HomeMy Public PortalAbout20120926 admin minutesCITY COUNCIL ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES September 26, 2012 ATTENDEES- Council- Carrie Carroll, Rick Mihalevich, Rick Prather; Staff- Gail Strope, Drew Hilpert, Jeremy Cover, Janice McMillan, Carla Trower; News Tribune- Madeleine Leroux; Jefferson City Board of Realtors- Mo McCullough; CVB-Shelley Klebba; Central Bank- Jake Schmitz; Housing Authority-Allen Pollock. Meeting came to order at 8:03 a.m., the minutes were approved with a motion by Prather and a second by Mihalevich. CVB CONTRACT: Presented by Drew Hilpert. Contract does not expire until 2014. However, Hilpert and Steve Picker thought we should adjust some parts of the contract, as follows: Submit quarterly financial reports instead of monthly; contract renews automatically annually; add some metrics, i.e., number of prison tours, number of groups booked with hotels . Hilpert and Klebba will meet and establish metrics. We will leave on the agenda for the next meeting. UPDATE FROM HOUSING AUTHORITY REGARDING SMOKING/NO-SMOKING ISSUES: Presented by Allen Pollock. Surveys were hand-delivered to each resident in the Herron and LaSallette units. Pollock compiled the results. Currently there is no-smoking in Herron, but people can smoke within 10 feet of the building. The majority of Herron residents are against making changes 5-1. The five residents who are smokers, felt they should have been allowed to smoke in their unit, grand-fathered in. Forty-eight out of fifty residents responded. In LaSalette, there are 4 non-smoking residents. Eighty percent of residents responded. Majority of LaSalette residents do not want to change current practices. Housing Authority Board reviewed the results and did not direct staff to make any changes. Pollock will get the results to Carroll. DOG BARKING ORDINANCE: Presented by Drew Hilpert. Committee had Hilpert to check with other cities. Hilpert talked with several other cities and found that all cities have flaws in their ordinances. It is difficult to establish and enforce. Staff is fine with the current ordinance. Carroll will discuss with Scrivner whether he wants to bring it back to the next meeting. APPOINTMENT REVIEW: Presented by Gail Strope. The committee reviewed the recommendations by Mayor Eric Struemph. If Mayor recommends JCTV, then Council would like it to go straight to the full council. A motion was made by Mihalevich to approve the following persons for recommendation to the full Co uncil and second by Prather, passed unanimously.  Planning & Zoning Kevin Thoenen (Alt), Ron Fitzwater (Alt)  JCTV Mayor interviewing next week  Traffic & Transportation Tim Diemler, Ryan Towner  Board of Adjustment Robert Gammon (Alt)  Electrical Board Mayor is continuing to meet with each PUBLIC COMMENTS: None NEW BUSINESS: None A motion was made by Mihalevich to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Prather. Motion was approved. Meeting was adjourned at 8:29 a.m. Next meeting is set for the 4th Wednesday in October; October 24th in the Boone/Bancroft Room at City Hall.