improved.2/4/2015 1:32 PM 69 Depot district.2/4/2015 1:29 PM 70 Glenn Miller Park 2/4/2015 1:11 PM 71 Main streets/roads 2/4/2015 12:11 PM 72 Healthcare facilities, each neighborhood, other communit ies 2/4/2015 11:33 AM 73 Better bike routes from west side to downtown, depot, and east Richmond. Main Street feels too narrow and National Road is heavily trafficked. Better route between downtown/depot and east side shopping areas (Wal- mart, Kroger, Richmond Square Mall). 2/4/2015 10:10 AM 74 National road east 2/4/2015 10:06 AM 75 Large neighborhoods, schools, or any other portal where children could hav e safe access.2/4/2015 9:59 AM 76 n/a 2/4/2015 9:27 AM 77 The west side of town needs bike lanes heading towards downtown. Main Street on the west side of town is very dangerous because of all the parked cars. It makes it very easy for a cyclist to get stuck between a parked car and traffic. 2/4/2015 8:48 AM 78 The library .2/4/2015 7:48 AM 79 Downtown and the Depot with the Cardinal Greenway.2/4/2015 7:06 AM 80 Public transportation is important, but I don't use it. Schools are important, but I'm not in school.2/4/2015 7:04 AM 81 Gym 2/4/2015 6:46 AM 82 Groceries 2/3/2015 9:00 PM 83 Not really 2/3/2015 7:32 PM 84 The only way to get from the west side of town to the east side is along national rd. This is dangerous to ride on the road with children and several property owners (earlham cemetery is the biggest offen der) refuse to clear the sidewalks in front of their businesses. I'd love to see a trail connecting east-west through richmond 2/3/2015 6:59 PM 85 The main arteries into and out of town (i.e. 27 & 40).2/3/2015 6:24 PM 86 The residences of friends or relative 2/3/2015 5:25 PM 87 Earlham to the Depot District 2/3/2015 2:08 PM 3 / 4 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q10 Are there other places that you feel are Important to connect to through sidewalks, shared- use trails and bike lanes? Continued. Survey Monkey Community Survey 77CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 88 There should be primarily fitness trails and other trails that connect facilities used by people with limited transportation. 2/3/2015 1:59 PM 89 Just reemphasizing connections to shopping, especially on East Main.2/3/2015 1:41 PM 90 I think the whole city should be bikeable / walkable.2/3/2015 1:33 PM 91 I think it is also important to make safe pedestrian travel possible between schools and after-scho ol locations.2/3/2015 1:25 PM 92 Not places just the ability to take off and run/walk or bike and feel safe.2/3/2015 9:51 AM 93 The more the connections, the more will be utilized.2/3/2015 9:49 AM 94 I would like to be able to get to hiking/biking trails safely by biking or walking.2/3/2015 9:41 AM 95 East side shopping to center city 2/3/2015 8:44 AM 96 IUEast and Meijer and west side of US27 2/3/2015 8:38 AM 97 Colleges - Ivy Tech and IU East 2/3/2015 8:29 AM 98 Eastside-westside-northside-southside 2/3/2015 6:57 AM 99 Parks and green spaces 2/2/2015 7:27 PM 100 I think cardinal greenway is enough 2/2/2015 5:24 PM 101 Everywhere - it was hard to rank only three above because I believe they are all important.2/2/2015 4:50 PM 102 Depot District is sadly in need of cross-walks and walk/don't walk lights.2/2/2015 4:18 PM 103 The factory areas on the west side of town (Progress drive, Rich Road, Industry Road......etc 2/2/2015 3:26 PM 104 All residential areas within city limits should have sidewalks. Bike specific lanes should be in all urban areas.2/2/2015 3:25 PM 105 Safety for cyclists and pedestrian is essential! Other places include public spaces.2/2/2015 11:39 AM 106 ??2/2/2015 11:23 AM 107 Grocery stores 2/2/2015 10:42 AM 108 I only ranked the top 3, but I think that all of those places are important to be able to reach by bike/walking. I live on Sylvan Nook and would like to be able to walk/bike to the reservoir without the fear of being hit by a speeding car. It seems silly to me that I live 1 mile from a park, but am usually to scared to walk there because of the traffic/lack of space on the road. 2/2/2015 10:0 1 AM 109 N/A 2/2/2015 9:42 AM 110 Bike lanes should be on all major through-ways in the city, as a convenient alternative to driving.2/2/2015 9:30 AM 111 Earlham College 2/2/2015 8:08 AM 112 major destinations 2/2/2015 8:07 AM 113 Downtown, eastside mall area 2/2/2015 7:30 AM 4 / 4 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q10 Are there other places that you feel are Important to connect to through sidewalks, shared- use trails and bike lanes? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY78COMMUNITY FORUM MAPSQ11 What do you think are the biggest factors that discourage trail, sidewalk, or bicycle facility use? Rank Top 3. Answered: 356 Skipped: 14 53.09% 103 22.16% 43 20.10% 39 1.55% 3 0.00% 0 0.52% 1 0.52% 1 0.52% 1 0.52% 1 1.03% 2 194 9.10 19.17% 23 37.50% 45 26.67% 32 6.67% 8 3.33% 4 3.33% 4 0.00% 0 0.83% 1 2.50% 3 0.00% 0 120 8.33 32.19% 47 31.51% 46 26.71% 39 2.74% 4 1.37% 2 2.05% 3 2.05% 3 0.68% 1 0.00% 0 0.68% 1 146 8.68 31.48% 51 34.57% 56 23.46% 38 3.09% 5 3.70% 6 0.00% 0 0.62% 1 1.85% 3 0.00% 0 1.23% 2 162 8.67 30.65% 19 14.52% 9 27.42% 17 3.23% 2 6.45% 4 3.23% 2 4.84% 3 1.61% 1 1.61% 1 6.45% 4 62 7.68 15.69% 8 25.49% 13 25.49% 13 1.96% 1 1.96% 1 7.84% 4 5.88% 3 1.96% 1 11.76% 6 1.96% 1 51 7.10 24.19% 30 34.68% 43 24.19% 30 2.42% 3 3.23% 4 1.61% 2 3.23% 4 1.61% 2 3.23% 4 1.61% 2 124 8.18 18.92% 21 32.43% 36 27.03% 30 4.50% 5 2.70% 3 3.60% 4 1.80% 2 7.21% 8 0.00% 0 1.80% 2 111 7.94 13.33% 8 25.00% 15 35.00% 21 5.00% 3 1.67% 1 1.67% 1 1.67% 1 6.67% 4 6.67% 4 3.33% 2 60 7.35 22.22% 36 18.52% 30 45.06% 73 2.47% 4 2.47% 4 0.62% 1 2.47% 4 0.00% 0 0.62% 1 5.56% 9 162 8.01 Lack of sidewalks an... Unsafe crossings Traffic Pedestrian unfriendly... Lack of interest Lack of time Aggressive motorist... Run-down sidewalks Lack of nearby destinations Personal safety concerns 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Score Lack of sidewalks and trails Unsafe crossings Traffic Pedestrian unfriendly streets Lack of interest Lack of time Aggressive motorist behavior Run-down sidewalks Lack of nearby destinations Personal safety concerns 12 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q11 What do you think are the biggest factors that discourage trail, sidewalk, or bicycle facility use? Rank Top 3. Answered: 356 Skipped: 14 53.09% 103 22.16% 43 20.10% 39 1.55% 3 0.00% 0 0.52% 1 0.52% 1 0.52% 1 0.52% 1 1.03% 2 194 9.10 19.17% 23 37.50% 45 26.67% 32 6.67% 8 3.33% 4 3.33% 4 0.00% 0 0.83% 1 2.50% 3 0.00% 0 120 8.33 32.19% 47 31.51% 46 26.71% 39 2.74% 4 1.37% 2 2.05% 3 2.05% 3 0.68% 1 0.00% 0 0.68% 1 146 8.68 31.48% 51 34.57% 56 23.46% 38 3.09% 5 3.70% 6 0.00% 0 0.62% 1 1.85% 3 0.00% 0 1.23% 2 162 8.67 30.65% 19 14.52% 9 27.42% 17 3.23% 2 6.45% 4 3.23% 2 4.84% 3 1.61% 1 1.61% 1 6.45% 4 62 7.68 15.69% 8 25.49% 13 25.49% 13 1.96% 1 1.96% 1 7.84% 4 5.88% 3 1.96% 1 11.76% 6 1.96% 1 51 7.10 24.19% 30 34.68% 43 24.19% 30 2.42% 3 3.23% 4 1.61% 2 3.23% 4 1.61% 2 3.23% 4 1.61% 2 124 8.18 18.92% 21 32.43% 36 27.03% 30 4.50% 5 2.70% 3 3.60% 4 1.80% 2 7.21% 8 0.00% 0 1.80% 2 111 7.94 13.33% 8 25.00% 15 35.00% 21 5.00% 3 1.67% 1 1.67% 1 1.67% 1 6.67% 4 6.67% 4 3.33% 2 60 7.35 22.22% 36 18.52% 30 45.06% 73 2.47% 4 2.47% 4 0.62% 1 2.47% 4 0.00% 0 0.62% 1 5.56% 9 162 8.01 Lack of sidewalks an... Unsafe crossings Traffic Pedestrian unfriendly... Lack of interest Lack of time Aggressive motorist... Run-down sidewalks Lack of nearby destinations Personal safety concerns 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total Score Lack of sidewalks and trails Unsafe crossings Traffic Pedestrian unfriendly streets Lack of interest Lack of time Aggressive motorist behavior Run-down sidewalks Lack of nearby destinations Personal safety concerns 12 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q11 What do you think are the biggest factors that discourage trail, sidewalk, or bicycle facility use? Rank Top 3. Survey Monkey Community Survey 79CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Q12 What are your most desired bicycle and pedestrian facilities? Please select top 3. Answered: 345 Skipped: 25 34.55% 57 26.06% 43 32.73% 54 1.21% 2 1.82% 3 3.64% 6 165 4.79 32.07% 76 33.76% 80 29.96% 71 2.11% 5 2.11% 5 0.00% 0 237 4.92 38.75% 93 31.25% 75 26.67% 64 1.25% 3 1.25% 3 0.83% 2 240 5.03 8.93% 5 28.57% 16 32.14% 18 10.71% 6 10.71% 6 8.93% 5 56 3.88 39.83% 96 32.37% 78 23.65% 57 1.24% 3 1.66% 4 1.24% 3 241 5.04 7.78% 7 28.89% 26 45.56% 41 6.67% 6 1.11% 1 10.00% 9 90 4.06 Sidewalks Shared-use trails adjac... Paved trails Unpaved trails Bike lanes Bike racks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Score Sidewalks Shared-use trails adjacent to roadways Paved trails Unpaved trails Bike lanes Bike racks 13 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q12 What are your most desired bicycle and pedestrian facilities? Please select top. Survey Monkey Q12 What are your most desired bicycle and pedestrian facilities? Please select top 3. Answered: 345 Skipped: 25 34.55% 57 26.06% 43 32.73% 54 1.21% 2 1.82% 3 3.64% 6 165 4.79 32.07% 76 33.76% 80 29.96% 71 2.11% 5 2.11% 5 0.00% 0 237 4.92 38.75% 93 31.25% 75 26.67% 64 1.25% 3 1.25% 3 0.83% 2 240 5.03 8.93% 5 28.57% 16 32.14% 18 10.71% 6 10.71% 6 8.93% 5 56 3.88 39.83% 96 32.37% 78 23.65% 57 1.24% 3 1.66% 4 1.24% 3 241 5.04 7.78% 7 28.89% 26 45.56% 41 6.67% 6 1.11% 1 10.00% 9 90 4.06 Sidewalks Shared-use trails adjac... Paved trails Unpaved trails Bike lanes Bike racks 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Score Sidewalks Shared-use trails adjacent to roadways Paved trails Unpaved trails Bike lanes Bike racks 13 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey COMMUNITY SURVEY80COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS49.59%180 50.41%183 Q13 What is your gender? Answered: 363 Skipped: 7 Total 363 Female Male 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Female Male 14 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 49.59%180 50.41%183 Q13 What is your gender? Answered: 363 Skipped: 7 Total 363 Female Male 