HomeMy Public PortalAbout03-12-15 agendaKarch 12g 2015 The Agenda Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret preceding the Regular Meeting of March 26, 2015 was held on March 12, 2015, 6:00 P.M., in the Memorial Municipal Building, 61 Cooke Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. The following were noted present: Councilmember Vincent Bellino " Dennis DiMascio Susan Naples Also noted present was Kathleen M. Barney, MMC and Borough Attorney Robert J. Bergen, Esq. Noted absent were Councilmembers Jorge Diaz, Randy Krum and Joseph Sitarz. The Clerk stated that the 2015 Annual Notice was mailed to The Home News Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board on January 5, 2015. Notice was published in The Home New Tribune on January 7, 2015 and The Star Ledger on January 8, 2015. The Meeting was opened with a minute of Silent Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Daniel J. Reiman. Roll Call Also Noted Present i Noted Absent r Statement of Meeting Notice Silent Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance 1 March 12, 2015 Minuted for Approval Minutes for Approval Upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Naples and DiMascio and unanimous affirmative vote of the three (3) Councilmembers present the minutes of February 26, 2015 were approved and transcribed and engrossed by the Clerk. Ordinance -First ORDINANCES: First Reading pp d 1. #15 -8 Calendar Year 2015 CAP Bank (NJSA 40A:4- 45.14) 2. #15 -9 Capital Improvement Fund Ordinance Providing for Various Improvements. 3. #15 -10 Amending & Supplementing Chapter 254, Entitled "Vehicles & Traffic." Ordinance #15-8 ORDINANCE #15 -8 was introduced and adopted on first Reading "Calendar Year and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public 2015 To Exceed the Hearing to be held March 26, 2015. Upon MMS &C by Amicipal Budget Appropriation Lindts Councilmembers Bellino and DiMascio. Upon individual roll call & to Establish a Cap vote Councilmembers Bellino, DiMascio and Naples voted in the Bank affirmative. Councilmembers Diaz, Krum and Sitarz were noted absent. ORDINANCE #15 -8 "CALENDAR YEAR 2015 ORDINANCE30 EXCEED THE MUNICIPAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION LIMITS & TO ESTABLISH A CAP BANK (N.1.S.A.40A:4- 45.14)" 0 March 12, 2015 ORDINANCE #15 -9 was introduced and adopted on First Reading Ordinance #15 -9 and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public Hearing to be held March 26, 2015. Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Naples and DiMascio. Upon individual roll call vote Councilmembers Bellino, DiMascio and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmembers Diaz, Krum and Sitarz were noted absent. Mayor Reiman said this Ordinance is fully funded through Municipal dollars. ORDINANCE #15 -9 Ordinance 05-9 "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR VARIOUS CAPITAL %tdinan^_e Providing for IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, COUNTY OF Various Capital Iniprvvarent; MIDDLESEX, NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING $3,600, 000 FROM for the Borogh of Carteret THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND AND OTHER RESERVES AND Co of Middlesex, GRANTS FOR THE COST THEREFOR" Appropriating $3,600.0O0 D from the Capital Irprvvenenl Ftm3 & other Reserves & Grants for the cost Mierefor" ORDINANCE #15 -10 was introduced and adopted on First Reading Ordinance #15 -10 and the Clerk authorized and directed to advertise same for Public Hearin to be Hearing April 23, 2015. Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Bellino and DiMascio. Upon individual roll call vote Councilmembers Bellino, DiMascio and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmembers Diaz, Krum and Sitarz were noted absent. ORDINANCE #15 -10 , Ordinance # r d � i.r? & "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER Supplemntirg Chapter254 254, ENTITLED 'VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC' OF THE CODE OF THE 'Vehicles & Traffic' BOROUGH OF CARTERET" of Code of the BornLgh of Carteret" Mayor Reiman said Ordinance #15 -10 is a First Reading. This is a Mayor's Campsts Pilot Program that we are going to "Try On" John Street in the Hill 3. March 12, 2015 Mayor's Caments Section of Town with alternate side of the street parking for street (Con't) sweeping and plowing. It is just for two (2) days a week with a two (2) hour window each morning where vehicles have to be off one side of the street and the other two (2) days be on the other side of the street. Ordinance Public Hearing - 1 #15 -6 Amending and Supplementing Section 160.119.1, Public Heardcg "Certificate of Continued Use or Occupancy" of Chapter 160, Entitled "Land Development" 2. #15 -7 Amending and Supplementing Section 160 -43 "Subdivision Fees" of Chapter 160, Entitled "Land Development." Ordinance #15-6 The Clerk stated that Ordinance #15 -6 was introduced and passed upon First Reading at a Regular Meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Carteret held February 26, 2015. It was duly published in The Home News Tribune on March 3, 2015, with notice that it will be considered for final passage after Public Hearing to be held March 12, 2015 at approximately 6:00 P.M. The Ordinance was posted on the bulletin board and copie's were made available to the general public and according to law, she read the Ordinance by title. open Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Naples and Bellino and unanimous affirmative vote of the three (3) Councilmembers present, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be opened. There being no comments or objections to the Ordinance the Closed Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be closed upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Bellino and DiMascio and unanimous affirmative 4. %rch 12, 2015 vote of the three (3) Councilmembers present, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be closed. Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers DiMascio and Beilino ORDINANCE #15 -6 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING SECTION 160- 119.1, "CERTIFICATE OF CONTINUED USE OR OCCUPANCY " OF CHAPTER 160, ENTITLED "LAND DEVELOPMENT" OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET" was finally adopted. Upon individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Bellino, DiMascio and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmembers Diaz, Krum and Sitarz were noted absent. APPROVED & ADOPTED: March 12, 2015 INTRODUCED: February 26, 2015 Advertised as Adopted on First Reading With notice of Public Hearing: March 3, 2015 Hearing Held: March 12, 2015 Approved By: MAYOR DANIEL J. REIMAN Advertised as finally Adopted: March 17, 2015 The Clerk stated that Ordinance #15 -7 was introduced and passed upon First Reading at a Regular Meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Carteret held on February 26, 2015. it was duly published in The Home News Tribune on March 3, 2015, with notice that it will be considered for final passage after Public Hearing to be held March 12, 2015 at approximately 6:00 P.M. Closed Ordinance #15 -6 "Aren i_rg & SuppleTenting Section 160 -119.1 'Certificate of Contirxed use or O:cgDamy' of Chapter 160, Entitled 'Lard teveloprent' of tthe Cade of the Bom gh of ow %os finally adopted Ordinance #15-7 5. P1arch 12, 2015 The Ordinance was posted on the bulletin board and copies were made available to the general public and according to law, she read the Ordinance by title. Open Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Bellino and DiMascio and unanimous affirmative vote of the three (3) Councilmembers present, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be opened. Closed There being no comments or objections to the Ordinance the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be closed upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Bellino and DiMascio and unanimous affirmative vote of the three (3) Councilmembers present. Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers DiMascio and Bellino & Supplsrentirg ORDINANCE #15 -7 Section 160-43 of Chapter 160 "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING SECTION 160- 'Lard Levelopmnt' of 43 "SUBDIVISION FEES" OF CHAPTER 160, 'LAND DEVELOPMENT' the Cade of the Borough of OF THE CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET" the Borough of Carteret cvas finally adopted was finally adopted. Upon individual roll call vote Councilmembers Bellino, DiMascio and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmembers Diaz, Krum and Sitarz were noted absent. APPROVED AND ADOPTED: March 12, 2015 INTRODUCED: February 26, 2015 Advertise as Finally Adopted on First Reading with notice of Public Hearing: March 3, 2015 Hearing Held: March 12, 2015 Approved By: Mayor Daniel 1. Reiman Advertised as Finally Adopted: March 17, 2015 6. %rch 12, 2015 PUBLIC PORTION ON RESOLUTION /AGENDA ITEMS AND NEW BUSINESS WAS OPENED TO THE PUBLIC — Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Bellino and Naples and unanimous affirmative vote of the three (3) Councilmembers present, the public portion on Resolutions /Agenda Items and New Business was opened to the public. Resolutions- 1. Directing the Issuance of Various Raffle Licenses. 2. Authorizing Receipt of Bids for the Annual Emergency Sewer Services Contract. 3. Appointing Helen Ledesma to the Recreation Commission. 4. Appointing Chris Fiore to the Redevelopment Agency. 5. Appointing Joseph Popek to the Carteret Housing Authority. 6. Authorizing the Issuance of a Taxicab Driver's License to Sheikh Piracha, Safeway Taxi and limo. 7. Introduction of the 2015 Local Municipal Budget. 8. Approving Snow Removal for Borough Hall Complex. 9. Authorizing the Issuance of a Taxicab Driver's License to Tarun Ahuja, Express Taxi. 10. Green Acres Enabling Resolution for the Waterfront Marina Project. 11. Professional Services — Bathgate, Wegener & Wolf, Re: Re: Marina /Waterfront Project. 12. Authorizing Bids for Cleaning & Television Inspection of Existing Storm Sewers — Milik Street Area. 13. Amending Resolution #14 -170, Arts Funding. Resolution/Agenda Item Ww Business Resolutions VA March 12, 2015 Mayor's Cammt Mayor Reiman said this is art funding between the Borough and the County. 14. Professional Services McManimon, Scotland and Resolution- Baumann, Re: Special Legal Services. Continued 15. Authorizing Sale and Conveyance of Property to RJ Hospitality Group. Mayor's Caments Mayor Reiman said this is the site we acquired, the old diner site in West Carteret for further redevelopment. RJ Hospitality Group is going to construct a hotel. 16. Professional Services -Maser Consulting, Re: Land Surveying. The Mayor asked the Council if they had any questions or comments. He also asked the public if they had any questions or comments. There were no comments or questions asked at this time. Closed Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Naples and DiMascio and unanimous affirmative vote of the three (3) Councilmembers present, the public portion of the meeting was closed. `Clerk's Note Please note that Resolution #1 "Directing the Issuance of Various Raffle Licenses" was omitted from the Consent Agenda. Cosent Agenda Resolutions #15 -57 through #15 -71 were introduced by the Mayor and referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Bellino and DiMascio 3 March 12, 2015 RESOLUTION #15 -57 "AUTHORIZING RECEIPT OF BIDS FOR THE ANNUAL EMERGENCY SEWER SERVICES CONTRACT" RESOLUTION #15 -58 "APPOINTING HELEN LEDESMA TO THE RECREATION COMMISSION" RESOLUTION #15 -59 "APPOINTING CHRIS FIORE TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY" RESOLUTION #15 -60 APPOINTING JOSEPH POPEK TO THE CARTERET HOUSING AUTHORITY" RESOLUTION #15 -61 "AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A TAXICAB DRIVER'S LICENSE TO SHEIKH PIRACHA, SAFEWAY TAXI AND LIMO" RESOLUTION #15 -62 "INTRODUCTION OF THE 2015 LOCAL MUNICIPAL BUDGET" RESOLUTION #15 -63 "APPROVING SNOW REMOVAL FOR BOROUGH HALL COMPLEX" RESOLUTION #15 -64 "AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A TAXICAB DRIVER'S LICENSE TO TRUN AHUJA, EXPRESS TAXI" Resolution #15 -57 Authorizing Receipt of Bids for Armual Enmrgency Seer Services Contract Resolution #15 -58 Appointing Helen