HomeMy Public PortalAboutORD 03/11ORDINANCE NO. 03/11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF GULF STREAM, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF GULF STREAM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2003 AND ENDING ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2004. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF GULF STREAM, FLORIDA THAT: SECTION 1. The proposed expenditures in the final budget are $2,005,960. The budget is based upon taxable value of real property of $484,765,478, personal property of $5,148,447 and anticipated non -ad valorem revenue of $294,300. SECTION 2. The final budget, attached hereto as Exhibit A, is approved and shall become effective at the beginning of the 2003 — 2004 fiscal year, and the taxing authority funds may be expended commencing on October 1, 2003. SECTION 3. Funds of the 2002 — 2003 final budget not expended during the current fiscal year 2002 — 2003 may be used and expended during subsequent year(s). SECTION 4. All other Ordinances of the Town of Gulf Stream, Florida or parts thereof which conflict with this or any part of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED in a regular, adjourned session on first re ?ding this loth day of September, 2003, and for a second and final reading on this .'Z3 •^6 day of September, 2003. A R ` t� ATTEST: t R" Z:: To wh ck,/� TOWN COMMISSION TOWN OF GULF STREAM General Fund :y..�. }:�: {.......: . Jill .. .:-:...... •:•:•:• .........................................................................................:.:........................................ ....r.......................... Salaries :::::::.:.:.:.:..:.:.::::::$190 ADOPTED ACTUAL FINAL :97:: . Benefits BUDGET AS OF BUDGET 10.82 g.................•..•......... ..•..•.'.'.'.....•...'......rSQ 10/1/2002 9© A;...'......•.' 10/1/2003 % Change Printing 9/30/2003 4/30/2003 9/30/2004 REVENUE . 480;::::::::::::;:::::::::: 9 Q01}:::::;:::;: j -.46): :Pro .. .Taxes :::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::$1 P.} ..................... ............................... 76 753:::::: $t X33 J:7...:.::.:.:.: I::.. . .................... $ ., 782 ;160 ::::::::::::::::::4:70::: (42.86) Discount on Taxes ... (70,000) (62,344) (70 500) 0.71 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: l !?.s ..................... .•.................'........... ':::: ..... .. ..... 5,00...:::::::::::::::::::::5; •. •. •..' ... ..................... 935:::::::::::::::: .............. ::::::::::::::: . :::::0:00::: Permits 25,000 16,785 25,000 0.00 ......ses :::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::.::.:.:.:•' 14,000 2,962 7,000 (50.00) Telecommunication Service Tax 26,000 28,055 35,000 Francli FPTj: -' -'- ::: :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::72 ............. ..................... :::: X4970 r.........•.:.:....... :::::::::::: :::....::::: 7ti,sna:.::::::: ::::::::::..:...::: o.* ..... Franch. Cable 1,500 0 1,500 0.00 1 p.'. .......•...• s,.• ...................•.•.•........-..........,...,.•.-.-..•.•.•...•....... 2,.>: 04..........•...•.•.•.•..._... �. 1. 9..•....._._.....,..-.-..... 2, >�00...................�.lx�... (46.67) Alcoh. Bev. Lic. 450 0 450 0.00 :Other ............::::::.' . ............................... .:.:. 2,159 i s.II ¢3:Ofl::: (30.23) FL Gas Tax Refund 1,150 1,106 1,150 0.00 FLRev::...... :::::::::? :: ... .......... < :5;1:1 Q0:::::::? :::: 6 341:::::.:;:::.:.:.:_:.:; .....:... .......................1.>t,20o :.>::::........::....::::.:.:.: .........O.oa. . Cig. Tax Refund 0 0 0 0.00 EIIf Ceti : a ' 1' :::::::::::.:.::....::::::::::::::::... a....... t .S . l.. ax .. ............................... 47r54............5,8$ ...::::.::::::::.:. ..............47,54b......... ..:::::.. ::....::::::::::::::::..:...::: p QO... County Gas Tax 32,000 15,762 32,000 0.00 . aymq j .j i:Lieu:o €:Iaices::�3Vatei ::::::::::::::::::19 ..................•...........•...............................,......................., 9Q0:::::::::::1:9 900 ::::::::::::::Y9 ..............................x 9Q .. a ........ ..:. .. Int. Income 22,500 11,860 22,500 0.00 .:oral ::::::::::::: :::::.......:- . 