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Female Male 14 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q13 What is your gender?Survey Monkey Community Survey 49.59% 50.41% 81CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 0.00%0 0.27%1 11.23%41 17.81%65 22.47%82 19.45%71 19.18%70 8.22%30 1.37%5 Q14 What is your age? Answered: 365 Skipped: 5 Total 365 1 to 9 10 to 18 19 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses 1 to 9 10 to 18 19 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older 15 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q14 What is your age?Survey Monkey 0.00%0 0.27%1 11.23%41 17.81%65 22.47%82 19.45%71 19.18%70 8.22%30 1.37%5 Q14 What is your age? Answered: 365 Skipped: 5 Total 365 1 to 9 10 to 18 19 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses 1 to 9 10 to 18 19 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older 15 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 0.00% 0.27% 11.23% 17.81% 22.47% 19.45% 19.18% 8.32% 1.37% COMMUNITY SURVEY82COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS77.43%271 22.57%79 0.00%0 Q15 Where do you live? Answered: 350 Skipped: 20 Total 350 Inside the city limits Outside the city limits xx 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Inside the city limits Outside the city limits xx 16 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey 77.43%271 22.57%79 0.00%0 Q15 Where do you live? Answered: 350 Skipped: 20 Total 350 Inside the city limits Outside the city limits xx 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Answer Choices Responses Inside the city limits Outside the city limits xx 16 / 18 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q15 Where do you live?Survey Monkey Community Survey 77.43% 22.57% 83CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan Q16 Are there specific issues or problems with sidewalks and paths within your neighborhood? Answered: 176 Skipped: 194 #Responses Date 1 Yes there are no paths and not enough room on the sidewalks 2/23/2015 11:58 AM 2 yes all are cracking up on the eastside of town 2/21/2015 1:32 AM 3 sidewalks, if existing, are not connected 2/20/2015 3:47 PM 4 I live in the country so have to drive to ride and that we do.2/19/2015 7:24 PM 5 There are no sidewalks 2/18/2015 3:07 PM 6 Broken and/or uneven sidewalks or no sidewalk at all.2/18/2015 11:55 AM 7 Cracked, broken and uneven sidewalks 2/18/2015 10:47 AM 8 No sidewalks in my neighborhood 2/18/2015 10:12 AM 9 no 2/17/2015 12:17 PM 10 no sidewalks 2/16/2015 10:24 AM 11 I live near East Main Street and 21st Street. Sidewalks are rarely cleared after heavy snowfalls. Alleys are not cont inuous to destinations points at 16th and East Main St.. This is only 5 blocks--less than 1/2 mile--but I often drive because it's not appealing to walk or ride. it took me years to figure out how to ride to particular destinations and then find my way back home because of one-way streets, discontinuous streets and alleys and heavy traffic flow on East Main Street. 2/15/2015 2:10 PM 12 At the 4-way stop of S 16th and South I Streets, there is no sidewalk on the road going up the hill headed east. Since it is going up the hill, you are forced to walk in the grass or potentially get hit if someone is not able to see you. The grass is often unmowed in the summer time which makes passing through uncomfortable. A sidewalk in that area would be nice, if it is not on private land. Otherwise everything in the area is great! 2/13/2015 11:52 PM 13 No bike paths on West US 40 and its too dangerous to bike in the road.2/12/2015 5:31 PM 14 Many sidewalks need replaced 2/12/2015 4:56 PM 15 There are no sidewalks in my neighborhood, despite it being a neighborhood in which there are many walkers,bikers and runners. 2/12/2015 10:40 AM 16 Sidewalks are OK, however I do not believe that adults or older children should b e riding bikes on the sidewalks.2/12/2015 6:08 AM 17 yes, I live on SW G St. and work at Earlham College. I am blind and do not feel comfortable walking in the street. There are blocks and sections of College Ave. SW 5th and other nearby streets that have no sidewalks so I cannot go the most direct route to some destinations or simply walk around my neighborhood for recreation. There are also some unev en disewalks, especially along SW 5th between F and D on the west side of the sreet where the pavement is very uneven because of tree roots. I also have problems when low-hanging branches go across the sidewalk. This is especially a problem along SW D St between SW 5th and the entrance to the college. 2/11/2015 10:58 PM 18 no sidewalks. No path or sidewalks on Henly road or Hodgin/L 2/11/2015 7:33 PM 19 no sidewalks in our subdivision but there are many walkers here.2/11/2015 6:35 PM 20 Horrible sidewalks, narrow at light poles, cracked/slanted/potholed sidewalks, no paths.2/11/2015 6:09 PM 21 Lots of uneven and cracked sidewalks but I';m afraid that fixing them might mean removing wonderful big old trees whose roots are probably the culprits. 2/11/2015 5:03 PM 22 I've tripped and fallen due to very uneven sidewalks.2/11/2015 2:57 PM 1 / 7 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q16 Are there specific issues or problems with sidewalks and paths within your neighborhood? Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY84COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS23 No sidewalks, speed limit too high for cars, crumbling roads 2/11/2015 2:11 PM 24 Several of the streets in my neighborhood have no sidewalks at all. (I live on the West side.)2/11/2015 11:25 AM 25 absolutely! Pushed up side walks are all over town.2/11/2015 10:54 AM 26 - Star bricks are in poor condition 2/11/2015 10:30 AM 27 New Neighborhoods that do not have Sidewalks. County/City Code should require a ll additions in the area have Sidewalks and should require that sidewalks are installed and maintained in existing neighborhoods. 2/11/2015 10:12 AM 28 I worry about crime and there is a lack of a sense of safety in the neighborhood 2/11/2015 8:43 AM 29 Not at the moment.2/11/2015 8:28 AM 30 I live in country but close to cardinal greenway 2/11/2015 8:10 AM 31 There isn't any on the east end of Backmeyer road even though it was been in the city limits over 3 decades. But I still have to pay taxes for it. 2/11/2015 7:24 AM 32 There are no side walks in some areas 2/11/2015 7:01 AM 33 No 2/11/2015 6:18 AM 34 Lack of sidewalks or berms (Toschlog, Test and Salisbury Roads 2/10/2015 9:51 PM 35 There needs to be brighter streetlights. More like the ones installed around the 10th Street Park and some streets on the north side. And uneven and broken sidewalks. 2/10/2015 8:53 PM 36 There are NO sidewalks out here on the east side....between L and Wernle...... Road east of Wal Mart........2/10/2015 8:32 PM 37 Uneven and feelung unsafe 2/10/2015 7:42 PM 38 Poor side walks, not cleaned off 2/10/2015 6:27 PM 39 There are no Sidewalks 2/10/2015 6:18 PM 40 The sidewalks are dilapidated.2/10/2015 5:29 PM 41 There are no sidewalks b/w myho me near Reeveston and my work at Arbor Trace. would love to walk to and from but unsafe road prevents me from doing that. 2/10/2015 4:59 PM 42 NO 2/10/2015 3:16 PM 43 none 2/10/2015 1:35 PM 44 Outside my trailer park, there are no sidewalks so I have to walk next to the road in the grass.2/10/2015 11:33 AM 45 Yes, we don't have ANY sidewalks or trails in our neighborhood (Toschlog Addition, Constance Drive). It makes it very unsafe to walk with our children for recreation. We truly hope you will consider street lamps and sidewalks or trails for our neighborhood. There are many children and families that would appreciate it! Thank you! 2/10/2015 10:40 AM 46 No sidewalks, dangerous for bikes or pedestrians 2/10/2015 10:11 AM 47 In my neighborhood, the sidewalks are destroyed.2/10/2015 9:13 AM 48 sidewalks for bik ers does not seem fair, but I do not trust motorists. Having dual lane sidewalks for bikers and pedestrians or separated bike lanes would be incredible as we redo roads in the future. 2/10/2015 8:15 AM 49 run down or un kept 2/10/2015 8:01 AM 50 No sidewalks in my neighborhood.2/9/2015 8:51 PM 51 some are completely wore out. do not keep the sidewalks cleaned off in winter. this is also a city problem too.2/9/2015 5:53 PM 52 My neighborhood has sidewalks, but since so many other areas don't, I am limited to the area closest to my house. 2/9/2015 4:48 PM 53 The sidewalks are limited and bike lanes are non existent 2/9/2015 3:18 PM 54 The roads are a mess. Dirt and sand.2/9/2015 2:30 PM 55 I cross with lights and in proper crossings. People have tried to hit me with their vehicles. I get catcalls,threats and har assment. I am modest in dress. I don't know these people or why they do this. 2/9/2015 2:11 PM 2 / 7 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q16 Are there specific issues or problems with sidewalks and paths within your neighborhood? Continued. Survey Monkey Community Survey 85CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 56 There are few sidewalks. Of those that exist, they are in horrible shape, and unsafe for walking, let alone cycling. Sidewalks with views obstructed by buildings are significant safety issue. 2/9/2015 1:43 PM 57 Congestion, traffic, and school traffic.2/9/2015 12:39 PM 58 Yes we do not have any. Henley Road is not safe to walk because of traffic.2/9/2015 12:26 PM 59 Broken down sidewalks, unclean paths 2 /9/2015 11:12 AM 60 I like the sidewalks in my neighborhood very much, but riding a bike on Main St on the west side is basically impossible because of how dangerous it is. 2/9/2015 9:34 AM 61 crossings 2/9/2015 9:29 AM 62 Yes. There are numerous areas where sidewalks are eroded to the point of being dangerous for walking/biking alike. 2/9/2015 7:56 AM 63 There aren't any sidewalks! The sidewalks that are near my neighborhood are bumpy and stop in random places.2/9/2015 7:42 AM 64 No 2/9/2015 7:20 AM 65 no sidewalks or bike lanes 2/9/2015 6:36 AM 66 There are no bicycle lanes on any street in Richmond. Also no "sharrows" marking shared bicycle / automobile areas. 