HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 9/3/1957257 Sep. 3, 1957• Reg. Meeting. Pllayor Groninga Presiding. All councilmen present. Minutes of last meeting read and on motion by Okones second by Meyer were approved. I:�otion by Fischer second by Huisman to allow bills, carried. Aeilt Terfehn................Labor-------- 187.50 Heiko Neesaen ................Wages-------- 248.75 Geo Blythe.....••••••••••••••Rock--------- 1207.�0 C. R. & P. Railroad..........r�reight------ 204.56 Tom Hoekstra .................Labor-------- 39.95 Wellsburg Herald.............Printing----- �+3.36 United Tele..................Toll Calls--- 3.10 Paul E. Ray..................Road 011-----��;, 594.25 W. V. Fire Dcpt............. Fire Calls--- I22.00 Louis F. 1flhitney.............Repair Pump 199�4�+ Shiloh Cem. Asao.............I.un. Ent.---- 823.46 Paul E. Ray..................Black hopping 2000.00 John. Rients..................Dump Rent----� I20.00 Iowa Elec. Lite & Power......Power--------�� 262.20 J. E. Riekena...•••••••••••••3 I�;onths Clerk 1�0.00 Motio by Fischer second bjs Olthoff t ourn, carried. erk o Spec IJleeting, Sep�f�# 9, 1957 Ideetin�; to act on ordinancances no 122 & 123 -one rraurr iwnicn grew experiences in Asia for Department), and Go orrow, will speak on the f the races in the com! civilization. � resses are scheduled for corning: Dr. Seen Lek �' aon's distinguished com r pianist, will talk on th� :� in tomorrow's worldi_ i �nneth Morgan, of Col, sity, author of recentl;g I looks, The Religion °er and' The Path of th 1 speak on the impala 1 •� 3l4 1 spaai IY�oI ul , CS blu 1 Letter He a -dan llsga ,� , -�o� stationary �� Ids �ulci , umo aloy ale Bi11s R s 1?l .Cjlq aye . -- tit 25i Sep• 3, 1957• Reg. Ideating. Mayor Groninga Presiding. All councilmen. present. Idinutes of Last meeting read and on motion by Okones second by Meyer were approved. Lotion by Fischer second by Huisman to allow bills, carried. Aeilt Terfehn ................Labor-------- 187.50 Hleiko Neessen ................'Nagel-------- 248.75 Geo Blythe...................Rock--------- 1207.40 C. R. & P. Railroad..........Freight------� 204.56 Tom Hoekstra.. .............Labor-------- 39.95 t"Tellsburg Herald.............Printing----- 43.36 United Tele..................Toll Calls--- 3.10 Paul E. Ray..................Road Oil-----.,' T94.25 Vr. V. Fire Dept............. Fire .•Calls--- I22.00 Louis F. 'Nhitney.............Repair Pump 1g9�44 tr ..... --- Shiloh Cam. Also....... .Ifun. Ent.- 823.46 I: Paul E. Ray..................Hlack hopping 2000.00 John. Rients..................Dump Rent---- I20.00 F I Iolrra Elec. Lite & Power......Power--------� 262.20 J. E. Riekena................3 T�ionths Clerk 1�0.00 Motio by Ffscher second bjs OlthoP'f t ourn, carried. ark � o - Spec Ideating, Sep�f�# g, 1957 T'deeting to act on ordinancances no 122 & 123 burg, located at the.,,,,,,,,,„,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,-.��,,,,,�,.-,,-,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,`,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,•,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,-,,,,,,,,,-,-,,..,,,,,.,,,,•,.,,,,,,,,.,,.,,.....�....�,,...,.,,,,•.,,.,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.�,,,,,��.,,,,,.,,,,..,,,,..