HomeMy Public PortalAbout20081018CCWorkSessionSummary Summary Minutes prepared 10/31/08vw Page 1 of 3 City of Tybee Island Work Session October 18, 2008 Attending: Mayor Jason Buelterman, Mayor Pro Tem Wanda Doyle, Charlie Brewer, Barry Brown, Eddie Crone, Dick Smith, Paul Wolff, City Manager Diane Schleicher, Clerk of Council Vivian Woods, and Police Chief Price. Bill Lovett and Claire Price attending for tiered rate discussion Goal: Quarterly Council Work Session. Summary of discussions: Juvenile Gangs on Tybee-Greg Chait’s e-mail Chief Price and Ms. Schleicher will meet and respond to Mr. Chait’s concerns. Discussion on establishing boundaries using Roberts Rules of Order -To enable meetings to run smoother. Mr. Brewer asked Mayor Buelterman to limit expressing his opinions on controversial agenda items. Mayor Buelterman said he would meet with Mr. Hughes to determine what his discussion limitations are as Presiding Officer for the meetings. Mr. Brewer asked that the Mayor utilize Roberts Rules to limit discussions by giving equal time limits to both sides of issues. Mr. Brewer requested Minutes for Council and Planning Commission be limited to action only to avoid diluting the motions and limit the amount of time spent preparing meeting minutes. Mr. Brewer asked that when an ad hoc committee is finished with their task that the discharge of that committee be contained in the minutes. Mr. Brewer asked that Committees not be allowed to discuss any items other than their enabling legislation and by laws. Mr. Brewer outlined the proper way to call for the question. Budget Discussions: a)General Info. Ms. Schleicher handed out proposed budget savings from Department Heads for their budgets. Mr. Smith asked if we pay for animal control through the county. Ms. Schleicher explained we contain the animals and they come and transport them to town. Mr. Brown asked if an electric vehicle could be used for animal control. Mr. Wolff suggested electric cars be used wherever feasible for city such as parking, animal control and lifeguards. Ms. Schleicher suggested there might be extra mon ey in the clerk’s budget because of the part time person not requiring the retirement and benefit contributions set asi de in the budget. Ms. Woods suggested using that money to offset the budget adjustment needed for the Municode supplement charges. Summary Minutes prepared 10/31/08vw Page 2 of 3 Ms. Schleicher said Mr. Wilson proposed doing the Byer’s Street Crossover in house. Mr. Brown asked if postponing the crossovers by the MSC would enable us to move forward with Byers Street Crossover. Ms. Schleicher said we have to wait for the permit which may take until the next budget cycle. Mr. Brewer asked Ms. Schleicher to determine which savings on the schedule are operational and which are purchases and bring them back to council. Ms. Doyle requested that the finance department training money be set aside to train Ms. Kline on Encode in order to enable council to have accurate balance sheets. Ms. Schleicher said Ms. Brodofsky asked that $35,000 be taken from the YMCA budget. She said it was approved for a used bus purchase. Mayor Buelterman asked what the unreserved fund balance was. Ms. Schleicher said over 4 Million dollars. Ms. Schleicher said that $150,000 was budgeted for the contingency fund. Council requested proposed budget reductions be taken out of the general fund and placed in the contingency fund so that council’s approval is needed in order to spend it. Ms. Doyle asked that the Emergency fund balance be an action item and asked for a balance sheet with a full accounting of that money along with where it is located. Mr. Crone asked where the emergency fund money is because it has been the same amount for years and doesn’t seem to be earning interest. Mr. Brewer asked what the proposed savings for the Planning Department contained. Ms. Schleicher said the planning department proposed saving most of the $450,000 set aside for the Solomon Ave. Clean Up and postpone the work. Ms. Schleicher said there was no extra money in parking to be taken out. Mayor Buelterman requested that the Clerk look at council’s budget and determine if there is a way to deduct 10% from each council member’s travel budget for the year. Mr. Crone said his travel budget still reflects only $500 and should have the entire $2,500 approved amount. Council requested a freeze on hiring and asked that Ms. Schleicher bring all hiring proposals to them for approval. a) Creation of budget for non profits Council directed Ms. Schleicher to ask Non Profits to reduce their expenses by 10% for the next budget cycle. Mayor Buelterman asked that a letter be sent to non profits to remind them to get their budget requests in before the deadline next year. b) Staff input on potential study cost for Ga. Tech to conduct Toll Road study. Mr. Brewer asked if Council would move forward and request that Ga. Tech take this toll road study on as a project. Mayor Buelterman said he will talk with Mike Pollack about contacting Ga. Tech for a basic toll road study. Mr. Smith said there is no DOT money but there are private/public partnerships to establish toll roads. Mr. Smith said until we have bridges that are four laned, a toll road will be counterproductive. Mr. Smith said he would find out from DOT who the private partners are that do parking decks etc. He suggested someone in Mr. Cagles office may have that information. Mr. Smith suggested council make an appointment to meet with Jenna Evans at DOT during the Mayor’s Day Conference in Atlanta. Defining Parking Policies. a) ADA Free Parking Ms. Doyle asked why we aren’t providing free parking for handicapped people. Ms. Schleicher said she contacted ADA Officials and their concern was to have adequate parking Summary Minutes prepared 10/31/08vw Page 3 of 3 for handicapped individuals and not that it be provided free of charge. She said we meet the space requirements for ADA Parking. Council decided to continue charging for ADA Parking. b) Free Parking from the day after Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve. Ms. Doyle said the Tourism Board requested free parking during the Holidays. Ms. Schleicher said just meter revenues were $22,000 in 2005 but she did not know if that included ticket fines. She said revenue was $7,000 in 2006. Council requested that if revenues for that time frame last year were less than net $20,000, Ms. Schleicher should go ahead and implement free parking from the day after Thanksgiving until December 31, 2008. c) Changing the pay for parking hours during the off season to 5:00pm Ms. Doyle asked that enforcement be stopped at 5:00pm during the off season. After much discussion the majority of council determined that stopping enforcement at 5:00pm would confuse the public and they were not in favor of it. d) Courtesy Passes/Possibly creating budget for approved courtesy passes. Mr. Brewer asked if there was some way to quantify the amount of parking passes issued through council requests. Mr. Wolff said the people making the requests are bringing visitors to Tybee in the off season. Mayor Buelterman said the Corps of Engineers requires that all parking be equitable Council agreed no free parking will be given to anyone during the busy season consisting of Memorial Day to Labor Day. Council agreed to allow free parking requests to come to council for up to 50 passes for participants or sponsors for the off season being between Labor Day and Memorial Day - Starting January 1, 2009. Noise Ordinance-Outside Noise Council asked Ms. Schleicher to have Mr. Hughes bring an amended noise ordinance in November: during discussion council determined that the noise ordinance should be amended to allow outside music up to the existing decibel level with all outside music being cut off at 11:00pm. After that all music must be inside. Possible Bike Path on Jones during resurfacing Mr. Brown asked for a bike path on Jones to be determined so that when Resurfacing takes place it will include the bike path. Ms. Schleicher said a Grant is being applied for. Discussion on Lobbying Firm Proposal: Pier Strategies, LLC After limited discussion council determined they would postpone discussions on lobbying firms until December. Working Lunch: Roundtable discussion on Water and sewer tiered rates: Take what we’ve got and fix the seniors. Send letter to EPD about Tiered Rates by the end of October. Have Barry Brown work with Bill Lovett and Claire Price to determine rates that best protect residents using 3,000 gallon base rate. Mr. Lovett will present a timeline by December 31st. There being no further items on the agenda the work session was adjourned at 12:45pm.