2/9/2015 6:15 AM 67 There are cracks and uneven places in sidewalks. We need new flatter and wider sidewalks in many places.2/8/2015 10:24 PM 68 We don't h ave sidewalks... Hunter's Pointe. Huge taxes - no sidewalks. I walk here daily. (Actually 2x daily - big dog who needs lots of exercise) 2/8/2015 9:41 PM 69 Lack of sidewalks 2/7/2015 8:58 PM 70 Sidewalks are badly in need of repair in the entire Vaile Neighborhood. This is a sad state as these are arguably the most heavily used sidewalks in town, due to necessity. 2/7/2015 12:14 PM 71 only concern I have is being able to bicycle safely downtown 2/7/2015 11:19 AM 72 Abbington needs a sidewalk; however, I realize this may be expensive and difficult.2/7/2015 1:00 AM 73 Sidewalks in poor shape.2/6/2015 7:50 PM 74 Yes. Ridge Street and Sheridan Street have rundown sidewalks. Dogs run loose in neighborhood on a regular basis. There is no sidewalk on Sheridan past Fairview school. Road is not wide enough to walk s afely on Union Pike and Industries Road. The parking lot on Sheridan Street where the Cardinal Greenway passes by (at the abandoned warehouse) is not a safe place to access the trail. It would be great to turn that into a trailhead and safe parking lot. 2/6/2015 4:41 PM 75 My neighborhood has very few sidewalks.2/6/2015 2:48 PM 76 The sidewalks are terrible. I have lived at that address (S15th) for 15 yea rs and have asked the city many times to repair the sidewalks so my daughter could ride her unicycle and bicycle. That never happened and now my daughter has grown up. I am angry that she missed out on doing that around her own house. 2/6/2015 9:55 AM 77 In the Fairview Neighborhood we are close to the Cardinal Greenway but there isn't a safe way to get there by walking or riding. Most people go through an abandoned business parking lot on Sheridan St., but there isn't a safe way to go about this either. 2/6/2015 9:53 AM 78 Um, yes! The sidewalks in my neighborhood are in deplorable shape (SW A St). I feel like we live in a third world country or something. The improvements to National Rd have been nice with the crosswalks but motorists do not yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks at all and biking o n almost all Richmond roads still feels like a risky proposition. This town needs A LOT of work on being more bike and pedestrian friendly-- infrastructure + education. 2/6/2015 9:44 AM 79 No 2/5/2015 9:47 PM 80 Not really 2/5/2015 9:25 PM 81 No 2/5/2015 8:58 PM 82 they aren't cleared in the winter because of absentee landlords/business owners.2/5/2015 8:46 PM 3 / 7 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q16 Are there specific issues or problems with sidewalks and paths within your neighborhood? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY86COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS83 We don't have any sidewalks or paths and the traffic. I live off of Garwood road which is fast with lots of traffic. I drive my bike to the trails to go for a ride! 2/5/2015 3:53 PM 84 Intersections at the west side of G St. bridge and in the Depot District are very difficult for pedestrians.2/5/2015 3:45 PM 85 no pathways, only streets for cars 2/5/2015 2:59 PM 86 Although I don't live downtown, as I dr ive along South A and North A, I notice that those sidewalks are not cleaned when there is snow and ice. I saw a woman with a walker trying to negotiate the south side of South A earlier this week. The sidewalk was covered with large chunks of ice (from snow plowing) and she was having a terrible time making her way on the sidewalk. She was headed east between the bridge and the Salvation Army (who ro utinely ignore their sidewalk that is next to the building on South A). I think the Khumbu Ice Fall near the summit of Mount Everest is a safer trail to negotiate than South A Street in the winter. 2/5/2015 12:51 PM 87 We have NO sidewalks in my neighborhood 2/5/2015 10:19 AM 88 Sidewalks are generally not good. I'm not close to paths. I don't like riding my bike in the street.2/5/2015 9:08 AM 89 Residenti al neighborhoods like ours (along Garwood) are close enough to shopping to walk to shops and restaurants such as Aldis and Applebees, but there are narrow streets and no sidewalks, making it much too dangerous to do so safely. Yet many people walk on the road anyway, making it unsafe and inconvenient for everyone. 2/4/2015 10:53 PM 90 Run down I live on south 4th 2/4/2015 9:39 PM 91 Speeding motorists 2/4/2 015 9:14 PM 92 There is a lack of sidewalks on Hodgin Rd. Makes it hard to ride bike to work while dodging traffic.2/4/2015 8:00 PM 93 Broken and uneven 2/4/2015 7:29 PM 94 US 40 is a nightmare for cycling. Motorists are very aggressive. A bike lane would be wonderful!2/4/2015 7:15 PM 95 Not wide enough for two people to walk down in spots 2/4/2015 7:12 PM 96 Property owners and residents don't take pride in their property. During these snowy and icy days, most fail to clear their sidewalks, which I thought was a city law. And, the law isn't enforced. Can't walk on a sidewalk that isn't clear. 2/4/2015 6:00 PM 97 There are no sidewalks or bike paths in my neighborhood.2/4/2015 5:29 PM 98 There are no sidewalks on South 21st from South L to South E. There sidewalk associated with the 1900 block of South J does not extend all the way to South 21st St. There are no side walks on South 19th between South L and South J. 2/4/2015 4:50 PM 99 Tree roots making uneven surfaces 2/4/2015 4:35 PM 100 Yes 2/4/2015 4:25 PM 101 We live on South C St, just off of Garwood, and would love to be able to walk to all the restaurants and shopping within a mile of us, but Garwood is not safe for pedestrians. There are quite a few peop le who walk on Garwood anyway, so sidewalks would be put to good use. My husband and I both run, and we are so close to the arboretum that we would like to run there, but crossing Rt 40 at Garwood is almost impossible as a pedestrian. 2/4/2015 4:14 PM 102 Yes, uneven pavement 2/4/2015 4:11 PM 103 Yes all the sidewalks are in poor shape!2/4/2015 3:55 PM 104 There are no sidewalks 2/4/2015 3:36 PM 105 broken dow n Sidewalks 2/4/2015 2:53 PM 106 Poor/nonexistent lighting. No sidewalks. Small roads with no bike lane space.2/4/2015 2:14 PM 107 sidewalks are poor and no paths 2/4/2015 1:55 PM 108 we don't have sidewalks in the neighborhood east of Reeveston and 23rd 2/4/2015 1:51 PM 109 There are no sidewalks in Meadow Park.2/4/2015 1:33 PM 110 No 2/4/2015 1:32 PM 111 Not taken care of--so rundown it's hard to even use them.2/4/2015 1:29 PM 4 / 7 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q16 Are there specific issues or problems with sidewalks and paths within your neighborhood? Continued. Survey Monkey Community Survey 87CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 112 No sidewalks available in my neighborhood. The paths can sometimes become overgrown with foliage. There aren't enough volunteers to maintain the paths as much as needed. 2/4/2015 1:11 PM 113 Sidewalks are very unlevel and never properly cleaned. Sidewalks are not for bicycles.2/4/2015 12:28 PM 114 no 2/4/2015 12:11 PM 115 Would need more enforcement on residents (owners or renters) I live in a school zo ne. Very few people clean the walkway in front of their house from debris, and snow. Also rosie rollers are left out in front of the house for days. 2/4/2015 11:33 AM 116 There are no sidewalks even to other homes in my area. There are also no sidewalks to shopping and entertainment areas. 2/4/2015 10:57 AM 117 Sidewalks are incomplete and NEVER cleaned/shoveled through the year. Traffic signals are POORL Y timed to allow people to safely cross, particularly on US 40 through town. City needs to work with INDOT or police to improve that. 2/4/2015 10:29 AM 118 There are none available! (I live in Hidden Valley.) In particular, getting to most points of interest by bike requires travelling east on US40 or West Main St., neither of which feel very safe. 2/4/2015 10:10 AM 119 Cracks in sidewalks 2/4/2015 10:06 AM 120 Yes!!! There are no sidewalks, bike lanes, or even escape lanes on Roundbarn Rd until you get close to Rose Hamilton School, though many children walk or bike to/from school, among other things... 2/4/2015 9:59 AM 121 Sidewalks are not maintained throughout the city 2/4/2015 9:27 AM 122 No, but bike/ped striping connectivity from Oak Park to the Reservoir would be wonderful and an easy task to accompli sh 2/4/2015 9:22 AM 123 I live in Hidden Valley and there are no sidewalks in my neighborhood. When I walk my dog, I am forced to walk in the street. 2/4/2015 8:48 AM 124 Streets are narrow and motorists swerve around you to pass. Sidewalks are uneven.2/4/2015 8:17 AM 125 Lack of sidewalks and uneven sidewalks 2/4/2015 7:06 AM 126 Many people do not clear sidewalks of snow or of grass and weed growth. There s hould be fines for not clearing public sidewalks. 2/4/2015 7:04 AM 127 I live right by the cardinal greenway.2/3/2015 7:34 PM 128 No 2/3/2015 7:32 PM 129 Low hanging tree limbs; rough or uneven sections, incomplete sections along the way.2/3/2015 7:00 PM 130 Earlham cemetery really needs to plow the sidewalk along national rd. We need better sidewalks/bike lanes across the major bridges in town. It would be g reat to have a bike trail up to Reid hospital, meijer, IU East, & Ivy Tech- connecting downtown richmond to some of the biggest employers in the county. 2/3/2015 6:59 PM 131 It would be great if the sidewalks were swept clear of gravel and snow...especially in school zones.2/3/2015 6:24 PM 132 The new sidewalk on the south side of 40 over Clear Creek has been a great improvement, but the entire sidewalk abutting Earlham Cemetery is not cleared, and becomes pretty treacherous in the winter. 2/3/2015 5:57 PM 133 Old trees with big roots and old sidewalks 2/3/2015 5:25 PM 134 I prefer to ride in the street, and it can be dangerous at times.2/3/2015 4:50 PM 135 Adequate lighting can be a concern in the mornings and evenings. Also, the weird 4-way stop at 5th and Main (by the City Building) is TERRIBLE. Having multiple lanes going one direction means nobody stops long enough to cross. A traffic island or a light of some kind would be awesome. 