�,,,,,,, Northeast an Neil OKoney that said Ordin- ;section (NE) corner � oP Block Nine (9) of the Official Plat ante be placed upon its first read- one hereof, and shall calculated for the be from and after,•ita passage and b- oP the Town of Wellsburg, Iowa, and that said da- ing. UPON ROLL CALL top surface of lication in the Wellsburg Herald, as provided by law, • tom plane established and the bench Councilman voted upon said motion as follows: clot linee off thlee streletsne°llreswhich Adopted by the : marks hereinafter set out •shall apply to J. L. Fischer Voted Aye they are established. Sec. 3. CALCULATED council of the Town cf Vl%ellsburg, this 9th day all of the before named streets and likewise all Odie Olthoff Voted Aye Lester Huisman IN FEET, That all sidewalk grades shall be pf September, 1957. i sidewalk grades hereafter estab- Voted A e Neil OKones Voted Aye y calculated in feet and decimals of /S/ huke .J. Groninga lished shall be calculated from da- A. L. Meyer Voted A e feet and that the elevations given 11layor tom plane established •by this Sec- All members of the Council lsidewalkshat ATTEST: /S/ John E. Riekena, lion. Sec. 2. CALCULATION FROM be- ing present and having voted "Aye", Mayor grade for theafollow- ing indicated points: Town Clerk This Ordinance is herewith offi-, AA'I`UM PLANE. That all graded L. J. Gronin a g �' dared said motion Sec. 4. EAST SIDE O•F' MONRQE cially signed and approved by Luke established by this Ordinance or carried, and said Ordinance No. 122 STREET. J. Groninga, Mayor of Wellsburg, that may he hereafter established, was laced upon its first reading and was Elevation above datum plane at: day of September shall be calculated by the datum read the first time., Southeast corner of intersection 1967� at1i8:30th P• m. of said day, plane as established by Section one Thereu'poi� it nt Fourth Street _ _ 80.50 /S/ ,,Luke J, Groninga � (1) of this Ordinance and shall be was moved by Councihnan J. L. Fischer 200' South of Southeast corner mayor ; calculated for the middle of the and se- condad by Councilman of intersection of Fourth Street ATTEST: /S/ John E. Riekena ' street on which they are establish- ed• -� Odie Olt- hoff that the laws and rules j pro- 82.40 Centerline It was moved by � F hiding that ordinances shall be ful- of West Fifth Street Count lmane A. Sec. 3. CALCULATION IN FEET. iy and distinctly read on three dip- 1 82.00 L. Meyer and seconded by Council- j That the grades of all streets here- rferent days be 3U' Si3uth tl> C@hterliue of West man Odie Olthoff that said Ordin- in named shall be calculated in stt8pended and be fli�pensed with and that Fifth Street �_ _ ante be place upon its first read- � feet and a decimal oP a foot at the Ordinance No. 122 be placed 80' S'outh of centerline of Wea4 ,ng j points on the centerline thereof, as upon its last reading. Fifth SU•eet _______ ------- 81.70 UPON ROLL CALL Councilmen here' after indicated and described, � UP,ON ROLL CALL 130' South of centerline of West voted upon said motion as ,follows: each said named street to have an Councilmen voted upon Fifth Street ______________ 81.17 J. L. Fischer• Voted AYe elevation in Peet above the dattun said motion as follows: J. L. Fischer 180' South oP centerline of West Odie Olthoff Voted Aye Plane as set forth in the next fol- Voted Aye Odie Olthoff Voted A Fifth Street ___________ 80.36 ]owin four g 4) Sections of this y e Lester Huisman Voted 230' South of centerline of West IVeSleOKones11Voted AdeAye Y Ordinance. Aye Neil OKones Voted A e Fifth Street _ _ 79.26 A• L. itieyer Voted Aye Sec, 