4 .. :- ::�Q�.:::l,.b.:. �{eh ...4 , 7 o,�yV J7.'.'.-.'.': t ][ • } V'y �. V .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':.P�,V Qy (� �{th 0517 V V'.':': •. • .':'1 •,�7.'. .............................................................:...:.:.:.:.:.:...:...:...:.:.•.•.'.'.'.'.'.'.•.•.•.'.'.'.'. •.:.:.:..::.::.::. " `:$ $52 '.'.•.•.•.•.'.'.'.'............ OO;R4 >: g. for Sub. Year:s: D.. .......::.::....•.$Oo 227,161 ::':::: ::•::•::.::.:.::' 0x..:0000 ti.e. tsi'. : ............... ............................... . ::.::.:..:.:..:.:.::.::.::.0..:..............:.:.• a ::::::::::::::.:::: .0 . . .:::........ : '..••.•:m a . :' :.:: ....... '. : . ..... .....F ............:.:.:.:.:.:.::::::x:1:;9$5 ............... ............................... fl53:::::: .r.. $1 867 326:::::::::: .r....i. 2 O(J5 96Q.:::]:05: ..f.. .l.. :y..�. }:�: {.......: . Jill .. .:-:...... •:•:•:• .........................................................................................:.:........................................ ....r.......................... Salaries :::::::.:.:.:.:..:.:.::::::$190 175::::::::: .._ :.- ., ............ 98 8U6... ..... � .................... r3..................... :97:: . Benefits . 63,097 ....................::::.$i0S' 34,630 69,923 10.82 g.................•..•......... ..•..•.'.'.'.....•...'......rSQ .........'..... 9© A;...'......•.' .............. Printing 2,000 488 .....b ......::::::::.......... 2,000 Offiee Sd '. lies..500::.:.:.:.:.::::::1::... I? P ................................. ...........,.................., . 480;::::::::::::;:::::::::: 9 Q01}:::::;:::;: j -.46): Communication 14,000 3. ,672 8,000 (42.86) Elect c .:...:.:.:?:.:.:.:.:.:.:. >:. >:.:.:.::.:.:.:. >:.:.:.::::: ?::::: i......... •.....'.:..:.....:::..'...::.•.•....• .............. ,......,... >::::::: ' ' ' .f)00::::::::::::::::::::::::1' ............... X35 ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............................... ::::: 7SU0 ::::::::::::::::::7::14::: - ..... . Water 7,500 41064 9,000 20.00 I ra..e Pe.... era :..:::::::::::.:... ...................................................................................................... . ......::::::::::::::::::::::::7 0 . ....:::::::::::::::::::::::::15 OQ.........:1.. . Building Maintenance 14,000 2,962 7,000 (50.00) lCrlaiiatena.ice :::::::::::::::::::::::::6 i70:::::::::::: ... 5 ...................... 2 634:::::::::::. x.. ............................... ::::.:.... ................. 6,62:::::.:.:.:.:.:.:7:1.1:.: Insurance 73,000 57,181 73,000 0.00 :. a ::::::::::::::::::::.::.:::::::::::::::.:.:..:::::::.:.:.:.:::.:.:.::::::::: g..........'........• .. ..............................? ...:::...::.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:: 1,SOt�.- ..................1 :: . ::::::::::::::::... .........._.....,........... :.....:::::::::::::::..::...::: 3Sr ...•.......b2 7 ... Engineering 22,500 1,005 12,000 (46.67) Aceouritiii Audit .:.:. :..:.:::::::::::::::::14'fl 1 ............................................................... 4.............. 9�4. 1. a........_. .:.:... ): Dues & Memberships 4,300 2,159 ..........O.185 3,000 (30.23) .. a 0 ......... iri g............. g......................................,.............. 4 000889:. :.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::..... ......................... . ...... .2,000:::::::: ..... {S000): Other (Personnel Policy Handbook Update) 6,000 1,000 12,000 100.00 brary ............................................ .............................2. 000::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: o::::::::::::::::::::;:;: ::2pQ0:::::;:::::::::::;Q:pQ::: Training 5,000 2,500 5,000 0.00 :AKPA =:Le a1 :::::::::.:.::.:::::::: .:::::::::::::: ... ......... g.....'..' ................ ...................... ........go.. ..............:::::::..: , ................. . ....... 893::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ............................... S;UOO::::::::::::::::...... . Contra - Water Fund Management Fees (70,000) (50,000) ..... (70,000) ..... 0.00 .' P.......... Y ........ ............................... 3.8, 000........... 