2/3/2015 4:20 PM 136 There are none in my neighborhood. The problem with the Richmond Greenway (I use frequently) is creepy little shacks in the woods, litter, and graffiti between Richmond highschool and the Industries road entrance. From Test Road to Richmond Highschool is nice. I would like if there was an easy way to get from the Test road gorge trail onto the greenway past the jail. 2/3/2015 4:12 PM 137 Too close to major highways - does not feel safe.2/3/2015 4:09 PM 5 / 7 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q16 Are there specific issues or problems with sidewalks and paths within your neighborhood? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY88COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS138 Uneven, raised, cracked 2/3/2015 3:09 PM 139 Sidewalks are cracked and not kept up by the city 2/3/2015 2:18 PM 140 The sidewalks are not kept up well; they are very uneven.2/3/2015 2:08 PM 141 No sidewalks in my neighborhood 2/3/2015 1:59 PM 142 Neighborhoods in general lack sidewalks and paths. Look at suburban Columbus...there are bike paths, trails and sidewalks through all neighborhoods. The newer sub divisions definitely should either have sidewalks or bike paths. On top of that there are also parks/playgrounds in each neighborhood. And the paths connect all of the parks. 2/3/2015 1:46 PM 143 I live right next to Glen Miller Park and the trails in the park are unfortunately difficult to ride on. A bike path on Chester would be great to connect the IUE campus to downtown. 2/3/2015 1:41 PM 144 They are n ot maintained. I am surprised that no snow removal is performed on downtown sidewalks.2/3/2015 1:33 PM 145 Some sidewalks don't exist in the newer developments. It would be nice to have these since walking on the street is dangerous. 2/3/2015 1:33 PM 146 Sidewalks are not maintained during bad weather, such as snow and ice.2/3/2015 1:27 PM 147 Many sidewalks in my neighborhood are difficult to walk or bik e on because of overgrowth of trees. Sidewalks often do not exist for the entire path and there are no adequate bike lanes. 2/3/2015 1:25 PM 148 Sidewalks are not available in my neighborhood at all. (Garwood Road) I worry about pedestrian traffic on the east side of Richmond. Sidewalks are not available from Elks Road to I - 70. You can see a work path where walkers travel by OIive Garden, Hobby Lobby, etc. No crosswalks on Elks Road and US 40. Crosswalk on South 22nd Street and US 40 is very faded. Junior High students walk to school and you cannot see the crosswalk. 2/3/2015 12:57 PM 149 In winter the sidewalks are never clear, often filled with mounds of snow that are dumped on them, or just extremely icy and unsafe. I don't know how anyone with a disability would get around safely and that is ve ry concerning and needs to be addressed. 2/3/2015 12:37 PM 150 Bike lanes on west main street PLEASE 2/3/2015 12:13 PM 151 We live close to the trail and once you get to the trail you're fine, but the sidewalks leading up to the trails are run down.... especially within the 2 block radius around the trail (North 3rd and North 4th Streets) 2/3/2015 11:07 AM 152 We don't have sidewalks on our street 2/3/2015 9:54 AM 153 Not issues within my neighborhood, as I live on the Eastside in well kept neighborhood. The issue for me is distance. When I want to bike or run for miles, I am limited in direction or options due to poor conditions. Unless I hit the Greenway which is amazing for both running and biking. 2/3/2015 9:51 AM 154 Sidewalks are in poor and hazardous conditions.2/3/2015 9:49 AM 155 Sidewalks run the gamut from being good to being awful. In the winter people don't shovel their sidewalks. Dogs are sometimes running in the neighborhoods near Glen Miller Park. Sometimes crossing East Main/U.S. 40 is challenging because people drive 50 and 55 mph. 2/3/2015 9:41 AM 156 Unsafe to walk in because of drugs and violence 2/3/2015 9:30 AM 157 No bike paths. No sidewalks.2/3/2015 8:29 AM 158 There are no paths or side walks 2/3/2015 6:57 AM 159 Yes. Sidewalks in poor repair 2/2/2015 7:45 PM 160 There are almost no sidewalks in the newer parts of Hidden Valley.2/2/2015 7:27 PM 161 We have no sidewalks on Toschlog rd.2/2/2015 5:41 PM 162 country roads 2/2/2015 5:24 PM 163 Sidewalks are uneven so it is hard to ride a bike on them.2/2/2015 5:24 PM 164 Yes - the gorge trail is very unsafe in places where the path is getting washed down the hill. If you hit the holes with your bike or trip into the hole while walking there could be very serious injuries! Also, lack of shoveling sidewalks mean people have to walk in the street. This particularly bothers me when children have to walk in the street to get to school. 2/2/2015 4:50 PM 6 / 7 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q16 Are there specific issues or problems with sidewalks and paths within your neighborhood? Continued. Survey Monkey Community Survey 89CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 165 Bikes are not aloud on side walks so I have to ride on roads where drives get upset if they are slowed down.2/2/2015 3:26 PM 166 There are no sidewalks. I live on Abington Pike, near the high school. This road is heavily used by runners and walkers there should be sidewalks. 2/2/2015 3:25 PM 167 Sidewalks are missing in some unexpected places; hard to get out of the neighborhood without walking in the street. 2/2/2015 2:03 PM 168 No.2/2/2015 1:18 PM 169 they are inconsistent and occasionally have huge holes that I have to avoid or safety reasons.2/2/2015 11:39 AM 170 1) Many need repair 2) residents do not clear of snow 3) residents park cars blocking sidewalks 2/2/2015 11:23 AM 171 We don't have any sidewalks or trails in my neighborhood. Additionally, the road is narrow, in disrepair and has a sharp cu rves. A multi-use lane would be wonderful - not only in my neighborhood, but throughout town. 2/2/2015 10:01 AM 172 N/A 2/2/2015 9:42 AM 173 Only some streets have sidewalks. Would like sidewalks on all of College Avenue.2/2/2015 9:30 AM 174 Sidewalks vary in quality, and in many areas they end abruptly, forcing pedestrians to walk in the street.2/2/2015 9:17 AM 175 There are none 2/2/2015 8:58 AM 176 Sidewalk s are not cleared in winter 2/2/2015 8:34 AM 7 / 7 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q16 Are there specific issues or problems with sidewalks and paths within your neighborhood? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY90COMMUNITY FORUM MAPSQ17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Answered: 176 Skipped: 194 #Responses Date 1 I am getting back to bike riding for my health after about 30 years and I would like to have a nice safe area to ride I go to the river rats games every year and I going to start riding back and forth to watch them play I'm 53 and just want to enjoy myself while out on my bike. 2/23/2015 11:58 AM 2 just clean this town up and get some good paying high tech jobs here and grow this dying town.2/21/2015 1:32 AM 3 why not paint a bike/jogging lane thru Glen Miller? this time of year, it is very dangerous to walk along 40, sidewalks are covered in snow/ice and people are forced to walk in street. 2/20/2015 3:47 PM 4 I walk and bike regularly; The driver s are a huge issue as they do not watch out for or notice walkers and bikers; it is a common occurrence to come close to being hit by a car 2/18/2015 3:07 PM 5 This would add to economic growth. Younger people are drawn to cities that have things to do and are safe.2/18/2015 11:55 AM 6 Biker safety is important to me. Most times, I make way for cars rather than assuming that I have any rights. Particular ly problematic is cars turning left or right across bike lanes or line of travel. 2/18/2015 10:12 AM 7 It is dangerous to bike around Wayne county as motorists don't share the road well 2/17/2015 12:17 PM 8 no 2/16/2015 10:24 AM 1 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkeyQ17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Survey Monkey Community Survey 91CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 9 I'm Barry Cramer, member of the Bike/Ped Advisory Committee. I have many comments and issues and have spoken out at the meetings. Some of what follows repeats those thoughts, some doesn't. They aren't prioritized. (a) With increased development on Chester Blvd (convenience stores, fast-food outlets, drug store, etc), direct access from Berryfield subdivision is needed (neighborhood streets are Berry , Middle, Central, North and East Drives). Pedestrians from that neighborhood use the driveway and rear yard of 1801 Chester Blvd. to access Chester Blvd. Formal access might be via an existing alley/walkway mid-block on North Drive to an unnamed 2-3 acre public park, thru the park to adjacent Chester Hts apartment complex or a utility easement adjacent to both. (This park also needs attention from th e city in terms of upkeep.) (b) Access from the Old Richmond neighborhood to downtown and Depot district (east and west travel are inhibited by the Gorge and by discontinuous and one-way traffic flow on S. "B" and "C" Streets. Best access appears to be at South "E" St., and at S. 5th or 6th across South A St./US 40. (c) A connector to Cardinal Greenway is needed in the Fairview neighborhood to give ea sy access to library and other downtown venues and to integrate the NW quadrant of the city with those on the northeast and southeast. Cardinal Greenway reportedly own a small strip of land that might be used for this. (d) I recommend aligning the American Discovery Trail and US BR 50 in the southeastern quadrant of the city, especially from Hodgin Rd. at Garwood Rd. westward. Wernle Rd (which ADT fo llows) is too hilly and narrow; S "L" St could accommodate bike lanes. Greenmount Pike is the entry-point for ADT and might perhaps be designated an alternative route for USBR 50 (which enters to the north on Hodgin Rd, after diverging from Campbellstown-Crawfordsville Rd in Ohio about a mile east of the Indiana state line). (I was part of the