HomeMy Public PortalAbout20190409 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes TOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes – April 9, 2019 Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton MA 6:00 PM Board of Selectmen Members Present: Claire Wright, Chair, Brendan Tedstone, Vice Chair, John Coutinho, Brian Herr (6:25 PM), Irfan Nasrullah Members Absent: None Officials Present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Assistant Town Manager Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER​: Ms. Wright called the public meeting to order at 6:00 PM in Room 211 of the Town Hall. The Chair entertained a motion to enter into executive session to approve executive session Minutes, to consider litigation strategy with respect to Petition of Eversource Energy for Zoning Exemptions (DPU) because discussion in an open meeting may have detrimental effects on the litigating position of the Board, to consider the purchase, sale, lease or value of real property in relation to Open Space Preservation, Center Trail, Town Hall, the Main Street Corridor Project, to reconvene in open session at the conclusion of executive session, and to allow the following officials to be present: Norman Khumalo, Elaine Lazarus. MOVED ​by Mr. Tedstone and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah. ​ROLL CALL:​ Ms. Wright-Yes; Mr. Tedstone-Yes; Coutinho-Yes; Nasrullah-Yes. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0​. REOPEN PUBLIC SESSION:​ Ms. Wright reopened the Public Session with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:35 PM in Room 215/216. PUBLIC FORUM​: Tim Kilduff, 26.2 Foundation, presented Brian Herr with a Boston Marathon/WBZ jacket in honor of his 30th running of the Boston Marathon. PROCLAMATION​: Jack Brennan described his Eagle Scout project, and the Board congratulated him on his achievement. The Board of Selectmen presented a Proclamation to Mr. Brennan. CONSENT AGENDA​: ​MOVED​ by Mr. Tedstone and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Coutinho to approve the following Consent Agenda items: 1) approve the minutes of the 3/19/19 meeting; and 2) approve Marathon Fund requests for the Friends of Hopkinton for $617.50 for volunteer t-shirts for Hopkinton Family Day and $723.86 for renting portable restrooms for Hopkinton Family Day. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. 1 The Board of Selectmen reviewed the Parade Permit application submitted for the Boston Marathon on 4/15/2019. Lauren Proshan, BAA Director of Operations, reviewed logistics for the event. ​ MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to approve the Parade Permit for the Boston Marathon on 4/15/2019. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. PUBLIC HEARING - ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE - YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICES-HOPKINTON ORGANIZING FOR PREVENTION: MOVED ​by Mr. Tedstone and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Coutinho to open the public hearing and continue it to the conclusion of the Consent Agenda. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. CONSENT AGENDA, CONTINUED: Trail Coordination and Management Committee (TCMC) appointments: It was noted that even though the Planning Board, Conservation Commission and Parks & Recreation Commission have each recommended one of their members for appointment to the TCMC, they may recommend someone for appointment who is not a member of their board/committee. Ms. Lazarus noted that at least two of the board/committees are continuing their outreach for interested individuals. ​MOVED ​by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Coutinho to appoint Dan Terry as the Parks & Recreation Commission representative on the TCMC to a term expiring 6/30/2020, David Paul as the Planning Board representative on the TCMC to a term expiring 6/30/2019, and Jim Ciriello as the Conservation Commission representative on the TCMC to a term expiring 6/30/2021. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. PUBLIC HEARING - ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE - YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICES - HOPKINTON ORGANIZING FOR PREVENTION (HOP): Colleen Souza, Youth & Family Services Department, described the “Celebration of Recovery” event planned for 5/4/19 on the Town Common, and the purpose and origin of the HOP organization. There was no public comment. ​MOVED ​by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Coutinho to close the public hearing. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0.​ ​MOVED ​by Mr. Tedstone and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Coutinho to approve the Entertainment License and to waive the associated fees. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. STAFF APPOINTMENTS: Mr. Khumalo introduced Dawn Alcott, Youth & Family Services Director, to the Board, and described her background. The Board welcomed Ms. Alcott to the Town. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to affirm the Town Manager’s appointment of Dawn Alcott as Youth & Family Services Director. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. Mr. Khumalo introduced Lisa D’Eon, Outreach Coordinator, Senior Center, to the Board, and described her background. The Board welcomed Ms. D’Eon to the Town. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Tedstone to affirm the Town Manager’s appointment of Lisa D’Eon as Outreach Coordinator. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. Mr. Khumalo introduced Ashley Shaheen, Assistant Director of Senior Services, to the Board, and described her background. The Board welcomed Ms. Shaheen to the Town. ​MOVED​ by 2 Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to affirm the Town Manager’s appointment of Ashley Shaheen as Assistant Director of Senior Services. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. Mr. Khumalo introduced John Gelcich, Principal Planner, to the Board, and described his background. The Board welcomed Mr. Gelcich to the Town. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and SECONDED​ by Mr. Nasrullah to affirm the Town Manager’s appointment of John Gelcich as Principal Planner. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. FEE WAIVER REQUEST - GARY SINISE R.I.S.E. FOUNDATION/E.W. TARCA CONSTRUCTION CO.: It was noted that construction of the house on Stoney Brook Road is being made possible by the Gary Sinise R.I.S.E. Foundation, and is for a disabled veteran and his family. It was noted that the request is to waive all building-related fees, and the Director of Municipal Inspections supports the request. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Tedstone and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Coutinho to approve the waiver of all building permit fees, including gas, plumbing, electrical, HVAC and mechanical fees. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - BITTERSWEET COMPANY - COMMON VICTUALER LICENSE, SECTION 12 BEER & WINE ALCOHOL LICENSE, AND ENTERTAINMENT LICENSE - 22-24 MAIN STREET: C.J. Dunne, applicant, and Mark Pironti, manager, appeared before the Board. Mr. Dunne stated that the grease trap issue has been resolved, and he will be able to get a permit. Mr. Coutinho expressed concerns that the applications have been incomplete, and there are still outstanding issues to be resolved before licenses should be issued. The Board discussed the status of the project, and it was noted that a building permit was recently issued for the interior work. Steve Slaman, Fire Chief, stated that the use and occupancy is on the edge of the regulatory limits. He stated he is concerned about creeping over the limit, but it meets the requirements now. It was noted that a Special Permit is required of the Board of Appeals for live commercial entertainment, and of the Planning Board for off site/shared parking. There was no public comment. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Tedstone to close the public hearing. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Tedstone to issue the common victualer license. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-5, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and SECONDED​ by Mr. Tedstone to approve the Section 12 Beer & Wine alcohol license. Mr. Herr advised the applicant that the Board expects strict adherence to the license requirements, including maximum occupancy limits. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4 (Herr, Tedstone, Wright, Nasrullah), No-1 (Coutinho). MOVED ​by Mr. Herr and​ SECONDED ​by Mr. Tedstone to approve an Entertainment License. The Board discussed whether to defer action on the request until the Board of Appeals approves the entertainment use. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-3 (Herr, Tedstone, Nasrullah), No-2 (Wright, Coutinho). 3 2019 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING: ​Mr. Nasrullah asked if the Board will discuss the articles that propose to change “Board of Selectmen” to “Select Board”. It was noted that Board discussion is not necessary, and it is a citizens petition. Mr. Herr recused himself and left the Board at this time. Mr. Nasrullah left the meeting at this time. PARCEL U6-21-0, MECHANIC STREET: ​The Board reviewed the feedback received from Town boards and departments as to whether the Town may be interested in exercising its right of first refusal if the 53-acre parcel becomes available. Mr. Tedstone stated that the Open Space Preservation Commission, of which he is the Board’s member representative, discussed the issue and thinks that the Town would want to acquire it, as it is uphill from Town wells and abuts the Town’s Fruit Street property. He recommended that the Town consider exercising its right of first refusal. Matt Swansburg, Borrego Solar, thanked the Town for providing input, noting that they are working with the Larter family and wanted to assess the Town’s interest. It was noted that a solar facility would need 30 to 35 acres for 15 acres of panels, which is not all of the property. Mr. Herr returned to the Board. FY20 BUDGET UPDATE:​ Mr. Khumalo reviewed the current status of the budget process. Mr. Tedstone left the meeting at this time. The Board discussed items in the 3/15/19 memo from Mr. Khumalo and capital projects. It was noted that there have been about $87,000 in cuts and other items have been moved to different funding sources. Mr. Khumalo stated that the number is at 2.5% increase net of new growth, and the excess levy amount has not changed. The Board discussed the need for ballot questions for an underride and the ladder truck. Mr. Tedstone returned to the Board at this time. Mr. Khumalo noted that the estimated cost of a ladder truck is $1.2M, and it is recommended that capital amounts over $1M be excluded debt. The Board discussed the utility of retaining the existing ladder truck as a backup, and Fire Chief Slaman stated that given the amount spent on maintenance and the difficulty in finding parts for the 20 year old truck, he does not recommend it. The Board discussed potential ballot questions. