HomeMy Public PortalAbout02-09-2002 Workshop Session . .. . . Ij h: 0 ,Juj ATTACHMENT 5 Notes From Hillsborough Town Planning Workshop February 9, 2002 9 a.m. to 2 :45 p.m. Piedmont Electric Coop, Hillsborough, NC ATTENDEES: Town.OffIcials: MayoF:Phel!is7CounclI Memo-ers MaFkSheii(fan~-Keii tl1aViou8, ]~vetyn -Lloyd, Frances Dancy,.Mike Gering.-- ---.-,.. - .- -_...--~.- -- --, - - ,.,- - -, - , Staff: Eric Peterson, 'towiFManager;-boMa"Armbnster, Town-ClerlC;SherrY carter, Fmance Director; Margaret Hauth, Planning Director; Nathaniel Eubanks, Police Chief; Jeff Cabe, Fire Chief; Kenneth Keel, Engineer; Russell !3at~~':l:P.2 Wat,er_~ervi~~~; and ~im Klin.ge!, ~anagement Intern. . - . OPENING COMMENTS: Mayor Phelps welcomed everyone and thanked staff and others for helping with refreshments and planning for the workshop. He also reviewed the proposed agenda for the day and asked ifthere were any questions or additions. He called on the facilitator, Debra Henzey, to review the ground rules and get started on the agenda items. Ken suggested that in the future, he would like the planning workshop to begin with a review of progress made on existing goals and strategies. The group agreed that they would like to begin this way in the future. After a review of ground rules and quick introductions of all attendees, the group began its work. FINANCIAL SITUATION/STATE BUDGET SHORTFALL · Eric reported that the town's share of revenue reductions announced by Governor is around $160,000. · The town's general fund is in good shape, but it will have to absorb the reductions through its reserves. The General Assembly also may be very slow in deciding how to deal with revenue shortfalls, which will assure a difficult budget process. Estimated interest income is down somewhat, but property tax revenues are higher than expected. · The town will not be able to dip into the water/sewer fund next budget year. This fund is very tight and it will be hard not to have a rate increase. The state does not mandate a minimum balance for this fund, but it is to be run like a business and pay for itself. · The pay study indicated that most staff salaries and benefits are competitive in the region. · Debt-service capacity will improve as several items will be paid off in the next two years, creating an opportunity for the town to finance a new motor pool facility. ACTION ITEM: The town manager should pursue discussions with the county soon about potential site for the motor pool. · Most computers in the annex have not been upgraded for several years. · The town has a shortage of administrative space. The council has talked about several options, such as new facilities near current town hall. However, the town has not resolved deed restrictions with the former landowner as he has not responded to contacts. ACTION ITEM: The manager will ask the town attorney to find a way to reach closure on this issue and report back to them soon. Town board members also might consider personal contacts to encourage response from landowner. . The town has built up its fund balance over the past few years primarily through delaying capital projects or equipment needs rather than increasing taxes. The healthier state of the fund balance has helped the town cover natural disaster expenses. . Loss of important industries has had a major impact on town revenues. · Eric called attention to a handout in the packet that outlined his plans for the upcoming budget process. He asked board members to read this over and to let him know if they had any concerns or suggestions. 1 350 PROPOSED STRATEGIC GROWTH PLAN Jim Klinger reviewed highlights of a memo that outlined what a Strategic Growth Plan might do for the town, what it might include and how the staff might proceed with developing it .. Jim cautioned that current staff could not complete all elements of the plan, but could get started on those elements the council identifies as higher priorities. . Most strategic plans generally use a IS-year timeframe. · Jim outlined the major elements of a strategic plan, including development scenarios, water/sewer capacity projections, financial analysis of water fund, analysis of impact on resources (personnel, operations and capital needs, etc.), parks and recreation needs, analysis of impact on transportation, small area plans, and land-use and design standards. · As to design standards, this would mostly apply outside the historic district, which already has such standards. · Jim pointed out that the planning process provided opportunities for the town to involve a wide range of citizens in the process and to foster cross-departmental cooperation on planning issues. · Jim estimated that it would take 6-9 months for the staff to complete the first phase, which might include development scenarios, water/sewer capacity impact, financial analysis of water fund and some estimates of impact on staffing and capital needs. Use of the GIS system is critical for the staff to complete work in this timeframe. . Several town board members expressed the desire for the strategic plan to help them to develop a vision or comprehensive master plan, not just a patchwork of plans for different districts or areas. . The staff cautioned that a comprehensive plan usually takes many years to develop, whereas the process outlined by Jim would at least get some important elements in place. . The town board would like to see a way of putting the development scenarios together into a larger . VISIon. · The Strategic Growth Plan may require some changes in zoning regulations to address desired uses. It was noted that "desired use" designations cannot require a current landowner to change how he /she uses his property. However, it can encourage them to do so or would affect future owners. . The town board would like to see the planning process incorporate some of the questions about annexation that Margaret had outlined in her memo. . The EDC should be consulted on how the growth plan might impact economic development in certain parts of town. It also should consider how much commercial development might benefit the town. . ACTION ITEM: The town board identified the following elements