4. STREET' GRADES ON Y A. L. Meyer Voted Aye 370' South of centerline of West All members of the Council be - MONROE STREET. Ali members of the Council Fifth Street ________ _ 76.30 ing Present and having voted "Aye", Elevation above datum plane at: be- sng present Northeast Corner of intersection Mayor L. J. Groninga de - Center of intersection of Fourth and having voted "Aye", Mayor L. J. Groninga there- of Mc Adoo Street _ ------- 73.50 Sec. dared said motion carried, and I _ Council Street ___ _ 81.00 240' Sottth of center of intersec- upon declared the motion carried and Ordinance No. 122 was then 5. NORTH SIDE OF FIRST STREET, Elevation said Ordinance No. 123 was placed upon its first reading and was read the first Proeeedin�s flop of Fotu•t1�Street ______ 81.80 placed upon last abov datum time. Center of int •rsection of West, ,its reading and suss read the last time. Northwest corner of intersection t Thereupo❑ it was moved Sept. 3, 195? Fifth Street _______>______ 81.00 Thereupon, it oP Ad.ams Street _ --------- 83.43 Councilman Neil OKones and s y Regular Meeting, 30' South oP center of intersec- was moved by Councilman' Lester Centerline of Jefferson street conded by Councilman Lester Huis- Mayor Groninga. presiding, lion of Fourth Street ______ 80.94 Huisman and 6econded by Councilman J: 82 73 man that the laws and rules Pro - All councilmen present. 80' South of center of intersec- L. Fis- char that Ordinance No. Centerline of Madison Street 82.33 viding that ordinances shall be fu]- Minutes of last meeting read and lion of .Fourth Street ______ 30.70 122 be Sec. 6. WEST SIDE OF MONROE �y and distinctly read on three dif- on motion by Okones seconded by 130' South oP center oP intersec- placed upon its final g Passa a and STREET. ;ferent days be suspended and be Meyer were approved, ,passed. lion of Fourth Street _ _ 80.1' ---- UPON ROLL CALL, Elevation above datum plane at: ilispe°led with and that Ordinance Motion by Fischer second by Hu- 1R0' South oP•center of intersec- Councilman voted upon said motion Southwest corner of intersection No. 123 be placed upon its last isman to allow bills, rarried. lion of Fourth Street __ _ 79.36 as follows: J. L. Fischer Voted ,of Fourth Street ---------- 80.60 reading. Aeilt Terfehn, Labor _ ___ $ 187.50 230' South of center oL interne- A Ye Odie Olthoff Voted Aye 200' South of Southwest corner UPON ROLL CALL Councilmen •�� Heiko Neessen, Wages ____ 248.75 lion of Fourth Street ______ 78.26 Lester Huisman Voted -of intersection of Fourth Stt•eet voted upon said motion as follows: Geo. Blythe, Rock ______ 1207,40 370' 4outh of center oP intersec- Aye Netl OKones Voted Aye 31.80 J. L. Fischer Voted A Ye C.R. & P. Railroad, lion of Fourth Street ______ 74.80 A. L. Meyer Voted Aye I Northwest corner of intersection Odfe Olthoff Voted Aye Freight ______ 204.56 Center of intersection of Mc All members of the Council be- of West Fifth Street _ _ 80.90 _ --- Lester Huiatnan Voted A Ye Tom Hoekstra, Labor ______ 39.95 Adoo Street ______________ 72.40 Ing present and having Southwest corner of intersection Neil OKones Voted Aye ' Wellsburg Herald, Printing 43..36 Sec. 5. STREET GRADES .ON voted «Aye•• Mayor L. oP West Fifth Street __ ---- 81.44 A. L. Meyer Voted A United Tele., Totl Calls ____ 3.10 WEST FIFTH STREET. J. Groninga de- dared the rsection SWestWeFifth r All tnetnbers oP the Council be - Paul E. Ray, Road Oil ____ 194.25 Elevation above