group that helped advise the State of Ohio on the entry-point into Indiana; my viewpoints didn't prevail and honestly I couldn't discern what the objective criteria were that choose to criss-cross to Hodgin Rd rather than continue westbound to State Line Rd and Greenmount Pk.) I doubt the official designation will change, but perhaps that latter route could be designated an "alternate". Both of these routes--ADT and USBR 50--involve other planning groups and and relocation would necessarily need to involve them. Nevertheless, I think having them run conterminously--especially from Garwood and Hodgin to South 16th or South 13th would benefit the process of making whatever upgrades are necessary to make biking across that part of the city safer and easier. (e) I will call this the "ACE" corridor discussion (involving N. "A" Street, N. "C" Street, and/or N orth "E" Street). The discussion is how to connect Glen Miller Park, Cardinal Greenway and the Depot District. It should also recognize the Starr Neighborhood that lies between. I have proposed the use of North "A" Street for an East/West bike track using the right-hand (northern) lane of North A Street while maintaining at least two lanes of thru traffic and parallel parking on one side. It would run from North 16th Street on the East to North 3rd Street on the West-- about one mile--to connect to Cardinal Greenway's D-Street Trailhead three block to the North. I think this would serve the City extremely well in the long-run in connecting various neighborhoods with access to downtown and the Depot area as well as to the Greenway. It is US 40, and actual development might be years away, but havin g it in the Master Plan would send a signal that this is what we want. In the meantime, it has been recognized that North E Street holds a lot of merit in serving similar functions (connect Glen Miller, Cardinal Greenway, Depot, etc.) and presumably a lot simpler to construct (notably creation of bike lanes). Gunty Atkins has proposed a route that follows North C Street from Glen Miller Park west to North 9th Street (US 27), which also has a lot of merit. Hopefully there can be additional study into these three proposals--"A", "C" and "E"--with the recognition, also, that they are not necessarily exclusive. It might be recognized that they complement each other, that objective criteria can be used to determine how each might best be used. (f) I have also proposed in the Advisory Committee meetings that South 16th Street is attractive as a north /south corridor suitable for bike lanes in each direction. This would connect to the North A Street proposal made above in (e) and to South "L" Street in the south, where I've suggested American Discovery Trail and USBR 50 might be located (and diverge at this particular point). This would provide a good connector for the southeastern neighborhoods to the Greenway. This section (S 16th from S. "L" to N. "A" is about one mile in length and might be relatively modest in terms of cost. (g) Northwest "L" Street from Fairview School (within a stone's throw of Cardinal Greenway), past the State Hospital grounds, to the County 4-H Fairgrounds holds merit for providing a continuous route from SE to NW across Richmond (utilizing South L, S. 16th, and North "A", as described above) and to areas beyond. (h) North D Street from North 5th Street to the Trailhead has two intersections with stop signs. If those stop signs applied to the other streets at the respective intersections cyclists would have an unimpeded two blocks without having either to stop needlessly or to ignore the signs. (There are no doubt places throughout the city where signage could be p lace more advantageously for cyclists.) Thank you. 2/15/2015 2:10 PM 10 It would be nice to have more pedestrian crossing lights added to the length of South A.2/13/2015 11:52 PM 11 There is a need to educate drivers that pedestrians and cyclists have the right of way.2/12/2015 5:31 PM 12 Hate when groups of bikers think they own the road for miles at a time and spread across the roads when even tho a car could safely pass, they will not let you 2/12/2015 5:01 PM 13 I walk and run in all areas of the community and always feel safe. I have not experienced anything that would make me feel otherwise. Outside city limits I have been chased by dogs several times. That keeps me on the Cardinal Greenway when I would sometimes like to travel through the county 2/12/2015 1:29 PM 2 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY92COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS14 How are we going to fund, locally, the repair and upkeep of the bike and pedestrian trailways/passageways? I am tired of the city having to rely on grants from the federal/state government to accomplish goals such as these. Eric Weiss 2/12/2015 6:08 AM 15 I work at the college with students who volunteer regularly at sites around Richnmond. Transportation to these sites is difficult because of the lack of convenient public transportation. More students would probably bike to their sites if they felt less intimidated by traffic and there were places to secure their bikes at their service sites. I am aware of students being struck or having near misses on bikes and of students having bikes stolen from their volunteer sites. Locations that students frequently volunteer at include all three Boys and Girls Clubs, Firls Inc., the Townsend Center, Cope environmental Center, the excel Center, Richmond High School. Westview Elementary, Fairview Elementary, Dennis Intermediate School, and the City Building. 2/11/2015 10:58 PM 16 There should be more bike/jogging loops and scenic lookout points. The parks should also have designated bike loops/lanes. 2/11/2015 10:32 PM 17 Owners downtown do not shovel their sidewalks when it snows. This needs to be enforced.2/11/2015 7:33 PM 18 We need a marketing campaign to entice more people to engage in an active lifestyle.2/11/2015 6:35 PM 19 People tend to think there's something odd or wrong about walking instead of driving!2/11/2015 5:03 PM 20 barriers between roads and paths are a must. Green belts are vital for successful communities. Feral cats are a problem so i s dog poop & goose poop 2/11/2015 2:11 PM 21 I think the biggest issue is the lack of education for biking best practices....and traffic best practices so that all modes of transportation are respected. 2/11/2015 1:56 PM 22 When cars park next to bike lanes it is hazardous for cyclists because drivers could potentially open their doors on cyclists. 2/11/2015 11:52 AM 23 I would like to see road rules for cyc lists more widely known and spread to both cyclists and motorists alike 2/11/2015 11:03 AM 24 Building a infrastructure of walking and biking promotes healthy lives styles and since of community. It brings young, old, rich, and poor together. Makes for a neighborly community. 2/11/2015 10:54 AM 25 Need more bike racks throughout city - At major shopping centers, bus stops, laundromats, etc 2/11/2015 10:30 AM 26 We have some really nice Parks, Nature areas and historic areas in Wayne County a good connecting trails system would enhance and showcase the whole area. 2/11/2015 10:12 AM 27 I would like to see the city partner with area businesses, public parking lots, etc. to provide parking (similar to train park-and-ride locations). I would love to walk to my job downtown, but I live on the far west side of town (so it's too far). It would be so convenient for me to be able to park my car a couple of miles from my job and walk the rest of the way. Even places like the River Rats or municipal pool lots would be an idea. 2/11/2015 9:20 AM 28 We need more sidewalks as a bare minimum. Sidewalks help turn groups of houses into neighborhoods and neighborhoods into communities. 2/11/2015 8:43 AM 29 More sidewalks p lease.2/11/2015 8:28 AM 30 once I ride the greenway into the city there is on easy, safe way to get around 2/11/2015 8:10 AM 31 Current bike routes are cluttered with parked cars and are busy during travel times. There is not enough room at stops for bikes and cars. They are not safe. 2/11/2015 7:01 AM 32 Bike lanes would go a long way toward increasing motorist awareness and promoting safer cycling. We ha ve many roadways that are wide enough to accommodate such lanes. Many motorists currently disregard the safety and rights of cyclists. 2/11/2015 12:17 AM 33 This winter I have walked from Test Road to Williamsburg and back and picking up trash along the way accumulated a couple small plastic grocery bags of trash. Walking Toschlog Rd from Natl Road to Test Road I have picked up several large trash bags o f trash and am not done. To me that indicates walkers and bikers do not litter 2/10/2015 9:51 PM 34 Definitely lighting! We need brighter and more streetlights and even and unbroken sidewalks.2/10/2015 8:53 PM 35 I don't believe this issue is one that will promote job growth or attract businesses therefore should be put on the back burner and monies used to improve sidewalks in almost every neighborhood 2 /10/2015 8:32 PM 3 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Continued. Survey Monkey Community Survey 93CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 36 Let's be honest, in general we have an unhealthy population in Richmond; smoking and obesity are epidemic. Those of us passionate about a healthy lifestyle already run and bike with the existing roads and trails. By adding bike lanes and improving the ease with which people can walk and bike we will draw more people to these activities and generate a positive momentum. We will gradually get more pe ople off of the couch and onto a bike and it will grow like a snowball going downhill. A healthy lifestyle will be more accessible to the masses. 2/10/2015 8:29 PM 37 would love to use the cardinal greenway, but will not use it I dont feel safe!!! the greenway is a beautiful place and the perfect place to run, walk or ride a bike but you just dont feel safe there. 