154.80 ...... .........54.SOQ..:............. Copy Machine Lease 7,000 2,749 6,000 (14.29) Operat ti :$izpPl es ...... uter:Repairs ::5;40b: " `:$ $52 10;000: OO;R4 >: Total Administration 466,572 227,161 502,121 7.62 Page 2 TOWN OF GULF STREAM General Fund ADOPTED ACTUAL FINAL BUDGET ASOF BUDGET 10/1/2002 10/1/2003 % Change 9/30/2003 4/30/2003 9/30/2004 POLICE ...... es ::::::::: ::::::::::::: "::::::::::::::':: ............................................... :::$526 49.4::::::':: .... r.................,...... $2X9 6! 2::::::::::'::$599 ..............r............. G 97.::::::::::::::j3:-79::: 9.79 Benefits 164,635 89,678 192,696 17.04 ..'.'.'.'...'.'.'.' ' mm meat�iiri ::::::: ................................... ::.....:.:.:.:.:.:::::::::::::: .............................X. : ::::..... S,J.Is..............1.0,QOQ .::::::::::::::::::::::: 25.00 Electric 1,236 2,500 ........... 13rinin :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::.::: ...... ........................... ............................ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: 1:::::::::::•::::::•: . 501}::::::;::::::::::: 0.00 Uniforms & Equip. 9,365 15,259 11,000 17.46 :fie .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:... .....g... .....•.- .. ....... .... -.. ... ......�.......�. .. ,.•;. ,.• •> ..1,444....- .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: •> 3,000. (12.50) Travel Per Diem 4,800 2,800 ..... 4,800 0.00 :ui1. ing. Martterce ....................•.................. ................_..._.;.;.;..�8 ......:.......:.x504.:....... 750:::.::_:::11:4:;29:: Vehicle Maintenance .: .............................................................................................................. 18,000 2,217 4,800 (73.33) ...... r......' sriuig:::... .....• .......................:: ; 510:;::::: ::::::::::::::1088...........:: ............................... �5U0::.......:i3:Ofi::: (4.42) Fuel 8,780 16,500 : Rani ...........::::::::::::::::::::::::: ................. ............................... 4 1100:.::::::.:::.:2$ ....... r ....... ..........�.................... 2500;:;:;:;:::;::;:;:6:25:;: Office Supplies - Computer Repairs .... 500 8,613 5,000 0.00 C.. m . r .............. ............................... 5,{ 340:::::::::::: ? a 5 04D :..... . Capital Exp. 56,000 26,690 49,500 (11.61) Total Police $826,794 $473,630 $950,872 15.01 iRE .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::.:.::::::::::::::::::::::...:.:.:.:.:.:.::::::......:::: .... :::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::: Fire Contract $136,100 77,270 $142,000 4.34 :1Vlainteiiatice:Re' 'ic ...:.:.:.:.:.:: :.::::::: 3 flOU::::::::::::0:::::::: ............... :::' C.. a ..... ............... ............................... ' :;':' :::: ....................... $13 ,.1 Op • ..:'i ...... ::.:::::::. .. ............................•.. 14$�QO .:::::::::4: '.a 4: --- ------ sbtEETs Salaries $28,250 $14,437 31,015 9.79 B�nefis..... ; >: . ::.......:.......:.......:] ...................... 2; 44I:::: ; ........ «:: >:: >.::::6,546::: <:........ :1. ..................... Maintenance, Repairs & A I A 20,000 18,556 25,000 25.00 Lniforms ..: :.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:: 550 ........... Lighting 13,000 6,067 13,000 0.00 Communication 403 1,000 Supplies 4,000 490 3,500 (12.50) Rental and Leases 328 500 ............ ............................... • ...,0.-- ;;::::.. 750:::.::_:::11:4:;29:: Capital ........ 160,000 98,089 .. 139,000 (13.13) Total Streets $238,191 $145,214 $227,671 (4.42) SANITATION ....•..... ......•........• ............... Garcia .......... ri ::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::1:28 g .................................... 2U0 :......:::: ............................... 76 11 Q :::::: r...........•.....•.....�b::::::::;::::.4::2:1::: 133 '.. . ............... Equipment 500 0 500 0.00 gyp.. :::::::::::::::::::::::::. 464:::::::::::::::::::D :1s... :1 Dtal:Saiiifa€ ion ::::::::::$.1 ................... .. 160:::;::..' r.................z .. i:LO:::::::::::: ............... ...................... ':: X1.3:5 ;560:::::::::::::::::::4:1:5::: Number of housing units: 625 Page 3