datum plane at: motion carried, and the Ordinance Passed and adapted. lint of Street ing present and having voted "Aye", W. V. Fire Dept., Fire Calls 122.00 Center of intersection of Monroe S1 20 Mayor L. J. Groninga there-� Louis F. Whitney, Repair Street ___________________ 81.00 Mayor L. J. Groninga 100' South of South�v'est corner upon declared the motion carried j Pum P________________ 199.44 9 1..0' West oP center of intersec- was pre- sent and presided at the :of intersection of West Fifth and Ordinance h'o. 123 w•as then Shiloh Cem. Alan., tio3t10 f oof Scepter- meeting. ouncilmen were .Street _ _ _ per placed upon its last reading and' Mun. Ent. _ ______ 823.4� West of_ intersec 'Monroe present: J. L. Ffscher, Odfe Olt- 160' South of Sonthwest co st w Thereupone Pa,nl E. Ray., filack lion of Street 76.40 hoffh Lester Hu� m an, Neil OKones, 1 of intersection of West Fifth it wale moved b 3'', Councilman Topping _____ _ _ 2000.00 Center of tntersectton of Rest and A. L. Meyer, Street _ --------------- - 79.86 J. L. Ffscher and se-' John Reents, Dump Rent 120.00 Jackson Street ____________ 66.70 Councilman J. L. Fischer offered 200' South of Southwest corner COnded by Councilman Odie Olt - Qtoff Iowa Elec. Lite & Power, Sec. 6. STREET _GRADES ON Ordinance No. 123 ,of intersection of West Fifth Street that Ordinance No. 123 be Power _ _ ___ 262.20 WEST .JACKSON STREET. ,following of which the is a copy: 78•7B Placed upon its final Passage and' J. F.. Riekena, 3 Months Elevation above datum plane .at: ORDINANCE N0. 340' South of Southwest corner 'of passed. Clerk _ _ - 150.00 Center of intersection of Fourth , :1N 123 ORDINANCE intersection of West Fifth Street ,UPON ROLL CALL, Councilme�� _ Motion by Fischer seconded by ESTABLISIING Street ___________________ 74.00 SIDEWALK GRADES � 75.001 voted upon said motion as follo��-s. Olt.hoff to adjourn, carried. Cenfet• oP intersection of West FOR STREETS IN THE TOWN OF J, L. Fischer Voted Aye Centerline of Mc Adoo Street � Odle L. J. Groninga, Mayor John E. Riekena, Cler Fifth Street _____________ 66.70 �'VELLSBURG, IOWA. AND PRO- Sec. 7. STREET GRADES ON Olt.hoff Voted Aye 72.60 Lester Huisman Voted Aye `dye"• Mayor L. J. Sec. 7. SOUTH SIDE OF WEST Groninga k _ i VIDING FOR THE REPEAT. OF FPR.ST STREET. dared the motion carried, FIFTH STREET. Neil OKones Voted Aye an Sept. 9, � :>,LL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT Elevation above. dattun plane at: Elevation above dattun plane at: A• T'• Meyer Voted Aye Ordinance passed and- adoptec 1957 Speeia.l Meeting. THE�R'EWITH Intersection of Adams Street Re it ordained by the town All members of the Council be - Southwest corner of intersection � 21'Ieyer ing Motion by Fi;rher to adjourn. second. Meeting to act on ordinances No. coon- 83.20 till of the incorpor�Ited of Monroe Street _ � --------- 81.44 present and having voted'; 7 22 &, 123. Intersection of Jefferson Street town of I Wellsburg. Iowa: 100' West of Sonthwest corner Mayor L. J. Groninga was pre-! 