2/10/2015 8:03 PM 38 Not important. Tear down the old Reid and YMCA first.2/10/2015 6:04 PM 39 bike riders on roads sometimes are 'hassled' by city policeman. told they should not be on street holding up traffic, but we're not supposed to use sidewalks. would like to see city police more bicycle friendly 2/10/2015 4:59 PM 40 It's not safe currently to run or bike around town 2/10/2015 4:46 PM 41 We need a lane for bicycle on Main/40. Also the cross way need to be safer.2/10/2015 3:23 PM 42 NO 2/10/2015 3:16 PM 43 I find many alleys easier and safer to ride than busy streets. Often nice views of gardens and yards from alleys. If alleys are kept cleaned, as quite a few are - not all - they are safe on bike tires. Good,clean, well-maintained alleys are also safer for children riders. I would also like to have a bike rails-to- trail opened to both C enterville and to New Paris - even to Fountain City. . 2/10/2015 1:35 PM 44 Crossing Chester Blvd. is very hectic and can be quite dangerous at times. If there was a way to bypass crossing the street, that would be beneficial to pedestrians. 40 in front of Earlham is better but can be hectic also. 2/10/2015 11:33 AM 45 The roads are in terrible shape, and the rubble that commonly strews the "bike lane" (o r even the "bike" part of the road, if no lane) make riding dangerous. Enforcement of safety regulations has been spotty, at best, and motorists often are often the source of hazards. There are absolutely cyclists who flaunt the laws (riding through red lights, etc) and they need to be cited as well to ensure full participation in the process and ensure that all regulations are being adhered to. 2/10/2 015 11:12 AM 46 Highway 40 West of SW 18th Street could definitely use sidewalks to encourage walking (safely) to businesses and restaurants. There are many people that walk along that path, but it is not safe at all. 2/10/2015 10:40 AM 47 Allow people ride bicycles on the sidewalks to keep them safe. Create more sidewalks, It's impossible to get through the east side in one piece. 2/10/2015 10:11 AM 48 The re isn't a culture that supports biking. I'm often yelled at by car drivers even when I'm following all regulations.2/10/2015 10:09 AM 49 The crime rate makes biking dangerous in itself. Let alone the aggressive drivers that speed excessively on roads like National Road and have little to no concern about pedestrians or bicyclists. 2/10/2015 9:13 AM 50 The more separated bike lanes the better!2/10/2015 8:15 AM 51 safety concerns 2/10/2015 8:01 AM 52 I strongly encourage a project such as this. It will take time for people's attitudes to adjust and for people to drive more safely when around bicycles. 2/9/2015 8:51 PM 53 The city has done a good job in replacing old, broken sidewalks. It would be nice if Richmond was a more pedistrian city. I've walked in other cities where the motorists actually stop for you when you cross the street. 2/9/2015 7:19 PM 54 drivers do not pay attention to busy playing with phone. also do not keep there dog under control.2/9/2015 5:53 PM 55 Biking in Richmond is not safe! Motorists pay no attention to the rights of bicyclists and there are no bike paths or lanes in the city. 2/9/2015 4:48 PM 56 There is no consistency in how walkers, bikers, and motorists each obey traffic law s. Bike riding on our streets is dangerous due to the lack of safety awareness of bikers & motorists. 2/9/2015 3:26 PM 57 This is a very bike unfriendly town. In order to have a thriving local economy, you need pedestrian and bike traffic 2/9/2015 3:18 PM 58 I think more bike paths and community-wide educational efforts on why they are important would be most beneficial to the city of Richmond. 2/9/2015 3:13 PM 59 Drivers do not respect bikers.2/9/2015 2:30 PM 4 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY94COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS60 Again, I am often made to feel as if I don't have the right to walk. People seem to think I am there to bully. I don't know how to drive. Their actions often cause me to fear being outside. I am tired of this. 2/9/2015 2:11 PM 61 The number 1 issue is the lack of enforcement of traffic laws. The motorists are dangerous, inconsiderate and aggressive, yet the laws that would keep them in check are larg ely unenforced. The locally assigned law enforcement officers are more interested in broken license plate lights than they are in curbing unsafe and aggressive driving behavior, and are pushed that way by poor policy making and the need to comply with grant programs aimed at drugs and DUI cases. Walk or cycle through GMP on any afternoon or early evening. The traffic is faster than on Main Street, and no one is there to keep the dangerous motorists in check. Great officers; disastrous policymakers. 2/9/2015 1:43 PM 62 I like to run around Richmond. A lot of the sidewalks are uneven so I will run on the road. Bike lanes would be ideal or widening the roadway (I know $ is an issue). Also, I think there would in increase in participation if you can link Richmond's neighborhoods up with a trail system that connects it to the parks and other locations. 2/9/2015 1:01 PM 63 People do not watch out for walkers, runners or bike riders. Likewise, they do not like their interference.2/9/2015 12:39 PM 64 When we vacation in other cities, we walk a lot more. We walk to restaurants etc. Richmond needs more ways to walk and bike. It would help our entire city improve our health as well if we all could walk more. 2/9/2015 12:26 PM 65 A healthy lifestyle is just the beginning of great change in the mind, body, spirit, connection. Which in turn causes us to work better, feel better, communicate better, etc. Thus making a more engaged, attractive community. So these walk/bike paths would be a very welcome addition to our city! Thanks for the opportunity to share my input. 2/9/2015 11:12 AM 66 I can not imagine tryin g to bike for commuting in Richmond's current condition. It is difficult to map a safe and convenient route, and as an inexperienced biker it is far too intimidating. 2/9/2015 9:34 AM 67 I live a mile from work. I would love to ride back and forth to work, with that said, I would have to ride in traffic, which is a huge hazard in town! 2/9/2015 9:33 AM 68 Drivers need education on safe distances for passing a road cyclist....a newspaper series?2/9/2015 8:52 AM 69 A very important addition to the quality of life for the streets of Richmond would be the addition of bike lanes as well as educating motorists and bicyclists alike in how to properly/safely use them. 2/9/2015 7:56 AM 70 It's a very unfriendly physical place to walk around in, which is kind of crazy since there are a number of people without veh icles. 2/9/2015 7:42 AM 71 If we make it safer, lots more people would ride.2/9/2015 7:20 AM 72 thanks for addressing this community need and being progressive as a community 2/9/2015 6:36 AM 73 I have tried to educate government officials about bicycling benefits and needs. They have not been receptive.2/9/2015 6:15 AM 74 My walking partner tripped in a sidewalk crack and fell and tore her pants. I fell wi th my bike by being distracted by pedestrians on a sidewalk that was too narrow. 2/8/2015 10:24 PM 75 I live only about a mile from where I work. From my house, it's just a hop, skip and a jump on Chester Blvd. I would love to be able to ride my bike to work, but the traffic is so dangerous in the morning and during rush hour that I fear for my safety. I feel that bike lanes would be a wonderful additio n to the area between North D Street and Reid Hospital. Plus it would be a good opportunity to pair up with Reid in their initiative to promote wellness to members of the community and employees alike. 2/8/2015 3:01 AM 76 Riding bikes from the east to the west or the opposite, through town is very dangerous. Our path requires use of Main St and South A from the courthouse to 17th St. Cars do not provide enough space for riding on the street and if you ride illegally on the sidewalk, (or are walking along the sidewalk) drivers seldom notice you and make turns in front of you. 2/7/2015 12:14 PM 77 need more bicycle lanes 2/7/2015 11:19 AM 78 It's dangerous. I have had my life directly threatened, been run off the road, had my handlebars clipped in a pass, had things thrown at me. and had someone try to pin me in somewhere because they wanted to fight. 2/7/2015 2:01 AM 79 I love the Greenway trail. Two concerns: (1) sometimes bikers zoom by in an unsafe manner to pedestrians; (2) a man was shot on the North Greenway trail last summer, apparently by a sniper. There was never any followup news regarding this crime. Is anyone looking into this? 2/7/2015 1:00 AM 80 The Earlham Cemetery doesn't clear its sidewal k on National Road! Isn't this illegal? The bridge over Clear Creek isn't cleared either! 2/6/2015 5:33 PM 5 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Continued. Survey Monkey Community Survey 95CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 81 I would love to see Richmond become more walkable for those who can't afford a car. That would help many Ivy Tech and IUE students get to class since many of them may not own cars. Paved trails besides the Cardinal Greenway would be wonderful. I use the Greenway whenever I can for exercise, but if I could access it more easily, I would use it for walking to work. People seem to sit in their cars at the Union Pike greenway trailhead while on break from the Hill's pet food plant. (It may be due to a nonsmoking policy at the factory or other places of employment). Also, people sit in cars at city parks. It makes me uncomfortable and nervous about being there, even during the day. I know people have a right to be in public parks, but it can feel creepy to know people are sitting there looking at you. I'd rather they get out and walk around and enjoy being outside. 