of the plan as higher priorities: development scenarios, water/sewer capacity, financial analysis of water fund, transportation impact, small area plans and impact on staffing/capital needs. . The board talked about what "mixed use" really means-it is requiring all developments to have a certain mixture of both residential and commercial? Or can it also mean requiring different types of commercial, for example? It can cover one or both, depending on the type of development. . Some mixed use decisions will be made as part of the Strategic Growth Planning process. . The group discussed the importance of involving the county, but not sure when or how to do so. . ACTION ITEM: Eric suggested that staff develop and present recommendations to the board on a time line for the planning process and participation guidelines, including how and when to involve the EDC, the county or citizen groups. This will be part of the manager's budget request. ANNEXATION/GROWTH PHILOSOPHY Margaret reviewed a memo where she outlined some questions to the town board about their philosophy . or guidelines for annexation. She said that it would be helpful to give developers more direction on what the town expects for developments to be annexed. She also provided a copy of what the town board had already decided on this issue from its January 2001 retreat. 2 360 · Several board members said that a key question is how much impact does any development have on the town if annexed? Does it help us preserve what we already have (sustainable) or does have a . negative impact financially? · The group noted that redevelopment of areas inside the town may be just as important as annexation of new communities. · Old Mill Ridge was used as an example. The value of the homes will generate very little revenue-not enough to cover services or traffic. It would not impact the water fund, but it could have a long-term impact on the general fund. · The question really is "how much value-added is enough?" and this question should include both tangible and intangible benefits. · Could the town actually list some things that developers might offer, such as contributions toward a water reservoir or fire station? Or could it develop a formula for impact fees? · Some towns around the state have used impact fees, so there is some potential guidance on this issue. Law requires the impact fee to be based on a formula that justifies the fee. · Should the town also look at where it prefers to see annexations-what parts of town might be best suited for this? · There were some concerns about designating certain areas as open to annexation and ruling others out, such as the north or south ends oftown. This might rule out something that the town would really like to see happen. · The board agreed that they do want to see annexed areas provide value-added to the town, not just break even. However, they felt it was premature to decide specific guidelines on this until they get more information on legal limitations and at least some results ofthe Strategic Growth Plan. · For example, the town might be perceived as doing "contract" zoning, which is not legal. There has to . be a clear cause-effect in asking developers to provide certain things. · ACTION ITEM: The town board asked the staff to find examples from other towns in terms of impact fees and donation of facilities/land/money by developers. Impact fees are more prevalent and have been around longer. Asking or requiring developers to provide facilities is very new. · Staff pointed out that redevelopment ofland already in town limits also could be subjected to similar requirements, especially in rezoning cases. The board said that the town should do financial analysis of rezonings, not just annexations. LAND USE VIDEO Before breaking for lunch, the council discussed a new video, "Save Our Lands, Save Our Towns," that provides guidance on land use planning and environmental protection. The group discussed showing it to the Planning Board and the EDC. ACTION ITEM: Due to the size of all of these groups, they agreed to start with a showing of the video at the March 5th meeting ofthe Planning Board. Then, provide it to the EDC or invite them to a special showing. USE OF VISION 2010 PLAN After lunch, the group discussed how the town board and staff might best make use of the Vision 20 10 Comprehensive Plan, which was developed with broad input from citizens. . Several members pointed out that it was important to make sure they identified actions the town needed to take to carry out the plan. The town board had already adopted the plan by a vote at one of its meetings. · The facilitator noted that many towns/counties end up not doing much with such plans because it is too hard to find the time to develop strategies around it. .. ACTION ITEM: The board agreed on several ways to link to and make use of the Vision 2010 Plan: 1. Use it as a key piece ofthe Strategic Growth Plan process. 3 . ' ;,;, 06i: V _'l.. 2. Since the board's goals from 2000 relate to many of the aspects ofthe 2010 plan, use these as a starting point for implementation. . 3. Ask staffto produce a status report for the board's 2000 goals by the regular meeting in March. 4. Use the board's March work session to review the status report and to further develop strategies for priority goals. This will take place after US Rep. Price's visit. EDC/CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PARTNERSHIP This agenda item had been added because of a perception that the town was not very proactive in seeking commercial development, especially those that the town would find attractive. · Some noted that this might include helping existing businesses make the area more attractive to customers. In other words, helping businesses sell themselves to customers. Parking also has been a problem. · However, others pointed out that the focus of this discussion is what is the town's role in helping the EDC and Chamber do their jobs more effectively, not the role of downtown businesses? One problem is that it is not clear what the role of these groups are or what they should be. · ACTION ITEM: The town should plan an open forum within 4 to 6 weeks with