Ledeam to Recreation Camdssi on Resolution #15 -59 Appointi Fiore to The Redcvp1q pnt Agency Resolution #15-60 Appointirg Joseph Popek to Carteret Housing Authority Resolution #15 -61 Authorizing Issuance of Taxicab Driver's license to SheiUi Piracha, Safe ay Taxi. & Lim Resolution #15-62 Introduction of 2015 Local Mmicipal Budget Resolution #15 -63 Appruvin %o Snag RsrwaJ - Borough Hall Cmplex Resolution #15 -6 Authorizing Issuance of Taxicab Driver's License to Tnm Ahura, Express Taxi 9. �hrch 12, 2015 Resolution #15-65 Green Acres Fmblirg Resolution for Waterfront marina Project Resolution #15-66 Professional Services - Bathgate, Wegener & Wolf Re: Marina/Waterfront Project Resolution #15 -67 Authorizing Bids for Cleaning & T.V. Inspection of Existing Storm Sa% - 11 Lik St. Area Resolution #15-68 Mayirg Resolution #14 -70 Arts Resolution #15-69 Professional Sezvices- i�nimcn Scotlarrd & B4rrtnrn, Re: Special Legal Services Resolution #15-70 Authorizing Sale & Cameyance of Property to RJ Hospitality Grip Resolution #15-71 Professional Services - iNaser Carsulting, Re: Lard Surveying cure adopted Payment of Bills RESOLUTION #15 -65 "GREEN ACRES ENABLING RESOLUTION FOR THE WATERFRONT MARINA PROJECT" RESOLUTION #15 -66 "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES- BATHGATE, WEGENER & WOLF, RE: MARINA /WATERFRONT PROJECT" RESOLUTION #15 -67 "AUTHORIZING BIDS FOR CLEANING & TELEVISION INSPECTION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER — MILIK STREET AREA" RESOLUTION #15 -68 "AMENDING RESOLUTION #14 -170, ARTS" RESOLUTION #15 -69 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES — MCMANIMON, SCOTLAND & BAUMANN, RE: SPECIAL LEGAL SERVICES" RESOLUTION #15 -70 "AUTHORIZING SALE & CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY TO RJ HOSPITALITY GROUP" RESOLUTION #15 -71 "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES -MASER CONSULTING, RE: LAND SURVEYING" were adopted. Upon individual roll call vote Councilmembers Bellino, DiMascio and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmembers Diaz, Krum and Sitarz were noted absent. Payment of Bills - Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Bellino and DiMascio all bills appearing on the prepared list, properly audited and signed were 10. March 12, 2015 ordered to be paid. Upon individual roll call Councilmembers Beliino, DiMascio and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmembers Diaz, Krum and Sitarz were noted absent. Reports — 1. Clerk's Office — February 2015. 2. Inspection of Buildings — February 2015 Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Naples and DiMascio and unanimous affirmative vote of the three (3) Councilmembers present, all Reports were order to be received and placed on file. Business to Be Added — Mayor Reiman spoke about his appointment to the Planning Board Alternate #2, Mohammed Janjua. He then asked Councilmember DiMascio if he had any questions or business to be added. PUBLIC WORKS- Committeeman DiMascio reported that the guys did a great job plowing. There are a lot of pot -holes because of the snow. Mayor Reiman said they have been cold patching and he told them he wants them 7/7 everyday including the weekends. The problem with cold patch is it's put in and washed out. To really fix it you have to do it with the hot stuff. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS- Committeewoman Naples reported nothing at this time but I have to acknowledge what a wonderful job they did with the snow removal. Reports - Public Works Mayor's CarrtPnt t� 12, 2015 Councilmember Bellino said he agreed. He said he was out of CoimciLmLmr town everyday this week and Woodbridge roads were horrible. Bellino - Cau ents Ours were good. They did a great job. Pdjo`n -ed After no further discussion, upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Bellino and DiMascio and unanimous affirmative vote of the three (3) Councilmembers present, this meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:06 P.M. Respectfully submitted, KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, MMC Municipal Clerk 12.