2/6/2015 4:41 PM 82 They need to trim back the weeds on the bike trail 2/6/2015 9:55 AM 83 To encourage different modes of transportation for people in all the various aspects of their lives. There is no safe way for people to get to work by walking or riding if they work at Belden or along Industrial Parkway. Taking Bridge St. is a short cut to get to Belden and it is scary to see people walking or riding under the Greenway bridge on that curve on Bridge St. near the intersection with SIm Hodgin Pkwy. Also, when it snows and the plows blast snow and salt, etc, up onto sidewalks it makes people who walk have to walk out onto the road because it is unsafe to walk on the sidewalk. I see this the most on U.S. 40. 2/6/2015 9:53 AM 84 I am ve ry hopeful this work and plan will improve the bike and pedestrian atmosphere of the city. It is vital work not just for quality of life but in order to attract more young people to this town and area. We currently seem to make decisions in this town based on what people who are 55+ think is good for "economic development." With all due respect to those folks, the future of Richmond is not with those people-- it is with young people. We need to be more responsive to the kinds of things they want to see in a community or risk this place being a glorified elder-care town with no future and too much conservative nostalgia for times gone by... 2/6/2015 9:44 AM 85 If there are no designated bike lanes, bikers should *absolutely* be allowed to bike on the sidewalks, because motorists simply are not caref ul enough around bikers. 2/6/2015 9:31 AM 86 It's hard to bike on the street sometimes because motorists can be aggressive and rude. It would help if motorists were better educated about the status of a bike as a vehicle on the street. 2/6/2015 9:28 AM 87 Reference benefits/use of Cardinal Greenway since it has been improved when considering the merits of this project. 2/5/2015 9:47 PM 88 WAlking and biking are note fully appreciated because of a lack of education and opportunity to use biking and walking as a means of transportation 2/5/2015 9:25 PM 89 bicycles should NOT be allowed on the sidewalks. someone is going to get hurt and i'm surprised someone hasn't yet. patrons of my establishment have been nearly hit numerous times because of cyclists traveling too fast on the sidewalk outside my business. 2/5/2015 8:46 PM 90 I, and many others I know personally, have been approached by strangers in an intimidating manner on the Cardinal Greenway and really don't feel safe using the trails anymore. ...I have to wonder how more trails would be anything besides more unmonitered, unsafe areas in our city... 2/5/2015 4:45 PM 91 I don't drive for medical reasons, and in general find Richmond very pedestrian frien dly for an able-bodied person, though probably much less so for folks (not me) with mobility issues. I've been deterred significantly from bicycling by several dog attacks, but all those have been outside the city. I'd sure welcome a solution to that issue, but I can't think of one. 2/5/2015 3:45 PM 92 No 2/5/2015 2:59 PM 93 As you plan, I would think it would be important to connect sidewalks and trails t o "something" other than just having sidewalks and trails. You'd also need some sort of campaign to market the idea. And don't forget the Earlham community. 2/5/2015 12:51 PM 94 Streets are already too narrow to paint a bike lane in Center City.2/5/2015 10:19 AM 95 Shared use trails next to streets would be alot safer for kids instead of in the street.2/5/2015 9:41 AM 96 I wish there were connectors to the Cardinal Greenway trail and the Riverside Trail. I hope the folks doing the Riverside Trail continue their efforts to connect is to the Cardinal Greenway, IU East and to Ohio. I applaud them. 2/5/2015 9:08 AM 97 Large amounts of broken sidewalks and curbs with excessive weed growth need to be addressed. Sidewalk conditions were not obvious to me via car travel but stood out on walking trips on both ea st and west sides. 2/4/2015 11:26 PM 98 Motorists worry me with no bike lane.2/4/2015 9:39 PM 99 No safe way to get around. Aggressive motorists.2/4/2015 9:32 PM 6 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY96COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS100 Update sidewalks, create bike lanes and paved trails centrally leading to various locations within the community. Incorporate bike racks throughout. I also would like to mention I think it would be good to have Bixie bikes to rent throughout Ricmond 3 seasons of the year. I think this would be a good option for all socioeconomic status. 2/4/2015 9:14 PM 101 Bike trails would be great to have. Also a dding bike paths throughout the east side of town would be great. But focusing on downtown Richmond paths first is smart. 2/4/2015 8:00 PM 102 Need more off road trails and for them to be open in the winter months.2/4/2015 7:29 PM 103 People do not seem to like to share the roads with cyclists in general. Signs around town reminding people that cyclists have rights too (we are tax payers as well!) I have wrecked, cussed at and honked at by people not paying attention. 2/4/2015 7:15 PM 104 I don't own a bicycle and would welcome rental opportunities for use within the city or trails.2/4/2015 6:00 PM 105 Having bike paths & sidewalks would enhance Richmond living. It would help make it a fun place to live. I hate seeing people walking to or from work, businesses, school on the roads! It isn't safe. 2/4/2015 5:29 PM 106 There isn't a good way to cross town north to south or east to west.2/4/2015 5:25 PM 107 First, I grew up in this town. When I was 12 years old, I used to be able to take my bike and ride from South J to Glen Miller park without any incident. Now as an adult, I would not dare do that and I certainly will not allow my child to make that trip due to safety reasons. 2/4/2015 4:50 PM 108 I don't like to walk from where I live (Reeveston) to downtown or to the Cardinal Trail because I am worried about the neighborhood in between the destinations. I have been harassed by other pedestrians in the past. 2/4/2015 4:35 PM 109 The trails and pathways should be lit at night with emergency phones like on college campuses.2/4/2015 4:25 PM 110 We already have the Greenway and the golf course at the park. This is an absolute waste of time and money.2/4/2015 4:06 PM 111 This is a feel good project for the chosen few period...2/4/2015 3:55 PM 112 Waste of money for a few to benefit.2/4/2015 3:36 PM 113 too much traffic 2/4/2015 2:53 PM 114 It would be nice for there to be walking or biking routes around the IUE campus.2/4/2015 2:23 PM 115 Richmond is full of students, whether that is grade school or college so safe public transport that is easy to access and free ks very important. 2/4/2015 2:14 PM 116 it would be nice if the community felt safer utilizing the bike trails/cardinal greenway. this has been a great addition and project for our community however many people feel unsafe on the trails, and feel that the trails aren't monitored by the community or patroled for safety. 2/4/2015 1:54 PM 117 There are no dedicated bike lanes in Richmond. Motorists do not pay attention to cyclists and this creates an unsafe cycling environment. 2/4/2015 1:33 PM 118 I believe the current sidewalk and roadway system that is in place accommodates the citizens of Richmond. I feel that it would be a bad way to spend taxpayer dollars to install bicyle lanes or a walking trail. Money could be better spent by repairing sidewalks and streets. I see more cyclists and runners out for recreation and exercise. The Cardinal Greenway satisfies their interest. 2/4/2015 1:32 PM 119 If you want to walk or bike in Uptown, Downtown, or the Depot, it's very difficult--there's no where to go.2/4/2015 1:29 PM 120 The path at the GM golf course was crumbling. Even though it was recently paved, there is still an area near the tennis court that is often flooded during heavy rains. It would be nice to see that fixed either by better irrigation or a small bridge over all 3 areas. I've often said the GM park SHOULD be a one-way park. People shouldn't use it as a pass through. Drivers are pretty aggressive in that area when you bike, run or walk. Having a specific lane and one-way traffic would benefit everyone. Sure, it may upset some people, but they'd get over it. 2/4/2015 1:11 PM 121 Why has this city not adopted complete streets. For example Salisbury reconstruction. Nice side paths until you get to NW L then they disappear and force riders or walkers into traffic. Why was this proejct so poorly planned? 2/4/2015 12:28 PM 122 Need bike lanes on major streets and roads.2/4/2015 12:11 PM 123 Would need more enforcement on residents (owners or renters) I live in a school zone. Very few people clean the walkway in front of their house from debris, and snow. Also rosie rollers are left out in front of the house for days. 2/4/2015 11:33 AM 7 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Continued. Survey Monkey Community Survey 97CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 124 These should also be accessible to people with disabilities (wheelchair users) and meet the ADA Code. You can find more information on how this can be achieved by going to pages 185-192 of the following document. http://www.parks.ca.gov/pages/21944/files/ca_stateparksaccessguiderev_titlepagewithdisclaimer.pdf 2/4/2015 10:57 AM 125 Lack of agencies/organizations to promote bike/ped safety education. Inability for city departments to include bike/ped facility planning into their priorities. 2/4/2015 10:29 AM 126 I appreciate current focus on downtown and depot districts. I hope that the next order of business includes incremental improvements (bike lanes, sharrows, etc.) to help bicyclists feel more confident connecting to upcoming infrastructure from east and west sides of Richmond. Route-finding signs for cyclists would also aid in this, helping to identify safest routes and concentrating bike traffic so automobiles are forced to take better notice. 2/4/2015 10:10 AM 127 we need a safe way for people to walk and ride out to the east side of town where the shopping and resteraunts are. 2/4/2015 10:06 AM 128 Good Luck!2/4/2015 9:59 AM 129 n/a 2/4/2015 9:27 AM 130 We need to make these improvements as str eets are being upgraded 2/4/2015 9:22 AM 131 The Greenway overall is a great deal for Richmond residents. I've rode it several times over the last few years, my main concern is that other cyclists ride in a safe, law obeying matter. We've seen several instances where some of the agressive road bike riders fly past us (when we ride about 15 mph), then proceed to blow through intersections. They think its more of a race course and endanger other riders & traffic. 