the Chamber and EDC as a first step. This should start with some overview of the roles of each group, especially as it relates to recruiting and retaining business. The agenda should not include many items. It should be more open for people to get to know each other better. The town should ask the Chamber and EDC how they want to be involved in Strategic Growth Plan and other important policy decisions. · The Tourism Board and the Alliance might be added later if the topic shifts to issues they are more directly involved in. · Several noted that downtown has improved significantly in recent years, even if it has a ways to go. LAND USE DECISIONS A discussion about land use processes was added to the agenda because of the perception that such . decisions seem chaotic and could be improved. . The Strategic Growth Plan might help with some of this in terms of providing clearer direction to developers and the town board. · Several of the problems with the recent board decision on Hampton Point were due to growing pains and issues specific to the project, such as the swearing in process and the delays in DOT's report. . The problem is that people will often disagree on the acceptable size of developments and its impact on traffic. This mayor may not be diffused by different processes. . The board discussed the question of how much the town can require for roads or traffic control above what DOT might require. The danger is that some requirements would effectively kill a project, which would create a legal problem. . ACTION ITEM: The town should notify developers that they must get the complete DOT report before the town board will approve the plan. The staff also should ask developers for suggestions to improve the process. . ACTION ITEM: The town board also suggested that staff look at ways they might involve citizens in the process before the project gets to the public hearing stage, such as joint meetings with the developer and surrounding neighborhoods. The facilitator said that Chapel Hill might have done this and that John Stephens at the Institute of Government has studied such processes. RECREATION FACILITIES Given the town's current financial situation, the manager felt that it was important for the council to discuss which recreation projects on the drawing board might be a higher priority. . The board discussed the need to meet with the county and OW ASA to talk about potential facilities at . the reservoir, even though this project is not likely to happen soon. . ACTION ITEM: The board directed staff to find out if the state restricts reservoir usage for any specific recreation purposes. 4 " ... ,..; 6 ...., ., ,/ -.) ..... · The manager pointed out that the town will need easements from homeowners to pursue Riverwalk. · County bond monies will provide $850,000 for the Fairview facility, but the town must make it clear .. to the county that they are not interested in controlling or staffing this facility. ACTION ITEM: The town should convene a committee with the county to start work on the Fairview project. The staffwill get back to the board in March about members for the committee. · The county may be relieved that the town is not ready to proceed with this project, but it should start the planning process. The town might spend some funds for design next budget year, but that is all. · ACTION ITEM: The town should start to put some money aside to buy easements for Riverwalk. There were concerns about approaching affected landowners until the town-had money to negotiate. · ACTION ITEM: The reservoir is a lower priority at this time, because it will require more funds from the town. However, staff should investigate how the facility might help pay for itself through usage fees. After the staff provides this information, the town should meet with the county and OW ASA on plans for this facility. · The manager reported that he would recommend some funds in the budget for land purchases or design work. CUSTOMER SERVICE/COMMUNICATIONS The group discussed several ideas related to improving citizen outreach and customer service. · The manager and mayor suggested developing a newsletter to insert in water bills at least every couple of months. Many other towns do this in lieu of a lengthy annual report. . The website already includes information on upcoming town board meetings, usually posted when the agenda packet is mailed out to the board members. . Town staff should be reminded to say "thank you" to customers, especially those paying bills or fees. . The term "town barn" has been confusing to people-maybe it needs a different name. .. The phone system for town administration does not allow someone to ring through to a real person. The only solution would be to designate someone who already has many other duties to be the phone receptionist. · ACTION ITEM: The board agreed to proceed with a water bills newsletter and to run extra copies to place in popular areas, such as newspaper stands or library, etc. · Donna reported that the town can post meetings on the cable TV public access channel at no charge, but she would have to mail noticeswell in advance as the cable office has no email or fax. This will limit the meetings that can be posted. FEEDBACK/SUGGESTIONS ON FUTURE WORKSHOPS . Start future workshops/retreats with a review of previous session and a progress report on goals. . Several felt like more people participated in the discussion. . Swivel chairs would be helpful in this facility. . The board would like staff to suggest topics that need to be addressed and to forward these to the Planning Committee. . The Planning Committee process worked well-helped staff to be prepared in advance about topics that would come up. · The group commended the mayor for helping them gain access to the Piedmont Electric Cooperative building. ACTION ITEM: The board will sign ajoint letter thanking the cooperative for the use of the building. . Select a time that is more convenient for Evelyn to attend whole meeting. The group has identified this as a problem in the past, but still scheduled meeting on a Saturday morning. Late afternoons or evenings in the midweek might be an option. . ~ / I C7J1:- 5