HomeMy Public PortalAbout20080814CCSynopsisPrepared by vwoods 8/15/08 Page 1 of 3 20080814 City Council Synopsis Mayor Buelterman called the Consent Agenda to order at 6:30pm. Council members present were Mayor Pro Tem Doyle, Charlie Brewer, Barry Brown, Eddie Crone, Dick Smith and Paul Wolff. Also present were City Attorney Bubba Hughes, City Manager Diane Schleicher and Planning and Economic Development Director Brannyn Allen. Mayor Buelterman listed the following items on the Consent Agenda: - Budget Amendment for additional Firefly Units & Installation-505-4410-54-2501 ($73,226); 505-00-39-1201 ($73,226). - Special Event Application for Savannah Historic Foundation Gala at Lighthouse-including parking at North Beach Lot from 6-10pm for approx. 250 on October 25, 208. - Special Event Application for 13th Annual Toys for Tots Freedom Run-requesting waiver of all fees associated with this event; $100 Special Event Fee; $500 for Gym use on September 6, 2008 8-11am. - City Council Minutes 7/24/08 - New Alcohol License with Sunday Sales/The Sand Bar Sushi Bar, Inc. 1512 Butler Ave. for Ana Olsen. - One Day Alcohol License/Friends of Tybee Theater @ Lighthouse-September 20, 2008. - Proclamation Honoring Jack Kinston’s service to senior citizens-August 19, 2008 Mr. Smith moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Mr. Crone seconded. The vote was unanimous. Mr. Wolff moved to go into Executive Session to discuss Real Estate Acquisition and Litigation, Ms. Doyle seconded. The vote was unanimous. Mr. Wolff moved to return to regular session, Mr. Crone seconded. The vote was unanimous. Mayor Buelterman adjourned the Consent Agenda. Mayor Buelterman called the regular meeting of the City Council to order at 7:00pm. Those at the Consent Agenda were also in attendance for the regular meeting. Reports of Officers, Boards, Standing Committees and or invited guests: Col. Ed Curtis, Hamp Spradley and Burt Moore of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gave a presentation on Beach Renourishment. Disclosures/Recusals: Doyle recused for 2nd Public Hearing due to owning property within 500 feet of 1126 Hwy 80/Chris Chandler Site Plan Approval for Bed & Breakfast. Brown recused for 2nd Public Hearing due to owning property within 500 feet of 1126 Hwy 80/Chris Chandler Site Plan Approval for Bed & Breakfast. Prepared by vwoods 8/15/08 Page 2 of 3 Brewer disclosed property ownership at 505 feet from 1126 Hwy 80/ 2nd Public Hearing-does not require recusal. Mr. Crone moved to approve recusal appeals for Councilmen Smith, Brown and Brewer who live within 500 feet of the shoreline jurisdiction, to allow their participation in the Shoreline Protection Ordinance, Brewer seconded. The vote was unanimous. Mr. Wolff moved to approve recusal appeals for all City Council members that received campaign contributions from property owners within the Shoreline Protection Jurisdiction, in order to allow them to participate in the Shoreline Protection Ordinance vote, Ms. Doyle seconded. The vote was unanimous. Public Hearings: Zoning Variance (Section 5-090) from Section 3-090-Virginia & John Duncan request for side setback variance at existing duplex unit for new stairs at 1429 E. Estill Ave. PIN 4-0022-01-356 in Zone R-2. Mr. Crone moved to approve, Ms. Doyle seconded. The vote was Crone, Doyle, Brewer, Brown and Smith in favor and Wolff opposed. Site Plan Approval (Section 5-080) Chris Chandler/Bed & Breakfast (Section 3-060) 1126 Hwy 80 PIN 4- 0026-11-023 in Zone C-2. Mr. Smith moved to approve with conditions of limiting units to 3 and limiting guests to 8, Mr. Crone seconded. The vote was Smith, Crone, Brewer and Wolff in favor with Brown and Doyle recused. Site Plan Approval (Section 5-080) Jeff Cramer/New Commercial building 211 Butler Ave. PIN 4-0004-08- 004 in Zone C-1. Mr. Wolff moved to deny, Mr. Brewer seconded. The vote was unanimous. Text Amendment Shore Protection Ordinance-would repeal Section 5-010J, Shore Protection with Variance Clause. Mr. Crone moved to repeal Tybee’s Shore Protection Ordinance and revert back to State Model Ordinance, Ms. Doyle seconded. The vote was Crone, Doyle, Brewer and Brown in favor and Smith and Wolff opposed. Mr. Hughes explained that he will prepare an ordinance reflecting council’s intention, for them to review. Text Amendment Article 11, Planning Commission-Amendment to Section 11-030, Membership, and Section 11-050, Filling Vacancies. Mr. Crone moved to approve, Mr. Brewer seconded. The vote was Crone, Brewer, Doyle and Smith in favor and Wolff and Brown opposed. Mr. Wolff moved to adjourn, Ms. Doyle seconded. The vote was unanimous. Prepared by vwoods 8/15/08 Page 3 of 3