HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 99:102No. 99-102 P^OF. 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this award is made without competitive bidding pursuant to NJSA 40A:I I-6 in that an emergency which threatened the health, safety and welfare of lhe Borough exists, thus necessitating the emergent repairs and this action by Council BE Il FURTHER RESOLVED that a notice of this action shall be published as required by law within the (10) days fi'om the date of adoption BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent be directed to issue a purchase order BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Borough Clerk is hereby authorized to forward a copy of this resolution to Wemco Pumps Adopted this l itb day of March. 1999 and certified as a true copy of the original on March 12, 1999 KATItLEENM BARNEY. Municipal Clerk COUNCIl,MAN CRILLEY FAZEKAS ~OWSKI I~I~CORI) OF COUNCIl, VOTE X - Indicaie Vole AB - AI)scnl NO NV A.B:_ NV - Nol Voting XOR - [mlMttcs Vole lo Overrule Veto ~j Adopled at a meeting of the Municipal Council March 11, 1999 99-102 No Date of Adoptio~ March IL. 1¢99 - ' F IIA¥5,~ ARD AND BERGEN STREET AEI'IIORIZING PURCHASE O Pt;NIP ST XTI()N EQEIPMENT ON AN EMERGEN£~Y BASIS Vs IIEREAS. the pumps at the lta?,m'd and Be~ gcn Street pump stations ale badly corroded and in need el'replacement: and ~,~H I~)RE,,\S, an inspection b5 the Borough Engineers t cxeals that the condition requires mtmediate atlcntion and cur; enilv threatens the health, sat'cry and xx el~;arc of tile Borough of Carteret (the "Borough"). and ~VIIEREAS, it is necessa~x to secure a spare pump and new punq)s in order to alle\ iate the cut~ ent condition: kind VslIERE.\S. t is necessary to secure c°mp°nent parts to rebuild existing pumps: and V~IIEREAS, 2ixen the age of the pumps robe rebuilt, the Borough Engineers inxestigat on rexeals that only one manul~ctt e~ of the )arts cx \~ IIERI£AS, thc Borough EngineeI has certified t aat an emergency repair is needed and that an emergent\' condition exists in accordance v, ith NJAC ';:34-0 1, and WHEREAS. the Bocou~gh's Chief Financial Ofi'tcer has cert fled that the necessap,' t'uncts exist to acquire the pumps NO\~, FHEREFORE, BE IT RESOL\:ED a contract is hereby ax,,a~dcd to ~X, em,co Ptm'q}s in an amount not to exceed S60,000.00.