HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 9/7/1965.::. -.� ; 129 The Wellsburg ^sown Council ��et in regular session Sept. 7, 1�65. Zdayor Rieueaa presided and the follot�ri 1��', councilrien �rure _:resent: Loots, Huisrnan, Lindaman, :Ec'•�hoff and Hippen. '1'he minutes of the previous meetiiz�° ti�rere read and approved �.s r.�ad by motion fror� Ec�hoff, seconded, b;r Loots. T�Iotion carried. EriZie Blythe met ,•rite. the Council �.nd Iie is to do strr�et coizstruction on McAdoo street. Treasurer's report ti�ras read and filed on motion from Lind�n:an, seconded bar-Ec��hoff. T�Iotion c�_�rri ed� t�iotion fror��-I-luisn?air., seconded by Loots to al]_o���r the follo�,,ri��� bills: Io�,a Electric Li��,ht & �'ovrer�-------------------------�1N72.36 Peoples Savin.�°s Bans , Sewer bond �-Int ._._ ___-_ t�-159.50 Aeilt ,Terferu�; �za�es--------------------------------- 31�0.00 Herman. D�Vries, vra�'es-------------________--____-- ._ >�5.00 Tayo 2'j�.dcn, s��.l�+.ry-------------------------------- 92.87 WoiZdel,l Hoelrs-tra, clump leveli:n�"--_------------------- - 4�.50 B,&H St,elly, Gas, oil �, I�•Iiscl.-------------- ------ �=' _4 lIeint Ha'Y_',-`er-., Road oil-------_-_----__-------------]-553,��1 Sailer cord,--t-r�.ctor p�.rts---------------------__--- _ _ �.30 The W�1lsbur� Herald, printing.------ ------------- ---_- 10.5 �.clrley. �,uarries, roar-------------- -------- --------- 7.�1- Boe�Le R�:�all Store, iv_iscl. supplies----------------�- �-, l0 Ilalle�t Const, Co., pea-- rocl�L---_-----_-_--------____-- 54.17 Heir.��an I��re EquipL�ent, Fire sup;Tics------___-,_--._,__ 15.g5 Bevin�;, I-�,i'dt•Jaro-, T�Iiscl. _supplies-------------------- 11a,v7 Herman. Hippen,roc��: haulm;-------- ------------___-- 117.03 John. Wu�bens., street worl_-,--,---�-----------------,_-- ».7a Qtto Harms, path l��,bor----_-_--_------.-.-------------- �� 6 Chris_ I�Tu11er, strut ti-tor'.:------ � J ---------------------- 34.94 Postmaster, -stamps---------------------------------- 10.00 Prices t�rere submitted for a netir fire truclr by Wood Auto Co., O'Kones Imp. Co., and Hippen.Auto �; Oi1 Co. All bids were referred_ to the. Fire Dept. for their recorl_�Ynend�.tion. PIotion to adjourn. by Loots, secoizdcd bJT :N�uisr�an.. i'Iotioiz carried. n T .yor= --_ _sue----t=R-P-- � ` -1��,? e'�� — The Wellsbur<, Toirn. Council met i_�_ ;;pei;_-�.l session. Sept. 27, 19�5 Mayor Riekei�.a presided ��nd the follo�rin;��� Councilmen_ ���rere present: Loots, Huisman, Lindaman.and- Eckhoff. T�Iotion to approve bond and beer permit ;of -Davis Tap by Loots, seconded by Lindaman. I��Iotion carried. - . notion to approve bond and liquor pernit of Davis Tap by Lind�.rnaiZ seconded by Huisman. All cou.n.cilrren present voted ".Aye "-. T�Iotion to adjourn. by Huisman. , seconded by c��ho_C'f. - --.-_ '.i�ll�—� -- - r aP�d� -� - � ,lam ?r 1.