82.40I Sec. 1. RAS�E� LEVELS. That lof intersection of Monroe Street presided at the meetin sent and g I Intersection of Madison Street the base of fdv' or datum lane 79.33 290' West The following Councilmen were 82.00 used.. for establishing sidewalk of Southwest corner of present: J. L. Fischer, Odie Olt- Sec. 8. GRADE LINE. That the ;grades on the streets on Monroe intersection of Monroe Street ,'hoff, Castel• Huisman, Neil OKones grade line of the various streets Street, West Fifth Street, !bVest be in direct line � 76.73 Centerline azld A. L. Meyer. shall from one to n I of West Jackson Street Councilman .T. L. Fischer offered- p°tut another on said streets I theksIncor iorated T winst gtreRellst _____ ______________ 67.20 Ordinance No. 122 of which the where elevations are given. burg, Iowa, shall be and is htrebY Sec. 8. WEST SIDE OF WEST following is a. copy: Sec. 9. REPEALING CLAUSE. established to be One hundred JACKSON STREET, That ORDINANCE NO. 122 all Ordinances or• party of Or- twely g dths a and ei bleep hundr>, Elevation above datum plane at: T dinancea AA ORDINANCF. ESTABLISHING in conflict with this Or- 'feet f 112.18 ft.) below the top Southwest corner of intersection A 5T'REET GRADE ON MONROF, dinance ,of are hereby repealed. 6urface of the Iv'orth (N) corner of Sec. 10. TIME � Fourth Street _ _ _ Centerline STREET, WEST FIFTH STREET, WEST JACKSOAT STREET, AND FECT. OF TAKING F.F- ,the concrete foundation of the That this Ordinance shall) Northwest of West Fifth Street (NW) leg of the Water FIRST STREET ALL IN THE be in full force and take effect I Tower of the Town Sec. 9. SLOPE T.O STREET. That of Wellsbur from and after its passage and � g> TOWN OF WELLSBURG, IOWA, located at the Northeast (NE) tor- all sidewalks shall have a uniform % AND PROVIDING FOR THE Publication in the Rellsburg Her -I per of Block Nine (9) of the OPfi- dope towar Oue- REPEAL OF ORDINANCES IN old. as provided by law. cial Plat of the Town of Wellsburg, Fourth of an inch to the foot. CONFLICT THERF,WITH. Adopted by the council of the I Iowa, and as set out in Section One Be it Town of Wellsburg, this 9 day Sec, 10. ELEVATION BETWEEN POINTS. That the ordained by the town coup- oP� (1) of Ordinance No. 122 of tfie re- cil of the Incorporated Town oP September, 1957. sidewalks vised Ordinances elevation Por between the points iudi- Wellsburg, Iowa:. a of the Town of /S/ Luke J. Groninga Wellsburg, Iowa, being an Ordin- Gated above shall be a direct line Sec. 1. RASE OF LEVELS. That 'the Mayor ante establishin the g grade of ter- between said points. Sec. base of levels or datum plane ATTESTED: John E. Riekena lain streets Por said Town. 11. REPEALING CLAUSE. used for establishin g grades on the Town Clerk Sec. 2. CAL.CULATED FROlVi That all ordinances or parts oP or- streety of Monroe Street, • West dinances This Ordinance is herewith, offi- DATUM PLANE. That in conflict with the pro- Fifth Street, West. Jackson Street, cialTy all side- visions signed and approved by Luke walks grades esaabliahed of this ordinance are here - and First Street of the Incorporat- J. by this by Groninga, Mayor of Wellsburg, ;ordinance, or that may hereafter repealed; ed Town of Wellsburg, Iowa, shall i Iowa, this 9th day oP September, be established shall be Sec. 12. TTME OF TAKING EF- he and is hereby established ,to be i 1957, calculated at S:15 p. m. of said day. from datum plane established FECT. That this Ordinance sha'* One hundred twelve and eighteett by be /S/ Luke J. Groninga - ------ - in full force and take effect lnindredth feet (]1214 I -.-_ ]1 - -- __ I s . J below � Za3 or the top surface of the North (N) i ATTEST: /S/ John E. Riekena cm•ner of the concrete foundation Town Clerk of the Northwest (NW) leg of the ' � It was moved by Councilman A. Water Tower of the Town of �� ells- L. Meyer and seconded by Council-