2/4/2015 9:12 AM 132 Main Street on the west side of town is very dangerous because of all the parked cars. It makes it very easy for a cyclist to get stuck between a parked car and traffic. Instead I bike on 40 where there is more room but faster traffic. It would be great if bike lanes could be put in. There are also no sidewalks out by the mall, which makes it very hard for people who need/want to walk to work or shopping. This is a basic need that should be filled! 2/4/2015 8:48 AM 133 Bike lanes would be great for the cycling groups in town as well as encourage commuters to ride their bike the proper direction on the street and stay off of the sidewalks. 2/4/2015 8:17 AM 134 There is a real problem between 10th and 18th street on the east side with pedestrian traffic.2/4/2015 7:06 AM 135 Education to motorists is a concern. But it takes time and people who are biking on driving paths of life.2/4/2015 7:04 AM 136 Several areas with hazards such as missing water covers and uneven side walks 2/4/2015 6:48 AM 137 This is an unfriendly community for bicyclists. No lanes, no road markings, and short sighted automobile advocating government. 2/3/2 015 10:03 PM 138 safety from being robbed, unless there is constant monitoring that will be a problem in Richmond with all the unemployed druggies and lowlifes whonarw ruining the city 2/3/2015 7:36 PM 139 City should not use EDIT funds to pay for any of these proposed developments, only grants and donations.2/3/2015 7:32 PM 140 I think it's great to make a plan, but the public will need to be told about that plan before, during, and after that plan takes definite shape in order to decrease the aggressive and distracted driving tendencies that are currently systemic in this area. 2/3/2015 6:24 PM 141 I view biking as practically unworkable in Richmond (except on the Greenway), and walk instead. I fully support the proposed bike path connecting the Greenway to Cope, and the extensions to the National Roa d Heritage Trail. 2/3/2015 5:57 PM 142 Consider mandator adjacent lanes on one-way streets---well marked. Update signage for existing trails, every intersection. 2/3/2015 5:25 PM 143 I love the Cardinal Greenway. To encourage commuters and riding to run errands, we need more bicycle racks in town. 2/3/2015 4:50 PM 144 Just wish there were bike lanes all over town 2/3/2015 4:29 PM 145 In areas where motorists are not used to seeing pedestrians, there can be additional safety issues. It seems like more pedestrian activity in general would make being an individual pedestrian safer. 2/3/2015 4:20 PM 146 The area I walk in most is around the hospital, which has considerable traffic, and there is no sidewalk connecting Meijer to Reid. The second is probably in the depot district, and the sidewalks there are fine. T he bridge over E street makes for a scary place at night-it could be lit better. 2/3/2015 4:12 PM 8 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY98COMMUNITY FORUM MAPS147 Cycling lanes need to be created for bikers 2/3/2015 2:18 PM 148 the government does not have the money for these projects that pacify a few people while taxing the majority.2/3/2015 2:17 PM 149 Because the sidewalks are not kept up well in Richmond, or there aren't sidewalks, I typically walk for fitness in the street unless a car is oncoming in which case I will move to the sidewalk, but generally back to the street. I observe others doing the same when walking or running. 2/3/2015 2:08 PM 150 I would like to bike more but feel generally unsafe to bike on the roads in Richmond due to sharing the road with cars. I'm glad Richmond has the Cardinal Greenway but I see that as recreation, whereas I prefer to be practical in my biking -- simply getting to and from work and going to community events and to see friends. 2/3/2015 1:48 PM 151 Walking around schools is very unsafe. Speed limits are not enforced, especially around Richmond Friends School. Traffic speeds down all surrounding streets/alley ways. Walking across the street in the depot district is extremely unsafe. Traffic moves way too fast for that area. This town is definitely not pedestrian friendly; cars rarely yield to pedestrians even at stop signs. Drivers need to be more aware and need more education. 2/3/2015 1:46 PM 152 More bike lanes on busy streets would be helpful.2/3/2015 1:41 PM 153 It is impossible for me to bike or walk to work due to lack of sidewalks or bikable roads. In particular, Chester Blvd. needs improvement. 2/3/2015 1:33 PM 154 I believe the community would benefit from having bike paths since it would connect all the community.2/3/2015 1:33 PM 155 I would like to see a campaign to improve the mindset of locals towards the idea of commuting by methods other than vehicular transportation. I spent a number of years living in a city more than four times the size of Richmond, and primarily commuted by bike at that time. I felt safer on my bike in a much larger city with more traffic than I do in Richmond. In Richmond , my husband and I have been run off the road by cars, had food, drinks and trash thrown at us, been yelled at, and experienced other forms of extreme aggression by individuals in cars. I believe that more people would consider alternative methods of transportation if this negativity was addressed and there was better law enforcement protecting individuals who commute by foot and bike from harassment and assault. In my personal opinion, safety issues surrounding non-vehicular transportation is a major problem in this area. 2/3/2015 1:27 PM 156 I think it is important that the north side of town, including IU East and the Reid campus, be better connected to the Uptown and Depot District. 2/3/2015 1:25 PM 157 Pedestrian traffic is very unusual in front of Glen Miller Park. Street Light posts are placed right in the middle of the sidewalk? 2/3/2015 12:57 PM 158 The bike map is really useful!2/3/2015 12:37 PM 159 Public streets are NOT shoveled in the winter, including downtown! How are we supposed to encourage walking when the sidewalks are covered in ice? 2/3/2015 12:13 PM 160 Just the conditions of the sidewalks. Realize that there seems to have been work being done on the sidewalks, but would think that the areas close to the trails that are already available would have been a priority to make the area more appealing. 2/3/2015 11:07 AM 161 Just simplying creating lanes for indiviudals to bike or run/walk on the road has the potential to change the culture of Richmond. What a postive direction to aim/work towards. Thanks 2/3/2015 9:51 AM 162 Safety is the number one concern.2/3/2015 9:49 AM 163 I love the Cardinal Greenway Trail. I get on it 3 to 4 times a week for biking mostly (but sometimes hiking) when the weather is nice. The only reason I'm not on it more often is time. I just wish I lived closer or had easy/safe access to getting to the trail. Right now I drive unless I have additional time to ride from my house (near Glen Miller Park) to the trail on North E Street. 2/3/2015 9:41 AM 164 Would lik e to see paved path along 40 and 27 connecting east side shopping and north college campuses to center city area. Needs to be far enough off of street that it does not get snow covered when street is plowed. 2/3/2015 8:44 AM 165 One can't get from IUEast/Purdue/IvyTech to "anywhere" without very unsafe roads 2/3/2015 8:38 AM 166 Unsafe unsafe unsafe. I have my son on the back and motorists are so dangero usly close.2/3/2015 6:57 AM 167 We need city laws and enforcement of snow shoveling laws! There is ice everywhere and it is dangerous to walk because no one treats/shovels 2/2/2015 7:45 PM 168 none 2/2/2015 5:24 PM 9 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Continued. Survey Monkey Community Survey 99CITY OF RICHMOND Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan 169 We need bicycle and traffic education, please! Bikes are legally allowed on roads - it is more unsafe to bike on the sidewalk than on the road. I'm very frustrated with the lack of education by both drivers of cars and bikers/walkers when it comes to what is legal and safe. 2/2/2015 4:50 PM 170 I would like to see sidewalks by the east side shopping areas. I fear someone will be seriously hurt one d ay while walking along busy U.S. 40. 2/2/2015 4:18 PM 171 I would like to say biking, walking, and running I think more people would do it if they felt safe. I know people who say they would bike to work but in the early mornings it is still dark and they don't want to be on the roads with tired drivers. 2/2/2015 3:26 PM 172 Richmond's streets, specifically Main Street is ideally suited for complete streets. THis would include two way traffic, parking and a designated Bicycle Lane. 2/2/2015 3:25 PM 173 I am a student at Earlham college, and I think a better walking/biking system would help get students out and engaged in the community more. 2/2/2015 2:15 PM 174 Biking is a little bit terrifying in Richmond, especially in the winter. Bike commuting isn't common enough that drivers are used to it, so I have a hard time convincing myself that they will share the road. 2/2/2015 2:03 PM 175 The vehicle traffic is very unfriendly towards walkers and bicyclists - some time of driver education program with the BMV might be helpful. Additionally, no one seems to shovel their sidewalks in the winter, which leads to dangerous conditions, especially along 40. 2/2/2015 1:18 PM 176 Cycling is dangerous with the traffic - we need more safe cycling zones along US 40.2/2/2015 11:39 AM 10 / 10 Richmond Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan SurveyMonkey Q17 Are there specific issues or comments pertaining to walking and biking in Richmond that you would like to share? Continued. Survey Monkey COMMUNITY SURVEY100COMMUNITY FORUM MAPSCommunity Survey