HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 1995/06/14 - Regular" " CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 14, 1995 INITIATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Pursuant to the Agenda posted June 8, 1995, Vice Chairman Aronson called the meeting of the Public Safety Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 14, 1995. 2. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Commissioners - Jacobs, Pitts, Walker, Aronson ABSENT: Commissioner - Canonic ALSO PRESENT: Public Services Director Hart, Administrative Assistant Zylla Commissioner Walker moved to excuse Chairman Canonic for cause, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs, and unanimously carried. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Commissioner Jacobs. 4. TIME FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISH TO SPEAK ON MATTERS NOT LISTED ON THE POSTED AGENDA: None 5. CONSENT CALENDAR: Commissioner Aronson removed Item 5.A. and Commissioner Pitts removed Item 5.C. Commission- er Walker moved to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar as presented, seconded by Commissioner Pitts and unanimously carried. B. S.M.A.R.T. SCHEDULE FOR JULY 1995 - Approved S.M.A.R.T. schedule for July 1995. D. LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT SUMMARY FOR APRIL 1995 - Received and filed. A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Regular meeting of May 10, 1995 Vice Chairman Aronson questioned if minutes needed to be approved by voice or roll call vote, as stipulated in a memo from the City Manager regarding rules of order for Commissioners. Commissioner Pitts stated the format of the minutes of May 10, 1995, was unacceptable to him and requested future minutes be the same format as the minutes dated May 31, 1995. Commissioner Walker moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of May 10, 1995, seconded by Commissioner Pitts and unanimously carried, with Commissioner Jacobs abstaining. C. CODE ENFORCEMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY 1995 - Commissioner Pitts questioned what action was taken regarding the one yard sale complaint. Public Safety Commission Minutes June 14, 1995 Page 2 Public Services Director Hart stated a compliance notice was issued and a yard sale permit was obtained by the resident at City Hall. Commissioner Pitts moved to approve the Code Enforcement Monthly Report for May 1995, seconded by Commissioner Walker, and unanimously carried. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: None 8. SUBCOMMITTEE STATUS REPORTS: Commissioner Pitts moved to approve RSVP applicants Kenneth Oro, Sandra Martinez, and Arline Gulbransen contingent upon each applicant meeting all program criteria, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs and unanimously carried. Commissioner Pitts moved the Commission recommend to the City Council RSVP officers only give and take information concerning order maintenance violations and on subsequent violations within the 12 -month period, citations mailed by the City. Vice Chairman Aronson stated the motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Pitts moved the Commission recommend to the City Council that parking enforcement in parking lots be limited and 3 to 5 a.m. parking, disabled parking, street parking, and expired registration violations be enforced by the RSVP personnel . Vice Chairman Aronson stated the motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Walker said it would be a good idea for the subcommittee to present recommenda- tions to the Commission and re- address the motions at the next meeting. Vice Chairman Aronson stated he did not feel the motions were appropriate since they were not an item on the posted agenda. Public Services Director Hart stated if the subject is being brought to the Commission as a subcommittee item with recommendation for consideration, the Commission could entertain a motion. Commissioner Pitts requested his two motions then be submitted for subcommittee consideration and placed on the next Commission meeting agenda with recommendations. Public Services Director Hart said with the program development phase of the RSVP complete, the Commission should consider restructuring the subcommittees to oversee policies and procedures, recruitment, training, and programs. Commissioner Jacobs stated he was not in agreement with citations being mailed by staff the following day and therefore did not vote, but agreed volunteers should give a warning for the first offense and issue a citation for the second. Commissioner Pitts said he did not have a problem with volunteers issuing citations, as long as it did not put them in a vulnerable situation. • • • Public Safety Commission Minutes June 14, 1995 Page 3 Commissioner Jacobs thought there would be greater potential for confrontation issuing parking citations than advising residents about yard sale regulations. Commissioner Walker stated the RSVP needed to be sold to the community for their backing or animosity could be created with an adversary perception caused by the issuance of citations. Commissioner Pitts said he wanted the Commission to be pro - active and not just react to staff's positions. Vice Chairman Aronson appointed Commissioners Pitts and Walker to a subcommittee to study and make recommendations to the Commission regarding RSVP policies and procedures. Commissioner Pitts favored the subcommittees working with staff to keep the lines of communica- tion open. Commissioner Walker stated the subcommittees should discuss their recommendations with the Public Services Director before presenting them to the Commission. Public Services Director Hart stated he would be available to meet with the subcommittees at any time, schedule permitting. Vice Chairman Aronson appointed Commissioners Jacobs and Canonic to a subcommittee to evaluate the training program. Vice Chairman Aronson asked staff when the volunteers would be ready for service. Public Services Director Hart responded the end of July. 9. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS: Commissioner Walker recommended staff advertise the RSVP at the colleges that offer police science classes. Commissioner Pitts requested Public Services Director Hart provide the Commission with a verbal or written RSVP status report at each Commission meeting. Public Services Director Hart stated an RSVP status report would be added to the Public Safety Commission's agenda as a regular item. 10. COMMISSION ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE REGULAR AGENDA: A. COMMISSIONER WALKER - None B. COMMISSIONER JACOBS - Commissioner Jacobs said there was no mention of the RSVP in the City newsletter. Public Services Director Hart indicated there would be an additional article in the Chamber of Commerce News and Views, which has the same distribution as the City's quarterly newsletter. C. COMMISSIONER PITTS - Commissioner Pitts asked staff what was the maximum number of members and once that number was achieved would there be a slow -down in recruitment. Public Safety Commission Minutes June 14, 1995 Page 4 Public Services Director Hart stated 50 would be the ideal number of volunteers and recruit- ment would be an ongoing process. Commissioner Walker said recruitment would also be accomplished by the volunteers themselves. D. VICE CHAIRMAN ARONSON - Vice Chairman Aronson stated the Commission had requested staff provide the Commission with the total number of code sections, citations issued for violations and revenue generated. Public Services Director Hart indicated staff would make its best effort to provide the information, but did not understand the purpose of the request. Vice Chairman Aronson stated it was to be used as a benchmark for comparison after the RSVP was in place for a year. Public Services Director Hart said the Commission would be provided with a statistical report which will indicate the total level of activities and tasks performed by the RSVP. Vice Chairman Aronson stated he would also check further regarding the meeting minutes being removed from the Consent Calendar. E. CHAIRMAN CANONIC - None Commission Walker moved the Commission adjourn at 8:37 p.m. to Closed Executive Session to discuss an urgency item regarding personnel procedures, seconded by Commissioner Pitts, and unanimously carried. 11. CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION: Vice Chairman Aronson stated the Commission reviewed their personnel interview process regarding the RSVP applicants and provided staff with interview evaluation forms regarding interviews previously conducted. Commissioner Pitts requested staff provide the Commission with a RSVP member roster. Public Services Director responded he would. 12. ADJOURNMENT: At 9:01 p.m., it was moved, seconded, and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting. The next regular meeting of the Public Safety Commission will be held on July 12, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamb rs, 59 : North Kauffman Avenue, Temple City. Secretary • •