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Tedstone to forward ballot questions to the Town Clerk as follows: 1) Shall the Town of Hopkinton be required to reduce the amount of real estate and personal property taxes to be assessed for the fiscal year beginning July first, two thousand and nineteen by an amount equal to $1,180,568?; 2) Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to purchase a Ladder Truck for the Fire Department?; and 3) Shall the Town of Hopkinton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to purchase an interest in land contiguous with the Town Hall property for the purpose of providing Town Hall parking and in one or more parcels of land for the purpose of providing municipal parking in the downtown? ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. 2019 ANNUAL TOWN MEETING: ​The Board reviewed draft annual town meeting articles. 4 MOVED​ by Mr. Tedstone and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Coutinho to recommend approval of the article titled “Acceptance of Town Reports”. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Tedstone to recommend approval of the article titled “Unpaid Bills from Previous Fiscal Years”. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and SECONDED ​by Mr. Tedstone to recommend approval of the article titled “Property Tax Exemption Increase”. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. The Board reviewed information and recommended changes from the Board of Assessors regarding the four “BRAVE Act” articles, including the desire to sponsor the articles. It was noted that the changes recommended by the Board of Assessors would be made to the warrant articles. ​MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Tedstone to recommend approval of the article titled “BRAVE Act - Increase in abatement...cost of living”, and to co-sponsor the four articles with the Board of Assessors. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Tedstone to recommend approval of the three other “BRAVE Act” articles. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Tedstone to recommend approval of the article titled “Set the Salary of Elected Officials”. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Coutinho to recommend approval of the article titled “FY2020 Revolving Funds Spending Limits”. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Tedstone to recommend approval of the article titled “PEG Access Enterprise Fund”. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED by Mr. Tedstone to recommend approval of the article titled “Chapter 90 Highway Funds”. VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Tedstone to recommend approval of the article titled “Transfer to General Stabilization Fund”, for $208,000. VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. MOVED​ by Mr. Herr and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Tedstone to recommend approval of the article titled “Transfer to Other Post Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund”, for $400,000. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. TOWN MANAGER REPORT: ​Ms. Wright turned the Chair over to Mr. Tedstone. ​MOVED by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED​ by Mr. Herr to affirm the Town Manager’s appointment of Claire Wright as the Town’s representative to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, and Elaine Lazarus as the alternate representative, for 3-year terms expiring 4/9/2022. ​VOTE to Approve​: ​Yes-4, No-0. LIAISON REPORTS: ​Mr. Coutinho reported on pre-Boston Marathon activity. Ms. Wright noted that she and Ms. Lazarus attended the Southwest Planning Advisory Council Legislative Breakfast. Ms. Wright thanked the School Dept. for meeting regularly to discuss the budget issues. MOVED ​by Mr. Coutinho and ​SECONDED ​by Mr. Herr to adjourn. ​VOTE to Approve​: Yes-4, No-0. Adjourned: 9:36 PM 5 Approved: April 23, 2019 Documents used at the meeting: ●Draft Minutes of the 3/19/19 meeting ●Marathon Fund Request, Friends of Hopkinton, dated 3/19/19 ●Letter dated 1/8/19 to Claire Wright from Lauren Proshan, re: 2019 Boston Marathon Parade Permit, April 15, 2019, and supporting documents including Parade Permit application ●Boston Marathon Parade Permit, Permitting Team Comments ●Trail Coordination and Management Committee Charge ●Letter dated 4/3/19 to Mr. Khumalo & Board of Selectmen from Ed Tarca ●Entertainment License Application from Colleen Souza, 3/19/19, and supporting documents ●Youth & Family Services, Entertainment License, Permitting Team Comments ●Entertainment License Application, Bittersweet Company, 2/27/19 ●General License Application, C.J. Dunne, 3/7/19 ●Bittersweet Company, Permitting Team Comments ●Letter to Elaine Lazarus from Matt Swansburg dated 2/19/19, with attachments ●Memo to Elaine Lazarus from Hopkinton Conservation Commission dated 3/22/19, re: Larter Property, 0 Wood Street, U6-21-0, Chapter 61A, 53 Acres ●Land off Mechanic Street Parcel U6-21-0, Comments Received ●Memo to Board of Selectmen from Norman Khumalo dated 3/15/19, re: FY20 Comprehensive Budget Options ●Draft 2019 Annual Town Meeting Warrant ●Letter to Norman Khumalo from Marc Draisen, MAPC, dated 3/14/19 6